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Release notes

This document describes all the changes made to the Outgoing Mobilities API document, starting from its first beta draft version.


  • Made root mobility element name more generic.
  • Added fields for activity type and attributes.
  • Added documentation to nomination requirement fields.
  • Added requirements defined in Factsheet API to examples.
  • Made ESI (global-id field) required.


  • Added ErasmusAPP-Dashboard Use Cases and Scenarios (PDF and XML files) (#42).
  • Added global-id to get response example.


  • First stable release.
  • European Student Identifier added to the get response.


  • Learning agreements moved to the separate API.


  • Workflows of changes in nomination and departure statuses added to


  • Removed two mobility statuses:

    • nomination-verified,
    • rejected.
  • Removed the update-statuses-v1 update request type.


  • New REQUIRED elements (to be precise - exactly one of them is required):

    • <sending-academic-term-ewp-id>,
    • <non-standard-mobility-period>.

    See the specs (and this thread) for details.


  • New mobility status: nomination-verified. This new status partially replaces the previously used status live. The live status is still in use, but its meaning changes. In particular, when the nomination is being accepted, the status of the mobility should now change to nomination-verified, not to live (as it has been previously). See this thread for discussion.


  • The modified_since parameter of the index endpoint is now in the xs:dateTime format (not ISO 8601 format). See this thread.


  • manifest-entry.xsd: <update-url> and <supported-update-types> elements are now OPTIONAL (previously, they were required). This change was necessary because we allow implementers to not support any update types (and thus we shouldn't force them to have an update endpoint).

  • Changes in get endpoint response:

    • <planned-arrival-date> and <planned-departure-date> are now OPTIONAL (previously, there were required).
    • New REQUIRED element: <receiving-academic-year-id>.

    These two changes are related. See discussion here.

  • Changes in index endpoint parameters: planned_arrival_after parameter was dropped, and receiving_academic_year_id was introduced in its place. This change is related to the fact that <planned-arrival-date> element is no longer required. See discussion here.


Actual arrival and departure dates were moved to the separate API, as requested here. In context of this API, the following changes occurred:

  • Removed <actual-arrival-date> and <actual-departure-date> from the get endpoint's response.

  • Removed the update-arrival-departure-dates-v1 update request type.


Performed a major refactoring caused by the planned introduction of the Incoming Mobilities API (more information here). Many XML namespaces and element names were changed:

  • All XML namespaces beginning with now begin with

  • Elements renamed in the get endpoint response:

    • mobilities-get-response is now omobilities-get-response,
    • mobility-id is now omobility-id.
  • Elements renamed in the index endpoint response:

    • mobilities-index-response is now omobilities-index-response,
    • mobility-id is now omobility-id.
  • Elements renamed in the update endpoint's request:

    • mobilities-update-request is now omobilities-update-request,
    • mobility-id is now omobility-id (for each update type separately).
  • Elements renamed in the update endpoint's response:

    • mobilities-update-response is now omobilities-update-response.
  • Elements renamed in manifest-entry.xsd:

    • mobilities is now omobilities,
    • max-mobility-ids is now max-omobility-ids.
  • Parameters renamed in the get endpoint request:

    • mobility_id is now omobility_id,
  • We no longer encourage ignoring the modified_since parameter in the index endpoint. It is recommended to support this parameter.


  • This API now requires implementers to upgrade their implementations to Version 2 of the Authentication and Security document.

    In particular, this means that the clients MUST be aware of the fact, that the server is no longer required to support methods of authentication and encryption which it was required to support in the previous versions of this API. Clients SHOULD consult the newly introduced <http-security> element in the server's manifest entry before making their requests.


  • Explicitly declare that this version still requires the use of Version 1 of the Authentication and Security document. You can find more information on the planned process of updating security requirements here.


  • Changed XML namespaces (as part of this issue). Since this version, this API is in the stable-v1 XML namespace.

    This does not mean that Outgoing Mobilities API is stable. It can still change in backward-incompatible ways, until version 1.0.0 is released.

  • Added a section about handling edit conflicts.


  • Backward-incompatible change in the get endpoint. The previously mendatory <nominee-eqf-level> element has been split into two separate elements, both of them optional:

    • <eqf-level-studied-at-nomination>
    • <eqf-level-studied-at-departure>

    See this issue for more details about this change.

  • Added optional nominee's photos to the get endpoint (see this issue).

  • Added a missing update type in manifest-entry.xsd (the schema didn't allow server implementers to support the update-statuses-v1 update).

  • Better explained the "optional nature" of <los-id> and and <loi-id> elements.


  • Minor fixes in XSD's "style".


  • Backward-incompatible change in the update endpoint. The <mobility-id> element in the update-request.xsd file has been moved "downwards": Previously ever update request referred to exactly one mobility ID, now each type of update request may decide on the number of mobility IDs it refers to. (If you have already implemented update requests, then you simply need to move one element to a different place in the XML you send.)

  • New parameter in the index endpoint: modified_since. It is RECOMMENDED for the servers to support this parameter, to avoid unnecessary network traffic.

  • Certain mobility properties were marked as immutable. That is, we don't want these properties to change - if they do, then a new mobility ID should be created. Search for "immutable" in endpoints/get-response.xsd to read more about this.

  • Bugfix: Allow for more than one mobility per get response (link).

  • Highlight the fact, the xs:language type is in BCP 47 format. This type is used in nominee-language-skill/language element.

  • Fixed broken links.

  • New update type in update-request.xsd: <update-statuses-v1>. This is for approving nominations (link).


  • Added a way to attach approval-related properties to LA components snapshots:

    • approval element,
    • should-now-be-approved-by element,
    • in-effect-since attribute.

    Discuss here.

  • Added ewp-reason-code to LA components changes (details).

  • Removed incorrect references to EUC PDF LA template Tables C and D from the XSD annotations (details).


  • The update endpoint has been reintroduced.

    • Servers are REQUIRED to implement this endpoint (publish its URL).
    • Servers are also allowed to NOT support any of its update types (in which case, the server implementation basicly does nothing).
    • Of course, in the long run, servers are RECOMMENDED to support all types of updates.

    New version of this endpoint behaves completely different than the previous one did (the one in version 0.2.1). It has been combined from a couple of unreleased draft APIs (e.g. this one and this one).


Learning Agreement components were completely redesigned:

  • Before this change, a single mobility held only a single snapshot of each of the two <component-studied> and <component-recognized> lists. This snapshot described the latest draft revision of these lists. If the client wanted to extract the latest approved (aka "after mobility") version, or the first approved (aka "before mobility") version, then the only way to do this was by parsing timeline entries.

    Now, each of these two component lists can have up to three snapshots - <before-mobility-snapshot>, <latest-approved-snapshot>, and <latest-draft-snapshot>.

  • The <timeline> element was removed. The concept of revisions was replaced with somewhat similar concept of "changes between snapshots". Each of the snapshot element described above is preceded by a respective <*-changes> element, which describes the changes made since a previous snapshot.

    The format of the <*-changes> entries is a bit similar to the format previously used in <timeline>, but the concept is very much different. The primary difference is that, now, the sending HEI has full control over these changes. It is perfectly okay to rewrite history, because the changes no longer represent history. There are no commit dates, there are no authors. These new elements only represent differences between snapshots. We are no longer forcing implementers to keep fully change history in their models.

  • As to how these snapshots and differences between them are generated, it depends on the underlying model used by the server:

    • Some implementers keep a complete timeline of all changes.
    • Others keep a couple of snapshots only.

    Both of these models are acceptable:

    • Snapshots can be dynamically generated from a timeline of changes.
    • And it is also possible to generate a list of changes by comparing two consecutive snapshots.

    We require all implementers to express their model in both these formats. It will make the data a bit more understandable for the clients, and it will help us detect inconsistencies in server implementations.

Other changes:

  • The update endpoint has been removed. This API is now strictly "read only".

  • Mobility IDs are no longer required to be universally unique - it is okay if they are unique within the sending institution. They also don't have to be in the UUID format anymore (reasoning here).

  • It is now allowed to provide names of the student in multiple languages or scripts (same way as in Abstract Contact data type).

  • Minor fixes in the texts (spelling, style, etc.).


  • Phone Number and Address data types are now in stable-v1 namespace.

  • minOccurs and maxOccurs are now provided explicitly (why?).

  • Introduced limits on ounit-id and iia-id values (more information).


  • The <component-code> element has been renamed to <los-code>. Also, the types and example values of <los-id> and <loi-id> elements were changed. Both of these changes are an aftereffect of the ID/code change in the Courses API. See this thread.

  • Renamed nominee-field-isced-code to nominee-isced-f-code (why?).

  • Added a new planned_arrival_after request parameter.

  • Used surrogate IDs in examples (why?).



Initial release.