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File metadata and controls

149 lines (98 loc) · 4.49 KB


The web server needs to be set up with an SSL certificate. You can use mkcert for development.


You can either build the assets once ...

npm run build:dev
npm run build:email

... or rebuild after every change

npm run watch

Run the migrations and create an admin user

./ migrate

Start the actual server

./ runserver


You can run the tests either with pytest or with ./ test. The tests in mainapp/tests/live require a specific version of chrome to be installed.

There's a tox config to ensure 3.8 and 3.9 compatibility which can be run with tox.

Dummy data

The dummy data is used for the tests, but can also be used for developement.


./ loaddata mainapp/fixtures/initdata.json mainapp/fixtures/socialapps.json


./ dumpdata mainapp -e mainapp.UserProfile --indent 4 > mainapp/fixtures/initdata.json


To reindex the elasticsearch index (requires elastic search to be enabled):

./ search_index --rebuild

Translating strings

./ makemessages --locale de
# translate django.po
./ compilemessages

Notifying users about new documents

The following script is meant to be run as an hourly cron job through the ./ cron:

./ notify_users

However, for debugging purposes, it can be called stand alone, skipping the actual e-mail-sending and using a custom date range. The following commands dumps the search results of all users since 2017-09-10:

./ notify_users --simulate --override-since 2017-09-10

OCR'ing documents

Currently, OCR'ing documents is not done automatically, as this operation is being billed per execution. So for now, it is done manually on demand. The following commands are available to ocr a single file, or to ocr all files with no recognized text:

# OCR all empty files:
./ ocr-file --empty
# OCR an individual file:
./ ocr-file --id 23

Creating a page with additional JS libraries

If we use a library on only one page and thus don't want to include it into the main JS-bundle (e.g. Isotope), this would the procedure:

  • Normally install it using NPM
  • Create a new entry JS script in mainapp/assets/js. Require the library from there.
  • Register this new entry point in the webpack-configuration.
  • Load this new JS-file in a Django-template within the additional_js-block using the render_bundle-tag. (See persons.html for an example)

If a separate CSS-file is needed (e.g. in the case of fullcalendar), this would be the additional procedure to the one above (which is necessary):

  • Create a new SCSS-file in mainapp/assets/css.
  • Require the SCSS-file from the corresponding JS entry script. This will automatically generate a compiled CSS-bundle with the name of the JS-bundle.
  • Load this new CSS-file in a Django-template within the additional_css-block using the render_bundle-tag. (See calendar.html for an example)


The templates for the e-mail-notifications are created using mjml. So we don't edit the HTML/Django-templates like user-alert.html directly, but the source .mjml-files like user-alert.heml and compile them using:

npm run build:email



./ dumpdata --indent 4

Installation as python package

This works but needs some more testing/polishing

# First, update the tools so we don't fail due old versions not supporting what we want
pip install --upgrade pip virtualenv
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install meine-stadt-transparent

Set STATIC_ROOT to the actual location (e.g. static or /var/www/static), otherwise configure it through .env the same way as for the other deployment methods.

mst-manage collectstatic
mst-manage migrate

gunicorn meine_stadt_transparent.wsgi:application -w 2 -b :8000 --capture-output

TODO: Customizations

Sidenote: The python package actually install 4 modules (meine-stadt-transparent, cms, importer, mainapp), so you should not try to combine with other python packages using these module names.