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06.05-Setting Lustre Properties in a C Program (llapi).md

File metadata and controls

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Setting Lustre Properties in a C Program (llapi)

This chapter describes the llapi library of commands used for setting Lustre file properties within a C program running in a cluster environment, such as a data processing or MPI application. The commands described in this chapter are:


Lustre programming interface man pages are found in the lustre/doc folder.


Use llapi_file_create to set Lustre properties for a new file.


#include <lustre/lustreapi.h>

int llapi_file_create(char *name, long stripe_size, int stripe_offset, int stripe_count, int stripe_pattern);


The llapi_file_create() function sets a file descriptor's Lustre file system striping information. The file descriptor is then accessed with open().

Option Description
llapi_file_create() If the file already exists, this parameter returns to 'EEXIST'. If the stripe parameters are invalid, this parameter returns to 'EINVAL'.
stripe_size This value must be an even multiple of system page size, as shown by getpagesize(). The default Lustre stripe size is 4MB.
stripe_offset Indicates the starting OST for this file.
stripe_count Indicates the number of OSTs that this file will be striped across.
stripe_pattern Indicates the RAID pattern.


Currently, only RAID 0 is supported. To use the system defaults, set these values: stripe_size = 0, stripe_offset = -1, stripe_count = 0, stripe_pattern = 0


System default size is 4 MB.

char *tfile = TESTFILE;
int stripe_size = 65536

To start at default, run:

int stripe_offset = -1

To start at the default, run:

int stripe_count = 1

To set a single stripe for this example, run:

int stripe_pattern = 0

Currently, only RAID 0 is supported.

int stripe_pattern = 0; 
int rc, fd; 
rc = llapi_file_create(tfile, stripe_size,stripe_offset, stripe_count,stripe_pattern);

Result code is inverted, you may return with 'EINVAL' or an ioctl error.

if (rc) {
fprintf(stderr,"llapi_file_create failed: %d (%s) 0, rc, strerror(-rc));return -1; }

llapi_file_create closes the file descriptor. You must re-open the descriptor. To do this, run:

fd = open(tfile, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_LOV_DELAY_CREATE, 0644); if (fd < 0) \ { 
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s file: %s0, tfile,
return -1;


Use llapi_file_get_stripe to get striping information for a file or directory on a Lustre file system.


#include <lustre/lustreapi.h>
int llapi_file_get_stripe(const char *path, void *lum);


The llapi_file_get_stripe() function returns striping information for a file or directory path in lum (which should point to a large enough memory region) in one of the following formats:

struct lov_user_md_v1 {
__u32 lmm_magic;
__u32 lmm_pattern;
__u64 lmm_object_id;
__u64 lmm_object_seq;
__u32 lmm_stripe_size;
__u16 lmm_stripe_count;
__u16 lmm_stripe_offset;
struct lov_user_ost_data_v1 lmm_objects[0];
} __attribute__((packed));
struct lov_user_md_v3 {
__u32 lmm_magic;
__u32 lmm_pattern;
__u64 lmm_object_id;
__u64 lmm_object_seq;
__u32 lmm_stripe_size;
__u16 lmm_stripe_count;
__u16 lmm_stripe_offset;
char lmm_pool_name[LOV_MAXPOOLNAME];
struct lov_user_ost_data_v1 lmm_objects[0];
} __attribute__((packed));

Return Values

llapi_file_get_stripe() returns:

0 On success

!= 0 On failure, errno is set appropriately


Errors Description
ENOMEM Failed to allocate memory
ENAMETOOLONG Path was too long
ENOENT Path does not point to a file or directory
ENOTTY Path does not point to a Lustre file system
EFAULT Memory region pointed by lum is not properly mapped


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <lustre/lustreapi.h>

static inline int maxint(int a, int b)
	return a > b ? a : b;
static void *alloc_lum()
	int v1, v3, join;
	v1 = sizeof(struct lov_user_md_v1) +
		LOV_MAX_STRIPE_COUNT * sizeof(struct lov_user_ost_data_v1);
	v3 = sizeof(struct lov_user_md_v3) +
		LOV_MAX_STRIPE_COUNT * sizeof(struct lov_user_ost_data_v1);
	return malloc(maxint(v1, v3));
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	struct lov_user_md *lum_file = NULL;
	int rc;
	int lum_size;
	if (argc != 2) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <filename>\n", argv[0]);
		return 1;
	lum_file = alloc_lum();
	if (lum_file == NULL) {
		rc = ENOMEM;
		goto cleanup;
	rc = llapi_file_get_stripe(argv[1], lum_file);
	if (rc) {
		rc = errno;
		goto cleanup;
	/* stripe_size stripe_count */
	printf("%d %d\n",
	if (lum_file != NULL)
	return rc;


The llapi_file_open command opens (or creates) a file or device on a Lustre file system.


#include <lustre/lustreapi.h>
int llapi_file_open(const char *name, int flags, int mode, 
   unsigned long long stripe_size, int stripe_offset, 
   int stripe_count, int stripe_pattern);
int llapi_file_create(const char *name, unsigned long long stripe_size, 
   int stripe_offset, int stripe_count, 
   int stripe_pattern);


The llapi_file_create() call is equivalent to the llapi_file_open call with flags equal to O_CREAT|O_WRONLYand mode equal to 0644, followed by file close.

llapi_file_open() opens a file with a given name on a Lustre file system.

Option Description
mode Specifies the permission bits to be used for a new file when O_CREAT is used.
stripe_size Specifies stripe size (in bytes). Should be multiple of 64 KB, not exceeding 4 GB.
stripe_offset Specifies an OST index from which the file should start. The default value is -1.
stripe_count Specifies the number of OSTs to stripe the file across. The default value is -1.
stripe_pattern Specifies the striping pattern. In this release of the Lustre software, only LOV_PATTERN_RAID0is available. The default value is 0.

Return Values

llapi_file_open() and llapi_file_create() return:

>=0 On success, for llapi_file_open the return value is a file descriptor

<0 On failure, the absolute value is an error code


Errors Description
EINVAL stripe_size or stripe_offset or stripe_count or stripe_pattern is invalid.
EEXIST Striping information has already been set and cannot be altered; name already exists.
EALREADY Striping information has already been set and cannot be altered
ENOTTY name may not point to a Lustre file system.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <lustre/lustreapi.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int rc;
	if (argc != 2)
		return -1;
	rc = llapi_file_create(argv[1], 1048576, 0, 2, LOV_PATTERN_RAID0);
	if (rc < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "file creation has failed, %s\n",         strerror(-rc));
		return -1;
	printf("%s with stripe size 1048576, striped across 2 OSTs,"
			" has been created!\n", argv[1]);
	return 0;


Use llapi_quotactl to manipulate disk quotas on a Lustre file system.


#include <lustre/lustreapi.h>
int llapi_quotactl(char" " *mnt," " struct if_quotactl" " *qctl)
struct if_quotactl {
        __u32                   qc_cmd;
        __u32                   qc_type;
        __u32                   qc_id;
        __u32                   qc_stat;
        struct obd_dqinfo       qc_dqinfo;
        struct obd_dqblk        qc_dqblk;
        char                    obd_type[16];
        struct obd_uuid         obd_uuid;
struct obd_dqblk {
        __u64 dqb_bhardlimit;
        __u64 dqb_bsoftlimit;
        __u64 dqb_curspace;
        __u64 dqb_ihardlimit;
        __u64 dqb_isoftlimit;
        __u64 dqb_curinodes;
        __u64 dqb_btime;
        __u64 dqb_itime;
        __u32 dqb_valid;
        __u32 padding;
struct obd_dqinfo {
        __u64 dqi_bgrace;
        __u64 dqi_igrace;
        __u32 dqi_flags;
        __u32 dqi_valid;
struct obd_uuid {
        char uuid[40];


The llapi_quotactl() command manipulates disk quotas on a Lustre file system mount. qc_cmd indicates a command to be applied to UID qc_id or GID qc_id.

Option Description
LUSTRE_Q_QUOTAON Turns on quotas for a Lustre file system. Deprecated as of 2.4.0. qc_type is USRQUOTA,GRPQUOTA or UGQUOTA (both user and group quota). The quota files must exist. They are normally created with the llapi_quotacheck call. This call is restricted to the super user privilege. As of 2.4.0, quota is now enabled on a per file system basis via lctl conf_param (see the section called “ Enabling Disk Quotas”) on the MGS node and quotacheck isn't needed any more.
LUSTRE_Q_QUOTAOFF Turns off quotas for a Lustre file system. Deprecated as of 2.4.0. qc_type is USRQUOTA, GRPQUOTA or UGQUOTA (both user and group quota). This call is restricted to the super user privilege. As of 2.4.0, quota is disabled via lctl conf_param (see the section called “ Enabling Disk Quotas”).
LUSTRE_Q_GETQUOTA Gets disk quota limits and current usage for user or group qc_id. qc_type is USRQUOTA or GRPQUOTA. uuid may be filled with OBD UUID string to query quota information from a specific node. dqb_valid may be set nonzero to query information only from MDS. If uuid is an empty string and dqb_valid is zero then cluster-wide limits and usage are returned. On return, obd_dqblk contains the requested information (block limits unit is kilobyte). Quotas must be turned on before using this command.
LUSTRE_Q_SETQUOTA Sets disk quota limits for user or group qc_id. qc_type is USRQUOTA or GRPQUOTA. dqb_validmust be set to QIF_ILIMITS, QIF_BLIMITS or QIF_LIMITS (both inode limits and block limits) dependent on updating limits. obd_dqblk must be filled with limits values (as set in dqb_valid, block limits unit is kilobyte). Quotas must be turned on before using this command.
LUSTRE_Q_GETINFO Gets information about quotas. qc_type is either USRQUOTA or GRPQUOTA. On return,dqi_igrace is inode grace time (in seconds), dqi_bgrace is block grace time (in seconds),dqi_flags is not used by the current release of the Lustre software.
LUSTRE_Q_SETINFO Sets quota information (like grace times). qc_type is either USRQUOTA or GRPQUOTA.dqi_igrace is inode grace time (in seconds), dqi_bgrace is block grace time (in seconds),dqi_flags is not used by the current release of the Lustre software and must be zeroed.

Return Values

llapi_quotactl() returns:

0 On success

-1 On failure and sets error number (errno) to indicate the error


llapi_quotactl errors are described below.

Errors Description
EFAULT qctl is invalid.
ENOSYS Kernel or Lustre modules have not been compiled with the QUOTA option.
ENOMEM Insufficient memory to complete operation.
ENOTTY qc_cmd is invalid.
EBUSY Cannot process during quotacheck.
ENOENT uuid does not correspond to OBD or mnt does not exist.
EPERM The call is privileged and the caller is not the super user.
ESRCH No disk quota is found for the indicated user. Quotas have not been turned on for this file system.


Use llapi_path2fid to get the FID from the pathname.


#include <lustre/lustreapi.h>
int llapi_path2fid(const char *path, unsigned long long *seq, unsigned long *oid, unsigned long *ver)


The llapi_path2fid function returns the FID (sequence : object ID : version) for the pathname.

Return Values

llapi_path2fid returns:

0 On success

non-zero value On failure

Introduced in Lustre 2.9


Use llapi_ladvise to give IO advice/hints on a Lustre file to the server.


#include <lustre/lustreapi.h>
int llapi_ladvise(int fd, unsigned long long flags,
                  int num_advise, struct llapi_lu_ladvise *ladvise);
struct llapi_lu_ladvise {
  __u16 lla_advice;       /* advice type */
  __u16 lla_value1;       /* values for different advice types */
  __u32 lla_value2;
  __u64 lla_start;        /* first byte of extent for advice */
  __u64 lla_end;          /* last byte of extent for advice */
  __u32 lla_value3;
  __u32 lla_value4;


The llapi_ladvise function passes an array of num_advise I/O hints (up to a maximum of LAH_COUNT_MAXitems) in ladvise for the file descriptor fd from an application to one or more Lustre servers. Optionally, flags can modify how the advice will be processed via bitwise-or'd values:

  • LF_ASYNC: Clients return to userspace immediately after submitting ladvise RPCs, leaving server threads to handle the advices asynchronously.
  • LF_UNSET: Unset/clear a previous advice (Currently only supports LU_ADVISE_LOCKNOEXPAND).

Each of the ladvise elements is an llapi_lu_ladvise structure, which contains the following fields:

Field Description
lla_ladvice Specifies the advice for the given file range, currently one of:LU_LADVISE_WILLREAD: Prefetch data into server cache using optimum I/O size for the server.LU_LADVISE_DONTNEED: Clean cached data for the specified file range(s) on the server.
lla_start The offset in bytes for the start of this advice.
lla_end The offset in bytes (non-inclusive) for the end of this advice.
lla_value1``lla_value2``lla_value3``lla_value4 Additional arguments for future advice types and should be set to zero if not explicitly required for a given advice type. Advice-specific names for these fields follow.
lla_lockahead_mode When using LU_ADVISE_LOCKAHEAD, the 'lla_value1' field is used to communicate the requested lock mode, and can be referred to as lla_lockahead_mode.
lla_peradvice_flags When using advices which support them, the 'lla_value2' field is used to communicate per-advice flags and can be referred to as 'lla_peradvice_flags'. Both LF_ASYNC and LF_UNSET are supported as peradvice flags.
lla_lockahead_result When using LU_ADVISE_LOCKAHEAD, the 'lla_value3' field is used to communicate the result of the request, and can be referred to as lla_lockahead_result.

llapi_ladvise() forwards the advice to Lustre servers without guaranteeing how and when servers will react to the advice. Actions may or may not be triggered when the advices are received, depending on the type of the advice as well as the real-time decision of the affected server-side components.

A typical usage of llapi_ladvise() is to enable applications and users (via lfs ladvise) with external knowledge about application I/O patterns to intervene in server-side I/O handling. For example, if a group of different clients are doing small random reads of a file, prefetching pages into OSS cache with big linear reads before the random IO is an overall net benefit. Fetching that data into each client cache with fadvise() may not be beneficial, due to much more data being sent to the clients.

LU_LADVISE_LOCKAHEAD merits a special comment. While it is possible and encouraged to use it directly in your application to avoid lock contention (primarily for writing to a single file from multiple clients), it will also be available in the MPI-I/O / MPICH library from ANL for use with the i/o aggregation mode of that library. This is intended (eventually) to be the primary way this feature is used.

At the time of writing, this support is proposed as a patch but is not yet merged in to the public ANL code base. Users are encouraged to check their MPICH documentation and/or check with their library provider about support.

While conceptually similar to the posix_fadvise and Linux fadvise system calls, the main difference ofllapi_ladvise() is that fadvise() / posix_fadvise() are client side mechanisms that do not pass advice to the filesystem, while llapi_ladvise() sends advice or hints to one or more Lustre servers on which the file is stored. In some cases it may be desirable to use both interfaces.

Return Values

llapi_ladvise returns:

0 On success

-1 if an error occurred (in which case, errno is set appropriately).


Error Description
ENOMEM Insufficient memory to complete operation.
EINVAL One or more invalid arguments are given.
EFAULT Memory region pointed by ladvise is not properly mapped.
ENOTSUPP Advice type is not supported.

Example Using the llapi Library

Use llapi_file_create to set Lustre software properties for a new file. For a synopsis and description of llapi_file_create and examples of how to use it, see Configuration Files and Module Parameters.

You can set striping from inside programs like ioctl. To compile the sample program, you need to install the Lustre client source RPM.

A simple C program to demonstrate striping API - libtest.c

/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
 * vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=8:tabstop=8:
 * lustredemo - a simple example of lustreapi functions
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <lustre/lustreapi.h>
#define MAX_OSTS 1024
#define LOV_EA_SIZE(lum, num) (sizeof(*lum) + num * sizeof(*lum->lmm_objects))
#define LOV_EA_MAX(lum) LOV_EA_SIZE(lum, MAX_OSTS)

 * This program provides crude examples of using the lustreapi API functions
/* Change these definitions to suit */

#define TESTDIR "/tmp"           /* Results directory */
#define TESTFILE "lustre_dummy"  /* Name for the file we create/destroy */
#define FILESIZE 262144                    /* Size of the file in words */
#define DUMWORD "DEADBEEF"       /* Dummy word used to fill files */
#define MY_STRIPE_WIDTH 2                  /* Set this to the number of OST required */
#define MY_LUSTRE_DIR "/mnt/lustre/ftest"

int close_file(int fd)
        if (close(fd) < 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "File close failed: %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
                return -1;
        return 0;

int write_file(int fd)
        char *stng =  DUMWORD;
        int cnt = 0;

        for( cnt = 0; cnt < FILESIZE; cnt++) {
                write(fd, stng, sizeof(stng));
        return 0;
/* Open a file, set a specific stripe count, size and starting OST
 *    Adjust the parameters to suit */
int open_stripe_file()
        char *tfile = TESTFILE;
        int stripe_size = 65536;    /* System default is 4M */
        int stripe_offset = -1;     /* Start at default */
        int stripe_count = MY_STRIPE_WIDTH;  /*Single stripe for this demo*/
        int stripe_pattern = 0;     /* only RAID 0 at this time */
        int rc, fd;

        rc = llapi_file_create(tfile,
        /* result code is inverted, we may return -EINVAL or an ioctl error.
         * We borrow an error message from sanity.c
        if (rc) {
                fprintf(stderr,"llapi_file_create failed: %d (%s) \n", rc, strerror(-rc));
                return -1;
        /* llapi_file_create closes the file descriptor, we must re-open */
        fd = open(tfile, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_LOV_DELAY_CREATE, 0644);
        if (fd < 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s file: %d (%s)\n", tfile, errno, strerror(errno));
                return -1;
        return fd;

/* output a list of uuids for this file */
int get_my_uuids(int fd)
        struct obd_uuid uuids[1024], *uuidp;        /* Output var */
        int obdcount = 1024;
        int rc,i;

        rc = llapi_lov_get_uuids(fd, uuids, &obdcount);
        if (rc != 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "get uuids failed: %d (%s)\n",errno, strerror(errno));
        printf("This file system has %d obds\n", obdcount);
        for (i = 0, uuidp = uuids; i < obdcount; i++, uuidp++) {
                printf("UUID %d is %s\n",i, uuidp->uuid);
        return 0;

/* Print out some LOV attributes. List our objects */
int get_file_info(char *path)

        struct lov_user_md *lump;
        int rc;
        int i;

        lump = malloc(LOV_EA_MAX(lump));
        if (lump == NULL) {
                return -1;

        rc = llapi_file_get_stripe(path, lump);

        if (rc != 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "get_stripe failed: %d (%s)\n",errno, strerror(errno));
                return -1;

        printf("Lov magic %u\n", lump->lmm_magic);
        printf("Lov pattern %u\n", lump->lmm_pattern);
        printf("Lov object id %llu\n", lump->lmm_object_id);
        printf("Lov stripe size %u\n", lump->lmm_stripe_size);
        printf("Lov stripe count %hu\n", lump->lmm_stripe_count);
        printf("Lov stripe offset %u\n", lump->lmm_stripe_offset);
        for (i = 0; i < lump->lmm_stripe_count; i++) {
                printf("Object index %d Objid %llu\n", lump->lmm_objects[i].l_ost_idx, lump->lmm_objects[i].l_object_id);

        return rc;


/* Ping all OSTs that belong to this filesystem */
int ping_osts()
        DIR *dir;
        struct dirent *d;
        char osc_dir[100];
        int rc;

        sprintf(osc_dir, "/proc/fs/lustre/osc");
        dir = opendir(osc_dir);
        if (dir == NULL) {
                printf("Can't open dir\n");
                return -1;
        while((d = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
                if ( d->d_type == DT_DIR ) {
                        if (! strncmp(d->d_name, "OSC", 3)) {
                                printf("Pinging OSC %s ", d->d_name);
                                rc = llapi_ping("osc", d->d_name);
                                if (rc) {
                                        printf("  bad\n");
                                } else {
                                        printf("  good\n");
        return 0;


int main()
        int file;
        int rc;
        char filename[100];
        char sys_cmd[100];

        sprintf(filename, "%s/%s",MY_LUSTRE_DIR, TESTFILE);

        printf("Open a file with striping\n");
        file = open_stripe_file();
        if ( file < 0 ) {
        printf("Getting uuid list\n");
        rc = get_my_uuids(file);
        printf("Write to the file\n");
        rc = write_file(file);
        rc = close_file(file);
        printf("Listing LOV data\n");
        rc = get_file_info(filename);
        printf("Ping our OSTs\n");
        rc = ping_osts();

        /* the results should match lfs getstripe */
        printf("Confirming our results with lfs getstripe\n");
        sprintf(sys_cmd, "/usr/bin/lfs getstripe %s/%s", MY_LUSTRE_DIR, TESTFILE);

        printf("All done\n");

Makefile for sample application:

gcc -g -O2 -Wall -o lustredemo libtest.c -llustreapi
rm -f core lustredemo *.o
rm -f /mnt/lustre/ftest/lustredemo
rm -f /mnt/lustre/ftest/lustre_dummy
cp lustredemo /mnt/lustre/ftest/

See Also