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File metadata and controls

315 lines (226 loc) · 10.4 KB

We have moved!

We have switched from direct use of Kubernetes resource files to Helm charts. The already existing resource files are still kept here for reference. If you want to recover them from the Helm Charts, it can be done using the helm template command on the supported Helm repository. You can find more detailed instructions there. This repository will be archived.

MongooseIM in Kubernetes

This repository contains a StatefulSet definition describing a simple yet scalable and fault-tolerant MongooseIM cluster.

MongooseIM pods use the already existent MongooseIM container available from DockerHub: or GitHub:

Getting started - initialize gcloud and kubectl

The following steps apply directly to Google Kubernetes Engine (aka GKE), but most Kubernetes environments should behave in a similar fashion. If you're completely new to GKE you might be interested in GKE Quickstart.

Below is a recap of steps needed to setup our local machine to control a Kubernetes cluster hosted on Google Cloud:

brew install google-cloud-sdk
gcloud init

At this point it might be convenient to set up kubectl shell autocompletion. This will enable easier discovery of all the useful subcommands, so let's spend a while on setting it up and then get back to the rest of this tutorial.

Now let's create a cluster in Google Cloud web dashboard: GCP -> Kubernetes Engine -> Create cluster. Then:

CLUSTER_NAME=standard-cluster-1  ## our actual cluster name
gcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTER_NAME

Our kubectl is now configured to operate on the configured cluster. Let's check that:

# Short info on what cluster we're operating on
kubectl config current-context
# Full info
kubectl config view

We're all set if the current context is something like:

$ kubectl config current-context

Let's get the ball rolling!

Deploy MongooseIM

When working with a Kubernetes cluster it's convenient to see the results of taken actions. In order to do that, let's start a terminal window and run:

watch kubectl get node,pod,pv,pvc,sts,svc

This is going to be our monitoring window. We'll input commands in another terminal.

If you're reading this in your browser, it's time to clone the repo:

git clone
cd mongooseim-kubernetes

First, we have to store the configuration for MongooseIM pods into Kubernetes' etcd:

kubectl apply -f mongoose-cm.yaml

The config map will not be visible in the monitoring window, since we're not monitoring this kind of resource.

MongooseIM pods will automatically initiate communication between one another and form a cluster, but they require a DNS service for that. We'll use a Kubernetes headless service and StatefulSet stable network IDs to provide DNS for our cluster members:

kubectl apply -f mongoose-svc.yaml

Having enabled the service, we should be able to see it appear in the monitoring window.

Let's deploy the cluster:

kubectl apply -f mongoose-sts.yaml

First, a mongoose StatefulSet should appear in the monitoring window, followed by its pods. It will take a few minutes for all the pods to start and become ready to serve traffic:

pod/mongoose-0   1/1       Running   0          4m
pod/mongoose-1   1/1       Running   0          2m
pod/mongoose-2   1/1       Running   0          1m

NAME                        DESIRED   CURRENT   AGE
statefulset.apps/mongoose   3         3         4m

If a pod is stuck in ContainerCreating state, the first step should be:

kubectl describe pods

One reason for that might be forgetting to define the mongoose-cm config map prior to starting the StatefulSet.

Once all the pods are up we can check the cluster status:

$ kubectl exec mongoose-0 /usr/lib/mongooseim/bin/mongooseimctl mnesia running_db_nodes
['[email protected]',
 '[email protected]',
 '[email protected]']

The above command should return the same list of nodes (possibly in different order) no matter whether we exec it on mongoose-0, mongoose-1, or any other member of the cluster.

Expose the XMPP service

There are two basic ways to expose the XMPP service to public internet. The first and easiest is using a public IP provided by Google Cloud. The second, somewhat more involved and less convenient, but at the same time cheaper, is to use public IPs of Kubernetes worker nodes.

Public XMPP IP with a load balancer

The most straightforward way to expose the service is via a load balancer of the cloud provider:

kubectl apply -f mongoose-svc-lb.yaml

It will take up to a few minutes to get an IP address from the provider's pool of public addresses, but once that's done, we should see it in the monitoring window:

NAME                  TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                                        AGE
service/kubernetes    ClusterIP    <none>          443/TCP                                        2h
service/mongoose      ClusterIP      None           <none>          4369/TCP,5222/TCP,5269/TCP,5280/TCP,9100/TCP   15m
service/mongoose-lb   LoadBalancer   5222:31810/TCP                                 1m

The service should now be reachable from any host with access to the internet (including our local machines). A simple test would be running telnet and pressing Ctrl-D to send the end of file symbol:

$ telnet 5222
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
<?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns='jabber:client'...

Success! Since we're connecting with telnet, not an XMPP client, the connection dies instantly, but we got the XMPP stream initiation element from the server - the service is up, running, and reachable from everywhere.

In case we don't want to use this access method to the service we can tear the load balancer down with:

kubectl delete svc mongoose-lb

Direct access via external worker node IPs

The LoadBalancer is the more convenient, but also the more expensive way of publishing a service. We can also access our MongooseIM instances by using Kubernetes worker nodes' external IP addresses.

In order to do that, we first have to create a NodePort service:

kubectl apply -f mongoose-svc-nodeport.yaml

After a while it should appear in our monitoring window:

NAME                        TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                        AGE
service/kubernetes          ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP                                        3h
service/mongoose            ClusterIP   None           <none>        4369/TCP,5222/TCP,5269/TCP,5280/TCP,9100/TCP   1h
service/mongoose-nodeport   NodePort   <none>        5222:32709/TCP                                 41s

The last line tells us that the service will be available on port 32709 of Kubernetes workers' external interfaces. We can find their external addresses (for example) with:

$ kubectl describe nodes | grep ExternalIP

However, unlike with LoadBalancer, using NodePort we have to manually open the relevant port (32709 in this case) in the firewall (see Creating a Service of type NodePort for the source of this command):

gcloud compute firewall-rules create mongoose-c2s-nodeport --allow tcp:32709

We can now check that the service is available from public internet (e.g. our machine) in a similar fashion to testing the LoadBalancer setup (run telnet and immediately type Ctrl-D):

$ telnet 32709
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
<?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns='jabber:client'...

Again, the opening <stream> element means we've successfully connected to our MongooseIM cluster.


The simplest way to run MPush is to run the following commands:

kubectl create -f mongoosepush-cm.yaml
kubectl apply -f mongoosepush.yaml

It will create the configmap being used by the service and expose the application's 8443 port, making it available to handle requests from inside the cluster. At the time of writing this section, only FCM is supported, as MPush is started with APNS disabled. To be able to communicate with k8s MPush instance from your localhost, you have to set up the proxy to the pod with:

kubectl port-forward mongoosepush-<id> 8443

Now it will be accessable via e.g. curl on localhost:8443 port.

Watch out for the bills

If you're just trying things out remember to delete your cluster to avoid unnecessary costs after finishing the experiments. Specifically, remember to delete all persistent volumes in the cloud provider dashboard.

Useful commands

There are some commands which might come in handy at times, but do not have a very specific place in the tutorial above.

Run a "one off" command or start a shell in the cluster:

kubectl run busybee -it --rm --restart=Never --image=busybox [-- optional-command-goes-here]

Run the following command to list available k8s clusters:

kubectl config get-contexts

Switching the context can be done using NAME from the above listing. Specifically, it might be useful to switch from operating a cloud-hosted cluster to a local one:

kubectl config use-context CONTEXT-NAME
kubectl config use-context docker-desktop  # if Docker Desktop with Kubernetes is enabled