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existdb-saml - SAML v2.0 Implementation in XQuery

NOTE You will need eXist-db version 6.0.1 or higher to run this code.


This is a partial implementation of SAML v2.0 in XQuery that allows eXist DB to delegate authentication to a third-party identity provider using SAML.

The current implementation supports the SAML2 Web Browser SSO Profile with

  • SP-initiated SSO Redirect-POST
  • IDP-initiated SSO POST

For details on the SAML profiles see

This code is considered stable and production-ready. A slightly earlier version of this code runs in production on a large site, interfacing with a "PingFederate" SAML IDP installation.

This code passed auditing and pen-testing by a third party on behalf of the customer.

How to use (in simple terms)

You have an application running on eXist. In SAML terminology, this is the service provider (SP), because the eXist DB service provides access to data.

You don't want to manage users and passwords with eXist, possibly because you expect a high number of users. Instead, you want to delegate user authentication to a third party, the identity provider (IDP) in SAML terms.

Basically, the IDP is responsible for keeping user/password data and handling client authentication. Effectively, the IDP presents a username/password dialog, authenticates a user, and then presents a SAML assertion "this user has successfully authenticated" to the SP.

Consider a sports event and you're heading to your seats in block B-52. The gatekeeper tells you that your ticket is not valid yet, please go to the IDP counter and login to get a valid ticket, then come back and get access. In SAML terms, this is "SP-initiated SSO", because clients access your resources (eXist DB, service provider), and your application gatekeeper redirects clients to the IDP, which sends them back after authentication.

A variation of this is "IDP-initiated SSO POST" where an IDP actively sends a client to some SP resource, as in "give this authenticated user access to resource /X". In the sports event analogy these are comparable to sponsored VIP lounge tickets issued by the IDP, to bypass the SP crowd.

How to use (in technical terms)

Existdb-saml is an application library that can be added through the eXist package manager. You will need to edit its configuration file (eg in eXide), you need to assign a password of your choice to the exsaml user and you will need to modify the controller.xql file of your application to intercept requests to be authenticated by SAML.

Exchange peering data with IDP

The SAML protocol requires that both peers (SP and IDP) present and validate the identity of each other. Also, each peer needs to know the URI endpoint of the other side to redirect clients correctly.

It is quite common that SAML responses from the IDP are signed using XML signature. The SAML standard mandates to validate XML signatures if they are present. In order to do this you need the X.509 certificate file from the IDP containing the public key needed to validate the signatures.

Edit config-exsaml.xml file

In the <config> element, set the enabled attribute to true to enable SAML.

In the <sp> element, set your entity name (a namestring in URI format) and your endpoint URI (handled by your controller.xql file. fallback-relaystate is only relevant if IDP-initiated SSO is enabled, it is the default landing page if an IDP-initiated SSO does not specify where the client should go.

In the <idp> element, set the entity name and endpoint URI that was provided by your IDP peer. If the IDP sends XML signed responses, specify certfile with the path to the X.509 certificate. To enable IDP-initiated SSO (default off) set accept-unsolicited to true. To force IDP-initiated clients to a certain URI, specify this URI in force-relaystate. verify-issuer can be turned off to disable issuer verification mandated by the SAML standard. This was required to deal with a misconfigured IDP peer.

In the <crypto> element, set a unique password in hmac-key.

In the <token> element, set valid-mins to the desired token validity time in minutes. After successful SAML authentication, a token is set in the user's browser, effectively caching authentication credentials. If the token has expired, another SAML roundtrip will happen between SP and IDP.

In the <exsaml-creds> element, set a password for the privileged exsaml user. You also need to assign this password to exsaml user, see below.

If you need to store user specific settings such as the preferred language, you may want to set create to true in the <dynamic-users> element. By default, users are not created in eXist DB because usernames and passwords are kept at the IDP.

A SAML IDP may send additional data as SAML attribute assertions, e.g. to assign group membership for an authenticated user, as shown in the <group-attribute> element. Note this only works if the IDP is configured to send these attributes.

The <fake-idp> element may be used for debugging if no "real" IDP is available yet. This element should be empty for production use.

Set Password for the exsaml DB User

During installation of the existdb-saml package, a special DB user exsaml gets created if it does not exist. This user will be created with a default password (in order to not ship with a blank password).

You need to assign your chosen password as configured in file config-exsaml.xml (tag exsaml-creds/@pass) to the exsaml DB user.

In EXide, you could do this by executing sm:passwd('exsaml', 'THE PASSWORD YOU CONFIGURED').

Edit controller.xql of Your Application

You need to adjust the controller.xql of your application like this in order to use SAML:

(: import exsaml module :)
import module namespace exsaml="" at 'xmldb:///db/system/repo/existdb-saml/content/exsaml.xqm';

(: this is required for SAML so that the IDP response can be rendered as a form
   that gets auto-submitted by the user's browser, back to the SP (eXist) :)
declare option exist:serialize "method=html media-type=text/html indent=no";

declare variable $cid := exsaml:generate-correlation-id();

(: handle SP endpoint to process SAML response in HTTP POST :)
if ($exist:path = "/SAML2SP")
    let $log := exsaml:log('info', $cid, "SAML2SP: processing SAML response")
    let $status := exsaml:process-saml-response-post()
    let $log := exsaml:log('debug', $cid, "endpoint SAML2SP; status: " || $status/@code)
        if ($status/@code >= 0) then
            (: forward to page that was requested by the user :)
            let $debug := exsaml:log("info", $cid, "Auth success - code " || $status/@code || " - relaystate: " || $status/@relaystate)
                <dispatch xmlns="">
                    <redirect url="{$status/@relaystate}"/>
            (: if SAML failed, display an error message for now :)
            <data cid="{$cid}">{string($status/@msg) || ": " || string($status/@data)}</data>

(: if logout, invalidate SAML token :)
else if ($exist:path = '/logout')
    let $_ :=
            if (exsaml:is-enabled($cid))
            else ()
        <dispatch> ... </dispatch>

(: if no valid token, redirect to SAML auth :)
else if (exsaml:is-enabled($cid) and not(exsaml:check-valid-saml-token($cid)))
    let $debug := exsaml:log('info', $cid, "controller: no valid token, redirect to SAML auth")
    let $return-path := "/exist/apps" || $exist:controller || $exist:path
        <dispatch xmlns="">
            <redirect url="{exsaml:build-authnreq-redir-url($cid, $return-path)}">
                <set-header name="Cache-Control" value="no-cache, no-store" />
                <set-header name="Pragma" value="no-cache" />

    (: your controller code here :)



See doc/SECURITY_ASSESSMENT for details.

Handling of SAML request IDs

The SAML standard requires that the SP checks SAML responses from the IDP such that the request ID that the SAML response refers to was actually sent by the SP. To do this, the SP needs to keep a collection of request IDs that it sent. When the IDP sent a SAML response, the SP will remove the correspondig request ID from this collection.

There may be (error) conditions where a request never gets a response, so that the request ID stays in the collection forever. For this reason, the clean-reqids.xql XQuery should be run periodically as a scheduled job to purge outdated request IDs. Use something like this in conf.xml.

        <job    type="user"
                cron-trigger="0 0 * * * ? *"/>