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1192 lines (764 loc) · 57.4 KB

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1192 lines (764 loc) · 57.4 KB

Moodle Upgrade notes

This file contains important information for developers on changes to the Moodle codebase.

More detailed information on key changes can be found in the Developer update notes for your version of Moodle.

The format of this change log follows the advice given at Keep a CHANGELOG.




  • Add \core_user::get_name_placeholders() to return an array of user name fields.

    For more information see MDL-64148

  • The following classes have been renamed and now support autoloading. Existing classes are currently unaffected.

    Old class name New class name
    \core_component \core\component

    For more information see MDL-66903

  • Added the ability for unit tests to autoload classes in the \[component]\tests\ namespace from the [path/to/component]/tests/classes directory.

    For more information see MDL-66903

  • Added a helper to load fixtures from a components tests/fixtures/ folder:

    advanced_testcase::load_fixture(string $component, string $fixture): void;

    For more information see MDL-66903

  • Redis session cache has been improved to make a single call where two were used before.

    For more information see MDL-69684

  • Added stored progress bars

    For more information see MDL-70854

  • Two new functions have been introduced in the \moodle_database class:

    • get_counted_records_sql()
    • get_counted_recordset_sql()

    These methods are compatible with all databases.

    They will check the current running database engine and apply the COUNT window function if it is supported, otherwise, they will use the usual COUNT function.

    The COUNT window function optimization is applied to the following databases:

    • PostgreSQL
    • MariaDB
    • Oracle

    Note: MySQL and SQL Server do not use this optimization due to insignificant performance differences before and after the improvement.

    For more information see MDL-78030

  • The after_config() callback has been converted to a hook, \core\hook\after_config.

    For more information see MDL-79011

  • The \core\output\select_menu widget now supports rendering dividers between menu options. Empty elements (null or empty strings) within the array of options are considered and rendered as dividers in the dropdown menu.

    For more information see MDL-80747

  • The core\output\select_menu widget now supports a new feature: inline labels. You can render the label inside the combobox widget by passing true to the $inlinelabel parameter when calling the ->set_label() method.

    For more information see MDL-80747

  • A new hook called core\hook\output\after_http_headers has been created. This hook allow plugins to modify the content after headers are sent.

    For more information see MDL-80890

  • The following classes have been renamed. Existing classes are currently unaffected.

    Old class name New class name
    \core_user \core\user

    For more information see MDL-81031

  • New DML constant SQL_INT_MAX to define the size of a large integer with cross database platform support

    For more information see MDL-81282

  • The function update_display_mode will update the eye icon (enabled/disabled) in the availability. The $pluginname is represented to the plugin need to update. The $displaymode is represented to the eye icon. Whether it enabled or disabled.

    For more information see MDL-81533

  • Added an exception L2 Namespace to APIs

    For more information see MDL-81903

  • Added a mechanism to support autoloading of legacy class files. This will help to reduce the number of require_once calls in the codebase, and move away from the use of monolithic libraries.

    For more information see MDL-81919

  • The following exceptions are now also available in the \core\exception namespace:

    • \coding_exception
    • \file_serving_exception
    • \invalid_dataroot_permissions
    • \invalid_parameter_exception
    • \invalid_response_exception
    • \invalid_state_exception
    • \moodle_exception
    • \require_login_exception
    • \require_login_session_timeout_exception
    • \required_capability_exception
    • \webservice_parameter_exception

    For more information see MDL-81919

  • The following classes have been moved into the \core namespace and now support autoloading:

    • emoticon_manager
    • lang_string

    For more information see MDL-81920

  • The following classes have been renamed and now support autoloading. Existing classes are currently unaffected.

    Old class name New class name
    \moodle_url \core\url
    \progress_trace \core\output\progress_trace
    \combined_progress_trace \core\output\progress_trace\combined_progress_trace
    \error_log_progress_trace \core\output\progress_trace\error_log_progress_trace
    \html_list_progress_trace \core\output\progress_trace\html_list_progress_trace
    \html_progress_trace \core\output\progress_trace\html_progress_trace
    \null_progress_trace \core\output\progress_trace\null_progress_trace
    \progress_trace_buffer \core\output\progress_trace\progress_trace_buffer
    \text_progress_trace \core\output\progress_trace\text_progress_trace

    For more information see MDL-81960

  • The following classes are now also available in the following new locations. They will continue to work in their old locations:

    Old classname New classname
    \action_link \core\output\action_link
    \action_menu_filler \core\output\action_menu\filler
    \action_menu_link_primary \core\output\action_menu\link_primary
    \action_menu_link_secondary \core\output\action_menu\link_secondary
    \action_menu_link \core\output\action_menu\link
    \action_menu \core\output\action_menu
    \block_contents \core_block\output\block_contents
    \block_move_target \core_block\output\block_move_target
    \component_action \core\output\actions\component_action
    \confirm_action \core\output\actions\confirm_action
    \context_header \core\output\context_header
    \core\output\local\action_menu\subpanel \core\output\action_menu\subpanel
    \core_renderer_ajax \core\output\core_renderer_ajax
    \core_renderer_cli \core\output\core_renderer_cli
    \core_renderer_maintenance \core\output\core_renderer_maintenance
    \core_renderer \core\output\core_renderer
    \custom_menu_item \core\output\custom_menu_item
    \custom_menu \core\output\custom_menu
    \file_picker \core\output\file_picker
    \flexible_table \core_table\flexible_table
    \fragment_requirements_manager \core\output\requirements\fragment_requirements_manager
    \help_icon \core\output\help_icon
    \html_table_cell \core_table\output\html_table_cell
    \html_table_row \core_table\output\html_table_row
    \html_table \core_table\output\html_table
    \html_writer \core\output\html_writer
    \image_icon \core\output\image_icon
    \initials_bar \core\output\initials_bar
    \js_writer \core\output\js_writer
    \page_requirements_manager \core\output\requirements\page_requirements_manager
    \paging_bar \core\output\paging_bar
    \pix_emoticon \core\output\pix_emoticon
    \pix_icon_font \core\output\pix_icon_font
    \pix_icon_fontawesome \core\output\pix_icon_fontawesome
    \pix_icon \core\output\pix_icon
    \plugin_renderer_base \core\output\plugin_renderer_base
    \popup_action \core\output\actions\popup_action
    \preferences_group \core\output\preferences_group
    \preferences_groups \core\output\preferences_groups
    \progress_bar \core\output\progress_bar
    \renderable \core\output\renderable
    \renderer_base \core\output\renderer_base
    \renderer_factory_base \core\output\renderer_factory\renderer_factory_base
    \renderer_factory \core\output\renderer_factory\renderer_factory_interface
    \single_button \core\output\single_button
    \single_select \core\output\single_select
    \standard_renderer_factory \core\output\renderer_factory\standard_renderer_factory
    \table_dataformat_export_format \core_table\dataformat_export_format
    \table_default_export_format_parent \core_table\base_export_format
    \table_sql \core_table\sql_table
    \tabobject \core\output\tabobject
    \tabtree \core\output\tabtree
    \templatable \core\output\templatable
    \theme_config \core\output\theme_config
    \theme_overridden_renderer_factory \core\output\renderer_factory\theme_overridden_renderer_factory
    \url_select \core\output\url_select
    \user_picture \core\output\user_picture
    \xhtml_container_stack \core\output\xhtml_container_stack
    \YUI_config \core\output\requirements\yui

    For more information see MDL-82183

  • A new method, get_deprecated_icons(), has been added to the icon_system class. All deprecated icons should be registered through this method. Plugins can implement a callback to pluginname_get_deprecated_icons() to register their deprecated icons too. When $CFG->debugpageinfo is enabled, a console message will display a list of the deprecated icons.

    For more information see MDL-82212

  • Add optional icon and title to notification. Two parameters have been added to the core\output\notification so when creating a notification you can pass an icon and a title.

    For more information see MDL-82297

  • Add set_disabled_option method to url_select to enable or disable an option from its url (the key for the option).

    For more information see MDL-82490

  • There is a new method called get_fixture_path() that supports getting the path to the fixture

    For more information see MDL-82627

  • There is a new method called get_mocked_http_client() that supports mocking the http_client

    For more information see MDL-82627

  • The Moodle autoloader should now be registered using \core\component::register_autoloader rather than manually doing so in any exceptional location which requires it. Note: It is not normally necessaryto include the autoloader manually, as it is registered automatically when the Moodle environment is bootstrapped.

    For more information see MDL-82747

  • A new JS module for interacting with the Routed REST API has been introduced. For more information see the documentation in the core/fetch module.

    For more information see MDL-82778

  • The section_info class now includes a new method called get_sequence_cm_infos that retrieves all cm_info instances associated with the course section.

    For more information see MDL-82845

  • When rendering a renderable located within a namespace, the namespace will now be included in the renderer method name with double-underscores separating the namespace parts.

    Note: Only those renderables within an output namespace will be considered, for example \core\output\action_menu\link and only the parts of the namespace after output will be included.

    The following are examples of the new behaviour:

    Renderable name Renderer method name
    \core\output\action_menu\link render_action_menu__link
    \core\output\action_menu\link_primary render_action_menu__link_primary
    \core\output\action\menu\link render_action__menu__link
    \core\output\user_menu\link render_user_menu__link

    For more information see MDL-83164


  • The minimum Redis server version is now 2.6.12. The minimum PHP Redis extension version is now 2.2.4.

    For more information see MDL-69684

  • The class autoloader has been moved to an earlier point in the Moodle bootstrap.

    Autoloaded classes are now available to scripts using the ABORT_AFTER_CONFIG constant.

    For more information see MDL-80275

  • The \core\dataformat::get_format_instance method is now public, and can be used to retrieve a writer instance for a given dataformat

    For more information see MDL-81781

  • The get_home_page() method can now return new constant HOMEPAGE_URL, applicable when a third-party hook has extended the default homepage options for the site

    A new method, get_default_home_page_url() has been added which will return the correct URL when this constant is returned

    For more information see MDL-82066


  • The code that is associated with the slashargument option has been deprecated. Here is the detail:

    • The parameter $support of the \url::set_slashargument().
    • The parameter $includeslashargument of the \url::get_path().
    • The $CFG->yuislasharguments configuration.

    For more information see MDL-62640

  • Due to the removal of the slashargument configuration, the server check page will no longer inspect the slash argument, therefore, the function check_slasharguments() is deprecated because it is no longer used.

    For more information see MDL-62640

  • The following method has been deprecated and should no longer be used: reset_password_and_mail. Please consider using setnew_password_and_mail as a replacement.

    For more information see MDL-64148

    • Final deprecation and removal of the following functions:
      • plagiarism_plugin::get_configs()
      • plagiarism_plugin::get_file_results()
      • plagiarism_plugin::update_status(), please use {plugin name}_before_standard_top_of_body_html instead.
    • Final deprecation and removal of plagiarism_get_file_results(). Please use plagiarism_get_links() instead. - Final deprecation and removal of plagiarism_update_status(). Please use {plugin name}_before_standard_top_of_body_html() instead.

    For more information see MDL-71326

  • moodle_list and list_item were only used by qbank_managecategories, and these usages have been removed, so these classes (and thus all of listlib.php) are now deprecated. This method was the only usage of the QUESTION_PAGE_LENGTH constant, which was defined in question_category_object.php, and so is also now deprecated.

    For more information see MDL-72397

  • The $timeout property of the navigation_cache class has been deprecated.

    For more information see MDL-79628

  • The following classes are deprecated as they are handled by core_sms API and smsgateway_aws plugin: - admin_settings_aws_region (lib/classes/aws/admin_settings_aws_region.php) - aws_helper (lib/classes/aws/aws_helper.php) - client_factory (lib/classes/aws/client_factory.php)

    For more information see MDL-80962

  • The following methods have been deprecated, existing usage should switch to secure \core\encryption library:

    • rc4encrypt
    • rc4decrypt
    • endecrypt

    For more information see MDL-81940

  • The following method has been deprecated and should not be used any longer: print_grade_menu.

    For more information see MDL-82157

  • The following files and their contents have been deprecated:

    • lib/soaplib.php
    • lib/tokeniserlib.php

    For more information see MDL-82191

  • The following methods have been formally deprecated:

    • get_core_subsystems
    • get_plugin_types
    • get_plugin_list
    • get_plugin_list_with_class
    • get_plugin_directory
    • normalize_component
    • get_component_directory
    • get_context_instance

    Note: These methods have been deprecated for a long time, but previously did not emit any deprecation notice.

    For more information see MDL-82287

  • The following methods have been finally deprecated and will now throw an exception if called:

    • get_context_instance
    • can_use_rotated_text
    • get_system_context
    • print_arrow

    For more information see MDL-82287

  • The global_navigation::load_section_activities method is now deprecated and replaced by global_navigation::load_section_activities_navigation.

    For more information see MDL-82845

  • The following renderer methods have been deprecated from the core renderer:

    method replacement
    render_action_menu_link render_action_menu__link
    render_action_menu_link_primary render_action_menu__link_primary
    render_action_menu_link_secondary render_action_menu__link_secondary
    render_action_menu_filler render_action_menu__filler

    For more information see MDL-83164


  • The previously deprecated function search_generate_text_SQL has been removed and can no longer be used.

    For more information see MDL-48940

  • The previously deprecated function core_text::reset_caches() has been removed and can no longer be used.

    For more information see MDL-71748

  • The following previously deprecated methods have been removed and can no longer be used:

    • renderer_base::should_display_main_logo

    For more information see MDL-73165

  • Final deprecation of print_error(). Use moodle_exception instead.

    For more information see MDL-74484

  • Final deprecation of \core\task\manager::ensure_adhoc_task_qos()

    For more information see MDL-74843

  • Support for deprecated <component>\local\views\secondary block/activity namespace, for overriding secondary navigation, is now entirely removed

    For more information see MDL-74939

  • Remove deprecation layer for YUI Events. The deprecation layer was introduced with MDL-70990 and MDL-72291.

    For more information see MDL-77167

  • The following test classes are removed as their base classes are deprecated: - admin_settings_aws_region_test (lib/tests/aws/admin_settings_aws_region_test.php) - aws_helper_test (lib/tests/aws/aws_helper_test.php)

    For more information see MDL-80962


  • The navigation_cache class now uses the Moodle Universal Cache (MUC) to store the navigation cache data instead of storing it in the global $SESSION variable.

    For more information see MDL-79628

  • All the setup and tear down methods of PHPUnit now are required to, always, call to their parent counterparts. This is a good practice to avoid future problems, especially when updating to PHPUnit >= 10. This includes the following methods:

    • setUp()
    • tearDown()
    • setUpBeforeClass()
    • tearDownAfterClass()

    For more information see MDL-81523

  • Use server timezone when constructing \DateTimeImmutable for the system \core\clock implementation.

    For more information see MDL-81894



  • The HTTP Server setting "Use slash arguments" (slasharguments) configuration setting and related to it has been removed. Calling the option with $CFG->slasharguments or get_config('slasharguments') is no longer available.

    For more information see MDL-62640



  • The previously deprecated renderer render_core_availability_multiple_messages method has been removed

    For more information see MDL-82223



  • Final deprecation and removal of core_backup\copy\copy in backup/util/ui/classes/copy.php. Please use copy_helper from backup/util/helper/copy_helper.class.php instead.

    For more information see MDL-75022

  • Final deprecation of base_controller::get_copy(). Please use restore_controller::get_copy() instead.

    For more information see MDL-75025

  • Final deprecation of base_controller::set_copy(). Please use a restore controller for storing copy information instead.

    For more information see MDL-75025



  • New webservices enable_badges and disable_badges have been added.

    For more information see MDL-82168


  • Added fields recipientid and recipientfullname to user_badge_exporter, which is used in the return structure of external functions core_badges_get_user_badge_by_hash and core_badges_get_user_badges.

    For more information see MDL-82742


  • The badges/newbadge.php page has been deprecated and merged with badges/edit.php. Please, use badges/edit.php instead.

    For more information see MDL-43938

  • The OPEN_BADGES_V1 constant is deprecated and should not be used anymore.

    For more information see MDL-70983

  • The course_badges systemreport has been deprecated and merged with the badges systemreport. Please, use the badges systemreport instead.

    For more information see MDL-82503

  • The $showmanage parameter in the \core_badges\output\standard_action_bar constructor has been deprecated and should not be used anymore.

    For more information see MDL-82503

  • The badges/view.php page has been deprecated and merged with badges/index.php. Please, use badges/index.php instead.

    For more information see MDL-82503



    For more information see MDL-70983



  • The following classes have been renamed and now support autoloading. Existing classes are currently unaffected.

    Old class name New class name
    \cache_definition \core_cache\definition
    \cache_request \core_cache\request_cache
    \cache_session \core_cache\session_cache
    \cache_cached_object \core_cache\cached_object
    \cache_config \core_cache\config
    \cache_config_writer \core_cache\config_writer
    \cache_config_disabled \core_cache\disabled_config
    \cache_disabled \core_cache\disabled_cache
    \config_writer \core_cache\config_writer
    \cache_data_source \core_cache\data_source_interface
    \cache_data_source_versionable \core_cache\versionable_data_source_interface
    \cache_exception \core_cache\exception/cache_exception
    \cache_factory \core_cache\factory
    \cache_factory_disabled \core_cache\disabled_factory
    \cache_helper \core_cache\helper
    \cache_is_key_aware \core_cache\key_aware_cache_interface
    \cache_is_lockable \core_cache\lockable_cache_interface
    \cache_is_searchable \core_cache\searchable_cache_interface
    \cache_is_configurable \core_cache\configurable_cache_interface
    \cache_loader \core_cache\loader_interface
    \cache_loader_with_locking \core_cache\loader_with_locking_interface
    \cache_lock_interface \core_cache\cache_lock_interface
    \cache_store \core_cache\store
    \cache_store_interface \core_cache\store_interface
    \cache_ttl_wrapper \core_cache\ttl_wrapper
    \cacheable_object \core_cache\cacheable_object_interface
    \cacheable_object_array \core_cache\cacheable_object_array
    \cache_definition_mappings_form \core_cache\form/cache_definition_mappings_form
    \cache_definition_sharing_form \core_cache\form/cache_definition_sharing_form
    \cache_lock_form \core_cache\form/cache_lock_form
    \cache_mode_mappings_form \core_cache\form/cache_mode_mappings_form

    For more information see MDL-82158



  • The get_enrolled_users_for_course() method now accepts an additional argument that can filter only active enrolments.

    For more information see MDL-81951



  • A new FEATURE_COMPLETION plugin support constant has been added. In the future, this constant will be used to indicate when a plugin does not allow completion and it is enabled by default.

    For more information see MDL-83008


  • get_overall_completion_state() function could also return COMPLETION_COMPLETE_FAIL and not only COMPLETION_COMPLETE and COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE

    For more information see MDL-81749



    • New optional sectionNum parameter has been added to activitychooser AMD module initializer. - New option sectionnum parameter has been added to get_course_content_items() external function. - New optional sectionnum parameter has been added to get_content_items_for_user_in_course() function.

    For more information see MDL-81675

  • Webservices core_course_get_courses_by_field now accepts a new parameter sectionid to be able to retrieve the course that has the indicated section

    For more information see MDL-81699

  • Added new activitychooserbutton output class to display the activitychooser button. New action_links can be added to the button via hooks converting it into a dropdown.

    For more information see MDL-81767

  • New \core_course\hook\before_activitychooserbutton_exported hook added to allow third-party plugins to extend activity chooser button options

    For more information see MDL-81767

  • The following methods have been updated to accept a section name in addition to the section number:

    • i_open_section_edit_menu()
    • i_show_section()
    • i_hide_section(),
    • i_wait_until_section_is_available()
    • show_section_link_exists()
    • hide_section_link_exists()
    • section_exists()

    For more information see MDL-82259


  • The reset course page has been improved. The words "Delete" and "Remove" have been removed from all the options to make it easier to focus on the data to be removed and avoid inconsistencies and duplicated information. Third party plugins implementing reset methods might need to:

    • Add static element in the _reset_course_form_definition method before all the options with the Delete string: $mform->addElement('static', 'assigndelete', get_string('delete'));
    • Review all the strings used in the reset page to remove the "Delete" or "Remove" words from them.

    For more information see MDL-81872

  • The external function core_course::get_course_contents now returns the component and itemid of sections.

    For more information see MDL-82385


  • The data-sectionid attribute in the activity chooser has been deprecated. Please update your code to use data-sectionnum instead.

    For more information see MDL-81676

  • The $course parameter in the constructor of the \core_course\output\actionbar\group_selector class has been deprecated and is no longer used.

    For more information see MDL-82393


  • The previously deprecated print_course_request_buttons method has been removed and can no longer be used

    For more information see MDL-73976

  • The $course class property in the \core_course\output\actionbar\group_selector class has been removed.

    For more information see MDL-82393



  • The constructor of \core_courseformat\output\local\state\cm has been updated to accept a new optional parameter, $istrackeduser. If istrackeduser is pre-computed for the course module's course, it can be provided here to avoid an additional function call.

    For more information see MDL-81610

  • Added new create_module webservice to create new module (with quickcreate feature) instances in the course.

    For more information see MDL-81767

  • New $disabled parameter has been added to select, select_optgroup and select_option html_writers to create disabled option elements.

    For more information see MDL-82146

  • New \core_courseformat\output\local\content\basecontrolmenu class has been created. Existing \core_courseformat\output\local\content\cm\controlmenu and \core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\controlmenu classes extend the new \core_courseformat\output\local\content\basecontrolmenu class.

    For more information see MDL-82510

  • New \core_courseformat\output\local\content\cm\delegatedcontrolmenu class has been created extending \core_courseformat\output\local\content\basecontrolmenu class to render delegated section action menu combining section and module action menu.

    For more information see MDL-82510



  • The field controller get_formatted_name() method now accepts an optional $escape parameter to define whether to escape the returned name

    For more information see MDL-82488



  • The external function core_webservice_external::get_site_info now returns the default home page URL when needed.

    For more information see MDL-82844



  • A new hook, \core_files\hook\after_file_created, has been created to allow the inspection of files after they have been saved in the filesystem.

    For more information see MDL-75850

  • A new hook, \core_files\hook\before_file_created, has been created to allow modification of a file immediately before it is stored in the file system.

    For more information see MDL-83245



  • Added support for autoloading of filters from \filter_[filtername]\filter. Existing classes should be renamed to use the new namespace.

    For more information see MDL-82427


  • The filter_manager::text_filtering_hash method has been finally deprecated and removed.

    For more information see MDL-82427



  • Previously, the duration form field type would allow users to input positive or negative durations. However looking at all the uses, everyone was expecting this input type to only accept times >= 0 seconds, and almost no-one was bothering to write manual form validation, leading to subtle bugs. So now, by default this field type will validate the input value is not negative. If you need the previous behaviour, there is a new option allownegative which you can set to true. (The default is false.)

    For more information see MDL-82687



  • The grade itemname property contained in the return structure of the following external methods is now PARAM_RAW:

    • core_grades_get_gradeitems
    • gradereport_user_get_grade_items

    For more information see MDL-80017


  • The behat step definition behat_grade::i_confirm_in_search_within_the_gradebook_widget_exists has been deprecated. Please use behat_general::i_confirm_in_search_combobox_exists instead.

    For more information see MDL-80744

  • The behat step definition behat_grade::i_confirm_in_search_within_the_gradebook_widget_does_not_exist has been deprecated. Please use behat_general::i_confirm_in_search_combobox_does_not_exist instead.

    For more information see MDL-80744

  • The behat step definition behat_grade::i_click_on_in_search_widget has been deprecated. Please use behat_general::i_click_on_in_search_combobox instead.

    For more information see MDL-80744

  • The core_grades_renderer::group_selector() method has been deprecated. Please use \core_course\output\actionbar\renderer to render a group_selector renderable instead.

    For more information see MDL-80745


  • The following previously deprecated Behat step helper methods have been removed and can no longer be used:

    • behat_grade::select_in_gradebook_navigation_selector
    • behat_grade::select_in_gradebook_tabs

    For more information see MDL-74581



  • The \core_message\helper::togglecontact_link_params now accepts a new optional param called isrequested to indicate the status of the contact request

    For more information see MDL-81428


  • The core_message/remove_contact_button template is deprecated and will be removed in the future version

    For more information see MDL-81428



    For more information see MDL-73284



  • A new utility function format_question_fragment has been created so that question content can filter based on filters.

    For more information see MDL-78662


  • column_base::from_column_name now has an $ignoremissing parameter, which can be used to ignore if the class does not exist, instead of throwing an exception.

    For more information see MDL-81125



  • Report has been added to subsystem components list

    For more information see MDL-81771

  • New coursestructure output general class has been created

    For more information see MDL-81771



  • The return type of the set_checkbox_toggleall callback, defined by system reports, can now be null. Use if the checkbox should not be shown for the row.

    For more information see MDL-52046

  • System reports now support native entity column aggregation via each columns set_aggregation() method

    For more information see MDL-76392

  • The following external methods now return tags data relevant to each custom report:

    • core_reportbuilder_list_reports
    • core_reportbuilder_retrieve_report

    For more information see MDL-81433

  • Added a new database helper method sql_replace_parameters to help ensure uniqueness of parameters within a SQL expression

    For more information see MDL-81434

  • New format helper format_time method, for use in column callbacks that represent a duration of time (e.g. "3 days 4 hours")

    For more information see MDL-82466

  • Methods add_columns_from_entity(), add_filters_from_entity() and report_element_search() have been moved from \core_reportbuilder\datasource class to \core_reportbuilder\base class in order to be available also for system reports

    For more information see MDL-82529


  • In order to better support float values in filter forms, the following filter types now cast given SQL prior to comparison:

    • duration
    • filesize
    • number

    For more information see MDL-81168

  • The base datasource add_all_from_entities method accepts a new optional parameter to specify which entities to add elements from

    For more information see MDL-81330

  • All time related code has been updated to the PSR-20 Clock interface, as such the following methods no longer accept a $timenow parameter (instead please use \core\clock dependency injection):

    • core_reportbuilder_generator::create_schedule
    • core_reportbuilder\local\helpers\schedule::[create_schedule|calculate_next_send_time]

    For more information see MDL-82041

  • The following classes have been moved to use the new exception API as a L2 namespace:

    Old class New class
    \core_reportbuilder\report_access_exception \core_reportbuilder\exception\report_access_exception
    \core_reportbuilder\source_invalid_exception \core_reportbuilder\exception\source_invalid_exception
    \core_reportbuilder\source_unavailable_exception \core_reportbuilder\exception\source_unavailable_exception

    For more information see MDL-82133


  • Support for the following entity classes, renamed since 4.1, has now been removed completely:

    • core_admin\local\entities\task_log
    • core_cohort\local\entities\cohort
    • core_cohort\local\entities\cohort_member
    • core_course\local\entities\course_category
    • report_configlog\local\entities\config_change

    For more information see MDL-74583

  • The following previously deprecated local helper methods have been removed and can no longer be used:

    • audience::get_all_audiences_menu_types
    • report::get_available_columns

    For more information see MDL-76690



  • All session management has been moved to the \core\session\manager class. This removes the dependancy to use the sessions table.

    Session management plugins (like Redis) should now inherit the base \core\session\handler class, which implements SessionHandlerInterface, and override methods as required.

    The following methods in \core\session\manager have been deprecated:

    Old method name New method name
    kill_all_sessions destroy_all
    kill_session destroy
    kill_sessions_for_auth_plugin destroy_by_auth_plugin
    kill_user_sessions destroy_user_sessions

    For more information see MDL-66151



  • A new \core_sms subsystem has been created

    For more information see MDL-81924



  • A new $reponsive property (defaulting to true) has been added to the core_table\flexible_table class. This property allows you to control whether the table is rendered as a responsive table.

    For more information see MDL-80748


  • core_table\dynamic declares a new method ::has_capability() to allow classes implementing this interface to perform access checks on the dynamic table. This is a breaking change that all dynamic table implementations must implement for continued functionality.

    For more information see MDL-82567



  • New \core_user\hook\extend_user_menu hook added to allow third party plugin to extend the user menu navigation

    For more information see MDL-71823

  • New \core_user\hook\extend_default_homepage hook added to allow third-party plugins to extend the default homepage options for the site

    For more information see MDL-82066


  • The visibility of the methods: check_access_for_dynamic_submission() and get_options() in \core_user\form\private_files has been changed from protected to public.

    For more information see MDL-78293

  • The user profile field display_name() method now accepts an optional $escape parameter to define whether to escape the returned name

    For more information see MDL-82494


  • The participants_search::get_total_participants_count() is no longer used since the total count can be obtained from ::get_participants()

    For more information see MDL-78030



  • The token_table and token_filter classes have been deprecated, in favour of new report builder implementation.

    For more information see MDL-79496



  • The base class info::get_groups method has a $userid parameter to specify for which user you want to retrieve course groups (defaults to current user)

    For more information see MDL-81850



  • A new hook, customfield_number\hook\add_custom_providers, has been added which allows automatic calculation of number course custom field.

    For more information see MDL-82715

  • A new class, \customfield_number\local\numberproviders\nofactivities has been added that allows to automatically calculate number of activities of a given type in a given course.

    For more information see MDL-82715

  • Added new webservice customfield_number_recalculate_value to recalculate a value of number course custom field.

    For more information see MDL-82715

  • Added customfield_number\task\cron cron task that recalculates automatically calculated number course custom fields.

    For more information see MDL-82715



  • The field controller get_options method now returns each option pre-formatted

    For more information see MDL-82481



  • The helplinktext language string is no longer required by editor plugins, instead the pluginname will be used in the help dialogue

    For more information see MDL-81572



  • The following classes are removed as the SMS feature now takes advantage of core_sms API: - sms_sent (admin/tool/mfa/factor/sms/classes/event/sms_sent.php) - aws_sns (admin/tool/mfa/factor/sms/classes/local/smsgateway/aws_sns.php) - gateway_interface (admin/tool/mfa/factor/sms/classes/local/smsgateway/gateway_interface.php)

    For more information see MDL-80962



  • The gradereport_grader/group ESM has been deprecated. Please use core_course/actionbar/group instead.

    For more information see MDL-80745



  • The gradereport_singleview/group ESM has been deprecated. Please use core_course/actionbar/group instead.

    For more information see MDL-80745



  • The gradereport_user/group ESM has been deprecated. Please use core_course/actionbar/group instead.

    For more information see MDL-80745



  • Added new FEATURE_QUICKCREATE for modules that can be quickly created in the course wihout filling a previous form.

    For more information see MDL-81767



  • Added 2 new settings:

    • mod_assign/defaultgradetype
      • The value of this setting dictates which of the GRADE_TYPE_X constants is the default option when creating new instances of the assignment.
      • The default value is GRADE_TYPE_VALUE (Point)
    • mod_assign/defaultgradescale
      • The value of this setting dictates which of the existing scales is the default option when creating new instances of the assignment.

    For more information see MDL-54105

  • A new web service called mod_assign_remove_submission has been created to remove the submission for a specific user ID and assignment activity ID

    For more information see MDL-74050

  • A new default value for attemptreopenmethod has been set to "Automatically until pass".

    For more information see MDL-80741

  • A new method named get_grading_batch_operation_details has been added to the assign_feedback_plugin abstract class. Assignment feedback plugins can now override this method to define bulk action buttons that will appear in the sticky footer on the assignment grading page.

    For more information see MDL-80750


  • The constant ASSIGN_ATTEMPT_REOPEN_METHOD_NONE has been deprecated, and a new default value for attemptreopenmethod has been set to "Automatically until pass".

    For more information see MDL-80741

  • The assign_feedback_plugin::get_grading_batch_operations method is now deprecated. Use assign_feedback_plugin::get_grading_batch_operation_details instead.

    For more information see MDL-80750

  • The assign_grading_table::plugingradingbatchoperations property is removed. You can use assign_feedback_plugin::get_grading_batch_operation_details instead.

    For more information see MDL-80750

  • The $submissionpluginenabled and $submissioncount parameters from the constructor of the mod_assign\output::grading_actionmenu class have been deprecated.

    For more information see MDL-80752

  • Method assign_grading_table::col_picture has been deprecated.

    For more information see MDL-82292

  • Method assign_grading_table::col_userid has been deprecated.

    For more information see MDL-82295

  • The method process_save_grading_options() has been deprecated as it is no longer used.

    For more information see MDL-82681

  • The mod_assign_grading_options_form class has been deprecated since it is no longer used.

    For more information see MDL-82857


  • The default option "Never" for attemptreopenmethod setting, which disallowed multiple attempts at the assignment, has been removed. This option was unnecessary because limiting attempts to 1 through the maxattempts setting achieves the same behavior.

    For more information see MDL-80741



  • Added new meeting_info value to show presentation file on BBB activity page

    For more information see MDL-82520

  • The process_meeting_events in the broker class has been extended to process all the process_action functions implemented by the plugins.

    For more information see MDL-82872


  • Mobile support via plugin has been removed.

    For more information see MDL-82447



  • The data_add_record method accepts a new $approved parameter to set the corresponding state of the new record

    For more information see MDL-81274


  • The mod_data_renderer::render_fields_footer method has been deprecated as it's no longer used

    For more information see MDL-81321



  • The feedback_check_is_switchrole method has been deprecated as it didn't work

    For more information see MDL-72424

  • The method mod_feedback\output\renderer::create_template_form() has been deprecated. It is not used anymore.

    For more information see MDL-81742



  • Added a new renderer_base::get_page getter method

    For more information see MDL-81597



  • The methods in the question_category_object class that are still required following this change have been split between \qbank_managecategories\question_categories (for the parts used within this plugin for display a list of categories) and \core_question\category_manager (for the parts used for generate CRUD operations on question categories, including outside of this plugin). This will allow question_category_object to be deprecated, and avoids other parts of the system wishing to manipulate question categories from having to violate cross-component communication rules.

    For more information see MDL-72397


  • Category lists are now generated by templates. The following classes have been deprecated:

    • question_category_list
    • question_category_list_item

    For more information see MDL-72397

  • The methods question_is_only_child_of_top_category_in_context, question_is_top_category and question_can_delete_cat from qbank_managecategories\helper class have been deprecated and moved to the \core_question\category_manager class, minus the misleading question_ prefix. Following the creation of this class, it does not make sense for them to live inside the qbank_managecategories plugin.

    For more information see MDL-72397

  • qbank_managecategories\question_category_object is now completely deprecated. Its methods have either been migrated to qbank_managecategories\question_categories, core_question\category_manager, or are no longer used at all.

    For more information see MDL-72397



  • The functions quiz_overview_report::regrade_attempts and regrade_batch_of_attempts now have a new optional parameter $slots to only regrade some slots in each attempt (default all).

    For more information see MDL-79546



  • The report_helper::print_report_selector method accepts an additional argument for adding content to the tertiary navigation to align with the report selector

    For more information see MDL-78773


  • The previously deprecated report_helper::save_selected_report method has been removed and can no longer be used

    For more information see MDL-72353



  • The following deprecated methods in report_eventlist_list_generator have been removed:

    • get_core_events_list()
    • get_non_core_event_list()

    For more information see MDL-72786



  • get_activities_list() function returns also an array of disabled elements, apart from the array of activities.

    For more information see MDL-82146



  • The following previously deprecated methods have been removed and can no longer be used:

    • can_import_skydrive_files
    • import_skydrive_files

    For more information see MDL-72620



  • New core/context_header mustache template has been added. This template can be overridden by themes to modify the context header

    For more information see MDL-81597


  • The method \core\output\core_renderer::render_context_header has been deprecated please use \core\output\core_renderer::render($contextheader) instead

    For more information see MDL-82160


  • Removed all references to iconhelp, icon-pre, icon-post, iconlarge, and iconsort classes

    For more information see MDL-74251



  • Bridged theme-color-level using a new shift-color function to prepare for its deprecation in Boostrap 5.

    For more information see MDL-81816

  • Upon upgrading Font Awesome from version 4 to 6, the solid family was selected by default.

    Support for the regular, and brands families of icons has now been adde, allowing icons defined with icon_system::FONTAWESOME to use them.

    Icons can select the FontAwesome family (fa-regular, fa-brands, fa-solid) by using the relevant class name when display the icon.

    For more information see MDL-82210


  • The Bootstrap .no-gutters class is no longer used, use .g-0 instead.

    For more information see MDL-81818

  • The .page-header-headings CSS class now has a background colour applied to the maintenance and secure layouts. You may need to override this class in your maintenance and secure layouts if both of the following are true:

    • Your theme plugin inherits from theme_boost and uses this CSS class - Your theme plugin applies a different styling for the page header for the maintenance and secure layouts.

    For more information see MDL-83047



  • The Convert to InnoDB plugin (tool_innodb) has been completely removed.

    For more information see MDL-78776



  • Behat tests are now checking for deprecated icons. This check can be disabled by using the --no-icon-deprecations option in the behat CLI.

    For more information see MDL-82212



  • The get_additional_login_parameters() method now supports adding the language code to the authentication request so that the OAuth2 login page matches the language in Moodle.

    For more information see MDL-67554