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File metadata and controls

112 lines (86 loc) · 3.98 KB



  • fzf/pick
  • scrapers for web-based search engines (especially for "files in packages")


  • Proper option/command parser
  • Verbose mode (prints run commands)


  • Call commands from within other commands, or specify dependencies (eg: command "install", "pkg install", depends: "update" )
  • DSL setting defaults (eg: cache_dir "~/.cache/upm")
  • Some commands require special packages (eg: "command 'locate', depends: 'pkgfile'") which have their own syncable databases |_ offer to install these dependencies (and sync them (periodically)) |_ web-based search is even nicer
  • Page multi-commands (eg: 'args.each { run ..., paged: true }' should all output to the same pager) |_ 'run ..., pager: IO'? will that break grep?


  • RPi2 is very clunky |_ rewrite in... C? rust? go? lua?

A language for letting programs specify and auto-install dependencies

  • A DSL for specifying dependencies (eg: upm py:spotdl rb:epitools pkg:wget docker:aria2c)
  • Language bindings (Ruby, Python, etc.)
  • Allow the CLI tool to do the same (for bash and unsupported languages)

Custom help for command

eg: command "something", help: "does stuff", root: true do ... end

Pipes and filters

  • Tool::DSL#run is currently somewhat awkward; it would be simpler if returned an Enumerator, which could then be filtered (ie: highlight/grep), or concatenated to other Enumerators.

Streaming pipes with colours

  • Make the run command able to grep the output while streaming the results to the screen.
  • Make run pretend to be a tty, so I don't need --color=always.
  • Use spawn, like so:

r,w = IO.pipe spawn(%w[echo hello world], out: w) spawn(%w[tr a-z A-Z], in: r)

## More package managers
Currently missing:
* RedHat/Fedora/CentOS
* <s>FreeBSD</s>
* OpenBSD
* SuSE

## Dependency-fetching features
* Use upm to fetch dependencies for any library or script, across any language.
* Some kind of manifest file (or personifest, to be politically correct)
* This is a little like bundler, npm, etc., but for any type of package.

## Ability to install any package from any OS to the user's home directory
Slurps up the packages and their dependencies, then unpacks them into ~/.upm/{bin,lib} or something.
(Like nix?)

Related tool: intoli/exodus

## fzf
Use fzf for "list" output (or other commands that require selecting, like "remove")

## Commandline argument parser
* Add options to commands:
  * upm upgrade --download-only
  * upm install --help
  * upm help install

## Figure out how to integrate language package managers
* The packages that you can get through gem/pip/luarocks/etc. are often duplicated in the OS-level package managers. Should there be a preference?
* Should the search command show matches from all available package tools? (There could be a configure step where the user says which package managers should be included, and which have preference)
* Possibilites:
    * upm install --ruby <pkg>
    * upm install ruby:<pkg>,<pkg>
    * upm --ruby search <query>
    * upm ruby:search <query>
    * upm search os:<query>
    * Separate tool: `lpm search <query>` searches only language packages
* Add detectors for language-specific package-managers
* Help screen needs to display language-specific package managers
* `upm help --ruby` should show available ruby commands

## Give identical output on every platform
* Requires parsing the output of every command into a canonical format, or reading the package databases directly.

## apt: Integrate 'acs' wrapper script

## Evaluate block in an instance of an anonymous subclass of UPM::Tool
This will allow tools to create classes and modules inside the UPM::Tool block without namespace collisions

## Themes?
Why not!

## Mirror Selector
Do a ping test on available mirrors, and use fzf to select.

## Interrupt catcher
Don't print backtrace when ^C is pressed.

## Tests
Create fake OS environments that you can chroot into and run upm to test it out.


## Abbrev cmds
* eg: upm install => upm i => u i