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The changelog explains changes pulled through from the private development repository. Bug fixes and small enhancements are committed between releases and not documented here.

0.3.4 (Nov 9, 2022)

  • Decision tree learning
  • Optimized oblivious shuffle in Rep3
  • Optimized daBit generation in Rep3 and semi-honest HE-based 2PC
  • Optimized element-vector AND in SemiBin
  • Optimized input protocol in Shamir-based protocols
  • Square-root ORAM (@Quitlox)
  • Improved ORAM in binary circuits
  • UTF-8 outputs

0.3.3 (Aug 25, 2022)

  • Use SoftSpokenOT to avoid unclear security of KOS OT extension candidate
  • Fix security bug in MAC check when using multithreading
  • Fix security bug to prevent selective failure attack by checking earlier
  • Fix security bug in Mama: insufficient sacrifice.
  • Inverse permutation (@Quitlox)
  • Easier direct compilation (@eriktaubeneck)
  • Generally allow element-vector operations
  • Increase maximum register size to 2^54
  • Client example in Python
  • Uniform base OTs across platforms
  • Multithreaded base OT computation
  • Faster random bit generation in two-player Semi(2k)

0.3.2 (May 27, 2022)

  • Secure shuffling
  • O(n log n) radix sorting
  • Documented BGV encryption interface
  • Optimized matrix multiplication in dealer protocol
  • Fixed security bug in homomorphic encryption parameter generation
  • Fixed security bug in Temi matrix multiplication

0.3.1 (Apr 19, 2022)

  • Protocol in dealer model
  • Command-line option for security parameter
  • Fixed security bug in SPDZ2k (see Section 3.4 of the updated paper)
  • Ability to run high-level (Python) code from C++
  • More memory capacity due to 64-bit addressing
  • Homomorphic encryption for more fields of characteristic two
  • Docker container

0.3.0 (Feb 17, 2022)

  • Semi-honest computation based on threshold semi-homomorphic encryption
  • Batch normalization backward propagation
  • AlexNet for CIFAR-10
  • Specific private output protocols
  • Semi-honest additive secret sharing without communication
  • Sending of personal values
  • Allow overwriting of persistence files
  • Protocol signature in persistence files

0.2.9 (Jan 11, 2022)

  • Disassembler
  • Run-time parameter for probabilistic truncation error
  • Probabilistic truncation for some protocols computing modulo a prime
  • Simplified C++ interface
  • Comparison as in ACCO
  • More general scalar-vector multiplication
  • Complete memory support for clear bits
  • Extended clear bit functionality with Yao's garbled circuits
  • Allow preprocessing information to be supplied via named pipes
  • In-place operations for containers

0.2.8 (Nov 4, 2021)

  • Tested on Apple laptop with ARM chip
  • Restore trusted client interface
  • Directly accessible softmax function
  • Signature in preprocessing files to reduce confusing errors
  • Improved error messages for connection issues
  • Documentation of low-level share types and protocol pairs

0.2.7 (Sep 17, 2021)

  • Optimized matrix multiplication in Hemi
  • Improved client communication
  • Private integer division as per Veugen and Abspoel
  • Compiler option to translate some Python control flow instructions to run-time instructions
  • Functionality to break out of run-time loops
  • Run-time range check of data structure accesses
  • Improved documentation of network infrastructure

0.2.6 (Aug 6, 2021)

  • Keras-like interface
  • Iterative linear solution approximation
  • Binary output
  • HighGear/LowGear key generation for wider range of parameters by default
  • Dabit generation for smaller primes and malicious security
  • More consistent type model
  • Improved local computation
  • Optimized GF(2^8) for CCD
  • NTL only needed for computation with GF(2^40)
  • Virtual machines suggest compile-time optimizations
  • Improved documentation of types

0.2.5 (Jul 2, 2021)

  • Training of convolutional neural networks
  • Bit decomposition using edaBits
  • Ability to force MAC checks from high-level code
  • Ability to close client connection from high-level code
  • Binary operators for comparison results
  • Faster compilation for emulation
  • More documentation
  • Fixed bug in dense layer back-propagation
  • Fixed security bug: insufficient LowGear secret key randomness
  • Fixed security bug: skewed random bit generation

0.2.4 (Apr 19, 2021)

  • ARM support
  • Base OTs optionally without SimpleOT/AVX
  • Use OpenSSL instead of Crypto++ for elliptic curves
  • Post-sacrifice binary computation with replicated secret sharing similar to Araki et al.
  • More flexible multithreading

0.2.3 (Feb 23, 2021)

  • Distributed key generation for homomorphic encryption with active security similar to Rotaru et al.
  • Homomorphic encryption parameters more similar to SCALE-MAMBA
  • Fixed security bug: all-zero secret keys in homomorphic encryption
  • Fixed security bug: missing check in binary Rep4
  • Fixed security bug: insufficient "blaming" (covert security) in CowGear and ChaiGear due to low default security parameter

0.2.2 (Jan 21, 2021)

  • Infrastructure for random element generation
  • Programs generating as much preprocessing data as required by a particular high-level program
  • Smaller binaries
  • Cleaning up code
  • Removing unused virtual machine instructions
  • Fixed security bug: wrong MAC check in SPDZ2k input tuple generation

0.2.1 (Dec 11, 2020)

  • Virtual machines automatically use the modulus used during compilation
  • Non-linear computation modulo a prime without large gap in bit length
  • Fewer communication rounds in several protocols

0.2.0 (Oct 28, 2020)

  • Rep4: honest-majority four-party computation with malicious security
  • SY/SPDZ-wise: honest-majority computation with malicious security based on replicated or Shamir secret sharing
  • Training with a sequence of dense layers
  • Training and inference for multi-class classification
  • Local share conversion for semi-honest protocols based on additive secret sharing modulo a power of two
  • edaBit generation based on local share conversion
  • Optimize exponentiation with local share conversion
  • Optimize Shamir pseudo-random secret sharing using a hyper-invertible matrix
  • Mathematical functions (exponentiation, logarithm, square root, and trigonometric functions) with binary circuits
  • Direct construction of fixed-point values from any type, breaking sfix(x) where x is the integer representation of a fixed-point number. Use sfix._new(x) instead.
  • Optimized dot product for sfix
  • Matrix multiplication via operator overloading uses VM-optimized multiplication.
  • Fake preprocessing for daBits and edaBits
  • Fixed security bug: insufficient randomness in SemiBin random bit generation.
  • Fixed security bug: insufficient randomization of FKOS15 inputs.
  • Fixed security bug in binary computation with SPDZ(2k).

0.1.9 (Aug 24, 2020)

  • Streamline inputs to binary circuits
  • Improved private output
  • Emulator for arithmetic circuits
  • Efficient dot product with Shamir's secret sharing
  • Lower memory usage for TensorFlow inference
  • This version breaks bytecode compatibility.

0.1.8 (June 15, 2020)

  • Half-gate garbling
  • Native 2D convolution
  • Inference with some TensorFlow graphs
  • MASCOT with several MACs to increase security

0.1.7 (May 8, 2020)

  • Possibility of using global keyword in loops instead of MemValue
  • IEEE754 floating-point functionality using Bristol Fashion circuits

0.1.6 (Apr 2, 2020)

  • Bristol Fashion circuits
  • Semi-honest computation with somewhat homomorphic encryption
  • Use SSL for client connections
  • Client facilities for all arithmetic protocols

0.1.5 (Mar 20, 2020)

  • Faster conversion between arithmetic and binary secret sharing using extended daBits
  • Optimized daBits
  • Optimized logistic regression
  • Faster compilation of repetitive code (compiler option -C)
  • ChaiGear: HighGear with covert key generation
  • TopGear zero-knowledge proofs
  • Binary computation based on Shamir secret sharing
  • Fixed security bug: Prove correctness of ciphertexts in input tuple generation
  • Fixed security bug: Missing check in MASCOT bit generation and various binary computations

0.1.4 (Dec 23, 2019)

  • Mixed circuit computation with secret sharing
  • Binary computation for dishonest majority using secret sharing as in FKOS15
  • Fixed security bug: insufficient OT correlation check in SPDZ2k
  • This version breaks bytecode compatibility.

0.1.3 (Nov 21, 2019)

  • Python 3
  • Semi-honest computation based on semi-homomorphic encryption
  • Access to player information in high-level language

0.1.2 (Oct 11, 2019)

  • Machine learning capabilities used for MobileNets inference and the iDASH submission
  • Binary computation for dishonest majority using secret sharing
  • Mathematical functions from SCALE-MAMBA
  • Fixed security bug: CowGear would reuse triples.

0.1.1 (Aug 6, 2019)

  • Loop unrolling with budget as in HyCC
  • Malicious replicated secret sharing for binary circuits
  • New variants of malicious replicated secret over rings in Use your Brain!
  • MASCOT for any prime larger than 2^64
  • Private fixed- and floating-point inputs

0.1.0 (Jun 7, 2019)

  • CowGear protocol (LowGear with covert security)
  • Protocols that sacrifice after than before
  • More protocols for replicated secret sharing over rings
  • Fixed security bug: Some protocols with supposed malicious security wouldn't check players' inputs when generating random bits.

0.0.9 (Apr 30, 2019)

  • Complete BMR for all GF(2^n) protocols
  • Use your Brain!
  • Semi/Semi2k for semi-honest OT-based computation
  • Branching on revealed values in garbled circuits
  • Fixed security bug: Potentially revealing too much information when opening linear combinations of private inputs in MASCOT and SPDZ2k with more than two parties

0.0.8 (Mar 28, 2019)

  • SPDZ2k
  • Integration of MASCOT and SPDZ2k preprocessing
  • Integer division

0.0.7 (Feb 14, 2019)

  • Simplified installation on macOS
  • Optimized matrix multiplication
  • Data type for quantization

0.0.6 (Jan 5, 2019)

  • Shamir secret sharing

0.0.5 (Nov 5, 2018)

  • More three-party replicated secret sharing
  • Encrypted communication for replicated secret sharing

0.0.4 (Oct 11, 2018)

  • Added BMR, Yao's garbled circuits, and semi-honest 3-party replicated secret sharing for arithmetic and binary circuits.
  • Use inline assembly instead of MPIR for arithmetic modulo primes up length up to 128 bit.
  • Added a secure multiplication instruction to the instruction set in order to accommodate protocols that don't use Beaver randomization.

0.0.3 (Mar 2, 2018)

  • Added offline phases based on homomorphic encryption, used in the SPDZ-2 paper and the Overdrive paper.
  • On macOS, the minimum requirement is now Sierra.
  • Compilation with LLVM/clang is now possible (tested with 3.8).

0.0.2 (Sep 13, 2017)

Support sockets based external client input and output to a SPDZ MPC program.

See the ExternalIO directory for more details and examples.

Note that libsodium is now a dependency on the SPDZ build.

Added compiler instructions:


Removed instructions:


Modified instructions:


Support secure external client input and output with new instructions:


Read/Write secret shares to disk to support persistence in a SPDZ MPC program.

Added compiler instructions:


Other instructions

Added compiler instructions:

  • DIGESTC - Clear truncated hash computation
  • PRINTINT - Print register value

0.0.1 (Sep 2, 2016)

Initial Release

  • See and