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Encryption Demo

Only for demo purpose, never use in production environment!


The .NET Framework provides implementations of many standard cryptographic algorithms. These algorithms are easy to use and have the safest possible default properties. In addition, the .NET Framework cryptography model of object inheritance, stream design, and configuration is extremely extensible.

"Schneier's Law" "Anyone can design a cipher that he himself cannot break. This is why you should uniformly distrust amateur cryptography, and why you should only use published algorithms that have withstood broad cryptanalysis. All cryptographers know this, but non-cryptographers do not. And this is why we repeatedly see bad amateur cryptography in fielded systems." Amateurs Produce Amateur Cryptography


As guidance we will use the document "BSI TR-02102 Cryptographic Mechanisms" in version 2019-01 and some documents from the US National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST.

Additional there is a Cryptographic Storage Cheat Sheet from Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP).

Quick Start

You want to understand how to encrypt data with a password in the .NET Framework: Take a look at Rfc2898DeriveBytes and AES-CGM or a protocol like CMS or JWE.

You want to understand how to encrypt data using a public key: Take a look at protocols like CMS or JWE and hybrid cryptosystems (e.g. ECDiffieHellman + ECDsa + AES-CGM or RSA + AES-CGM).


You can select an algorithm for different reasons: for example, for data integrity, for data privacy, or to generate a key. Symmetric and hash algorithms are intended for protecting data for either integrity reasons (protect from change) or privacy reasons (protect from viewing). Hash algorithms are used primarily for data integrity.

  • Data privacy:
    • Aes
    • ChaCha20
  • Data integrity:
    • MAC
      • HMACSHA256
      • HMACSHA512
    • Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data ciphers
  • Digital signature:
    • ECDsa
    • RSA
  • Key encapsulation
    • RSA
  • Key exchange:
    • ECDiffieHellman
    • RSA
  • Random number generation:
    • RNGCryptoServiceProvider
  • Generating a key from a password:
    • Rfc2898DeriveBytes


Use Cases

You want to encrypt a file with a password, is this case you want to ensure data privacy with e.g. Aes, data integrity with e.g. HMACSHA512 and generating a key from a password with Rfc2898DeriveBytes.

You want to encrypt a file with a password, is this case you want to ensure data privacy with e.g. Aes, data integrity with e.g. HMACSHA512 and generating a key with RNGCryptoServiceProvider in case of RSA oder derive a key in case of ECDH. The cipher text should be signed with RSA or ECDsa.

Cryptographic primitives and Standards

Cryptographic primitives are well-established, low-level cryptographic algorithms that are frequently used to build cryptographic protocols for computer security systems. These routines include, but are not limited to, one-way hash functions and encryption functions.

Cryptographic primitives, on their own, are quite limited. They cannot be considered, properly, to be a cryptographic system. For instance, a bare encryption algorithm will provide no authentication mechanism, nor any explicit message integrity checking. Only when combined in security protocols, can more than one security requirement be addressed. (See Combining cryptographic primitives)

For developer without any specialization in cryptosystems it is safer to use standards or cryptographic protocols which combine cryptographic primitives to ensure safty.

E.g. Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) for cryptographically protected messages or PGP, JWT, TLS, Signal Protocol.

Any never ever invent your own crypto whatever! Use only trusted cryptography libraries!


Here are some features that you could implement.

Usage of cryptographic primitive



RSA is a deterministic encryption algorithm! (see Attacks against plain RSA)

You should not use RSA for plain encryption, the proper use of RSA is KEM (key encapsulation mechanism) where a random secret is encrypted or for digital signatures.


Combination of cryptographic primitive

Symmetric encryption with a password

Asymmetric encryption with an elliptic curve

Usage of standardized syntax for the exchange of encrypted data

JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)

Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS, PKCS#7)
