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A rich web application (webassembly) for interacting with OpenAI models, either deployed in Azure or OpenAI.

Online sample | App written with Bolero / F# framework

OpenAI deployed models are not suitable for all organizational usecases because of privacy concerns. Most organizations would prefer to use privately accessible models. Azure is currently the only option for private GPT models (update: OpenAI 'Enterprise' may be an option also)

FsOpenAI is meant to be deployed to as an Azure Web App. The secrets required to access Azure-deployed models (and other resources) can be stored in an Azure Key Vault for high security and easier management.

In fact, the goal of FsOpenAI is to keep configuration and deployment simple so that users can utilize GPT models sooner. This is primarily achieved by reducing the IT department's workload for app deployment.

FsOpenAI Interaction Types

Currently, FsOpenAI supports three types of interactions (i.e chats).

  1. Basic chat: Interactive chat session with pre-trained GPT models, optionaly augmented with Bing search results.

  2. Question and answer over custom documents: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) for Q&A over custom document collections indexed in Azure AI Search (for now).

  3. Document query: Upload a document and query its contents. Two modes supported: A) document-only model B) document-plus-index mode where document text is combined with index search results (and optionally a custom prompt template) for more complex Q&A.

The document collections have to be pre-loaded into Azure Search Service indexes. The document collection indexes should support a specific format to enable vector-based searches. The required format is described elsewhere in this document.

Note chat mode is an extensibility point for this application. New chat modes may be added with associated views; samples; custom backend logic; etc. to extend the application for custom requirements. Three built-in chat modes are noted above but new modes may be added in the future.

Infrastructure Requirements

To support all interaction types, the following are typically required:

  • Azure subscription with access to:

  • FsOpenAI (or a derived version) deployed to Azure Web App. The app should be given a managed identity so that it can securely access the key vault. Also see app configuration later in this document.

  • Azure key vault with the appropriate secrets loaded and access from web app configured.

  • One or more chat models deployed to Azure OpenAI service, e.g. gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4o, etc.

  • One or more search indexes containing document collections in the required format. The embeddings vector contained in each record should be created with the same embedding model which will be used to query the document collection.

  • Bing search API Azure service (optional)

Application Configuration

The FsOpenAI application has serveral configurable parameters, grouped into differnt categories. Each category has its own file or folder structure associated with it. The categories are first listed below and then explained later in this section.

  • Backend services configuration with secrets and API keys
  • Application configuration that enables/disables features and customizes look and feel
  • Prompt templates by domain
  • Samples
  • Authentiction configuration for integration with Azure AD

1: Backend Configuration

The application settings are first input into a JSON document. A sample settings document is provided: ExampleSettings.json.

The settings json is converted to a base64 encoded string. It is then stored in the Key Vault as the secret value, associated with a particular key name. Example code to encode the settings is in SerializeSettings.fsx.

FsOpenAI will look for the following hardcoded environment variables to pull the settings json from Azure Key Vault.

Env. Var. Name. Description

The Azure documentation for configuring web apps is here.

Multiple instances of FsOpenAI may be deployed, each with its own configuration (e.g. for segregating access by organizational groups, etc.). If Azure AD is the organizational directory, then each instance can be easily restricted to specfic AD groups.

Load Balance Configuration

The settings json allows for multiple endpoints (and API keys) to be configured under AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINTS and AZURE_SEARCH_ENDPOINTS. If multiple endpoints are configured, FsOpenAI will randomly select one endpoint before making the API call. This is a form of load balancing to obtain higher overall throughput. FsOpenAI expects that all endpoints are mirror images of each other (respective of the service type).

Note each chat or search API call is independent and stateless (from a server perspective) so 'stickiness' is not required.

2. Application Configuration

This AppConfig.json file is deployed to (server) wwwroot/app/ folder. It contains settings for customizing the appearance of the app and enabling/disabling certain features, e.g. allow plain chat interactions. The AppConfig.json should be created using a script like config_default.fsx. This will ensure type safety. The AppConfig record structure fields are well documented with code comments. Hover mouse cursor over the AppConfig record fields to view the comments and documentation for each setting.

Logos and 'persona' images can be loaded into (client) wwwroot/app/images folder.

---- The 'app' Folders: ----

Deployment specific application configuration is largely kept in two folders both named app under (client)/wwwroot and (server)/wwwroot. This should make for easier customzation for different deployments as only the app folders need be replaced (in most cases) before deployment.

Session Persistence and Logging

CosmosDB connection string can be specified in settings json. If connection is specified then chat sessions will be persisted in CosmosDB under the database name 'fsopenai'. Additionally chat submissions will be logged in the same database. See Sessions.fs and Monitoring.fs for additional details.

3. Prompt Templates by Domain

The Template folder under (server) wwwroot/app folder can contain prompt templates in the Semantic Kernel plugin format.

The following example shows a possible folder structure:

----Legal (domain)
------QnA (plugin or skill)
--------Function 1
--------function 2
--------function 3 ...
------Summarize (next plugin)
---Finance (mext domain)

There can be several plugins under each of the (business) domains. The prompt templates that fall under a particular business domain can be tailored for that domain. For example the Finance templates may be very specific the needs of the Finance department.

For each domain under Templates, the app will add a menu choice for a new document query interaction, e.g. if Finance and Legal folders are found under wwwroot/app/Templates then the plus (+) (or new chat) menu will show additional choices:

  • New 'Finance' Document Query
  • New 'Legal' Document Query

When a chat interaction is created using such a menu pick, it will be associated with the plugins and templates under that domain. When interacting with the chat, the user may select an appropriate template for the query in mind. The user may also overwrite the text of the prompt template if required.

Currently, the plugins and templates are associated with the document query interaction mode but may be associated with other chat modes in future.

4. Samples

For each domain under *wwwroot/app/Templates/ a single *Samples.json" file may be added. If such a file exits, the application will show each of the samples in that file when the application first launches and there are no existing saved chats. For example, the Finance and Legal samples will be shown if the folder structure is as follows:

-----<Finance plugings>
------<Legal plugins>

The config_default.fsx script contains an example of how to create a samples file in a type-safe way.

5. Authentication Configuration

The FsOpenAI app supports integration with Azure AD (or MS Entra ID). To require authentication, set the RequireLogin flag in the AppConfig (see above). The user roles can also be specified there. See MS authentication for Blazor apps for more information.

There are two places additional configuration is required to support AD authentication:

  • (client) wwwroot/appSettings.json
  • (server) appSettings.json

Please review the MS documentation for details. This is an involved topic which requires good study and some trial-and-error for successful execution.

Search Index Format

FsOpenAI expects the following fields to be present in the index. If any field is missing, it will not show the index in the Q&A chat index selection box. Any additional fields are ignored.

Field Description
id Unique id
title Document title
sourcefile Link to reference site or document
content The text content that will be used in the Q&A chat session
contentVector The embeddings vector

Sample code to 'shred' a collection of PDF documents; create the embeddings; and load the index, is provided in the script LoadIndex.fsx.

Note the index format may change to the Semantic Kernel 'memory' format later.

When loading and index from a document collection, the limiting resource is the embeddings model api. The index-load code uses rate limited but parallel calls to maximize throughput (when using a single instance of the embeddings api). The rate limit can be set in the script.

Meta Index

In addition to the actual document indexes a special index, called 'Meta' index here, may also be created. The name of the Meta index - that an app deployment should use - is configured in the AppConfig.json (see configuration section above). The Meta index specifies the following additional information about the actual indexes:

  • Descriptions of the actual indexes that will display in the app where indexes can be selected.
  • The 'groups' each of the actual indexes are associated with. In the AppConfig.json is a list of groups for the deployment; the app will show only the indexes where the groups match between the Meta index and AppConfig.json.
  • Parent indexes (if any) for each of the actual indexes. This will show the indexes in a hierarchy in the app. If a parent is selected (in the app) then the children are automatically selected.
  • Virtual indexes. These are used for organizing the index hierarchy. The application does not expect an actual document index to exist in the Azure AI Search service, if it is marked as 'isVirtual' in the Meta index.

If the Meta index is missing (or the one named in the AppConfig.json is not found), then all indexes (in the referenced Azure AI Search instance) containing the required columns, are shown in the app - as a flat list (i.e. not in a hierarchy).

If a Meta index is found, then only the actual indexes listed in the Meta index are shown to the app (respective of the groups).

The sample code to create a Meta index is in config_default.fsx

Local Testing And Development

For local testing, the settings json file can be specified in (server) appSettings.json. By default its configured to look for a file with the path:

  • %USERPROFILE%/.fsopenai/ServiceSettings.json

Also, if Azure is not available, FsOpenAI allows one to use an OpenAI API Key, instead.