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356 lines (254 loc) · 9.41 KB


File metadata and controls

356 lines (254 loc) · 9.41 KB

snowmicropyn Changelog

Version 1.0.0


  • Offer all available markers (markers of all open pnt files) in context menu.

Version 1.0.0a2


  • Add simple superposition view.
  • Fixed coordinates for longitudes > 90/-90. Thanks to Mike Brady!
  • Calculation & export of derivatives within markers surface and ground only (if set).
  • Many improvements under the hood.

Version 1.0.0a1


Huge overhaul of snowmicropyn including: - Restructuring/Rewrite of code base. - Deployment as package on PyPI. - Source code repository moved to GitHub. - Documentation (using Sphinx), publishing on Read the Docs. - New UI called pyngui.

Pre Overhaul Changelog


  • Version 0.0.26 alpha
  • Python packaging
  • Packaging for Anaconda (conda recipe)


  • Version 0.0.25 alpha
  • Man kann jetzt unter Menu -> View -> Show Density oder -> Show SSA auswählen
  • Dann wird SSA oder Dichte mit zweiter y-Achse geplottet.


  • Version 0.0.24 alpha
  • Show surface und show ground default-mässig aktiviert
  • MessageBox wenn versucht wird SSA und Density gleichzeitig zu plotten (geht nur einzeln)
  • Im Menu Export->shot noise parameters geändert zu Export -> ShotNoiseParameters, Density and SSA


  • Version 0.0.23 alpha
  • Dichte- oder SSA-profil in plot zeichnen
  • Beim öffnen der files werden shotnoiseparameter für jedes file berechnet, daher etwas langsamer beim öffnen (vor allem bei vielen dateien)
  • Range für zweite y-Achse festgelegt: Dichte: 0-700 kg/m^3. SSA: 0-60 m^2/kg.


  • Version 0.0.22 alpha
  • Shotnoise parameter in file schreiben inklusive dichte und ssa


  • Version 0.0.21 alpha
  • Shotnoise-auswertung von evalSMP-skript hier reinkopiert und etwas angepasst
  • Zusätzlich dichte und ssa ausrechnen und alles ins shotnoise-file schreiben
  • Ausserdem default-filename und -ordner für shotnoise-file geändert: Jetzt gleichen namen und ordner wie pnt-file nur andere endung


  • Version 0.0.19 alpha
  • Allowed negative and comma values for axes in graph options
  • New variable self.pathOpen as default file opening path (location of last opened file)
  • New variable self.pathSave as default save path


  • GPS coordinates sign bug fixed
  • Fixed bug, where noise, drift offset could not be shown


  • Implemented options for subtracted median in options window
  • Implemented shot noise and added shot noise save options


  • Fixed surface tool visibility bug
  • Introduced overwrite prompt to some save functions
  • Arrow keys can be used to switch plot
  • Fixed indexing bug in shotnoise()


  • Improved
  • Introduced view menu, exported functions from data menu


  • Use scroll wheel to zoom in/out of plot
  • Up/down/left/right to navigate through open files
  • Ctrl+ left click moves surface to location
  • Shift + left click moves ground to location


  • Implemented average menu to data (/extensions/
  • Started to use click event on canvas
  • Left click on plot shows x//y coordinates


  • Implemented average curves to superposition viewer
  • Implemented log for y axis to graph options, default = True
  • Implemented subtract median to view menu


  • Call class graphoptions with .show() -> parent.draw_figure actualizes parent plot


  • Version 0.0.14 alpha
  • Add ground level analog to surface
  • Add overload to info screen


  • Version 0.0.13 alpha
  • Add option to hide legend in super position viewer


  • Implemented graph options to super position viewer
  • Hide surface tool if not checked
  • Get_surface returns now max instead of a rounded value, if no surface was found
  • Created a pyinstaller build script to create build archives


  • Bug fix in OnClose()


  • Renamed software to SnowMicroPyn


  • Fixed bug in export surface
  • Fixed surface tool bug


  • Additions in Super Position Viewer: - Subtract plot has same color as corresponding curve - Legend for subtracted graphs - RSME is shown mathematics.rsme(x_ref,x_sub, norm)


  • Version 0.0.11 alpha
  • Fixed surface tool inactivation bug for windows
  • Maximize super position viewer at start
  • Deactivated surface tab in graph options
  • Cancel possibility in GPS viewer if no coordinates available
  • Precision option in save options for ascii data
  • Enabled keyboard short cuts for windows
  • Correct exec_path detection (for exe)


  • Version 0.0.10 alpha
  • Super position viewer: show only basename in reference selection
  • Fixed bug in file number text control in tool bar
  • Use Ubuntu icons for tool bar in all operating systems


  • Changed standard gradient down sampling factor to 1000


  • Fixed logo location bug


  • Changed version to 0.0.9 alpha
  • Changed getsurface algorithm


  • Improved filter function


  • Implemented experimental butterworth low pass filter and automatic cut off frequency search using residual analysis


  • Upgrade to 0.0.8 alpha
  • Implemented open files as command line arguments -> "open with"
  • Implemented error caching to open file function
  • Reneamed pnt header dict keys with units -> header infos contain units
  • Cleaned code in
  • Introduced savezoom() to updatefigure()
  • Disable preferences when no file is loaded


  • Upgraded version to 0.0.7 alpha
  • Implemented auto zoom boolean to draw_plot -> zoom ratio is kept when changing preferences
  • Implemented gradient to analysis menu
  • Better surface detection algorithm
  • Implemented new surface detection algorithm based on 2nd deviation
  • Fixed bug: smooth in Super Position Viewer works now
  • Removed subplot from navigation tool bar
  • Added additional tabs and options to graph options
  • Implemeted manual surface correction to tool bar
  • Outsourced getsurface to
  • Outsourced linfit to
  • Implemented "keep zoom"
  • Added legend to super position viewer


  • Improved getData from
  • Replaced smooth with downsample in getsurface
  • Introduced arg boolean "show" to draw_plot -> circumvents double plotting while saving plot
  • Implemented "subtract plot" to SuperPosition
  • Improved surface detection


  • Update version to 0.0.6 alpha
  • New class SuperPosition in
  • Introduced SuperPosition (not fully developed yet) to data menu


  • Added more colors and styles to plot options
  • Moved class checklstctr from map to menus


  • Changed version number to 0.0.5 alpha
  • Introduced new graph options windows with enhanced functionality.


  • Changed "preferences" to "graph options" and moved to data menu
  • Renamed "view" to "analysis"
  • Introduced save options to single file save method
  • Changed graph options tool bar icon
  • Changed quit icon to cross mark (probably nicer in windows)
  • Renamed "Map" to "GPS Map View"
  • Removed "save" from mpl tool bar
  • Introduced save all and save single to tool bar
  • New save options menu using wx.multichoice dialog in


  • Corrected SLF institute labels
  • Tool bar info button now shows header instead of license
  • Deactivated next/prev buttons in tool bar, if no file is open
  • Decoupled "max force" off surface
  • Changed export "max force and penetration" to "max force and surface"
  • Added text in plot to autom. surface and max force detection
  • Fixed bug, where prev button jumped over a measurement
  • Setup plot renamed to graph options


  • Changed version number to 0.0.4 alpha
  • Introduced error catching for icon and logo
  • Improved down sampling function
  • Removed automatic y axis restriction for plots


  • Removed icon call from main function in


  • Add standard deviation to noise, drift and offset export function
  • Labels in repeat now, if num lables > num ascii_uppercase


  • Changed version to 0.0.3 alpha
  • Corrected save path in export functions due to incompatibility in MacOS
  • Fixed bug: noise and drift works again without surface option being checked in menu


  • Deleted unused import urllib
  • Use wx.App(False) instead of deprecated wx.PySimpleApp()
  • Tested program under wxPython 3.0.0
  • Export coordinates as .coords instead of .txt
  • Excluded "hardness test" from data menu (former used by team snow sports)
  • Introduced plot update after noise data export
  • Moved options button from mpl tool bar to custom tool bar due to compatibility issues in windows
  • Introduced plot options menu to file menu
  • Linked to license
  • Created icon.ico as task bar icon
  • Actualized requirements.txt
  • In maps SLF location is shown if no coordinates present


  • Changed PyNTReader version number to 0.0.2 alpha.
  • Introduced class SaveOptions to
  • OnSaveAll calls SaveOptions
  • In items can't be checked anymore if GPS off
  • Introduced experimental feature "app.SetMacSupportPCMenuShortcuts(True)" and OS detection in main function -> not tested yet


  • Introduced file selection drop down list to tool bar
  • Introduced down sampling factor to plot options
  • Introduced array down sampling function to
  • Cleaned and documented code


  • (P)released PyNTReader version 0.0.1 alpha