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Pocket Rant

### GA WDI NYC Jan 14, Final Project

### Overview

Throughout the day, we go through many different situations and feel many different things. Marking down your feelings is usually associated with journaling which is just too text heavy and attention consuming for most people, including myself.

Introducing Pocket Rant, the easiest way to report how you’re feeling. Either via text or mobile, you send in a few words of how you’re feeling “grumpy, sad, hungry” and it’ll be populated to your profile. They can also input they’re feeling into a web app. The money is in the report. When a user goes to their profile they’ll get a report of how they’ve been feeling and if they use it long enough, they’ll receive sentiment analysis about how they’ve been feeling over time. This can be represented with texts and graphs. There’s also a Dream Journal mode where Pocket Rant will text you when you want to wake up so that you can immediately text the app your dreams. These two graphs will be seperate so you can compare how your dreams and day journaling compare.

### Technologies Used

For development:

gem 'gon', '3.0.5'

gem 'sidekiq'

gem 'jquery-ui-rails'

gem 'rabl-rails'

gem 'chronic'

gem 'underscore-rails'

gem 'morrisjs-rails'

gem 'raphael-rails'

gem 'httparty'

gem 'devise'

gem 'rails-erd'

gem 'sinatra', require: false

gem 'slim'

gem 'zurb-foundation'

For testing:

gem 'pry-rails'

gem 'rspec-rails'

gem 'capybara'

gem 'launchy'

gem 'shoulda-matchers'

gem 'factory_girl_rails'

gem 'ffaker', '~> 1.2.0'

gem 'simplecov'

### ERD

Users have_many: schedules, dreams and messages

Schedule belong_to: user Dream belong_to: user Message belong_to: user

### User Stories