diff --git a/messages/am/base.php b/messages/am/base.php index be4d64c2..497e00f8 100644 --- a/messages/am/base.php +++ b/messages/am/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => 'ብጁ ገፃቹ', - 'Edit snippet' => 'ቁንፅል መረጃውን አስተካክል', - 'Add' => 'አክል', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'ከርዕሱ በፊት ለፋይሉ መለያ ምስል ያክሉ', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'ለደረገፅዎ ግልፅ የHTML ይዘት ያክሉ።', - 'Advanced' => 'የላቀ', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'በመወያያው የማውጫ ቁልፎች (ዝርዝርማምረጫ፣ iframe ወይም ማስፈንጠሪያ) ገፃች ለማክል ይፈቀዳል', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'በዝርዝር መምረጫው ማስፈሪያ ላይ ይዘት ለማስገባት ይፈቀድልዎታል', - 'Alternate text' => 'አማራጭ ፅሁፍ', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'ሁልጊዜም ከሚያከናውኑበት ቦታ ውጪ የመጠባበቂያ ፋይል ያዘጋጁ።', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'የተፈቀደ ባዶ የአብነት ምርጫ ሁሉም ማዕቀፎች በዚህ ማዕቀፍ ላይ ተግባራዊ እንዲሆኑ ይፈቅዳል።', - 'Back' => 'ተመለስ', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'ወደመከወኛ ሰሌዳው ተመለስ', - 'Back to overview' => 'ወደሐተታው ተመለስ', - 'Back to space' => 'ወደመወያያው ተመለስ', - 'Cancel' => 'ይቅር', - 'Close' => 'ዝጋ', - 'Configuration' => 'ውቅር', - 'Containers' => 'ማዕቀፍ', - 'Content' => 'ይዘት', - 'Create new {type}' => 'አዲስ {type} ይፍጠሩ', - 'Css Class' => 'የccs ክፍል', - 'Custom Pages' => 'ብጁ ገፅ', - 'Custom pages' => 'ብጁ ጋፃች', - 'Dashboard' => 'መከወኛ ሰሌዳ', - 'Default' => 'ነባሪ', - 'Default Content' => 'ነባሪ ይዘት', - 'Delete' => 'አስወግድ', - 'Edit' => 'ማስተካከያ', - 'Edit Page' => 'ማስተካከያ ገፅ', - 'Empty' => 'ባዶ', - 'File' => 'ፋይል', - 'General' => 'አጠቃላይ', - 'Html' => 'html', - 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', - 'Invalid type selection' => 'የማያገለግል አይነት ምርጫ', - 'Item name' => 'የነገሩ ስም', - 'Layouts' => 'አቀማመጦች', - 'Link' => 'ማስፈንጠሪያ', - 'MarkDown' => 'የተመረጠዝርዝር', - 'Off' => 'ጠፍቷል', - 'On' => 'በርቷል', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'በዚህ ገፅ ላይ የብጁ ገፅዎችዎን አጠቃላይ ማስተካከያዎችን ማዋቀር ይችላሉ።', - 'Overview' => 'ሐተታ', - 'PHP' => 'PHP', - 'Pages' => 'ገፃች', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'እባክዎን መሰረታቸውን PHP ያደረጉ ገፃች በተለይም የተጠቃሚዎችን ግብአት በመቆጣጠሩ በኩል ለደህንነት ችግር የተጋለጡ ናቸው። ለተጨማሪ መረጃ እባክዎን የYiiን የተመረጡ የደህንነት ተግባራትን ይመልከቱ።', - 'Reset' => 'እንደገና ጀምር', - 'Save' => 'አስቀምጥ', - 'Saved' => 'ተቀምጧል', - 'Settings' => 'አስተካክል', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'ተጨማሪ የፋይል መረጃዎችን አሳይ (መጠን)', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'ቁንፅል-አቀማመጥ', - 'Snippets' => 'ቁንፅል መረጃዎች', - 'Source' => 'ምንጭ', - 'Style' => 'ቅጥ', - 'Submit' => 'አቅርብ', - 'Template' => 'አብነት ', - 'Templates' => 'አብነቶሽ', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'አብነቶች አግባብ ከሆነ የማስተካከያ ትግበራ ጋር የሚዋሃዱ የገፅ ስብጥሮችን እንዲወስኑ ያደርጉዎታል።', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'ይህ ተግባር የባለቤትነት ይዘት መታወቂያን ወይም የይዘት ባለቤትነትን ይሻል!', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'ይህ ተግባር የአብነት መታወቂያን ወይም የአብነት ባለቤትን ይሻል!', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'ይህ ማዕቀፍ ሌላ ተጨማሪ ነገር ማከል አይፈቅድም!', - 'Title' => 'ርዕስ', - 'Top Navigation' => 'የራስጌ የማውጫ ቁልፍ', - 'Type' => 'አይነት', - 'Upload image' => 'ምስል አክል', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'የተጠቃሚ አካውንት ማውጫ (ማስተካከያ)', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'የቀረበው url እንደiframe አካል ሆኖ የሚቀናጅ ይሆናል።', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'የቀረቡት ጥያቆዎች ወደ(አማራጭ ወይም ትክክለኛ) url የሚዛወሩ ይሆናል።', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'መሰረታቸውን PHP ባደረጉ ገፃች በፋይል መሰደሪያዎ ላይ ፋይሉን በመመልከት ብጁ ገፃችን መፍጠር ይችላሉ። ለተጨማሪ መረጃ እባክዎን የሞዱሌ ማዋቀሪያውን ይመልከቱ።', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'ወደማውጫ ቁልፉ ሳያስገቡ (ቀጥተኛ ማስፈንጠሪያ)', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'ብጁ ገፃቹ', + 'Edit snippet' => 'ቁንፅል መረጃውን አስተካክል', + 'Add' => 'አክል', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'ከርዕሱ በፊት ለፋይሉ መለያ ምስል ያክሉ', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'ለደረገፅዎ ግልፅ የHTML ይዘት ያክሉ።', + 'Advanced' => 'የላቀ', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'በመወያያው የማውጫ ቁልፎች (ዝርዝርማምረጫ፣ iframe ወይም ማስፈንጠሪያ) ገፃች ለማክል ይፈቀዳል', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'በዝርዝር መምረጫው ማስፈሪያ ላይ ይዘት ለማስገባት ይፈቀድልዎታል', + 'Alternate text' => 'አማራጭ ፅሁፍ', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'ሁልጊዜም ከሚያከናውኑበት ቦታ ውጪ የመጠባበቂያ ፋይል ያዘጋጁ።', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'የተፈቀደ ባዶ የአብነት ምርጫ ሁሉም ማዕቀፎች በዚህ ማዕቀፍ ላይ ተግባራዊ እንዲሆኑ ይፈቅዳል።', + 'Back' => 'ተመለስ', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'ወደመከወኛ ሰሌዳው ተመለስ', + 'Back to overview' => 'ወደሐተታው ተመለስ', + 'Back to space' => 'ወደመወያያው ተመለስ', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => 'ይቅር', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'ዝጋ', + 'Configuration' => 'ውቅር', + 'Containers' => 'ማዕቀፍ', + 'Content' => 'ይዘት', + 'Create new {type}' => 'አዲስ {type} ይፍጠሩ', + 'Css Class' => 'የccs ክፍል', + 'Custom Pages' => 'ብጁ ገፅ', + 'Custom pages' => 'ብጁ ጋፃች', + 'Dashboard' => 'መከወኛ ሰሌዳ', + 'Default' => 'ነባሪ', + 'Default Content' => 'ነባሪ ይዘት', + 'Delete' => 'አስወግድ', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'ማስተካከያ', + 'Edit Page' => 'ማስተካከያ ገፅ', + 'Empty' => 'ባዶ', + 'File' => 'ፋይል', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'አጠቃላይ', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => 'html', + 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', + 'Insert' => 'አስገባ', + 'Invalid type selection' => 'የማያገለግል አይነት ምርጫ', + 'Item name' => 'የነገሩ ስም', + 'Layouts' => 'አቀማመጦች', + 'Link' => 'ማስፈንጠሪያ', + 'MarkDown' => 'የተመረጠዝርዝር', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => 'ጠፍቷል', + 'On' => 'በርቷል', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'በዚህ ገፅ ላይ የብጁ ገፅዎችዎን አጠቃላይ ማስተካከያዎችን ማዋቀር ይችላሉ።', + 'Overview' => 'ሐተታ', + 'PHP' => 'PHP', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => 'ገፃች', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'እባክዎን መሰረታቸውን PHP ያደረጉ ገፃች በተለይም የተጠቃሚዎችን ግብአት በመቆጣጠሩ በኩል ለደህንነት ችግር የተጋለጡ ናቸው። ለተጨማሪ መረጃ እባክዎን የYiiን የተመረጡ የደህንነት ተግባራትን ይመልከቱ።', + 'Reset' => 'እንደገና ጀምር', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'አስቀምጥ', + 'Saved' => 'ተቀምጧል', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => 'አስተካክል', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'ተጨማሪ የፋይል መረጃዎችን አሳይ (መጠን)', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'ቁንፅል-አቀማመጥ', + 'Snippet' => '', + 'Snippets' => 'ቁንፅል መረጃዎች', + 'Source' => 'ምንጭ', + 'Space' => '', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => '', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => 'ቅጥ', + 'Submit' => 'አቅርብ', + 'Template' => 'አብነት ', + 'Templates' => 'አብነቶሽ', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'አብነቶች አግባብ ከሆነ የማስተካከያ ትግበራ ጋር የሚዋሃዱ የገፅ ስብጥሮችን እንዲወስኑ ያደርጉዎታል።', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'ይህ ተግባር የባለቤትነት ይዘት መታወቂያን ወይም የይዘት ባለቤትነትን ይሻል!', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'ይህ ተግባር የአብነት መታወቂያን ወይም የአብነት ባለቤትን ይሻል!', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'ይህ ማዕቀፍ ሌላ ተጨማሪ ነገር ማከል አይፈቅድም!', + 'Title' => 'ርዕስ', + 'Top Navigation' => 'የራስጌ የማውጫ ቁልፍ', + 'Type' => 'አይነት', + 'Upload image' => 'ምስል አክል', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'የተጠቃሚ አካውንት ማውጫ (ማስተካከያ)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'የቀረበው url እንደiframe አካል ሆኖ የሚቀናጅ ይሆናል።', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'የቀረቡት ጥያቆዎች ወደ(አማራጭ ወይም ትክክለኛ) url የሚዛወሩ ይሆናል።', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'መሰረታቸውን PHP ባደረጉ ገፃች በፋይል መሰደሪያዎ ላይ ፋይሉን በመመልከት ብጁ ገፃችን መፍጠር ይችላሉ። ለተጨማሪ መረጃ እባክዎን የሞዱሌ ማዋቀሪያውን ይመልከቱ።', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'ወደማውጫ ቁልፉ ሳያስገቡ (ቀጥተኛ ማስፈንጠሪያ)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/am/models_Page.php b/messages/am/models_Page.php index d51441e3..2075cedc 100644 --- a/messages/am/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/am/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'የማውጫ ቁልፍ', - 'Only visible for admins' => 'ለአስተዳዳሪዎች ብቻ የሚታይ', - 'Open in new window' => 'በአዲስ መስኮት ውስጥ ክፈት', - 'Url shortcut' => 'የurl አቋራጭመንገድ', - 'View' => 'ተመልከት', - 'page' => 'ገፅ', - 'Abstract' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => 'የማውጫ ቁልፍ', + 'Only visible for admins' => 'ለአስተዳዳሪዎች ብቻ የሚታይ', + 'Open in new window' => 'በአዲስ መስኮት ውስጥ ክፈት', + 'Url shortcut' => 'የurl አቋራጭመንገድ', + 'View' => 'ተመልከት', + 'Visibility' => 'የእይታ ሁኔታ', + 'page' => 'ገፅ', +); diff --git a/messages/an/base.php b/messages/an/base.php index 56fcef9c..b3dccfd5 100644 --- a/messages/an/base.php +++ b/messages/an/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ 'Tornar', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Tornar a Encieto', - 'Cancel' => 'Cancelar', - 'Close' => 'Zarrar', - 'Content' => 'Conteniu', - 'Dashboard' => 'Inicio', - 'Default' => 'Defecto', - 'Delete' => 'Eliminar', - 'Edit' => 'Editar', - 'General' => 'Cheneral', - 'Save' => 'Uložit', - 'Saved' => ' ', - 'Settings' => 'Achustes', - 'Stream' => 'Publicacions', - 'Submit' => 'Ninviar', - 'Title' => 'Titulek', - 'Type' => 'Tipo', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Edit snippet' => '', - 'Add' => '', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', - 'Advanced' => '', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', - 'Alternate text' => '', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', - 'Back to overview' => '', - 'Back to space' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Configuration' => '', - 'Containers' => '', - 'Create new {type}' => '', - 'Css Class' => '', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Custom pages' => '', - 'Default Content' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Edit Page' => '', - 'Empty' => '', - 'File' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Html' => '', - 'Iframe' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Invalid type selection' => '', - 'Item name' => '', - 'Layouts' => '', - 'Link' => '', - 'MarkDown' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Off' => '', - 'On' => '', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', - 'Overview' => '', - 'PHP' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Pages' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', - 'Reset' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Snippets' => '', - 'Source' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Template' => '', - 'Templates' => '', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', - 'Top Navigation' => '', - 'Upload image' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => '', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Edit snippet' => '', + 'Add' => '', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', + 'Advanced' => '', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', + 'Alternate text' => '', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', + 'Back' => 'Tornar', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Tornar a Encieto', + 'Back to overview' => '', + 'Back to space' => '', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => 'Cancelar', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Zarrar', + 'Configuration' => '', + 'Containers' => '', + 'Content' => 'Conteniu', + 'Create new {type}' => '', + 'Css Class' => '', + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Custom pages' => '', + 'Dashboard' => 'Inicio', + 'Default' => 'Defecto', + 'Default Content' => '', + 'Delete' => 'Eliminar', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Editar', + 'Edit Page' => '', + 'Empty' => '', + 'File' => '', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'Cheneral', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => '', + 'Iframe' => '', + 'Insert' => '', + 'Invalid type selection' => '', + 'Item name' => '', + 'Layouts' => '', + 'Link' => '', + 'MarkDown' => '', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => '', + 'On' => '', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', + 'Overview' => '', + 'PHP' => '', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => '', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', + 'Reset' => '', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Uložit', + 'Saved' => ' ', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => 'Achustes', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', + 'Snippet' => '', + 'Snippets' => '', + 'Source' => '', + 'Space' => 'Espacio', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Publicacions', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => '', + 'Submit' => 'Ninviar', + 'Template' => '', + 'Templates' => '', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', + 'Title' => 'Titulek', + 'Top Navigation' => '', + 'Type' => 'Tipo', + 'Upload image' => '', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => '', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/an/models_Page.php b/messages/an/models_Page.php index 58dd7f4e..03af530e 100644 --- a/messages/an/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/an/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ '', - 'Navigation' => '', - 'Only visible for admins' => '', - 'Open in new window' => '', - 'Url shortcut' => '', - 'View' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', - 'page' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => '', + 'Only visible for admins' => '', + 'Open in new window' => '', + 'Url shortcut' => '', + 'View' => '', + 'Visibility' => 'Visibilidat', + 'page' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/ar/base.php b/messages/ar/base.php index 02fa2bcb..fc9486ce 100644 --- a/messages/ar/base.php +++ b/messages/ar/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ 'متقدم', - 'Back' => 'عودة', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'عودة لسطح المكتب', - 'Back to overview' => 'الرجوع إلى النظرة العامة', - 'Cancel' => 'إلغاء', - 'Close' => 'اغلاق', - 'Configuration' => 'إعدادات', - 'Content' => 'المحتوى', - 'Dashboard' => 'سطح المكتب', - 'Default' => 'الإفتراضي', - 'Delete' => 'حذف', - 'Edit' => 'تحرير', - 'File' => 'ملف', - 'General' => 'العام', - 'Overview' => 'نظرة شاملة', - 'Save' => 'حفظ', - 'Saved' => 'تم الحفظ', - 'Settings' => 'الإعدادات', - 'Stream' => 'ستريم', - 'Submit' => 'أرسل', - 'Title' => 'العنوان', - 'Type' => 'نوع', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Edit snippet' => '', - 'Add' => '', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', - 'Alternate text' => '', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', - 'Back to space' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Containers' => '', - 'Create new {type}' => '', - 'Css Class' => '', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Custom pages' => '', - 'Default Content' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Edit Page' => '', - 'Empty' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Html' => '', - 'Iframe' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Invalid type selection' => '', - 'Item name' => '', - 'Layouts' => '', - 'Link' => '', - 'MarkDown' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Off' => '', - 'On' => '', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', - 'PHP' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Pages' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', - 'Reset' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Snippets' => '', - 'Source' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Template' => '', - 'Templates' => '', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', - 'Top Navigation' => '', - 'Upload image' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => '', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'صفحات مخصصة', + 'Edit snippet' => 'تحرير المقتطف', + 'Add' => 'إضافة', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'أضف أيقونة الملف قبل العنوان', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'يضيف محتوى HTML عادي إلى موقعك.', + 'Advanced' => 'متقدم', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'يسمح للمستخدم بإدارة الصفحات المخصصة.', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'يسمح بإضافة صفحات (ماركداون أو iframe أو روابط) إلى التنقل في الباحة', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'يسمح لك بإضافة محتوى في صيغة MarkDown.', + 'Alternate text' => 'النص البديل', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'قم دائمًا بعمل نسخة احتياطية من ملفات العرض الخاصة بك خارج بيئة الإنتاج الخاصة بك!', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'سيسمح اختيار القالب المسموح به الفارغ بجميع قوالب الحاوية لهذه الحاوية.', + 'Back' => 'عودة', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'عودة للوحة القيادة', + 'Back to overview' => 'الرجوع إلى النظرة العامة', + 'Back to space' => 'عودة إلى الباحة', + 'Can manage custom pages' => 'يستطيع إدارة الصفحات المخصصة', + 'Cancel' => 'إلغاء', + 'Cannot delete!' => 'لا يمكن الحذف!', + 'Close' => 'إغلاق', + 'Configuration' => 'إعدادات', + 'Containers' => 'الحاويات', + 'Content' => 'المحتوى', + 'Create new {type}' => 'إنشاء {type} جديد', + 'Css Class' => 'فئة CSS', + 'Custom Pages' => 'الصفحات المخصصة', + 'Custom pages' => 'الصفحات المخصصة', + 'Dashboard' => 'لوحة القيادة', + 'Default' => 'الافتراضي', + 'Default Content' => 'المحتوى الافتراضي', + 'Delete' => 'حذف', + 'Deleted.' => 'تم حذفه.', + 'Edit' => 'تحرير', + 'Edit Page' => 'تحرير الصفحة', + 'Empty' => 'فارغ', + 'File' => 'ملف', + 'Footer menu' => 'قائمة التذييل', + 'General' => 'العام', + 'Global Page' => 'صفحة عامة', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => '', + 'Iframe' => '', + 'Insert' => 'إدراج', + 'Invalid type selection' => '', + 'Item name' => '', + 'Layouts' => '', + 'Link' => '', + 'MarkDown' => '', + 'Menu settings' => 'إعدادات القائمة', + 'Off' => '', + 'On' => '', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', + 'Overview' => 'نظرة شاملة', + 'PHP' => '', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => '', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', + 'Reset' => 'إعادة ضبط', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'حفظ', + 'Saved' => 'تم الحفظ', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => 'الإعدادات', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', + 'Snippet' => 'المقتطف', + 'Snippets' => '', + 'Source' => 'المصدر', + 'Space' => 'الباحة', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'ستريم', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => '', + 'Submit' => 'أرسل', + 'Template' => '', + 'Templates' => '', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', + 'Title' => 'العنوان', + 'Top Navigation' => '', + 'Type' => 'نوع', + 'Upload image' => '', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => '', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/ar/components_Container.php b/messages/ar/components_Container.php index cf2339cb..d94ddb3a 100644 --- a/messages/ar/components_Container.php +++ b/messages/ar/components_Container.php @@ -1,17 +1,16 @@ 'المحتوى', - 'ID' => '@ID@', - 'Title' => 'العنوان', - 'Type' => 'نوع', - 'Additional IFrame Attributes' => '', - 'Icon' => '', - 'Invalid template selection!' => '', - 'Invalid view file selection!' => '', - 'Page Content' => '', - 'Sort Order' => '', - 'Style Class' => '', - 'Target Url' => '', - 'Template Layout' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Additional IFrame Attributes' => '', + 'Content' => 'المحتوى', + 'ID' => '@ID@', + 'Icon' => '', + 'Invalid template selection!' => '', + 'Invalid view file selection!' => '', + 'Page Content' => '', + 'Sort Order' => 'طريقة الفرز', + 'Style Class' => '', + 'Target Url' => '', + 'Template Layout' => '', + 'Title' => 'العنوان', + 'Type' => 'نوع', +); diff --git a/messages/ar/models_HtmlType.php b/messages/ar/models_HtmlType.php index 06787c2c..6c55eab7 100644 --- a/messages/ar/models_HtmlType.php +++ b/messages/ar/models_HtmlType.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'Attach Files' => 'إرفاق ملفات', +); diff --git a/messages/ar/models_Page.php b/messages/ar/models_Page.php index e6cec1a8..b67fc595 100644 --- a/messages/ar/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/ar/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'عرض', - 'Abstract' => '', - 'Navigation' => '', - 'Only visible for admins' => '', - 'Open in new window' => '', - 'Url shortcut' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', - 'page' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => '', + 'Only visible for admins' => '', + 'Open in new window' => '', + 'Url shortcut' => '', + 'View' => 'عرض', + 'Visibility' => 'الرؤية', + 'page' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/ar/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php b/messages/ar/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php index 17aebf45..66a8b687 100644 --- a/messages/ar/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php +++ b/messages/ar/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ '', + 'Show less' => 'عرض أقل', 'Show more' => 'مشاهدة المزيد', ); diff --git a/messages/bg/base.php b/messages/bg/base.php index c070ace5..d9d38ea2 100644 --- a/messages/bg/base.php +++ b/messages/bg/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => 'Персонализирани страници', - 'Edit snippet' => 'Редактиране на фрагмент', - 'Add' => 'Добави', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Добавете икона на файл преди заглавието', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Добавя просто HTML съдържание към вашия сайт.', - 'Advanced' => 'Разширено', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Позволява на потребителя да управлява потребителски страници.', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Позволява да се добавят страници (маркдаун, iframe или връзки) към навигацията в пространството', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Позволява ви да добавяте съдържание в синтаксиса MarkDown.', - 'Alternate text' => 'Алтернативен текст', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Винаги правете резервно копие на вашите файлове за преглед извън вашата среда с истински трафик!', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Празен разрешен избор на шаблон ще позволи всички шаблони на контейнери за този контейнер.', - 'Back' => 'Назад', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Върни се в работното място', - 'Back to overview' => 'Назад към общ преглед', - 'Back to space' => 'Назад към раздела', - 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Може да управлява потребителски страници', - 'Cancel' => 'Отказ', - 'Close' => 'Затвори', - 'Configuration' => 'Конфигурация', - 'Containers' => 'Контейнери', - 'Content' => 'Съдържание', - 'Create new {type}' => 'Създайте нов {type}', - 'Css Class' => 'CSS клас', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Персонализирани страници', - 'Custom pages' => 'Персонализирани страници', - 'Dashboard' => 'Табло', - 'Default' => 'По подразбиране', - 'Default Content' => 'Съдържание по подразбиране', - 'Delete' => 'Изтрий', - 'Edit' => 'Редактиране', - 'Edit Page' => 'Редактирай страница', - 'Empty' => 'Празно', - 'File' => 'Файл', - 'General' => 'Общ', - 'Html' => 'HTML', - 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', - 'Invalid type selection' => 'Невалиден избор на тип', - 'Item name' => 'Име на артикула', - 'Layouts' => 'Оформления', - 'Link' => 'Линк', - 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', - 'Off' => 'Изключено', - 'On' => 'Включено', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'На тази страница можете да конфигурирате общи настройки на вашите потребителски страници.', - 'Overview' => 'Общ преглед', - 'PHP' => 'PHP', - 'Pages' => 'Страници', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Моля, изберете един от следните типове съдържание. Типът съдържание определя как вашето съдържание е вградено във вашия сайт.', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Моля, имайте предвид, че страниците, базирани на PHP, са уязвими за проблеми със сигурността, особено при обработка на въведените от потребителя данни. За повече информация, моля, разгледайте най-добрите практики за защита на Yii.', - 'Reset' => 'Нулиране', - 'Save' => 'Запази', - 'Saved' => 'Запазено', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Изберете тази настройка само за видими текстови разклонения. Премахнете отметката от тази настройка, в случай че този елемент се използва например като стойност на атрибута HTML.', - 'Settings' => 'Настройки', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Показване на допълнителна информация за файла (размер)', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Изрязани фрагменти', - 'Snippets' => 'Фрагменти', - 'Source' => 'Източник', - 'Space Navigation' => 'Навигация на раздел', - 'Stream' => 'Поток', - 'Style' => 'Стил', - 'Submit' => 'Изпращане', - 'Template' => 'Шаблон', - 'Templates' => 'Шаблони', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Шаблоните ви позволяват да дефинирате комбинируеми фрагменти на страници с вградена функционалност за редактиране.', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Това действие изисква инстанция на ownerContentId или ownerContent!', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Това действие изисква templateId или инстанция на шаблон!', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Този контейнер не позволява други елементи!', - 'Title' => 'Заглавие', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Топ Навигация', - 'Type' => 'Тип', - 'Upload image' => 'Качи изображение', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Меню на потребителския акаунт (Настройки)', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Ще вгради резултата от даден URL като iframe елемент.', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Ще пренасочи заявките към даден (относителен или абсолютен) URL адрес.', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'С PHP базирани страници можете да създавате персонализирани страници посредством файлове за преглед във вашата файлова система. Моля, проверете конфигурацията на модула за повече информация.', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Без добавяне към навигация (директна връзка)', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'Персонализирани страници', + 'Edit snippet' => 'Редактиране на фрагмент', + 'Add' => 'Добави', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Добавете икона на файл преди заглавието', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Добавя просто HTML съдържание към вашия сайт.', + 'Advanced' => 'Разширено', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Позволява на потребителя да управлява потребителски страници.', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Позволява да се добавят страници (маркдаун, iframe или връзки) към навигацията в пространството', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Позволява ви да добавяте съдържание в синтаксиса MarkDown.', + 'Alternate text' => 'Алтернативен текст', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Винаги правете резервно копие на вашите файлове за преглед извън вашата среда с истински трафик!', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Празен разрешен избор на шаблон ще позволи всички шаблони на контейнери за този контейнер.', + 'Back' => 'Назад', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Върни се в работното място', + 'Back to overview' => 'Назад към общ преглед', + 'Back to space' => 'Назад към раздела', + 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Може да управлява потребителски страници', + 'Cancel' => 'Отказ', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Затвори', + 'Configuration' => 'Конфигурация', + 'Containers' => 'Контейнери', + 'Content' => 'Съдържание', + 'Create new {type}' => 'Създайте нов {type}', + 'Css Class' => 'CSS клас', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Персонализирани страници', + 'Custom pages' => 'Персонализирани страници', + 'Dashboard' => 'Табло', + 'Default' => 'По подразбиране', + 'Default Content' => 'Съдържание по подразбиране', + 'Delete' => 'Изтрий', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Редактиране', + 'Edit Page' => 'Редактирай страница', + 'Empty' => 'Празно', + 'File' => 'Файл', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'Общ', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => 'HTML', + 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', + 'Insert' => 'Поставяне', + 'Invalid type selection' => 'Невалиден избор на тип', + 'Item name' => 'Име на артикула', + 'Layouts' => 'Оформления', + 'Link' => 'Линк', + 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => 'Изключено', + 'On' => 'Включено', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'На тази страница можете да конфигурирате общи настройки на вашите потребителски страници.', + 'Overview' => 'Общ преглед', + 'PHP' => 'PHP', + 'Page' => 'Страница', + 'Pages' => 'Страници', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Моля, изберете един от следните типове съдържание. Типът съдържание определя как вашето съдържание е вградено във вашия сайт.', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Моля, имайте предвид, че страниците, базирани на PHP, са уязвими за проблеми със сигурността, особено при обработка на въведените от потребителя данни. За повече информация, моля, разгледайте най-добрите практики за защита на Yii.', + 'Reset' => 'Нулиране', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Запази', + 'Saved' => 'Запазено', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Изберете тази настройка само за видими текстови разклонения. Премахнете отметката от тази настройка, в случай че този елемент се използва например като стойност на атрибута HTML.', + 'Settings' => 'Настройки', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Показване на допълнителна информация за файла (размер)', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Изрязани фрагменти', + 'Snippet' => 'Фрагмент', + 'Snippets' => 'Фрагменти', + 'Source' => 'Източник', + 'Space' => 'Раздел', + 'Space Navigation' => 'Навигация на раздел', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Поток', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => 'Стил', + 'Submit' => 'Изпращане', + 'Template' => 'Шаблон', + 'Templates' => 'Шаблони', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Шаблоните ви позволяват да дефинирате комбинируеми фрагменти на страници с вградена функционалност за редактиране.', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Това действие изисква инстанция на ownerContentId или ownerContent!', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Това действие изисква templateId или инстанция на шаблон!', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Този контейнер не позволява други елементи!', + 'Title' => 'Заглавие', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Топ Навигация', + 'Type' => 'Тип', + 'Upload image' => 'Качи изображение', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Меню на потребителския акаунт (Настройки)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Ще вгради резултата от даден URL като iframe елемент.', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Ще пренасочи заявките към даден (относителен или абсолютен) URL адрес.', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'С PHP базирани страници можете да създавате персонализирани страници посредством файлове за преглед във вашата файлова система. Моля, проверете конфигурацията на модула за повече информация.', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Без добавяне към навигация (директна връзка)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/bg/models_Page.php b/messages/bg/models_Page.php index 18f1420c..c2a64eb2 100644 --- a/messages/bg/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/bg/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Резюме', - 'Navigation' => 'Навигация', - 'Only visible for admins' => 'Вижда се само за администратори', - 'Open in new window' => 'Отвори в нов прозорец', - 'Url shortcut' => 'Пряк път на URL', - 'View' => 'Изглед', - 'page' => 'страница', - 'Visibility' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => 'Резюме', + 'Navigation' => 'Навигация', + 'Only visible for admins' => 'Вижда се само за администратори', + 'Open in new window' => 'Отвори в нов прозорец', + 'Url shortcut' => 'Пряк път на URL', + 'View' => 'Изглед', + 'Visibility' => 'Видимост', + 'page' => 'страница', +); diff --git a/messages/ca/base.php b/messages/ca/base.php index fba63219..bfc60cb1 100644 --- a/messages/ca/base.php +++ b/messages/ca/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => 'Pàgines personalitzades', - 'Add' => 'Afegeix', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Afegeix una icona de fitxer abans del títol', - 'Advanced' => 'Avançat', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Permet afegir pàgines (Markdown, iframe o enllaços) a la navegació de l’espai', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Us permet afegir contingut en sintaxi Markdown.', - 'Alternate text' => 'Text alternatiu', - 'Back' => 'Enrere', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Torna a la portada', - 'Back to overview' => 'Tornar a la vista general', - 'Back to space' => 'Torna a l’espai', - 'Cancel' => 'Cancel·la', - 'Close' => 'Tanca', - 'Configuration' => 'Configuració', - 'Containers' => 'Contenidors', - 'Content' => 'Contingut', - 'Css Class' => 'Classe CSS', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Pàgines personalitzades', - 'Custom pages' => 'Pàgines personalitzades', - 'Dashboard' => 'Inici', - 'Default' => 'Per defecte', - 'Default Content' => 'Contingut per defecte', - 'Delete' => 'Suprimeix', - 'Edit' => 'Edita', - 'Edit Page' => 'Edita la pàgina', - 'Empty' => 'Buida', - 'File' => 'Fitxer', - 'General' => 'General', - 'Html' => 'Html', - 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', - 'Item name' => 'Nom de l’element', - 'Layouts' => 'Disposicions', - 'Link' => 'Enllaç', - 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', - 'Overview' => 'Resum', - 'PHP' => 'PHP', - 'Pages' => 'Pàgines', - 'Reset' => 'Reinicialitza', - 'Save' => 'Desa', - 'Saved' => 'Desat', - 'Settings' => 'Configuració', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Mostra informació addicional del fitxer (mida)', - 'Source' => 'Font', - 'Stream' => 'Activitat', - 'Style' => 'Estil', - 'Submit' => 'Envia', - 'Template' => 'Plantilla', - 'Templates' => 'Plantilles', - 'Title' => 'Títol', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Barra de navegació', - 'Type' => 'Tipus', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Menu del compte d\'usuari (Configuració)', - 'Edit snippet' => '', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Create new {type}' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Invalid type selection' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Off' => '', - 'On' => '', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Snippets' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', - 'Upload image' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'Pàgines personalitzades', + 'Edit snippet' => '', + 'Add' => 'Afegeix', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Afegeix una icona de fitxer abans del títol', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', + 'Advanced' => 'Avançat', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Permet afegir pàgines (Markdown, iframe o enllaços) a la navegació de l’espai', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Us permet afegir contingut en sintaxi Markdown.', + 'Alternate text' => 'Text alternatiu', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', + 'Back' => 'Enrere', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Torna a la portada', + 'Back to overview' => 'Tornar a la vista general', + 'Back to space' => 'Torna a l’espai', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => 'Cancel·la', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Tanca', + 'Configuration' => 'Configuració', + 'Containers' => 'Contenidors', + 'Content' => 'Contingut', + 'Create new {type}' => '', + 'Css Class' => 'Classe CSS', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Pàgines personalitzades', + 'Custom pages' => 'Pàgines personalitzades', + 'Dashboard' => 'Inici', + 'Default' => 'Per defecte', + 'Default Content' => 'Contingut per defecte', + 'Delete' => 'Suprimeix', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Edita', + 'Edit Page' => 'Edita la pàgina', + 'Empty' => 'Buida', + 'File' => 'Fitxer', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'General', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => 'Html', + 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', + 'Insert' => 'Inserir', + 'Invalid type selection' => '', + 'Item name' => 'Nom de l’element', + 'Layouts' => 'Disposicions', + 'Link' => 'Enllaç', + 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => '', + 'On' => '', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', + 'Overview' => 'Resum', + 'PHP' => 'PHP', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => 'Pàgines', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', + 'Reset' => 'Reinicialitza', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Desa', + 'Saved' => 'Desat', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => 'Configuració', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Mostra informació addicional del fitxer (mida)', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', + 'Snippet' => '', + 'Snippets' => '', + 'Source' => 'Font', + 'Space' => 'Espai', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Activitat', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => 'Estil', + 'Submit' => 'Envia', + 'Template' => 'Plantilla', + 'Templates' => 'Plantilles', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', + 'Title' => 'Títol', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Barra de navegació', + 'Type' => 'Tipus', + 'Upload image' => '', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Menu del compte d\'usuari (Configuració)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/ca/models_Page.php b/messages/ca/models_Page.php index 74648273..3bb583b3 100644 --- a/messages/ca/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/ca/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Navegació', - 'Abstract' => '', - 'Only visible for admins' => '', - 'Open in new window' => '', - 'Url shortcut' => '', - 'View' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', - 'page' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => 'Navegació', + 'Only visible for admins' => '', + 'Open in new window' => '', + 'Url shortcut' => '', + 'View' => '', + 'Visibility' => 'Visibilitat', + 'page' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/cs/base.php b/messages/cs/base.php index eafb17b7..90ffa050 100644 --- a/messages/cs/base.php +++ b/messages/cs/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ 'Rozšířené', - 'Back' => 'Zpět', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Zpět na nástěnku', - 'Back to overview' => 'Zpět na přehled', - 'Cancel' => 'Zrušit', - 'Close' => 'Zavřít', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfigurace', - 'Content' => 'Příspěvky', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Vlastní stránky', - 'Dashboard' => 'Nástěnka', - 'Default' => 'Výchozí', - 'Delete' => 'Smazat', - 'Edit' => 'Upravit', - 'File' => 'Soubor', - 'General' => 'Obecné', - 'Link' => 'Odkaz', - 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', - 'Overview' => 'Přehled', - 'Save' => 'Uložit', - 'Saved' => 'Uloženo', - 'Settings' => 'Nastavení', - 'Stream' => 'Příspěvky', - 'Submit' => 'Potvrdit', - 'Title' => 'Nadpis', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Hlavní navigace', - 'Type' => 'Typ', - 'Upload image' => 'Nahrát obrázek', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Uživatelské menu (nastavení)', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Nepřidávat do navigace (přímý odkaz)', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Edit snippet' => '', - 'Add' => '', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', - 'Alternate text' => '', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', - 'Back to space' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Containers' => '', - 'Create new {type}' => '', - 'Css Class' => '', - 'Custom pages' => '', - 'Default Content' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Edit Page' => '', - 'Empty' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Html' => '', - 'Iframe' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Invalid type selection' => '', - 'Item name' => '', - 'Layouts' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Off' => '', - 'On' => '', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', - 'PHP' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Pages' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', - 'Reset' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Snippets' => '', - 'Source' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Template' => '', - 'Templates' => '', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Edit snippet' => '', + 'Add' => 'Přidat', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', + 'Advanced' => 'Rozšířené', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', + 'Alternate text' => '', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', + 'Back' => 'Zpět', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Zpět na nástěnku', + 'Back to overview' => 'Zpět na přehled', + 'Back to space' => '', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => 'Zrušit', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Zavřít', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfigurace', + 'Containers' => '', + 'Content' => 'Příspěvky', + 'Create new {type}' => '', + 'Css Class' => '', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Vlastní stránky', + 'Custom pages' => '', + 'Dashboard' => 'Nástěnka', + 'Default' => 'Výchozí', + 'Default Content' => '', + 'Delete' => 'Smazat', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Upravit', + 'Edit Page' => '', + 'Empty' => '', + 'File' => 'Soubor', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'Obecné', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => '', + 'Iframe' => '', + 'Insert' => 'Vložit', + 'Invalid type selection' => '', + 'Item name' => '', + 'Layouts' => '', + 'Link' => 'Odkaz', + 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => '', + 'On' => '', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', + 'Overview' => 'Přehled', + 'PHP' => '', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => '', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', + 'Reset' => '', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Uložit', + 'Saved' => 'Uloženo', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => 'Nastavení', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', + 'Snippet' => 'Úryvek', + 'Snippets' => '', + 'Source' => 'Zdroj', + 'Space' => 'Prostor', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Příspěvky', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => '', + 'Submit' => 'Potvrdit', + 'Template' => '', + 'Templates' => '', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', + 'Title' => 'Nadpis', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Hlavní navigace', + 'Type' => 'Typ', + 'Upload image' => 'Nahrát obrázek', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Uživatelské menu (nastavení)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Nepřidávat do navigace (přímý odkaz)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/cs/models_HtmlType.php b/messages/cs/models_HtmlType.php index 06787c2c..04bfabdf 100644 --- a/messages/cs/models_HtmlType.php +++ b/messages/cs/models_HtmlType.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'Attach Files' => 'Připojení souborů', +); diff --git a/messages/cs/models_Page.php b/messages/cs/models_Page.php index be4ee484..9b0f7c84 100644 --- a/messages/cs/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/cs/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Navigace', - 'View' => 'Zobrazit', - 'Abstract' => '', - 'Only visible for admins' => '', - 'Open in new window' => '', - 'Url shortcut' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', - 'page' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => 'Navigace', + 'Only visible for admins' => '', + 'Open in new window' => '', + 'Url shortcut' => '', + 'View' => 'Zobrazit', + 'Visibility' => 'Viditelnost', + 'page' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/cs/models_TemplateElement.php b/messages/cs/models_TemplateElement.php index 6d2cff91..96e23bc9 100644 --- a/messages/cs/models_TemplateElement.php +++ b/messages/cs/models_TemplateElement.php @@ -1,24 +1,7 @@ '', - 'Placeholder name' => '', - 'The element name must contain at least two characters without spaces or special signs except \'_\'' => '', - 'The given element name is already in use for this template.' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Label' => 'Štítek', + 'Placeholder name' => '', + 'The element name must contain at least two characters without spaces or special signs except \'_\'' => '', + 'The given element name is already in use for this template.' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/cs/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php b/messages/cs/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php index 7ea2b76e..ccd60d7f 100644 --- a/messages/cs/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php +++ b/messages/cs/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php @@ -1,23 +1,6 @@ '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Width' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Height' => 'Výška', + 'Style' => '', + 'Width' => 'Šířka', +); diff --git a/messages/da/models_Page.php b/messages/da/models_Page.php index 33bfb6df..39dfe28e 100644 --- a/messages/da/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/da/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Navigation', - 'View' => 'Se', - 'Abstract' => '', - 'Only visible for admins' => '', - 'Open in new window' => '', - 'Url shortcut' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', - 'page' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => 'Navigation', + 'Only visible for admins' => '', + 'Open in new window' => '', + 'Url shortcut' => '', + 'View' => 'Se', + 'Visibility' => 'Synlighed', + 'page' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/de/base.php b/messages/de/base.php index f32b1d51..716d273e 100644 --- a/messages/de/base.php +++ b/messages/de/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => 'Eigene Seiten', - 'Edit snippet' => 'Snippet bearbeiten', - 'Add' => 'Hinzufügen', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Dateisymbol vor dem Titel hinzufügen', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Fügt deiner Seite einfachen HTML-Inhalt hinzu.', - 'Advanced' => 'Erweitert', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Erlaubt es dem Benutzer "Eigene Seiten" zu verwalten (erstellen, bearbeiten, löschen)', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Erlaubt das Hinzufügen von Seiten (Markdown, Iframe oder Links) zur Space-Navigation.', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Ermöglicht das Hinzufügen von Inhalten in der MarkDown-Syntax.', - 'Alternate text' => 'Alternativer Text', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Erstelle immer ein Backup Ihrer View-Dateien außerhalb deiner Produktiv-Umgebung!', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Eine leere erlaubte Vorlagenauswahl wird allen Container Vorlagen hiermit zur Verfügung gestellt.', - 'Back' => 'Zurück', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Zurück zum Dashboard', - 'Back to overview' => 'Zurück zur Übersicht', - 'Back to space' => 'Zurück zum Space', - 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Kann "Eigene Seiten" verwalten', - 'Cancel' => 'Abbrechen', - 'Close' => 'Schließen', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguration', - 'Containers' => 'Container', - 'Content' => 'Inhalt', - 'Create new {type}' => '{type} erstellen', - 'Css Class' => 'Css Klasse', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Eigene Seiten', - 'Custom pages' => 'Eigene Seiten', - 'Dashboard' => 'Dashboard', - 'Default' => 'Standard', - 'Default Content' => 'Standard Inhalt', - 'Delete' => 'Löschen', - 'Edit' => 'Bearbeiten', - 'Edit Page' => 'Seite bearbeiten', - 'Empty' => 'Leer', - 'File' => 'Datei', - 'Footer menu' => 'Fußzeilenmenü', - 'General' => 'Allgemein', - 'Html' => 'HTML', - 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', - 'Invalid type selection' => 'Ungültige Typenauswahl', - 'Item name' => 'Objekt Name', - 'Layouts' => 'Layouts', - 'Link' => 'Link', - 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', - 'Menu settings' => 'Navigationseinstellungen', - 'Off' => 'Aus', - 'On' => 'An', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Auf dieser Seite kannst du allgemeine Einstellungen deiner eigenen Seiten vornehmen.', - 'Overview' => 'Übersicht', - 'PHP' => 'PHP', - 'Pages' => 'Seiten', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Bitte wähle einen der folgenden Inhaltstypen. Die Inhaltstypen bestimmen wie der Inhalt in die Seite eingebunden wird.', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Bitte beachte, dass php-basierte Seiten anfällig für Sicherheitsprobleme sind, insbesondere bei der Handhabung von Benutzereingaben. Weitere Informationen findest du unter Yii\'s Security best practices.', - 'Reset' => 'Zurücksetzen', - 'Save' => 'Speichern', - 'Saved' => 'Gespeichert', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Wähle diese Option nur für sichtbare Textelemente aus. Wenn dieses Element z.B. als HTML Attribut verwendet wird, darf diese Option nicht ausgewählt sein!', - 'Settings' => 'Einstellungen', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Zusätzliche Dateiinformationen anzeigen (Größe)', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Snippet-Layouts', - 'Snippets' => 'Snippet', - 'Source' => 'Quellcode', - 'Space Navigation' => 'Space Navigation', - 'Stream' => 'Stream', - 'Stream options' => 'Stream Einstellungen', - 'Style' => 'Style', - 'Submit' => 'Senden', - 'Template' => 'Vorlage', - 'Templates' => 'Vorlagen', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Mit Vorlagen kannst du kombinierbare Seitenfragmente mit Inline-Bearbeitungsfunktionalität definieren.', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Diese Aktion erfordert eine ownerContentID oder eine ownerContent Instanz!', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Diese Aktion erfordert eine Vorlagen ID oder eine Vorlagen Instanz', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Dieser Container lässt keine weiteren Elemente zu!', - 'Title' => 'Titel', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Obere Navigation', - 'Type' => 'Typ', - 'Upload image' => 'Bild hochladen', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Menü Benutzerkonto (Einstellungen)', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Bettet das Ergebnis einer gegebenen URL als Iframe-Element ein.', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Leitet Anfragen an eine bestimmte (relative oder absolute) URL weiter.', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Mit PHP-basierten Seiten kannst du benutzerdefinierte Seiten mit Hilfe von View-Dateien in deinem Dateisystem erstellen. Weitere Informationen findest du in der Modulkonfiguration.', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Ohne Hinzufügen zur Navigation (Direktlink)', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'Eigene Seiten', + 'Edit snippet' => 'Snippet bearbeiten', + 'Add' => 'Hinzufügen', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Dateisymbol vor dem Titel hinzufügen', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Fügt deiner Seite einfachen HTML-Inhalt hinzu.', + 'Advanced' => 'Erweitert', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Erlaubt es dem Benutzer "Eigene Seiten" zu verwalten (erstellen, bearbeiten, löschen)', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Erlaubt das Hinzufügen von Seiten (Markdown, Iframe oder Links) zur Space-Navigation.', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Ermöglicht das Hinzufügen von Inhalten in der MarkDown-Syntax.', + 'Alternate text' => 'Alternativer Text', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Erstelle immer ein Backup Ihrer View-Dateien außerhalb deiner Produktiv-Umgebung!', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Eine leere erlaubte Vorlagenauswahl wird allen Container Vorlagen hiermit zur Verfügung gestellt.', + 'Back' => 'Zurück', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Zurück zum Dashboard', + 'Back to overview' => 'Zurück zur Übersicht', + 'Back to space' => 'Zurück zum Space', + 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Kann "Eigene Seiten" verwalten', + 'Cancel' => 'Abbrechen', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Schließen', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguration', + 'Containers' => 'Container', + 'Content' => 'Inhalt', + 'Create new {type}' => '{type} erstellen', + 'Css Class' => 'Css Klasse', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Eigene Seiten', + 'Custom pages' => 'Eigene Seiten', + 'Dashboard' => 'Dashboard', + 'Default' => 'Standard', + 'Default Content' => 'Standard Inhalt', + 'Delete' => 'Löschen', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Bearbeiten', + 'Edit Page' => 'Seite bearbeiten', + 'Empty' => 'Leer', + 'File' => 'Datei', + 'Footer menu' => 'Fußzeilenmenü', + 'General' => 'Allgemein', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => 'HTML', + 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', + 'Insert' => 'Einfügen', + 'Invalid type selection' => 'Ungültige Typenauswahl', + 'Item name' => 'Objekt Name', + 'Layouts' => 'Layouts', + 'Link' => 'Link', + 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', + 'Menu settings' => 'Navigationseinstellungen', + 'Off' => 'Aus', + 'On' => 'An', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Auf dieser Seite kannst du allgemeine Einstellungen deiner eigenen Seiten vornehmen.', + 'Overview' => 'Übersicht', + 'PHP' => 'PHP', + 'Page' => 'Seite', + 'Pages' => 'Seiten', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Bitte wähle einen der folgenden Inhaltstypen. Die Inhaltstypen bestimmen wie der Inhalt in die Seite eingebunden wird.', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Bitte beachte, dass php-basierte Seiten anfällig für Sicherheitsprobleme sind, insbesondere bei der Handhabung von Benutzereingaben. Weitere Informationen findest du unter Yii\'s Security best practices.', + 'Reset' => 'Zurücksetzen', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Speichern', + 'Saved' => 'Gespeichert', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Wähle diese Option nur für sichtbare Textelemente aus. Wenn dieses Element z.B. als HTML Attribut verwendet wird, darf diese Option nicht ausgewählt sein!', + 'Settings' => 'Einstellungen', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Zusätzliche Dateiinformationen anzeigen (Größe)', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Snippet-Layouts', + 'Snippet' => 'Widget', + 'Snippets' => 'Snippet', + 'Source' => 'Quellcode', + 'Space' => 'Space', + 'Space Navigation' => 'Space Navigation', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Stream', + 'Stream options' => 'Stream Einstellungen', + 'Style' => 'Style', + 'Submit' => 'Senden', + 'Template' => 'Vorlage', + 'Templates' => 'Vorlagen', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Mit Vorlagen kannst du kombinierbare Seitenfragmente mit Inline-Bearbeitungsfunktionalität definieren.', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Diese Aktion erfordert eine ownerContentID oder eine ownerContent Instanz!', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Diese Aktion erfordert eine Vorlagen ID oder eine Vorlagen Instanz', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Dieser Container lässt keine weiteren Elemente zu!', + 'Title' => 'Titel', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Obere Navigation', + 'Type' => 'Typ', + 'Upload image' => 'Bild hochladen', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Menü Benutzerkonto (Einstellungen)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Bettet das Ergebnis einer gegebenen URL als Iframe-Element ein.', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Leitet Anfragen an eine bestimmte (relative oder absolute) URL weiter.', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Mit PHP-basierten Seiten kannst du benutzerdefinierte Seiten mit Hilfe von View-Dateien in deinem Dateisystem erstellen. Weitere Informationen findest du in der Modulkonfiguration.', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Ohne Hinzufügen zur Navigation (Direktlink)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/de/models_Page.php b/messages/de/models_Page.php index 98cbbf7d..323665ea 100644 --- a/messages/de/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/de/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Beschreibung', - 'Navigation' => 'Navigation', - 'Only visible for admins' => 'Nur für Admins sichtbar', - 'Open in new window' => 'In neuem Fenster öffnen', - 'Url shortcut' => 'URL-Verknüpfung', - 'View' => 'Ansicht', - 'page' => 'Seite', - 'Visibility' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => 'Beschreibung', + 'Navigation' => 'Navigation', + 'Only visible for admins' => 'Nur für Admins sichtbar', + 'Open in new window' => 'In neuem Fenster öffnen', + 'Url shortcut' => 'URL-Verknüpfung', + 'View' => 'Ansicht', + 'Visibility' => 'Sichtbarkeit', + 'page' => 'Seite', +); diff --git a/messages/el/base.php b/messages/el/base.php index 80ff127e..9a32dafb 100644 --- a/messages/el/base.php +++ b/messages/el/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => 'Προσαρμοσμένες strong> σελίδες', - 'Edit snippet' => 'Επεξεργασία strong> αποσπάσματος', - 'Add' => 'Πρόσθεσε', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Προσθέστε ένα εικονίδιο αρχείου πριν από τον τίτλο', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Προσθέτει απλό περιεχόμενο HTML στον ιστότοπό σας.', - 'Advanced' => 'Προχωρημένο', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Επιτρέπει την προσθήκη σελίδων (markdown, iframe ή links) στον χώρο πλοήγησης', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Σας επιτρέπει να προσθέσετε περιεχόμενο σε markdown σύνταξη.', - 'Alternate text' => 'Εναλλακτικό κείμενο', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Πάντα να δημιουργείτε αντίγραφα ασφαλείας των αρχείων προβολής εκτός του περιβάλλοντος παραγωγής σας!', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Ένα άδειο επέτρεψε την επιλογή προτύπου θα επιτρέψει όλα τα πρότυπα δοχείων για αυτό το δοχείο.', - 'Back' => 'Πίσω', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Επιστροφή στο ταμπλό', - 'Back to overview' => 'Επιστροφή στην επισκόπηση', - 'Back to space' => 'Επιστροφή στον χώρο', - 'Cancel' => 'Ακύρωση', - 'Close' => 'Κλείσιμο', - 'Configuration' => 'Διαμόρφωση', - 'Containers' => 'Δοχεία', - 'Content' => 'Περιεχόμενο', - 'Create new {type}' => 'Δημιουργία νέου {type}', - 'Css Class' => 'Css Class', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Προσαρμοσμένες Σελίδες', - 'Custom pages' => 'Προσαρμοσμένες σελίδες', - 'Dashboard' => 'Ταμπλό', - 'Default' => 'Προκαθορισμένο', - 'Default Content' => 'Προεπιλεγμένο περιεχόμενο', - 'Delete' => 'Διαγραφή', - 'Edit' => 'Επεξεργασία', - 'Edit Page' => 'Επεξεργασία σελίδας', - 'Empty' => 'Αδειο', - 'File' => 'Αρχείο', - 'General' => 'Γενικά', - 'Html' => 'Html', - 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', - 'Invalid type selection' => 'Μη έγκυρη επιλογή τύπου', - 'Item name' => 'Όνομα στοιχείου', - 'Layouts' => 'Διατάξεις', - 'Link' => 'Σύνδεσμος', - 'MarkDown' => 'Σημειωσετο κάτω', - 'Off' => 'Σβηστό', - 'On' => 'Ανοιχτό', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Σε αυτήν τη σελίδα μπορείτε να ρυθμίσετε τις γενικές ρυθμίσεις των προσαρμοσμένων σελίδων σας.', - 'Overview' => 'Επισκόπηση', - 'PHP' => 'PHP', - 'Pages' => 'Σελίδες', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Λάβετε υπόψη ότι οι σελίδες που βασίζονται στο php είναι ευάλωτες σε θέματα ασφάλειας, ειδικά όταν χειρίζονται εισροές χρηστών. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, δείτε τις Yii βέλτιστες πρακτικές ασφαλείας .', - 'Reset' => 'Επαναφορά', - 'Save' => 'Αποθήκευση', - 'Saved' => 'Αποθηκεύτηκε', - 'Settings' => 'Ρυθμίσεις', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Εμφάνιση επιπρόσθετων πληροφοριών αρχείου (μέγεθος)', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Αποσπασματικές-διατάξεις', - 'Snippets' => 'Αποσπάσματα', - 'Source' => 'Πηγή', - 'Style' => 'Στυλ', - 'Submit' => 'Υποβολή', - 'Template' => 'Πρότυπο', - 'Templates' => 'Πρότυπα', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Τα πρότυπα σάς επιτρέπουν να ορίσετε συνδυασμούς θραυσμάτων σελίδας με λειτουργίες επεξεργασίας inline.', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Αυτή η ενέργεια απαιτεί αναγνωριστικό περιεχομένου κατόχου ID ή ownerContent!', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Η ενέργεια αυτή απαιτεί ID προτύπου ή παράδειγμα περιεχομένου κατόχου!', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Αυτό το δοχείο δεν επιτρέπει περαιτέρω στοιχεία!', - 'Title' => 'Τίτλος', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Κορυφαία πλοήγηση', - 'Type' => 'Τύπος', - 'Upload image' => 'Μεταφόρτωση εικόνας', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Μενού λογαριασμού χρήστη (Ρυθμίσεις)', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Θα ενσωματώσει το αποτέλεσμα μιας δοσμένη url ως στοιχείο iframe.', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Θα ανακατευθύνει τα αιτήματα σε μια δοσμένη (σχετική ή απόλυτη) διεύθυνση URL.', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Με τις σελίδες που βασίζονται σε PHP μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε προσαρμοσμένες σελίδες μέσω αρχείων προβολής στο σύστημα αρχείων σας. Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε τις ρυθμίσεις της μονάδας για περισσότερες πληροφορίες.', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Χωρίς προσθήκη στην πλοήγηση (Άμεσος σύνδεσμος)', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'Προσαρμοσμένες strong> σελίδες', + 'Edit snippet' => 'Επεξεργασία strong> αποσπάσματος', + 'Add' => 'Πρόσθεσε', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Προσθέστε ένα εικονίδιο αρχείου πριν από τον τίτλο', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Προσθέτει απλό περιεχόμενο HTML στον ιστότοπό σας.', + 'Advanced' => 'Προχωρημένο', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Επιτρέπει την προσθήκη σελίδων (markdown, iframe ή links) στον χώρο πλοήγησης', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Σας επιτρέπει να προσθέσετε περιεχόμενο σε markdown σύνταξη.', + 'Alternate text' => 'Εναλλακτικό κείμενο', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Πάντα να δημιουργείτε αντίγραφα ασφαλείας των αρχείων προβολής εκτός του περιβάλλοντος παραγωγής σας!', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Ένα άδειο επέτρεψε την επιλογή προτύπου θα επιτρέψει όλα τα πρότυπα δοχείων για αυτό το δοχείο.', + 'Back' => 'Πίσω', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Επιστροφή στο ταμπλό', + 'Back to overview' => 'Επιστροφή στην επισκόπηση', + 'Back to space' => 'Επιστροφή στον χώρο', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => 'Ακύρωση', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Κλείσιμο', + 'Configuration' => 'Διαμόρφωση', + 'Containers' => 'Δοχεία', + 'Content' => 'Περιεχόμενο', + 'Create new {type}' => 'Δημιουργία νέου {type}', + 'Css Class' => 'Css Class', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Προσαρμοσμένες Σελίδες', + 'Custom pages' => 'Προσαρμοσμένες σελίδες', + 'Dashboard' => 'Ταμπλό', + 'Default' => 'Προκαθορισμένο', + 'Default Content' => 'Προεπιλεγμένο περιεχόμενο', + 'Delete' => 'Διαγραφή', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Επεξεργασία', + 'Edit Page' => 'Επεξεργασία σελίδας', + 'Empty' => 'Αδειο', + 'File' => 'Αρχείο', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'Γενικά', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => 'Html', + 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', + 'Insert' => 'Εισαγωγή', + 'Invalid type selection' => 'Μη έγκυρη επιλογή τύπου', + 'Item name' => 'Όνομα στοιχείου', + 'Layouts' => 'Διατάξεις', + 'Link' => 'Σύνδεσμος', + 'MarkDown' => 'Σημειωσετο κάτω', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => 'Σβηστό', + 'On' => 'Ανοιχτό', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Σε αυτήν τη σελίδα μπορείτε να ρυθμίσετε τις γενικές ρυθμίσεις των προσαρμοσμένων σελίδων σας.', + 'Overview' => 'Επισκόπηση', + 'PHP' => 'PHP', + 'Page' => 'Σελίδα', + 'Pages' => 'Σελίδες', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Λάβετε υπόψη ότι οι σελίδες που βασίζονται στο php είναι ευάλωτες σε θέματα ασφάλειας, ειδικά όταν χειρίζονται εισροές χρηστών. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, δείτε τις Yii βέλτιστες πρακτικές ασφαλείας .', + 'Reset' => 'Επαναφορά', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Αποθήκευση', + 'Saved' => 'Αποθηκεύτηκε', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => 'Ρυθμίσεις', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Εμφάνιση επιπρόσθετων πληροφοριών αρχείου (μέγεθος)', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Αποσπασματικές-διατάξεις', + 'Snippet' => 'Απόσπασμα', + 'Snippets' => 'Αποσπάσματα', + 'Source' => 'Πηγή', + 'Space' => '', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => '', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => 'Στυλ', + 'Submit' => 'Υποβολή', + 'Template' => 'Πρότυπο', + 'Templates' => 'Πρότυπα', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Τα πρότυπα σάς επιτρέπουν να ορίσετε συνδυασμούς θραυσμάτων σελίδας με λειτουργίες επεξεργασίας inline.', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Αυτή η ενέργεια απαιτεί αναγνωριστικό περιεχομένου κατόχου ID ή ownerContent!', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Η ενέργεια αυτή απαιτεί ID προτύπου ή παράδειγμα περιεχομένου κατόχου!', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Αυτό το δοχείο δεν επιτρέπει περαιτέρω στοιχεία!', + 'Title' => 'Τίτλος', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Κορυφαία πλοήγηση', + 'Type' => 'Τύπος', + 'Upload image' => 'Μεταφόρτωση εικόνας', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Μενού λογαριασμού χρήστη (Ρυθμίσεις)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Θα ενσωματώσει το αποτέλεσμα μιας δοσμένη url ως στοιχείο iframe.', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Θα ανακατευθύνει τα αιτήματα σε μια δοσμένη (σχετική ή απόλυτη) διεύθυνση URL.', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Με τις σελίδες που βασίζονται σε PHP μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε προσαρμοσμένες σελίδες μέσω αρχείων προβολής στο σύστημα αρχείων σας. Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε τις ρυθμίσεις της μονάδας για περισσότερες πληροφορίες.', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Χωρίς προσθήκη στην πλοήγηση (Άμεσος σύνδεσμος)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/el/models_Page.php b/messages/el/models_Page.php index 252890a8..86d6227f 100644 --- a/messages/el/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/el/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Σύνοψη', - 'Navigation' => 'Πλοήγηση', - 'Only visible for admins' => 'Ορατό μόνο για διαχειριστές', - 'Open in new window' => 'Άνοιγμα σε νέο παράθυρο', - 'Url shortcut' => 'συντόμευση Url', - 'View' => 'Θέα', - 'page' => 'Σελίδα', - 'Visibility' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => 'Σύνοψη', + 'Navigation' => 'Πλοήγηση', + 'Only visible for admins' => 'Ορατό μόνο για διαχειριστές', + 'Open in new window' => 'Άνοιγμα σε νέο παράθυρο', + 'Url shortcut' => 'συντόμευση Url', + 'View' => 'Θέα', + 'Visibility' => 'Ορατότητα', + 'page' => 'Σελίδα', +); diff --git a/messages/es/base.php b/messages/es/base.php index e77b1551..e27035d7 100644 --- a/messages/es/base.php +++ b/messages/es/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => 'Páginas personalizadas', - 'Edit snippet' => 'Editar el código', - 'Add' => 'Agregar', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Agregar un ícono de archivo antes del título', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Agregar contenido HTML simple a su sitio.', - 'Advanced' => 'Avanzado', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Permite al usuario administrar páginas personalizadas.', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Permite añadir páginas (markdown, iframe o enlaces) a la navegación del espacio', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Le permite agregar contenido con la sintaxis de MarkDown.', - 'Alternate text' => 'Texto alternativo', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Siempre haga una copia de seguridad de sus archivos de visualización fuera del entorno de producción.', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Si no seleccionas ninguna plantilla se podrán utilizar todas las plantillas de contenedor en este contenedor.', - 'Back' => 'Volver', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Volver al panel', - 'Back to overview' => 'Volver al resúmen', - 'Back to space' => 'Volver al espacio', - 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Puede administrar páginas personalizadas', - 'Cancel' => 'Cancelar', - 'Close' => 'Cerrar', - 'Configuration' => 'Configuración', - 'Containers' => 'Contenedores', - 'Content' => 'Contenido', - 'Create new {type}' => 'Crear nuevo(a)', - 'Css Class' => 'Clase CSS', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Páginas personalizadas', - 'Custom pages' => 'Páginas personalizadas', - 'Dashboard' => 'Panel', - 'Default' => 'Por defecto', - 'Default Content' => 'Contenido por defecto', - 'Delete' => 'Borrar', - 'Edit' => 'Editar', - 'Edit Page' => 'Editar página', - 'Empty' => 'Vacío', - 'File' => 'Archivo', - 'Footer menu' => 'Menú de pie de página', - 'General' => 'General', - 'Html' => 'Html', - 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', - 'Invalid type selection' => 'Tipo de selección inválido', - 'Item name' => 'Nombre del elemento', - 'Layouts' => 'Diseños', - 'Link' => 'Link', - 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', - 'Menu settings' => 'Preferencias del menú', - 'Off' => 'Apagado', - 'On' => 'Encendido', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'En esta página puedes configurar los ajustes generales de las páginas personalizadas.', - 'Overview' => 'Resúmen', - 'PHP' => 'PHP', - 'Pages' => 'Páginas', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Por favor elige uno de los siguientes tipos de contenido. El tipo de contenido define cómo se inserta el contenido en tu sitio.', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Por favor ten en cuenta que las páginas basadas en PHP son vulnerables a problemas de seguridad, especialmente si aceptan introducción de datos por parte de los usuarios. Para más información, por favor visita la página de buenas prácticas de seguridad de Yii.', - 'Reset' => 'Borrar', - 'Save' => 'Guardar', - 'Saved' => 'Guardado', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Selecciona esta configuración sólo para nodos de texto visibles. Desmárcala si el elemento se utiliza por ejemplo como valor de un atributo HTML.', - 'Settings' => 'Ajustes', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Mostrar información adicional del archivo (tamaño)', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Disposición de código', - 'Snippets' => 'Fragmentos', - 'Source' => 'Fuente', - 'Space Navigation' => 'Navegación por este espacio', - 'Stream' => 'Stream', - 'Stream options' => 'Opciones del stream', - 'Style' => 'Estilo', - 'Submit' => 'Enviar', - 'Template' => 'Plantilla', - 'Templates' => 'Plantillas', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Las plantillas te permiten definir elementos de página combinables con la posibilidad de ser editados directamente.', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '¡Esta acción requiere una instancia ownerContentId o ownerContent!', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '¡Esta acción requiere una instancia templateId o template!', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '¡Este contenedor no admite ya más elementos!', - 'Title' => 'Título', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Navegación superior', - 'Type' => 'Tipo', - 'Upload image' => 'Subir imagen', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Menú de cuenta de usuario (ajustes)', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Incrustará el resultado de una URL determinada como un elemento iframe.', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Redirigirá las solicitudes a una URL determinada (relativa o absoluta).', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Con páginas basadas en PHP puedes crear páginas personalizadas mediante ficheros de vista en tu sistema de ficheros. Para más información mira por favor la configuración del módulo.', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Sin añadir a la navegación (enlace directo)', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'Páginas personalizadas', + 'Edit snippet' => 'Editar el código', + 'Add' => 'Agregar', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Agregar un ícono de archivo antes del título', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Agregar contenido HTML simple a su sitio.', + 'Advanced' => 'Avanzado', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Permite al usuario administrar páginas personalizadas.', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Permite añadir páginas (markdown, iframe o enlaces) a la navegación del espacio', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Le permite agregar contenido con la sintaxis de MarkDown.', + 'Alternate text' => 'Texto alternativo', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Siempre haga una copia de seguridad de sus archivos de visualización fuera del entorno de producción.', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Si no seleccionas ninguna plantilla se podrán utilizar todas las plantillas de contenedor en este contenedor.', + 'Back' => 'Volver', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Volver al panel', + 'Back to overview' => 'Volver al resúmen', + 'Back to space' => 'Volver al espacio', + 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Puede administrar páginas personalizadas', + 'Cancel' => 'Cancelar', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Cerrar', + 'Configuration' => 'Configuración', + 'Containers' => 'Contenedores', + 'Content' => 'Contenido', + 'Create new {type}' => 'Crear nuevo(a)', + 'Css Class' => 'Clase CSS', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Páginas personalizadas', + 'Custom pages' => 'Páginas personalizadas', + 'Dashboard' => 'Panel', + 'Default' => 'Por defecto', + 'Default Content' => 'Contenido por defecto', + 'Delete' => 'Borrar', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Editar', + 'Edit Page' => 'Editar página', + 'Empty' => 'Vacío', + 'File' => 'Archivo', + 'Footer menu' => 'Menú de pie de página', + 'General' => 'General', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => 'Html', + 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', + 'Insert' => 'Insertar', + 'Invalid type selection' => 'Tipo de selección inválido', + 'Item name' => 'Nombre del elemento', + 'Layouts' => 'Diseños', + 'Link' => 'Link', + 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', + 'Menu settings' => 'Preferencias del menú', + 'Off' => 'Apagado', + 'On' => 'Encendido', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'En esta página puedes configurar los ajustes generales de las páginas personalizadas.', + 'Overview' => 'Resúmen', + 'PHP' => 'PHP', + 'Page' => 'Página', + 'Pages' => 'Páginas', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Por favor elige uno de los siguientes tipos de contenido. El tipo de contenido define cómo se inserta el contenido en tu sitio.', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Por favor ten en cuenta que las páginas basadas en PHP son vulnerables a problemas de seguridad, especialmente si aceptan introducción de datos por parte de los usuarios. Para más información, por favor visita la página de buenas prácticas de seguridad de Yii.', + 'Reset' => 'Borrar', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Guardar', + 'Saved' => 'Guardado', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Selecciona esta configuración sólo para nodos de texto visibles. Desmárcala si el elemento se utiliza por ejemplo como valor de un atributo HTML.', + 'Settings' => 'Ajustes', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Mostrar información adicional del archivo (tamaño)', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Disposición de código', + 'Snippet' => 'Snippet', + 'Snippets' => 'Fragmentos', + 'Source' => 'Fuente', + 'Space' => 'Espacio', + 'Space Navigation' => 'Navegación por este espacio', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Stream', + 'Stream options' => 'Opciones del stream', + 'Style' => 'Estilo', + 'Submit' => 'Enviar', + 'Template' => 'Plantilla', + 'Templates' => 'Plantillas', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Las plantillas te permiten definir elementos de página combinables con la posibilidad de ser editados directamente.', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '¡Esta acción requiere una instancia ownerContentId o ownerContent!', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '¡Esta acción requiere una instancia templateId o template!', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '¡Este contenedor no admite ya más elementos!', + 'Title' => 'Título', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Navegación superior', + 'Type' => 'Tipo', + 'Upload image' => 'Subir imagen', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Menú de cuenta de usuario (ajustes)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Incrustará el resultado de una URL determinada como un elemento iframe.', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Redirigirá las solicitudes a una URL determinada (relativa o absoluta).', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Con páginas basadas en PHP puedes crear páginas personalizadas mediante ficheros de vista en tu sistema de ficheros. Para más información mira por favor la configuración del módulo.', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Sin añadir a la navegación (enlace directo)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/es/models_Page.php b/messages/es/models_Page.php index 7532eee4..fe12f1f8 100644 --- a/messages/es/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/es/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Resumen', - 'Navigation' => 'Navegación', - 'Only visible for admins' => 'Visible sólo para los administradores', - 'Open in new window' => 'Abrir en una ventana nueva', - 'Url shortcut' => 'Atajo de URL', - 'View' => 'Vista', - 'page' => 'página', - 'Visibility' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => 'Resumen', + 'Navigation' => 'Navegación', + 'Only visible for admins' => 'Visible sólo para los administradores', + 'Open in new window' => 'Abrir en una ventana nueva', + 'Url shortcut' => 'Atajo de URL', + 'View' => 'Vista', + 'Visibility' => 'Visibilidad', + 'page' => 'página', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/base.php b/messages/eu/base.php index 6b148b67..51512f02 100644 --- a/messages/eu/base.php +++ b/messages/eu/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => '', - 'Edit snippet' => '', - 'Add' => '', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', - 'Advanced' => '', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', - 'Alternate text' => '', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', - 'Back' => '', - 'Back to dashboard' => '', - 'Back to overview' => '', - 'Back to space' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cancel' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Close' => '', - 'Configuration' => '', - 'Containers' => '', - 'Content' => '', - 'Create new {type}' => '', - 'Css Class' => '', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Custom pages' => '', - 'Dashboard' => '', - 'Default' => '', - 'Default Content' => '', - 'Delete' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Edit' => '', - 'Edit Page' => '', - 'Empty' => '', - 'File' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'General' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Html' => '', - 'Iframe' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Invalid type selection' => '', - 'Item name' => '', - 'Layouts' => '', - 'Link' => '', - 'MarkDown' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Off' => '', - 'On' => '', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', - 'Overview' => '', - 'PHP' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Pages' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', - 'Reset' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Save' => '', - 'Saved' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Settings' => '', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Snippets' => '', - 'Source' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Submit' => '', - 'Template' => '', - 'Templates' => '', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', - 'Title' => '', - 'Top Navigation' => '', - 'Type' => '', - 'Upload image' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => '', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Edit snippet' => '', + 'Add' => '', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', + 'Advanced' => 'Aurreratuak', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', + 'Alternate text' => '', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', + 'Back' => 'Itzuli', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Oholera itzuli', + 'Back to overview' => 'Itzuli ikuspegi orokorrera', + 'Back to space' => '', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => 'Deuseztatu', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Itxi', + 'Configuration' => '', + 'Containers' => '', + 'Content' => 'Edukia', + 'Create new {type}' => '', + 'Css Class' => '', + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Custom pages' => '', + 'Dashboard' => 'Ohola', + 'Default' => 'Lehenetsia', + 'Default Content' => '', + 'Delete' => 'Ezabatu', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Editatu', + 'Edit Page' => '', + 'Empty' => '', + 'File' => 'Fitxategia', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'Orokorra', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => '', + 'Iframe' => '', + 'Insert' => 'Txertatu', + 'Invalid type selection' => '', + 'Item name' => '', + 'Layouts' => '', + 'Link' => '', + 'MarkDown' => '', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => '', + 'On' => '', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', + 'Overview' => 'Ikuspegi orokorra', + 'PHP' => '', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => '', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', + 'Reset' => '', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Gorde', + 'Saved' => 'Gordeta', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => 'Ezarpenak', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', + 'Snippet' => '', + 'Snippets' => '', + 'Source' => '', + 'Space' => 'Espazioa', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Jarioa', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => '', + 'Submit' => 'Bidali', + 'Template' => '', + 'Templates' => '', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', + 'Title' => 'Izenburua', + 'Top Navigation' => '', + 'Type' => 'Mota', + 'Upload image' => '', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => '', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/components_Container.php b/messages/eu/components_Container.php index ef1f7f66..f41350ec 100644 --- a/messages/eu/components_Container.php +++ b/messages/eu/components_Container.php @@ -1,17 +1,16 @@ '', - 'Content' => '', - 'ID' => '', - 'Icon' => '', - 'Invalid template selection!' => '', - 'Invalid view file selection!' => '', - 'Page Content' => '', - 'Sort Order' => '', - 'Style Class' => '', - 'Target Url' => '', - 'Template Layout' => '', - 'Title' => '', - 'Type' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Additional IFrame Attributes' => '', + 'Content' => 'Edukia', + 'ID' => '', + 'Icon' => '', + 'Invalid template selection!' => '', + 'Invalid view file selection!' => '', + 'Page Content' => '', + 'Sort Order' => 'Sailkapen hurrenkera', + 'Style Class' => '', + 'Target Url' => '', + 'Template Layout' => '', + 'Title' => 'Izenburua', + 'Type' => 'Mota', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/controllers_TemplateController.php b/messages/eu/controllers_TemplateController.php index 8a58e69f..a86ad7f0 100644 --- a/messages/eu/controllers_TemplateController.php +++ b/messages/eu/controllers_TemplateController.php @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ Edit {type} element' => '', - 'Access denied!' => '', - 'Empty content elements cannot be deleted!' => '', - 'Invalid request data!' => '', - 'You are not allowed to delete default content!' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Edit {type} element' => '', + 'Access denied!' => 'Sarrera debekatua!', + 'Empty content elements cannot be deleted!' => '', + 'Invalid request data!' => '', + 'You are not allowed to delete default content!' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/models_HtmlType.php b/messages/eu/models_HtmlType.php index 06787c2c..a8f59c57 100644 --- a/messages/eu/models_HtmlType.php +++ b/messages/eu/models_HtmlType.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'Attach Files' => 'Erantsi fitxategiak', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/models_Page.php b/messages/eu/models_Page.php index 58dd7f4e..b4091d80 100644 --- a/messages/eu/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/eu/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ '', - 'Navigation' => '', - 'Only visible for admins' => '', - 'Open in new window' => '', - 'Url shortcut' => '', - 'View' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', - 'page' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => '', + 'Only visible for admins' => '', + 'Open in new window' => '', + 'Url shortcut' => '', + 'View' => '', + 'Visibility' => 'Ikuspena', + 'page' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/models_Snippet.php b/messages/eu/models_Snippet.php index d2967071..96fee39e 100644 --- a/messages/eu/models_Snippet.php +++ b/messages/eu/models_Snippet.php @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ '', - 'Sidebar' => '', - 'snippet' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Content' => 'Edukia', + 'Sidebar' => 'Alboko barra', + 'snippet' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php b/messages/eu/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php index b1ece164..bf0fef54 100644 --- a/messages/eu/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php +++ b/messages/eu/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Width' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Height' => 'Altuera', + 'Style' => '', + 'Width' => 'Zabalera', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/modules_template_views_admin_edit.php b/messages/eu/modules_template_views_admin_edit.php index b28f5cac..b6644610 100644 --- a/messages/eu/modules_template_views_admin_edit.php +++ b/messages/eu/modules_template_views_admin_edit.php @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ '', - 'Edit template \'{templateName}\'' => '', - 'Save' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Create new {type}' => '', + 'Edit template \'{templateName}\'' => '', + 'Save' => 'Gorde', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/modules_template_views_admin_preview.php b/messages/eu/modules_template_views_admin_preview.php index 6b1953a4..1d918fdf 100644 --- a/messages/eu/modules_template_views_admin_preview.php +++ b/messages/eu/modules_template_views_admin_preview.php @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ '', - 'Update' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Display Empty Content' => '', + 'Update' => 'Eguneratu', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php b/messages/eu/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php index abc6d6c3..47ad8fcd 100644 --- a/messages/eu/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php +++ b/messages/eu/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ '', - 'Show more' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Show less' => 'Gutxiago erakutsi', + 'Show more' => 'Gehiago erakutsi', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/views_admin_add.php b/messages/eu/views_admin_add.php index b117d844..5e30601b 100644 --- a/messages/eu/views_admin_add.php +++ b/messages/eu/views_admin_add.php @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ '', - 'Create new template' => '', - 'Edit template' => '', - 'Settings' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Add new {pageType}' => '', + 'Create new template' => '', + 'Edit template' => '', + 'Settings' => 'Ezarpenak', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/views_admin_edit.php b/messages/eu/views_admin_edit.php index a14e0a8b..d00294c6 100644 --- a/messages/eu/views_admin_edit.php +++ b/messages/eu/views_admin_edit.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'Save' => 'Gorde', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/views_common_edit.php b/messages/eu/views_common_edit.php index 853a5fdf..692c4ec2 100644 --- a/messages/eu/views_common_edit.php +++ b/messages/eu/views_common_edit.php @@ -1,15 +1,14 @@ Info: Pages marked as "Admin Only" are not shown in the stream!' => '', - 'By setting an url shortcut value, you can create a better readable url for your page. If URL Rewriting is enabled on your site, the value \'mypage\' will result in an url \'www.example.de/p/mypage\'.' => '', - 'Configuration' => '', - 'Delete' => '', - 'Here you can configure the general settings of your {pageLabel}.' => '', - 'Inline Editor' => '', - 'The abstract will be used as stream entry content to promote the actual page. +return array ( + 'Info: Pages marked as "Admin Only" are not shown in the stream!' => '', + 'By setting an url shortcut value, you can create a better readable url for your page. If URL Rewriting is enabled on your site, the value \'mypage\' will result in an url \'www.example.de/p/mypage\'.' => '', + 'Configuration' => '', + 'Delete' => 'Ezabatu', + 'Here you can configure the general settings of your {pageLabel}.' => '', + 'Inline Editor' => '', + 'The abstract will be used as stream entry content to promote the actual page. If no abstract is given or the page is only visible for admins, no stream entry will be created.' => '', - 'You need to be a system administrator to edit this URL' => '', - 'e.g. allowfullscreen allow="camera; microphone"' => '', - 'e.g. http://www.example.de' => '', -]; + 'You need to be a system administrator to edit this URL' => '', + 'e.g. allowfullscreen allow="camera; microphone"' => '', + 'e.g. http://www.example.de' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/visibility.php b/messages/eu/visibility.php index 4687f97d..4ddf36cc 100644 --- a/messages/eu/visibility.php +++ b/messages/eu/visibility.php @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ '', - 'All Members' => '', - 'Members & Guests' => '', - 'Members only' => '', - 'Public' => '', - 'Space Members only' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Admin only' => '', + 'All Members' => '', + 'Members & Guests' => '', + 'Members only' => '', + 'Public' => 'Publikoa', + 'Space Members only' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/fa-IR/base.php b/messages/fa-IR/base.php index ffff1906..6ee13ae9 100644 --- a/messages/fa-IR/base.php +++ b/messages/fa-IR/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ 'اضافه کردن', - 'Advanced' => 'پیشرفته', - 'Back' => 'بازگشت', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'بازگشت به خانه', - 'Back to overview' => 'برگشت به دید کلی', - 'Cancel' => 'انصراف', - 'Close' => 'بستن', - 'Configuration' => 'پیکربندی', - 'Content' => 'محتوا', - 'Custom Pages' => 'صفحه‌های سفارشی‌شده', - 'Dashboard' => 'خانه', - 'Default' => 'پيش فرض', - 'Delete' => 'حذف', - 'Edit' => 'ویرایش', - 'File' => 'فايل', - 'General' => 'کلی', - 'Link' => 'پیوند', - 'MarkDown' => 'نشانه دار كردن', - 'Overview' => 'بررسی اجمالی', - 'Save' => 'ذخیره', - 'Saved' => 'ذخیره شد.', - 'Settings' => 'تنطیمات', - 'Source' => 'منیع', - 'Stream' => 'جریان', - 'Submit' => 'ارسال', - 'Title' => 'عنوان', - 'Top Navigation' => 'منوی بالا', - 'Type' => 'تایپ', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'منوی حساب کاربری (تنظیمات)', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'بدون اضافه كردن دايركت لينك', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Edit snippet' => '', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', - 'Alternate text' => '', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', - 'Back to space' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Containers' => '', - 'Create new {type}' => '', - 'Css Class' => '', - 'Custom pages' => '', - 'Default Content' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Edit Page' => '', - 'Empty' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Html' => '', - 'Iframe' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Invalid type selection' => '', - 'Item name' => '', - 'Layouts' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Off' => '', - 'On' => '', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', - 'PHP' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Pages' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', - 'Reset' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Snippets' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Template' => '', - 'Templates' => '', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', - 'Upload image' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Edit snippet' => '', + 'Add' => 'اضافه کردن', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', + 'Advanced' => 'پیشرفته', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', + 'Alternate text' => '', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', + 'Back' => 'بازگشت', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'بازگشت به خانه', + 'Back to overview' => 'برگشت به دید کلی', + 'Back to space' => '', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => 'انصراف', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'بستن', + 'Configuration' => 'پیکربندی', + 'Containers' => '', + 'Content' => 'محتوا', + 'Create new {type}' => '', + 'Css Class' => '', + 'Custom Pages' => 'صفحه‌های سفارشی‌شده', + 'Custom pages' => '', + 'Dashboard' => 'خانه', + 'Default' => 'پيش فرض', + 'Default Content' => '', + 'Delete' => 'حذف', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'ویرایش', + 'Edit Page' => '', + 'Empty' => '', + 'File' => 'فايل', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'کلی', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => '', + 'Iframe' => '', + 'Insert' => 'درج', + 'Invalid type selection' => '', + 'Item name' => '', + 'Layouts' => '', + 'Link' => 'پیوند', + 'MarkDown' => 'نشانه دار كردن', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => '', + 'On' => '', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', + 'Overview' => 'بررسی اجمالی', + 'PHP' => '', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => '', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', + 'Reset' => '', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'ذخیره', + 'Saved' => 'ذخیره شد.', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => 'تنطیمات', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', + 'Snippet' => '', + 'Snippets' => '', + 'Source' => 'منیع', + 'Space' => 'انجمن', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'جریان', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => '', + 'Submit' => 'ارسال', + 'Template' => '', + 'Templates' => '', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', + 'Title' => 'عنوان', + 'Top Navigation' => 'منوی بالا', + 'Type' => 'تایپ', + 'Upload image' => '', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'منوی حساب کاربری (تنظیمات)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'بدون اضافه كردن دايركت لينك', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/fa-IR/models_Page.php b/messages/fa-IR/models_Page.php index 85555eb6..6518d585 100644 --- a/messages/fa-IR/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/fa-IR/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'راهبری', - 'View' => 'نمایش', - 'Abstract' => '', - 'Only visible for admins' => '', - 'Open in new window' => '', - 'Url shortcut' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', - 'page' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => 'راهبری', + 'Only visible for admins' => '', + 'Open in new window' => '', + 'Url shortcut' => '', + 'View' => 'نمایش', + 'Visibility' => 'قابلیت مشاهده', + 'page' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/fi/base.php b/messages/fi/base.php index 23fdc0ba..af9baec8 100644 --- a/messages/fi/base.php +++ b/messages/fi/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => 'Mukautetut Sivut', - 'Edit snippet' => 'Muokkaa laatikkoja', - 'Add' => 'Lisää', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Lisää ikoni ennen otsikkoa', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Lisää selkeä HTML-sisältö sivustoosi.', - 'Advanced' => 'Laajennetut', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Mahdollistaa sivujen lisäämisen (markdown, iFrame tai linkit)', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Voit lisätä sisältöä MarkDown-syntaksissa.', - 'Alternate text' => 'Valinnainen teksti', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Tee varmuuskopiot katselutiedostostasi aina tuotantoympäristön ulkopuolella!', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Tyhjä sallittu mallipohja mahdollistaa tämän conteinerin kaikki conteinerimallit.', - 'Back' => 'Takaisin', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Takaisin', - 'Back to overview' => 'Takaisin', - 'Back to space' => 'Takaisin', - 'Cancel' => 'Peruuta', - 'Close' => 'Sulje', - 'Configuration' => 'Muoto', - 'Containers' => 'Containerit', - 'Content' => 'Sisältö', - 'Create new {type}' => 'Luo uusi {type}', - 'Css Class' => 'CSS Luokka', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Mukautetut Sivut', - 'Custom pages' => 'Mukautetut Sivut', - 'Dashboard' => 'Etusivu', - 'Default' => 'Tavallinen', - 'Default Content' => 'Oletus Sisältö', - 'Delete' => 'Poista', - 'Edit' => 'Muokkaa', - 'Edit Page' => 'Muokkaa Sivu', - 'Empty' => 'Tyhjä', - 'File' => 'Tiedosto', - 'General' => 'Yleinen', - 'Html' => 'Html', - 'Iframe' => 'iframe', - 'Invalid type selection' => 'Virheellinen tyypin valinta', - 'Item name' => 'Kohteen nimi', - 'Layouts' => 'Ulkoasut', - 'Link' => 'Link', - 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', - 'Off' => 'Pois', - 'On' => 'Päällä', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Tällä sivulla voit määrittää mukautettujen sivujen yleiset asetukset.', - 'Overview' => 'Sivut', - 'PHP' => 'PHP', - 'Pages' => 'Sivut', - 'Reset' => 'Palauta', - 'Save' => 'Tallenna', - 'Saved' => 'Tallennettu', - 'Settings' => 'Asetukset', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Näytä lisää tiedostotietoja (koko)', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Laatikoiden Ulkoasut', - 'Snippets' => 'Laatikot', - 'Source' => 'Lähdekoodi', - 'Stream' => 'Aikajana', - 'Style' => 'Tyyli', - 'Submit' => 'Hyväksy', - 'Template' => 'Malli', - 'Templates' => 'Mallit', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Mallien avulla voit määrittää yhdistettäviä sivujakeita, joissa on sisäinen muokkaustoiminto.', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Tämä toiminto vaatii omistajan ownerContentId tai ownerContent esiintymän!', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Tämä toiminto edellyttää templateId tai template esiintymää!', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Tämä säiliö ei salli muita kohteita!', - 'Title' => 'Otsikko', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Yläpalkki', - 'Type' => 'Tyyppi', - 'Upload image' => 'Lataa kuva', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Käyttäjätilien valikko (Asetukset)', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Asettaa tietyn URL-osoitteen tulos iframe-elementtinä.', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Ohjaa pyyntöjä uudelleen annettuun (suhteellinen tai absoluuttinen) URL-osoitteeseen.', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Ilman lisäämistä mihinkään (Suora Linkki)', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'Mukautetut Sivut', + 'Edit snippet' => 'Muokkaa laatikkoja', + 'Add' => 'Lisää', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Lisää ikoni ennen otsikkoa', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Lisää selkeä HTML-sisältö sivustoosi.', + 'Advanced' => 'Laajennetut', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Mahdollistaa sivujen lisäämisen (markdown, iFrame tai linkit)', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Voit lisätä sisältöä MarkDown-syntaksissa.', + 'Alternate text' => 'Valinnainen teksti', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Tee varmuuskopiot katselutiedostostasi aina tuotantoympäristön ulkopuolella!', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Tyhjä sallittu mallipohja mahdollistaa tämän conteinerin kaikki conteinerimallit.', + 'Back' => 'Takaisin', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Takaisin', + 'Back to overview' => 'Takaisin', + 'Back to space' => 'Takaisin', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => 'Peruuta', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Sulje', + 'Configuration' => 'Muoto', + 'Containers' => 'Containerit', + 'Content' => 'Sisältö', + 'Create new {type}' => 'Luo uusi {type}', + 'Css Class' => 'CSS Luokka', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Mukautetut Sivut', + 'Custom pages' => 'Mukautetut Sivut', + 'Dashboard' => 'Etusivu', + 'Default' => 'Tavallinen', + 'Default Content' => 'Oletus Sisältö', + 'Delete' => 'Poista', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Muokkaa', + 'Edit Page' => 'Muokkaa Sivu', + 'Empty' => 'Tyhjä', + 'File' => 'Tiedosto', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'Yleinen', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => 'Html', + 'Iframe' => 'iframe', + 'Insert' => 'Syötä', + 'Invalid type selection' => 'Virheellinen tyypin valinta', + 'Item name' => 'Kohteen nimi', + 'Layouts' => 'Ulkoasut', + 'Link' => 'Link', + 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => 'Pois', + 'On' => 'Päällä', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Tällä sivulla voit määrittää mukautettujen sivujen yleiset asetukset.', + 'Overview' => 'Sivut', + 'PHP' => 'PHP', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => 'Sivut', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', + 'Reset' => 'Palauta', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Tallenna', + 'Saved' => 'Tallennettu', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => 'Asetukset', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Näytä lisää tiedostotietoja (koko)', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Laatikoiden Ulkoasut', + 'Snippet' => 'Laatikko', + 'Snippets' => 'Laatikot', + 'Source' => 'Lähdekoodi', + 'Space' => 'Sivu', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Aikajana', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => 'Tyyli', + 'Submit' => 'Hyväksy', + 'Template' => 'Malli', + 'Templates' => 'Mallit', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Mallien avulla voit määrittää yhdistettäviä sivujakeita, joissa on sisäinen muokkaustoiminto.', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Tämä toiminto vaatii omistajan ownerContentId tai ownerContent esiintymän!', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Tämä toiminto edellyttää templateId tai template esiintymää!', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Tämä säiliö ei salli muita kohteita!', + 'Title' => 'Otsikko', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Yläpalkki', + 'Type' => 'Tyyppi', + 'Upload image' => 'Lataa kuva', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Käyttäjätilien valikko (Asetukset)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Asettaa tietyn URL-osoitteen tulos iframe-elementtinä.', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Ohjaa pyyntöjä uudelleen annettuun (suhteellinen tai absoluuttinen) URL-osoitteeseen.', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Ilman lisäämistä mihinkään (Suora Linkki)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/fi/models_Page.php b/messages/fi/models_Page.php index 7b6feab2..ee5a0bba 100644 --- a/messages/fi/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/fi/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Navigointi', - 'Only visible for admins' => 'Näkyvissä vain ylläpitäjille', - 'Open in new window' => 'Avaa uuteen ikkunaan', - 'View' => 'Näkymä', - 'page' => 'sivu', - 'Abstract' => '', - 'Url shortcut' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => 'Navigointi', + 'Only visible for admins' => 'Näkyvissä vain ylläpitäjille', + 'Open in new window' => 'Avaa uuteen ikkunaan', + 'Url shortcut' => '', + 'View' => 'Näkymä', + 'Visibility' => 'Näkyvyys', + 'page' => 'sivu', +); diff --git a/messages/fr/base.php b/messages/fr/base.php index b0df2c67..8b60a5d0 100644 --- a/messages/fr/base.php +++ b/messages/fr/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => 'Pages personnalisées', - 'Edit snippet' => 'Modifier l\'extrait', - 'Add' => 'Ajouter', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Ajouter une icône avant l\'affichage du titre', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Ajoute du contenu HTML simple à votre site.', - 'Advanced' => 'Avancé', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Autoriser les utilisateurs à administrer les pages personnalisées', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Ce module permet d\'ajouter des pages personnalisées (Markdown, HTML, iframe ou liens) dans cet espace.', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Vous permet d\'ajouter du contenu en utilisant la syntaxe Markdown.', - 'Alternate text' => 'Texte alternatif', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Toujours faire une sauvegarde de vos fichiers de type "view" en dehors de notre environnement de production !', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'La sélection d\'un modèle autorisé vide permettra d\'utiliser tous les modèles de conteneurs pour ce conteneur.', - 'Back' => 'Retour', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Retour à la vue d\'ensemble', - 'Back to overview' => 'Retour à la vue d\'ensemble', - 'Back to space' => 'Retour à l\'espace', - 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Peux administrer les pages personnalisées', - 'Cancel' => 'Annuler', - 'Close' => 'Fermer', - 'Configuration' => 'Configuration', - 'Containers' => 'Conteneurs', - 'Content' => 'Contenu', - 'Create new {type}' => 'Créer nouveau {type}', - 'Css Class' => 'Classe CSS', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Pages personnalisées', - 'Custom pages' => 'Pages personnalisées', - 'Dashboard' => 'Vue d\'ensemble', - 'Default' => 'Défaut', - 'Default Content' => 'Contenu par défaut', - 'Delete' => 'Supprimer', - 'Edit' => 'Modifier', - 'Edit Page' => 'Modifier la page', - 'Empty' => 'Vide', - 'File' => 'Fichier', - 'Footer menu' => 'Menu du pied de page', - 'General' => 'Général', - 'Html' => 'HTML', - 'Iframe' => 'IFrame', - 'Invalid type selection' => 'Sélection du type invalide', - 'Item name' => 'Nom de l\'élément', - 'Layouts' => 'Dispositions', - 'Link' => 'Lien', - 'MarkDown' => 'Markdown', - 'Menu settings' => 'Réglages du menu', - 'Off' => 'Inactif', - 'On' => 'Actif', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Sur cette page vous pouvez configurer les paramètres généraux de vos pages personnalisées.', - 'Overview' => 'Vue d\'ensemble', - 'PHP' => 'PHP', - 'Pages' => 'Pages', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Veuillez choisir l’un des types de contenu suivants. Le type de contenu détermine la manière dont le contenu est intégré à votre site.', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Merci de garder à l\'esprit que les pages en php sont susceptibles de contenir des failles de sécurité, particulièrement quand elles manipulent des données saisies par l\'utilisateur. Pour plus d\'information, consultez la page Meilleures pratiques sur la sécurité de Yii.', - 'Reset' => 'Réinitialiser', - 'Save' => 'Enregistrer', - 'Saved' => 'Enregistré', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Cochez cette case uniquement pour les nœuds de texte. Décochez cette case si cet élément sert, par exemple, de valeur pour un attribut HTML.', - 'Settings' => 'Configuration', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Afficher des informations supplémentaires du fichier (taille)', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Dispositions des extraits', - 'Snippets' => 'Extraits', - 'Source' => 'Source', - 'Space Navigation' => 'Menu espace', - 'Stream' => 'Fil d\'actualités', - 'Stream options' => 'Options du fil d’actualités', - 'Style' => 'Style', - 'Submit' => 'Envoyer', - 'Template' => 'Modèle', - 'Templates' => 'Modèles', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Les modèles vous permettent de combiner des extraits avec une fonctionnalité d\'édition en ligne.', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Cette opération nécessite une instance de ownerContentId ou ownerContent.', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Cette opération nécessite un templateId ou une instance de modèle.', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Ce conteneur ne permet plus d\'ajouter d\'élément supplémentaire.', - 'Title' => 'Titre', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Menu de navigation', - 'Type' => 'Type', - 'Upload image' => 'Transférer une image', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Menu du compte utilisateur (paramètres)', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Va encapsuler le résultat d\'une url donnée dans un élément iframe.', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Va rediriger la demande vers une url donnée (relative ou absolue).', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Avec des pages en PHP vous pouvez créer des pages personnalisées au moyen de fichiers "view" dans votre système de fichiers. Merci de vérifier la configuration du module pour plus d\'information.', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Sans l\'ajouter au menu de navigation (lien direct)', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'Pages personnalisées', + 'Edit snippet' => 'Modifier l\'extrait', + 'Add' => 'Ajouter', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Ajouter une icône avant l\'affichage du titre', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Ajoute du contenu HTML simple à votre site.', + 'Advanced' => 'Avancé', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Autoriser les utilisateurs à administrer les pages personnalisées', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Ce module permet d\'ajouter des pages personnalisées (Markdown, HTML, iframe ou liens) dans cet espace.', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Vous permet d\'ajouter du contenu en utilisant la syntaxe Markdown.', + 'Alternate text' => 'Texte alternatif', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Toujours faire une sauvegarde de vos fichiers de type "view" en dehors de notre environnement de production !', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'La sélection d\'un modèle autorisé vide permettra d\'utiliser tous les modèles de conteneurs pour ce conteneur.', + 'Back' => 'Retour', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Retour à la vue d\'ensemble', + 'Back to overview' => 'Retour à la vue d\'ensemble', + 'Back to space' => 'Retour à l\'espace', + 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Peux administrer les pages personnalisées', + 'Cancel' => 'Annuler', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Fermer', + 'Configuration' => 'Configuration', + 'Containers' => 'Conteneurs', + 'Content' => 'Contenu', + 'Create new {type}' => 'Créer nouveau {type}', + 'Css Class' => 'Classe CSS', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Pages personnalisées', + 'Custom pages' => 'Pages personnalisées', + 'Dashboard' => 'Vue d\'ensemble', + 'Default' => 'Défaut', + 'Default Content' => 'Contenu par défaut', + 'Delete' => 'Supprimer', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Modifier', + 'Edit Page' => 'Modifier la page', + 'Empty' => 'Vide', + 'File' => 'Fichier', + 'Footer menu' => 'Menu du pied de page', + 'General' => 'Général', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => 'HTML', + 'Iframe' => 'IFrame', + 'Insert' => 'Insérer', + 'Invalid type selection' => 'Sélection du type invalide', + 'Item name' => 'Nom de l\'élément', + 'Layouts' => 'Dispositions', + 'Link' => 'Lien', + 'MarkDown' => 'Markdown', + 'Menu settings' => 'Réglages du menu', + 'Off' => 'Inactif', + 'On' => 'Actif', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Sur cette page vous pouvez configurer les paramètres généraux de vos pages personnalisées.', + 'Overview' => 'Vue d\'ensemble', + 'PHP' => 'PHP', + 'Page' => 'Page', + 'Pages' => 'Pages', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Veuillez choisir l’un des types de contenu suivants. Le type de contenu détermine la manière dont le contenu est intégré à votre site.', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Merci de garder à l\'esprit que les pages en php sont susceptibles de contenir des failles de sécurité, particulièrement quand elles manipulent des données saisies par l\'utilisateur. Pour plus d\'information, consultez la page Meilleures pratiques sur la sécurité de Yii.', + 'Reset' => 'Réinitialiser', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Enregistrer', + 'Saved' => 'Enregistré', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Cochez cette case uniquement pour les nœuds de texte. Décochez cette case si cet élément sert, par exemple, de valeur pour un attribut HTML.', + 'Settings' => 'Configuration', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Afficher des informations supplémentaires du fichier (taille)', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Dispositions des extraits', + 'Snippet' => 'Extrait', + 'Snippets' => 'Extraits', + 'Source' => 'Source', + 'Space' => 'Espace', + 'Space Navigation' => 'Menu espace', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Fil d\'actualités', + 'Stream options' => 'Options du fil d’actualités', + 'Style' => 'Style', + 'Submit' => 'Envoyer', + 'Template' => 'Modèle', + 'Templates' => 'Modèles', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Les modèles vous permettent de combiner des extraits avec une fonctionnalité d\'édition en ligne.', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Cette opération nécessite une instance de ownerContentId ou ownerContent.', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Cette opération nécessite un templateId ou une instance de modèle.', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Ce conteneur ne permet plus d\'ajouter d\'élément supplémentaire.', + 'Title' => 'Titre', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Menu de navigation', + 'Type' => 'Type', + 'Upload image' => 'Transférer une image', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Menu du compte utilisateur (paramètres)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Va encapsuler le résultat d\'une url donnée dans un élément iframe.', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Va rediriger la demande vers une url donnée (relative ou absolue).', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Avec des pages en PHP vous pouvez créer des pages personnalisées au moyen de fichiers "view" dans votre système de fichiers. Merci de vérifier la configuration du module pour plus d\'information.', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Sans l\'ajouter au menu de navigation (lien direct)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/fr/models_Page.php b/messages/fr/models_Page.php index 1bcec286..27d4d43b 100644 --- a/messages/fr/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/fr/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Résumé', - 'Navigation' => 'Navigation', - 'Only visible for admins' => 'Visible uniquement par les administrateurs', - 'Open in new window' => 'Ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre', - 'Url shortcut' => 'Raccourci', - 'View' => 'Afficher', - 'page' => 'page', - 'Visibility' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => 'Résumé', + 'Navigation' => 'Navigation', + 'Only visible for admins' => 'Visible uniquement par les administrateurs', + 'Open in new window' => 'Ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre', + 'Url shortcut' => 'Raccourci', + 'View' => 'Afficher', + 'Visibility' => 'Visibilité', + 'page' => 'page', +); diff --git a/messages/hr/base.php b/messages/hr/base.php index 94b11e81..0c627905 100644 --- a/messages/hr/base.php +++ b/messages/hr/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => 'Prilagođene stranice', - 'Edit snippet' => 'Uredi isječak', - 'Add' => 'Dodaj', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Dodajte ikonu datoteke prije naslova', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Dodaje običan HTML sadržaj na vaše web mjesto.', - 'Advanced' => 'Napredno', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Omogućuje dodavanje stranica (označavanje, iframe ili veze) na prostornu navigaciju', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Omogućuje dodavanje sadržaja u sintaksi MarkDown.', - 'Alternate text' => 'Alternativni tekst', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Uvijek napravite sigurnosnu kopiju prikazanih datoteka izvan vašeg proizvodnog okruženja!', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Prazan dopušteni odabir predloška omogućit će sve predloške spremnika za ovaj spremnik.', - 'Back' => 'Natrag', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Povratak na upravljačku ploču', - 'Back to overview' => 'Natrag na pregled', - 'Back to space' => 'Povratak u prostor', - 'Cancel' => 'Poništi.', - 'Close' => 'Zatvori', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguracija', - 'Containers' => 'Spremnici', - 'Content' => 'Sadržaj', - 'Create new {type}' => 'Izradi novi {type}', - 'Css Class' => 'Css Class', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Prilagođene stranice', - 'Custom pages' => 'Prilagođene stranice', - 'Dashboard' => 'Upravljačka ploča', - 'Default' => 'Zadano', - 'Default Content' => 'Zadani sadržaj', - 'Delete' => 'Obriši.', - 'Edit' => 'Uredi', - 'Edit Page' => 'Uredi stranicu', - 'Empty' => 'Prazna', - 'File' => 'Datoteka', - 'General' => 'Općenito', - 'Html' => 'Html', - 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', - 'Invalid type selection' => 'Nevažeći odabir vrste', - 'Item name' => 'Naziv predmeta', - 'Layouts' => 'Raspored', - 'Link' => 'Poveznica', - 'MarkDown' => 'Smanjenje', - 'Off' => 'Off', - 'On' => 'On', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Na ovoj stranici možete konfigurirati opće postavke svojih prilagođenih stranica.', - 'Overview' => 'Pregled', - 'PHP' => 'PHP', - 'Pages' => 'Stranice', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Odaberite jednu od sljedećih vrsta sadržaja. Vrsta sadržaja definira kako je vaš sadržaj ugrađen na vašu web lokaciju.', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Imajte na umu da su stranice temeljene na php-u osjetljive na sigurnosne probleme, posebno kada se rukuje korisničkim unosom. Za više informacija pogledajte Najbolji primjeri iz Yii-jeve sigurnosti.', - 'Reset' => 'Reset', - 'Save' => 'Spremi', - 'Saved' => 'Spremljeno', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Odaberite ovu postavku samo za vidljive čvorove teksta. Poništite ovu postavku u slučaju da se ovaj element koristi, na primjer, kao vrijednost HTML atributa.', - 'Settings' => 'Postavke', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Prikaži dodatne podatke o datoteci (veličina)', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Snipped-Layouts', - 'Snippets' => 'Isječci', - 'Source' => 'Izvor (Source)', - 'Space Navigation' => 'Navigacija prostora', - 'Stream' => 'Stream', - 'Style' => 'Stil', - 'Submit' => 'Potvrdi', - 'Template' => 'Predložak', - 'Templates' => 'Predlošci', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Predlošci vam omogućuju definiranje kombiniranih fragmenata stranice s ugrađenim funkcijama uređivanja.', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Ova radnja zahtijeva instancu ownerContentId ili ownerContent!', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Za ovu je radnju potreban templateId ili instanca predloška!', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Ovaj spremnik ne dopušta daljnje predmete!', - 'Title' => 'Naziv', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Top navigacija', - 'Type' => 'Vrsta', - 'Upload image' => 'Dodaj sliku', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Izbornik korisničkog računa (Postavke)', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Hoće li ugrađivati rezultat određenog URL-a kao element iframe-a.', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Hoće li preusmjeriti zahtjeve na zadani (relativni ili apsolutni) url.', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Sa stranicama temeljenim na PHP-u možete stvoriti prilagođene stranice pomoću pregleda datoteka u vašem datotečnom sustavu. Molimo provjerite konfiguraciju modula za više informacija.', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Bez dodavanja u navigaciju (izravna veza)', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'Prilagođene stranice', + 'Edit snippet' => 'Uredi isječak', + 'Add' => 'Dodaj', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Dodajte ikonu datoteke prije naslova', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Dodaje običan HTML sadržaj na vaše web mjesto.', + 'Advanced' => 'Napredno', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Omogućuje dodavanje stranica (označavanje, iframe ili veze) na prostornu navigaciju', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Omogućuje dodavanje sadržaja u sintaksi MarkDown.', + 'Alternate text' => 'Alternativni tekst', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Uvijek napravite sigurnosnu kopiju prikazanih datoteka izvan vašeg proizvodnog okruženja!', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Prazan dopušteni odabir predloška omogućit će sve predloške spremnika za ovaj spremnik.', + 'Back' => 'Natrag', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Povratak na upravljačku ploču', + 'Back to overview' => 'Natrag na pregled', + 'Back to space' => 'Povratak u prostor', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => 'Poništi.', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Zatvori', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguracija', + 'Containers' => 'Spremnici', + 'Content' => 'Sadržaj', + 'Create new {type}' => 'Izradi novi {type}', + 'Css Class' => 'Css Class', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Prilagođene stranice', + 'Custom pages' => 'Prilagođene stranice', + 'Dashboard' => 'Upravljačka ploča', + 'Default' => 'Zadano', + 'Default Content' => 'Zadani sadržaj', + 'Delete' => 'Obriši.', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Uredi', + 'Edit Page' => 'Uredi stranicu', + 'Empty' => 'Prazna', + 'File' => 'Datoteka', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'Općenito', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => 'Html', + 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', + 'Insert' => 'Umetnuti', + 'Invalid type selection' => 'Nevažeći odabir vrste', + 'Item name' => 'Naziv predmeta', + 'Layouts' => 'Raspored', + 'Link' => 'Poveznica', + 'MarkDown' => 'Smanjenje', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => 'Off', + 'On' => 'On', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Na ovoj stranici možete konfigurirati opće postavke svojih prilagođenih stranica.', + 'Overview' => 'Pregled', + 'PHP' => 'PHP', + 'Page' => 'Stranica', + 'Pages' => 'Stranice', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Odaberite jednu od sljedećih vrsta sadržaja. Vrsta sadržaja definira kako je vaš sadržaj ugrađen na vašu web lokaciju.', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Imajte na umu da su stranice temeljene na php-u osjetljive na sigurnosne probleme, posebno kada se rukuje korisničkim unosom. Za više informacija pogledajte Najbolji primjeri iz Yii-jeve sigurnosti.', + 'Reset' => 'Reset', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Spremi', + 'Saved' => 'Spremljeno', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Odaberite ovu postavku samo za vidljive čvorove teksta. Poništite ovu postavku u slučaju da se ovaj element koristi, na primjer, kao vrijednost HTML atributa.', + 'Settings' => 'Postavke', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Prikaži dodatne podatke o datoteci (veličina)', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Snipped-Layouts', + 'Snippet' => 'Isječak', + 'Snippets' => 'Isječci', + 'Source' => 'Izvor (Source)', + 'Space' => 'Prostor', + 'Space Navigation' => 'Navigacija prostora', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Stream', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => 'Stil', + 'Submit' => 'Potvrdi', + 'Template' => 'Predložak', + 'Templates' => 'Predlošci', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Predlošci vam omogućuju definiranje kombiniranih fragmenata stranice s ugrađenim funkcijama uređivanja.', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Ova radnja zahtijeva instancu ownerContentId ili ownerContent!', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Za ovu je radnju potreban templateId ili instanca predloška!', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Ovaj spremnik ne dopušta daljnje predmete!', + 'Title' => 'Naziv', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Top navigacija', + 'Type' => 'Vrsta', + 'Upload image' => 'Dodaj sliku', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Izbornik korisničkog računa (Postavke)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Hoće li ugrađivati rezultat određenog URL-a kao element iframe-a.', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Hoće li preusmjeriti zahtjeve na zadani (relativni ili apsolutni) url.', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Sa stranicama temeljenim na PHP-u možete stvoriti prilagođene stranice pomoću pregleda datoteka u vašem datotečnom sustavu. Molimo provjerite konfiguraciju modula za više informacija.', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Bez dodavanja u navigaciju (izravna veza)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/hr/models_Page.php b/messages/hr/models_Page.php index 09e37390..764e6c53 100644 --- a/messages/hr/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/hr/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Sažetak', - 'Navigation' => 'Navigacija', - 'Only visible for admins' => 'Vidljivo samo za administratore', - 'Open in new window' => 'Otvori u novom prozoru', - 'Url shortcut' => 'Prečac za URL', - 'View' => 'Vidi', - 'page' => 'stranica', - 'Visibility' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => 'Sažetak', + 'Navigation' => 'Navigacija', + 'Only visible for admins' => 'Vidljivo samo za administratore', + 'Open in new window' => 'Otvori u novom prozoru', + 'Url shortcut' => 'Prečac za URL', + 'View' => 'Vidi', + 'Visibility' => 'Vidljivost', + 'page' => 'stranica', +); diff --git a/messages/hu/base.php b/messages/hu/base.php index 699b16b0..ab9f5c3b 100644 --- a/messages/hu/base.php +++ b/messages/hu/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => 'Egyedi oldalak', - 'Edit snippet' => 'Oldalmenük szerkesztése', - 'Add' => 'Hozzáadás', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Fájlikon hozzáadása a cím előtt', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'HTML tartalom hozzáadása az oldaladhoz.', - 'Advanced' => 'Haladó', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Lehetővé teszi a felhasználó számára az egyéni oldalak kezelését.', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Lehetővé teszi oldalak (markdown, iframe vagy linkek) hozzáadását a közösségi navigációhoz', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Lehetővé teszi tartalom hozzáadását MarkDown szintaxisban.', - 'Alternate text' => 'Alternatív szöveg', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'A gyártási környezeten kívül mindig készíts biztonsági mentést a nézet fájlokról!', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Ha az engedélyezett sablon mezőt üresen hagyod, akkor az összes tároló-sablon engedélyezve lesz ehhez a tárolóhoz.', - 'Back' => 'Vissza', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Vissza az áttekintésre', - 'Back to overview' => 'Vissza az áttekintésre', - 'Back to space' => 'Vissza a közösséghez', - 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Kezelheti az egyedi oldalakat', - 'Cancel' => 'Mégsem', - 'Close' => 'Bezár', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguráció', - 'Containers' => 'Tárolók', - 'Content' => 'Tartalom', - 'Create new {type}' => 'Új {type} létrehozása', - 'Css Class' => 'CSS osztály', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Egyedi oldalak', - 'Custom pages' => 'Egyedi oldalak', - 'Dashboard' => 'Áttekintés', - 'Default' => 'Alapértelmezett', - 'Default Content' => 'Alapértelmezett tartalom', - 'Delete' => 'Törlés', - 'Edit' => 'Szerkesztés', - 'Edit Page' => 'Oldal szerkesztése', - 'Empty' => 'Üres', - 'File' => 'Fájl', - 'Footer menu' => 'Lábléc menü', - 'General' => 'Általános', - 'Html' => 'HTML', - 'Iframe' => 'Beágyazott (iFrame)', - 'Invalid type selection' => 'Érvénytelen típusválasztás', - 'Item name' => 'Elem neve', - 'Layouts' => 'Elrendezések', - 'Link' => 'Hivatkozás', - 'MarkDown' => 'Legördülő menü', - 'Menu settings' => 'Menübeállítások', - 'Off' => 'Kikapcsolás', - 'On' => 'Engedélyezés', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Ezen az oldalon éred el egyedi oldalaid általános beállításait.', - 'Overview' => 'Áttekintés', - 'PHP' => 'PHP', - 'Pages' => 'Oldalak', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Kérjük, válasszon a következő tartalomtípusok egyikéből. A tartalom típusa határozza meg, hogy a tartalma hogyan ágyazódik be a webhelyére.', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Ne feledd, hogy a php-alapú oldalak biztonsági réseknek vannak kitéve, különösen a felhasználói bevitel kezelésekor. További információért, ld. Yii biztonsági tanácsai.', - 'Reset' => 'Visszaállítás', - 'Save' => 'Mentés', - 'Saved' => 'Mentve!', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Csak a látható szöveges csomópontoknál válassza ezt a beállítást. Törölje a jelet arról az esetről, ha ezt az elemet például HTML attribútum értékként használják.', - 'Settings' => 'Beállítások', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Mutassa a további fájlinformációkat (méret)', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Snippet-elrendezések', - 'Snippets' => 'Kódrészletek (snippet)', - 'Source' => 'Forrás', - 'Space Navigation' => 'Space Navigáció', - 'Stream' => 'Hírfolyam', - 'Stream options' => 'Streamelési lehetőségek', - 'Style' => 'Stílus', - 'Submit' => 'Küldés', - 'Template' => 'Sablon', - 'Templates' => 'Sablonok', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'A sablonok segítségével kombinálható oldaltöredékek definiálhatók az inline szerkesztési funkciókkal.', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Ehhez a művelethez ownerContentId vagy ownerContent példány szükséges!', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Ehhez a művelethez templateId vagy template példány szükséges!', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Ez a tároló nem engedélyez további elemeket!', - 'Title' => 'Cím', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Felső navigáció', - 'Type' => 'Típus', - 'Upload image' => 'Kép feltöltése', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Felhasználói menü (Beállítások)', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Beágyazza egy adott url eredményét iframe elemként.', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Átirányítja a kéréseket egy adott (relatív vagy abszolút) URL-re.', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'A PHP-alapú oldalakkal egyedi oldalakat hozhatsz létre a fájlrendszereden belüli nézetfájlok segítségével. További információkért tekintsd meg a modul konfigurációját.', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'A navigációhoz való hozzáadás nélkül (közvetlen link)', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'Egyedi oldalak', + 'Edit snippet' => 'Oldalmenük szerkesztése', + 'Add' => 'Hozzáadás', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Fájlikon hozzáadása a cím előtt', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'HTML tartalom hozzáadása az oldaladhoz.', + 'Advanced' => 'Haladó', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Lehetővé teszi a felhasználó számára az egyéni oldalak kezelését.', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Lehetővé teszi oldalak (markdown, iframe vagy linkek) hozzáadását a közösségi navigációhoz', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Lehetővé teszi tartalom hozzáadását MarkDown szintaxisban.', + 'Alternate text' => 'Alternatív szöveg', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'A gyártási környezeten kívül mindig készíts biztonsági mentést a nézet fájlokról!', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Ha az engedélyezett sablon mezőt üresen hagyod, akkor az összes tároló-sablon engedélyezve lesz ehhez a tárolóhoz.', + 'Back' => 'Vissza', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Vissza az áttekintésre', + 'Back to overview' => 'Vissza az áttekintésre', + 'Back to space' => 'Vissza a közösséghez', + 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Kezelheti az egyedi oldalakat', + 'Cancel' => 'Mégsem', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Bezár', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguráció', + 'Containers' => 'Tárolók', + 'Content' => 'Tartalom', + 'Create new {type}' => 'Új {type} létrehozása', + 'Css Class' => 'CSS osztály', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Egyedi oldalak', + 'Custom pages' => 'Egyedi oldalak', + 'Dashboard' => 'Áttekintés', + 'Default' => 'Alapértelmezett', + 'Default Content' => 'Alapértelmezett tartalom', + 'Delete' => 'Törlés', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Szerkesztés', + 'Edit Page' => 'Oldal szerkesztése', + 'Empty' => 'Üres', + 'File' => 'Fájl', + 'Footer menu' => 'Lábléc menü', + 'General' => 'Általános', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => 'HTML', + 'Iframe' => 'Beágyazott (iFrame)', + 'Insert' => 'Beillesztés', + 'Invalid type selection' => 'Érvénytelen típusválasztás', + 'Item name' => 'Elem neve', + 'Layouts' => 'Elrendezések', + 'Link' => 'Hivatkozás', + 'MarkDown' => 'Legördülő menü', + 'Menu settings' => 'Menübeállítások', + 'Off' => 'Kikapcsolás', + 'On' => 'Engedélyezés', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Ezen az oldalon éred el egyedi oldalaid általános beállításait.', + 'Overview' => 'Áttekintés', + 'PHP' => 'PHP', + 'Page' => 'Oldal', + 'Pages' => 'Oldalak', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Kérjük, válasszon a következő tartalomtípusok egyikéből. A tartalom típusa határozza meg, hogy a tartalma hogyan ágyazódik be a webhelyére.', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Ne feledd, hogy a php-alapú oldalak biztonsági réseknek vannak kitéve, különösen a felhasználói bevitel kezelésekor. További információért, ld. Yii biztonsági tanácsai.', + 'Reset' => 'Visszaállítás', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Mentés', + 'Saved' => 'Mentve!', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Csak a látható szöveges csomópontoknál válassza ezt a beállítást. Törölje a jelet arról az esetről, ha ezt az elemet például HTML attribútum értékként használják.', + 'Settings' => 'Beállítások', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Mutassa a további fájlinformációkat (méret)', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Snippet-elrendezések', + 'Snippet' => 'Kódrészlet (snippet)', + 'Snippets' => 'Kódrészletek (snippet)', + 'Source' => 'Forrás', + 'Space' => 'Közösség', + 'Space Navigation' => 'Space Navigáció', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Hírfolyam', + 'Stream options' => 'Streamelési lehetőségek', + 'Style' => 'Stílus', + 'Submit' => 'Küldés', + 'Template' => 'Sablon', + 'Templates' => 'Sablonok', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'A sablonok segítségével kombinálható oldaltöredékek definiálhatók az inline szerkesztési funkciókkal.', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Ehhez a művelethez ownerContentId vagy ownerContent példány szükséges!', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Ehhez a művelethez templateId vagy template példány szükséges!', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Ez a tároló nem engedélyez további elemeket!', + 'Title' => 'Cím', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Felső navigáció', + 'Type' => 'Típus', + 'Upload image' => 'Kép feltöltése', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Felhasználói menü (Beállítások)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Beágyazza egy adott url eredményét iframe elemként.', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Átirányítja a kéréseket egy adott (relatív vagy abszolút) URL-re.', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'A PHP-alapú oldalakkal egyedi oldalakat hozhatsz létre a fájlrendszereden belüli nézetfájlok segítségével. További információkért tekintsd meg a modul konfigurációját.', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'A navigációhoz való hozzáadás nélkül (közvetlen link)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/hu/models_Page.php b/messages/hu/models_Page.php index 00d9442c..3a493706 100644 --- a/messages/hu/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/hu/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Összefoglaló', - 'Navigation' => 'Navigáció', - 'Only visible for admins' => 'Csak adminisztrátorok láthatják', - 'Open in new window' => 'Mutassa új ablakban', - 'Url shortcut' => 'URL shortcut', - 'View' => 'Megtekintés', - 'page' => 'oldal', - 'Visibility' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => 'Összefoglaló', + 'Navigation' => 'Navigáció', + 'Only visible for admins' => 'Csak adminisztrátorok láthatják', + 'Open in new window' => 'Mutassa új ablakban', + 'Url shortcut' => 'URL shortcut', + 'View' => 'Megtekintés', + 'Visibility' => 'Láthatóság', + 'page' => 'oldal', +); diff --git a/messages/it/base.php b/messages/it/base.php index 1bdb149d..93c0dfe1 100644 --- a/messages/it/base.php +++ b/messages/it/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => 'Pagine Personalizzate', - 'Edit snippet' => 'Modifica snippet', - 'Add' => 'Aggiungi', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Aggiungi un\'icona prima del titolo', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Aggiunge contenuto HTML al tuo sito.', - 'Advanced' => 'Avanzate', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Consente all\'utente di gestire pagine personalizzate.', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Permette di aggiungere pagine (markdown, iframe o link) al menu dello spazio', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Ti permette di aggiungere contenuti nella sintassi MarkDown.', - 'Alternate text' => 'Testo alternativo', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Effettua sempre un backup dei tuoi view file al di fuori del tuo ambiente di produzione!', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Una selezione modello vuota consentirà tutti i modelli di contenitore per questo contenitore.', - 'Back' => 'Indietro', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Torna alla bacheca', - 'Back to overview' => 'Torna alla panoramica', - 'Back to space' => 'Torna allo spazio', - 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Può gestire pagine personalizzate', - 'Cancel' => 'Annulla', - 'Close' => 'Chiudi', - 'Configuration' => 'Configurazione', - 'Containers' => 'Contenitori', - 'Content' => 'Contenuto', - 'Create new {type}' => 'Crea nuovo {type}', - 'Css Class' => 'Classe CSS', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Pagine personalizzate', - 'Custom pages' => 'Pagine personalizzate', - 'Dashboard' => 'Bacheca', - 'Default' => 'Predefinito', - 'Default Content' => 'Contenuto predefinito', - 'Delete' => 'Cancella', - 'Edit' => 'Modifica', - 'Edit Page' => 'Modifica pagina', - 'Empty' => 'Vuoto', - 'File' => 'File', - 'Footer menu' => 'Menu fondo pagina', - 'General' => 'Generale', - 'Html' => 'Html', - 'Iframe' => 'IFrame', - 'Invalid type selection' => 'Selezione tipo invalida', - 'Item name' => 'Nome IFrame', - 'Layouts' => 'Layout', - 'Link' => 'Link', - 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', - 'Menu settings' => 'Impostazioni del menu', - 'Off' => 'Off', - 'On' => 'On', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'In questa pagina puoi configurare le impostazioni generali delle tue pagine personalizzate.', - 'Overview' => 'Panoramica', - 'PHP' => 'PHP', - 'Pages' => 'Pagine', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Scegli uno dei seguenti tipi di contenuto. Il tipo di contenuto definisce il modo in cui il contenuto viene incorporato nel tuo sito.', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Si prega di tenere presente che le pagine basate su php sono vulnerabili ai problemi di sicurezza, specialmente quando si gestisce l\'input dell\'utente. Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta le Best practice sulla sicurezza di Yii .', - 'Reset' => 'Reset', - 'Save' => 'Salva', - 'Saved' => 'Salvato', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Seleziona questa impostazione solo per i nodi di testo visibili. Deseleziona questa impostazione nel caso in cui questo elemento venga utilizzato, ad esempio, come valore dell\'attributo HTML.', - 'Settings' => 'Impostazioni', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Mostra informazioni file aggiuntive (dimensioni)', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Layout snipped', - 'Snippets' => 'Snippet', - 'Source' => 'Sorgente', - 'Space Navigation' => 'Naviga nello space', - 'Stream' => 'Stream', - 'Stream options' => 'Opzioni dello stream', - 'Style' => 'Stile', - 'Submit' => 'Invia', - 'Template' => 'Modello', - 'Templates' => 'Modelli', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'I modelli permettono di definire parti di pagine combinabili con funzionalità in linea', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Questa azione necessita una istanza ownerContentId o ownerContent !', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Questa azione richiede una istanza templateid o template', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Questo contenitore non permette altri oggetti!', - 'Title' => 'Titolo', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Top Menu', - 'Type' => 'Tipo', - 'Upload image' => 'Carica immagine', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Menu impostazione per utenti', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Incorporerà il risultato di un determinato URL come elemento iframe.', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Reindirizzerà le richieste a un determinato URL (relativo o assoluto).', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Con le pagine basate su PHP è possibile creare pagine personalizzate tramite i view file nel proprio file system. Si prega di verificare la configurazione del modulo per ulteriori informazioni.', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Senza aggiungere al menu (collegamento diretto)', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'Pagine Personalizzate', + 'Edit snippet' => 'Modifica snippet', + 'Add' => 'Aggiungi', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Aggiungi un\'icona prima del titolo', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Aggiunge contenuto HTML al tuo sito.', + 'Advanced' => 'Avanzate', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Consente all\'utente di gestire pagine personalizzate.', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Permette di aggiungere pagine (markdown, iframe o link) al menu dello spazio', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Ti permette di aggiungere contenuti nella sintassi MarkDown.', + 'Alternate text' => 'Testo alternativo', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Effettua sempre un backup dei tuoi view file al di fuori del tuo ambiente di produzione!', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Una selezione modello vuota consentirà tutti i modelli di contenitore per questo contenitore.', + 'Back' => 'Indietro', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Torna alla bacheca', + 'Back to overview' => 'Torna alla panoramica', + 'Back to space' => 'Torna allo spazio', + 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Può gestire pagine personalizzate', + 'Cancel' => 'Annulla', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Chiudi', + 'Configuration' => 'Configurazione', + 'Containers' => 'Contenitori', + 'Content' => 'Contenuto', + 'Create new {type}' => 'Crea nuovo {type}', + 'Css Class' => 'Classe CSS', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Pagine personalizzate', + 'Custom pages' => 'Pagine personalizzate', + 'Dashboard' => 'Bacheca', + 'Default' => 'Predefinito', + 'Default Content' => 'Contenuto predefinito', + 'Delete' => 'Cancella', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Modifica', + 'Edit Page' => 'Modifica pagina', + 'Empty' => 'Vuoto', + 'File' => 'File', + 'Footer menu' => 'Menu fondo pagina', + 'General' => 'Generale', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => 'Html', + 'Iframe' => 'IFrame', + 'Insert' => 'Inserisci', + 'Invalid type selection' => 'Selezione tipo invalida', + 'Item name' => 'Nome IFrame', + 'Layouts' => 'Layout', + 'Link' => 'Link', + 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', + 'Menu settings' => 'Impostazioni del menu', + 'Off' => 'Off', + 'On' => 'On', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'In questa pagina puoi configurare le impostazioni generali delle tue pagine personalizzate.', + 'Overview' => 'Panoramica', + 'PHP' => 'PHP', + 'Page' => 'Pagina', + 'Pages' => 'Pagine', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Scegli uno dei seguenti tipi di contenuto. Il tipo di contenuto definisce il modo in cui il contenuto viene incorporato nel tuo sito.', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Si prega di tenere presente che le pagine basate su php sono vulnerabili ai problemi di sicurezza, specialmente quando si gestisce l\'input dell\'utente. Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta le Best practice sulla sicurezza di Yii .', + 'Reset' => 'Reset', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Salva', + 'Saved' => 'Salvato', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Seleziona questa impostazione solo per i nodi di testo visibili. Deseleziona questa impostazione nel caso in cui questo elemento venga utilizzato, ad esempio, come valore dell\'attributo HTML.', + 'Settings' => 'Impostazioni', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Mostra informazioni file aggiuntive (dimensioni)', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Layout snipped', + 'Snippet' => 'Snippet', + 'Snippets' => 'Snippet', + 'Source' => 'Sorgente', + 'Space' => 'Spazio', + 'Space Navigation' => 'Naviga nello space', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Stream', + 'Stream options' => 'Opzioni dello stream', + 'Style' => 'Stile', + 'Submit' => 'Invia', + 'Template' => 'Modello', + 'Templates' => 'Modelli', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'I modelli permettono di definire parti di pagine combinabili con funzionalità in linea', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Questa azione necessita una istanza ownerContentId o ownerContent !', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Questa azione richiede una istanza templateid o template', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Questo contenitore non permette altri oggetti!', + 'Title' => 'Titolo', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Top Menu', + 'Type' => 'Tipo', + 'Upload image' => 'Carica immagine', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Menu impostazione per utenti', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Incorporerà il risultato di un determinato URL come elemento iframe.', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Reindirizzerà le richieste a un determinato URL (relativo o assoluto).', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Con le pagine basate su PHP è possibile creare pagine personalizzate tramite i view file nel proprio file system. Si prega di verificare la configurazione del modulo per ulteriori informazioni.', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Senza aggiungere al menu (collegamento diretto)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/it/models_Page.php b/messages/it/models_Page.php index c20b707a..46da4b6f 100644 --- a/messages/it/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/it/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Abstract', - 'Navigation' => 'Navigazione', - 'Only visible for admins' => 'Visibile solamente agli amministratori', - 'Open in new window' => 'Apri in una nuova finestra', - 'Url shortcut' => 'Scorciatoia Url', - 'View' => 'Vista', - 'page' => 'pagina', - 'Visibility' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => 'Abstract', + 'Navigation' => 'Navigazione', + 'Only visible for admins' => 'Visibile solamente agli amministratori', + 'Open in new window' => 'Apri in una nuova finestra', + 'Url shortcut' => 'Scorciatoia Url', + 'View' => 'Vista', + 'Visibility' => 'Visibilità', + 'page' => 'pagina', +); diff --git a/messages/ko/base.php b/messages/ko/base.php index f7168999..d5470023 100644 --- a/messages/ko/base.php +++ b/messages/ko/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ '고급', - 'Back' => '돌아가기', - 'Back to dashboard' => '대시보드로 돌아가기', - 'Back to overview' => '개요로 돌아가기', - 'Cancel' => '취소', - 'Close' => '닫기', - 'Configuration' => '구성', - 'Content' => '함유량', - 'Dashboard' => '대시보드', - 'Default' => '기본', - 'Delete' => '삭제', - 'Edit' => '편집', - 'General' => '일반', - 'Save' => '저장', - 'Saved' => '저장됨', - 'Settings' => '설정', - 'Title' => '제목', - 'Type' => '형식', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Edit snippet' => '', - 'Add' => '', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', - 'Alternate text' => '', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', - 'Back to space' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Containers' => '', - 'Create new {type}' => '', - 'Css Class' => '', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Custom pages' => '', - 'Default Content' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Edit Page' => '', - 'Empty' => '', - 'File' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Html' => '', - 'Iframe' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Invalid type selection' => '', - 'Item name' => '', - 'Layouts' => '', - 'Link' => '', - 'MarkDown' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Off' => '', - 'On' => '', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', - 'Overview' => '', - 'PHP' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Pages' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', - 'Reset' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Snippets' => '', - 'Source' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Submit' => '', - 'Template' => '', - 'Templates' => '', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', - 'Top Navigation' => '', - 'Upload image' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => '', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Edit snippet' => '', + 'Add' => '', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', + 'Advanced' => '고급', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', + 'Alternate text' => '', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', + 'Back' => '돌아가기', + 'Back to dashboard' => '대시보드로 돌아가기', + 'Back to overview' => '개요로 돌아가기', + 'Back to space' => '', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => '취소', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => '닫기', + 'Configuration' => '구성', + 'Containers' => '', + 'Content' => '함유량', + 'Create new {type}' => '', + 'Css Class' => '', + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Custom pages' => '', + 'Dashboard' => '대시보드', + 'Default' => '기본', + 'Default Content' => '', + 'Delete' => '삭제', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => '편집', + 'Edit Page' => '', + 'Empty' => '', + 'File' => '', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => '일반', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => '', + 'Iframe' => '', + 'Insert' => '삽입', + 'Invalid type selection' => '', + 'Item name' => '', + 'Layouts' => '', + 'Link' => '', + 'MarkDown' => '', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => '', + 'On' => '', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', + 'Overview' => '', + 'PHP' => '', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => '', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', + 'Reset' => '', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => '저장', + 'Saved' => '저장됨', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => '설정', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', + 'Snippet' => '', + 'Snippets' => '', + 'Source' => '', + 'Space' => '방', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => '스트림', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => '', + 'Submit' => '확인', + 'Template' => '', + 'Templates' => '', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', + 'Title' => '제목', + 'Top Navigation' => '', + 'Type' => '형식', + 'Upload image' => '', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => '', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/ko/models_HtmlType.php b/messages/ko/models_HtmlType.php index 06787c2c..f299d9ba 100644 --- a/messages/ko/models_HtmlType.php +++ b/messages/ko/models_HtmlType.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'Attach Files' => '첨부파일', +); diff --git a/messages/ko/models_Page.php b/messages/ko/models_Page.php index 58dd7f4e..07f164ff 100644 --- a/messages/ko/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/ko/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ '', - 'Navigation' => '', - 'Only visible for admins' => '', - 'Open in new window' => '', - 'Url shortcut' => '', - 'View' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', - 'page' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => '', + 'Only visible for admins' => '', + 'Open in new window' => '', + 'Url shortcut' => '', + 'View' => '', + 'Visibility' => '공개여부', + 'page' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/ko/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php b/messages/ko/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php index 7ea2b76e..8f814890 100644 --- a/messages/ko/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php +++ b/messages/ko/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php @@ -1,23 +1,6 @@ '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Width' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Height' => '높이', + 'Style' => '', + 'Width' => '너비', +); diff --git a/messages/ko/visibility.php b/messages/ko/visibility.php index 4687f97d..6d08120b 100644 --- a/messages/ko/visibility.php +++ b/messages/ko/visibility.php @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ '', - 'All Members' => '', - 'Members & Guests' => '', - 'Members only' => '', - 'Public' => '', - 'Space Members only' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Admin only' => '', + 'All Members' => '', + 'Members & Guests' => '', + 'Members only' => '', + 'Public' => '공개', + 'Space Members only' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/lt/base.php b/messages/lt/base.php index 8f53fb0d..4bd27c47 100644 --- a/messages/lt/base.php +++ b/messages/lt/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ 'Atgal', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Atgal į pradžios langa', - 'Cancel' => 'Atšaukti', - 'Close' => 'Uždaryti', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfigūracija', - 'Content' => 'Turinys', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Įprasti puslapiai', - 'Dashboard' => 'Valdymo skydelis', - 'Delete' => 'Ištrinti', - 'Edit' => 'Taisyti', - 'File' => 'Failas', - 'General' => 'Pagrindinis', - 'Link' => 'Nuoroda', - 'Overview' => 'Peržiūra', - 'Save' => 'Išsaugoti', - 'Saved' => 'Išsaugota', - 'Settings' => 'Nustatymai', - 'Stream' => 'Srautas', - 'Submit' => 'Pateikti', - 'Title' => 'Pavadinimas', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Top navigacija', - 'Type' => 'Tipas', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Vartotojo paskyros meniu (nustatymai)', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Edit snippet' => '', - 'Add' => '', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', - 'Advanced' => '', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', - 'Alternate text' => '', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', - 'Back to overview' => '', - 'Back to space' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Containers' => '', - 'Create new {type}' => '', - 'Css Class' => '', - 'Custom pages' => '', - 'Default' => '', - 'Default Content' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Edit Page' => '', - 'Empty' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Html' => '', - 'Iframe' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Invalid type selection' => '', - 'Item name' => '', - 'Layouts' => '', - 'MarkDown' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Off' => '', - 'On' => '', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', - 'PHP' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Pages' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', - 'Reset' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Snippets' => '', - 'Source' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Template' => '', - 'Templates' => '', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', - 'Upload image' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Edit snippet' => '', + 'Add' => '', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', + 'Advanced' => 'Išplėstinis', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', + 'Alternate text' => '', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', + 'Back' => 'Atgal', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Atgal į pradžios langa', + 'Back to overview' => 'Grįžti atgal', + 'Back to space' => '', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => 'Atšaukti', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Uždaryti', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfigūracija', + 'Containers' => '', + 'Content' => 'Turinys', + 'Create new {type}' => '', + 'Css Class' => '', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Įprasti puslapiai', + 'Custom pages' => '', + 'Dashboard' => 'Valdymo skydelis', + 'Default' => 'Numatytas', + 'Default Content' => '', + 'Delete' => 'Ištrinti', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Taisyti', + 'Edit Page' => '', + 'Empty' => '', + 'File' => 'Failas', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'Pagrindinis', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => '', + 'Iframe' => '', + 'Insert' => 'Įterpti', + 'Invalid type selection' => '', + 'Item name' => '', + 'Layouts' => '', + 'Link' => 'Nuoroda', + 'MarkDown' => '', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => '', + 'On' => '', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', + 'Overview' => 'Peržiūra', + 'PHP' => '', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => '', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', + 'Reset' => '', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Išsaugoti', + 'Saved' => 'Išsaugota', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => 'Nustatymai', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', + 'Snippet' => '', + 'Snippets' => '', + 'Source' => 'Šaltinis', + 'Space' => 'Erdvė', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Srautas', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => '', + 'Submit' => 'Pateikti', + 'Template' => '', + 'Templates' => '', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', + 'Title' => 'Pavadinimas', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Top navigacija', + 'Type' => 'Tipas', + 'Upload image' => '', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Vartotojo paskyros meniu (nustatymai)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/lt/models_HtmlType.php b/messages/lt/models_HtmlType.php index 06787c2c..9f40ebe3 100644 --- a/messages/lt/models_HtmlType.php +++ b/messages/lt/models_HtmlType.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'Attach Files' => 'Prisegti failus', +); diff --git a/messages/lt/models_Page.php b/messages/lt/models_Page.php index a78a9b1c..73846778 100644 --- a/messages/lt/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/lt/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Navigacija', - 'View' => 'Peržiūrėti', - 'Abstract' => '', - 'Only visible for admins' => '', - 'Open in new window' => '', - 'Url shortcut' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', - 'page' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => 'Navigacija', + 'Only visible for admins' => '', + 'Open in new window' => '', + 'Url shortcut' => '', + 'View' => 'Peržiūrėti', + 'Visibility' => 'Matomumas', + 'page' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/lt/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php b/messages/lt/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php index 7ea2b76e..a1cfcfd9 100644 --- a/messages/lt/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php +++ b/messages/lt/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php @@ -1,23 +1,6 @@ '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Width' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Height' => 'Aukštis', + 'Style' => '', + 'Width' => 'Plotis', +); diff --git a/messages/lt/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php b/messages/lt/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php index 50182b53..4fa69a35 100644 --- a/messages/lt/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php +++ b/messages/lt/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php @@ -1,22 +1,5 @@ '', - 'Show more' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Show less' => 'Rodyti mažiau', + 'Show more' => 'Rodyti daugiau', +); diff --git a/messages/lv/base.php b/messages/lv/base.php index 1d22cd4d..a79419a3 100644 --- a/messages/lv/base.php +++ b/messages/lv/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ 'Izvērsti', - 'Back' => 'Atpakaļ', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Atpakaļ uz kontrolpaneli', - 'Back to overview' => 'Atpakaļ uz pārskatu', - 'Cancel' => 'Atcelt', - 'Close' => 'Aizvērt', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfigurācija', - 'Content' => 'Saturs', - 'Dashboard' => 'Informācijas panelis', - 'Default' => 'Noklusēts', - 'Delete' => 'Dzēst', - 'Edit' => 'Rediģēt', - 'File' => 'Fails', - 'General' => 'Galvenais', - 'Overview' => 'Pārskats', - 'Save' => 'Saglabāt', - 'Saved' => 'Saglabātie', - 'Settings' => 'Uzstādījumi', - 'Submit' => 'Iesniegt', - 'Title' => 'Nosaukums', - 'Type' => 'Tips', - 'Upload image' => 'Augšupielādēt attēlu', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Edit snippet' => '', - 'Add' => '', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', - 'Alternate text' => '', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', - 'Back to space' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Containers' => '', - 'Create new {type}' => '', - 'Css Class' => '', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Custom pages' => '', - 'Default Content' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Edit Page' => '', - 'Empty' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Html' => '', - 'Iframe' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Invalid type selection' => '', - 'Item name' => '', - 'Layouts' => '', - 'Link' => '', - 'MarkDown' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Off' => '', - 'On' => '', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', - 'PHP' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Pages' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', - 'Reset' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Snippets' => '', - 'Source' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Template' => '', - 'Templates' => '', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', - 'Top Navigation' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => '', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Edit snippet' => '', + 'Add' => '', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', + 'Advanced' => 'Izvērsti', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', + 'Alternate text' => '', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', + 'Back' => 'Atpakaļ', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Atpakaļ uz kontrolpaneli', + 'Back to overview' => 'Atpakaļ uz pārskatu', + 'Back to space' => '', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => 'Atcelt', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Aizvērt', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfigurācija', + 'Containers' => '', + 'Content' => 'Saturs', + 'Create new {type}' => '', + 'Css Class' => '', + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Custom pages' => '', + 'Dashboard' => 'Informācijas panelis', + 'Default' => 'Noklusēts', + 'Default Content' => '', + 'Delete' => 'Dzēst', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Rediģēt', + 'Edit Page' => '', + 'Empty' => '', + 'File' => 'Fails', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'Galvenais', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => '', + 'Iframe' => '', + 'Insert' => '', + 'Invalid type selection' => '', + 'Item name' => '', + 'Layouts' => '', + 'Link' => '', + 'MarkDown' => '', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => '', + 'On' => '', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', + 'Overview' => 'Pārskats', + 'PHP' => '', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => '', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', + 'Reset' => '', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Saglabāt', + 'Saved' => 'Saglabātie', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => 'Uzstādījumi', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', + 'Snippet' => '', + 'Snippets' => '', + 'Source' => '', + 'Space' => 'Vieta', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => '', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => '', + 'Submit' => 'Iesniegt', + 'Template' => '', + 'Templates' => '', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', + 'Title' => 'Nosaukums', + 'Top Navigation' => '', + 'Type' => 'Tips', + 'Upload image' => 'Augšupielādēt attēlu', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => '', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/nb-NO/base.php b/messages/nb-NO/base.php index e3bd5390..2cde3941 100644 --- a/messages/nb-NO/base.php +++ b/messages/nb-NO/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => 'Egne sider', - 'Edit snippet' => 'Rediger infobox', - 'Add' => 'Legg til', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Legg til ikon foran tittel', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Legger til ren HTML til din side', - 'Advanced' => 'Avansert', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Tillater å legge til sider (markdown, iframe eller lenker) til gruppenavigasjon', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Lar deg legge til innhold i MarkDown syntaks', - 'Alternate text' => 'Alternativ text', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Lag alltid en backup av dine visningsfiler utenfor produksjonsmiljøet.', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'La denne stå tom hvis du vil tillate alle Container maler for denne Containeren.', - 'Back' => 'Tilbake', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Tilbake til Aktivitetskalenderen', - 'Back to overview' => 'Tilbake til listen', - 'Back to space' => 'Tilbake til gruppe', - 'Cancel' => 'Avbryt', - 'Close' => 'Lukk', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfigurasjon', - 'Containers' => 'Konteinere', - 'Content' => 'Innhold', - 'Create new {type}' => 'Opprett ny {type}', - 'Css Class' => 'Css klasse', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Egne sider', - 'Custom pages' => 'Egne sider', - 'Dashboard' => 'Oversikt', - 'Default' => 'Standard', - 'Default Content' => 'Standardinnhold', - 'Delete' => 'Slett', - 'Edit' => 'Rediger', - 'Edit Page' => 'Rediger side', - 'Empty' => 'Tom', - 'File' => 'Fil', - 'General' => 'Generelt', - 'Html' => 'Html', - 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', - 'Invalid type selection' => 'Ugyldig valg for type', - 'Item name' => 'Navn på item', - 'Layouts' => 'Layouts', - 'Link' => 'Link', - 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', - 'Off' => 'Av', - 'On' => 'På', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Her konfigurerer du generelle innstillinger for dine Egne sider.', - 'Overview' => 'Oversikt', - 'PHP' => 'PHP', - 'Pages' => 'Sider', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Vær oppmerksom på at sider basert på php kan være sårbare mhp sikkehet, spesielt ved håndtering av bruker-input. For mer informasjon, se Yii\'s Security best practices.', - 'Reset' => 'Reset', - 'Save' => 'Lagre', - 'Saved' => 'Lagret', - 'Settings' => 'Innstillinger', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Vis tilleggsinformasjon for fil (størrelse)', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Infobox-layouts (snippet)', - 'Snippets' => 'Infoboxer (snippet)', - 'Source' => 'Kilde', - 'Stream' => 'Nyhetsstrøm', - 'Style' => 'Stil', - 'Submit' => 'Send', - 'Template' => 'Mal', - 'Templates' => 'Maler', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Maler lar deg definere kombinerbare side-elementer med inline redigeringsmuligheter.', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'For å utføre denne handlingen trengs en ownerContentId eller ownerContent!', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'For å utføre denne handlingen trengs en templateId eller en template!', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Denne konteineren kan ikke ha flere elementer.', - 'Title' => 'Tittel', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Toppnavigering', - 'Type' => 'Type', - 'Upload image' => 'Last opp bilde', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Brukerkonto meny (Innstillinger)', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Vil embedde (innbake) resultatet av en gitt url som et iframe element.', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Videresender bruker til en gitt (relativ eller absolutt) url.', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Med PHP baserte sider kan du lage dine egne sider. Sjekk ut konfigurasjon under modulen for mer informasjon.', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Uten å legge til navigering (direkte link)', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'Egne sider', + 'Edit snippet' => 'Rediger infobox', + 'Add' => 'Legg til', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Legg til ikon foran tittel', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Legger til ren HTML til din side', + 'Advanced' => 'Avansert', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Tillater å legge til sider (markdown, iframe eller lenker) til gruppenavigasjon', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Lar deg legge til innhold i MarkDown syntaks', + 'Alternate text' => 'Alternativ text', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Lag alltid en backup av dine visningsfiler utenfor produksjonsmiljøet.', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'La denne stå tom hvis du vil tillate alle Container maler for denne Containeren.', + 'Back' => 'Tilbake', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Tilbake til Aktivitetskalenderen', + 'Back to overview' => 'Tilbake til listen', + 'Back to space' => 'Tilbake til gruppe', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => 'Avbryt', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Lukk', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfigurasjon', + 'Containers' => 'Konteinere', + 'Content' => 'Innhold', + 'Create new {type}' => 'Opprett ny {type}', + 'Css Class' => 'Css klasse', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Egne sider', + 'Custom pages' => 'Egne sider', + 'Dashboard' => 'Oversikt', + 'Default' => 'Standard', + 'Default Content' => 'Standardinnhold', + 'Delete' => 'Slett', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Rediger', + 'Edit Page' => 'Rediger side', + 'Empty' => 'Tom', + 'File' => 'Fil', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'Generelt', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => 'Html', + 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', + 'Insert' => 'Sett inn', + 'Invalid type selection' => 'Ugyldig valg for type', + 'Item name' => 'Navn på item', + 'Layouts' => 'Layouts', + 'Link' => 'Link', + 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => 'Av', + 'On' => 'På', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Her konfigurerer du generelle innstillinger for dine Egne sider.', + 'Overview' => 'Oversikt', + 'PHP' => 'PHP', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => 'Sider', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Vær oppmerksom på at sider basert på php kan være sårbare mhp sikkehet, spesielt ved håndtering av bruker-input. For mer informasjon, se Yii\'s Security best practices.', + 'Reset' => 'Reset', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Lagre', + 'Saved' => 'Lagret', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => 'Innstillinger', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Vis tilleggsinformasjon for fil (størrelse)', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Infobox-layouts (snippet)', + 'Snippet' => 'Snippet', + 'Snippets' => 'Infoboxer (snippet)', + 'Source' => 'Kilde', + 'Space' => 'Gruppe', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Nyhetsstrøm', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => 'Stil', + 'Submit' => 'Send', + 'Template' => 'Mal', + 'Templates' => 'Maler', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Maler lar deg definere kombinerbare side-elementer med inline redigeringsmuligheter.', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'For å utføre denne handlingen trengs en ownerContentId eller ownerContent!', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'For å utføre denne handlingen trengs en templateId eller en template!', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Denne konteineren kan ikke ha flere elementer.', + 'Title' => 'Tittel', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Toppnavigering', + 'Type' => 'Type', + 'Upload image' => 'Last opp bilde', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Brukerkonto meny (Innstillinger)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Vil embedde (innbake) resultatet av en gitt url som et iframe element.', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Videresender bruker til en gitt (relativ eller absolutt) url.', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Med PHP baserte sider kan du lage dine egne sider. Sjekk ut konfigurasjon under modulen for mer informasjon.', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Uten å legge til navigering (direkte link)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/nb-NO/models_Page.php b/messages/nb-NO/models_Page.php index 5be79e3b..72b2461e 100644 --- a/messages/nb-NO/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/nb-NO/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Navigering', - 'Only visible for admins' => 'Kun synlig for administratorer', - 'Open in new window' => 'Åpne i nytt vindu', - 'Url shortcut' => 'Url snarvei', - 'View' => 'Visning', - 'page' => 'side', - 'Abstract' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => 'Navigering', + 'Only visible for admins' => 'Kun synlig for administratorer', + 'Open in new window' => 'Åpne i nytt vindu', + 'Url shortcut' => 'Url snarvei', + 'View' => 'Visning', + 'Visibility' => 'Synlighet', + 'page' => 'side', +); diff --git a/messages/nl/models_Page.php b/messages/nl/models_Page.php index 948e49ed..6fb26093 100644 --- a/messages/nl/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/nl/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Samenvatting', - 'Navigation' => 'Navigatie', - 'Only visible for admins' => 'Alleen zichtbaar voor beheerders', - 'Open in new window' => 'Openen in een nieuw venster', - 'Url shortcut' => 'URL-snelkoppeling', - 'View' => 'View', - 'page' => 'Pagina', - 'Visibility' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => 'Samenvatting', + 'Navigation' => 'Navigatie', + 'Only visible for admins' => 'Alleen zichtbaar voor beheerders', + 'Open in new window' => 'Openen in een nieuw venster', + 'Url shortcut' => 'URL-snelkoppeling', + 'View' => 'View', + 'Visibility' => 'Zichtbaarheid', + 'page' => 'Pagina', +); diff --git a/messages/pl/base.php b/messages/pl/base.php index 34530ca2..cfc2f909 100644 --- a/messages/pl/base.php +++ b/messages/pl/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => 'Niestandardowe strony', - 'Edit snippet' => 'Edytuj snippet', - 'Add' => 'Dodaj', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Dodaj ikonę pliku przed jego tytułem', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Dodaj czysty HTML do Twojej strony.', - 'Advanced' => 'Zaawansowany', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Pozwala użytkownikowi zarządzać stronami niestandardowymi.', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Pozwala na dodanie stron(markdown, iframe oraz odnośników) do nawigacji strefy', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Pozwala na dodanie zawartośći w składni MarkDown.', - 'Alternate text' => 'Tekst alternatywny', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Zawsze twórz kopie zapasową swoich plików widoku środowiska produkcyjnego!', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Wybór pustego szablonu da dostęp wszystkim szablonom kontenerów do tego kontenera.', - 'Back' => 'Powrót', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Powrót do pulpitu', - 'Back to overview' => 'Powrót do przeglądu', - 'Back to space' => 'Powrót do strefy', - 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Może zarządzać stronami niestandardowymi', - 'Cancel' => 'Anuluj', - 'Close' => 'Zamknij', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguracja', - 'Containers' => 'Kontenery', - 'Content' => 'Zawartość', - 'Create new {type}' => 'Utwórz nowy {type}', - 'Css Class' => 'Klasa CSS', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Własne strony', - 'Custom pages' => 'Niestandardowe strony', - 'Dashboard' => 'Pulpit', - 'Default' => 'Domyślne', - 'Default Content' => 'Domyślna zawartość', - 'Delete' => 'Usuń', - 'Edit' => 'Edytuj', - 'Edit Page' => 'Edytuj stronę', - 'Empty' => 'Puste', - 'File' => 'Plik', - 'General' => 'Ogólne', - 'Html' => 'Html', - 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', - 'Invalid type selection' => 'Wybór nieprawidłowego typu', - 'Item name' => 'Nazwa rzeczy', - 'Layouts' => 'Wyglądy', - 'Link' => 'Odnośnik', - 'MarkDown' => 'Znaczniki MarkDown', - 'Menu settings' => 'Ustawienia Menu', - 'Off' => 'Wyłącz', - 'On' => 'Włącz', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Na tejs tronie możesz skonfigurować ogólne ustawienia dla niestandardowych stron.', - 'Overview' => 'Przegląd', - 'PHP' => 'PHP', - 'Pages' => 'Strony', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Wybierz jedną z podanych typów treści. Typy treści definiują jak treść jest zaarta na Twojej stronie.', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Pamiętaj, że strony używające php są podatne na luki bezpieczeństwa, a w szczególności przyjmując dane od użytkownika. Po więcej informacji sprawdź Najlepsze praktyki bezpieczeństwa Yii.', - 'Reset' => 'Zresetuj', - 'Save' => 'Zapisz', - 'Saved' => 'Zapisano', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Wybierz to ustawienie dla widoczności wyłącznie tekstowych węzłów.', - 'Settings' => 'Ustawienia', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Pokaż dodatkowe informacje o pliku (rozmiar)', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Fragmenty-Wygląd', - 'Snippets' => 'Fragmenty', - 'Source' => 'Żródło', - 'Space Navigation' => 'Nawigacja Strefy', - 'Stream' => 'Strumień', - 'Stream options' => 'Opcje strumienia', - 'Style' => 'Styl', - 'Submit' => 'Wyślij', - 'Template' => 'Szablon', - 'Templates' => 'Szablony', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Szablony pozwalają na stworzenie możliwych do łączenia fragmentów stron z wbudowana funkcją edycji.', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Ta akcja wymaga instancji ownerContentId lub ownerContent!', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Ta akcja wymaga instancji templateId lub template!', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Ten kontener nie zezwala na więcej rzeczy!', - 'Title' => 'Tytuł', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Górna nawigacja', - 'Type' => 'Rodzaj', - 'Upload image' => 'Wgraj obrazek', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Konto użytkownika (Ustawienia)', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Dołączy wynik podanego adresu jako element iframe.', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Przekieruje żądanie do podanej (relatywnej lub stałej) strony.', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Możesz tworzyć niestandardowe strony oparte na PHP służące do przeglądania plików systemowych. Sprawdź moduł konfiguracji w celu uzyskania informacji.', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Bez dodawania do nawigacji (odnośnik bezpośredni)', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'Niestandardowe strony', + 'Edit snippet' => 'Edytuj snippet', + 'Add' => 'Dodaj', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Dodaj ikonę pliku przed jego tytułem', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Dodaj czysty HTML do Twojej strony.', + 'Advanced' => 'Zaawansowany', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Pozwala użytkownikowi zarządzać stronami niestandardowymi.', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Pozwala na dodanie stron(markdown, iframe oraz odnośników) do nawigacji strefy', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Pozwala na dodanie zawartośći w składni MarkDown.', + 'Alternate text' => 'Tekst alternatywny', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Zawsze twórz kopie zapasową swoich plików widoku środowiska produkcyjnego!', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Wybór pustego szablonu da dostęp wszystkim szablonom kontenerów do tego kontenera.', + 'Back' => 'Powrót', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Powrót do pulpitu', + 'Back to overview' => 'Powrót do przeglądu', + 'Back to space' => 'Powrót do strefy', + 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Może zarządzać stronami niestandardowymi', + 'Cancel' => 'Anuluj', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Zamknij', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguracja', + 'Containers' => 'Kontenery', + 'Content' => 'Zawartość', + 'Create new {type}' => 'Utwórz nowy {type}', + 'Css Class' => 'Klasa CSS', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Własne strony', + 'Custom pages' => 'Niestandardowe strony', + 'Dashboard' => 'Pulpit', + 'Default' => 'Domyślne', + 'Default Content' => 'Domyślna zawartość', + 'Delete' => 'Usuń', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Edytuj', + 'Edit Page' => 'Edytuj stronę', + 'Empty' => 'Puste', + 'File' => 'Plik', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'Ogólne', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => 'Html', + 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', + 'Insert' => 'Wstaw', + 'Invalid type selection' => 'Wybór nieprawidłowego typu', + 'Item name' => 'Nazwa rzeczy', + 'Layouts' => 'Wyglądy', + 'Link' => 'Odnośnik', + 'MarkDown' => 'Znaczniki MarkDown', + 'Menu settings' => 'Ustawienia Menu', + 'Off' => 'Wyłącz', + 'On' => 'Włącz', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Na tejs tronie możesz skonfigurować ogólne ustawienia dla niestandardowych stron.', + 'Overview' => 'Przegląd', + 'PHP' => 'PHP', + 'Page' => 'Strona', + 'Pages' => 'Strony', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Wybierz jedną z podanych typów treści. Typy treści definiują jak treść jest zaarta na Twojej stronie.', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Pamiętaj, że strony używające php są podatne na luki bezpieczeństwa, a w szczególności przyjmując dane od użytkownika. Po więcej informacji sprawdź Najlepsze praktyki bezpieczeństwa Yii.', + 'Reset' => 'Zresetuj', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Zapisz', + 'Saved' => 'Zapisano', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Wybierz to ustawienie dla widoczności wyłącznie tekstowych węzłów.', + 'Settings' => 'Ustawienia', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Pokaż dodatkowe informacje o pliku (rozmiar)', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Fragmenty-Wygląd', + 'Snippet' => 'Panel', + 'Snippets' => 'Fragmenty', + 'Source' => 'Żródło', + 'Space' => 'Strefa', + 'Space Navigation' => 'Nawigacja Strefy', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Strumień', + 'Stream options' => 'Opcje strumienia', + 'Style' => 'Styl', + 'Submit' => 'Wyślij', + 'Template' => 'Szablon', + 'Templates' => 'Szablony', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Szablony pozwalają na stworzenie możliwych do łączenia fragmentów stron z wbudowana funkcją edycji.', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Ta akcja wymaga instancji ownerContentId lub ownerContent!', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Ta akcja wymaga instancji templateId lub template!', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Ten kontener nie zezwala na więcej rzeczy!', + 'Title' => 'Tytuł', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Górna nawigacja', + 'Type' => 'Rodzaj', + 'Upload image' => 'Wgraj obrazek', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Konto użytkownika (Ustawienia)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Dołączy wynik podanego adresu jako element iframe.', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Przekieruje żądanie do podanej (relatywnej lub stałej) strony.', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Możesz tworzyć niestandardowe strony oparte na PHP służące do przeglądania plików systemowych. Sprawdź moduł konfiguracji w celu uzyskania informacji.', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Bez dodawania do nawigacji (odnośnik bezpośredni)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/pl/models_Page.php b/messages/pl/models_Page.php index 4cc041df..d6cb231a 100644 --- a/messages/pl/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/pl/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Abstrakcyjny', - 'Navigation' => 'Nawigacja', - 'Only visible for admins' => 'Widoczne tylko dla administratorów', - 'Open in new window' => 'Otwórz w nowym oknie', - 'Url shortcut' => 'Skrót adresu', - 'View' => 'Podgląd', - 'page' => 'strona', - 'Visibility' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => 'Abstrakcyjny', + 'Navigation' => 'Nawigacja', + 'Only visible for admins' => 'Widoczne tylko dla administratorów', + 'Open in new window' => 'Otwórz w nowym oknie', + 'Url shortcut' => 'Skrót adresu', + 'View' => 'Podgląd', + 'Visibility' => 'Widzialność', + 'page' => 'strona', +); diff --git a/messages/pt-BR/base.php b/messages/pt-BR/base.php index 877eab56..47b1ad16 100644 --- a/messages/pt-BR/base.php +++ b/messages/pt-BR/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => 'Páginas Personalizadas ', - 'Edit snippet' => ' Editar snippet', - 'Add' => 'Adicionar', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Adicione um ícone de arquivo antes do título', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Adiciona conteúdo HTML simples ao seu site.', - 'Advanced' => 'Avançado', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Permite ao usuário gerenciar páginas personalizadas.', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Permite adicionar páginas (markdown, iframe ou links) na navegação do espaço', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Permite adicionar conteúdo na sintaxe do MarkDown.', - 'Alternate text' => 'Texto alternativo', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Sempre faça um backup de seus arquivos de visualização fora do seu ambiente de produção!', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Uma seleção de modelo permitida vazia permitirá todos os modelos de contêiner desse contêiner.', - 'Back' => 'Voltar', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Voltar ao painel', - 'Back to overview' => 'Voltar ao menu principal', - 'Back to space' => 'Voltar ao espaço', - 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Pode gerenciar páginas personalizadas', - 'Cancel' => 'Cancelar', - 'Close' => 'Fechar', - 'Configuration' => 'Configuração', - 'Containers' => 'Containers', - 'Content' => 'Conteúdo', - 'Create new {type}' => 'Criar novo {type}', - 'Css Class' => 'Classe Css', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Páginas Personalizadas', - 'Custom pages' => 'Páginas personalizadas', - 'Dashboard' => 'Painel', - 'Default' => 'Padrão', - 'Default Content' => 'Conteúdo padrão', - 'Delete' => 'Deletar', - 'Edit' => 'Editar', - 'Edit Page' => 'Editar página', - 'Empty' => 'Vázio', - 'File' => 'Arquivo', - 'General' => 'Geral', - 'Html' => 'Html', - 'Iframe' => 'iframe', - 'Invalid type selection' => 'tipo de seleção inválida', - 'Item name' => 'nome do item', - 'Layouts' => 'layouts', - 'Link' => 'Link', - 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', - 'Off' => 'Off', - 'On' => 'On', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Nesta página você pode definir configurações gerais de suas páginas personalizadas.', - 'Overview' => 'Visão geral', - 'PHP' => 'PHP', - 'Pages' => 'Páginas', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Escolha um dos seguintes tipos de conteúdo. O tipo de conteúdo define como seu conteúdo é incorporado ao seu site.', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Lembre-se de que as páginas baseadas em php são vulneráveis ​​a problemas de segurança, especialmente ao manipular as entradas do usuário. Para mais informações, consulte as práticas recomendadas de segurança do Yii .', - 'Reset' => 'Redfinir', - 'Save' => 'Salvar', - 'Saved' => 'Salvo', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Selecione esta configuração apenas para nós de texto visíveis. Desmarque esta configuração caso este elemento seja usado, por exemplo, como valor de atributo HTML.', - 'Settings' => 'Configurações', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Mostrar informações adicionais sobre o arquivo (tamanho)', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Layouts Recortados', - 'Snippets' => 'Trechos', - 'Source' => 'Origem', - 'Space Navigation' => 'Espaço de navegação', - 'Stream' => 'Stream', - 'Style' => 'Estilo', - 'Submit' => 'Submeter', - 'Template' => 'Modelo', - 'Templates' => 'Modelos', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Os modelos permitem que você defina fragmentos de página combináveis ​​com a funcionalidade de edição in-line.', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Esta ação requer uma instância ownerContentId ou ownerContent!', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Esta ação requer uma instância templateId ou template!', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Este contêiner não permite mais itens!', - 'Title' => 'Título', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Menu Superior', - 'Type' => 'Tipo', - 'Upload image' => 'Upload de imagem', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Menu de Conta do Usuário (Configurações)', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Incorporará o resultado de um determinado URL como um elemento iframe.', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Redirecionará solicitações para um determinado URL (relativo ou absoluto).', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Com páginas baseadas em PHP, você pode criar páginas personalizadas por meio de arquivos de visualização em seu sistema de arquivos. Por favor, verifique a configuração do módulo para mais informações.', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Sem adicionar à navegação (Link direto)', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'Páginas Personalizadas ', + 'Edit snippet' => ' Editar snippet', + 'Add' => 'Adicionar', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Adicione um ícone de arquivo antes do título', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Adiciona conteúdo HTML simples ao seu site.', + 'Advanced' => 'Avançado', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Permite ao usuário gerenciar páginas personalizadas.', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Permite adicionar páginas (markdown, iframe ou links) na navegação do espaço', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Permite adicionar conteúdo na sintaxe do MarkDown.', + 'Alternate text' => 'Texto alternativo', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Sempre faça um backup de seus arquivos de visualização fora do seu ambiente de produção!', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Uma seleção de modelo permitida vazia permitirá todos os modelos de contêiner desse contêiner.', + 'Back' => 'Voltar', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Voltar ao painel', + 'Back to overview' => 'Voltar ao menu principal', + 'Back to space' => 'Voltar ao espaço', + 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Pode gerenciar páginas personalizadas', + 'Cancel' => 'Cancelar', + 'Cannot delete!' => 'Não é possível excluir!', + 'Close' => 'Fechar', + 'Configuration' => 'Configuração', + 'Containers' => 'Containers', + 'Content' => 'Conteúdo', + 'Create new {type}' => 'Criar novo {type}', + 'Css Class' => 'Classe Css', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Páginas Personalizadas', + 'Custom pages' => 'Páginas personalizadas', + 'Dashboard' => 'Painel', + 'Default' => 'Padrão', + 'Default Content' => 'Conteúdo padrão', + 'Delete' => 'Deletar', + 'Deleted.' => 'Excluído.', + 'Edit' => 'Editar', + 'Edit Page' => 'Editar página', + 'Empty' => 'Vázio', + 'File' => 'Arquivo', + 'Footer menu' => 'Menu de rodapé', + 'General' => 'Geral', + 'Global Page' => 'Página global', + 'Global Widget' => 'Widget global', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => 'Aqui você pode revisar onde o modelo é usado.', + 'Html' => 'Html', + 'Iframe' => 'iframe', + 'Insert' => 'Inserir', + 'Invalid type selection' => 'tipo de seleção inválida', + 'Item name' => 'nome do item', + 'Layouts' => 'layouts', + 'Link' => 'Link', + 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', + 'Menu settings' => 'Configurações do menu', + 'Off' => 'Off', + 'On' => 'On', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Nesta página você pode definir configurações gerais de suas páginas personalizadas.', + 'Overview' => 'Visão geral', + 'PHP' => 'PHP', + 'Page' => 'Página', + 'Pages' => 'Páginas', + 'Panel' => 'Painel', + 'People Buttons' => 'Botões de Pessoas', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Escolha um dos seguintes tipos de conteúdo. O tipo de conteúdo define como seu conteúdo é incorporado ao seu site.', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Lembre-se de que as páginas baseadas em php são vulneráveis ​​a problemas de segurança, especialmente ao manipular as entradas do usuário. Para mais informações, consulte as práticas recomendadas de segurança do Yii .', + 'Reset' => 'Redfinir', + 'Reset the content to default value' => 'Redefinir o conteúdo para o valor padrão', + 'Save' => 'Salvar', + 'Saved' => 'Salvo', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Selecione esta configuração apenas para nós de texto visíveis. Desmarque esta configuração caso este elemento seja usado, por exemplo, como valor de atributo HTML.', + 'Settings' => 'Configurações', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Mostrar informações adicionais sobre o arquivo (tamanho)', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Layouts Recortados', + 'Snippet' => 'Fragmento', + 'Snippets' => 'Trechos', + 'Source' => 'Origem', + 'Space' => 'Espaço', + 'Space Navigation' => 'Espaço de navegação', + 'Space Page' => 'Página do Espaço', + 'Space Widget' => 'Widget do Espaço', + 'Stream' => 'Stream', + 'Stream options' => 'Opções de transmissão', + 'Style' => 'Estilo', + 'Submit' => 'Submeter', + 'Template' => 'Modelo', + 'Templates' => 'Modelos', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Os modelos permitem que você defina fragmentos de página combináveis ​​com a funcionalidade de edição in-line.', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Esta ação requer uma instância ownerContentId ou ownerContent!', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Esta ação requer uma instância templateId ou template!', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Este contêiner não permite mais itens!', + 'Title' => 'Título', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Menu Superior', + 'Type' => 'Tipo', + 'Upload image' => 'Upload de imagem', + 'Usage' => 'Uso', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Menu de Conta do Usuário (Configurações)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Incorporará o resultado de um determinado URL como um elemento iframe.', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Redirecionará solicitações para um determinado URL (relativo ou absoluto).', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Com páginas baseadas em PHP, você pode criar páginas personalizadas por meio de arquivos de visualização em seu sistema de arquivos. Por favor, verifique a configuração do módulo para mais informações.', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Sem adicionar à navegação (Link direto)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => 'Envolva esta página HTML com um painel branco', +); diff --git a/messages/pt-BR/components_Container.php b/messages/pt-BR/components_Container.php index f154ab3b..dcfce7ed 100644 --- a/messages/pt-BR/components_Container.php +++ b/messages/pt-BR/components_Container.php @@ -1,17 +1,16 @@ 'Conteúdo', - 'ID' => 'ID', - 'Icon' => 'ìcone', - 'Invalid template selection!' => 'Seleção de modelo inválida!', - 'Invalid view file selection!' => 'Seleção de arquivo de visualização inválida!', - 'Sort Order' => 'Ordem de classificação', - 'Style Class' => 'Classe de Estilo', - 'Target Url' => 'URL Alvo', - 'Template Layout' => 'Layout de modelo', - 'Title' => 'Título', - 'Type' => 'Tipo', - 'Additional IFrame Attributes' => '', - 'Page Content' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Additional IFrame Attributes' => 'Atributos iFrame adicionais', + 'Content' => 'Conteúdo', + 'ID' => 'ID', + 'Icon' => 'ìcone', + 'Invalid template selection!' => 'Seleção de modelo inválida!', + 'Invalid view file selection!' => 'Seleção de arquivo de visualização inválida!', + 'Page Content' => 'Conteúdo da página', + 'Sort Order' => 'Ordem de classificação', + 'Style Class' => 'Classe de Estilo', + 'Target Url' => 'URL Alvo', + 'Template Layout' => 'Layout de modelo', + 'Title' => 'Título', + 'Type' => 'Tipo', +); diff --git a/messages/pt-BR/controllers_TemplateController.php b/messages/pt-BR/controllers_TemplateController.php index ecf64d79..23c10edd 100644 --- a/messages/pt-BR/controllers_TemplateController.php +++ b/messages/pt-BR/controllers_TemplateController.php @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ Edit {type} element' => 'Editar {type} elemento', - 'Access denied!' => 'Acesso negado', - 'Invalid request data!' => 'Dados de solicitação inválidos!', - 'You are not allowed to delete default content!' => 'Você não tem permissão para excluir conteúdo padrão!', - 'Empty content elements cannot be deleted!' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Edit {type} element' => 'Editar {type} elemento', + 'Access denied!' => 'Acesso negado', + 'Empty content elements cannot be deleted!' => 'Elementos de conteúdo vazios não podem ser excluídos!', + 'Invalid request data!' => 'Dados de solicitação inválidos!', + 'You are not allowed to delete default content!' => 'Você não tem permissão para excluir conteúdo padrão!', +); diff --git a/messages/pt-BR/models_Page.php b/messages/pt-BR/models_Page.php index 236ee57b..e48151c4 100644 --- a/messages/pt-BR/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/pt-BR/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Resumo', - 'Navigation' => 'Navegação', - 'Only visible for admins' => 'Visível apenas para administradores', - 'Open in new window' => 'Abrir em uma nova janela', - 'Url shortcut' => 'Atalho de URL', - 'View' => 'Visualizar', - 'page' => 'página', - 'Visibility' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => 'Resumo', + 'Navigation' => 'Navegação', + 'Only visible for admins' => 'Visível apenas para administradores', + 'Open in new window' => 'Abrir em uma nova janela', + 'Url shortcut' => 'Atalho de URL', + 'View' => 'Visualizar', + 'Visibility' => 'Visibilidade', + 'page' => 'página', +); diff --git a/messages/pt-BR/views_common_edit.php b/messages/pt-BR/views_common_edit.php index e4c15abd..91ed3f50 100644 --- a/messages/pt-BR/views_common_edit.php +++ b/messages/pt-BR/views_common_edit.php @@ -1,15 +1,14 @@ URL Rewriting is enabled on your site, the value \'mypage\' will result in an url \'www.example.de/p/mypage\'.' => 'Ao definir um valor de atalho de URL, você pode criar um URL mais legível para sua página. Se Regravação de URL estiver ativada em seu site, o valor "mypage" resultará em um URL "www.example.de/p/mypage".', - 'Configuration' => 'Configuração', - 'Delete' => 'Deletar', - 'Here you can configure the general settings of your {pageLabel}.' => 'Aqui você pode definir as configurações gerais de seu {pageLabel}.', - 'Inline Editor' => 'Editor Inline', - 'The abstract will be used as stream entry content to promote the actual page. +return array ( + 'Info: Pages marked as "Admin Only" are not shown in the stream!' => 'Info: Páginas marcadas como "Somente administrador" não são exibidas no fluxo!', + 'By setting an url shortcut value, you can create a better readable url for your page. If URL Rewriting is enabled on your site, the value \'mypage\' will result in an url \'www.example.de/p/mypage\'.' => 'Ao definir um valor de atalho de URL, você pode criar um URL mais legível para sua página. Se Regravação de URL estiver ativada em seu site, o valor "mypage" resultará em um URL "www.example.de/p/mypage".', + 'Configuration' => 'Configuração', + 'Delete' => 'Deletar', + 'Here you can configure the general settings of your {pageLabel}.' => 'Aqui você pode definir as configurações gerais de seu {pageLabel}.', + 'Inline Editor' => 'Editor Inline', + 'The abstract will be used as stream entry content to promote the actual page. If no abstract is given or the page is only visible for admins, no stream entry will be created.' => 'O resumo será usado como conteúdo de entrada de fluxo para promover a página real. Se nenhum resumo for fornecido ou a página estiver visível apenas para administradores, nenhuma entrada de fluxo será criada.', - 'e.g. http://www.example.de' => 'e.g. http://www.example.de', - 'Info: Pages marked as "Admin Only" are not shown in the stream!' => '', - 'You need to be a system administrator to edit this URL' => '', - 'e.g. allowfullscreen allow="camera; microphone"' => '', -]; + 'You need to be a system administrator to edit this URL' => 'Você precisa ser um administrador de sistema para editar esta URL', + 'e.g. allowfullscreen allow="camera; microphone"' => 'por exemplo allowfullscreen allow="camera; microfone"', + 'e.g. http://www.example.de' => 'e.g. http://www.example.de', +); diff --git a/messages/pt/base.php b/messages/pt/base.php index 46867a61..1d52541a 100644 --- a/messages/pt/base.php +++ b/messages/pt/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => 'Páginas personalizáveis', - 'Edit snippet' => 'Editar trecho', - 'Add' => 'Adicionar', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Adicionar um ícone de ficheiro antes do título', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Adiciona conteúdo em HTML simples ao teu site.', - 'Advanced' => 'Avançado', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Permite a utentes gerir páginas personalizadas.', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Permite adicionar páginas (Markdown, ifram ou ligações) à navegação do espaço', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Permite-te adicionar conteúdo em sintaxe Markdown.', - 'Alternate text' => 'Alternar texto', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Faz sempre uma salvaguarda dos teus ficheiros fora do teu ambiente de produção!', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Uma seleção de modelo permitido vazia irá permitir todos os modelos.', - 'Back' => 'Voltar', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Voltar para o painel', - 'Back to overview' => 'Voltar à vista geral', - 'Back to space' => 'Voltar ao espaço', - 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Pode gerir páginas personalizáveis', - 'Cancel' => 'Cancelar', - 'Close' => 'Fechar', - 'Configuration' => 'Configuração', - 'Containers' => 'Containers', - 'Content' => 'Conteúdo', - 'Create new {type}' => 'Criar novo {type}', - 'Css Class' => 'Classe CSS', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Páginas Personalizáveis', - 'Custom pages' => 'Páginas personalizáveis', - 'Dashboard' => 'Painel', - 'Default' => 'Padrão', - 'Default Content' => 'Conteúdo padrão', - 'Delete' => 'Apagar', - 'Edit' => 'Editar', - 'Edit Page' => 'Editar Página', - 'Empty' => 'Vazio', - 'File' => 'Ficheiro', - 'Footer menu' => 'Menu de rodapé', - 'General' => 'Geral', - 'Html' => 'HTML', - 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', - 'Invalid type selection' => 'Seleção de tipo inválida', - 'Item name' => 'Nome do item', - 'Layouts' => 'Layouts', - 'Link' => 'Ligaçãp', - 'MarkDown' => 'Markdown', - 'Menu settings' => 'Definições do menu', - 'Off' => 'Desligado', - 'On' => 'Ligado', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Nesta página podes configurar as definições gerais das tuas páginas personalizáveis.', - 'Overview' => 'Visão geral', - 'PHP' => 'PHP', - 'Pages' => 'Páginas', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Por favor escolhe um dos seguintes tipos de conteúdo. O tipo de conteúdo define como o teu conteúdo é incorporado no teu sítio.', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Por favor lembra-te que páginas baseadas em PHP são vulneráveis a questões de segurança, especialmente quando lidam com dados intorduzidos por utentes. Para mais informação, por favor consulta as boas práticas de segurança em Yii.', - 'Reset' => 'Recomeçar', - 'Save' => 'Guardar', - 'Saved' => 'Gravado', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Escolher esta definição para nodos de texto visíveis. Não selecionar esta definição no caso deste elemento ser usado, por exemplo, como um valor de atributo HTML.', - 'Settings' => 'Definições', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Mostrar informação adicional do ficheiro (tamanho)', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Layouts de Excertos', - 'Snippets' => 'Excertos', - 'Source' => 'Fonte', - 'Space Navigation' => 'Navegação do Espaço', - 'Stream' => 'Stream', - 'Stream options' => 'Opções do mural', - 'Style' => 'Estilo', - 'Submit' => 'Enviar', - 'Template' => 'Modelo', - 'Templates' => 'Modelos', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Os Modelos permitem-te definir fragmentos de páginas combináveis com funcionalidade de edição em linha.', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Esta acção requer uma instância ownerContentId ou ownerContent!', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Esta acção requer uma instância template ou templateId', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Este container não permite mais nenhum item!', - 'Title' => 'Título', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Navegação de topo', - 'Type' => 'Tipo', - 'Upload image' => 'Carregar imagem', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Menu de Conta (Definições)', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Vai incorporar o resultado de um dado URL como um elemento iframe.', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Irá redirecionar pedidos para um dado URL (relativo ou absoluto).', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Com páginas baseadas em PHP podes criar páginas personalizáveis por meio de ficheiros de vista no teu sistema de ficheiros. Por favor verifica a configuração do módulo para mais informação.', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Sem adicionar à navegação (ligação directa)', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'Páginas personalizáveis', + 'Edit snippet' => 'Editar trecho', + 'Add' => 'Adicionar', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Adicionar um ícone de ficheiro antes do título', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Adiciona conteúdo em HTML simples ao teu site.', + 'Advanced' => 'Avançado', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Permite a utentes gerir páginas personalizadas.', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Permite adicionar páginas (Markdown, ifram ou ligações) à navegação do espaço', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Permite-te adicionar conteúdo em sintaxe Markdown.', + 'Alternate text' => 'Alternar texto', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Faz sempre uma salvaguarda dos teus ficheiros fora do teu ambiente de produção!', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Uma seleção de modelo permitido vazia irá permitir todos os modelos.', + 'Back' => 'Voltar', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Voltar para o painel', + 'Back to overview' => 'Voltar à vista geral', + 'Back to space' => 'Voltar ao espaço', + 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Pode gerir páginas personalizáveis', + 'Cancel' => 'Cancelar', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Fechar', + 'Configuration' => 'Configuração', + 'Containers' => 'Containers', + 'Content' => 'Conteúdo', + 'Create new {type}' => 'Criar novo {type}', + 'Css Class' => 'Classe CSS', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Páginas Personalizáveis', + 'Custom pages' => 'Páginas personalizáveis', + 'Dashboard' => 'Painel', + 'Default' => 'Padrão', + 'Default Content' => 'Conteúdo padrão', + 'Delete' => 'Apagar', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Editar', + 'Edit Page' => 'Editar Página', + 'Empty' => 'Vazio', + 'File' => 'Ficheiro', + 'Footer menu' => 'Menu de rodapé', + 'General' => 'Geral', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => 'HTML', + 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', + 'Insert' => 'Inserir', + 'Invalid type selection' => 'Seleção de tipo inválida', + 'Item name' => 'Nome do item', + 'Layouts' => 'Layouts', + 'Link' => 'Ligaçãp', + 'MarkDown' => 'Markdown', + 'Menu settings' => 'Definições do menu', + 'Off' => 'Desligado', + 'On' => 'Ligado', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Nesta página podes configurar as definições gerais das tuas páginas personalizáveis.', + 'Overview' => 'Visão geral', + 'PHP' => 'PHP', + 'Page' => 'Página', + 'Pages' => 'Páginas', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Por favor escolhe um dos seguintes tipos de conteúdo. O tipo de conteúdo define como o teu conteúdo é incorporado no teu sítio.', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Por favor lembra-te que páginas baseadas em PHP são vulneráveis a questões de segurança, especialmente quando lidam com dados intorduzidos por utentes. Para mais informação, por favor consulta as boas práticas de segurança em Yii.', + 'Reset' => 'Recomeçar', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Guardar', + 'Saved' => 'Gravado', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Escolher esta definição para nodos de texto visíveis. Não selecionar esta definição no caso deste elemento ser usado, por exemplo, como um valor de atributo HTML.', + 'Settings' => 'Definições', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Mostrar informação adicional do ficheiro (tamanho)', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Layouts de Excertos', + 'Snippet' => 'Excerto', + 'Snippets' => 'Excertos', + 'Source' => 'Fonte', + 'Space' => 'Espaço', + 'Space Navigation' => 'Navegação do Espaço', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Stream', + 'Stream options' => 'Opções do mural', + 'Style' => 'Estilo', + 'Submit' => 'Enviar', + 'Template' => 'Modelo', + 'Templates' => 'Modelos', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Os Modelos permitem-te definir fragmentos de páginas combináveis com funcionalidade de edição em linha.', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Esta acção requer uma instância ownerContentId ou ownerContent!', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Esta acção requer uma instância template ou templateId', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Este container não permite mais nenhum item!', + 'Title' => 'Título', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Navegação de topo', + 'Type' => 'Tipo', + 'Upload image' => 'Carregar imagem', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Menu de Conta (Definições)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Vai incorporar o resultado de um dado URL como um elemento iframe.', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Irá redirecionar pedidos para um dado URL (relativo ou absoluto).', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Com páginas baseadas em PHP podes criar páginas personalizáveis por meio de ficheiros de vista no teu sistema de ficheiros. Por favor verifica a configuração do módulo para mais informação.', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Sem adicionar à navegação (ligação directa)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/pt/models_Page.php b/messages/pt/models_Page.php index b1b13ac7..92ea9ee9 100644 --- a/messages/pt/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/pt/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Resumo', - 'Navigation' => 'Navegação', - 'Only visible for admins' => 'Visível apenas para a administração', - 'Open in new window' => 'Abrir em nova janela', - 'Url shortcut' => 'Atalho URL', - 'View' => 'Ver', - 'page' => 'página', - 'Visibility' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => 'Resumo', + 'Navigation' => 'Navegação', + 'Only visible for admins' => 'Visível apenas para a administração', + 'Open in new window' => 'Abrir em nova janela', + 'Url shortcut' => 'Atalho URL', + 'View' => 'Ver', + 'Visibility' => 'Visibilidade', + 'page' => 'página', +); diff --git a/messages/ro/base.php b/messages/ro/base.php index 7860856f..a2b4496e 100644 --- a/messages/ro/base.php +++ b/messages/ro/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ 'Înapoi', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Înapoi la panoul de control', - 'Back to overview' => 'Înapoi la prezentare generală', - 'Cancel' => 'Anulează', - 'Close' => 'Închide', - 'Configuration' => 'Configurare', - 'Content' => 'Conținut', - 'Dashboard' => 'Panou', - 'Default' => 'Implicit', - 'Delete' => 'Șterge', - 'Edit' => 'Editează', - 'File' => 'Fisier', - 'Save' => 'Salvează', - 'Saved' => '저장됨', - 'Settings' => 'Impostatii', - 'Submit' => 'Trimite', - 'Title' => 'Titlul', - 'Type' => 'Tip', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Edit snippet' => '', - 'Add' => '', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', - 'Advanced' => '', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', - 'Alternate text' => '', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', - 'Back to space' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Containers' => '', - 'Create new {type}' => '', - 'Css Class' => '', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Custom pages' => '', - 'Default Content' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Edit Page' => '', - 'Empty' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'General' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Html' => '', - 'Iframe' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Invalid type selection' => '', - 'Item name' => '', - 'Layouts' => '', - 'Link' => '', - 'MarkDown' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Off' => '', - 'On' => '', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', - 'Overview' => '', - 'PHP' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Pages' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', - 'Reset' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Snippets' => '', - 'Source' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Template' => '', - 'Templates' => '', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', - 'Top Navigation' => '', - 'Upload image' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => '', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Edit snippet' => '', + 'Add' => '', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', + 'Advanced' => '', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', + 'Alternate text' => '', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', + 'Back' => 'Înapoi', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Înapoi la panoul de control', + 'Back to overview' => 'Înapoi la prezentare generală', + 'Back to space' => '', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => 'Anulează', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Închide', + 'Configuration' => 'Configurare', + 'Containers' => '', + 'Content' => 'Conținut', + 'Create new {type}' => '', + 'Css Class' => '', + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Custom pages' => '', + 'Dashboard' => 'Panou', + 'Default' => 'Implicit', + 'Default Content' => '', + 'Delete' => 'Șterge', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Editează', + 'Edit Page' => '', + 'Empty' => '', + 'File' => 'Fisier', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => '', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => '', + 'Iframe' => '', + 'Insert' => 'Inserează', + 'Invalid type selection' => '', + 'Item name' => '', + 'Layouts' => '', + 'Link' => '', + 'MarkDown' => '', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => '', + 'On' => '', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', + 'Overview' => '', + 'PHP' => '', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => '', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', + 'Reset' => '', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Salvează', + 'Saved' => '저장됨', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => 'Impostatii', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', + 'Snippet' => '', + 'Snippets' => '', + 'Source' => '', + 'Space' => '', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => '', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => '', + 'Submit' => 'Trimite', + 'Template' => '', + 'Templates' => '', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', + 'Title' => 'Titlul', + 'Top Navigation' => '', + 'Type' => 'Tip', + 'Upload image' => '', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => '', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/ro/models_Page.php b/messages/ro/models_Page.php index 58dd7f4e..4a4e111d 100644 --- a/messages/ro/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/ro/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ '', - 'Navigation' => '', - 'Only visible for admins' => '', - 'Open in new window' => '', - 'Url shortcut' => '', - 'View' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', - 'page' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => '', + 'Only visible for admins' => '', + 'Open in new window' => '', + 'Url shortcut' => '', + 'View' => '', + 'Visibility' => 'Vizibilitate', + 'page' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/ru/base.php b/messages/ru/base.php index 73be7dd0..af08b46a 100644 --- a/messages/ru/base.php +++ b/messages/ru/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ 'Добавить', - 'Advanced' => 'Расширенные', - 'Back' => 'Назад', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Вернуться на главную', - 'Back to overview' => 'Вернуться', - 'Cancel' => 'Отменить', - 'Close' => 'Закрыть', - 'Configuration' => 'Конфигурация', - 'Content' => 'Контент', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Персональные страницы', - 'Dashboard' => 'События', - 'Default' => 'По умолчанию', - 'Delete' => 'Удалить', - 'Edit' => 'Изменить', - 'File' => 'Файл', - 'General' => 'Основная информация', - 'Link' => 'Ссылка', - 'MarkDown' => 'Форматирование', - 'Overview' => 'Обзор', - 'Save' => 'Сохранить', - 'Saved' => 'Сохранено', - 'Settings' => 'Настройки', - 'Source' => 'Источник', - 'Stream' => 'Лента', - 'Submit' => 'Принять', - 'Title' => 'Название', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Лучшие', - 'Type' => 'Тип', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Аккаунт пользователя (настройки)', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Без добавления в навигацию (Прямая ссылка)', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Edit snippet' => '', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', - 'Alternate text' => '', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', - 'Back to space' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Containers' => '', - 'Create new {type}' => '', - 'Css Class' => '', - 'Custom pages' => '', - 'Default Content' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Edit Page' => '', - 'Empty' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Html' => '', - 'Iframe' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Invalid type selection' => '', - 'Item name' => '', - 'Layouts' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Off' => '', - 'On' => '', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', - 'PHP' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Pages' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', - 'Reset' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Snippets' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Template' => '', - 'Templates' => '', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', - 'Upload image' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Edit snippet' => '', + 'Add' => 'Добавить', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', + 'Advanced' => 'Расширенные', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', + 'Alternate text' => '', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', + 'Back' => 'Назад', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Вернуться на главную', + 'Back to overview' => 'Вернуться', + 'Back to space' => '', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => 'Отменить', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Закрыть', + 'Configuration' => 'Конфигурация', + 'Containers' => '', + 'Content' => 'Контент', + 'Create new {type}' => '', + 'Css Class' => '', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Персональные страницы', + 'Custom pages' => '', + 'Dashboard' => 'События', + 'Default' => 'По умолчанию', + 'Default Content' => '', + 'Delete' => 'Удалить', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Изменить', + 'Edit Page' => '', + 'Empty' => '', + 'File' => 'Файл', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'Основная информация', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => '', + 'Iframe' => '', + 'Insert' => 'Вставить', + 'Invalid type selection' => '', + 'Item name' => '', + 'Layouts' => '', + 'Link' => 'Ссылка', + 'MarkDown' => 'Форматирование', + 'Menu settings' => 'Настройки меню', + 'Off' => '', + 'On' => '', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', + 'Overview' => 'Обзор', + 'PHP' => '', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => '', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', + 'Reset' => 'Сброс', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Сохранить', + 'Saved' => 'Сохранено', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => 'Настройки', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', + 'Snippet' => 'Виджет', + 'Snippets' => '', + 'Source' => 'Источник', + 'Space' => 'Сообщество', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Лента', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => '', + 'Submit' => 'Принять', + 'Template' => '', + 'Templates' => '', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', + 'Title' => 'Название', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Лучшие', + 'Type' => 'Тип', + 'Upload image' => '', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Аккаунт пользователя (настройки)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Без добавления в навигацию (Прямая ссылка)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/ru/models_Page.php b/messages/ru/models_Page.php index 3ed85d1d..6fef983e 100644 --- a/messages/ru/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/ru/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Навигация', - 'View' => 'Просмотр', - 'Abstract' => '', - 'Only visible for admins' => '', - 'Open in new window' => '', - 'Url shortcut' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', - 'page' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => 'Навигация', + 'Only visible for admins' => '', + 'Open in new window' => '', + 'Url shortcut' => '', + 'View' => 'Просмотр', + 'Visibility' => 'Отображение', + 'page' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/sk/base.php b/messages/sk/base.php index ff06781f..7452ec15 100644 --- a/messages/sk/base.php +++ b/messages/sk/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ '닫기', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfigurácia', - 'Content' => 'Obsah', - 'Settings' => 'nastavenie', - 'Title' => '제목', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Edit snippet' => '', - 'Add' => '', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', - 'Advanced' => '', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', - 'Alternate text' => '', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', - 'Back' => '', - 'Back to dashboard' => '', - 'Back to overview' => '', - 'Back to space' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cancel' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Containers' => '', - 'Create new {type}' => '', - 'Css Class' => '', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Custom pages' => '', - 'Dashboard' => '', - 'Default' => '', - 'Default Content' => '', - 'Delete' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Edit' => '', - 'Edit Page' => '', - 'Empty' => '', - 'File' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'General' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Html' => '', - 'Iframe' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Invalid type selection' => '', - 'Item name' => '', - 'Layouts' => '', - 'Link' => '', - 'MarkDown' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Off' => '', - 'On' => '', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', - 'Overview' => '', - 'PHP' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Pages' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', - 'Reset' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Save' => '', - 'Saved' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Snippets' => '', - 'Source' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Submit' => '', - 'Template' => '', - 'Templates' => '', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', - 'Top Navigation' => '', - 'Type' => '', - 'Upload image' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => '', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Edit snippet' => '', + 'Add' => 'Pridať', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', + 'Advanced' => 'Rozšírené', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', + 'Alternate text' => '', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', + 'Back' => 'Späť', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Späť na nástenku', + 'Back to overview' => 'Späť na prehľad', + 'Back to space' => '', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => 'Zrušiť', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => '닫기', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfigurácia', + 'Containers' => '', + 'Content' => 'Obsah', + 'Create new {type}' => '', + 'Css Class' => '', + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Custom pages' => '', + 'Dashboard' => 'Nástenka', + 'Default' => 'Východzie', + 'Default Content' => '', + 'Delete' => 'Odstrániť', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Upraviť', + 'Edit Page' => '', + 'Empty' => '', + 'File' => 'Súbor', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'Všeobecné', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => '', + 'Iframe' => '', + 'Insert' => 'Vložiť', + 'Invalid type selection' => '', + 'Item name' => '', + 'Layouts' => '', + 'Link' => 'Odkaz', + 'MarkDown' => '', + 'Menu settings' => 'Nastavenia ponuky', + 'Off' => '', + 'On' => '', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', + 'Overview' => 'Prehľad', + 'PHP' => '', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => '', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', + 'Reset' => 'Resetovať', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Uložiť', + 'Saved' => 'Uložené', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => 'nastavenie', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', + 'Snippet' => 'Úryvok', + 'Snippets' => '', + 'Source' => 'Zdroj', + 'Space' => 'Priestor', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Prúd', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => '', + 'Submit' => 'Vystaviť', + 'Template' => '', + 'Templates' => '', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', + 'Title' => '제목', + 'Top Navigation' => '', + 'Type' => 'Typ', + 'Upload image' => '', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => '', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/sk/components_Container.php b/messages/sk/components_Container.php index 36225f4e..6977caa7 100644 --- a/messages/sk/components_Container.php +++ b/messages/sk/components_Container.php @@ -1,17 +1,16 @@ 'Obsah', - 'Title' => '제목', - 'Additional IFrame Attributes' => '', - 'ID' => '', - 'Icon' => '', - 'Invalid template selection!' => '', - 'Invalid view file selection!' => '', - 'Page Content' => '', - 'Sort Order' => '', - 'Style Class' => '', - 'Target Url' => '', - 'Template Layout' => '', - 'Type' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Additional IFrame Attributes' => '', + 'Content' => 'Obsah', + 'ID' => 'ID', + 'Icon' => '', + 'Invalid template selection!' => '', + 'Invalid view file selection!' => '', + 'Page Content' => '', + 'Sort Order' => 'Poradie zoradenia', + 'Style Class' => '', + 'Target Url' => '', + 'Template Layout' => '', + 'Title' => '제목', + 'Type' => 'Typ', +); diff --git a/messages/sk/controllers_TemplateController.php b/messages/sk/controllers_TemplateController.php index 8a58e69f..3d7406f7 100644 --- a/messages/sk/controllers_TemplateController.php +++ b/messages/sk/controllers_TemplateController.php @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ Edit {type} element' => '', - 'Access denied!' => '', - 'Empty content elements cannot be deleted!' => '', - 'Invalid request data!' => '', - 'You are not allowed to delete default content!' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Edit {type} element' => '', + 'Access denied!' => 'Prístup zamietnutý!', + 'Empty content elements cannot be deleted!' => '', + 'Invalid request data!' => '', + 'You are not allowed to delete default content!' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/sk/models_HtmlType.php b/messages/sk/models_HtmlType.php index 06787c2c..574102ab 100644 --- a/messages/sk/models_HtmlType.php +++ b/messages/sk/models_HtmlType.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'Attach Files' => 'Pripojiť súbory', +); diff --git a/messages/sk/models_Page.php b/messages/sk/models_Page.php index 58dd7f4e..94faf80c 100644 --- a/messages/sk/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/sk/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ '', - 'Navigation' => '', - 'Only visible for admins' => '', - 'Open in new window' => '', - 'Url shortcut' => '', - 'View' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', - 'page' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => '', + 'Only visible for admins' => '', + 'Open in new window' => '', + 'Url shortcut' => '', + 'View' => '', + 'Visibility' => 'Viditeľnosť', + 'page' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/sk/models_Snippet.php b/messages/sk/models_Snippet.php index 006b9018..4a66e5f7 100644 --- a/messages/sk/models_Snippet.php +++ b/messages/sk/models_Snippet.php @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 'Obsah', - 'Sidebar' => '', + 'Sidebar' => 'Bočný panel', 'snippet' => '', ); diff --git a/messages/sk/models_TemplateElement.php b/messages/sk/models_TemplateElement.php index 6d2cff91..bdb4a6b2 100644 --- a/messages/sk/models_TemplateElement.php +++ b/messages/sk/models_TemplateElement.php @@ -1,24 +1,7 @@ '', - 'Placeholder name' => '', - 'The element name must contain at least two characters without spaces or special signs except \'_\'' => '', - 'The given element name is already in use for this template.' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Label' => 'Označenie', + 'Placeholder name' => '', + 'The element name must contain at least two characters without spaces or special signs except \'_\'' => '', + 'The given element name is already in use for this template.' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/sk/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php b/messages/sk/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php index 7ea2b76e..1cd721cb 100644 --- a/messages/sk/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php +++ b/messages/sk/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php @@ -1,23 +1,6 @@ '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Width' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Height' => 'Výška', + 'Style' => '', + 'Width' => 'Šírka', +); diff --git a/messages/sk/modules_template_views_admin_edit.php b/messages/sk/modules_template_views_admin_edit.php index c9898033..25d689f5 100644 --- a/messages/sk/modules_template_views_admin_edit.php +++ b/messages/sk/modules_template_views_admin_edit.php @@ -1,23 +1,6 @@ '', - 'Edit template \'{templateName}\'' => '', - 'Save' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Create new {type}' => '', + 'Edit template \'{templateName}\'' => '', + 'Save' => 'Uložiť', +); diff --git a/messages/sk/modules_template_views_admin_preview.php b/messages/sk/modules_template_views_admin_preview.php index b1c515cb..c2a7f78a 100644 --- a/messages/sk/modules_template_views_admin_preview.php +++ b/messages/sk/modules_template_views_admin_preview.php @@ -1,22 +1,5 @@ '', - 'Update' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Display Empty Content' => '', + 'Update' => 'Aktualizovať', +); diff --git a/messages/sk/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php b/messages/sk/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php index 50182b53..0dcbac7b 100644 --- a/messages/sk/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php +++ b/messages/sk/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php @@ -1,22 +1,5 @@ '', - 'Show more' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Show less' => 'Zobraziť menejText sa nepodarilo skopírovať do schránky', + 'Show more' => 'Zobraziť viac', +); diff --git a/messages/sk/views_admin_edit.php b/messages/sk/views_admin_edit.php index 90bf665d..52fc0fb3 100644 --- a/messages/sk/views_admin_edit.php +++ b/messages/sk/views_admin_edit.php @@ -1,21 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'Save' => 'Uložiť', +); diff --git a/messages/sk/views_common_edit.php b/messages/sk/views_common_edit.php index cb0f1a66..bf2d1af4 100644 --- a/messages/sk/views_common_edit.php +++ b/messages/sk/views_common_edit.php @@ -1,15 +1,14 @@ 'Konfigurácia', - 'Info: Pages marked as "Admin Only" are not shown in the stream!' => '', - 'By setting an url shortcut value, you can create a better readable url for your page. If URL Rewriting is enabled on your site, the value \'mypage\' will result in an url \'www.example.de/p/mypage\'.' => '', - 'Delete' => '', - 'Here you can configure the general settings of your {pageLabel}.' => '', - 'Inline Editor' => '', - 'The abstract will be used as stream entry content to promote the actual page. +return array ( + 'Info: Pages marked as "Admin Only" are not shown in the stream!' => '', + 'By setting an url shortcut value, you can create a better readable url for your page. If URL Rewriting is enabled on your site, the value \'mypage\' will result in an url \'www.example.de/p/mypage\'.' => '', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfigurácia', + 'Delete' => 'Odstrániť', + 'Here you can configure the general settings of your {pageLabel}.' => '', + 'Inline Editor' => '', + 'The abstract will be used as stream entry content to promote the actual page. If no abstract is given or the page is only visible for admins, no stream entry will be created.' => '', - 'You need to be a system administrator to edit this URL' => '', - 'e.g. allowfullscreen allow="camera; microphone"' => '', - 'e.g. http://www.example.de' => '', -]; + 'You need to be a system administrator to edit this URL' => '', + 'e.g. allowfullscreen allow="camera; microphone"' => '', + 'e.g. http://www.example.de' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/sk/visibility.php b/messages/sk/visibility.php index 4687f97d..3b5573ed 100644 --- a/messages/sk/visibility.php +++ b/messages/sk/visibility.php @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ '', - 'All Members' => '', - 'Members & Guests' => '', - 'Members only' => '', - 'Public' => '', - 'Space Members only' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Admin only' => '', + 'All Members' => '', + 'Members & Guests' => '', + 'Members only' => '', + 'Public' => 'Verejné', + 'Space Members only' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/base.php b/messages/sr/base.php index 6b148b67..d8fc6423 100644 --- a/messages/sr/base.php +++ b/messages/sr/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => '', - 'Edit snippet' => '', - 'Add' => '', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', - 'Advanced' => '', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', - 'Alternate text' => '', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', - 'Back' => '', - 'Back to dashboard' => '', - 'Back to overview' => '', - 'Back to space' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cancel' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Close' => '', - 'Configuration' => '', - 'Containers' => '', - 'Content' => '', - 'Create new {type}' => '', - 'Css Class' => '', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Custom pages' => '', - 'Dashboard' => '', - 'Default' => '', - 'Default Content' => '', - 'Delete' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Edit' => '', - 'Edit Page' => '', - 'Empty' => '', - 'File' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'General' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Html' => '', - 'Iframe' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Invalid type selection' => '', - 'Item name' => '', - 'Layouts' => '', - 'Link' => '', - 'MarkDown' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Off' => '', - 'On' => '', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', - 'Overview' => '', - 'PHP' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Pages' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', - 'Reset' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Save' => '', - 'Saved' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Settings' => '', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Snippets' => '', - 'Source' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Submit' => '', - 'Template' => '', - 'Templates' => '', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', - 'Title' => '', - 'Top Navigation' => '', - 'Type' => '', - 'Upload image' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => '', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'Prilagođene stranice', + 'Edit snippet' => 'Uredi isječak', + 'Add' => 'Dodaj', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Dodajte ikonu fajla prije naslova', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Dodaje običan HTML sadržaj na vaš veb sajt.', + 'Advanced' => 'Napredno', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Omogućuje dodavanje stranica (markdown, iframe ili veze) na navigaciju prostora', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Omogućuje dodavanje sadržaja u sintaksi MarkDown.', + 'Alternate text' => 'Alternativni tekst', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Uvek napravite sigurnosnu kopiju prikazanih datoteka izvan vašeg proizvodnog okruženja!', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Prazan dopušteni templejt odabir omogućiće sve templejte kontejnera za ovaj kontjner.', + 'Back' => 'Nazad', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Povratak na upravljačku stranu', + 'Back to overview' => 'Natrag na pregled', + 'Back to space' => 'Povratak u prostor', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => 'Poništi', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Zatvori', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguracija', + 'Containers' => 'Kontejneri', + 'Content' => 'Sadržaj', + 'Create new {type}' => 'Izradi novi {type}', + 'Css Class' => 'Css Class', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Prilagođene stranice', + 'Custom pages' => 'Prilagođene stranice', + 'Dashboard' => 'Upravljačka tabla', + 'Default' => 'Zadano', + 'Default Content' => 'Podrazumevani sadržaj', + 'Delete' => 'Obriši', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Uredi', + 'Edit Page' => 'Uredi stranicu', + 'Empty' => 'Prazna', + 'File' => 'Datoteka', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'Opšte', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => 'Html', + 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', + 'Insert' => 'Umetnuti', + 'Invalid type selection' => 'Nevažeći odabir vrste', + 'Item name' => 'Naziv stvari', + 'Layouts' => 'Raspored', + 'Link' => 'Link', + 'MarkDown' => 'Markdown', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => 'Off', + 'On' => 'On', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Na ovoj stranici možete konfigurirati opšte postavke svojih prilagođenih stranica.', + 'Overview' => 'Pregled', + 'PHP' => 'PHP', + 'Page' => 'Stranica', + 'Pages' => 'Stranice', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Odaberite jednu od sledećih vrsta sadržaja. Vrsta sadržaja definiše kako je vaš sadržaj ugrađen na vašu web sajt.', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Imajte na umu da su stranice temeljene na php-u osetljive na sigurnosne probleme, posebno kada se rukuje korisničkim unosom. Za više informacija pogledajte Najbolji primjeri iz Yii-jeve sigurnosti.', + 'Reset' => 'Reset', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Sačuvaj', + 'Saved' => 'Sačuvano', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Odaberite ovu postavku samo za vidljive čvorove teksta. Poništite ovu postavku u slučaju da se ovaj element koristi, na primjer, kao vrednost HTML atributa.', + 'Settings' => 'Postavke', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Prikaži dodatne podatke o datoteci (veličina)', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Snipped-Layouts', + 'Snippet' => 'Isečak', + 'Snippets' => 'Isječci', + 'Source' => 'Izvor', + 'Space' => 'Prostor', + 'Space Navigation' => 'Navigacija prostora', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Stream', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => 'Stil', + 'Submit' => 'Potvrdi', + 'Template' => 'Templejt', + 'Templates' => 'Templejti', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Templejti vam omogućuju definiranje kombinovanih fragmenata stranice s ugrađenim funkcijama uređivanja.', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Ova radnja zahteva instancu ownerContentId ili ownerContent!', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Za ovu je radnju potreban templateId ili instanca templejta!', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Ovaj kontejner ne dopušta više stavki!', + 'Title' => 'Funkcija', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Top navigacija', + 'Type' => 'Vrsta', + 'Upload image' => 'Dodaj sliku', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Meni korisničkog naloga (Postavke)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Preusmeriće zahteve na zadani (relativni ili apsolutni) url.', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Sa stranicama temeljenim na PHP-u možete stvoriti prilagođene stranice pomoću pregleda datoteka u vašem datotečnom sustavu. Molimo provjerite konfiguraciju modula za više informacija.', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Bez dodavanja u navigaciju (direktna veza)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/components_Container.php b/messages/sr/components_Container.php index ef1f7f66..ff166cfb 100644 --- a/messages/sr/components_Container.php +++ b/messages/sr/components_Container.php @@ -1,17 +1,16 @@ '', - 'Content' => '', - 'ID' => '', - 'Icon' => '', - 'Invalid template selection!' => '', - 'Invalid view file selection!' => '', - 'Page Content' => '', - 'Sort Order' => '', - 'Style Class' => '', - 'Target Url' => '', - 'Template Layout' => '', - 'Title' => '', - 'Type' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Additional IFrame Attributes' => '', + 'Content' => 'Sadržaj', + 'ID' => 'ID', + 'Icon' => '', + 'Invalid template selection!' => '', + 'Invalid view file selection!' => '', + 'Page Content' => '', + 'Sort Order' => 'Redosled', + 'Style Class' => '', + 'Target Url' => '', + 'Template Layout' => '', + 'Title' => 'Funkcija', + 'Type' => 'Vrsta', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/controllers_AdminController.php b/messages/sr/controllers_AdminController.php index 5ee79b83..78b921d2 100644 --- a/messages/sr/controllers_AdminController.php +++ b/messages/sr/controllers_AdminController.php @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ Add {templateName} item' => '', - 'Edit item' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Add {templateName} item' => 'Dodaj {templateName} stavku', + 'Edit item' => 'Uredi stavku', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/controllers_TemplateController.php b/messages/sr/controllers_TemplateController.php index 8a58e69f..169d826f 100644 --- a/messages/sr/controllers_TemplateController.php +++ b/messages/sr/controllers_TemplateController.php @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ Edit {type} element' => '', - 'Access denied!' => '', - 'Empty content elements cannot be deleted!' => '', - 'Invalid request data!' => '', - 'You are not allowed to delete default content!' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Edit {type} element' => '', + 'Access denied!' => 'Pristup odbijen!', + 'Empty content elements cannot be deleted!' => '', + 'Invalid request data!' => '', + 'You are not allowed to delete default content!' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/form_labels.php b/messages/sr/form_labels.php index 13193db1..318cb403 100644 --- a/messages/sr/form_labels.php +++ b/messages/sr/form_labels.php @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ '', - 'View' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Url' => 'URL', + 'View' => 'Vidi', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/models_Container.php b/messages/sr/models_Container.php index 5be94be0..19613ab5 100644 --- a/messages/sr/models_Container.php +++ b/messages/sr/models_Container.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ Container' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Empty
Container' => 'Prazan
kontejner', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/models_ContainerPage.php b/messages/sr/models_ContainerPage.php index 4bfcb9de..1459afbb 100644 --- a/messages/sr/models_ContainerPage.php +++ b/messages/sr/models_ContainerPage.php @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ '', - 'Open in new window' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Only visible for space admins' => 'Vidljivo samo za administratore prostora', + 'Open in new window' => 'Otvori u novom prozoru', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/models_ContainerSnippet.php b/messages/sr/models_ContainerSnippet.php index bb72fa07..41a893d6 100644 --- a/messages/sr/models_ContainerSnippet.php +++ b/messages/sr/models_ContainerSnippet.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'snippet' => 'isečak', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/models_HtmlType.php b/messages/sr/models_HtmlType.php index 06787c2c..017b6be5 100644 --- a/messages/sr/models_HtmlType.php +++ b/messages/sr/models_HtmlType.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'Attach Files' => 'Priložite datoteke', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/models_ImageContent.php b/messages/sr/models_ImageContent.php index ca4fd475..ad34ed17 100644 --- a/messages/sr/models_ImageContent.php +++ b/messages/sr/models_ImageContent.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'Empty Image' => 'Prazna slika', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/models_Page.php b/messages/sr/models_Page.php index 58dd7f4e..111cd159 100644 --- a/messages/sr/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/sr/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ '', - 'Navigation' => '', - 'Only visible for admins' => '', - 'Open in new window' => '', - 'Url shortcut' => '', - 'View' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', - 'page' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => 'Sažetak', + 'Navigation' => 'Navigacija', + 'Only visible for admins' => 'Vidljivo samo za administratore', + 'Open in new window' => 'Otvori u novom prozoru', + 'Url shortcut' => 'Prečica za URL', + 'View' => 'Vidi', + 'Visibility' => 'Vidljivost', + 'page' => 'stranica', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/models_Snippet.php b/messages/sr/models_Snippet.php index d2967071..2ab52312 100644 --- a/messages/sr/models_Snippet.php +++ b/messages/sr/models_Snippet.php @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ '', - 'Sidebar' => '', - 'snippet' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Content' => 'Sadržaj', + 'Sidebar' => 'Bočna traka', + 'snippet' => 'isečak', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/models_TemplateElement.php b/messages/sr/models_TemplateElement.php index eb7665e0..ef840fef 100644 --- a/messages/sr/models_TemplateElement.php +++ b/messages/sr/models_TemplateElement.php @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ '', - 'Placeholder name' => '', - 'The element name must contain at least two characters without spaces or special signs except \'_\'' => '', - 'The given element name is already in use for this template.' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Label' => 'Oznaka', + 'Placeholder name' => 'Naziv plejsholdera', + 'The element name must contain at least two characters without spaces or special signs except \'_\'' => 'Naziv elementa mora sadržavati najmanje dva znaka bez razmaka ili posebnih znakova, osim \'_\'', + 'The given element name is already in use for this template.' => 'Dati naziv elementa već se koristi za ovaj templejt.', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/modules_template_controller_ContainerAdminController.php b/messages/sr/modules_template_controller_ContainerAdminController.php index 5b9d4b69..8447ee85 100644 --- a/messages/sr/modules_template_controller_ContainerAdminController.php +++ b/messages/sr/modules_template_controller_ContainerAdminController.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'Here you can manage your template container elements.' => 'Ovdje možete upravljati elementima kontejnera templejta.', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/modules_template_models_CotnainerContent.php b/messages/sr/modules_template_models_CotnainerContent.php index 180480b8..fb535e16 100644 --- a/messages/sr/modules_template_models_CotnainerContent.php +++ b/messages/sr/modules_template_models_CotnainerContent.php @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ '', - 'Allowed Templates' => '', - 'Render items as inline-blocks within the inline editor?' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Allow multiple items?' => 'Dopustiti više stavki?', + 'Allowed Templates' => 'Dopušteni templejti', + 'Render items as inline-blocks within the inline editor?' => 'Renderovati stavke kao inline blokove u inline editoru?', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php b/messages/sr/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php index b1ece164..2527d34c 100644 --- a/messages/sr/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php +++ b/messages/sr/modules_template_models_ImageContentDefinition.php @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Width' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Height' => 'Visina', + 'Style' => 'Stil', + 'Width' => 'Širina', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/modules_template_models_forms_EditOwnerContentForm.php b/messages/sr/modules_template_models_forms_EditOwnerContentForm.php index d56c5eb2..f2469b03 100644 --- a/messages/sr/modules_template_models_forms_EditOwnerContentForm.php +++ b/messages/sr/modules_template_models_forms_EditOwnerContentForm.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'Use default content' => 'Koristite podrazumevani sadržaj', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/modules_template_views_admin_edit.php b/messages/sr/modules_template_views_admin_edit.php index b28f5cac..0d7e73f9 100644 --- a/messages/sr/modules_template_views_admin_edit.php +++ b/messages/sr/modules_template_views_admin_edit.php @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ '', - 'Edit template \'{templateName}\'' => '', - 'Save' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Create new {type}' => 'Izradi novi {type}', + 'Edit template \'{templateName}\'' => 'Uredi templejt \'{templateName}\'', + 'Save' => 'Sačuvaj', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/modules_template_views_admin_editSource.php b/messages/sr/modules_template_views_admin_editSource.php index fa039bb0..0a65fdbb 100644 --- a/messages/sr/modules_template_views_admin_editSource.php +++ b/messages/sr/modules_template_views_admin_editSource.php @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ '', - 'Edit All' => '', - 'Edit template \'{templateName}\'' => '', - 'Here you can edit the source of your template by defining the template layout and adding content elements. Each element can be assigned with a default content and additional definitions.' => '', - 'You haven\'t saved your last changes yet. Do you want to leave without saving?' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Add Element' => '', + 'Edit All' => '', + 'Edit template \'{templateName}\'' => 'Uredi templejt \'{templateName}\'', + 'Here you can edit the source of your template by defining the template layout and adding content elements. Each element can be assigned with a default content and additional definitions.' => '', + 'You haven\'t saved your last changes yet. Do you want to leave without saving?' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/modules_template_views_admin_preview.php b/messages/sr/modules_template_views_admin_preview.php index 6b1953a4..ae80e0ea 100644 --- a/messages/sr/modules_template_views_admin_preview.php +++ b/messages/sr/modules_template_views_admin_preview.php @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ '', - 'Update' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Display Empty Content' => 'Prikaži prazan sadržaj', + 'Update' => 'Ažuriranje', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/modules_template_views_element_addItemChooseTemplate.php b/messages/sr/modules_template_views_element_addItemChooseTemplate.php index bf6432a1..be45bd10 100644 --- a/messages/sr/modules_template_views_element_addItemChooseTemplate.php +++ b/messages/sr/modules_template_views_element_addItemChooseTemplate.php @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ '', - 'Template' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Choose a template' => 'Odaberite templejt', + 'Template' => 'Templejt', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php b/messages/sr/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php index abc6d6c3..80e4ea47 100644 --- a/messages/sr/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php +++ b/messages/sr/modules_template_widgets_CollapsableFOrmGroup.php @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ '', - 'Show more' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Show less' => 'Prikaži manje', + 'Show more' => 'Prikaži više', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/modules_template_widgets_views_confirmDeletionModal.php b/messages/sr/modules_template_widgets_views_confirmDeletionModal.php index bdbc966c..7dab8c49 100644 --- a/messages/sr/modules_template_widgets_views_confirmDeletionModal.php +++ b/messages/sr/modules_template_widgets_views_confirmDeletionModal.php @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ '', - 'Do you really want to delete this content?' => '', - 'Do you really want to delete this element?
The deletion will affect all pages using this template.' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Are you sure you want to delete this container item?' => 'Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ovu stavku kontejnera?', + 'Do you really want to delete this content?' => 'Da li zaista želite da obrišete ovaj sadržaj?', + 'Do you really want to delete this element?
The deletion will affect all pages using this template.' => 'Da li stvarno želite da obrišete ovaj element?
Brisanje će uticait na sve stranice koje koriste ovaj template.', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/modules_template_widgets_views_templatePageEditButton.php b/messages/sr/modules_template_widgets_views_templatePageEditButton.php index 265746e0..3265086b 100644 --- a/messages/sr/modules_template_widgets_views_templatePageEditButton.php +++ b/messages/sr/modules_template_widgets_views_templatePageEditButton.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'Edit Page' => 'Uredi stranicu', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/view_php.php b/messages/sr/view_php.php index bdb8813f..0012dba2 100644 --- a/messages/sr/view_php.php +++ b/messages/sr/view_php.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'View not found' => 'View nije pronađen', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/views_admin_add.php b/messages/sr/views_admin_add.php index b117d844..17ea7542 100644 --- a/messages/sr/views_admin_add.php +++ b/messages/sr/views_admin_add.php @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ '', - 'Create new template' => '', - 'Edit template' => '', - 'Settings' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Add new {pageType}' => 'Dodaj novu/i {pageType}', + 'Create new template' => 'Izradite novi templejt', + 'Edit template' => 'Uredi templejt', + 'Settings' => 'Postavke', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/views_admin_edit.php b/messages/sr/views_admin_edit.php index a14e0a8b..80882791 100644 --- a/messages/sr/views_admin_edit.php +++ b/messages/sr/views_admin_edit.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'Save' => 'Sačuvaj', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/views_common_edit.php b/messages/sr/views_common_edit.php index 853a5fdf..78d566a3 100644 --- a/messages/sr/views_common_edit.php +++ b/messages/sr/views_common_edit.php @@ -1,15 +1,14 @@ Info: Pages marked as "Admin Only" are not shown in the stream!' => '', - 'By setting an url shortcut value, you can create a better readable url for your page. If URL Rewriting is enabled on your site, the value \'mypage\' will result in an url \'www.example.de/p/mypage\'.' => '', - 'Configuration' => '', - 'Delete' => '', - 'Here you can configure the general settings of your {pageLabel}.' => '', - 'Inline Editor' => '', - 'The abstract will be used as stream entry content to promote the actual page. +return array ( + 'Info: Pages marked as "Admin Only" are not shown in the stream!' => '', + 'By setting an url shortcut value, you can create a better readable url for your page. If URL Rewriting is enabled on your site, the value \'mypage\' will result in an url \'www.example.de/p/mypage\'.' => '', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguracija', + 'Delete' => 'Obriši', + 'Here you can configure the general settings of your {pageLabel}.' => '', + 'Inline Editor' => '', + 'The abstract will be used as stream entry content to promote the actual page. If no abstract is given or the page is only visible for admins, no stream entry will be created.' => '', - 'You need to be a system administrator to edit this URL' => '', - 'e.g. allowfullscreen allow="camera; microphone"' => '', - 'e.g. http://www.example.de' => '', -]; + 'You need to be a system administrator to edit this URL' => '', + 'e.g. allowfullscreen allow="camera; microphone"' => '', + 'e.g. http://www.example.de' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/views_common_list.php b/messages/sr/views_common_list.php index 29fdb48b..36649f97 100644 --- a/messages/sr/views_common_list.php +++ b/messages/sr/views_common_list.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'This page lists all available custom content entries.' => 'Na ovoj se stranici nalaze svi dostupni unosi prilagođenog sadržaja.', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/views_view_template.php b/messages/sr/views_view_template.php index d2f7ff3e..afa8abfa 100644 --- a/messages/sr/views_view_template.php +++ b/messages/sr/views_view_template.php @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ '', - 'Edit elements' => '', - 'Edit template' => '', - 'Page configuration' => '', - 'Turn edit off' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Edit Template' => 'Uredi templejt', + 'Edit elements' => 'Uredi elemente', + 'Edit template' => 'Uredi templejt', + 'Page configuration' => 'Konfiguracija stranice', + 'Turn edit off' => 'Isključite uređivanje', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/visibility.php b/messages/sr/visibility.php index 4687f97d..313cd317 100644 --- a/messages/sr/visibility.php +++ b/messages/sr/visibility.php @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ '', - 'All Members' => '', - 'Members & Guests' => '', - 'Members only' => '', - 'Public' => '', - 'Space Members only' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Admin only' => 'Samo za administratora', + 'All Members' => 'Svi članovi', + 'Members & Guests' => 'Članovi i gosti', + 'Members only' => 'Samo za članove', + 'Public' => 'Javno', + 'Space Members only' => 'Samo članovi prostora', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/widgets_views_editMultipleElements.php b/messages/sr/widgets_views_editMultipleElements.php index d323974e..313a9ea0 100644 --- a/messages/sr/widgets_views_editMultipleElements.php +++ b/messages/sr/widgets_views_editMultipleElements.php @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ '', - 'Inline' => '', - 'Multiple' => '', - 'This template does not contain any elements yet.' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Empty' => 'Prazna', + 'Inline' => 'U redu', + 'Multiple' => 'Višestruko', + 'This template does not contain any elements yet.' => 'Ovaj templejt još ne sadrži nijedan element.', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/widgets_views_pageIconSelect.php b/messages/sr/widgets_views_pageIconSelect.php index 2fa09cac..0cdf44c3 100644 --- a/messages/sr/widgets_views_pageIconSelect.php +++ b/messages/sr/widgets_views_pageIconSelect.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'none' => 'nijedan/na', +); diff --git a/messages/sr/widgets_views_wallentry.php b/messages/sr/widgets_views_wallentry.php index 1a78480d..8e4e2a14 100644 --- a/messages/sr/widgets_views_wallentry.php +++ b/messages/sr/widgets_views_wallentry.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + 'Open page...' => 'Otvori stranu...', +); diff --git a/messages/sv/base.php b/messages/sv/base.php index 5138d8b5..f8dfbeb2 100644 --- a/messages/sv/base.php +++ b/messages/sv/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => 'Anpassade sidor', - 'Edit snippet' => 'Ändra snippet', - 'Add' => 'Lägg till', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Lägg till en filikon innan titeln', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Lägger till vanligt HTML-innehåll till din webbplats.', - 'Advanced' => 'Avancerat', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Låter användaren använda anpassade sidor.', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Tillåter att lägga till sidor (markdown, iframe eller länkar) till forumets navigering', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Tillåter dig att lägga till innehåll i MarkDown syntaxen.', - 'Alternate text' => 'Alternativtext', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Gör alltid en backup av dina vyfiler utanför din produktionsmiljö!', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Om fältet tillåtna mallval lämnas tomt, tillåts alla mallar för den här behållaren.', - 'Back' => 'Tillbaka', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Tillbaka till översiktspanelen', - 'Back to overview' => 'Tillbaka till översikt', - 'Back to space' => 'Tillbaka till forum', - 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Kan hantera anpassade sidor', - 'Cancel' => 'Avbryt', - 'Close' => 'Stäng', - 'Configuration' => 'Inställningar', - 'Containers' => 'Behållare', - 'Content' => 'Innehåll', - 'Create new {type}' => 'Skapa ny {type}', - 'Css Class' => 'Css-klass', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Anpassade sidor', - 'Custom pages' => 'Anpassade sidor', - 'Dashboard' => 'Översiktspanel', - 'Default' => 'Standard', - 'Default Content' => 'Standardinnehåll', - 'Delete' => 'Radera', - 'Edit' => 'Ändra', - 'Edit Page' => 'Ändra sida', - 'Empty' => 'Tom', - 'File' => 'Fil', - 'Footer menu' => 'Sidfotsmeny', - 'General' => 'Allmän', - 'Html' => 'Html', - 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', - 'Invalid type selection' => 'Ogiltigt typval', - 'Item name' => 'Postens namn', - 'Layouts' => 'Layouter', - 'Link' => 'Länk', - 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', - 'Menu settings' => 'Menyinställningar', - 'Off' => 'Av', - 'On' => 'På', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'På den här sidan kan du ändra generella inställningar för dina anpassade sidor.', - 'Overview' => 'Översikt', - 'PHP' => 'PHP', - 'Pages' => 'Sidor', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Välj en av följande innehållstyper. Innehållstypen definierar hur ditt innehåll bäddas in på webbplatsen.', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Kom i håg att php-baserade sidor är känsliga för säkerhetsrisker, särskilt när det handlar om input från användare. För mer information, se Yii\'s Security best practices.', - 'Reset' => 'Återställ', - 'Save' => 'Spara', - 'Saved' => 'Sparad', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Välj denna inställning endast för synliga textnoder. Avmarkera inställningen om detta element till exempel används som ett HTML attributvärde.', - 'Settings' => 'Inställningar', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Visa utökad filinformation (storlek)', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Snipped-Layouts', - 'Snippets' => 'Snippets', - 'Source' => 'Källa', - 'Space Navigation' => 'Områdesnavigering', - 'Stream' => 'Flöde', - 'Stream options' => 'Alternativ för flöde', - 'Style' => 'Stil', - 'Submit' => 'Skicka', - 'Template' => 'Mall', - 'Templates' => 'Mallar', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Mallar låter dig definiera kombinerbara sidofragment med inbyggd redigeringsfunktionalitet.', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Denna åtgärd kräver en ownerContentId eller ownerContent instans!', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Denna åtgärd kräver en templateId eller mallinstans!', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Den här behållaren tillåter inga ytterligare föremål!', - 'Title' => 'Titel', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Toppnavigering', - 'Type' => 'Typ', - 'Upload image' => 'Ladda upp bild', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Användares kontomeny (inställningar)', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Kommer bädda in resultatet från en given url som ett iframe-element.', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Kommer omdirigera förfrågningar till en given (relativ eller absolut) url.', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Med PHP-baserade sidor kan du skapa anpassade sidor via vyfiler i ditt filsystem. Gå till modulkonfigurationen för mer information.', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Utan att lägga till i navigeringen (direktlänk)', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'Anpassade sidor', + 'Edit snippet' => 'Ändra snippet', + 'Add' => 'Lägg till', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Lägg till en filikon innan titeln', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Lägger till vanligt HTML-innehåll till din webbplats.', + 'Advanced' => 'Avancerat', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'Låter användaren använda anpassade sidor.', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Tillåter att lägga till sidor (markdown, iframe eller länkar) till forumets navigering', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Tillåter dig att lägga till innehåll i MarkDown syntaxen.', + 'Alternate text' => 'Alternativtext', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Gör alltid en backup av dina vyfiler utanför din produktionsmiljö!', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Om fältet tillåtna mallval lämnas tomt, tillåts alla mallar för den här behållaren.', + 'Back' => 'Tillbaka', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Tillbaka till översiktspanelen', + 'Back to overview' => 'Tillbaka till översikt', + 'Back to space' => 'Tillbaka till forum', + 'Can manage custom pages' => 'Kan hantera anpassade sidor', + 'Cancel' => 'Avbryt', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Stäng', + 'Configuration' => 'Inställningar', + 'Containers' => 'Behållare', + 'Content' => 'Innehåll', + 'Create new {type}' => 'Skapa ny {type}', + 'Css Class' => 'Css-klass', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Anpassade sidor', + 'Custom pages' => 'Anpassade sidor', + 'Dashboard' => 'Översiktspanel', + 'Default' => 'Standard', + 'Default Content' => 'Standardinnehåll', + 'Delete' => 'Radera', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Ändra', + 'Edit Page' => 'Ändra sida', + 'Empty' => 'Tom', + 'File' => 'Fil', + 'Footer menu' => 'Sidfotsmeny', + 'General' => 'Allmän', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => 'Html', + 'Iframe' => 'Iframe', + 'Insert' => 'Infoga', + 'Invalid type selection' => 'Ogiltigt typval', + 'Item name' => 'Postens namn', + 'Layouts' => 'Layouter', + 'Link' => 'Länk', + 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', + 'Menu settings' => 'Menyinställningar', + 'Off' => 'Av', + 'On' => 'På', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'På den här sidan kan du ändra generella inställningar för dina anpassade sidor.', + 'Overview' => 'Översikt', + 'PHP' => 'PHP', + 'Page' => 'Sida', + 'Pages' => 'Sidor', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'Välj en av följande innehållstyper. Innehållstypen definierar hur ditt innehåll bäddas in på webbplatsen.', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Kom i håg att php-baserade sidor är känsliga för säkerhetsrisker, särskilt när det handlar om input från användare. För mer information, se Yii\'s Security best practices.', + 'Reset' => 'Återställ', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Spara', + 'Saved' => 'Sparad', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'Välj denna inställning endast för synliga textnoder. Avmarkera inställningen om detta element till exempel används som ett HTML attributvärde.', + 'Settings' => 'Inställningar', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Visa utökad filinformation (storlek)', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Snipped-Layouts', + 'Snippet' => 'Snippet', + 'Snippets' => 'Snippets', + 'Source' => 'Källa', + 'Space' => 'Forum', + 'Space Navigation' => 'Områdesnavigering', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Flöde', + 'Stream options' => 'Alternativ för flöde', + 'Style' => 'Stil', + 'Submit' => 'Skicka', + 'Template' => 'Mall', + 'Templates' => 'Mallar', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Mallar låter dig definiera kombinerbara sidofragment med inbyggd redigeringsfunktionalitet.', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'Denna åtgärd kräver en ownerContentId eller ownerContent instans!', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'Denna åtgärd kräver en templateId eller mallinstans!', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'Den här behållaren tillåter inga ytterligare föremål!', + 'Title' => 'Titel', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Toppnavigering', + 'Type' => 'Typ', + 'Upload image' => 'Ladda upp bild', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Användares kontomeny (inställningar)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Kommer bädda in resultatet från en given url som ett iframe-element.', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Kommer omdirigera förfrågningar till en given (relativ eller absolut) url.', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'Med PHP-baserade sidor kan du skapa anpassade sidor via vyfiler i ditt filsystem. Gå till modulkonfigurationen för mer information.', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Utan att lägga till i navigeringen (direktlänk)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/sv/models_Page.php b/messages/sv/models_Page.php index 83e157b2..da49524c 100644 --- a/messages/sv/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/sv/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Sammanfattning', - 'Navigation' => 'Navigation', - 'Only visible for admins' => 'Endast synligt för admin', - 'Open in new window' => 'Öppna i nytt fönster', - 'Url shortcut' => 'URL genväg', - 'View' => 'Visa', - 'page' => 'sida', - 'Visibility' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => 'Sammanfattning', + 'Navigation' => 'Navigation', + 'Only visible for admins' => 'Endast synligt för admin', + 'Open in new window' => 'Öppna i nytt fönster', + 'Url shortcut' => 'URL genväg', + 'View' => 'Visa', + 'Visibility' => 'Synlighet', + 'page' => 'sida', +); diff --git a/messages/th/base.php b/messages/th/base.php index 58f2c9fe..cff69a25 100644 --- a/messages/th/base.php +++ b/messages/th/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => 'กำหนดเอง เพจ', - 'Edit snippet' => 'แก้ไข ตัวอย่าง', - 'Add' => 'เพิ่ม', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'เพิ่มไอคอนไฟล์หน้าชื่อเรื่อง', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'เพิ่มเนื้อหา HTML ธรรมดาในเว็บไซต์ของคุณ', - 'Advanced' => 'ขั้นสูง', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'อนุญาตให้ผู้ใช้จัดการเพจที่กำหนดเอง', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'อนุญาตให้เพิ่มหน้า (markdown, iframe หรือลิงก์) ไปยังการนำทางอวกาศ', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'ให้คุณเพิ่มเนื้อหาในรูปแบบ MarkDown', - 'Alternate text' => 'ข้อความสำรอง', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'สำรองข้อมูลไฟล์การดูของคุณนอกสภาพแวดล้อมการผลิตของคุณเสมอ!', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'การเลือกเทมเพลตว่างที่อนุญาตจะอนุญาตให้ใช้เทมเพลตคอนเทนเนอร์ทั้งหมดสำหรับคอนเทนเนอร์นี้', - 'Back' => 'กลับ', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'กลับไปที่แดชบอร์ด', - 'Back to overview' => 'กลับไปที่ภาพรวม', - 'Back to space' => 'กลับสู่อวกาศ', - 'Can manage custom pages' => 'สามารถจัดการเพจที่กำหนดเองได้', - 'Cancel' => 'ยกเลิก', - 'Close' => 'ปิด', - 'Configuration' => 'การกำหนดค่า', - 'Containers' => 'ตู้คอนเทนเนอร์', - 'Content' => 'เนื้อหา', - 'Create new {type}' => 'สร้าง {type} ใหม่', - 'Css Class' => 'Css Class', - 'Custom Pages' => 'หน้ากำหนดเอง', - 'Custom pages' => 'หน้ากำหนดเอง', - 'Dashboard' => 'แผงควบคุม', - 'Default' => 'ค่าเริ่มต้น', - 'Default Content' => 'เนื้อหาเริ่มต้น', - 'Delete' => 'ลบ', - 'Edit' => 'แก้ไข', - 'Edit Page' => 'แก้ไขหน้า', - 'Empty' => 'ว่างเปล่า', - 'File' => 'ไฟล์', - 'General' => 'ทั่วไป', - 'Html' => 'Html', - 'Iframe' => 'ไอเฟรม', - 'Invalid type selection' => 'การเลือกประเภทไม่ถูกต้อง', - 'Item name' => 'ชื่อสินค้า', - 'Layouts' => 'เลย์เอาต์', - 'Link' => 'ลิงค์', - 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', - 'Menu settings' => 'การตั้งค่าเมนู', - 'Off' => 'ปิด', - 'On' => 'บน', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'ในหน้านี้ คุณสามารถกำหนดการตั้งค่าทั่วไปของเพจที่คุณกำหนดเองได้', - 'Overview' => 'ภาพรวม', - 'PHP' => 'PHP', - 'Pages' => 'หน้า', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'โปรดเลือกประเภทเนื้อหาใดประเภทหนึ่งต่อไปนี้ ชนิดเนื้อหากำหนดวิธีการฝังเนื้อหาของคุณในไซต์ของคุณ', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'โปรดจำไว้ว่าเพจที่ใช้ php มีความเสี่ยงต่อปัญหาด้านความปลอดภัย โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งเมื่อจัดการกับอินพุตของผู้ใช้ สำหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม โปรดดูที่แนวทางปฏิบัติที่ดีที่สุดด้านความปลอดภัยของ Yii', - 'Reset' => 'รีเซ็ต', - 'Save' => 'บันทึก', - 'Saved' => 'บันทึกแล้ว', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'เลือกการตั้งค่านี้สำหรับโหนดข้อความที่มองเห็นเท่านั้น ยกเลิกการเลือกการตั้งค่านี้ในกรณีที่องค์ประกอบนี้ถูกใช้ เช่น เป็นค่าแอตทริบิวต์ HTML', - 'Settings' => 'การตั้งค่า', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'แสดงข้อมูลไฟล์เพิ่มเติม (ขนาด)', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'สนิป-เลย์เอาต์', - 'Snippets' => 'ตัวอย่าง', - 'Source' => 'ที่มา', - 'Space Navigation' => 'การนำทางอวกาศ', - 'Stream' => 'กระแส', - 'Stream options' => 'ตัวเลือกการสตรีม', - 'Style' => 'สไตล์', - 'Submit' => 'ส่ง', - 'Template' => 'แม่แบบ', - 'Templates' => 'แม่แบบ', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'เทมเพลตช่วยให้คุณกำหนดส่วนย่อยของหน้าที่รวมกันได้พร้อมฟังก์ชันแก้ไขแบบอินไลน์', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'การดำเนินการนี้ต้องใช้อินสแตนซ์ ownerContentId หรือ ownerContent!', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'การดำเนินการนี้ต้องใช้เทมเพลต templateId หรือเทมเพลต!', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'ตู้คอนเทนเนอร์นี้ไม่อนุญาตให้มีสิ่งของเพิ่มเติม!', - 'Title' => 'หัวข้อ', - 'Top Navigation' => 'การนำทางยอดนิยม', - 'Type' => 'พิมพ์', - 'Upload image' => 'อัพโหลดภาพ', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'เมนูบัญชีผู้ใช้ (การตั้งค่า)', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'จะฝังผลลัพธ์ของ url ที่กำหนดเป็นองค์ประกอบ iframe', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'จะเปลี่ยนเส้นทางคำขอไปยัง URL ที่กำหนด (สัมพัทธ์หรือแบบสัมบูรณ์)', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'ด้วยเพจที่ใช้ PHP คุณสามารถสร้างเพจที่กำหนดเองได้ด้วยการดูไฟล์ในระบบไฟล์ของคุณ โปรดตรวจสอบการกำหนดค่าโมดูลสำหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'โดยไม่ต้องเพิ่มการนำทาง (ลิงก์โดยตรง)', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'กำหนดเอง เพจ', + 'Edit snippet' => 'แก้ไข ตัวอย่าง', + 'Add' => 'เพิ่ม', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'เพิ่มไอคอนไฟล์หน้าชื่อเรื่อง', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'เพิ่มเนื้อหา HTML ธรรมดาในเว็บไซต์ของคุณ', + 'Advanced' => 'ขั้นสูง', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => 'อนุญาตให้ผู้ใช้จัดการเพจที่กำหนดเอง', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'อนุญาตให้เพิ่มหน้า (markdown, iframe หรือลิงก์) ไปยังการนำทางอวกาศ', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'ให้คุณเพิ่มเนื้อหาในรูปแบบ MarkDown', + 'Alternate text' => 'ข้อความสำรอง', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'สำรองข้อมูลไฟล์การดูของคุณนอกสภาพแวดล้อมการผลิตของคุณเสมอ!', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'การเลือกเทมเพลตว่างที่อนุญาตจะอนุญาตให้ใช้เทมเพลตคอนเทนเนอร์ทั้งหมดสำหรับคอนเทนเนอร์นี้', + 'Back' => 'กลับ', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'กลับไปที่แดชบอร์ด', + 'Back to overview' => 'กลับไปที่ภาพรวม', + 'Back to space' => 'กลับสู่อวกาศ', + 'Can manage custom pages' => 'สามารถจัดการเพจที่กำหนดเองได้', + 'Cancel' => 'ยกเลิก', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'ปิด', + 'Configuration' => 'การกำหนดค่า', + 'Containers' => 'ตู้คอนเทนเนอร์', + 'Content' => 'เนื้อหา', + 'Create new {type}' => 'สร้าง {type} ใหม่', + 'Css Class' => 'Css Class', + 'Custom Pages' => 'หน้ากำหนดเอง', + 'Custom pages' => 'หน้ากำหนดเอง', + 'Dashboard' => 'แผงควบคุม', + 'Default' => 'ค่าเริ่มต้น', + 'Default Content' => 'เนื้อหาเริ่มต้น', + 'Delete' => 'ลบ', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'แก้ไข', + 'Edit Page' => 'แก้ไขหน้า', + 'Empty' => 'ว่างเปล่า', + 'File' => 'ไฟล์', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'ทั่วไป', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => 'Html', + 'Iframe' => 'ไอเฟรม', + 'Insert' => 'แทรก', + 'Invalid type selection' => 'การเลือกประเภทไม่ถูกต้อง', + 'Item name' => 'ชื่อสินค้า', + 'Layouts' => 'เลย์เอาต์', + 'Link' => 'ลิงค์', + 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', + 'Menu settings' => 'การตั้งค่าเมนู', + 'Off' => 'ปิด', + 'On' => 'บน', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'ในหน้านี้ คุณสามารถกำหนดการตั้งค่าทั่วไปของเพจที่คุณกำหนดเองได้', + 'Overview' => 'ภาพรวม', + 'PHP' => 'PHP', + 'Page' => 'หน้า', + 'Pages' => 'หน้า', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => 'โปรดเลือกประเภทเนื้อหาใดประเภทหนึ่งต่อไปนี้ ชนิดเนื้อหากำหนดวิธีการฝังเนื้อหาของคุณในไซต์ของคุณ', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'โปรดจำไว้ว่าเพจที่ใช้ php มีความเสี่ยงต่อปัญหาด้านความปลอดภัย โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งเมื่อจัดการกับอินพุตของผู้ใช้ สำหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม โปรดดูที่แนวทางปฏิบัติที่ดีที่สุดด้านความปลอดภัยของ Yii', + 'Reset' => 'รีเซ็ต', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'บันทึก', + 'Saved' => 'บันทึกแล้ว', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => 'เลือกการตั้งค่านี้สำหรับโหนดข้อความที่มองเห็นเท่านั้น ยกเลิกการเลือกการตั้งค่านี้ในกรณีที่องค์ประกอบนี้ถูกใช้ เช่น เป็นค่าแอตทริบิวต์ HTML', + 'Settings' => 'การตั้งค่า', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'แสดงข้อมูลไฟล์เพิ่มเติม (ขนาด)', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'สนิป-เลย์เอาต์', + 'Snippet' => 'Snippet', + 'Snippets' => 'ตัวอย่าง', + 'Source' => 'ที่มา', + 'Space' => 'อวกาศ', + 'Space Navigation' => 'การนำทางอวกาศ', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'กระแส', + 'Stream options' => 'ตัวเลือกการสตรีม', + 'Style' => 'สไตล์', + 'Submit' => 'ส่ง', + 'Template' => 'แม่แบบ', + 'Templates' => 'แม่แบบ', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'เทมเพลตช่วยให้คุณกำหนดส่วนย่อยของหน้าที่รวมกันได้พร้อมฟังก์ชันแก้ไขแบบอินไลน์', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'การดำเนินการนี้ต้องใช้อินสแตนซ์ ownerContentId หรือ ownerContent!', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'การดำเนินการนี้ต้องใช้เทมเพลต templateId หรือเทมเพลต!', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'ตู้คอนเทนเนอร์นี้ไม่อนุญาตให้มีสิ่งของเพิ่มเติม!', + 'Title' => 'หัวข้อ', + 'Top Navigation' => 'การนำทางยอดนิยม', + 'Type' => 'พิมพ์', + 'Upload image' => 'อัพโหลดภาพ', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'เมนูบัญชีผู้ใช้ (การตั้งค่า)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'จะฝังผลลัพธ์ของ url ที่กำหนดเป็นองค์ประกอบ iframe', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'จะเปลี่ยนเส้นทางคำขอไปยัง URL ที่กำหนด (สัมพัทธ์หรือแบบสัมบูรณ์)', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'ด้วยเพจที่ใช้ PHP คุณสามารถสร้างเพจที่กำหนดเองได้ด้วยการดูไฟล์ในระบบไฟล์ของคุณ โปรดตรวจสอบการกำหนดค่าโมดูลสำหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'โดยไม่ต้องเพิ่มการนำทาง (ลิงก์โดยตรง)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/th/models_Page.php b/messages/th/models_Page.php index fdd8f5cf..2717c67a 100644 --- a/messages/th/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/th/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'บทคัดย่อ', - 'Navigation' => 'การนำทาง', - 'Only visible for admins' => 'เฉพาะผู้ดูแลระบบเท่านั้นที่มองเห็นได้', - 'Open in new window' => 'เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่', - 'Url shortcut' => 'ทางลัด URL', - 'View' => 'ดู', - 'page' => 'หน้า', - 'Visibility' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => 'บทคัดย่อ', + 'Navigation' => 'การนำทาง', + 'Only visible for admins' => 'เฉพาะผู้ดูแลระบบเท่านั้นที่มองเห็นได้', + 'Open in new window' => 'เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่', + 'Url shortcut' => 'ทางลัด URL', + 'View' => 'ดู', + 'Visibility' => 'ทัศนวิสัย', + 'page' => 'หน้า', +); diff --git a/messages/tr/base.php b/messages/tr/base.php index 631cb92e..bee55f38 100644 --- a/messages/tr/base.php +++ b/messages/tr/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ 'Ekle', - 'Advanced' => 'Gelişmiş', - 'Back' => 'Geri', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Gösterge paneline geri dön', - 'Back to overview' => 'Geri dön', - 'Back to space' => 'Mekanlara geri dön', - 'Cancel' => 'İptal', - 'Close' => 'Kapat', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfigürasyon', - 'Content' => 'İçerik', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Özel Sayfalar', - 'Dashboard' => 'Panel', - 'Default' => 'Varsayılan', - 'Delete' => 'Sil', - 'Edit' => 'Düzenle', - 'File' => 'Dosya', - 'General' => 'Genel', - 'Link' => 'Bağlantı', - 'MarkDown' => 'Daralt', - 'Overview' => 'Genel Bakış', - 'Reset' => 'Sıfırla', - 'Save' => 'Kaydet', - 'Saved' => 'Kaydet', - 'Settings' => 'Ayarlar', - 'Stream' => 'Yayın', - 'Submit' => 'Gönder', - 'Title' => 'Başlık', - 'Top Navigation' => 'En Navigasyon', - 'Type' => 'Tip', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Kullanıcı Hesap Menüsü (Ayarlar)', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'PHP tabanlı sayfaları ile dosya sisteminde görünüm dosyaları vasıtasıyla özel sayfalar oluşturabilirsiniz. Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen modül yapılandırmasını kontrol edin.', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Navigasyon eklemeden (Doğrudan bağlantı)', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Edit snippet' => '', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', - 'Alternate text' => '', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Containers' => '', - 'Create new {type}' => '', - 'Css Class' => '', - 'Custom pages' => '', - 'Default Content' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Edit Page' => '', - 'Empty' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Html' => '', - 'Iframe' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Invalid type selection' => '', - 'Item name' => '', - 'Layouts' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Off' => '', - 'On' => '', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', - 'PHP' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Pages' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Snippets' => '', - 'Source' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Template' => '', - 'Templates' => '', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', - 'Upload image' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Edit snippet' => '', + 'Add' => 'Ekle', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', + 'Advanced' => 'Gelişmiş', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', + 'Alternate text' => '', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', + 'Back' => 'Geri', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Gösterge paneline geri dön', + 'Back to overview' => 'Geri dön', + 'Back to space' => 'Mekanlara geri dön', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => 'İptal', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Kapat', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfigürasyon', + 'Containers' => '', + 'Content' => 'İçerik', + 'Create new {type}' => '', + 'Css Class' => '', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Özel Sayfalar', + 'Custom pages' => '', + 'Dashboard' => 'Panel', + 'Default' => 'Varsayılan', + 'Default Content' => '', + 'Delete' => 'Sil', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Düzenle', + 'Edit Page' => '', + 'Empty' => '', + 'File' => 'Dosya', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'Genel', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => '', + 'Iframe' => '', + 'Insert' => 'Ekle', + 'Invalid type selection' => '', + 'Item name' => '', + 'Layouts' => '', + 'Link' => 'Bağlantı', + 'MarkDown' => 'Daralt', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => '', + 'On' => '', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', + 'Overview' => 'Genel Bakış', + 'PHP' => '', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => '', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', + 'Reset' => 'Sıfırla', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Kaydet', + 'Saved' => 'Kaydet', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => 'Ayarlar', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', + 'Snippet' => '', + 'Snippets' => '', + 'Source' => '', + 'Space' => 'Mekan', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Yayın', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => '', + 'Submit' => 'Gönder', + 'Template' => '', + 'Templates' => '', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', + 'Title' => 'Başlık', + 'Top Navigation' => 'En Navigasyon', + 'Type' => 'Tip', + 'Upload image' => '', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Kullanıcı Hesap Menüsü (Ayarlar)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'PHP tabanlı sayfaları ile dosya sisteminde görünüm dosyaları vasıtasıyla özel sayfalar oluşturabilirsiniz. Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen modül yapılandırmasını kontrol edin.', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Navigasyon eklemeden (Doğrudan bağlantı)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/tr/models_Page.php b/messages/tr/models_Page.php index 18653c87..724294e8 100644 --- a/messages/tr/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/tr/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Navigasyon', - 'View' => 'Görünüm', - 'Abstract' => '', - 'Only visible for admins' => '', - 'Open in new window' => '', - 'Url shortcut' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', - 'page' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => 'Navigasyon', + 'Only visible for admins' => '', + 'Open in new window' => '', + 'Url shortcut' => '', + 'View' => 'Görünüm', + 'Visibility' => 'Görünüm', + 'page' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/uk/base.php b/messages/uk/base.php index 31016a9b..7079ad61 100644 --- a/messages/uk/base.php +++ b/messages/uk/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ 'Назад', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Повернутись на дошку', - 'Cancel' => 'Скасувати', - 'Close' => 'Закрити', - 'Configuration' => 'Конфігурація', - 'Content' => 'Зміст', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Персональні сторінки', - 'Default' => 'За замовченням', - 'Delete' => 'Видалити', - 'Edit' => 'Редагувати', - 'General' => 'Загальне', - 'Link' => 'Лінк', - 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', - 'Save' => 'Зберегти', - 'Saved' => 'Збережено', - 'Settings' => 'Налаштування', - 'Source' => 'Джерело', - 'Stream' => 'Стрічка', - 'Title' => 'Заголовок', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Верхня навігація', - 'Type' => 'Тип', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Меню акаунта користувача (Налаштування)', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Без додавання в навігацію (Прямий лінк)', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Edit snippet' => '', - 'Add' => '', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', - 'Advanced' => '', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', - 'Alternate text' => '', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', - 'Back to overview' => '', - 'Back to space' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Containers' => '', - 'Create new {type}' => '', - 'Css Class' => '', - 'Custom pages' => '', - 'Dashboard' => '', - 'Default Content' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Edit Page' => '', - 'Empty' => '', - 'File' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Html' => '', - 'Iframe' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Invalid type selection' => '', - 'Item name' => '', - 'Layouts' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Off' => '', - 'On' => '', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', - 'Overview' => '', - 'PHP' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Pages' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', - 'Reset' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Snippets' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Submit' => '', - 'Template' => '', - 'Templates' => '', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', - 'Upload image' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Edit snippet' => '', + 'Add' => '', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', + 'Advanced' => '', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', + 'Alternate text' => '', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', + 'Back' => 'Назад', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Повернутись на дошку', + 'Back to overview' => '', + 'Back to space' => '', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => 'Скасувати', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Закрити', + 'Configuration' => 'Конфігурація', + 'Containers' => '', + 'Content' => 'Зміст', + 'Create new {type}' => '', + 'Css Class' => '', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Персональні сторінки', + 'Custom pages' => '', + 'Dashboard' => '', + 'Default' => 'За замовченням', + 'Default Content' => '', + 'Delete' => 'Видалити', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Редагувати', + 'Edit Page' => '', + 'Empty' => '', + 'File' => '', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'Загальне', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => '', + 'Iframe' => '', + 'Insert' => 'Вставити', + 'Invalid type selection' => '', + 'Item name' => '', + 'Layouts' => '', + 'Link' => 'Лінк', + 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => '', + 'On' => '', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', + 'Overview' => '', + 'PHP' => '', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => '', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', + 'Reset' => '', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Зберегти', + 'Saved' => 'Збережено', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => 'Налаштування', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', + 'Snippet' => '', + 'Snippets' => '', + 'Source' => 'Джерело', + 'Space' => '', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Стрічка', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => '', + 'Submit' => '', + 'Template' => '', + 'Templates' => '', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', + 'Title' => 'Заголовок', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Верхня навігація', + 'Type' => 'Тип', + 'Upload image' => '', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'Меню акаунта користувача (Налаштування)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Без додавання в навігацію (Прямий лінк)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/uk/models_Page.php b/messages/uk/models_Page.php index 2550f6ef..a9b40f6a 100644 --- a/messages/uk/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/uk/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Навігація', - 'Abstract' => '', - 'Only visible for admins' => '', - 'Open in new window' => '', - 'Url shortcut' => '', - 'View' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', - 'page' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => 'Навігація', + 'Only visible for admins' => '', + 'Open in new window' => '', + 'Url shortcut' => '', + 'View' => '', + 'Visibility' => 'Видимість', + 'page' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/vi/base.php b/messages/vi/base.php index 73fa1c88..268e33b5 100644 --- a/messages/vi/base.php +++ b/messages/vi/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => 'Trang Tùy chỉnh', - 'Edit snippet' => 'Sửa snippet', - 'Add' => 'Thêm', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Thêm một biểu tượng file vào trước tiêu đề', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Thêm plain HTML vào website của bạn', - 'Advanced' => 'Nâng cao', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Cho phép thêm trang (markdown, iframe hoặc links) vào thanh điều hướng diễn đàn', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Cho phép bạn thêm nội dung bằng cú pháp ngôn ngữ MarkDown.', - 'Alternate text' => 'Văn bản thay thế', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Luôn luôn tạo bản backup cho các file bên ngoài môi trường thực thi!', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Một sự lựa chọn mẫu cho phép rỗng sẽ cho phép tất cả các mẫu chứa cho khung chứa này.', - 'Back' => 'Trở lại', - 'Back to dashboard' => 'Quay về trang chính', - 'Back to overview' => 'Quay trở lại trang Tổng quan', - 'Back to space' => 'Quay lại diễn đàn', - 'Cancel' => 'Hủy', - 'Close' => 'Đóng', - 'Configuration' => 'Cấu hình', - 'Containers' => 'Khung chứa', - 'Content' => 'Nội dung', - 'Create new {type}' => 'Tạo {type} mới', - 'Css Class' => 'CSS class', - 'Custom Pages' => 'Trang tùy chỉnh', - 'Custom pages' => 'Trang tùy chỉnh', - 'Dashboard' => 'Trang chính', - 'Default' => 'Mặc định', - 'Default Content' => 'Nội dung mặc định', - 'Delete' => 'Xóa', - 'Edit' => 'Chỉnh sửa', - 'Edit Page' => 'Sửa trang', - 'Empty' => 'Rỗng', - 'File' => 'File', - 'General' => 'Chung', - 'Html' => 'Html', - 'Iframe' => 'iframe', - 'Invalid type selection' => 'chọn loại không hợp lệ', - 'Item name' => 'tên hạng mục', - 'Layouts' => 'Layouts', - 'Link' => 'Link', - 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', - 'Off' => 'Tắt', - 'On' => 'Bật', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Trên trang này bạn có thể cấu hình các thiết lập chung cho trang tùy chỉnh của bạn.', - 'Overview' => 'Tổng quan', - 'PHP' => 'PHP', - 'Pages' => 'Trang', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Lưu ý rằng các trang PHP có thể gây nguy hại tới bảo mật, đặc biệt khi xử lý dữ liệu người dùng nhập tại trang. Để hiểu rõ hơn, vui lòng tham khảo liên kết: Yii\'s Security best practices.', - 'Reset' => 'Đặt lại', - 'Save' => 'Lưu', - 'Saved' => 'Đã lưu', - 'Settings' => 'Cài đặt', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Hiện thêm thông tin file (kích thước)', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Snipped-Layouts', - 'Snippets' => 'Snippets', - 'Source' => 'Nguồn', - 'Stream' => 'Dòng thời gian', - 'Style' => 'Style', - 'Submit' => 'Đăng', - 'Template' => 'Mẫu', - 'Templates' => 'Mẫu', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'This container does not allow any further items!', - 'Title' => 'Tiêu đề', - 'Top Navigation' => 'Top Navigation', - 'Type' => 'Loại', - 'Upload image' => 'Tải lên ảnh', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'User Account Menu (Settings)', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => 'Trang Tùy chỉnh', + 'Edit snippet' => 'Sửa snippet', + 'Add' => 'Thêm', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => 'Thêm một biểu tượng file vào trước tiêu đề', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => 'Thêm plain HTML vào website của bạn', + 'Advanced' => 'Nâng cao', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => 'Cho phép thêm trang (markdown, iframe hoặc links) vào thanh điều hướng diễn đàn', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => 'Cho phép bạn thêm nội dung bằng cú pháp ngôn ngữ MarkDown.', + 'Alternate text' => 'Văn bản thay thế', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => 'Luôn luôn tạo bản backup cho các file bên ngoài môi trường thực thi!', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => 'Một sự lựa chọn mẫu cho phép rỗng sẽ cho phép tất cả các mẫu chứa cho khung chứa này.', + 'Back' => 'Trở lại', + 'Back to dashboard' => 'Quay về trang chính', + 'Back to overview' => 'Quay trở lại trang Tổng quan', + 'Back to space' => 'Quay lại diễn đàn', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => 'Hủy', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => 'Đóng', + 'Configuration' => 'Cấu hình', + 'Containers' => 'Khung chứa', + 'Content' => 'Nội dung', + 'Create new {type}' => 'Tạo {type} mới', + 'Css Class' => 'CSS class', + 'Custom Pages' => 'Trang tùy chỉnh', + 'Custom pages' => 'Trang tùy chỉnh', + 'Dashboard' => 'Trang chính', + 'Default' => 'Mặc định', + 'Default Content' => 'Nội dung mặc định', + 'Delete' => 'Xóa', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => 'Chỉnh sửa', + 'Edit Page' => 'Sửa trang', + 'Empty' => 'Rỗng', + 'File' => 'File', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => 'Chung', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => 'Html', + 'Iframe' => 'iframe', + 'Insert' => 'Chèn', + 'Invalid type selection' => 'chọn loại không hợp lệ', + 'Item name' => 'tên hạng mục', + 'Layouts' => 'Layouts', + 'Link' => 'Link', + 'MarkDown' => 'MarkDown', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => 'Tắt', + 'On' => 'Bật', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => 'Trên trang này bạn có thể cấu hình các thiết lập chung cho trang tùy chỉnh của bạn.', + 'Overview' => 'Tổng quan', + 'PHP' => 'PHP', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => 'Trang', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => 'Lưu ý rằng các trang PHP có thể gây nguy hại tới bảo mật, đặc biệt khi xử lý dữ liệu người dùng nhập tại trang. Để hiểu rõ hơn, vui lòng tham khảo liên kết: Yii\'s Security best practices.', + 'Reset' => 'Đặt lại', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => 'Lưu', + 'Saved' => 'Đã lưu', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => 'Cài đặt', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => 'Hiện thêm thông tin file (kích thước)', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => 'Snipped-Layouts', + 'Snippet' => 'Khối thông tin', + 'Snippets' => 'Snippets', + 'Source' => 'Nguồn', + 'Space' => 'Diễn đàn', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => 'Dòng thời gian', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => 'Style', + 'Submit' => 'Đăng', + 'Template' => 'Mẫu', + 'Templates' => 'Mẫu', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => 'This container does not allow any further items!', + 'Title' => 'Tiêu đề', + 'Top Navigation' => 'Top Navigation', + 'Type' => 'Loại', + 'Upload image' => 'Tải lên ảnh', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => 'User Account Menu (Settings)', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/vi/models_Page.php b/messages/vi/models_Page.php index 8d1cea66..c31305c0 100644 --- a/messages/vi/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/vi/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ 'Điều hướng', - 'Only visible for admins' => 'Chỉ truy cập được bởi admins', - 'Open in new window' => 'Mở trong cửa sổ mới', - 'Url shortcut' => 'Lối tắt URL', - 'View' => 'Xem', - 'page' => 'trang', - 'Abstract' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => 'Điều hướng', + 'Only visible for admins' => 'Chỉ truy cập được bởi admins', + 'Open in new window' => 'Mở trong cửa sổ mới', + 'Url shortcut' => 'Lối tắt URL', + 'View' => 'Xem', + 'Visibility' => 'Hiển thị', + 'page' => 'trang', +); diff --git a/messages/zh-CN/base.php b/messages/zh-CN/base.php index b8f6c050..dedf6628 100644 --- a/messages/zh-CN/base.php +++ b/messages/zh-CN/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ '增加', - 'Advanced' => '高级', - 'Back' => '返回', - 'Back to dashboard' => '返回主面板', - 'Back to overview' => '返回概览', - 'Cancel' => '取消', - 'Close' => '关闭', - 'Configuration' => '配置', - 'Content' => '内容', - 'Dashboard' => '主面板', - 'Default' => '默认', - 'Delete' => '删除', - 'Edit' => '编辑', - 'File' => '文件', - 'General' => '一般', - 'Overview' => '概览', - 'Save' => '保存', - 'Saved' => '已保存', - 'Settings' => '设置', - 'Stream' => '动态', - 'Submit' => '提交', - 'Title' => '标题', - 'Type' => '类型', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Edit snippet' => '', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', - 'Alternate text' => '', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', - 'Back to space' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Containers' => '', - 'Create new {type}' => '', - 'Css Class' => '', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Custom pages' => '', - 'Default Content' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Edit Page' => '', - 'Empty' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Html' => '', - 'Iframe' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Invalid type selection' => '', - 'Item name' => '', - 'Layouts' => '', - 'Link' => '', - 'MarkDown' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'Off' => '', - 'On' => '', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', - 'PHP' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Pages' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', - 'Reset' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Snippets' => '', - 'Source' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Template' => '', - 'Templates' => '', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', - 'Top Navigation' => '', - 'Upload image' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => '', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Edit snippet' => '', + 'Add' => '增加', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', + 'Advanced' => '高级', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', + 'Alternate text' => '', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', + 'Back' => '返回', + 'Back to dashboard' => '返回主面板', + 'Back to overview' => '返回概览', + 'Back to space' => '', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => '取消', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => '关闭', + 'Configuration' => '配置', + 'Containers' => '', + 'Content' => '内容', + 'Create new {type}' => '', + 'Css Class' => '', + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Custom pages' => '', + 'Dashboard' => '主面板', + 'Default' => '默认', + 'Default Content' => '', + 'Delete' => '删除', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => '编辑', + 'Edit Page' => '', + 'Empty' => '', + 'File' => '文件', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => '一般', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => '', + 'Iframe' => '', + 'Insert' => '', + 'Invalid type selection' => '', + 'Item name' => '', + 'Layouts' => '', + 'Link' => '', + 'MarkDown' => '', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => '', + 'On' => '', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', + 'Overview' => '概览', + 'PHP' => '', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => '', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', + 'Reset' => '', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => '保存', + 'Saved' => '已保存', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => '设置', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', + 'Snippet' => '', + 'Snippets' => '', + 'Source' => '', + 'Space' => '空间', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => '动态', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => '', + 'Submit' => '提交', + 'Template' => '', + 'Templates' => '', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', + 'Title' => '标题', + 'Top Navigation' => '', + 'Type' => '类型', + 'Upload image' => '', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => '', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/zh-CN/models_Page.php b/messages/zh-CN/models_Page.php index 58dd7f4e..dbfe32bd 100644 --- a/messages/zh-CN/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/zh-CN/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ '', - 'Navigation' => '', - 'Only visible for admins' => '', - 'Open in new window' => '', - 'Url shortcut' => '', - 'View' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', - 'page' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => '', + 'Only visible for admins' => '', + 'Open in new window' => '', + 'Url shortcut' => '', + 'View' => '', + 'Visibility' => '可见性', + 'page' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/zh-TW/base.php b/messages/zh-TW/base.php index 14260403..646ad37e 100644 --- a/messages/zh-TW/base.php +++ b/messages/zh-TW/base.php @@ -1,101 +1,100 @@ Custom Pages' => '自訂頁面', - 'Edit snippet' => '編輯提示', - 'Add' => '添加', - 'Back' => '返回', - 'Back to dashboard' => '返回儀表板', - 'Cancel' => '取消', - 'Close' => '關閉', - 'Configuration' => '設定', - 'Content' => '内容', - 'Dashboard' => '儀表板', - 'Default' => '預設值', - 'Default Content' => '預設內容', - 'Delete' => '刪除', - 'Edit' => '編輯', - 'Edit Page' => '編輯頁面', - 'File' => '文件', - 'General' => '一般資訊', - 'Off' => '關', - 'On' => '開', - 'Save' => '儲存', - 'Saved' => '已儲存', - 'Settings' => '設定', - 'Stream' => '塗鴉牆', - 'Submit' => '送出', - 'Title' => '標題', - 'Type' => '類型', - 'Upload image' => '上傳圖像', - 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', - 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', - 'Advanced' => '', - 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', - 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', - 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', - 'Alternate text' => '', - 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', - 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', - 'Back to overview' => '', - 'Back to space' => '', - 'Can manage custom pages' => '', - 'Cannot delete!' => '', - 'Containers' => '', - 'Create new {type}' => '', - 'Css Class' => '', - 'Custom Pages' => '', - 'Custom pages' => '', - 'Deleted.' => '', - 'Empty' => '', - 'Footer menu' => '', - 'Global Page' => '', - 'Global Widget' => '', - 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', - 'Html' => '', - 'Iframe' => '', - 'Insert' => '', - 'Invalid type selection' => '', - 'Item name' => '', - 'Layouts' => '', - 'Link' => '', - 'MarkDown' => '', - 'Menu settings' => '', - 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', - 'Overview' => '', - 'PHP' => '', - 'Page' => '', - 'Pages' => '', - 'Panel' => '', - 'People Buttons' => '', - 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', - 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', - 'Reset' => '', - 'Reset the content to default value' => '', - 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', - 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', - 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', - 'Snippet' => '', - 'Snippets' => '', - 'Source' => '', - 'Space' => '', - 'Space Navigation' => '', - 'Space Page' => '', - 'Space Widget' => '', - 'Stream options' => '', - 'Style' => '', - 'Template' => '', - 'Templates' => '', - 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', - 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', - 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', - 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', - 'Top Navigation' => '', - 'Usage' => '', - 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => '', - 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', - 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', - 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', - 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', - 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Custom Pages' => '自訂頁面', + 'Edit snippet' => '編輯提示', + 'Add' => '添加', + 'Add a file icon before the title' => '', + 'Adds plain HTML content to your site.' => '', + 'Advanced' => '', + 'Allows the user to manage custom pages.' => '', + 'Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation' => '', + 'Allows you to add content in MarkDown syntax.' => '', + 'Alternate text' => '', + 'Always make a backup of your view files outside of your production environment!' => '', + 'An empty allowed template selection will allow all container templates for this container.' => '', + 'Back' => '返回', + 'Back to dashboard' => '返回儀表板', + 'Back to overview' => '', + 'Back to space' => '', + 'Can manage custom pages' => '', + 'Cancel' => '取消', + 'Cannot delete!' => '', + 'Close' => '關閉', + 'Configuration' => '設定', + 'Containers' => '', + 'Content' => '内容', + 'Create new {type}' => '', + 'Css Class' => '', + 'Custom Pages' => '', + 'Custom pages' => '', + 'Dashboard' => '儀表板', + 'Default' => '預設值', + 'Default Content' => '預設內容', + 'Delete' => '刪除', + 'Deleted.' => '', + 'Edit' => '編輯', + 'Edit Page' => '編輯頁面', + 'Empty' => '', + 'File' => '文件', + 'Footer menu' => '', + 'General' => '一般資訊', + 'Global Page' => '', + 'Global Widget' => '', + 'Here you can review where the template is used in.' => '', + 'Html' => '', + 'Iframe' => '', + 'Insert' => '插入', + 'Invalid type selection' => '', + 'Item name' => '', + 'Layouts' => '', + 'Link' => '', + 'MarkDown' => '', + 'Menu settings' => '', + 'Off' => '關', + 'On' => '開', + 'On this page you can configure general settings of your custom pages.' => '', + 'Overview' => '', + 'PHP' => '', + 'Page' => '', + 'Pages' => '', + 'Panel' => '', + 'People Buttons' => '', + 'Please choose one of the following content types. The content type defines how your content is embedded to your site.' => '', + 'Please keep in mind that php based pages are vulnerable to security issues, especially when handling user input. For more information, please have a look at Yii\'s Security best practices.' => '', + 'Reset' => '', + 'Reset the content to default value' => '', + 'Save' => '儲存', + 'Saved' => '已儲存', + 'Select this setting for visible text nodes only. Uncheck this setting in case this element is used for example as HTML attribute value.' => '', + 'Settings' => '設定', + 'Show additional file information (size)' => '', + 'Snipped-Layouts' => '', + 'Snippet' => '', + 'Snippets' => '', + 'Source' => '', + 'Space' => 'Space', + 'Space Navigation' => '', + 'Space Page' => '', + 'Space Widget' => '', + 'Stream' => '塗鴉牆', + 'Stream options' => '', + 'Style' => '', + 'Submit' => '送出', + 'Template' => '', + 'Templates' => '', + 'Templates allow you to define combinable page fragments with inline edit functionality.' => '', + 'This action requires an ownerContentId or ownerContent instance!' => '', + 'This action requires an templateId or template instance!' => '', + 'This container does not allow any further items!' => '', + 'Title' => '標題', + 'Top Navigation' => '', + 'Type' => '類型', + 'Upload image' => '上傳圖像', + 'Usage' => '', + 'User Account Menu (Settings)' => '', + 'Will embed the result of a given url as an iframe element.' => '', + 'Will redirect requests to a given (relative or absolute) url.' => '', + 'With PHP based pages you can create custom pages by means of view files in your file system. Please check the module configuration for more Information.' => '', + 'Without adding to navigation (Direct link)' => '', + 'Wrap this HTML page with white panel' => '', +); diff --git a/messages/zh-TW/models_Page.php b/messages/zh-TW/models_Page.php index 58dd7f4e..0ff599dc 100644 --- a/messages/zh-TW/models_Page.php +++ b/messages/zh-TW/models_Page.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ '', - 'Navigation' => '', - 'Only visible for admins' => '', - 'Open in new window' => '', - 'Url shortcut' => '', - 'View' => '', - 'Visibility' => '', - 'page' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Abstract' => '', + 'Navigation' => '', + 'Only visible for admins' => '', + 'Open in new window' => '', + 'Url shortcut' => '', + 'View' => '', + 'Visibility' => '貼文能見度', + 'page' => '', +);