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Vault Config Operator

This operator helps set up Vault Configurations. The main intent is to do so such that subsequently pods can consume the secrets made available. There are two main principles through all of the capabilities of this operator:

  1. high-fidelity API. The CRD exposed by this operator reflect field by field the Vault APIs. This is because we don't want to make any assumption on the kinds of configuration workflow that user will set up. That being said the Vault API is very extensive and we are starting with enough API coverage to support, we think, some simple and very common configuration workflows.
  2. attention to security (after all we are integrating with a security tool). To prevent credential leaks we give no permissions to the operator itself against Vault. All APIs exposed by this operator contains enough information to authenticate to Vault using a local service account (local to the namespace where the API exist). In other word for a namespace user to be abel to successfully configure Vault, a service account in that namespace must have been previously given the needed Vault permissions.

Currently this operator covers the following Vault APIs:

Authentication Engines

  1. AuthEngineMount Sets up a Vault Authentication Endpoint
  2. KubernetesAuthEngineConfig Configures a Vault Kubernetes Authentication Endpoint.
  3. KubernetesAuthEngineRole Configures a Vault Kubernetes Authentication Role
  4. LDAPAuthEngineConfig Configures a Vault LDAP Authentication Endpoint.
  5. JWTOIDCAuthEngineConfig Configures a Vault JWT/OIDC Authentication Endpoint

Policy management

  1. Policy Configures Vault Policies
  2. PasswordPolicy Configures Vault Password Policies

Secret Engines

  1. SecretEngineMount Configures a Mount point for a SecretEngine
  2. DatabaseSecretEngineConfig Configures a Database Secret Engine Connection
  3. DatabaseSecretEngineRole Configures a Database Secret Engine Role
  4. GitHubSecretEngineConfig Configures a Github Application to produce tokens, see the also the vault-plugin-secrets-github
  5. GitHubSecretEngineRole Configures a Github Application to produce scoped tokens, see the also the vault-plugin-secrets-github
  6. PKISecretEngineConfig Configures a PKI Secret Engine
  7. PKISecretEngineRole Configures a PKI Secret Engine Role
  8. QuaySecretEngineConfig Configures a Quay server to produce Robot accounts, see the also the vault-plugin-secrets-quay
  9. QuaySecretEngineRole Configures a Quay server to produce credentials for a Robot account, see the also the vault-plugin-secrets-quay
  10. QuaySecretEngineStaticRole Configures a Quay server to produce credentials for a Robot account using a fixed username and generated credentials, see the also the vault-plugin-secrets-quay
  11. RabbitMQSecretEngineConfig Configures a RabbitMQ Secret Engine
  12. RabbitMQSecretEngineRole Configures a RabbitMQ Secret Engine Role

Secret Management

  1. RandomSecret Creates a random secret in a vault kv Secret Engine with one password field generated using a PasswordPolicy
  2. VaultSecret Creates a K8s Secret from one or more Vault Secrets


  1. Group Creates a Vault Group.
  2. GroupAlias Creates a Vault GroupAlias.

The common authentication section

All APIs share a common authentication section, details can be found here Every time a resource is reconciled a new authentication is performed and a new token is requeued from Vault. For the token will be used for reconcile cycle possible for a few calls and then forgotten. The whole process should normally take a fraction of a second, maybe a few seconds on a very busy pod. It is recommended to dedicate an authentication engine just for the vault-configuration-operator controller and keep the token TTL so 10-20s. This will prevent a proliferation of tokens on the Vault side.

End to end example

See this section for an example scenario in which this operator could be used.

Contributing a new Vault type

See this section of the documentation for a details on how to contribute a new type.

Initializing the connection to Vault

At the moment the connection to Vault can be initialized with Vault's standard environment variables. See the OLM documentation on how to pass environment variables via a Subscription. The variable that are read at client initialization are listed here.

Additionally, the operator checks for an environment variable named CACHE_VAULT_TOKEN. If set to a value of "true", the operator will cache the Vault clients (and tokens) it creates per tuple of:

  • Vault namespace
  • Kubernetes namespace
  • Kubernetes service account
  • Kubernetes auth engine path
  • Kubernetes auth engine role

By default, or if the variable is set to any other value, the operator will create a new client with a new token for each request it makes to Vault.

SyncPeriod determines the minimum frequency at which watched resources are reconciled. Set the environment variable named SYNC_PERIOD_SECONDS to update the frequency at which watched resources are reconciled. It defaults to 10 hours if unset.

For certificates, the recommended approach is to mount the secret or configmap containing the certificate as described here, and the configure the corresponding variables to point at the files location in the mounted path.

Here is an example:

This is a configmap that will be injected with the OpenShift service-ca, you will have different ways of injecting your CA:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  annotations: "true"
  name: ocp-service-ca

Here is the subscription using that configmap:

kind: Subscription
  name: vault-config-operator
  channel: alpha
  installPlanApproval: Automatic
  name: vault-config-operator
  source: community-operators
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
    - name: VAULT_CACERT
      value: /vault-ca/ca.crt
    - name: vault-ca
        name: ocp-service-ca
    - mountPath: /vault-ca
      name: vault-ca

The Common connection section

All APIs share a common connection section. This section can be used to override how connections to Vault are established, essentially changing the above explained behavior. With feature it is potentially possible to connect to multiple vault instance from a single cluster.

Here is an example:

    address: 'https://vault.vault2.svc:8200'
      cacert: |
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----

This section features the same options that are available via environment variables when using the vault client. Keep in mind that this configuration override the default explained above, so you need to specify only the field that need to be different.

Deploying the Operator

This is a cluster-level operator that you can deploy in any namespace, vault-config-operator is recommended.

It is recommended to deploy this operator via OperatorHub, but you can also deploy it using Helm.

Multiarch Support

Arch Support

Deploying from OperatorHub

Note: This operator supports being installed disconnected environments

If you want to utilize the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) to install this operator, you can do so in two ways: from the UI or the CLI.

Deploying from OperatorHub UI

  • If you would like to launch this operator from the UI, you'll need to navigate to the OperatorHub tab in the console. Before starting, make sure you've created the namespace that you want to install this operator to with the following:
oc new-project vault-config-operator
  • Once there, you can search for this operator by name: vault config operator. This will then return an item for our operator and you can select it to get started. Once you've arrived here, you'll be presented with an option to install, which will begin the process.
  • After clicking the install button, you can then select the namespace that you would like to install this to as well as the installation strategy you would like to proceed with (Automatic or Manual).
  • Once you've made your selection, you can select Subscribe and the installation will begin. After a few moments you can go ahead and check your namespace and you should see the operator running.

Cert Utils Operator

Deploying from OperatorHub using CLI

If you'd like to launch this operator from the command line, you can use the manifests contained in this repository by running the following:

oc new-project vault-config-operator

oc apply -f config/operatorhub -n vault-config-operator

This will create the appropriate OperatorGroup and Subscription and will trigger OLM to launch the operator in the specified namespace.

Deploying with Helm

Here are the instructions to install the latest release with Helm.

oc new-project vault-config-operator
helm repo add vault-config-operator
helm repo update
helm install vault-config-operator vault-config-operator/vault-config-operator

This can later be updated with the following commands:

helm repo update
helm upgrade vault-config-operator vault-config-operator/vault-config-operator

If you want the installation to create self-signed certificates for the webhook and the metrics server, set enableCertManager to true. The installation will create a self-signed issuer and the required certificates.

If you want to provide your own cert-manager certificates instead, please create the following two certificates:

  • A certificate with a name of your choice in the operator's target namespace, with secret name vault-config-operator-webhook-service-cert, for the following domain names:
    • vault-config-operator-webhook-service.<target namespace>.svc
    • vault-config-operator-webhook-service.<target namespace>.svc.cluster.local
  • A certificate with a name of your choice in the operator's target namespace, with secret name vault-config-operator-metrics-service-cert, for the following domain names:
    • vault-config-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service.<target namespace>.svc
    • vault-config-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service.<target namespace>.svc.cluster.local


Prometheus compatible metrics are exposed by the Operator and can be integrated into OpenShift's default cluster monitoring. To enable OpenShift cluster monitoring, label the namespace the operator is deployed in with the label"true".

oc label namespace <namespace>"true"

Testing metrics

Openshift monitoring...

export operatorNamespace=vault-config-operator
oc label namespace ${operatorNamespace}"true"
oc rsh -n openshift-monitoring -c prometheus prometheus-k8s-0 /bin/bash
export operatorNamespace=vault-config-operator
curl -v --data-urlencode "query=controller_runtime_active_workers{namespace=\"${operatorNamespace}\"}" localhost:9090/api/v1/query

in Kubernetes...

See the Test helm chart locally section to run the helmchart test which will also test that metrics work against a k8s kind cluster.



If using vscode, you may need a ./.vscode/settings.json file in this directory to make gopls happy since build tags are used.


    "gopls": {
        "ui.completion.usePlaceholders": true,
        "build.buildFlags": [

To launch the debugger locally in vscode you may need a ./.vscode/launch.json to specify a different Vault address instance and/or disable webhooks (see the operator-sdk webhooks run-locally docs for more info).

The following example allows for running a debugger using the Vault instance created by first running the make integration command.

    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit:
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Launch Package",
            "type": "go",
            "request": "launch",
            "mode": "auto",
            "program": "${workspaceRoot}",
            "args": [
                "--health-probe-bind-address", ":8888",
            "env": {
                "ENABLE_WEBHOOKS": "false",
                "VAULT_ADDR": "http://localhost:8200",

Afterwards, selecting Run->Start Debugging in vscode should start the debugger.

Running the operator locally

Deploy a Vault instance

If you don't have a Vault instance available for testing, deploy one with these steps:

helm repo add hashicorp
oc new-project vault
oc adm policy add-role-to-user admin -z vault -n vault
export cluster_base_domain=$(oc get dns cluster -o jsonpath='{.spec.baseDomain}')
helm upgrade vault hashicorp/vault -i --create-namespace -n vault --atomic -f ./config/local-development/vault-values.yaml --set${cluster_base_domain}

Note: you may need to manually remove the vault-server-tls annotation from the Service vault-internal and force the recreation of the service serving certificate since the annotation gets applied to both vault and vault-internal Services by the helm chart. The implementation expects the vault.vault.svc certificate. See server-service.yaml and server-headless-service.yaml.

Configure an Kubernetes Authentication mount point

All the configuration made by the operator need to authenticate via a Kubernetes Authentication. So you need a root Kubernetes Authentication mount point and role. The you can create more roles via the operator. If you don't have a root mount point and role, you can create them as follows:

oc new-project vault-admin
export cluster_base_domain=$(oc get dns cluster -o jsonpath='{.spec.baseDomain}')
export VAULT_ADDR=https://vault-vault.apps.${cluster_base_domain}
export VAULT_TOKEN=$(oc get secret vault-init -n vault -o jsonpath='{.data.root_token}' | base64 -d )
# this policy is intentionally broad to allow to test anything in Vault. In a real life scenario this policy would be scoped down.
vault policy write -tls-skip-verify vault-admin  ./config/local-development/vault-admin-policy.hcl
vault auth enable -tls-skip-verify kubernetes
vault write -tls-skip-verify auth/kubernetes/config kubernetes_host=https://kubernetes.default.svc:443
vault write -tls-skip-verify auth/kubernetes/role/policy-admin bound_service_account_names=default bound_service_account_namespaces=vault-admin policies=vault-admin ttl=10s
# noticed how we created a 10s TTL for the tokens created by this authentication engine

verify that kube authentication works:

export token=$(oc create token default -n vault-admin) #requires oc client 4.11.x
vault write -tls-skip-verify auth/kubernetes/login role=policy-admin jwt=${token}

Run the operator

Note: this operator build process is tested with podman, but some of the build files (Makefile specifically) use docker because they are generated automatically by operator-sdk. It is recommended remap the docker command to the podman command.

export repo=raffaelespazzoli #change the organization name to your own and be sure to make the repo public
docker login$repo
oc new-project vault-config-operator
oc project vault-config-operator
tilt up

Test Manually


envsubst < ./test/database-engine-admin-policy.yaml | oc apply -f - -n vault-admin

Vault Role

oc new-project test-vault-config-operator
oc label namespace test-vault-config-operator database-engine-admin=true
oc apply -f ./test/database-engine-admin-role.yaml -n vault-admin

Secret Engine Mount

oc apply -f ./test/database-secret-engine.yaml -n test-vault-config-operator

Database secret engine connection. This will deploy a postgresql database to connect to

oc create secret generic postgresql-admin-password --from-literal=postgres-password=changeit -n test-vault-config-operator

helm repo add bitnami

helm upgrade helm upgrade my-postgresql-database bitnami/postgresql -i --create-namespace -n test-vault-config-operator -f ./docs/examples/postgresql/postgresql-values.yaml  --set primary.podSecurityContext.fsGroup=null,primary.podSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type=RuntimeDefault,primary.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser=null,primary.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation=false,primary.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot=true,primary.containerSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type=RuntimeDefault,volumePermissions.enabled=false,shmVolume.enabled=false #For OpenShift 4.11 and higher, let set OpenShift the runAsUser and fsGroup automatically. Configure the pod and container security context to restrictive defaults and disable the volume permissions setup. See

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z default -n test-vault-config-operator
oc apply -f ./test/database-engine-config.yaml -n test-vault-config-operator

Database Secret engine role

oc apply -f ./test/database-engine-read-only-role.yaml -n test-vault-config-operator

Database Secret engine static role

export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace test-vault-config-operator postgresql-admin-password -o jsonpath="{.data.postgres-password}" | base64 -d)
oc rsh -c postgresql -n test-vault-config-operator my-postgresql-database-0
/opt/bitnami/scripts/postgresql/ /bin/bash
psql --host -U postgres -d postgres -p 5432
CREATE ROLE helloworld;
oc apply -f ./test/database-engine-read-only-static-role.yaml -n test-vault-config-operator

Database root password rotation. Note we are going to overwrite the previous definition

oc apply -f ./test/database-engine-config-password-rotation.yaml -n test-vault-config-operator
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace test-vault-config-operator postgresql-admin-password -o jsonpath="{.data.postgres-password}" | base64 -d)
oc rsh -c postgresql -n test-vault-config-operator my-postgresql-database-0
/opt/bitnami/scripts/postgresql/ /bin/bash
psql --host -U postgres -d postgres -p 5432

this should fail now


oc apply -f ./test/password-policy.yaml -n vault-admin
envsubst < ./test/kv-engine-admin-policy.yaml | oc apply -f - -n vault-admin
envsubst < ./test/secret-writer-policy.yaml | oc apply -f - -n vault-admin
oc apply -f ./test/kv-engine-admin-role.yaml -n vault-admin
oc apply -f ./test/secret-writer-role.yaml -n vault-admin
oc apply -f ./test/kv-secret-engine.yaml -n test-vault-config-operator
oc apply -f ./test/random-secret.yaml -n test-vault-config-operator


Note: you must run the previous tests

oc apply -f ./test/vaultsecret/kubernetesauthenginerole-secret-reader.yaml -n vault-admin
envsubst < ./test/vaultsecret/policy-secret-reader.yaml | oc apply -f - -n vault-admin
oc apply -f ./test/vaultsecret/randomsecret-another-password.yaml -n test-vault-config-operator
oc apply -f ./test/vaultsecret/vaultsecret-randomsecret.yaml -n test-vault-config-operator
oc apply -f ./test/vaultsecret/vaultsecret-dynamicsecret.yaml -n test-vault-config-operator
# test a pullsecret... Create the secret in test-vault-config-operator/kv/pullsecret using the Vault UI first
oc apply -f ./test/vaultsecret/vaultsecret-pullsecret.yaml -n test-vault-config-operator

VaultSecret & RandomSecret using KV Secret Engine V2

#Random Secret using v2 steps
oc apply -f ./test/randomsecret/v2/00-passwordpolicy-simple-password-policy-v2.yaml -n vault-admin
envsubst < ./test/randomsecret/v2/01-policy-kv-engine-admin-v2.yaml | oc apply -f - -n vault-admin
envsubst < ./test/randomsecret/v2/04-policy-secret-writer-v2.yaml | oc apply -f - -n vault-admin
envsubst < ./test/vaultsecret/v2/00-policy-secret-reader-v2.yaml | oc apply -f - -n vault-admin
oc apply -f ./test/randomsecret/v2/02-kubernetesauthenginerole-kv-engine-admin-v2.yaml -n vault-admin
oc apply -f ./test/randomsecret/v2/05-kubernetesauthenginerole-secret-writer-v2.yaml -n vault-admin
oc apply -f ./test/vaultsecret/v2/00-kubernetesauthenginerole-secret-reader-v2.yaml -n vault-admin
oc apply -f test/randomsecret/v2/03-secretenginemount-kv-v2.yaml -n test-vault-config-operator
oc apply -f ./test/randomsecret/v2/06-randomsecret-randomsecret-password-v2.yaml -n test-vault-config-operator
oc apply -f ./test/randomsecret/v2/07-randomsecret-randomsecret-another-password-v2.yaml -n test-vault-config-operator

#VaultSecret reading RandomSecret v2 steps
oc apply -f ./test/vaultsecret/v2/07-vaultsecret-randomsecret-v2.yaml -n test-vault-config-operator

Kube auth engine mount and config and role

oc apply -f ./test/kube-auth-engine-mount.yaml -n vault-admin
oc apply -f ./test/kube-auth-engine-config.yaml -n vault-admin
oc apply -f ./test/kube-auth-engine-role.yaml -n vault-admin

Github secret engine

create a github application following the instructions here. save the ssh key in a file called: ./test/vault-secret-engine.private-key.pem and the application id

export application_id=163698 #replace with your own
export org_name=raf-backstage-demo
export ssh_key=$(cat ./test/vault-secret-engine.private-key.pem | base64 -w 0)
envsubst < ./test/github-secret-engine-config-secret-template.yaml | oc apply -f - -n vault-admin
oc apply -f ./test/github-secret-engine-mount.yaml -n vault-admin
envsubst < ./test/github-secret-engine-config.yaml | oc apply -f - -n vault-admin
#vault read -tls-skip-verify github/raf-backstage-demo/token
vault write -tls-skip-verify github/raf-backstage-demo/token org_name=${org_name}
envsubst < ./test/github-secret-engine-role.yaml | oc apply -f - -n vault-admin
vault read -tls-skip-verify github/raf-backstage-demo/token/one-repo-only

Test groups and group aliases

note we just want to very that the group is created in vault, we are not actually setting up a complete authentication workflow. Refer to the jwtoidcauthengine for that.

oc apply -f ./test/groups/group.yaml -n vault-admin
oc apply -f ./test/groups/groupalias.yaml -n vault-admin

Test helm chart locally

Run the automated helmchart test

make helmchart-test

Since this will run a kind instance, you may then test creating CRs manually...

export VAULT_TOKEN=$(kubectl get secret vault-init -n vault -o jsonpath='{.data.root_token}' | base64 -d)
export VAULT_ADDR="http://localhost"
kubectl create namespace vault-admin
kubectl create namespace test-vault-config-operator

Next, run through the Test Manually steps.

Manually test the helmchart

Define an image and tag. For example...

export imageRepository=""
export imageTag="$(git -c 'versionsort.suffix=-' ls-remote --exit-code --refs --sort='version:refname' --tags '*.*.*' | tail --lines=1 | cut --delimiter='/' --fields=3)"

Deploy chart using service serving certificates...

make helmchart IMG=${imageRepository} VERSION=${imageTag}
oc new-project vault-config-operator-local
oc apply -f test/helm/configmap-ocp-service-ca.yaml -n vault-config-operator-local
helm upgrade -i vault-config-operator-local charts/vault-config-operator -n vault-config-operator-local --create-namespace -f test/helm/values.yaml

Deploy chart using cert manager certificates...

make helmchart IMG=${imageRepository} VERSION=${imageTag}
oc new-project vault-config-operator-local
oc apply -f test/helm/configmap-ocp-service-ca.yaml -n vault-config-operator-local
helm upgrade -i vault-config-operator-local charts/vault-config-operator -n vault-config-operator-local --create-namespace -f test/helm/values.yaml --set enableCertManager=true


helm delete vault-config-operator-local -n vault-config-operator-local
kubectl delete -f charts/vault-config-operator/crds/crds.yaml

Building/Pushing the operator image

export repo=raffaelespazzoli #replace with yours
docker login$repo
make docker-build$repo/vault-config-operator:latest
make docker-push$repo/vault-config-operator:latest

Deploy to OLM via bundle

make manifests
make bundle$repo/vault-config-operator:latest
operator-sdk bundle validate ./bundle --select-optional suite=operatorframework --optional-values=k8s-version=1.25
make bundle-build$repo/vault-config-operator-bundle:latest
docker push$repo/vault-config-operator-bundle:latest
operator-sdk bundle validate$repo/vault-config-operator-bundle:latest --select-optional suite=operatorframework --optional-values=k8s-version=1.25
oc new-project vault-config-operator
oc label namespace vault-config-operator"true"
operator-sdk cleanup vault-config-operator -n vault-config-operator
operator-sdk run bundle --install-mode AllNamespaces -n vault-config-operator$repo/vault-config-operator-bundle:latest

Configure Subscription to use local vault for testing...

oc apply -f test/olm/configmap-ocp-service-ca.yaml -n vault-config-operator
oc apply -f test/olm/subscription-vault-config-operator-v0-0-1-sub.yaml -n vault-config-operator

Integration Test

Note the envtest seems to only work with kind when using docker instead of podman

make integration


git tag -a "<tagname>" -m "<commit message>"
git push upstream <tagname>

If you need to remove a release:

git tag -d <tagname>
git push upstream --delete <tagname>

If you need to "move" a release to the current main

git tag -f <tagname>
git push upstream -f <tagname>

Cleaning up

operator-sdk cleanup vault-config-operator -n vault-config-operator