From b68caea78169c918f99657236f9751acad2eacbe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Allison <> Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2023 00:21:44 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Add: Coyrle Sodjey (1761) (#1119) Source Document: #1029 Max W. Wheeler (March 2023) Functionality to link to source document is pending --- .../Coyrle Sodjey 2nd Edition/document.csv | 1264 +++++++++++++++++ .../Coyrle Sodjey 2nd Edition/license.txt | 6 + .../manifest.json.txt | 11 + 3 files changed, 1281 insertions(+) create mode 100644 OpenData/miscellaneous religious printed 1600 - 1900/Coyrle Sodjey 2nd Edition/document.csv create mode 100644 OpenData/miscellaneous religious printed 1600 - 1900/Coyrle Sodjey 2nd Edition/license.txt create mode 100644 OpenData/miscellaneous religious printed 1600 - 1900/Coyrle Sodjey 2nd Edition/manifest.json.txt diff --git a/OpenData/miscellaneous religious printed 1600 - 1900/Coyrle Sodjey 2nd Edition/document.csv b/OpenData/miscellaneous religious printed 1600 - 1900/Coyrle Sodjey 2nd Edition/document.csv new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1e6c3f16 --- /dev/null +++ b/OpenData/miscellaneous religious printed 1600 - 1900/Coyrle Sodjey 2nd Edition/document.csv @@ -0,0 +1,1264 @@ +Manx,English,Notes,PageInDoc,Manx Original,English Original +Coyrle Sodjeh,A farther Instruction,,1,, +Son leid as ter nynsagh yn,For such as have learned the,,1,, +Credjue Creestee.,Church-Catechism.,,1,, +SECT. I. Of Confirmation.,,,1,, +"Q. FAIKIN dy vel Raaue aym mee- hene y yannoo aarloo, dy gholl fo laaue Aspick ; ta mee gyeearree’n cooney eauish dy vod fyss ve aym cre ta mee goll mish, as cre ta er ny hirrey orrym ? ","Q. HAVING Notice to prepare my self for Confirmation, I beg your Assistance, that I may know what I am going about, and what is expected from me ?",,1,, +"A. Cooinyms lhiatt dy arryltagh ; as my t’ow dy jarroo shirrey dt’annym y haauail, ynsym oo ayns aght cha aashagh dy ve toiggit, nagh lhiass dhyt cherraghtyn son laccal tushtey. ","A. I will gladly assist you ; and, if indeed, you desire to save your Soul, I will instruct you after so plain a Manner, that you need not perish for want of Knowledge.",,1,, +"Q. Guee ym erriu, eisht, insh-jee dou, cre’n fa ta mee er m’eamagh dy gholl fo laaue Aspick ? ","Q. I pray then, let me know, why I am called to Confirmation ?",,1,, +"A. Dy vod fyss ve ec yn Aglish dy vel oo dty Chreestee liorish dty reih hene, as cha nee ny lomarcan son dy rug oo ayns cheer Chreestee. ","A. That the Church may be satisfied you are a Christian out of Choice, and not only because you was born in a Christian Country.",,1,, +Q. Cre’n fa shegin fyss ve ec yn Aglish er shoh ? ,Q. Why must the Church be satisfied of this ?,,1,, +"A. Son dy vel yn Aglish sheshaght dy phersoonyn ta goaill rish dy ve beaghey ayns aggle Yee, as jercal rish kerraghey Yee, my ta veg jeh’n cheshaght cheddyn beaghey ayns mee-viallys foshlit gys e Leihaghyn, as yn Aglish gyn oghsyn y chur daaue. ","A. Because the Church is a Society of Persons professing to live in the Fear of God, and expecting God’s Judgments, if any of their Body do live in an open defiance of his Laws, without Rebuke.",,1,, +"As shen-y-fa son Shickyrys shaar, ta dagh Olt jeh’n cheshaght kainlt dy hoilshagh magh dy vel ad kiarit dy veaghey cordail rish Sushtal Chreest, yn leih t’ad dy ve reilt liorish. ","And therefore, for better Security, all its Members are openly to declare their full Purpose of Living, as becometh the Gospel of Christ, which is the Law they are to be governed by.",,2,, +"Q. Vel vondeish erbee sodjeh oddym jeaghyn er eh hon, liorish goll fo laaue Aspick ? ","Q. Is there any farther Benefit that I may hope for, by going to be Confirmed ?",,2,, +"A. Ta ; veih’n tra shen, foddee oo jercal dy bishee Jee e ghrayse aynyd dy chooilley laa, my hirrys oo eh lesh dty chree. Son t’an [sic] Aspick, marish ta laaue Yee ayns ooilley ny te dy yannoo ayns ennym Chreest, goaill padjer er dty hon ; as liorish e laaue y chur ort, te Shickyragh dhyt dy vou foayr as aigney mie Yee. ","A. Yes ; you may expect, from that time, that God will daily increase his Graces in you, if you heartily desire them : For the Bishop, with whom is the Hand of God in all that he doth in the Name of Christ, prayeth for you ; and by laying his Hand upon you, doth certify you of God’s Favour and good Will towards you.",Matt. 28. 30,2,, +"As eisht, my ta fyss ayd, dy vel yn cliaghtey craauee shoh, Goll fo laaue Aspick er jeet veih Ostyllyn Yeesey Creest, bee resoon ayd dy hreishteil son ymmodee foays veih ; as dy ve meerioosagh jeh, raad oddys eh v’er ny gheddyn, ta shen soi-agh beg jeh myghin as Foayr Yee. ","And then if you know that this solemn Way of laying on of Hands was from the Apostles of Jesus Christ, you will have reason to hope for much Good from it ; and to neglect it, where it may be had, is to despise God’s Mercy and Favours.",Heb. 6. 2.,2,, +"Q. Ballym eisht mee-hene y yannoo aarloo son goll fo laaue Aspick, cha nee ny lomarcan son dy vel yn Aglish dy haarey eh, agh son dy bee eh vondeishagh dou shoh y yannoo. ","Q. I would therefore prepare my self for Confirmation, not only because the Church requires it, but because it will be my Advantage to do so.",,2,, +"A. Dy jarroo jarroo bee eh ; son y Credjue Creestee, t’ow goll dy ghoaill ort, yn ynrycan red oddys oo y yannoo aashagh ayns shoh as saauchey ny yeaih shoh. ","A. It will most certainly : for the Christian Profession, which you are going to take upon you, is the only Thing which can make you easy here, and safe hereafter.",,2,, +"Son te gynsagh dooin, ga dy vel shin nyn Gretooryn treih, peccoil, as fegooish cooney ; ga dy vel ain Noidyn ymmodee as niartal ; ny yeih, liorish foayr Yee, foddee mad ve saauchey as bannit. ","For it teacheth us, that tho’ we are miserable, sinful, helpless Creatures ; tho’ we have many and powerful Enemies ; yet by the Favour of God, we may be safe and happy.",,2,, +" Son liorish, ta shin gynsagh, dy vel Jee shirrey nyn maanrys, as dy vod eh ny smoo y yannoo er nyn son na oddys shin hene y hirrey ny smooinaghtyn. ","For by it, we learn that God desireth our Welfare, and that he is able to do for us more than we can ask or think.",,3,, +"Te gynsagh dooin cre’n chirveish ta Jee dy hirrey orrin ; cre’n aght oddys shin nyn shee y yannoo rish, tra ta shin liorish nyn beccaghyn er chur jummoose er ; Cre cha dangeragh as te dy leeideil bea vee-rioosagh. As cre’n vaanrys ver Jee daauesyn ooilley ta gys y tushtey shaar oc dy hirveish eh. ","It teacheth us what Service God requires of us ; How we may make our Peace, when we have offended him by our Sins ; How dangerous it is to lead a careless Life. And how happy God will make all such as serve him to the best of their Knowledge.",,3,, +Q. Cre’n fa eisht nagh gouins orrym yn Credjue Creestee ? ,Q. Why then should I not take upon my self the Christian Profession ?,,3,, +A. Ny yeih gou coyrle Chreest mayrt. Smooinee dy dowin cre t’ow goll dy ghoaill ort. ,A. Only take with you the Advice of Christ. Consider seriously what you are going to undertake.,Luke. xiv. 28,3,, +"Jeagh vod oo kiarail ayns dty chree dy hassoo noi miolaghyn y Drogh-spyrryd, yn seihll, as yn Eill, son shirree ad shoh ooilley uss y haarn veih Jee.","Whether you can purpose in your Heart, to resist the Temptations of the Devil, the World, and the Flesh, which will all endeavour to draw you from God.",,3,, +"Jean oo goaill ort dy chredjal goo Yee, ta loayrt jeh Seihll elley, as jeh reddyn nagh vod oo y aikin lesh dty hooillyn dooghyssagh. ","Whether you will resolve to believe the Word of God, which speaks of another World, and of Things which you cannot see with your bodily Eyes.",,3,, +"As jean oo whooish as oddys oo dy reayll Annaghyn Yee, ayns treishteil jeh leagh ayns Seihll elley nagh vel ry aikin ’sy teihll shoh. ","And whether you will do your best to keep the Commands of God, in Hopes of a future and unseen Reward.",,3,, +"Q. Dy jarroo, tra ta mee cur tastey dy vel dy chooilley Chreestee er yialldyn shoh y yannoo, as ny yeih, dy jark ta smooinaght er cre shegin cheet ny lurg shoh ; cha noddym ve agh imneagh er aggle dy naasym cha meerioosagh as ymmodee dy eallagh elley. ","Q. Indeed, when I consider that all Christians have promised to do this, and yet too few do ever think of what must come hereafter, I cannot but be afraid for my self, lest I should grow as careless as many others.",,3,, +"A. Er yn oyr shoh t’ow nish er dt’eam dy aikin, gou dy sheelt ayns laaue Jee y hirveish.","A. It is for this Reason you are now called upon, to see whether you will take up a sober Resolution of serving God.",,3,, +"As dy vod shoh greime y ghoaill ort, smooinee dy dowin, dy negin dooin ooilley shassoo kiongoyrt rish Stoyl-briwnys Chreest, ’naght myr t’ow er chur shaaghey yn Vea ghyiare shoh mie ny saie, myr shen vees oo ayns maanrys ny trimshey son dy bra. ","And to make you concerned in this Matter, consider seriously, That we must all appear before the Judgment-Seat of Christ, That as you spend this short Life well or ill, you must be happy or miserable for ever.",,4,, +"Q. Lhiasagh shoh cur er fer smooinaght er hene, dy jarroo ; as shen-y-fa gueeym erriu toiggal firrinagh y chur dou jeh’n staaid ta mee ayn ? ","Q. This should make one serious indeed ; and, therefore I do intreat you to give me a true account of my Condition ?",,4,, +"A. Toig, eisht, dy vel oo dty chretoor aarloo dy huittym fo peccah as mee-gherjagh. ","A. Understand, then, that you are a Creature subject to sin and to misery.",,4,, +"Dy lig Jee dhyt ve ruggit ayns y staaid shoh, dy vaikagh oo cre cha treih as ta eshyn nee e Yee y hreigeil. ","That God has permitted you to be born in this Condition, that you may see the sad Effects of forsaking him.",,4,, +"As son whooish as dy vel oo roa annoon dy chooney lhiatt hene, dy vod oo dy bragh ve kainlt dy yeaghyn seose huggey son y cooney yiall eh dhyt ayns dty chonaant Bashtey. ","And that, finding you are unable to help yourself, you may ever be obliged to look up unto him for Help, which, at your Baptism, he hath covenanted to give you.",,4,, +"Nish dy phrowal oo, jean oo, dy jarroo, treishteil dy kinjagh ayns Jee, te er liggey da’n Drogh-Spyrryd oo y violagh, ta shen dy ghra, dy yannoo ny oddys eh dy haarn oo veih dty churrym. ","Now to prove you, whether you will, indeed, live in a constant Dependance upon God, he hath permitted the Devil to tempt you, that is, to endeavour to draw you from your Duty.",,4,, +"Agh ec y tra cheddyn, ta’n Gialldyn firrinagh shoh ayd veih Jee dy bee’n Spyrryd mie echyssyn dy bragh mayrt, d’endeil as dy niartagh oo ; Er conaant dy shir oo huggey, dy der oo dty slaan treishteil ayn, as nagh der oo corree er lesh bea vee chraauee. ","But, at the same time, you have this faithful Promise, that his good Spirit shall ever be with you, to defend and strengthen you, provided you seek to him, put your whole Trust in him, and do not grieve him by a wicked Life.",,4,, +"Dy ghreinnagh oo dy hirveish Jee, red erbee mie nee-oo ’yannoo liorish y chooney echey, eeickee eshyn eh dy graysoil, myr dy beagh oo hene dty lomarcan er n’yannoo eh. ","To encourage you to serve God, whatever good thing you do by his Assistance, he will graciously reward it, as if it were done by your self only.",,4,, +"Agh my hoi-ys oo beg jeh cooney Yee, as, treishteil gys dty cheeal as niart hene, my huittys oo ayns drogh vea, treigee Spyrryd mie Yee oo, as bee oo eisht er dty reill liorish drogh spyrrydyn as er dty yannoo feer treih. ","But if you shall despise God’s Assistance, and, trusting to your own Reason and Strength, fall into a wicked Life, the good Spirit of God will forsake you, and you will then be governed by evil Spirits, and be made very miserable.",,5,, +"Q. Veih ny ta shiu er ghra, toiggym dy vel shin ayns y vea shoh ayns staaid dyn browal shin as ayns dangere, dy vod mad ve kainlt dy chummal faggys da Jee, as, my Chiarys mad shoh y yannoo, cha vel shin ayns gaaue erbee ? ","Q. From what you say, I understand that we are in this Life in a State of Trial and Danger, that we may be obliged to keep close to God, which, if we resolve to do, then we are in no Danger at all ?",,5,, +"A. Spheer shen, dy jarroo. As toig, myrgeddyn, dy vel shin, liorish myghin Chreest, ayns staaid shickyree na va nyn gied Ayraghyn hene ; V’adsyn, dy jarroo, er nyn groo ayns niau-loghtynys, agh, ny yeih, huitt ad ayns peccah : ta shinnyn kyndagh rish y peccah ocsyn er nyn mreh ayns annoonid, agh ta Jee ooilley niartal ain, dy bragh aarloo dyn gummal seose ; as my ta shin trooid nyn voill hene skirraghtyn, ta fer eddyr shin as Jee, kinjagh aarloo dy obbragh nyn shee. ","A. Very true ; and observe also, that, by the Mercy of Christ, we are in a safer Condition than even our First Parents were ; they were, indeed, created upright, but they fell : we are, by reason of their Fall, born in Weakness, but have an Almighty God, ever ready to support us, and if we, through our own Fault, do slip, we have a Mediator with God, ever ready to make our Peace.",,5,, +"Q. Bannit dy rou Jee, dy vel shin ayns aght cha mie. Faikin, eisht, dy nee shoh’n staaid ta mee ayn, gueeym erriu, cre shegin dou y yannoo dy ve saauchey ? ","Q. Blessed be God, that it is so well with us. Since, then, this is my Condition, I pray, what must I do to be safe ?",,5,, +"A. Hoshiaght, shegin dhyt kiarrail dy hassoo noi dy chooilley violagh gys peccah. Nee shoh dty chiangley dy smaghtagh oo hene as dy Obbal yn Eill. ","A. First, you must resolve to oppose all Temptations to sin, which will oblige you to Mortification and Self-denial.",,5,, +"Shegin dhyt credjal, as goaill gys dty chree, ny ta Jee er hoilshagh ayns e ghoo casherick, as er skyn ooilley Gialldynyn as Baggyrtyn Sushtal Chreest. ","You must believe, and lay to heart, what God has made known in his holy Word, and especially the Promises and Threatnings of the Gospel of Christ.",,5,, +"Shegin dhyt goaill ayns laaue dy reayll ny Annaghyn, ta gynsagh dhyt dty churrym gys Jee as gys dty Naboo. ","You must resolve to keep the Commandments, which teach you your Duty to God, and to your Neighbour.",,6,, +As son nagh vod oo shoh y yannoo oo hene ; shegin dhyt liorish padjer kinjagh shirrey gys Jee son e chooney. ,"And because you cannot do this of yourself, you must purpose at all times to seek to God, by Prayer, for his Assistance.",,6,, +"As er jerrey ooilley ; faikin dy nee trooid eer Foayr Yee te goaill shin stiagh ayns Conaant rish, as dy vel eh gialldyn dooin y Vea ta dy bragh farraghtyn, shegin dhyt ny saasyn dy Ghrayse te hene er phointeil, ta shen, Bashtey as Shibbar y Chiarn dy booisal y ghoaill as y usal. ","And lastly ; since it is meer Favour in God, that he receives us into his Covenant, and promiseth us eternal Life, you must thankfully receive, and use the Means of Grace which he hath appointed, namely, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.",,6,, +"Shoh ard phointyn nyn Gurrym, quooid oddys oo y hoiggal, er beggan ynsagh, my hoi-ys oo dty chree er, as my nee oo padjer gys Jee son cooney. ","These are the chief Heads of our Duty, which you may understand, be you ever so unlearned, if you will set your Heart upon it, and pray to God for Help.",,6,, +Q. T’ad shoh ynsit aym hannah ayns y Credjue Creestee hie er ynsagh dou ? ,Q. These have I already learned in the Catechism I have been taught ?,,6,, +"A. Ta ; As ayns shen ta ynsagh dy liooar ayd, my ta agh fyss ayd cre’n aght nee oo ymmyd jeh ayns dt’ymmyrkey bea, as nee’ms cooney lhiatt dy yannoo shoh lurg aght feer aashagh. ","A. You have so ; and in that you have Learning sufficient, if you do but know how to make use of it in the Course of your Life ; which I shall assist you to do after a very plain way.",,6,, +"Agh hoshiaght, immee as tuitt shees er dty ghlioonyn, as guee er Jee dy der eh dhyt grayse as cree tushtagh ayns ny goan shoh, ","But first, go and fall down on your Knees, and beg of God to give you Grace, and an understanding Heart, in the following Words,",,6,, +"Noo Jamys 1. 5. My ta veg eu laccal creenaght, lig da shirrey er Jee, as bee eh er ny chur da. ","S. James i. 5. If any of you lack Wisdom, let him ask of God, and it shall be given him. ",,6,, +YN PHADJER.,The PRAYER.,,7,, +"O YEE, Bun dy chooilley chreenaght, ta shin dy feer injil guee ort dy osley ny aignaghyn ain, dy vod mad cheet gys tushtey jeeds, as jeh dty vi-ys ayns Yeesey Creest. Cur dooin cree sheelt, tushtagh, as craauee ; myr ta shin gaase ayns eash, dy vod mad gaase ayns grayse. Bannee dy chooilley haase dy haaualtys t’ow er choyrt dooin, as er skyn ooilley yn choyrle shoh, dy vod eh tuittym shees ayns nyn greeaghyn, as gymmyrk magh aynin Mess dy vea vie, gys onnor as molley dt’ennyms, trooid Yeesey Creest nyn Jiarn. Amen. ","O GOD, the Fountain of all Wisdom, we most humbly beseech thee to enlighten our Minds, that we may come to the Knowledge of thee, and of thy Goodness in Jesus Christ. Give us a serious an understanding, and a religious Heart, that as we grow in Years, we may grow in Grace. Bless all the Means of Salvation which thou hast afforded us, and especially this Instruction, that it may sink into our Hearts, and bring forth in us the Fruit of good Living, to the Honour and Praise of thy Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.",,7,, +SECT II.,,,8,, +Quest. CRe’n ennym t’ort ? ,Q. WHat is your Name ?,,8,, +A. N. ny M. ,A. N. or M. ,,8,, +Q. Quoi hug yn ennym shen dhyt ? ,Q. Who gave you that Name ?,,8,, +"A. My Ghedjaghyn as my Vimmaghyn ayns my Vashtey, ayn va mee er my yannoo m’oltey dy Chreest, Lhiannoo dy Yee, as Eirey dy Reereeaght Niau. ","A. My Godfathers and Godmothers in my Bap-tism, wherein I was made a Member of Christ, a Child of God, and an Inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven.",,8,, +Q. Guee’m erriu cre’n Staaid va mee ayn roish Bashtey ? ,Q. Pray what was my Condition before Baptism ?,,8,, +"A. Myr haink oo jeh Ayr as Moir pheccoil, hug oo lhiatt rass peccah mayrt stiagh ayns y teihll. ","A. Being born of sinful Parents, you brought the Seeds of Sin into the World with you.",,8,, +"As hee oo cre ta Messyn y rass shen, liorish ny peccaghyn eajee ta sleih cur roo tra ta’d faagit daaue. ","And you see what are the Fruits of that Seed, by the abominable Wickedness Men can be guilty of, when they are left to themselves.",,8,, +Q. Ta shiu cheet orroosyn ny lomarcan ta Jee er hreigeil ? ,Q. You mean some desperate People only ?,,8,, +"A. Ny moll oo hene. Ta shin ooilley liorish dooghys aarloo dy huittym ayns dy chooilley pheccah eajee ; as my ta Jee, liorish e ghrayse ny e Ard-chiarrail, er vreayll shin veih ny foilchin smoo shen, dasyn ta’n booise cair as cha nee dooin hene. ","A. Do not deceive your self. We are all by Nature subject to every Abomination, and if God, by his Grace, or his Providence, hath kept us from those greater Crimes, we must thank Him, and not ourselves.",,8,, +"Son marish nyn greeaghyn broagh hene, leeidagh shin gys peccah, ta drogh Spyrrydyn ayn, ta kinjagh aarloo dyn miolagh gys olk, as, jin hene, cha vel pooar ain dy haghney yn ghoanlys oc. ","For besides our own corrupt Hearts, which would lead us to Sin, there are evil Spirits ever ready to tempt us to Mischief, and, of our selves, we have no Power to escape their Malice.",2 Pet. v. 8.,8,, +Q. Nagh vel eh mee-vaanrys wooar dy heet stiagh ’sy teihll lesh leid yn aigney gys peccah as dy ve soit maskey leid ny Noidyn niartal ? ,"Q. Is it not a great Unhappiness to be born with Inclinations to sin, and to be set in the midst of such powerful Enemies ?",,9,, +"A. Cha vel dooyt jeh : Agh eisht, ta myghin Yee er jyndaa ooilley shoh gys vondeish smoo dhyt. ","A. There is no doubt of it : But then, the Mercy of God has turned all this to your greater Advantage.",,9,, +"Son, nish, hee oo dy plain y dangere t’ow ayn ; hee oo cre cha trome as ta peccah, as cre’n jerrey te taarn sleih huggey ; hee oo nagh vel veg y phooar ayd dy chooney lhiatt hene, agh dy negin dhyt ooilley dty varrant y chur er Jee, as ve er dty reill liorish ; Shoh my ghouys oo ort y ve, ta Jee er chiarrail er dty hon leid ny reddyn mie as nagh voddagh oo dy bragh y hoilchin, ga dy beagh oo ooilley dty vea seyr veih peccah. ","For, now you see plainly the Danger you are in ; you see what a sad thing Sin is, and what it will bring Men to ; you see that you have no Power to help yourself, but that you must altogether depend upon God, and be governed by Him ; which, if you resolve to be, He has prepared for you such good Things, as you could never have deserv’d, though you had lived in Innocency all your Days.",,9,, +Q. Cre hug er Jee ve cha kiarralagh jeein ? ,Q. What did move God to have such a Regard for us ?,,9,, +"A. Ren Yeesey Creest, Mac Yee, liorish e vaase, yn shee ain rish e Ayr, er conaant dy jinnagh shin credjal, gough shin arrys, as dy jyndaagh shin gys Jee, as obbraghyn y yannoo cooie da arrys ; ta shoh enmyssit Conaant y ghrayse, son dy vel eh chebbit dooin jeh foayr arryltagh Yee, fegooish y toilchin ainyn. ","A. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, hath, by his Death, made our Peace with his Father, upon Condition that we believe, repent, and turn to God, and do Works meet for Repentance, which is called the Covenant of Grace, because it is offered unto us of God’s free Favour, without our deserving.",Acts xx. 26.,9,, +"Nish t’adsyn ooilley, nee soiagh jeh’n cheb graysoil shoh, Bashtit as casherickit liorish y Spyrryd Noo ; ta shen, t’ad livreit veih pooar Noid ny hanmey ; as lurg da rass obbraghyn casherick ve cuirt ayns ny creeaghyn oc, t’ad cheet dy ve nyn Oltyn jeh Creest, Meck da Yee, as Eiraghyn jeh Reereeaght Niau. ","Now all such as accept this gracious Offer, are baptised and sanctified by the Holy Ghost : That is, they are taken from under the Government of Satan, and, having the Seeds of Holiness sown in their Hearts, they become Members of Christ, Sons of God, and Heirs of Heaven.",Acts xxvi. 18,9,, +Q. Cre te dy ve Olt jeh Creest ? ,Q. What is it to be a Member of Christ ?,,10,, +"A. Ta shen dy ve Olt jeh’n Aglish echey, ta enmyssit Corp Creest ; er yn oyr dy vel Creest, myr y Kione, dy reill ee liorish e Leihaghyn, as dy choadey ee liorish e spyrryd. ","A. It is to be a Member of his Church, which is called the Body of Christ, because Christ, as the Head, governeth it by his Laws, and preserveth it by his Spirit.",,10,, +Q. Cre’n vondeish ta liorish y ve Olt jeh Aglish Chreest ? ,Q. What Benefit is it to be a Member of the Church of Christ ?,,10,, +A. Liorish shoh ta ayd cairys gys ymmodee Gialldynyn mooar as ooasle. ,A. You have hereby a Right to many great and precious Promises.,,10,, +"Gialldyn jeh shee rish Jee, jeh Leih peccaghyn er dt’ Arrys ; Gialldyn jeh spyrryd mie Yee dy leeideil as dy endeil oo ; Gialldyn y vea ta dy bragh farraghtyn, as dy chooilley haase dy Ghrayse ta ymmyrchagh dy chosney eh. As, er jerreh ooilley, Gialldyn dy bee cooney niartal Chreest marish dty vochillyn Spyrrydoil gys jerreh’n Teihll. ","The Promise of Peace with God, of Pardon upon your Repentance ; The Promise of God’s good Spirit to guide and defend you ; The Promise of eternal Life, and all the Means of Grace necessary to obtain it. And lastly, the Promise of Christ’s powerful Presence with your spiritual Pastors, unto the World’s end.",Mat. xxviii. 30,10,, +"Q. Te, eisht, mee-vaanrys wooar dy ve mooie ass yn Aglish. ","Q. It is, then, a great Unhappiness to be out of the Church.",,10,, +"A. Te red feer Aglagh. Son quoi erbee ta myr shen, my she kindagh rish drogh vea te, ny drogh chredjue, ny liorish eh hene y scarrey fegooish oyr, veih’n Aglish firrinagh, ta cordail rish y Leih soit Seose raad te veaghey, ta enmyssit Charbaa veih’n Aglish ; ta leid y persoon shen cheet reeisht fo pooar Noid ny hanmey Ferreill y Teihll shoh, ta shen, y Ferreill ocsyn ooilley nagh vel ayns Conaant rish Jee. ","A. It is a most dreadful Thing. For whoever is so, whether on Account of a wicked Life or wicked Principles, or by Separating himself without Cause, from the true and regularly established Church where he dwells, which is called Schism ; such a Person becometh again a Subject of Satan, the Prince of this World, that is, of all such as are not in Covenant with God.","John xii. 31. +Eph. ii. 2.",10,, +"Va sleih ayns toshiaght Creesteeaght cha tushtagh jeh shoh, nagh rou aash ny gerjagh erbee ec ny peccee sdaaney va nyn Maskey, choud as v’ad fo Kerragh ny Haglish, agh hur ad naarey ny seaghyn erbee, dy voddagh ad ve reeisht gouit stiagh ayns y Cheshaght. ","The first Christians were so sensible of this, that their boldest Sinners had neither Ease nor Comfort under the Church’s Censures, but underwent any Shame or Trouble, that they might be restored to Communion.",2 Cor. ii. 7.,11,, +"Q. Vod Charbaa veih’n Aglish ve foill cha dangeragh choud as ta sleih credjal goo Yee er yn yn Aght, as soilshagh ad hene dy leeideil bea cha chraauee as feallagh elley ? ","Q. Can it be so dangerous a Crime to separate, while Men believe the same Truths, and profess to live as well as others ?",,11,, +"A. Ta Jee hene er vriwnys y chooish shoh, liorish y kerragh aglagh hug eh orroosyn ren hoshiaght girree magh noi Reill ny Haglish. ","A. God himself hath judged this Case, by the fearful Punishment inflicted upon the first Disturbers of Church Government.",Numb. xvi.,11,, +"As er yn oyr dy vel Charbaa veih’n Aglish, son y chooid smoo, cheet jeh moayrn, dy vel eh oyr ymmodee streeu as niau-ghiastalys, cur drogh-yantee er nyn doshiaght, as liettal Ellin mie, shegin da ve ny pheccah mooar. ","And it being generally the effect of Pride, the cause of much Contention and Uncharitableness, encouraging Offenders, and hindering Discipline, it must needs be a great Sin.",,11,, +"Q. Cre’n resoon t’ayms dy chredjal dy vel mee m’ Olt jeh’n Aglish shen, ta whilleein foayr er ny yialldyn jee ? ",Q. What Reason have I to believe that I am a Member of the Church to which so many Favours are promised ?,,11,, +"A. Ta’n Bannaght er ny ve ayd dy rou bashtit liorish Persoonyn ta Jee er phointeil, as er ordrail dy lowal son yn obbyr shen. ","A. You have had the Blessing of being baptised by Persons sent, and rightly ordained for that end.",,11,, +"As choud as t’ow tannaghtyn biallagh gys dty Chianoortyn Spyrrydoil, Aspick, as Saggyrtyn Chreest, choud keddyn t’ow dty Olt jeh Aglish Chreest, as ta cairys ayd gys ooilley ny Gialldynyn ta jeant jee. ","And so long as you continue obedient to your spiritual Governors, the Bishop, and Pastors of Christ’s Flock, so long you are a Member of Christ’s Church, and have a Title to all the Promises made to it.",,11,, +"Agh dy ve Olt firrinagh as bio jeh’n Chorp echey, shegin dhyt ve kiarralagh dy yannoo ny te er haarey. Son my jir mad, dy vel sheshaght ain marish, as gimmeeaght ayns y dorraghys (ta shen dy ghra, leeideil drogh vea) ta shin breagagh, as cha vel shin jannoo’n ynryckys.","But to be a true and lively Member of his Body, you must be careful to do what he hath commanded. For if we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in Darkness, (i. e. lead a wicked Life) we lie, and do not the Truth.","Mat. xi. 21. +1 John i. 6.",11,, +Q. Cre te dy ve Lhiannoo dy Yee ? ,Q. What is it to be a Child of God ?,,12,, +"A. Ta shen dy gheddyn leid ny Foayryn veih Jee as ta Mac geddyn veih e Ayr. Ta shoh enmyssit Daltanys, liorish ta shickyrys ayd dy jean Jee, er son graih Chreest, mee-reilltys y dooghys ayd y liggey shaghey, chummey ghoaill jeh dt’annoonid, dy foayroil clashtyn rish dt’accannyn, dt’ymmyrch y yannoo magh, dt’obbraghyn mie y eeick, as dty ghrogh ymmyrkey y smaghtagh. T’ad shoh ooilley leid ny obbraghyn as ta soilshagh magh graih Ayroil. ","A. It is to have such Privilege with God, as a Son hath with his Father. This is called Adoption, by which you have an Assurance, that God, for Christ’s sake, will overlook the untowardness of your Nature, pity your Infirmities, favourably hear your Requests, supply all your Wants, reward your Well-doings, and correct your Miscarriages ; which are all Acts of fatherly Affection.",,12,, +Q. Cre te dy ve Eirey jeh Reereeaght Niau ? ,Q. What is it to be an Inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven ?,,12,, +"A. Ta shen dy gheddyn cairys ayns y voggey as y ghloyr t’ayns Niau ; as dy ve er dty choyrt ayns raad shickyr dy chosney ad. Te dy gheddyn Goo Yee son Rhaan dhyt, as Ainlyn mie Yee dy hirveish ort ; Myr shen dy nee dt’oill hene vees eh, mannagh bee oo ayns maanrys son dy bra. ","A. It is to have a Title to the Joys and Glories of Heaven, and to be put into a sure way of attaining them. It is to have the Word of God for your Security, and the good Angels of God to minister unto you ; so that it will be your own Fault, if you are not eternally happy.",Heb. i. 14.,12,, +"Q. Rou cairys erbee ayms gys ny Bannaghtyn shoh, roish ma jagh mee er bashtey ? ",Q. Had I no Right to these Blessings before I was Baptized ?,,12,, +"A. Cha rou veg eddyr. Smooinee ayd hene cre ny foayryn ad, as cha vou veg aynyd hene oddys ny leid y hoilchin. ","A. None at all. Consider what Favours they are, and you will find nothing in yourself that can deserve such.",Rom. iii. 23.,12,, +"Vod joan as leoi peccoil, jeaghyn son vondeishyn flaunyssagh ? Foayr Yee ? Coadey Ainlyn ? ",Can sinful Dust and Ashes pretend to heavenly Privileges ? the Favour of God ? the Protection of Angels ?,,12,, +"Vod dooghys niau-ghlen smooinaghtyn er toilchin, ny dy ve feeu jeh, Gloyr, as Ooashley, as Bea veaon ? ","Can corrupt Nature think of deserving, or be capable of Glory, and Honour, and Immortality ?",,13,, +"Jeagh vod oo enn shaar y chur ort hene, dy vod oo, tra t’ow dy firrinagh er dt’injilagh lesh tushtey jeh dt’Ardaalys as dty voghtynid, dy booisal soiagh jeh cooney as myghin Yee ; Son cha vel feme ocsyn ta Slaan er Lhee, agh ocsyn ta ching. ","Endeavour to know your self better, that being truly humbled with a Sense of your own Vileness and Misery, you may thankfully accept of Help and Mercy from God ; for they that are whole need not a Physician, but they that are sick. ",Matt. ix. 12.,13,, +"As faikin dy vel Jee er yialldyn dy yannoo whooish er dty hon, gou coyrle dy yannoo red ennagh er dty hon hene ? ","And seeing God has promised to do so much for you, be persuaded to do something for yourself.",,13,, +Q. Cre oddys Cretoor cha treih y yannoo er eh hon hene ? ,Q. What can so miserable a Creature do for himself ?,,13,, +"A. Foddee oo dty niau-feeuid hene y cheaney, as guee er Jeee chymmey ve echey ort ; foddee oo ymmyd y yannoo jeh ny Graysyn te dy Stowal ort, as ve booisal son e vannaghtyn ; Foddee oo cha mie as oddys oo y yannoo, as cha Shirr y viys echyssyn ny smoo. ","A. You can lament your own Unworthiness, and pray to God to pity you ; You can use the Graces he bestoweth upon you, and be thankful for his Favours : You can do your best, and his Goodness will expect no more.",,13,, +Q. Cre’n ymmyd shegin dou y yannoo jeh’n aarn shoh jeh my Chredjue Creestee ? ,Q. What use am I to make of this part of my Catechism ?,,13,, +"A. Lig da cur ort cooinaght dy vel oo dty Chreestee. Dy vel Ennym noa ayd, as Pooar noa er ny chur dhyt, er yn oyr dy vod oo cheet dy ve dty Chretoor noa. ","A. Let it bring to your Remembrance that you are a Christian. That you have a New Name and New Powers given you, on purpose that you may become a New Creature.",,13,, +"My t’ow dy jarroo dty Lhiannoo dy Yee, smooinee oo Cre lhiasagh Lhiannoo ammyssagh y yannoo. Bee-oo aglagh roish e Yummoose, as nee oo treishteil ayns e ghraih ; roi-ee oo huggey son ny vees oo dy laccal, as bee oo booisal da son ny te dy chur dhyt, as gow-ee oo rish e aigney mie, tra te smaghtagh, chammah as tra te goaill boggey jeed. ","If you are indeed a Child of God, you will think what a dutiful Child ought to do. You will fear his Displeasure, and trust in his Love ; You will run to him for what you want, and be thankful for what he gives, and you will own his Affection when he corrects, as well as when he smiles upon you.",,13,, +"My t’ow jeaghyn son Eiraght ayns Niau, bee dty smooinaghtyn dy mennick ayn. Son raad ta dty verchys, ayns shen vees dty chree myrgeddyn. ","If you look for an Inheritance in Heaven, your Thoughts will be often there. For where your Treasure is, there will your Heart be also.",Matt. vi. 21.,14,, +"As cha bee dt’aigney rouyr soit er neeaghyn y teihll shoh. Cha bee oo roa aglagh roish e Heaghyn, ny roa ghraiagh er e Ardaail ; son dy bee dy gerrit jerrey orroo ny neeisht. ","And you will not be too eager for the Things of this World. You will neither be much afraid of its Troubles, nor too fond of its Vanities ; remembring that both will soon have an End.",,14,, +"As my t’ow dy bragh treishteil dy gholl gys Niau, nee oo oo-hene y yannoo aarloo son yn ynnyd gloyroil shen ; Liorish cooinaght nagh vod dooinney erbee fegooish Craaueeaght yn Chiarn y aikin. ","And as ever you hope to go to Heaven, you will endeavour to fit yourself for that glorious Place ; Remembring, that without Holiness no Man shall see the Lord.",Heb. xii. 14.,14,, +"Cha lig Gialldyn firrinagh Yee dhyt mee-hreishteil, as greinnee’n vaanrys ta soit kiongoyrt rhyt, oo dy gholl er dty hoshiaght. ",The sure Promise of God will not suffer you to despair : And the Joy that is set before you will encourage you to press forwards.,,14,, +"Bee oo booisal gys Jee son geamagh ort gys y staaid shoh dy haaualtys, as dy gennal gow-ee oo ayns laaue ny Conaantyn te shirrey ort y chooilleeiney. ",You will be thankful to God for calling you to this State of Salvation ; and gladly undertake the Conditions he requires of you.,,14,, +"Cre ta ny Conaantyn shen, yn chied red lhiasagh oo nish smooinaght er. Agh, hoshiaght, lig dooin Moylley ’choyrt, as lesh cree booisal gra ny Goan shoh. ","What these Conditions are, is what next you should think of. But first, let us take words of Praise, and with a thankful Heart say as followeth.",,14,, +YN PHADJER.,The PRAYER.,,15,, +"OOilley niartal as Yee ta dy bragh er-mayrn, Ayr Flaunyssagh, ta shin cur booise injill dhyt dy chooid-save lhiatt geamagh orrin gys tushtey jeh dty ghrayse, as credjue aynyd : Bishee’n tushtey shoh, as niartee yn credjue shoh aynin son dy bra. Slaanee ooilley doghanyn nyn Anmey, as jean graih chree-oil gys casherickys y chroo aynin ; dy vod mad tannaghtyn dty harvaantyn ny Gialldynyn ayd y gheddyn, as ve goaill aarn ayns dty Reereeaghts vees dy bragh er-mayrn, son graih Yeesey Creest. Amen. ","ALmighty and ever­lasting God, heavenly Father, we give thee humble Thanks that thou hast vouchsafed to call us to the Knowledge of thy Grace, and Faith in Thee : Increase this Knowledge, and confirm this Faith in us evermore. Heal all the naughty Inclinations of our Souls, and create in us a hearty Love unto Holiness ; that conti­nuing thy Servants, we may attain thy Promises, and be made Partakers of thine everlasting Kingdom, for Jesus Christ his Sake. Amen.",,15,, +SECT. III.,,,16,, +"Q. YIall my Ghedjaghyn as my Vimmaghyn er my hon, Dy dreigin y Drogh-spyrryd as ooilley e Obbraghyn. ","Q. MY Godfathers and Godmothers did promise for me, That I should renounce the Devil and all his Works.",,16,, +"Guee’m erriu, cur jee tushtey dou jeh shoh. ","Pray, make me understand the Meaning of this.",,16,, +"A. Shegin dhyt toiggal dy vel ec y Jouyl Reereeaght ayns y Teihll shoh, as sleih ta cur-biallys da, as dy hirveish eh, naght myr t’ec Creest. ","A. You must know, that the Devil has a Kingdom, and Subjects, and Servants in this World, as well as Christ has his.",Mat. xii. 26,16,, +"Ooilley ny oddys eh ’choyrlagh dy hreigeil Annaghyn Yee, as dy eiyrt ersyn as er e raadjin, ad ny Sharvaantyn echey. ","All that he can prevail upon to forsake the commands of God, and to follow him and his ways, are his Servants.",,16,, +"Adsyn ooilley ta shassoo noi e violaghyn, as goaill orroo dy ve reilt liorish Leihaghyn Yee, ad shen Sharvaantyn Chreest, haink stiagh ayns y Teihll dy stroie Obbraghyn y Jouyl. ","All that oppose his Temptations, and resolve to be governed by the Laws of God, are the Servants of Christ, who came into the World to destroy the Works of the Devil.",1 John iii. 8.,16,, +"Myr shen, quoi-erbee vees ny harvaant dy Chreest, shegin da’n Jouyl as ooilley e Obbraghyn y hreigeil. ","So that whoever will be a Servant of Christ, must renounce the Devil and all his Works.",,16,, +"Son nee’n Spyrryd mee-chraauee shen gobbragh, er dy chooilley aght, dy haarn oo veih shirveish Yee. ","For that wicked Spirit will endeavour, by all ways, to draw you from the Service of God.",1 Pet. v. 8.,16,, +"Q. Guee’m erriu, inshjee dou, cre nee’m, dy voddym gyn geiyrt er, as gyn ve er my leeideil liorish ? ","Q. Pray, instruct me what to do, that I may not follow, nor be led by him.",,16,, +"A. Bee’n choyrle verryms dhyt gyiare as aashagh, as cordail rish y staaid t’ow ayn. ","A. The Directions I give you shall be short and plain, and suited to your Condition.",,16,, +"Cooinee er shoh dy kinjagh, dy nee peccah yn Olk smoo oddys y ve ; son bee jerrey er dy chooilley olk elley, yn chooid soidjeh tra yow baase, agh lhiannee peccah dhyt son dy bra. ","Let this be ever in your Mind, that Sin is the worst of all Evils ; for all other Evils will have an end, at farthest, when you die, but Sin will make you miserable for ever.",,17,, +"Cooinee er dy vel oo liorish dooghys aarloo dy huittym ayns peccah, dy jean y Drogh-spyrryd oo y violagh hug eh, as dy nee Jee ny lomarcan oddys dty haauail. ","Remember that you are naturally inclined to sin, that the Devil will tempt you to it, and that God only can save you.",hug eh] sc. huggey,17,, +"As eisht, Cha jean oo dy bragh treishteil ayns dty niart hene, agh ayns y Jee bio. ","And then, You will never trust in your own Strength, but in the Living God. ",,17,, +"Hug eh nee oo kinjagh dty phadjer son cooney, as my haarnys uss er gerrey dasyn, taarnee eshyn er gerrey dhyts. ","To him you will constantly pray for Help ; and if you draw nigh to him, he will draw nigh to you. ","Jam. iv. 8. +hug eh] sc. Huggey",17,, +"As foast, cha jean mie dhyt jerkal rish cooney Yee, mannagh gooin oo lhiatt hene ; son ta shen dy vrasnagh yn Chiarn. ","And yet, you must not expect God’s Assistance, without using your own endeavours ; for that is to tempt the Lord. ",,17,, +"My nee Peccee dty violagh, ny cur geill daaue, son Sharvaantyn y Jouyl ad. ","If Sinners entice you, you must not consent unto them : for they are the Devil’s Instruments.",Prov. i. 10.,17,, +"My huittys oo ayns drogh heshaght, shegin dhyt chelleeragh cosney vou, as gyn shooyl ayns y raad maaroo, er aggle dy dreig Jee oo. ","If you fall into evil Company, you must get out of it immediately, and not walk in the way with them, lest God forsake you.",,17,, +"Cha negin da veg ve ayd dy yannoo rish Ard-sharvaantyn y Drogh-Spyrryd hene ; nyn leid ta dy chooilley Vuitch as Fer-obbee, as shen-y-fa, t’ad eajee ayns shilley’n Chiarn. ","You must have nothing to do with the Devils own Servants, as all Witches and Charmers are, and are therefore an Abomination to the Lord.",,17,, +"As shegin dhyt er-skyn ooilley guee nagh duitt oo ayns peccaghyn y Drogh­-spyrryd hene, ta shen dy ghra Moayrn, Gyeearree Cooilleeiney, cool-chassid, as Breagyn. ","And you must, especially, pray that you may not fall into the Devil’s own Sins, which are Pride, and Revenge, and Backbiting, and Lying.",,17,, +"As er jerrey ooilley ; tra ta Spyrryd casherick Yee cur Yeearreeyn mie ayns dt’aigney, ny geddyn foill dhyt son jannoo dy olk, shegin dhyt ve biallagh da coraa Yee, as ver eh graih dhyt, as nee eh veaghey mayrt, as freillee eh oo veih Noid dt’anmey. ","And lastly, When the Holy Spirit of God puts into your Mind good Desires, or checks you for doing ill, you must obey the Voice of God, and he will love you, and dwell with you, and preserve you from your ghostly Enemy.",,17,, +"Q. Myr shen ta ennaghtyn cree-oil jeh’n annoonid as y voghtynid ain ymmyrchagh dy haarn shin gys Jee, fegooish y cooney echyssyn, yinnagh y Drogh-spyrryd shin y leeideil gys e vondiaght hene myr ballish. ","Q. So that a hearty Sense of our own Weakness and Misery, is necessary to bring us to God, without whose help the Devil would lead us captive at his will.",,18,, +"A. Te myr shen. As ta Jee dy mennick ayns e Ard-chreenaght surrance sleih dy huittym ayns peccaghyn mooar, dy injillagh ad as dy chur toiggal daaue jeu hene, dy vod ad treishteil ersyn ny lomarcan. ","A. It is so. And God in his Providence often suffers men to fall into great Sins, to humble them, and to shew them to themselves, that they may depend upon him only.","2 Chro. 32. 31. +In the 1761 edition, the references to the chapters of Bible books are generally in roman numerals; but the change from the arabic numerals of the 1707 edition is not carried through consistently.",18,, +Q. Yiall ad— Dy dreigin Moayrn as Fardaail y Teihll vee-chraauee shoh as ooilley Saaint peccoil ny foalley. ,"Q. They promised— That I should renounce the Pomps and Vanity of this wicked World, and all the sinful Lusts of the Flesh.",,18,, +Cre t’er ny hoiggal liorish shoh ? ,What is meant by this ?,,18,, +"A. Nagh lhiasagh oo dty chree y hoi-agh er nee erbee, ver ort graih smoo ve ayd er y Teihll shoh, na er y Teihll ta ry heet, son cha nee shoh’n seihll vou er dty chroo er eh hon. ","A. That you should not set your heart upon such things as are apt to make you love this World better than the next, for this is not the World you were made for.",Heb. 11. 13,18,, +Q. Vod ghraih smoo ve ain er nee erbee ’sy teihll na t’ain er Niau ? ,Q. Is it possible for one to love any thing better than Heaven ?,,18,, +"A. Cre erbee smoo ta dooinney smooinaght er, er shen, dy jarroo, ta e ghraih soit. ","A. What a Man thinks of most, that he loveth best, to be sure.",Matt. vi. 13.,18,, +"Nish ta ymmodee dy reddyn ayns shilley casley rish maanrys, as t’ad er y fa shoh enmyssit Moayrn y Theihll, son dy vel ad taarn huc Sooillyn as aignaghyn sleih, as ny yeih, cha vel ad agh Fardaail, as cha vod ad maanrys ’chur dooin. ","Now, there are many Things which make a shew and appearance of Happiness, and are therefore called Pomps, because they draw Men’s Eyes and Affections towards them, and yet they are but Vanity, and cannot make us happy.",,19,, +Q. Cre ny reddyn ta shiu cheet orroo ?,Q. What are the things you mean ?,,19,, +"A. Ta’n Ostyl ginsh dhyt ; T’ad Saaint ny foalley, ta shen, dy chooilley eunyss pheccoil. Saaint ny sooilley ; Ta shen, Yeaerree Berchys. As Moayrn y Vea, ny cre-erbee ta cur orrin ve mooaralagh. Ad shoh ooilley, lhiasagh Creestee y hreigeil. ","A. The Apostle tells you ; They are the Lusts of the Flesh, that is, all sinful Pleasures. The Lust of the Eye ; that is, the Desire of Riches. And the Pride of Life, or whatever makes us to value ourselves ; all which a Christian ought to renounce.",1 Joh. 2. 16. ,19,, +Q. Negin da Creestee dy chooilley eunyss seihltagh y hreigeil ? ,Q. Must a Christian renounce all Pleasures ?,,19,, +"A. Ta Eunyssyn ayn nagh lhiasagh Creestee ve dy bragh ainjyssagh orroo ; myngione ta Goo Yee gra, Nagh vou Maardyragh, ny Fer-meshtal, ny eshyn ta niaughlen eiraght ayns Reereeaght Chreest as Yee. Cre-erbee cha millish as ta ny Eunyssyn shoh, cha vel ayd agh yn yn reih shoh ; shegin dhyt oo hene y reayll vou, er nonney ve deyrit gys coal-anmey son dy bra. ","A. There are Pleasures which a Christian ought never to be acquainted with ; concerning which, the Scripture saith, That no Whoremonger, nor Drunkard, nor unclean Person, hath any Inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God. However tempting these Pleasures may be, you have but this Choice ; you must deny yourself, or be for ever damned.",Eph. v. 5.,19,, +"As cha soie oo dty chree er eunyssyn Seihltagh, ga t’ad dy jarroo fegooish loght, cha moo liggys oo rouyr jeh dty hra lhieu, my chooinys oo dy mennick er goan Chreest ; Smerg diuish, ta garey nish, ta cur shaghey nyn mea ayns aash as maanrys, son nee shiu dobberan as keaney. ","And even innocent Pleasures, you will not set your Heart upon them, nor let them have too much of your time, if you often remember the Words of Christ ; Wo unto you that laugh now, who spend your Life in Ease and Pleasures, for ye shall lament and weep. ",Luke vi. 25.,19,, +"Smooinee ayd hene dy vel Creestee, ayns y vea shoh, jannoo e hene aarloo son Niau ; nish cha vod oo dt’aigney y hoiagh er shen y yannoo, my vees oo roa vooiagh lesh ny t’ayd ayns shoh. ","Consider that a Christian is, in this Life, fitting himself for Heaven ; Now, it is impossible you should mind that Business, if you are too well pleased with what you find here.",Matt. vi. 24.,19,, +"Shoh’n oyr ta seaghyn cha ymmyrchagh, as cre’n fa ta Jee dy chur orrin ad : Dyn jarbaa veih ny Neeaghyn fardaalagh shoh, ta shin roa aarloo dy chur rouyr graih daaue, as dy chur orrin smooinaght er, as ve kiarralagh son, Bea shaar. ","This is the Reason why Afflictions are necessary, and why God sends them ; to wean us from these Vanities, which we are too apt to dote on, and to make us think of, and provide for, a better Life.",,20,, +"As shoh’n oyr ta Berchys cha dangeragh, dy vel Yeesey Creest er hickyragh dy vel eh feer doillee da dooinney Berchagh dy ve ny Chreestee vie. ","And this is the Reason why Riches are so dangerous, that Jesus Christ hath affirmed, It is very hard for a rich Man to be a good Christian.",Matt. xix. 23.,20,, +"Q. Cre’n fa ta Berchys cha dangeragh, as dy lhiasagh shin nyn dreigeil ad ? ","Q. Why are Riches so dangerous, and to be renounced ?",,20,, +"A. Son dy vel ad cur lhieu miolaghyn mooar maaroo. T’ad miolagh sleih dy yarrood Jee, dy smooinaght roa vie jeu hene, as dy hreishteil ayn-doo hene ; dy ve mooaralagh harroosyn ta fo-oo ; dy veaghey ayns litcheraght as fegooish keyrd erbee onneragh ; as dy yannoo kiarrail son yn Eill dy lieeney’n Thaaint eick. Ta’d shoh ooilley reddyn feer laajyr dy chrommey sleih gys soiagh smoo y yannoo jeh’n vea shoh na jeh’n vea ta ry heet, as dy yarrood dy nee veih Jee ta ooilley ny t’oc. ","A. Because they bring great Temptations along with them. They tempt Men to forget God ; To think too well of, and to trust in themselves ; To Lord it over their inferiors ; to live in Slothfulness, and without any honest Employment ; And to make Provision for the Flesh, to fulfil the Lusts thereof. All which things strongly incline Men to prefer this Life to a future, and to forget that they depend upon God.",Prov. x. 15.,20,, +"Marish shoh, ta lesh Berchys cheet ymmodee kiarrail, ta aarloo dy hoghtey’n Rass mie, ta Spyrryd Yee dy chuirr ayns nyn Greeaghyn. ","Besides, Riches are attended with Cares which are apt to choak the good Seed, the Spirit of God sowes in our Hearts.",Luke viii. 14.,20,, +"Q. Negin da dy chooilley ghooiney, eisht, ta shirrey ’annym y haauail, smooinaghtyn er Berchys y hreigeil ? ","Q. Must then every Man who would save his Soul, renounce the Thoughts of Riches ?",,20,, +"A. Foddee Berchys v’er ny usal gys ymmyd vie ; T’an Ostyl ginsh dhyt cre’n aght. 1 Tim. 6, 17, 18. Agh ta’d reddyn dangeragh, as cha lhiasagh oo nyn nyeearee, ny chummal ad lesh rouyr Saaint. ","A. Riches may be used to good Purposes, the Apostle tells you how. 1 Tim. 6. 17, 18. But they are dangerous things, and you ought neither to desire, nor enjoy, them too eagerly.",,20,, +"Q. Cre’n choyrle ver shiu dou, nagh jeanym shen ? ","Q. What Advice will you give me, that I may not do so ?",,21,, +"A. Nagh shir-oo, liorish Raaidyn Niau-chairagh, dty staaid y yannoo ny shaar na te ; cooinee er goan Chreest ; Cre’n vondeish t’ec dooinney dy gosnagh eh yn seihll ooilley as e annym hene y choall ? ","A. That you may not endeavour by unjust Ways to better your Condition, remember the Words of Christ ; What will it profit a Man, if he shall gain the whole World, and lose own Soul ? ",Mark viii. 36.,21,"A. Nagh shir-oo, liorish Raaidyn Niau-chairagh, dty staaid y yannoo ny shaar na te ; cooinee er goan Chreest ; Cre’n vondeish t’ec dooinney dy gosnagh eh yn seihll ooilley as e annym hene y choall.", +"Dy veeinagh dt’ yeearree, smooinee er, myr smoo t’ayd, smoo shegin dhyt coontey chur er y hon. Dy yannoo aashagh jeed, shegin toiggal ve ayd, nagh nee’n ymmodee cooid t’ec deney, ta cur maanrys daaue, agh dy vel Jee liggey daaue soylley ’ghoaill jeh ny t’oc, lig eh ve mooar ny beg. ","To moderate your Desires, consider, That the more you have, the more you must account for. To make you contented, you must know, That Men are not happy, because they have a great deal, but because God gives them Power to enjoy what they have, be that more or less.",,21,, +"Son nagh jean foayryn Yee oo y violagh gys litcheraght, cooinee dy vel soailaght tilgey sleih ayns cadley trome ; Ta shen, te cur orroo ve fegooish ennaghtyn jeh ny ta bennalt rish y Teihll ta ry heet, as dyn goamrey ad lesh frytlagyn ’sy teihll shoh. ","That the Favours of God may not tempt you to Idleness, remember, That Slothfulness casteth into a deep Sleep ; That is, It makes Men insensible of what concerns the next World, and in this World, covers them with Rags.",Prov. xix. 15.,21,, +"As eisht, mannagh lig oo da obbyr Seihltagh erbee dty chumrail veih Jee y hirveish gagh laa, freaillee eh ayns dt’aigney tushtey kinjagh, dy nee er Jee t’ow treishteil son bannaghtyn y Teihll shoh, as y Teihll ta ry heet. ","And lastly, If you let no worldly Business hinder you from serving God daily, it will keep in your Mind, a constant sense of your Dependance upon him, for the Blessings of this World, and of the World to come.",,21,, +"Q. Shegin dou nish gyeearree erriu d’insh dou, cre ta moayrn y vea, lhiasagh Creestee y hreigeil ? ","Q. I must now desire you to tell me, What is that Pride of Life, which a Christian must renounce ?",,21,"Q. Shegin dou nish gyeearree erriu d’insh dou, cre ta moayrn y vea, lhiasagh Creestee y hreigeil.", +"A. Ta shen yeearree jeean dy ve goll roosyn ta er nyn skyn ; ta shoh cheet dy ve oyr ymmodee olk, chammah aynin hene as ayns feallagh elley. ","A. It is an eager desire of being like those that are above us ; which is the cause of many Evils both in ourselves, and others.",,21,, +Te dyn miolagh dy vaarail whooish er Fardaail nagh vod mad ny lhiasagh shin y chur da ny Boghtyn. ,"It tempts us to lay out so much upon Vanity, that we cannot give what we ought to the Poor.",,22,, +"Te taarn ymmodee dy roih fo anneeaghyn, as liettal ymmodee veih geeick nyn veeaghyn cair. ","It tempts many to run in Debt, and hinders many from paying their just Debts.",,22,, +Te cur orrin beg y hoiagh jeusyn ta boght as imlee ; myr nagh beagh ad jeh’n yn dooghys rooin. ,"It makes us to despise Poor and Plain People, as if they were not of the same kind with us.",,22,, +"Te cur orrin troo yn derrey yeh mish y jeh elley, as streeu quoi smoayrnee vees ayns nyn goamraghyn. ","It makes us to envy one another, and to strive who shall go finest. ",,22,, +"Myr shen dy vel sleih ny sbooie ooashley ’gheddyn ayns y Teihll shoh, na ta’d er graih Yee, ny ve ayns maanrys ’sy Teihll elley. ","So that People are more concerned how to be esteemed in this World, than to be beloved of God, or to be happy in the next.",,22,, +"Q. Vel Moayrn erbee elley, lhiasagh Creestee y hreigeil ? ","Q. Is there any other kind of Pride, which a Christian must renounce ?",,22,, +"A. Ta. Ta smooinaghtyn moayrnagh ayn jeein hene, ta feer dooghyssagh dooin, as foast feer pheccoil. ","A. Yes. There is a proud Conceit of ourselves, which is very natural to us, and yet very sinful.",,22,, +"Son te cur orrin gyn tastey ’chur da nyn annoonidyn as foilchin hene, myr shen nagh vod mad dy bragh ve dy firrinagh imlee. ","For it causeth us to over-look our own Infirmities and Faults, so that we can never be truly humble.",,22,, +"Dy smooinaght dy vel shin toilchin ny smoo na ta ain, as ta shoh cur orrin ve niau-vooiagh. ","To fancy that we deserve more than we have, which maketh us discontented.",,22,, +"Dy yeaghyn er foayryn Yee myr dy beagh ad cair dooin, ta shoh cur orrin ve niau-vooisal. ","To look upon God’s Favours as our due, which maketh us unthankful.",,22,"Dy yeaghyn er foayryn Yee myr dy beagh ad cair dooin, ta shoh cur orrin ve niauvooisal. ", +"Q. Faikin dy vel y voayrn shoh, ta ayns nyn mea as nyn gree, cha dooghyssagh dooin, cre oddys nyn lheiys ? ","Q. Since this Pride of Life and Heart is so natural to us, what can cure us of it ?",,22,, +A. Cha vod nee erbee agh grayse Yee ; as dty chree y hoiagh er reddyn syrjeh. ,A. Nothing but the Grace of God ; and possessing your Heart with things of greater Moment.,,23,, +"Smooinee ayns dty chree dy vel trimshey son dy bragh cair dhyt. Dy nee dt’obbyr wooar, ayns y Teihll shoh, oo hene y yannoo aarloo son baase gerjolagh, as er son laa ny Briwnys ; as bee eisht feer veg dy gheill ayd cre’n coamrey t’ort, ny quoi ta goaill y raad jeed. ","Consider that you are liable to eternal Misery. That your great Business in this World is to fit your self for a happy Death, and for the Day of Judgment ; and you will be very indifferent about your Cloaths, or who takes Place of you.",,23,, +"Cha shir oo ve eddrym as ommyjagh ayns dty choamrey, ny ve geiyrt er dt’aigney hene er lieh, cha moo vees oo mooar-chreeagh, agh gou-ee oo samble vousyn ta injil ayns nyn aigney : Er yn oyr dy nee coamrey spyrryd injil shaar voyllys shin gys Jee, as shen lhiasagh ve dty chiarail wooar. ","You will neither study to be vain and foolish in your Dress, nor singular and conceited, but imitate such as are sober minded ; as knowing that the Ornament of an humble Spirit will best recommend you to God, which should be your great concern.",1 Pet. iii. 4.,23,, +"As eisht, my chooinys oo nagh vel veg ayd agh ny t’ow er gheddyn ; veg nagh negin dhyt coontey chur er y hon, bee resoon smoo ayd dy ghoaill aggle na dy ve mooaralagh ass ny t’ayd. ","And then, if you remember That you have nothing which you have not received ; Nothing but what you must give an account for, you will have more Reason to Fear, than to be proud of your Advantages.",1 Cor. iv. 7.,23,, +YN PHADJER.,The PRAYER.,,23,, +"YEE ooilley-niartal, dty lomarcan oddys reill aignaghyn as yeeareeyn deney peccoil, giall dooin grayse dy hassoo noi miolaghyn y Drogh-Spyrryd, yn Seihll, as yn Eill ; nagh jean mad dy bragh geiyrt orroo ny ve er nyn leeideil lioroo. Freaill kinjagh ayns creeaghyn dty harvaantyn, dy vel eh dy jarroo red olk as sharroo dy hreigeil y Chiarn, nagh jyndaa mad dy bragh reeisht gys ny peccaghyn ta shin er ghoaill arrys jeu. O Hiarn, cur orrin kinjagh nyn annoonidyn ve ain ayns nyn gooinaghtyn, dy vod mad dy bra jeaghyn seose hooyds son cooney, as cur dooin grayse, nagh jean mad dy bragh beg y hoi-agh jeh dty chooney, ny corree ’chur er dty Spyrryds noo, liorish ta shin er nyn gasherickey. Giall shoh, O Ayr, Son graih dty vac deyr, Yeesey Creest nyn Jiarn. Amen.","ALmighty God, who alone canst order the unruly Wills and Affections of sinful Men ; grant us Grace to withstand the Temptations of the Devil, the World, and the Flesh ; that we may never follow nor be led by them. Keep it ever in the Hearts of thy Servants, that it is indeed an Evil thing, and bitter, to forsake the Lord, that we may never return unto the Sins we have Repented of. Make us, O Lord, ever mindful of our Infirmities, that we may ever look up to Thee for Help, and give us Grace that we may never despise thy Help, nor grieve thy Holy Spirit, by which we are Sanctified. Grant this, O Father, for thy dear Son’s sake, Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.",,23,"YEE ooilley-niartal, dty lomarcan oddys reill aignaghyn as yeeareeyn deney peccoil, giall dooin grayse dy hassoo noi miolaghyn y Drogh-Spyrryd, yn Seihll, as yn Eill ; nagh jean mad dy bragh geiyrt orroo ny ve er nyn leeideil lioroo. Freaill kinjagh ayns creeaghyn dty harvaantyn, dy vel eh dy jarroo red olk as sharroo dy hreigeil y Chiarn, nagh jyndaa mad dy bragh reeisht gys ny peccaghyn ta shin er ghoaill arrys jeu. O Hiarn, cur orrin kinjagh nyn annoonidyn ve ain ayns nyn gooinaghtyn, dy vod mad dy bra jeagh seose hooyds son cooney, as cur dooin grayse, nagh jean mad dy bragh beg y hoi-agh jeh dty chooney, ny corree ’chur er dty Spyryds noo, liorish ta shin er nyn gasherickey. Giall shoh, O Ayr, Son graih dty vac deyr, Yeesey Creest nyn Jiarn. Amen.","ALmighty God, who alone canst order the unruly Wills and Affections of sinful Men ; grant us Grace to withstand the Temptations of the Devil, the World, and the Flesh ; that we may never follow nor be led by them. Keep it ever in the Hearts of thy Servants, that it is indeed an Evil thing, and bitter, to forsake the Lord, that we may never return unto the Sin we have Repented of. Make us, O Lord, ever mindful of our Infirmities, that we may ever look up to Thee for Help, and give us Grace that we may never despise thy Help, nor grieve thy Holy Spirit, by which we are Sanctified. Grant this, O Father, for thy dear Son’s sake, Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen." +SECT. IV.,,,25,, +"My chione Imnea, Smaghtagh, as Saaint ny foalley y obbal. ","Of Watching, Mortifi-cation, and Self-Denial.",,25,, +"Q. MYR smoo ta mee smooinaght er my Vreearey Bashtey, ta mee whooish shen smoo ynsit dy lhiasin Credjal as Jannoo ny Yiall my Ghedjaghyn as my Vimmaghyn er my hon. ","Q. THE more I consider my Vow in Baptism, the more I am convinced that I ought to believe and do what my Godfathers and Godmothers promised for me. ",,25,, +"As ta mee cur booise cree-oil da nyn Ayr Flaunyssagh dy vel eh er eamagh orrym gys y staaid shoh dy Haaualtys, trooid Yeesey Creest nyn Saaualtagh. As ta mee guee gys Jee dy der eh e Ghrayse dou, dy voddym tannaghtyn ayns y staaid cheddyn gys jerrey my vea. ","And I heartily thank our heavenly Father, that he hath called me to this State of Salvation, through Jesus Christ our Saviour. And I pray unto God to give me his Grace, that I may continue in the same unto my Life’s end.",,25,, +"A. As dy jarroo, ver Jee dhyt y Grayse t’ow guee er y hon, my t’ow kiarralagh dy yeaghyn dhyt hene, dy smaghtagh as d’ obbal Saaint ny foalley, ’naght ta’n Credjue Creestee cur currym ort. ","A. And God will most surely give you the Grace you pray for, if you are careful to watch, and to mortify, and to deny your self, as the Christian Religion obligeth you to do.",,25,, +Q. Vel nyn Gredjue Creestee dyn ghianley dy yeaghyn dooin hene ? ,Q. Is it a Christian Duty to watch ?,,25,, +"A. Te er ny haarey liorish Creest, as dy mennick er ny oardagh liorish e Ostyllyn myr currym ymmyr­chagh ; As ta oyr er eh hon. ","A. It is commanded by Christ, and often repeated by his Apostles, as a Duty of Moment ; and there is Reason for it. ","Luke xii. 37. +Col. i. 4.",25,, +"Son ta peccah feer voalteragh, as myrgeddyn nyn greeaghyn broagh. Ta’n Jouyl ny voalteyr as ta shin beaghey ayns seihll moalteragh. As cha nee leshtal vees eh, dy bee barriaght gouit orrin, tra ta goo Yee cur raaue dooin, dyn saarey dy ve tastagh as dy hreishteil er cooney as Foayr Yee. ","For Sin is very deceitful, and so are our corrupt Hearts ; the Devil is a Deceiver, and we live in a deceitful World, and it will be no Excuse that we are overcome, when the Word of God gives us Warning, commands us to watch, and to depend upon God’s Help and Favour.","Heb. iii. 13. +Jer. xvii. 9.",26,, +Q. Cre’n aght shegin da Creestee arrey y reayll harrish hene ? ,Q. How must a Christian watch over himself ?,,26,, +"A. Shegin dhyt dty chree y reayll, veih ta dy chooilley olk cheet. ","A. You must watch over your Heart, from whence all Evil proceedeth.",Matt. xv. 19.,26,, +"Tra ta smooinaghtyn as yeearreeyn niau-lowal cheet ayn, dy vod oo shassoo nyn oi, choud as te ayns y phooar ayd, as roish ma gou ad rouyr fraaue.","That when unlawful Thoughts and Desires come into it, you may resist them, while it is in your Power, and before they take too deep Root.",,26,, +"As tra ver Spyrryd Yee yeearreeyn mie ayns dt’aigney, dy jean oo dy gennal ad y ghoaill, as dy creeoil geiyrt orroo. ","And that, when the Spirit of God puts into your Mind good Desires, you may gladly receive, and heartily follow them. ",,26,, +"Shegin dhyt kiarrail y ghoaill jeh dty chooinsheance, dy reayll ee meih as dooisht, as kiarrail ec dy chooilley earish dy gou yn choyrle eick. ","You must watch over your Conscience, to keep it tender and awake, and resolve at all times to hearken to it.",,26,, +"Shegin dhyt arrey y reayll harrish pooaraghyn ny foalley, as goaill ayns laaue nagh jean oo dy bragh oo hene y vooi-ys lesh gaaue dt’annym. ","You must watch over your Senses, and resolve never to please your self at the hazard of your Soul.",,26,, +"As shegin dhyt jeaghyn da dt’obbraghyn, tra t’ow er yannoo red erbee ass y raad, dy gou arrys, as nagh jean oo shen ny smoo. ","And you must watch over your Actions, that when you have done amiss, you may repent, and do so no more.",,26,, +"As bannit ta’n Charvaant shen, you’n Chiarn, tra hig eh, jannoo myr shen. ","And blessed is that Servant, whom his Lord, when he cometh, shall find so doing. ",Matt. xxiv. 46.,26,, +Q. Cre’n oyr ta son smaghtagh yn Eill ? ,Q. What is the end of Mortification ?,,26,, +"A. Yn Oyr ta son Smaghtagh yn Eill, D’annooinagh, ny veggan as ny veggan, niau-ghlennid y dooghys ain, dy vod mad cheet dy ve nyn Gretooryn noa, as aarloo son Niau. ","A. The end of Mortification is to subdue, by Degrees, the Corruption of Nature, that we may become new Creatures, and fit for Heaven.",,27,, +Q. Cre’n aght oddys shin shoh y yannoo ? ,Q. How can we do this ?,,27,, +"A. Liorish cooney yn Spyrryd casherick, t’er ny choyrt da dy chooilley ghooiney, tra te er ny vashtey. ","A. By the Help of the Holy Spirit, which is given to every Man at Baptism.",2 Cor. v. 5.,27,, +"Q. Cre ta dy ve jeant, er yn Aarn ainyn, gys yn Obbyr wooar shoh ? ",Q. What is to be done on our part towards this great Work ?,,27,, +"A. Shegin dhyt credjal ayns dty Chree, as dy mennick smooinaght er y Raa firrinagh shoh ; ","A. You must heartily receive, and often think of this Truth ; ",,27,, +"Nagh vod oo dy bragh goll gys niau, derrey vees y dooghys ayd er ny chaghlaa ; ta shen, derrey vees boggey ayd dy chlashtyn rish goo Yee, as dy yannoo e aigney ; Quooid nagh vod oo dy bragh y yannoo, choud as t’ow beaghey ayns peccah erbee, er fyss dhyt. ","That it will be impossible for you ever to go to Heaven, until your Nature is exchanged ; that is, until you can take delight in hearing God’s Word, and doing his Will. which you can never do, while you live in known Sin.",,27,, +"Shen-y-fa, lig shoh ve dt’obbyr wooar, dy harbaa dty ghooghys (cha lhea as oddys eh ve) veih dy chooilley ghrogh chliaghtey. ","Therefore, let this be your serious Purpose, to root out of your Nature, as soon as may be, all evil Habits.",,27,, +"Cooinee, dy negin da dooiney clashtyn reeisht jeh dy chooilley Pheccah te dy yannoo, ayns arrys sharroo as briwnys ayns shoh, er nonney, ny lurg shoh, ayns trimshey nagh jig dy bragh gys kione. ","Remember, that every Sin a Man commits, he must hear of it again, either in bitter Repentance and Judgments here, or hereafter, in endless Misery.",Job xiii. 26.,27,, +"Smooinee, er y fa shen, er ooilley dt’alleillyn hene ; kiar nyn oi ; bee feer jummoogh jeed hene, tra t’ow brishey dty Yialldynyn ; jean breearaghyn noa dy bee oo ny sbiallee ; Guee dy kinjagh gys Jee son cooney ; dy vod eshyn t’er saarey oo gyn peccah ’yannoo, cooney lhiatt e Aigney ’chooilleeiney. ","Consider, therefore, your particular Failings ; Resolve against them ; Be very Angry with your self, when you break your Resolutions ; make new Vows of better Obedience ; Pray constantly to God for Help, that he who has commanded you not to sin, may also enable you to do his Will.",,27,"Smooinee, er y fa shen, er ooilley dt’alleillyn hene ; kiar nyn oi ; bee feer jummoogh jeed hene, tra t’ow brishey dty Yialldynyn ; jean breearaghyn noa dy bee oo ny sbiallee ; Guee dy kinjagh gys Jee son cooney ; dy vod eshyn t’er saarey oo gyn peccah ’yannoo, cooney lhiatt e Aigney chooilleeiney. ", +"As bee shickyr jeh, tra hee eh oo dy jarroo trimshagh son dt’oilchin, as streeue noi dty ghrogh ghooghys, dy gou eh accan jeed, dy Leih e dhyt, as dy lhiaassee eh cre er-bee’n aggair t’aynyd, as eeickee eh dty laboraght lesh bannaghtyn flaunyssagh. Son my ta shiu trooid y spyrrydd cur naardey obbraghyn y challin, bee shiu bio. ","And be assured, that when he sees you in good Earnest sorry for your Offences, and struggling with your Corruptions, he will pity, and pardon, and mend what is amiss in you, and reward your Labour with the Blessings of Heaven. For if ye through the Spirit do mortifie the Deeds of the Body, ye shall live. ",Rom. viii. 13.,28,"As bee shickyr jeh, tra hee eh oo dy jarroo trimshagh son dt’oilchin, as streeue noi dty ghrogh ghooghys, dy gou eh accan jeed, dy Leih e dhyt, as dy lhiaassee eh cre er bee’n aggair t’aynyd, as eeickee eh dty laboraght lesh bannaghtyn flaunyssagh. Son my ta shiu trooid y spyrrydd cur naardey obbraghyn y challin, bee shiu bio. ", +"Q. Nee currym Creestee eh, shin d’Obbal yn Eill ? ",Q. Is Self-Denial a Christian Duty ?,,28,, +"A. Clasht rish goan Chreest hene. My sallish dooiney erbee geiyrt orryms, lig eh eh hene y obbal. Ta shen, cha negin dhyt sheiltin dy vel red erbee roa gheyr dy scarrey rish son graih Chreest. ","A. Hear the very Words of Christ. If any Man will come after me, let him deny himself. That is, you must think nothing too dear to part with for the sake of Christ.",Luke ix. 23.,28,, +"Q. Vod nee erbee ve cha deyr shen, nagh bee mad booiagh scarrey rish, son y ghraih echyssyn ? ","Q. Can there be any thing so dear, that we shall not willingly part with for his sake ?",,28,, +"A. Tra nee oo prowal, ennee oo dy negin dhyt ymmodee reddyn y chredjal nagh jean y resoon broagh ayd hene dy harryltagh cordail rish ; as eisht shegin dhyt shassoo noi, eddyr dty hushtey hene, er nonney goo Yee ; dy negin dhyt chea veih ymmodee vondeishyn ta dty chree broagh liannaghtyn huc ; As dy nhimmey red shegin dhyt y yannoo, nagh bee dty ghooghys booiagh jeh. ","A. When you make the trial, you will find, that you must Believe many things which corrupt Reason will not easily agree to, and therefore you must deny either your own Judgment, or the Word of God ; That you must part with many Satisfactions, which your corrupt Heart sticks close to ; And that you must Do many things which your Nature will dislike.",,28,, +Q. Cre ta cur orrin ve cha niau-vooiagh dy injilagh shin hene gys goo as aigney Yee ? ,Q. What is it that maketh us so unwilling to submit to God’s Word and Will ?,,28,, +"A. Moayrn as rouyr graih dooin hene, ta dyn daarn dy chredjal dy vel shin creeney as niartal dyn reill shin hene. ","A. Pride and Self-Love, which incline us to believe that we are wise and able to govern our selves.",,28,, +"Cre erbee ta shin aignagh er, dy vod mad dy lowal streeue er eh hon. ","That whatever we desire, we may lawfully strive to obtain it.",,29,, +Dy vel cre erbee nee booiagh jin dy firrinagh mie er nyn son. ,"That whatever will please us, will certainly be good for us.",,29,, +As dy lhiasagh shin chea veih cre erbee ver lhieh-chiartys orrin. ,"And that whatever will make us uneasie, ought therefore to be avoided.",,29,, +"Nish, ta Goo Yee gynsagh shin er aght elley. Dy nee adsyn ta imlee ; adsyn ta dobberan ; adsyn ta boght ayns spyrryd, ta ynrycan y sleih bannit ; Dy nee orroosyn te dy chustey smoo ta Jee graihagh. ","Now, the Word of God tells us quite otherwise. That the meek ; they that mourn ; the poor in Spirit, are the only happy People ; that those are most beloved of God, whom he correcteth.","Matt. v. +Heb. xii. 6.",29,, +"Fegooish eshyn, nagh vod mad veg y yannoo. Dy vel eh Kerragh trome yeearree nyn greeaghyn y ve ain. ","That, without him, we can do nothing. That it is a very great Judgment to have the Desires of our Hearts.","John xv. 5. +Psal. xviii. 12.",29,, +Dy nee soalid as paltey arran va oyr peccah as kerraghey Sodom. ,"That ease and fulness of Bread, were the occasion of the Sin and Punishment of Sodom. ",Ezek. xvi. 49.,29,, +"As dy vel ny sharvaantyn shaar v’ec Jee er vaikin eh ymmyrchagh dy reayll yn Corp fo, liorish ve douill rish.","And that the best of God’s Servants have found it necessary to keep under the Body, by using it severely.",1 Cor. ix. 27.,29,, +"Q. Cre’n Currym eisht ta mee kainlt huggey, liorish yn Eill y obbal ? ",Q. What then will the Duty of Self-Denial oblige me to ?,,29,, +"A. Dy ghoaill rish nagh vel ayd creenaght, ny niart, dy dt’ ymmyrkey trooid y seihll seaghnagh shoh. ","A. To confess that you have neither Wisdom, nor Strength, to carry you through this dangerous World.",,29,, +"Dy chredjal, my ta Jee geamagh ort gys surranse, dy nee shen shaar er dty hon, cre erbee cha niau-vooiagh as t’ow jeh, ayns y tra t’ayn, Dy yannoo dt’ Annym aarloo son Miolaghyn. ","To believe, That if God calls you to Sufferings, That is best for you, however uneasie it may be at the present, To prepare your Soul for Temptations. ",Eccl. ii. 1.,29,, +"Liorish dt’aigney y haarn veih yeearree yn Eill, dy vod oo geaishtagh rish coraa’n Spyrryd. ","By drawing off the Mind from the Pleasure of Sense, that you may hearken to the voice of the Spirit. ",,29,, +"Liorish dy creeney dty Yeearreeyn niau-pheccoil hene y obbal, dy vod oo ny shaar ad y obbal, tra t’ad er aght elley. ","By prudently denying, even your innocent Appetites, that you may be able to deny them, when they are not so.",,29,, +"Liorish Sheeltys, Trostey, as Douillys creeney, smaghtagh yn Eill, as cur er y seihll ta ry heet ve ny smoo ayns dt’ aigney, liorish creaghys y Teihll shoh. ","By Temperance, Fasting, and discreet Severities, chastising the Flesh, and making the next Life more desireable, by the Hardships of this.",,30,, +"Cooinaghtyn, dy vel eshyn nagh vod y Spyrryd hene y reill myr Ard-valley fegooish voalaghyn. ","Remembring, That he that hath no Rule over his own Spirit, is like a City without Walls. ",Prov. xxv. 28.,30,, +"Q. Agh cre mannagh voddym mee hene y obbal, dy jarroo, lurg dou ve er ghoaill ayns laaue shen y yannoo ? ","Q. But what if I cannot deny my self, even after I have resolv’d to do so ?",,30,, +"A. Cammah, ta shen son nagh vel oo er gliaghtey oo hene y obbal, ny son nagh vel oo veih dty chree credjal goo Yee. ","A. Why, that is because you have not used to deny your self, or because you do not heartily believe the Word of God.",,30,, +"Ta sleih dy harryltagh gobbal daaue hene aash as Sockyrys er graih cosney, son dy vel ad er soiagh nyn Gree er ; Smooinee uss dy mennick er niau, as nee oo shen neeisht. ","Men readily deny themselves Ease and Pleasures for the sake of Gain, because they have set their Hearts upon it ; think you much of Heaven, and you will do so too. ",,30,, +Ta aggle roish Leih’ghyn freayll deney veih geiyrt er nyn aigney hene ; as nagh der torchagh dy bra farraghtyn orts oo hene y obbal ? ,The fear of the Laws keeps men from following their own Pleasures ; and will not eternal Torments prevail with you to deny your self ?,,30,, +"Foddee dty Chaarjin oo y choyrlagh dy obbal dt’aigney hene son dty viys ; as nagh vod Jee, nyn Garrey shaar as ynrycun, ve er ny chlashtyn, tra te dy haarey shoh son y vondeish ain vees dy bra beaon ? ","Your Friends can prevail with you to deny your self for your good ; And cannot God, our Best and only Friend, be heard, when he requires it for our everlasting Advantage ?",,30,"Foddee dty Chaarjin oo y choyrlagh dy obbal dt’aginey hene son dty viys ; as nagh vod Jee, nyn Garrey shaar as ynrycun, ve er ny chlashtyn, tra te dy haarey shoh son y vondeish ain vees dy bra beaon ? ", +Q. Vel mee kainlt dy reayll Laghyn trosht ny Haglish ? ,Q. Am I bound to observe the Fasts of the Church ?,,30,, +"A. Ta, dy jarroo. Cre hon arragh v’ad er nyn ordagh ? ","A. Yes, sure. Why else were they appointed ?",,30,, +Q. Cre’n aght lhiasagh leid ny laghyn ve freailt ? ,Q. How ought such Days to be observed ?,,30,, +"A. Liorish trostey veih bee as jogh, my liggys dty Lhaaint dhyt ; ny, yn chooid sloo, liorish leid y beaghey fardalagh as oddys soilshagh magh dty viallys gys ny Leih’ghyn, chammah as y cooilleeiney t’ow dy ghoaill er dty chorp hene, son dy rou eh oyr ymmodee peccah as seaghyn dhyt. ","A. By abstaining from Meat and Drink, if your health will permit ; or at least, by such a sober Diet, as may testifie your Obedience to the Laws, as well as your Revenge upon your Body, for being an Occasion of much Sin and Trouble to you.",,31,"A. Liorish trostey veih bee as jogh, my liggys dty Lhaaint dhyt ; ny, yn chooid sloo, liorish leid y beaghey fardalagh as oddys soilshagh magh dty viallys gys ny Leih’ghyn, chammah as y cooilleeiney t’ow dy ghoaill er dty chorp hene, son dy rou eh oyr ymmodee peccah as seaghyn dyht. ", +Q. Vel eh booisal da Jee Laghyn trosht y reayll ? ,Q. Is the Observation of these Things acceptable to God ?,,31,, +"A. Cha vel ny sodjeh na t’ad cooney lhiatt dty vea y liaasagh, as dy ve ny sinshley, ny scraauee, ny skiarrailee as ny sbiallee. ","A. No farther than they help to make you better, more humble and devout, more careful and obedient. ",,31,, +"As shen-y-fa cha negin dhyt dy bra er y choontey shoh soiagh mooar jeed hene, ny soiagh beg jeh feallagh elley. ","And, therefore, you must never value your self, nor despise others on this Account.",,31,, +"Agh bee trimshagh son dy vel leid ny saasyn ymmyrchagh dhyt, kyndagh rish dt’annoonid hene. ","But let it humble you, to find that you want such Help, because of your Infirmities.",,31,, +"As er skyn dagh nee, ny jarrood padjer y yannoo gys Jee, fegooish e vannaght, cha bee ooilley dt’obbyr agh fardaail. ","And, above all, neglect not to pray to God, without whose Blessing your Endeavours will be fruitless.",,31,, +Yn PHADJER.,The PRAYER.,,31,, +"O Yee, ayd ta fyss dy vel shin soit ayns maan whooilleein gaaue mooar, cur dooin creeaghyn kiarralagh as Cooinsheancyn meih, nagh der mad dy bragh nyn aigney, er fyss dooin, gys drogh yannoo erbee, er nonney dy jean mad dy lea arrys y ghoaill er eh hon. Cur aigney as pooar dooin dy chur naardey dy chooilley haaint olk as niau-ghlen, as grayse dy chliaghtey leid y trostey as nee nyn Veill y injilagh gys y Spyrryd, dy vod mad dy bragh ve biallagh da’n Choyrle chasherick ayds, ayns ynryckys as craaueeaght firrinagh, trooid Yeesey Creest, nyn Jiarn. Amen. ","O God, who knowest us to be set in the midst of many and great Dangers, give us watchful Hearts, and tender Con­sciences, that we may never consent to known Iniquity, or that we may speedily Repent of it. Give us a Will and Power to mortify all evil and corrupt Affections, and Grace to use such Abstinence, that, our Flesh being subdued to the Spirit, we may ever obey thy godly Motions in Right­eousness and true Holiness, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.",,31,,"O God, who knowest us to be set in the midst of many and great Dangers, give us watchful Hearts, and tender Con­sciences, that we may never consent to known Iniquity, or that we may speedily Repent of it. Give us a Will and Power to mortify all evil and corrupt Affections, and Grace to sue such Abstinence, that, our Flesh being subdued to the Spirit, we may ever obey thy godly Motions in Right­eousness and true Holiness, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen." +SECT. V.,,,32,, +My chione Credjue ny Hostyllyn.,Of the Apostles Creed.,,32,, +Catech.,Catechism.,,32,, +ABbyr Banglaanyn dty Chredjue. ,REhearse the Articles of thy Belief.,,32,, +Ansoor.,Answer.,,32,, +"Ta mee credjal ayns Jee’n Ayr ooilley niartal, chroo Niau as Thalloo. ","I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth. ",,32,, +"Q. Faikin nagh voddym agh shoh chredjal, cre hon ta mee er m’eam dy ghra eh ? ","Q. Since I cannot but believe this, Why am I called upon to rehearse it ?",,32,, +A. Dy vod oo gynsagh dy veaghey cordail rish ny t’ow cha mennick gra dy vel oo dy chredjal. ,A. That you may learn to live answerable to what you so often say you believe.,,32,, +"Q. Cre t’er ny hirrey orrym, dy voddym shen y yannoo ? ","Q. What is required of me, that I may do so ?",,32,, +A. Dy smooinaght er Tushtey vie ’ghoaill jeh shen t’ow dy chredjal. ,A. To consider the Meaning of what you believe.,,32,, +"Eh ve ayd kinjagh ayns dt’aigney, tra t’ow er dty violagh gys peccah, dy vod oo dy dowin smooinaght, cre’n aght oddyms, ta credjal ayns Jee, cur rish leid ny reddyn as peccah y yannoo noi Jee ? ","To have it present in your Mind, that, when you are tempted to sin, you may consider, How can I, who believe in God, do such things, and sin against him ?",,32,, +"Q. Cre te, dy chredjal ayns Jee ? ",Q. What is it to believe in God ?,,32,, +"A. Ta shen dy chredjal ooilley ny te er insh dooin chammah my chione eh hene as mychione yn currym ain hug eh ; ta ooilley soit shees ayns ny Lioryn casherick, va scruit liorish saarey Yee, nagh vod ve mollit, as nagh jean shin y volley. ","A. It is to believe all that he hath made known, both concerning himself, and our Duty to him ; which is all contained in the Holy Scriptures, written by the Command of God, who can neither be deceived, nor can deceive us.",2 Tim. iii. 16.,32,, +"As son y vondeish ocsyn nagh vod cooinaght er ymmodee reddyn, ta ny Banglaanyn symmyrchee jeh ny Lioryn firrinagh shoh er nyn jaglym cooidjagh ayns y Chrea ; Quooid shegin dhyt shirrey y hoiggal, lurg y Tushtey as ny Saasyn ta Jee er chur dhyt. ","And for the Benefit of such as cannot remember many things, the most necessary of these Truths are put together in the Creed, which you must endeavour to understand, according to your capacity, and the Means which God hath afforded you.",,33,, +"Kinjagh cooinaght nagh vod oo er aght erbee barriaght y gheddyn harrish dty haaint ; Bea chraauee y leeideil, ny Jee y vooiys, mannagh vel oo toiggal as credjal ny reddyn shoh. ","Ever remembring, that without knowing and believing these things, it is impossible you should overcome your Lusts, lead a Holy Life, or please God.",Heb. xi. 6.,33,, +Q. Cre’n aght ta’n Chrea cooney lhienn shoh y yannoo ? ,Q. How doth the Creed help us to do this ?,,33,, +"A. Liorish taarn gys dty chooinaghtyn, ","A. By bringing to your Remembrance, ",,33,, +1. Ny reddyn shen ta dooghyssagh as cairagh ayns Jee. ,1. The Properties and Perfections of God.,,33,, +2. Toilchin as surranse Yeesey Creest. ,2. The Merits and Sufferings of Jesus Christ.,,33,, +3. Cooney niartal y spyrryd noo. ,3. The powerful Assistance of the Holy Ghost.,,33,, +4. Yn vondeish mooar ta dy ve Olt jeh Aglish Chreest. ,4. The great Privilege of being a Member of Christ’s Church. ,,33,, +"5. As er jerrey ooilley, Liorish Bea as Baase dy bra farraghtyn y hoiagh kiongoyrt rish dty hooillyn. ","5. And lastly, By setting Life and Death eternal before your Eyes.",,33,, +Q. Cre shegin dooin y chredjal veih ny ta dooghyssagh as cairagh ayns Jee dy chur orrin bea chraauee y leeideil ? ,"Q. What are the Properties and Perfections of God, which we must believe in order to a good Life ?",,33,,"Q. What are the Properties and Perfections of God, which we must believe in order to a good Life." +"A. Dy nee eshyn Bun nyn Mea, as dagh niee mie ta shin dy yannoo, ny oddys dy bragh ve ain. ","A. That he is the Author of our Being, and of all the Good we do, or ever can enjoy.",Acts xi. 21.,33,, +Dy vel eh dy firrinagh casherick as cur saarey da ooilley e harvaantyn dy ve craauee. ,"That he is perfectly Holy, and requires all his Servants to be Holy.",1 Pet. i. 16.,33,, +"Dy vel e dyn vaikin, cre-erbee’n raad ta shin, as cre-erbee ta shin dy yannoo ; myr shen, my nee mad padjer hug eh, ta shin shickyr dy ve er nyn glashtyn ; my nee mad peccah, ta shin shickyr dy ve er nyn gerragh. ","That he sees us, wherever we are, and whatever we do ; so that if we pray to him, we are sure to be heard ; if we sin, we are sure to be punished.",Prov. xv. 3.,34,, +"Son ta e phooar niartal, dy eeick e harvaantyn firrinagh, as dy cherragh adsyn ta mee-viallagh. ","For his Power is Mighty ; to reward his faithful Servants, and to punish the disobedient.",Gen. xvii. 1.,34,, +"Dy vel eh jeeragh ayns ooilley e raadjin ; nagh jean eh niee erbee y haarey, agh shen ta son mie e Chretooryn, as cha vel eh dy bra kerraghey agh tra ta’d dy jarroo toilchin e Yummoose. ","That he is Just in all his Ways ; commandeth nothing but what is for the good of his Creatures ; and never punisheth, but when they truly deserve his Displeasure.",Gen. xviii. 25.,34,, +"Dy vel eh surranse foddey, as aarloo dy ghoaill ayns foayr ooilley ny ta tushtagh jeh nyn nghrogh yannoo. ","That he is Longsuffering, and ready to receive all that are sensible of their Misery.",2 Pet. iii. 9.,34,, +"As dy vel eh Jee firrinagh ; cre-erbee te dy yialldyn, bee eh dy firrinagh cooilleeinit ; cre erbee te dy vaggyrt, hig eh gys kione. ","And that he is a faithful God ; whatever he has promised, will certainly be performed ; whatever he has threatned, will come to pass.",Deut. vii. 9.,34,, +Son te reill dagh niee chammah ayns Niau as Thalloo ; As cha vel red erbee roa ghoillee te smooinaght cooiee y yannoo. ,"For he governeth all things both in Heaven and Earth ; and nothing is too hard for him, that he thinks fit to do.",Jer. xxxii. 17.,34,, +"Q. Cre’n fa ta Jee enmyssit, yn Ayr ? ","Q. Why is God called, The Father ?",,34,, +"A. Son dy nee eh, ta croo as coadey dy chooilley chretoor, as myr Ayr chiarrailagh as graihagh te kinjagh imneagh jeu. ","A. Because he is the Maker and Preserver of all Creatures, which, with the Care and Affection of a Father, he watches over continually.",,34,, +"Eshyn Ayr Dooiney ; son dy chroo eh eh lurg e yalloo hene ; Son dy vel e gynsagh da dooiney tushtey ; Son dy vel eh dy smaghtagh eh, tra te jannoo aggair, as dy eeick eh, tra te jannoo dy mie. ","He is the Father of Man, because he created him after his own Image ; Because he teacheth Man knowledge ; Corrects him when he does amiss ; Rewards him when he does well.",,34,, +"’Naght shoh, te ny Ayr da ooilley sheel-naaue. Agh te er skyn ooilley ny Ayr daauesyn ta e chloan ayns Creest. ","He is, thus, a Father to all Mankind ; But they that are his Children in Christ, he is their Father after an especial Manner.",,34,, +"Son te dy ghoaill ad stiagh ayns e Lught-thie, yn Aglish ; gynsagh ad liorish e Hirveishee hene ; dyn stioorey ad liorish e Spyrryd casherick ; jannoo Cretooryn noa jeu, dy vod eh graih ’chur daaue as Eiraght ayns Niau. ","For he taketh them into his Family, the Church ; Instructeth them by his own Ministers ; Guideth them by his Holy Spirit ; Makes them New Creatures, that he may love them, and give them an Inheritance in Heaven.",,35,, +Q. Cre ta toiggit liorish Ard-chiarrail Yee ? ,Q. What is meant by God’s Providence ?,,35,, +"A. Creenaght as pooar Yee, liorish showyn da, as te pointeil, cre’n aght vees dy chooilley niee t’ayns y teihll, myr shen dy vel kiarrail gouit jeh ooilley ny va er ny chroo ; cha vod y cretoor sloo surranse liorish goanlys, ny trooid taghyrt, fegooish ked Yee. ","A. The Wisdom and Power of God, by which he knows and appoints how every thing in the World shall be, so that the whole Creation is taken care of ; not the meanest Creature can suffer, without God’s leave, either by Malice or Accident.",Matt. x. 29.,35,, +"Q. Cre’n fa, eisht, ta Seaghyn taghyrt da Deney ? ","Q. Why, then, do Evils befall Men ?",,35,, +"A. Feer vennick, dyn gerragh ad, as dyn daarn ad gys Arrys ; Agh er skyn ooilley, dy harbaa nyn greeaghyn veih ve rouyr soit er y vea shoh, as dy vod mad nyn smooinaghtyn, nyn aignaghyn, as nyn giarail y hoiagh er bea shaar. ","A. Very often to punish them, and to bring them to Repentance ; but especially, to wean our Hearts from being too fond of this Life, and that we may think of, delight in, and prepare for a better.",,35,, +"Q. Vel Jee reill Imbaghyn ny bleaney ? Nagh vel y Sourey as y geurey, yn Niarragh as y Fowirr, son Shickyrys, cheet ayns nyn Dra cooie ? ","Q. Doth God govern the Seasons ? Doth not Summer and Winter, Spring and Harvest return certainly at their appointed times ?",,35,, +"A. Tar ad. Agh, eisht, dy chur er sleih cooinaght dy nee er Jee ny lomarcan t’ad treishteil, as cha nee er ny Himbaghyn, son nyn Arran gagh laa ; Te payrt dy cheartyn gordrail yn sourey dy heet fegooish e hass cair, as y Fowirr fegooish e phailtey. ","A. They do. But then to put Men in mind, that they depend upon God only, and not upon the Seasons, for their daily Bread ; he sometimes orders it, that the Summer returns without its usual Heat, and the Harvest without its Fruitfulness.","Hag. i. 9, 10, 11.",35,, +"Q. Cre’n aght ta’n vea ain ayns laaue Yee, faikin dy negin da dy chooilley annane, dy shickyr, baase y gheddyn ? ","Q. How do our Lives depend upon God, since all People must necessarily die ?",,35,, +"A. Dy vou dy chooilley Ghooiney baase, cheu stie jeh leid yn earoo dy vleantyn shen, te pointit liorish Jee ; agh, dy vel ad bio choud as t’ad, te myrgeddyn liorish y chiarralys echyssyn ta reill dy chooilley haghyrt, Chingyssyn as raaidyn elley yn Vaish, cur saarey cooin nee ad marroo, as craad nee ad spaarail. ","A. That all Men shall die within such a Number of Years, is appointed by God ; but that they live so long as they do, is also owing to his Providence, which governeth all Accidents, Sickness and other ways of Death, commanding when they shall kill, and where they shall spare.",Exod. xxi. 13.,36,, +"Q. Nagh vel pooar wooar ec drogh gheney, as ec drogh spyrrydyn, dy yannoo olk ? ","Q. Have not wicked Men, and wicked Spirits, great Power of doing Mischief ?",,36,, +"A. Spheer eh, Dy vel Jee er chur daaue pooar wooar, chammah dy cherragh yn vee­-chraauee, as dy phrowal Credjue yn Chloan chraauee ; Agh ta Goo Yee cur shickyrys dooin, nagh vod deney ny Jouill yn Aggair sloo y yannoo fegooish ked Yee ; as shoh’n resoon nagh vel ny smoo dy olk jeant ayns y teihll, as nagh vel dy chooilley niee ayns dagh ynnyd, bun rish kyn [sic]. ","A. ’Tis true, God hath given great Power, both to punish the wicked, and to try the Faith of the Righteous ; but the Word of God assures us, That neither Men nor Devils can do the least Hurt, without the leave of God ; and this is the Reason that there is not more Mischief in the World, and that all things are not every where in Confusion.","2 Sam. xvi. 10. +Job i. 10, 12.",36,,"A. ’Tis true, God hath given great Power, both to punish wicked, and to try the Faith of the Righteous ; but the Word of God assures us, That neither Men nor Devils can do the least Hurt, without the leave of God ; and this is the Reason that there is not more Mischief in the World, and that all things are not every where in Confusion." +Q. Ca’id ta’n Laboraght ain lhaie er Kiarralys Yee ? ,Q. How far do your Labours depend upon God’s Providence ?,,36,, +"A. She Jee ta crommey nyn Greeaghyn dy yannoo shen ta vondeishagh as feeu moylley ; Eshyn ta cur bannaght er nyn Laboraght, as pooar dy ghoaill soylley’n vess echey ; as she Jee myrgeddyn ta giarey sleih jeh nyn Dreishteil as jannoo’n Laboraght oc fardaail, tra hee eh oyr son shen y yannoo. ","A. It is God who inclines our Hearts to do what is profitable or Praise-worthy ; It is He, who giveth Success to our Labours ; and Power to enjoy the Fruits of them ; And it is God also, who disappoints Men of their Hopes, and maketh their Labour in vain, when he sees Cause for so doing.","Psal. cxxvii. +Ecl. vi. 2.",36,, +Q. Cre ta currym fer ta myr shoh credjal ayns Jee ? ,Q. What is the Duty of one who thus believes in God ?,,36,, +"A. Smooinaghtyn feeu ve echey jeh’n Jee mooar as gloyroil, chroo Niau as Thalloo ; D’injilagh oo hene kiongoyrt rishyn, liorish t’ow uss as dy chooilley niee er nyn goadey, as ayn ta shin ooilley bio, gleashaght, as shassoo. ","A. To have worthy Thoughts of the great and glorious God, Maker of Heaven and Earth, to humble your self before Him, on whom you and all things depend, and in whom we live, and move, and have our being. ",Acts vii. 28.,36,, +"Dy hassoo ayns aggle roish leid yn ard-ooashley wooar, as gyn dy bragh eshyn y vrasnagh, myr dy beagh oo ny stroshey na Eh, liorish roih ayns peccah erbee er fyss dhyt. Son smerg dasyn ta streeue rishyn ren y Chroo eh. ","To stand in awe of so great a Majesty, and never to provoke him, as if you were stronger than he, by consenting to known Sin. For, wo to him who striveth with his Maker. ",Isa. xlix. 9.,37,, +"Gyn dy bragh ve corree rish y chiarralys vie echyssyn, cre erbee nee taghyrt, son ta Creenaght er skyn earoo reill y teihll, as jannoo ooilley gys y chooid shaar, ga nagh vel eh cur dooinyn coontey jeh e raadjin. ","Never to murmur at Providence, whatever happens ; for an infinite Wisdom governs the World, and doth all for the best, though he gives not an account of his Ways to us.",Job xxxiii. 13,37,, +"Dy yeaghyn seose gys Jee son cre erbee t’ow ny eime, as dy hirrey e vannaght er dy chooilley obbyr ; cooinaghtyn nagh lhiashagh shin veg y yannoo nagh vel cooiee padjer ve jeant er eh hon. Son cha vel creenaght, ny toiggal, ny coyrle erbee, noi’n Chiarn. ","To look up to God for whatever you want, and to beg his Blessing upon every Work ; remembring that nothing ought to be undertaken, which is not fit to be prayed for. For there is neither Wisdom, nor Understanding, nor Counsel against the Lord. ",Prov. xxi. 30,37,, +"Dy hoi-agh Jee kinjagh kiongoyrt rhyt, ver shoh ort ve kiarralagh jeh dty raadjin, imneagh harrish dty chree, as jeeragh ayns dty ghellallyn ; Son ta ny sooillyn echyssyn er ooilley raaidyn cloan deney, dy chur da dy chooilley ghooiney cordail rish e raaidyn, as cordail rish mess e yannoo. ","To set God always before you, which will make you careful of your Ways, watchful over your Hearts, and upright in your Dealings ; For his Eyes are upon all the ways of the Children of Men, to give to every Man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. ",Jer. xxxii. 19,37,, +Q. Cre’n vondeish ta liorish credjal dy nee Jee nyn Ayr ? ,"Q. Of what Use is it to believe, that God is our Father ?",,37,Q. Cre’n vondeish ta liorish credjal dy nee Jee nyn Ayr., +"A. My t’ow dy jarroo credjal shoh, gou-ee oo fockyl dt’Ayrey son ny te dy yialldyn ; Bee oo booiagh lesh ny te gordraail er dty hon ; as tilgee oo ooilley dty chiarrail ersyn, son te kiarrail er dty hon. ","A. If you indeed believe this, you will take your Father’s Word for what he promiseth ; be pleased with what he ordereth ; cast all your Care upon him, for he careth for you. ",2 Pet. v. 7.,37,, +"Cha jean oo dy bragh beg y hoiagh jeh’n viys as y surranse foddey echyssyn, son ga te erreeishagh myr Ayr, ny yeih, my ta e chloan roonagh as mee-viallagh, Te ny Yee aglagh ayns Briwnys. ","You will never abuse his Goodness and Long-suffering ; for tho’ he hath the Compassion of a Father, yet if his Children are obstinately disobedient, He is a God terrible in Judgment. ",Psal. xlvii. 2,37,, +"Ayns ooilley dty heaghyn bee’n gerjagh shoh ayd, Te mie da Dooiney dy ve ayns seaghyn, my ta Ayr graysoil faikin eh ymmyrchagh. ","In all your Afflictions, you will have this Comfort, ’Tis good for a Man to be in Trouble, if a gracious Father sees it convenient.",Psal. cxix. 71,38,, +"Er jerrey oilley, my she Jee’n Ayr ayd, ta dt’ eiraght ayns Niau ; Er shoh lhiasagh oo dy mennick smooinaght, Dy nee raad ta dty verchys, veagh dty Chree myrgeddyn. ","Lastly, If God is your Father, your Inheritance is in Heaven ; which you ought much to think of, That, where your Treasure is, there may your Heart be also. ",Matt. vi. 21.,38,, +Yn PHADJER.,The PRAYER.,,38,, +"T’OW feeu, O Hiarn, dy gheddyn Gloyr, as Onnor, as Pooar ; son t’ow er chroo dy chooilley niee, as son dty phleasal hene t’ad as v’ad er nyn groo. Dy giall Jee ooilley-niartal dy vod tushtey as credjue jeh shoh aggle chairal jeh jummoose y chur ersyn y ghyentyn aynin ; dy groo eh aynin yeearree gheir dy yannoo booiagh jeh, as leid y Ghraih as ta jesh da e Chloan viallagh as e Harvaantyn. As giall dy vod shin, ain ta enney orts nish liorish Credjue, lurg y vea shoh Bannaghtyn gloyroil yn Reereeaght ayds y gheddyn, trooid Yeesey Creest nyn Jiarn. Amen. ","THOU art worthy, O Lord, to receive Glory, and Honour, and Power ; for thou hast created all things, and for thy Pleasure they are and were created. The Almighty God grant that the Knowledge and Belief of this, may create in us a suitable Fear of offending him ; an earnest Desire of pleasing him, and such a Love as becometh his dutiful Children and Servants. And grant that we, which know thee now by Faith, may after this Life enjoy the glorious Blessings of thy Kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.",,38,, +SECT. VI.,,,39,, +"AS ayns Yeesey Creest e ynrycan vac, nyn Jiarn, v’er ny yentyn liorish y spyrryd noo, rug jeh’n voidyn Voirrey, ren surranse fo Pontius Pilate, v’er ny chrossey, marroo, as oanluckit. Hie eh shees gys Niurin, yn Trass laa jirree eh reeisht veih ny merriu. Hie eh seose gys Niau, as te ny hoi er laaue yesh Yee, yn Ayr Ooilley-Niartal. Veih shen hig eh dy vriwnys ny bio as ny merriu. ","AND in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried. He descended into Hell, the Third Day he rose again from the Dead. He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth on the Right-hand of God, the Father Almighty. From thence he shall come to judge the Quick and the Dead. ",,39,"AS ayns Yeesey Creest e ynrycan vac, nyn Jiarn, v’er ny yentyn liorish y spyrryd noo, rug jeh’n voidyn Voirrey, ren surranse fo Pontius Pilate, v’er ny chrossey, marroo, as oanluckit. Hie eh shees gys Niurin, yn Trass laa jirree eh reeisht veih ny merriu. Hie eh seose gys Niau, as te ny hoi er laaue yesh Yee, yn Ayr Ooilley-Niartal. Deih shen hig eh dy vriwnys ny bio as ny merriu. ","AND in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried. He descended into Hell, the Third Day he rose again from the Dead. He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth on the Right-hand of God, the Father Almighty. From thence he shall come to judge the Quick and the Vead. " +Q. Cre smoo ta shin gynsagh veih’n aarn shoh jeh nyn Grea ? ,Q. What do we chiefly learn from this part of the Creed ?,,39,, +A. Dy nee Yeesey Mac Yee ; as dy nee Eh yn Chiarn Ainyn. ,A. That Jesus is the Son of God ; and that He is our Lord.,,39,, +Q. Cre’n aght te ry aikin dy Nee Yeesey Mac Yee ? ,Q. How doth it appear that Jesus is the Son of God ?,,39,, +"A. Veih ny ta scruit jeh e Vea, e Vaase, as e Irree seose reeisht veih ny merriu ; ta dy fondagh soit magh ayns ny Scripturyn casherick, as t’er ny chur roin ayns ny Banglaanyn gyiarrey shoh. ","A. From the History of his Life, Death, and Resurrection from the Dead ; written at large in the Holy Scriptures, and briefly contained in these Articles.",,39,, +Q. Cre ny ard reddyn ta scruit ayns Bea Yeesey ta cooie dy hickyragh nyn Credjue aynsyn ? ,Q. What are the chief things in the History of the Life of Jesus which are proper to confirm our Faith in him ?,,39,, +"A. Dy loayr ooilley ny Phaderyn jeh, Veih toshiaght y teihll. Tra va’n seihll er naase feer Vee-chrauee as faggys er yarrood yn Jee firrinagh, ghou eh er Annym as Callin dooiney, liorish dy ruggyr eh jeh Moidyn, haink jeh sheeloghe Ghavid trooid pooar y Spyrryd noo. ","A. That He was spoken of by all the Prophets, from the beginning of the World. That when the World was grown very wicked, and for the most part ignorant of the true God, he took upon him the Soul and Body of a Man, by being born of a Virgin, of the Family of David, by the Power of the Holy Ghost.",Luke i. 70.,39,, +"Tra ve myr shoh er ghoaill er y Dooghys ainyn, ve er ny hoilshagh dy ve Mac Yee, liorish corraa veih Niau, as va’n Seihll saarit dy eaishtagh rish, as dy chur biallys da, Myr y Creest, ta shen dy ghra, yn persoon oardit liorish Jee dy insh e aigney da sheelnaue. Tra va’n phooar shoh echey veih Niau, hoilshee e Magh e Hushtal, ta livrey chaghtyraght feer gherjolagh dy haaualtys, as ny haghtyn dy chosney eh. As dy yannoo Mie firrinys e Ynsagh, dobbree eh earoo er skyn earoo dy virrillyn, leeid eh Bea feer feeu, as hur eh Baase feer sharroo. ","Having thus taken upon him our Nature, he was declared to be the Son of God, by a Voice from Heaven, and the World commanded to hear, and to obey Him, as the Christ ; that is, the Person ordain’d of God, to make known his Will to Mankind. Having this Commission from Heaven, He published His Gospel, containing the most joyful Message of Salvation, and the Means of attaining it. And to confirm the Truth of His Doctrine, he wrought an infinite number of Miracles, Liv’d a most worthy Life, and Died a most bitter Death.",Matt. xvii. 5.,40,, +"Son cha rou ny Hewnyn, huc hie eh er cur er y chaghtyraght shoh, aigindagh, kyndagh rish mooads nyn mee-chraaueeaght, dy eiyrt er leid ny raadjin casherick as hickyree eshyn dy ve ymmyrchagh gys saaualtys ; Shen-y-fa ren ad tranlaase er skyn towse er, as lurg daaue v’er hilgey whooilleein scammylt er as dod ad, deignee ad Pontius Pilate, noi e chooinsheance hene, dy gheyrey eh dy ve er ny chrossey. ","For the People of the Jews, to whom he was sent with this Message, being not dispos’d, by reason of their great Wickedness, to receive such Holy Rules as He affirm’d to be necessary to Salvation, they therefore Persecuted him most bitterly, and, at last, having treated him with the utmost Scorn, they even forc’d Pontius Pilate, against his Conscience, to condemn him to be crucified.",,40,, +"Tra v’ad shickyr jeh dy rou e marroo, va kiarrail wooar gouit jeh e Oanluckey ; son va sheshaght dy Hidooryn oardrit dy reayll e Chorp, nagh jinnagh e Gheney mooinjer lhieu er sooyl eh, as eisht y ghra dy rou eh er nirree reeisht veih ny Merriu. ","When they were assured He was Dead, there was particular Care taken of his Burial ; for a Company of Soldiers were appointed to watch his Body, that his Friends might not take it away, and say he was risen.",,40,, +"Choud as va’n tra shoh dy chaeu, hie e Annym gys yn ynnyd, raad ta Anmeeyn deney goll, tra t’ad faagail nyn Gallinyn ; dy voddagh eh goaill er dy chooilley Staaid ta dooghyssagh da sheel-naaue. ","During this Time, his Soul went into the Place where the Souls of Men do go, when they are parted from their Bodies ; that he might undergo all Conditions of human Nature.",,41,, +"Agh er y trass laa lurg e vaaish, (va rieau er dy henney enmyssit Laa’n Chiarn) ve liorish pooar Yee troggit veih ny merriu, as duirree eh da-eed laa er y Thalloo gynsagh e Ostyllyn, my chione y Reereeaght, ny’n Aglish, va dy gerrit dy ve soit seose. ","But upon the third Day after his Death (ever since called the Lord’s Day,) he was by the Power of God raised from the Dead ; and continued forty Days upon Earth, instructing his Disciples about the Kingdom, or Church, which was shortly to be establish’d.",Luke xxiv. 47,41,, +Q. Cre’n aght ta shoh ginsh dy nee eshyn va Mac Yee ? ,Q. How doth this show that he was the Son of God ?,,41,, +"A. Ve myr shoh ; ta shen, liorish e Irree reeisht veih ny merriu, Soilshit dy ve Mac Yee, ta’n Noo Paul gra. Son cha beagh Jee er hroggal eh veih ny merriu agh dy lhow eh jeh ooilley ny loayr e jeh hene, ooilley ny ren eh ayns e ennym, as ooilley ny hur eh son Sheel-naaue. ","A. He was Thus, that is, By his Resurrection from the Dead, declared to be the Son of God, saith St. Paul. For God would not have raised him from the Dead, but that he approved of all that he had said of Himself ; all that he had Done in His Name ; and all that he had Suffer’d for Mankind.",Rom. i. 4.,41,"A. Ve myr shoh ; ta shen, liorish e Iree reeisht veih ny merriu, Soilshit dy ve Mac Yee, ta’n Noo Paul gra. Son cha beagh Jee er hroggal eh veih ny merriu agh dy lhow eh jeh ooilley ny loayr e jeh hene, ooilley ny ren eh ayns e ennym, as ooilley ny hur eh son Sheel-naaue. ", +Q. Cre chon ghou Creest y dooghys ain er ? ,Q. Why did Christ take our Nature upon him ?,,41,, +"A. Dy voddagh eh ayns y dooghys ainyn Cairys Yee y yannoo magh, va dy mooar jummoosagh rish ooilley sheel-naaue, son dy ren ad girree magh ny oi, as dy huitt ad dy ve feer vee-chraauee. As er y fa shoh, ve enmyssit Yeesey, ta shen, Saaualtagh, son dy vel eh saauail e Phobble veih nyn beccaghyn. ","A. That in our Nature he might satisfy the Justice of God, who was highly displeased with the whole Race of Mankind, because they had rebelled against him, and were become extreamly wicked. And therefore he was called Jesus, that is, a Saviour, because he saveth his People from their Sins.",Matt. i. 21.,41,, +Q. Cre’n fa hur Creest leid ny reddyn dowill ? ,Q. Why did Jesus Christ suffer such severe things ?,,41,, +"A. Hur eh er nyn son, as ayns nyn ynnyd, yn kerragh va cair da ny peccaghyn ain. As myr ve ny Vac dy Yee, as er ny vreh neeisht jeh Ben, haink eh dy ve Oural as Liaasagh slaane firrinagh as fondagh son peccaghyn y Teihll ooilley. ","A. He suffered for Our sakes, and in Our stead, and what our Sins justly deserved we should suffer. And being both the Son of God, and born of a Woman, He became a full, perfect, and sufficient Sacrifice and Satisfaction, for the Sins of the whole World. ",,41,, +"Q. Vod mad ve shickyr jeh shoh, as dy vel Cairys Yee dy slaan cooilleeinit lesh ny ta Creest er yannoo as er hurranse er nyn son ? ","Q. May we be assured of this, that God is fully satisfied with what he hath done and suffered for us ?",,42,, +"A. Foddee shin ve shickyr jeh. Son cha hrog Jee eshyn ny lomarcan veih ny merriu, agh ghou eh eh stiagh ayns gloyr, Soiagh eh ec e Laaue Yesh hene ; ta shen dy ghra, hug eh da dy chooilley phooar ayns Niau as er y Thalloo. ","A. We may be confident of it. Because God did not only raise him from the Dead, but received him into Glory, setting him at his own Right Hand ; that is, giving him all Power in Heaven and on Earth.",,42,, +Q. Cre’n aght te ry aikin dy vel Jee er yannoo myr shen ? ,Q. How doth it appear that God hath done so ?,,42,, +"A. Son dy vel Creest er yannoo ooilley e Yialldynyn mie, as er chooilleeiney ny ren eh aderys ; yn red keddyn cha noddagh annane erbee y yannoo agh Jee. Hug eh chelleeragh y spyrryd noo neose, liorish oddagh e Ostyllyn ny mirrillyn smoo y yannoo ; As (ga nagh rou ad agh sheshaght dy gheney boght, fegooish ynsagh) chooin eh lhieu yn seihll y hyndaa gys Creesteeaght. As Myr ve er ninsh ro-laaue, stroie eh, ayns yn eash shen, Ardvalley as Ashoon ny Hewnyn, son nyn mee-chraaueeaght as mee-arrys ; As te er choadey e Aglish, cordail rish e yialldyn firrinagh, myr shen, nagh dod goanlys deney ny drogh-spyrrydyn er dy henney barreeaght y gheddyn urree ; ta shoh fegooish dooyt soilshagh dy vel pooar Yee echey. ","A. Because Christ hath made good all his Promises, and fulfilled his Prophecies, which none but God could do. He immediately sent down the Holy Ghost, by which his Disciples were enabled to work the greatest Miracles ; and (though a Company of poor unlearned Men,) to convert the World to Christianity. And, as he had foretold, he destroyed, in that Age, the City and Nation of the Jews, for their Wickedness and Impenitency ; And he has preserved his Church, according to his true Promise, so that neither the Malice of Men nor Devils have been able to prevail against it ; which undoubtedly sheweth that he hath the Power of God.","Luke xxi. 6. +Matt. vi. 18.",42,"A. Son dy vel Creest er yannoo ooilley e Yialldynyn mie, as er chooilleeiney ny ren eh aderys ; yn red keddyn cha noddagh annane erbee y yannoo agh Jee. Hug eh chelleeragh y spyrryd noo neose, liorish oddagh e Ostyllyn ny mirrillyn smoo y yannoo ; As (ga nagh rou ad agh sheshaght dy gheney boght, fegooish ynsagh) chooin eh lhieu yn seihll y hyndaa gys Creesteeaght. As Myr ve er ninsh ro-laaue, stroie eh, ayns yn eash shen, Ardvalley as Ashoon ny Hewnyn, son nyn mee-chraaueeaght as mee-arrys ; As te er choadey e Aglish, cordail rish e yialldyn firrinagh, myr shen, nagh dod goanlys deney ny droghspyrrydyn er dy henney barreeaght y gheddyn urree ; ta shoh fegooish dooyt soilshagh dy vel pooar Yee echey. ", +"Q. Faikin eisht dy vel Yeesey Creest er nyannoo yn shee ain rish Jee, ta shin Saauchey veih gaaue e chorree. ","Q. Since, then, Jesus Christ hath made our Peace with God, we are secure from all Danger of God’s Displeasure.",,42,"Q. Faikin eisht dy vel Yeesey Creest nyannoo yn shee ain rish Jee, ta shin Saauchey veih gaaue e chorree. ", +"A. Yn foill ain-hene eh, mannagh vel shin. Son te er chordaail shin rish Jee ; Te er soiagh samble roin, cre’n aght lhiasagh shin gimmeeaght as Jee ’yannoo booiagh. Te er yialldyn dy gooin eh lhien liorish e Spyrryd dy yannoo e aigney. As my nee shin ayns niee erbee faileil ayns nyn Gurrym, myr ta shin roa aarloo dy yannoo, yow eh veih Jee leih peccaghyn as grayse er nyn son ocsyn hoillys ad. ","A. It is our own Fault, if we are not. For he hath reconciled us to God ; He hath set us an Example, how we ought to walk and to please God. He hath promised to enable us by his Spirit to do his Will ; and if in any thing we fall short of our Duty, as we are too apt to do, he will prevail with God for Pardon and Grace, for all such as continue to deserve them.",,42,, +"Q. Agh cre my hoiys sleih beg jeh ny bannaghtyn, as ny saasyn shoh dy Haaualtys ? ","Q. But what if Men despise these Favours, and Means of Salvation ?",,43,, +"A. Cammah, eisht, cha bee veg nyn gouyr agh farkiaght aglagh er Briwnys. Son hig Yeesey shoh reeisht veih Niau, dy vriwnys chammah ny Bio as ny Merriu. ","A. Why then there remaineth nothing, but a fearful looking for of Judgment. For this Jesus shall come again from Heaven, to judge both the Quick and the Dead.",Heb. x. 27.,43,"A. Cammah, eisht, cha bee veg nyn gouyr agh farkiaght aglagh er Briwnys. Son hig Yeesy shoh reeisht veih Niau, dy vriwnys chammah ny Bio as ny Merriu. ", +Q. Cre smoo ta shin dy hoiggal liorish ny goan shen ? ,Q. What is the full meaning of those Words ?,,43,, +"A. Dy vel Jee er phointeil laa, ayn nee eh’n Seihll y vriwnys ayns cairys liorish Yeesey Creest ; tra shegin dooin ooilley shassoo kiongoyrt rish e Stoyl-Briwnys, as yow dy chooilley annane Briwnys chiart, cordail rish ny te er yannoo, my she mie ny Saie te. Eisht bee folleeaght dagh Cree er ny aikin, as hig ny Obbraghyn smoo ta follit ayns dorraghys gys soilshey ; bee Cooinsheansyn deney eisht er ny noostey, dy jarroo, as bee ad eignit dy aikin as dy ghoaill rish nyn Voilchin, as Cairys y vriwnys shen hed orroosyn ooilley t’er gheddyn baase ayns nyn beccaghyn fegooish arrys, ad vees er nyn dilgey ayns aile niurin raad vees keaney as snaggeraght feeacklyn. ","A. That God hath appointed a Day in which he will judge the World in Righteousness, by Jesus Christ ; when we must all appear before his Judgment Seat, and every one shall receive a just Sentence, according to what he hath done, whether it be good or bad. Then the Secrets of all Hearts shall be disclosed, and the most hidden Works of Darkness shall come to light ; Mens Consciences shall then be truly awakened, and they shall be forced to see, and to confess, their Crimes, and the Justice of that Sentence which shall then pass upon all those who have died in their Sins unrepented of : Who shall be cast into Hell-Fire, where there shall be wailing and gnashing of Teeth.","Acts xi. 31.2  +Cor.v. 10. +Matt. xiii. 42.",43,, +"Tra vees adsyn v’er nyn goyrlagh dy hea veih’n chorree ta ry heet, as t’er nymmyrkey mess cordaail rish arrys, er nyn mriwnys dy ve feeu jeh maanrys dy bragh farraghtyn. ","While those that were warned to flee from the Wrath to come, and brought forth Fruits meet for Repentance, shall be judged worthy of Eternal Happiness.",,43,, +Q. Cre chon ta Yeesey enmyssit y Chiarn ain ? ,Q. Why is Jesus called Our Lord ?,,44,, +"A. Son dy vel e er nyn Gionnagh veih Pooar as Bondiaght y drogh spyrryd. Ta shin beaghey fo’n choadey echyssyn. Cre erbee ny Bannaghtyn t’ain, te er y ghraih echey. As veih, ta ooilley e Harvaantyn firrinagh jeaghyn son nyn leagh. As shen-y-fa tra ta shin shirrey bannaght erbee veih Jee, ta shin myr shoh ec jerrey nyn Badjeryn gra, Trooid Yeesey Creest nyn Jiarn ; goaill rish nagh vel shin feeu dy hirrey ny dy ghoaill yn Foayr sloo agh aynsyn as ny hrooid. ","A. Because he hath Redeemed us from the Power and Slavery of Satan. We live under his Protection. Whatever Blessings we enjoy, it is for his Sake. And it is from him, that all his faithful Servants expect their Reward. And therefore, when we ask any Blessing of God, we thus conclude our Prayers, Through Jesus Christ Our Lord : acknowledging that we are not worthy to ask, or to receive, the least Favour, but in, and through, him.",1 30.,44,, +Q. Cre’n vondeish vees liorish leid y Credjue shoh ayns Creest ? ,Q. What will be the Fruits of such a Belief in Christ ?,,44,, +A. Ta dy chooilley Aarn jeh laane dy gherjagh as dy Choyrle vie. ,A. Every part is full of Comfort and Instruction.,,44,, +"T’ow Credjal ayns Yeesey ; cammah, eisht t’ow er hoiagh ooilley dty hreishteil aynsyn oddys dty haauail. Foddee eshyn dty pheccaghyn y leih ; Foddee eh Grayse, as Niart, as pooar dy hannaghtyn ayns jannoo dy mie, as lurg ooilley, Bea dy bragh farraghtyn y chur dhyt; son she Mac Yee eh. ","You believe in Jesus : Why then, you have placed your Confidence in one who is able to save you. He can forgive your Sins ; he can give Grace, and Strength, and Perseverance, and after all, eternal Life ; for He is the Son of God.",,44,, +"T’ow Credjal dy nee eshyn y Creest, fer haink er chaghtyraght veih Jee. Eisht t’ow shickyr dy vel yn ynsagh echey firrinagh, as dy lhiasagh oo biallys y chur da, as v’er dty reill liorish e Leiaghyn. ","You believe that he is the Christ ; one sent from God. Then you are sure that the Doctrine which he taught is true, and that you ought to submit to it, and be governed by his Laws.",,44,, +"T’ow goaill rish dy nee eshyn dty Hiarn, as dy nee Rheamys firrinagh y chirveish echey. ","You profess he is your Lord, and that his Service is perfect Freedom.",,44,, +"My t’ow boght, ta whooish dy chairys ayd gys foayr dty Hiarn, as t’ec y dooiney sberchee er y Thalloo ; as my t’ow Berchagh, eshyn y Chiarn ayd ; as ta whooish dy ooashley dy ve er ny chur da liorts, as ta liorish y fer sboghtey erbee.","If you are Poor, you have a right to the Favour of your Lord, as much as the greatest Man on Earth ; and if you are Rich, He is your Lord, and as much to be honoured by you, as by the poorest.",,44,, +"Myr shen ta shin ooilley nyn sheshaghyn sharvaant, as cha lhiasagh shin tranlaase y yannoo yn derrey yeh er y jeh elley. ","So that we being all Fellow-Servants, ought not to Lord it over one another.",,45,, +"Tra t’ow cooinaghtyn dy rug e jeh Benn, t’ow shickyr dy ghou eh er y dooghys ain, marish ooilley e annooinidyn, boghtynid, as miolaghyn ; as shen-y-fa bee eh aarloo dy chur gerjagh, kemmyrk, as leih da ooilley ny hig ny hrooidsyn gys Jee. ","When you call to mind that He was born of a Woman, you are sure that he took our Nature upon him, with all its Weaknesses, Miseries and Temptations ; and therefore will be ready to support, to pity, and to pardon all that come to God by him.",,45,, +"T’ow, ayns shoh, cooinaght dy ren Yeesey Creest surranse er dty hon. Hee-oo eisht cre’n red eajee peccah, dy begin da leid yn Oural ve chebbit er eh hon ; as cre shegin daauesyn ooilley jeaghyn ny lurg ta tuittym fo jummoose Yee, kyndagh rish laccal Arrys ayns y tra. ","You here remember that Jesus Christ suffered for you. You see then, what an abominable thing Sin is, that it required such a Sacrifice ; and what all they must expect, who shall fall under God’s Displeasure, for want of a timely Repentance.",,45,, +"Ec y tra cheddyn, t’ow shickyr nagh vod dty pheccaghyn ve whooish nagh bee’n Leagh, t’eshyn er eeick, fondagh er eh hon, my ghouys oo arrys son dty pheccaghyn, as bea noa y leeideil. ","At the same time, you are sure that your Sins cannot be so great, but that the Price he has paid will be sufficient, if you repent of your Sins, and endeavour to lead a new Life.",,45,, +"As nish myrgeddyn foddee oo dty slaan varrant ’chur er Graih Yee ; Son eshyn nagh haghyn e Vac hene, agh livrey seose eh er nyn son ooilley, cha nob eh ny yeaih shen niee erbee dooin vees mie er nyn son. ","And now, also, you may depend entirely upon the Love of God ; for he that spared not his own Son, but gave him up for us all, will after that deny us nothing that may be good for us.","livrey seose eh] text livrey eh seose eh; 1707 livrey e seose +Rom. viii. 32.",45,, +"Faikin, er y fa shen, dy nee aynsyn ny lomarcan ta Treishteil ec peccee, cha negin dhyt jarrood Graih dty Haaualtagh hooar, myr shoh, baase er dty hon ; Ny dty ghreem y hyndaa rish y Chreestiaght chasherick shen, raad ta e Vaase as e Vyghinyn er skyn ooilley er nyn gooinaghtyn. ","Since, therefore, it is in Him only, that Sinners have hope, you must not forget the Love of your Saviour, thus dying for you ; nor turn your Back upon that Holy Sacrament, where his Death and Mercies are especially remembered.",,45,, +"Ayns shen nee oo gynsagh, as bee oo myrgeddyn er dty niartagh, dy ymmyrkey yn Chrosh, cre erbee’n Seaghyn ver Jee ort ; dy dt’injilagh hene gys e aigney as e chreenaght, myr ren dty Haaualtagh ; Son cha negin da’n Charvaant ve er skyn e Hiarn, ny seyr veih seaghyn. ","There you will learn, and be enabled also, to take up the Cross, whatever Affliction God shall lay upon you ; to submit your self to his Will and Wisdom, with all Humility, as your Saviour did ; for the Servant must not be above his Lord, nor freed from Sufferings.",John xv. 20.,46,, +"T’ow Credjal dy dooar eh baase, dy rou eh er ny Oanluckey, as dy jirree eh reeisht y trass Laa veih ny merriu. ","You believe that he died, was buried, and rose the third Day from the Dead.",,46,, +"Eisht, t’ow shickyr dy vod Jee ny merriu y vioghey, as shen-y-fa ta treishteil ain, chammah er nyn son hene, as er son nyn Gaarjyn, dy bee mad bio reeisht ; Son ver Jee lesh marish adsyn ta cadley ayns Yeesey. ","Then you are sure that God can raise the Dead, and therefore we hope, both for our selves and our Friends, that we shall live again ; For them that sleep in Jesus, shall God bring with him.",1 Thes. iv. 14.,46,, +"My hrog Jee Creest veih ny merriu, eisht, ta shin feer shickyr dy rou ooilley ny jynsee eh firrinagh ; dy bee ooilley ny yiall eh cooilleenit ; dy jig ooilley ny vaggyr eh gys kione ; Er aght elley, cha beagh Jee er droggal eshyn seose reeisht veih’n Vaase gys bea, son veagh shen dy volley e chretooryn. ","If God raised Christ from the dead, then are we most sure, that whatever he taught, was true ; whatever he promised will be performed ; whatever he threatned will come to pass ; otherwise, God would not have raised him from Death to Life, for that would have been to have deceived his Creatures.",,46,"My hrog Jee Creest veih ny merriu, eisht, ta shin feer shickyr dy rou ooilley ny jynsee eh firrinagh ; dy bee ooilley ny yiall e cooilleenit ; dy jig ooilley ny vaggyr eh gys kione ; Er aght elley, cha beagh Jee er droggal eshyn seose reeisht veih’n Vaase gys bea, son veagh shen dy volley e chretooryn. ", +"Te eshyn ayns Niau, er Laaue Yesh Yee. Shoh nyn Ngherjagh ; ta fyss ain dy nee Peccee shin, agh eisht ta nyn Ver kionnee as eshyn ta loayrt er nyn son ayns y phooar as y foayr smoo ayns Niau. ","He is in Heaven, at the Right Hand of God. Here is our Comfort ; we know we are Sinners, but then, our Redeemer, our Advocate, is in the greatest Power and Favour in Heaven.",,46,"Te eshyn ayns Niau, er Laaue Yesh Yee. Shoh nyn Ngherjagh ; ta fyss ain dy nee Peccee shin, agh eisht ta nyn Ver kionnee as eshyn ta loayrt er nyn son ayns y phooar as y foayr smoo anys Niau. ", +"Te er shickyragh nyn Bardoon er nyn Arrys ; cooinee eh lhien, as livrey-ee eh shin veih noyd ny-hanmey, as veih nyn Greeaghyn broagh hene ; As kiaree eh ynnyd dy vaanrys er nyn son, tra yow mad baase. Agh lig da nyn Greeaghyn ve raad ta nyn merchys, ayns Niau. ","He has secured our Pardon upon our Repentance ; he will assist, and deliver us from the Devil, and our own corrupt Hearts, and he will provide a place of Happiness for us, when we die ; only let our Hearts be where our Treasure is, in Heaven.",Mat. vi. 21.,46,, +T’ow credjal dy jig Yeesey Creest reeisht dy vriwnys y Teihll ayns Ynryckys. ,You believe that Jesus Christ shall come again to judge the World in Righteousness.,,47,, +"As nagh dooisht shoh oo, as nagh der eh ort smooinaght dy dowin cre’n aght chiarys oo son y laa mooar shen, liorish Arrys lhea ? ","And will not this awaken you, and make you seriously to prepare for that great Day, by a timely Repentance ?",,47,"As nagh dooisht shoh oo, as nagh der eh ort smmooinaght dy dowin cre’n aght chiarys oo son y laa mooar shen, liorish Arrys lhea ? ","And will not this awaken you, and make you seriously to prepare for that great Day, by a timely Repentance." +"Vod oo smooinaght er Briwnys as Corree ry heet, as nagh niaglee shoh oo veih geiyrt er Saaint ny foalley ? ","Can you think of Judgment and Wrath to come, and will not this terrify you from following your Lusts ?",,47,, +"My vees folliaght dagh Cree, ec y tra shen, er ny vrah, nagh bee oo aglagh dy reayll ayns dty chree leid ny smooinaghtyn, leid y chiarrail seihltagh, nagh sur soilshey as briwnys Yee ? ","If the Secrets of all Hearts will then be disclosed, will not you be afraid to harbour such Thoughts, such Designs, as will not bear the Light and Judgment of God ? ",,47,, +"Vod oo craid ommyjagh y yannoo, yn laa t’ow er ghra harrish Banglaanyn y Chredjue shoh ? ","Can you be foolishly merry, the Day you have repeated this Belief ?",,47,, +"Bee oo niau-vooiagh leih da dty Naboo, t’er chur jummoose ort, as jean oo eisht treishteil dy bee Jee arryltagh dy leih dhyts ? ","Will you hardly forgive your Neighbour that has offended you, and will you then hope that God will be ready to forgive you ?",,47,, +"Vel oo credjal dy negin dooin, eisht, coontey ’chur son ooilley ny foayryn ta Jee er chur dooin, as nagh jean shoh dty hionney dy yannoo ymmyd shaar jeu gys gloyr Yee as y Saaualtys ayd hene ? ","Do you Believe that we must then give an Account for all the Favours which God hath given us ; and will not this force you to use and improve them to the Glory of God, and your own Salvation ?",,47,, +"As er skyn ooilley, smooinee dy negin dhyt, eisht, ve er dty vriwnys, cha nee’n aght myr ta’n seihll briwnys, agh liorish goo Yee, liorish, er-y-fa shen, shegin dhyt goaill ayns laue beaghey, as cha nee lurg smooinaghtyn ommyjagh as cliaghtaghyn peccoil y Teihll. ","And above all, consider, that you must then be judged, not as the World judgeth of things, but by the Word of God, by which, therefore, you must resolve to live, and not according to the foolish Opinions, and sinful Customs, of the World.",,47,, +"Er jerrey ooilley, ta Gerjagh chammah as atchim, ayns y chredjue shoh, son ga dy bee mad dy jarroo eit gys coontey geyr, ny yeih, ta shin shickyr dy bee mad er nyn glashtyn lesh Foayr, as dy bee dellal erreeshagh er ny chur dooin, my vees nyn Staaid er eh hon. Son eshyn ta toiggal echey jeh nyn annooiney, eshyn hooar baase dyn saauail shin, ta dy ve nyn Mriw. ","Lastly ; This Belief hath Comforts, as well as Terrors ; for though we shall, indeed, be called to a strict Account, yet we are sure to be heard with Favour, and treated with Compassion, if our Case will bear it. For, He who knows our Infirmities, He that died to save us, is to be our Judge.",,47,, +Yn PHADJER.,The PRAYER.,,48,, +"O Haaualtagh y Teihll, ta liorish dty Chrosh as dt’ooill ooasle er chionnagh shin reeisht, saaue shin, ta shin dy feer injil guee ort. Giall dy vod yn Credjue firrinagh shoh ve kinjagh ayns nyn smooinaghtyn ; dy vod mad baase y gheddyn veih peccah, as girree reeisht gys craaueeaght ; dy vod mad ayns nyn greeaghyn cheet seose hoods, as veaghey kinjagh mayrt ; Dy vod mad shin hene y vriwnys ; as nagh bee mad er nyn neyrey, tra hig uss dy vriwnys y Teihll ayns Cairys. O Hiarn, giall dy vod mad jeaghyn lurg y cheet ayds lesh boggey, as Myghin y gheddyn ayns Laa’n Chooilleeiney. Amen. ","O Saviour of the World, who by thy Cross and precious Blood hast redeemed us, save us, we most humbly beseech thee. Grant that the Belief of these great Truths may ever be present in our Minds ; that we may die from Sin, and rise again unto Righteousness ; that we may with our Hearts ascend to thee, and with thee continually dwell ; That we may judge our selves ; and that we may not be condemned, when thou comest to judge the World in Righteousness. O Lord, grant that we may expect thy coming with Joy, and find Mercy in the great day of Recompence. Amen.",,48,, +SECT. VII.,,,49,, +TA mee Credjal ayns y spyrryd Noo ; yn slaan-Aglish Casherick ; Sheshaght ny Nooghyn ; Leih Peccaghyn ; Irree reeisht ny Merriu ; as y Vea ta dy bragh farraghtyn. Amen. ,I Believe in the Holy Ghost ; the Holy Catholic Church ; the Communion of Saints ; the Forgiveness of Sins ; the Resurrection of the Body ; and the Life Everlasting. Amen. ,,49,, +Q. Cre chon ta shin Credjal ayns y Spyrryd Noo ? ,Q. Why do we believe in the Holy Ghost ?,,49,, +"A. Son dy nee’n Spyrryd Noo ta dyn Nyannoo aarloo son Niau ; As shen-y-fa ta shin er nyn gasherickey huggysyn ayns Bashtey, liorish Saarey Chreest ; as ta shin ynsit dy ghuee dy vod Eh ve marin son dy bragh. ","A. Because it is the Holy Ghost who fits us for Heaven ; and therefore we are dedicated to Him in Baptism, by the Command of Christ, and are taught to pray, that He may ever be with us.","Tit. 3. 5. +Matt. 28. 17. +2 Cor. 12. 14.",49,, +Q. Cre’n aght ta’n Spyrryd dyn nyannoo aarloo son Niau ? ,Q. How doth the Holy Ghost fit us for Heaven ?,,49,, +A. Liorish shickyrys y chur dooin jeh gaaue peccah ; feime as myghin Fer kionnee ; as cre’n aght oddys mad barriaght y gheddyn harrish nyn Noidyn. ,"A. By convincing us of the danger of Sin ; of the Necessity and Mercy of a Redeemer, and of the possibility of overcoming our Enemies.",John 15. 26.,49,, +Q. Cre ny haghtyn ta’n Spyrryd dy ghoaill dy chur shickyrys dooin jeh firrinys ny reddyn shoh ? ,Q. By what Means doth the Spirit convince us of the Truth of these Things ?,,49,, +"A. Liorish soiagh seose ny Phaderyn as ny Ostyllyn dy hoilshagh aigney Yee ; as dy yannoo ny loayr ad firrinagh liorish mirillyn ; dy voddagh deney ve shickyr jeh dy nee Goo Yee va ny goan ocsyn. Myr shen ayns earish feer ghyiare, va aarn wooar jeh’n teihll er ny hyndaa gys Creesteeaght, cha nee liorish Niart seihltagh, agh liorish ynsagh yn Tushtal, as liorish pooar y Spyrryd Noo. ","A. By establishing the Prophets and Apostles to make known the Will of God ; and to confirm by Miracles what they said ; that Men may be assured, their Word was the Word of God. So that in a very short time, a great Part of the World was converted to Christianity, not by worldly Force, but by the Preaching of the Gospel, and by the Power of the Holy Ghost.",,49,, +"Liorish ny haghtyn shen, Te kinjagh gobbragh er Creeaghyn leid as vees er nyn saauail. ","By which Means, he still worketh upon the Hearts of such as shall be saved.",,50,, +Q. Nagh vel eh dy liooar dy vel y Sushtal er ny ynsagh dooin ? ,Q. Is it not sufficient that we have the Gospel preached unto us ?,,50,, +"A. Cha vel, mannagh jean y Spyrryd Noo nyn dushtey y hoilshagh. Son cha niowyn da dooiney erbee ny reddyn ta bentyn rish Jee agh Spyrryd Yee. As shen-y-fa gys y dooiney dooghyssagh ta’n Sushtal dy jarroo ommyjagh, cha moo oddys fyss ve echey er ny reddyn t’er ny loayrt. ","A. It is not ; unless the Holy Ghost enlighten our Understanding. For no Man knoweth the Things of God, but the Spirit of God. And therefore, to the natural Man, the Gospel is mere foolishness, neither can he know the things that are spoken.","1 Cor. ii. 11. +ver. 14",50,, +"As dy firrinagh raad ta fyss ain er yn irrin, as ta shin faikin nyn Gurrym, cha nod mad y chooilleeney eh, derrey ta’n Spyrryd cheddyn casherickey nyn Greeaghyn, ta shen, te gobbragh aynin aignaghyn mie ; Aggle Yee, Graih gys e Leih’ghyn, as kairrail chreeoil jeh nyn Anmeeyn. Liorish shoh oddys shin ayns tra barriaght y gheddyn er nyn Saaint, dy eiyrt er shen ta mie as dy yannoo aarloo son Bea elley. ","And even, where we do know the Truth, and see our Duty, we are not able to perform it, until the same Spirit sanctifieth our Hearts, that is, worketh in us good Dispositions ; The Fear of God, a Love to his Law, and hearty Concern for our Souls, by which we are enabled, in Time, to overcome our Lust, to follow that which is good, and to prepare for another Life.",,50,"As dy firrinagh raad ta fyss ain er yn irrin, as ta shin faikin nyn Gurrym, cha nod mad y chooilleeney eh, derrey ta’n Spyrryd cheddyn casherickey nyn Greeaghyn, ta shen, te gobbragh aynin aignaghyn mie ; Aggle Yee, Graih gys e Leih’ghyn, as kairrail chreeoil jeh nyn Anmeeyn. Liorish shoh oddys shin ayns tra barriaght y gheddy er nyn Saaint, dy eiyrt er shen ta mie as dy yannoo aarloo son Bea elley. ", +"Q. Cre shegin dooin y yannoo, dy vod y Spyrryd Noo myr shoh soilshey y chur ayns nyn Aignaghyn as nyn Greeaghyn y chasherickey ? ","Q. What must we do, that the Holy Ghost may thus enlighten our Minds, and sanctify our Hearts ?",,50,, +A. Ta Yeesey Creest er vaagail dooin y choyrle as y Gialldyn shoh ; Ver Jee yn Spyrryd Casherick daauesyn hirrys eh. ,A. Jesus Christ hath left us this Direction and Promise ; God will give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him.,Luke xi. 13.,50,, +"Hug Eh Earlyss y Spyrryd dhyt, dy jarroo, roish ma voddagh oo y hirrey eh ; As nish tra ta fys ayd er dt’eime ; My nee oo Gyeearree, nee oo geddyn, yow leid y Ghrayse as vees fondagh dy dt’ynsagh, dy chooney lhiatt, dy dty chummal seose as dy dty gherjagh, derrey hig oo gys y Reereeaght echyssyn ta dy bragh farraghtyn. ","He gave you the earnest of his Spirit, even before you could ask it ; And now, when you know your Wants, if you ask, you shall receive ; you shall receive such Grace as shall be sufficient to direct, to assist, to support, and to comfort you, until you come to his everlasting Kingdom.",2 Cor. v. 5.,50,, +"Agh eisht, shegin dhyt gyeearree as guee son y Cheshaght ghraysoil echey ; Shegin dhyt oo hene y ghlenney veih dy chooilley vroid jeh’n Eill as jeh’n Spyrryd, as dty Chorp y reayll ny Hiamble glen da’n Spyrryd Noo dy veaghey ayn ; As shegin dhyt beaghey ayns biallys daauesyn ta’n Spyrryd Noo er hoi-agh harryd, dy dt’ynsagh as dy dty reill. As eisht foddee oo ve shickyr dy leeid Jee oo saauchey gys Niau. ","But then, you must desire and pray for his gracious Fellowship ; You must cleanse yourself from all Filthiness of Flesh and Spirit, and preserve your Body a fit Temple for the Holy Ghost to dwell in ; and you must live in Obedience to those whom the Holy Ghost hath set over you, to teach and to govern you ; and then you may be confident he will conduct you safe to Heaven.","2 Cor. vii. 1. +1 Cor. iii. 16. +1 Cor. xii. 28.",51,,"But then, your must desire and pray for his gracious Fellowship ; You must cleanse yourself from all Filthiness of Flesh and Spirit, and preserve your Body a fit Temple for the Holy Ghost to dwell in ; and you must live in Obedience to those whom the Holy Ghost hath set over you, to teach and to govern you ; and then you may be confident he will conduct you safe to Heaven." +"Q. Vel Jee, myr shoh, myghinagh daauesyn ooilley ta bashtit ? ",Q. Is God thus merciful to all that are baptized ?,,51,,Q. Is God thus merciful to all that are baptized ; +"A. Ta Jee booiagh ooilley ve saauchey as dy heet gys tushtey jeh’n Irrin. Agh ta ymmodee ta cherraghtyn son laccal Grayse, as foast ta’n Coayll oc kyndagh roo hene. ","A. God would have all Men to be saved, and to come to the Knowledge of the Truth. But there are very many who perish for want of Grace, and yet their Destruction is from themselves.",1 Tim. ii. 4.,51,, +"Leid shoh adsyn ta mee-rioosagh jeh Saasyn y Ghraish ; Cha vel oc, son nagh vel ad shirrey. ","Such are they who neglect the Means of Grace ; they have not, because they ask not.",James iv. 2.,51,, +"Leid shoh adsyn, myrgeddyn, nagh vel jannoo ymmyd jeh ny Graysyn ta Jee er chur daaue ; as eisht, cordail rish e ghoo, te goaill vou dy jarroo shen ny t’oc. ","Such are they also, who will not use the Graces God hath given them ; and then, according to his Word, He taketh away, even that which they have.",Matt. xxv. 29,51,"Leid shoh adsyn, myrgeddyn, nagh vel jannoo ymmyd jeh ny Graysyn ta Jee er chur daaue ; as eisht, cordail rish e ghoo, te goaill vou dy jarroo shen ny to’c. ", +"Ta ymmodee ayn ta cur corree er y Spyrryd casherick, as cur er e chooney graysoil y haarn vou, son dy vel ad cur rish peccah er fyss daaue, as tannaghtyn ayn. ","There are many who grieve the Holy Spirit, and force him to withdraw his gracious Assistance, by their Consenting to known Iniquity, and continuing in it.",,51,, +"As er jerrey ooilley, ta ymmodee, ta gobbal y Spyrryd Casherick dy roonagh, gra, Immee er sooyl woin, son cha vel shin shirrey tushtey jeh dty raadjin. ","And lastly, there are many who do despite to the Holy Spirit, saying, Depart from us, for we desire not the Knowledge of thy ways.","Heb. x. 29. +Job xxi. 14.",52,"As er jerrey ooilley, ta ymmodee, ta gobbal y Spyrryd Casherrick dy roonagh, gra, Immee er sooyl woin, son cha vel shin shirrey tushtey jeh dty raadjin. ", +Q. Cre’n vondeish vees y Credjue shoh dooin ? ,Q. Of what use will this Belief be to us ?,,52,, +"A. Freaillee eh oo veih Mee-hreishteil ; foddee niaughlennid y dooghys ayd ve mooar, as, gys tushtey seihltagh, niau-phossable y ve smaghtit, agh cha vel niee erbee roa ghoillee da Jee. ","A. It will keep you from Despair ; your Corruptions may be great, and to human Reason, impossible to be overcome ; but with God all things are possible.",Mark x. 27.,52,, +"Freaillee eh oo veih Daanys ; cha jeagh oo lurg cooney Yee, as gyn oo hene jannoo ny oddys oo. ","It will keep you from Presumption ; you will not expect God’s Assistance, without using your own Endeavours.",Phil. ii. 12.,52,, +"As er jerrey ; freaillee eh oo veih roih ayns shagh’rynys, choud as eiyrys oo er y Goo t’eshyn er livrey, er ny Saggyrtyn t’eshyn er chur er chaghtyraght, as t’ow veaghey ayns yn Aglish shen t’eshyn er chasherickey. ","Lastly ; It will keep you from running into Error, while you keep close to that Word which he hath inspired, to those Pastors which he hath sent, and continue in that Church which he hath sanctified.",,52,"As er jerrey ; freaillee eh oo veih roih ayns shagh’rynys, choud as eiyrys oo er y Goo t’eshyn er livrey, er ny Saggyrtyn t’eshyn er chur er chaghtyraght, as t’ow veaghey ayns yn Aglish shen t’eshyn er chasherickcy. ", +Q. Cre shegin dooin y chredjal mychione y slaan Aglish Casherick ? ,Q. What must we believe concerning the Holy Catholick Church ?,,52,, +"A. Ta shin credjal dy Doardee Yeesey Creest e Ostyllyn, as adsyn, ad haink nyn nyeaih, dy phreacheil y Sushtal, dy vashtey, as dy ghoaill padjer son ooilley ny va agyndagh dy chur biallys da ; as dy chur oghsyn, dy cherragh, er nonney dy ghyiarey jeh, leid as veagh scammyltagh gys nyn Gredjue Casherick. ","A. We believe that Jesus Christ ordained the Apostles, and they their Successors, to preach the Gospel, to baptise, and pray for, all that were disposed to obey it ; and to reprove, correct, or cut off, such as should become a Scandal to their Holy Profession.",,52,, +"Nish ta ny Kianoortyn as Saggyrtyn shoh, marish y Pobble ta fo’n churrym oc, enmyssit yn Aglish, as Creest y Kione eick. ","Now these Governors and Pastors, with the People under their Charge, are called the Church ; of which, Christ is the Head.",,52,, +"Ta-ee enmyssit, Casherick, son ymmodee Oyryn ; agh er skyn ooilley, son dy nee’n chiarrail wooar eick eh, dy yannoo sleih Casherick, as ta Saarey ec ooilley ny Holtyn eick dy ve myr shen. ","It is called Holy upon many Accounts, but especially, because its great Design is to make Men Holy, and all its Members are required to be so.",,52,, +"Ta-ee myrgeddyn enmyssit yn slaan Aglish, ta shen dy ghra, Roshtyn er ooilley, son dy vel ee liorish Creest kiarit dy ve Saaualtys dy chooilley Ashoon as Pobble, ghouys as ver biallys gys Leih’ghyn y Sushtal. ","It is also called Catholick, that is, Universal, because it is by Christ designed for the Salvation of all Nations and People, that will receive and obey the Laws of the Gospel.",Mark xvi. 15,53,, +"As she gys Kianoortyn as Saggyrtyn yn Aglish shoh ta Yeesey Creest er yannoo’n Gialldyn mooar shoh, Cur my ner, ta mish meriu kinjagh ; dy jarroo, gys jerrey’n Teihll. ","And it is to the Governors and Pastors of this Church, that Jesus Christ has made this remarkable Promise ; Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the World.",Matt. xxviii. 20,53,, +Q. Cre’n aght ta Creest marish Saggyrtyn yn Aglish echey ? ,Q. How is Christ with the Pastors of his Church ?,,53,, +"A. Ta’n Spyrryd Casherick echey maroo, dy vannaghey adsyn t’ad dy vannaghey ayns ennym Chreest, as dy cherragh adsyn t’ad dy cherraghey dy cairagh. ","A. His Holy Spirit is with them to bless those whom they bless in his Name, and to chastise those whom they justly censure.",,53,, +Q. Cre’n ymmyd t’ayns Kerraghyn ny Haglish ? ,Q. What is the end of Church Censures ?,,53,, +"A. Dy haarn Peccee gys Arrys, as dy reayll yn Aglish glen as gyn loght, my oddys eh ve ; yn chooid sloo, dy liettal Kerraghyn Yee veih tuittym er y Cheshaght ooilley ; roish shen cha lhiass dooin aggle y ghoaill, choud as ta Drogh Yantee eit gys coontey, er nyn daarn gys tushtey jeh nyn Beccaghyn, ny tilgit magh, my nee ad tannaghtyn mee-viallagh. ","A. To bring Sinners to Repentance, and to preserve the Church pure and undefiled, if that may be ; at least, to hinder the Judgments of God from falling upon the whole Body, which we shall not have Reason to fear, while notorious Offenders are called to an account, brought to a sense of their Wickedness, or cast out, if they continue obstinate. ",,53,, +"Q. Nagh vod fer treishteil son leih e pheccaghyn veih Jee, fegooish ve er ny chur gys Narey ? ","Q. May not one hope for Pardon from God, without being exposed to shame ?",,53,, +"A. Quoi erbee ta streeu dy hea veih Kerragh ny Haglish, cha vel e faikin cre’n gaaue ta, liorish shen y yannoo, cha vel eh toiggal dy vel eh ny skiarrailee jeh ’Onnor hene na te jeh Onnor Yee ; Dy vel eh soiagh beg jeh Oardaghey slaaintoil ny Haglish dy chur tushtey da Peckee, as dy ghyiarey eh hene magh veih padjer y chloan chraauee as veih’n Feaysley peccaghyn ta Shirveishee Yee dy hoilshagh ; as dy vod eh dy cairagh jerkal dy glinn eh veih Jee ayns aght strimshee. ","A. Whoever strives to avoid the Church’s Censures, doth not see the Danger of doing so ; he doth not consider, that he consults his own, more than Gods Honour ; That he despiseth the wholsome Order of the Church for the Conviction of Sinners, and depriveth himself of the Prayers of the Faithful, and the Ministry of Absolution ; and that he may justly expect to hear from God in a way more afflicting.",,53,"A. Quoi erbee ta streeu dy hea veih Kerragh ny Haglish, cha vel e faikin cre’n gaaue ta, liorish shen y yannoo, cha vel eh toiggal dy vel eh ny skiarrailee jeh Onnor hene na te jeh Onnor Yee ; Dy vel eh soiagh beg jeh Oardaghey slaaintoil ny Haglish dy chur tushtey da Peckee, as dy ghyiarey eh hene magh veih padjer y chloan chraauee as veih’n Feaysley peccaghyn ta Shirveishee Yee dy hoilshagh ; as dy vod eh dy cairagh jerkal dy glinn eh veih Jee ayns aght strimshee. ", +Q. Cre eisht ta’n currym echyssyn ta tuittym fo Kerragh ny Haglish ? ,Q. What then is the Duty of a Person who makes himself liable to the Censures of the Church ?,,54,, +"A. Yn currym echey, dy injillagh eh hene gys e Chianoortyn spyrrydoil, myr gys Creest, gyn jeaghyn er y vriwnys oc myr kerragh, agh myr myghyn, dy ve eit gys coontey ayns y Teihll shoh, dy vod e gyn ve deyrit ayns y Teihll ta ry heet. ","A. His Duty is humbly to submit to his Spiritual Governors, as unto Christ ; not looking upon their Censures as a Punishment, but as a Mercy, to be call’d to an Account in this World, that he may not be condemned in the next.",,54,, +"Dy chur gloyr gys Jee ayns goaill rish e Pheccaghyn dy arryltagh, goaill rish dy vod Jee Peckee y cherragh, cre erbee’n aght Scaapys ad Kerraghey deney. ","To give Glory to God, in a free Confession of his Sins, acknowledging that God is able to punish Sinners, however they may escape the Censures of Men.",,54,, +"Te dy yannoo shoh lesh trimshey firrinagh son e oilchin, dy shickyr kiarrail Bea noa y leeideil, chammah son dy vel Jee, ta ronsagh Creeaghyn, cur feoh da Craaueeaght oalsey, as son dy vod feallagh elley yn trimshey echey y aikin, as gynsagh dy vel eh red olk as sharroo yn Chiarn y hreigeil. ","He is to do this with a true Sorrow for his Offences, stedfastly purposing to lead a New Life ; both because God, the Searcher of Hearts, hateth Hypocrisy, and that others, seeing his Affliction, may learn, That it is indeed an evil thing, and Bitter to forsake the Lord.",Jer. ii. 19.,54,"Te dy yannoo shoh lesh trimshey firrinagh son e oilchin, dy shickyr kiarrail Bea noa y leeideil, chammah son dy vel Jee, ta ronsagh Creeaghyn, cur feoh da Craaueeght oalsey, as son dy vod feallagh elley yn trimshey echey y aikin, as gynsagh dy vel eh red olk as sharroo yn Chiarn y hreigeil. ", +"Er jerrey ooilley, yn currym echey eh, dy yeearree pardoon as Padjeryn e Heshaghyn Creestee, as Saggyrt Yee dy chur da Feaysley veih e pheccaghyn, As eisht dy gherjagh eh hene lesh Gialldyn Chreest da e Aglish ; Da quoi erbee ta shiuish leih peccaghyn, t’ad leiht daaue ; as da quoi erbee nagh vel shiu cur feaysley, cha vel ad feayslit. ","Lastly, his Duty is, to desire the Pardon and Prayers of his Fellow-Christians, and the Absolution of God’s Minister ; and then to comfort himself with the Promise of Christ to his Church, Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them ; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.",John xx. 23.,54,, +Q. Cre ta toiggit liorish sheshaght ny Nooghyn ? ,Q. What is meant by The Communion of Saints ?,,55,,Q. What is meant by The Communion of Saints ; +"A. Dy chooilley Chreestee firrinagh, ta enmyssit Nooghyn, ta shen dy ghra, Pobble ta Casherickit gys shirveish Yee, dy vel ad yn Chorp ; Oc ta yn Chione, yn Chredjue, yn Hreishteil, yn Vashtey. As, shen-y-fa, ta cairys ec dy chooilley chreestee firrinagh ayns Padjeryn as Giastylys yn Aglish slaan, as gys dagh vondeish ta bentyn rhee ; Ta shen dy ghra, Ta cairys ec dagh Creestee gys Leih Peccaghyn, gys Graih Yee, gys Toilchinys Chreest, gys sheshaght y Spyrryd noo, as gys shirveish ny Ainlyn casherick. ","A. That all true Christians called Saints, that is, People Dedicated to God, are One Body, having One head, One Faith, One Hope, One Baptism. And, therefore, every true Christian hath an Interest in the Prayers and Charities of the whole Church, and a right to all its Privileges ;That is, every Christian hath a right to the Forgiveness of Sins, the Love of God, the Merits of Christ, the Fellowship of the Holy Ghost, and the Ministry of the Holy Angels.",,55,, +"Veih shoh t’ow dy chur tastey cre’n stayd trimshagh eh, dy ve mooie ass y Cheshaght shoh, ny dy ve jeh’n earoo ocsyn nagh vel enmyssit Nooghyn, ta shen dy ghra, nagh vel leeideil nyn Mea cordail rish y Sushtal, ta’d shoh ooilley fegooish Treishteil as fegooish Gialldynyn. ","From which you ought to learn, what a very sad condition it is to be out of this Communion, or to be of the number of them who are not called Saints ; that is, who do not live as becomes the Gospel, all such being without Hopes, and without Promises.",,55,"Veih shoh t’ow dy chur tastey cre’n stayd trimshagh eh, dy ve mooie ass y Cheshaght shoh, ny dy ve jeh’n earoo ocsyn nagh vel enmyssit Nooghyn, ta shen dy ghra, nagh vel leeidel nyn Mea cordail rish y Sushtal, ta’d shoh ooilley fegooish Treshteil as fegooish Gialldynyn. ", +Q. Cre’n aght ta Cairys ec dagh Creestee gys Leih peccaghyn ? ,Q. How hath every Christian a Right to the Forgiveness of Sins ?,,55,, +"A. Ny lomarcan liorish toilchinys as Gialldyn Chreest, t’er yannoo nyn Shee rish Jee, er conaant dy vel shin lesh Arrys cree-oil as credjue firrinagh chyndaa huggey. ","A. Only by the Merits and Promise of Christ, who hath made our Peace with God, upon condition, that with hearty Repentance and true Faith we turn unto him.",,55,, +"Q. Eisht cha vel Gialldyn Leih Peccaghyn resoon da sleih dy hannaghtyn ayns peccah, ayns treishteil Pardoon y gheddyn ? ","Q. Then the Promise of Forgivness is no reason why People should continue in Sin, in hopes of Pardon ?",,55,,"Q. Then the Promise of Forgivness is no reason why People should continue in Sin, in hopes of Pardon." +" A. Cha vel ny smoo dy resoon na ta ec Mac dy ve niauviallagh, son dy vel e Ayr ny sdooie da. Lhiasagh Miys Yee sleih y leeideil gys Arrys, as mannagh jean eh shen, livrey-ee yn chairys echey ad gys coall-anmey. ","A. No more reason, than that a Son should be more undutiful, because his Father is more kind. The Goodness of God ought to lead Men to Repentance ; and if it doth not do that, his Justice will send them to destruction.",Rom. ii. 4.,56,, +"Shen-y-fa cooinee er, my hed oo er dty hoshiaght ayns peccah lesh dt’aigney, t’ow roih ayns y Ghaaue smoo erbee ; cha vel fyss ayd vou dy bragh tra, ny grayse, dy ghoaill Arrys, n’ egooish shen, cha bee Leih peccaghyn dty chouyr. ","Therefore, remember, that if you sin wilfully, you run the greatest Hazard ; you know not whether ever you shall have Time or Grace to repent, without which there is no Forgiveness of Sins.",,56,"Shen-y-fa cooinee er, my hed oo er dty hoshiaght ayns peccah lesh dt’aigney, t’ow roih ayns y Ghaaue smoo erbee ; cha vel fyss ayd vou dy bragh tra, ny grayse, dy ghoaill Arrys, n’ egooish shen, cha bee Leih peccaghyn dy chouyr. ", +"Q. Cre’n oyr ta paart dy leih, ta goaill rish dy vel ad credjal Leih peccaghyn, foast jannoo mee-hreishteil dy vou ad pardoon ? ","Q. What is the reason why some People, who profess to believe the Forgiveness of Sins, do yet despair of Pardon ?",,56,, +"A. Choud as ta fer erbee leeideil Bea vee-chiarralagh, lhiasagh eh ve myr shoh seaghnit, as dy hirrey leid y phersoon y gherjagh, ny haarn ass y smooinaght shen, yn aght dy chur mou eh son dy bragh. ","A. While any Person leads a careless Life, he ought to be thus afflicted, and to endeavour to comfort or divert such a Person, is to undo him. ",,56,, +"Agh my ta dooiney er leeideil Bea heelt, ny fooast bea vee-reiltagh as Arrys firrinagh y ghoaill, cha vel oyr echey dy ve mee-hreishteilagh jeh Myghin ; as she son laccal coyrle vie te jannoo shen. As currym leid y phersoon eh, dy gholl gys Saggyrt ennagh tushtagh as ynsit ayns Goo Yee, ver shickyrys da dy vel Jee myghinagh, booiagh dy chooilley ghooiney dy ve Saauchey ; dy vel eh firrinagh gys e Yialldynyn, as ta cur er nyn eer seaghyn dy ve vondeishagh dooin. ","But if a Man hath been a sober Liver, or having been otherways, doth truly Repent, he hath no reason to despair of Mercy ; and it is for want of right Information if he doth so. And it is the Duty of such a Person to go to some discreet and learned Minister of God’s Word, who will satisfy him, that God is merciful ; would have all Men to be saved ; is faithful to his Promises, and maketh even our Afflictions useful to us.",,56,, +"Dy jean eshyn t’er nynsagh dooin Padjer gagh laa y ghoaill, nyn nghroghyannoo y leih dooin, my ta shin streeue gagh laa dy chur fo chosh niau-ghlennid y dooghys ain. As son nagh bee resoon ec sleih dy vee-hreishteil, ta Jee er chur Pooar da e Haggyrtyn dy eaysley’n Peccagh arryssagh veih y pheccaghyn as lhowee eshyn ayns niau ny nee adsyn er y Thalloo. ","That he who hath taught us to pray daily for Pardon, will forgive us our Trespasses, if we strive daily to mortify our Corruptions. And, that Men may have no Reason to despair, God hath given Power to his Ministers to absolve the Penitent, and what they do, will be approv’d in Heaven.",Matt. xvi. 19.,56,, +"Q. Bee, dy jarroo, Irree reeisht ny merriu ayn ? ",Q. Will there certainly be a Resurrection of the Body ?,,57,, +"A. Cha firrinagh as ta shin nish bio, nee shin girree reeisht ; ta Jee dy foshlit er ghra eh, as ta pooar echey dy yannoo eh. ","A. As sure as now we live, we shall Rise again ; God hath expressly said it, and he is able to do it. ",John v. 28.,57,, +Q. Cre ta’n currym echyssyn ta credjal shoh ? ,Q. What is the Duty of one who believes this ?,,57,, +"A. Dy reayll e Chorp fo Smaght, Sheeltys, as Glennid, dy vod eh ve Chiamble cooie da’n Spyrryd noo dy veaghey ayn : Dy vod eshyn hrog Creest veih ny merriu, yn Corp marvanagh ainyn y vioghey, liorish y Spyrryd ta veaghey aynin ; As eisht bee’n Vea dy bragh farraghtyn Bannaght dy jarroo. ","A. To keep his Body in Temperance, Soberness, and Chastity, that it may be a fit Temple for the Holy Ghost to dwell in : That he who raised Christ from the Dead, may quicken our mortal Body, by the Spirit that dwelleth in us ; and then everlasting Life will be a Blessing indeed.",Rom. viii. 11.,57,"A. Dy reall e Chorp fo Smaght, Sheeltys, as Glennid, dy vod eh ve Chiamble cooie da’n Spyrryd noo dy veaghey ayn : Dy vod eshyn hrog Creest veih ny merriu, yn Corp marvanagh ainyn y vioghey, liorish y Spyrryd ta veaghey aynin ; As eisht bee’n Vea dy bragh farraghtyn Bannaght dy jarroo. ", +Q. Cre ta toiggit liorish y vea dy bragh farraghtyn ? ,Q. What is meant by Life Everlasting ?,,57,, +"A. Dy bee nyn Gallinyn as nyn Anmeeyn ec yn Irree seose reeisht snemmit cooidjaght ; as dy bee shin eisht bio son dy bragh, eddyr ayns maanrys, ny trimshey fegooish jerrey ; son myr shen ta Jee er chur shickyrys dooin. ","A. That, at the Resurrection, our Bodies and Souls being join’d again, we shall then live for ever, either in endless happiness, or endless Misery ; for so God hath assured us.",Matt. xxv. 46.,57,, +"Q. Ta shoh red lhiasagh shin y ghoaill feer faggys dooin hene, dy jarroo. ","Q. This is a Matter of great concern, indeed.",,57,, +"A. Agh dy chur ort ve feer chiarralagh, smooinee dy dowin er dy bee-oo, ec oor dty Vaish, ayns staaid nagh jed dy bragh er caghlaa ; My t’ow er leeideil Bea Chreestee, bee oo eisht dy bragh bannit ; agh my t’ow er leeideil Bea vee­rioosagh as baase y gheddyn fegooish Arrys ayns tra, bee-oo treih er son dy bragh as dy bragh. As, myr shoh, vees oo cheu stie jeh beggan beg dy vleantyn, eddyr oo dy ghoaill eh gys dt’ aigney, ny gyn y ghoaill. ","A. But to make you serious, consider, that, at the Hour of your Death, your Condition will be unchangeable ; If you have liv’d a Christian Life, you will then be happy for ever ; but if you shall have liv’d carelessly, and dye without a timely Repentance, you will be miserable to all Eternity. And thus it will be with you, within a very few Years, and whether you think of it or not.",,57,,"A. But to make you serious, consider, that, at the Hour of your Death, your Condition will be unchangeable ; If you have liv’d a Christian Life, you will then be happy for ever ; but if you shall have liv’d carelesly, and dye without a timely Repentance, you will be miserable to all Eternity. And thus it will be with you, within a very few Years, and whether you think of it or not." +"Q. Shickyr cha nod fer gyn smooinaght er shoh ; as, shickyr, ta dy chooilley annane ta jannoo shen treishteil dy ve saauchey. ","Q. One cannot, sure, but think of it, and every one that doth so, to be sure, hopes to be saved.",,58,, +"A. Streih’n stayd shen. Sleih dy hreishteil dy gholl gys Niau, as foast gyn kiarrail y ghoaill dy yannoo ad hene aarloo er eh hon. Agh cooinee er, tra ta dooiney meerioosagh ny mee-chraauee gra harrish yn Aarn shoh jeh e chrea, te ayns firrinys goaill rish dy vel eh jercal rish dy ve er ny stroie, Annym as Callin. ","A. That is a sad Misfortune. Men hope to go to Heaven, and yet take no care to fit themselves for it. But remember, that when a careless, or an ungodly, Man repeats this part of his Creed, he doth in truth profess that he expects to be Damn’d.",,58,, +"Q. Gueeym erriu, Cre ta Goo Yee ginsh vees staaid y leid oc shoh ? ","Q. Pray, what do the Scriptures say will be the Condition of such ?",,58,, +A. Dy bee ad tilgit shees ayns Aile Niurin fegooish treishteil dy aikin dy bragh jerrey er nyn drimshey ; gyn dooiney-mooinjer dy chooney lhieu ; gyn annane erbee dyn ngerjagh ad. ,"A. That they shall be cast into Hell-Fire, without Hopes of ever seeing an End of their Miseries ; without Friend to help them ; without any to comfort them.","Matt. xii. 42. +Rev. xiv. 11.",58,, +Q. As cre vees y staaid ocsyn ta goll gys Niau ? ,Q. And what will be the Condition of those that go to Heaven ?,,58,, +"A. Cha bee ny smoo dy hrimshey oc, cha bee miolaghyn, cha bee gaaue tuittym ayns peccah, cha bee jerrey er nyn maanrys. Agh cre vees y vaanrys shen, cha vod cree dooiney smooinaght er. ","A. They will have no more Sorrow, no Temptations, no Danger of falling, no End of their Happiness. But what that Happiness will be, the Heart of Man cannot conceive.","Rev. xxi. 4. +1 Cor. ii. 9.",58,, +"Choud as t’ow bio ta Bea as Baase ayd soit kion-goyrt rhyt ; agh tra t’ow marroo, cha vou’n reih shen ny smoo, agh Bea dy bragh farraghtyn, ny Baase dy bragh farraghtyn, vees dty Chronney. Yinnagh oo dy mie smooinaght er shoh, as padjer y yannoo gys Jee, dy chur creenaght dhyt dy yannoo reih mie. ","While you live, you have Life and Death set before you ; but when you dye, you have no longer that Choice, but Life Eternal, or Eternal Death will be your Portion ; which you would do well to think of, and to pray to God that you may make a wise Choice. ",,58,"Choud as t’ow bio ta Bea as Baase ayd soit kion-goyrt rhyt ; agh tra t’ow marroo, cha vou’n reih shen na smoo, agh Bea dy bragh farraghtyn, ny Baase dy bragh farraghtyn, vees dty Chronney. Yinnagh oo dy mie smooinaght er shoh, as padjer y yannoo gys Jee, dy chur creenaght dhyt dy yannoo reih mie. ", + Yn PHADJER.,The PRAYER.,,59,, +"O Yee son chooish as dt’ egooish-ys, nagh vod shin oo y yannoo booiagh, giall dy vod dty Spyrryd casherick ayns dy chooilley niee ny Creeaghyn ain y leeideil as y reill. Jean shin Oltyn bio jeh dt’ Aglish, as cur aarn dooin jeh ooilley ny vondeishyn bannit eick ; as cur grayse dooin nagh gaill mad ad, liorish mee-viallys erbee aignagh gys dty Leih’ghyn, ny hucsyn t’ow er hoiagh er nyn skyn. Dy gooid-saave lhiatt ooilley nyn Beccaghyn y leih dooin, ma vow mad baase, dy vod mad, trooid yn Eoih as giatt y vaaish, cheet gys Irree reeisht gerjolagh ; As, ec y jerrey, dy vod mad cheet gys dty Reereeaghts vees dy bragh er-mayrn, Trooid Yeesey Creest nyn Jiarn. Amen. ","O God, forasmuch as without thee we are not able to please thee, grant that thy Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our Hearts. Make us lively Members of thy Church, and Partakers of all its blessed Privileges ; and give us Grace that we may never forfeit them by any wilful Disobedience to thy Laws, or to those whom thou hast set over us. Vouchsafe us forgiveness of all our Sins before we dye, that through the Grave and Gate of Death, we may pass to a joyful Resurrection : And that finally we may come to thine everlasting Kingdom, thro’ Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.",,59,"O Yee son chooish as dt’ egooish-ys, nagh vod shin oo y yannoo booiagh, giall dy vod dty Spyrryd casherick ayns dy chooilley niee ny Creeaghyn ain y leeideil as y reill. Jean shin Oltyn bio jeh dt’ Aglish, as cur aarn dooin jeh ooilley ny vondeishyn bannit eick ; as cur grayse dooin nagh gaill mad ad, liorish mee-viallys erbee aignagh gys dty Leih’ghyn, ny hucsyn t’ow er hoiagh er nyn skyn. Dy gooid-saave lhiatt ooilley nyn Beccaghyn y leih dooin, ma vow mad baase, dy vod mad, trooid yn Eoih as giatt y vaaish, cheet gys Jrree reeisht gerjolagh ; As, ec y jerrey, dy vod mad cheet gys dty Reereeaghts vees dy bragh er-mayrn, Trooid Yeesey Creest nyn Jiarn. Amen. ","O God, forasmuch as without thee we are not able to please ; grant that thy Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our Hearts. Make us lively Members of thy Church, and Partakers of all its blessed Privileges ; and give us Grace that we may never forfeit them by any wilful Disobedience to thy Laws, or to those whom thou hast set over us. Vouchsafe us forgiveness of all our Sins before we dye, that through the Grave and Gate of Death, we may pass to a joyful Resurrection : And that finally we may come to thine everlasting Kingdom, thro’ Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." +SECT. VIII.,,,59,, +Q. CRE smoo t’ow gynsagh ayns ny Banglaanyn shoh jeh dty Chredjue ? ,Q. WHAT dost thou chiefly learn in these Articles of thy Belief ?,,59,, +"A. Hoshiaght ; Ta mee gynsagh dy Chredjal ayns Jee yn Ayr, chroo mish as ooilley’n seihll. ","A. First ; I learn to believe in God the Father, who hath made me and all the World. ",,59,, +"Y nah ynnyd ; Ayns Jee yn Mac, ren mish as Sheelnaaue ooilley y chionagh reeisht. ","Secondly. In God the Son, who hath redeemed me, and all Mankind. ",,59,, +Yn tras ynnyd ; Ayns Jee yn Spyrryd Noo ta casherickey mish as ooilley Pobble reiht Yee. ,"Thirdly. In God the Holy Ghost, who sanctifieth me, and all the Elect People of God. ",,60,, +Q. Cre ta shin gynsagh veih’n Ansoor shoh ? ,Q. What do we learn from this Answer ?,,60,, +"A. Dy vel yn Jee ayn : nagh daag rieau eh hene fegooish feanish, agh hoilshee eh e phooar, as e chreenaght, as e Viys da dy chooilley eash. Agh dooinyn te cur tushtey jeh hene ayns Persoonyn yn Ayr, y Mac as y Spyrryd noo ; ren y chroo, y chionnagh, as y chasherickey shin. Liorish shoh ta shin cheet gys toiggal shaar jeh’n aght hie shin er kionnagh reeisht. ","A. That there is One God : who never left himself without Witness, but gave evidence of his Power, and Wisdom, and Goodness to all Ages. But unto Us he hath made himself known in the Persons of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ; as our Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier : By which we come more perfectly to know the manner of our Redemption.",Acts xiv. 17.,60,, +"Dy row chummey ec Jee yn Ayr er e Chretooryn peccoil, oc va feime feer wooar er e vyghin, as hug eh e vac ynrycan dy chionnagh shin reeisht. ","That God the Father had Compassion for his sinful Creatures, which greatly stood in need of his Mercy, and sent his only Son to redeem us.",,60,, +"Dy ren Jee yn Mac yn dooghys ain y ghoaill er ; hoilshee eh dooin aigney e Ayrey ; Hug e samble dooin cre’n aght leeidagh shin nyn Mea ; dy yannoo Jee booiagh. Heb eh eh hene ny Oural er nyn Son ; liorish yn Oural cheddyn ta Kionneeaght reeisht veih peccah ain, trooid e ooill hene, dy jarroo, leih nyn Beccaghyn. Dy chur shickyrys dooin jeh shoh, Jirree eh reeisht veih ny Merriu, as hug eh yn Spyrryd noo er chaghtyraght dy yannoo shin aarloo son y vaanrys shen ve er chosney er nyn son. ","That God the Son took our Nature upon him ; made known his Father’s Will ; set us an Example how we ought to walk and to please God ; became a Sacrifice for us ; by which Sacrifice we have Redemption through his Blood, even the Forgiveness of our Sins ; for Confirmation of which, he rose again from the Dead, and sent the Holy Ghost to prepare us for that Happiness which he had purchased for us.",Eph. i. 6.,60,"Dy ren Jee yn Mac yn dooghys ain y ghoaill er ; hoilshee eh dooin aigney Ayrey ; Hug e samble dooin cre’n aght leeidagh shin nyn Mea ; dy yannoo Jee booiagh. Heb eh eh hene ny Oural er nyn Son ; liorish yn Oural cheddyn ta Kionneeaght reeisht veih peccah ain, trooid e ooill hene, dy jarroo, leih nyn Beccaghyn. Dy chur shickyrys dooin jeh shoh, Jirree eh reeisht veih ny Merriu, as hug eh yn Spyrryd noo er chaghtyraght dy yannoo shin aarloo son y vaanrys shen ve er chosney er nyn son. ", +"Dy vel Jee yn Spyrryd noo goaill kiarrail jeusyn ooilley ta credjal ayns Yeesey Creest, as dy chasherickey ad ; ta shen dy ghra, te fosley’n toiggal oc, as, ny veggan as ny veggan, caghlaa ny haignaghyn oc ; myr shen dy vel oc Smooinaghtyn noa, Treishteil noa, yeearreeyn noa, as ec y jerrey ta’d cheet dy ve Cretooryn noa, nyn leid nee Jee y ghoaill stiagh ayns e Reereeaght Flaunyssagh. ","That God the Holy Ghost taketh under his Care all such as believe in Jesus Christ, and sanctifieth them ; that is, he enlightens their Understandings, and by degrees changes their Affections, so that they come to have new Thoughts, new Hopes, new Desires ; till at last they become new Creatures, and such as God, in Mercy, will receive into his heavenly Kingdom.",,60,, +"Nish fegooish Credjue, ta shen, fegooish y Sushtal y chredjal ta ny Banglaanyn firrinagh shoh dy Chredjue scruit ayn, cha vod mad Jee y hirveish, ny treishteil son leih peccaghyn as saaualtys veih-syn. ","Now, without Faith, that is, without believing the Gospel, which containeth these Truths, we cannot serve God, nor hope for Pardon and Salvation from Him.",chredjal] text credjal; correct in 1707,61,"Nish fegooish Credjue, ta shen, fegooish y Sushtal y credjal ta ny Banglaanyn firrinagh shoh dy Chredjue scruit ayn, cha vod mad Jee y hirveish, ny treishteil son leih peccaghyn as saaualtys veih-syn. ", +"Agh my ta shin credjal y Sushtal, ta’n Credjue shoh cheet dy ve saase pooaral dy yannoo shin mie, my oddys ny Gialldynyn smoo, ny ny Baggyrtyn Sagglee, greime y ghoaill orrin. ","But if we believe the Gospel, this Faith becometh a powerful Means to make us Good, if either the greatest Promises, or the most dreadful Threatnings can work upon us.",,61,, +Q. Cre ny gialldynyn ta shiu cheet orroo ? ,Q. What are the Promises you mean ?,,61,, +"A. Pardoon slaane as arryltagh son ooilley nyn Beccaghyn, my ta shin lesh arrys cree-oil as credjue firrinagh chyndaa gys Jee. ","A. A full and free Pardon of all our Sins, if with hearty Repentance and true Faith we turn unto God.",,61,, +"Slaane shickyrys nagh shir Jee orrin ny smoo y yannoo, na ver e hene pooar dooin dy chooilleeney. ","A full Assurance, that God will require of us no more than he will enable us to perform.",,61,, +"As lurg shoh, Gialldyn firrinagh jeh maanrys dy bragh farraghtyn, my ta shin agh jannoo yn chooid shaar dy hirveish Jee. ","And lastly, a sure Promise of eternal Happiness, if we but do our best to serve God.",,61,, +"Q. Ta’n credjue shoh feer gherjolagh ; gueeym er Jee, shin dy bragh y ve er nyn reill liorish. Agh cre ny Baggyrtyn agglagh loayr shiu jeu ? ",Q. These are very comfortable truths ; I pray God they may never be lost upon us. But what are the severe Threatnings you spoke of ?,,61,, +"A. Adsyn nagh vreaill Jee ayns nyn aigney, faagee eh ad gys aigney niau-­hushtagh. ","A. They that will not retain God in their Knowledge, He will give them up to a Mind void of Judgment.",Rom. i. 28.,61,, +"As tra ta’d, myr shoh, livreit seose, tuittee ad ayns leid ny raadjin shen as leeidys ad gys coal-anmey. ","Being thus given up, they will fall into such Courses as must bring them to Destruction.",,61,, +"As bee’n coal-anmey shen feer aglagh. Bee ad er nyn jyndaa gys Niurin ; raad nagh vel y vesteig dy bragh geddyn baase, as raad nagh vel yn Aile dy bragh er ny vooghey. ","Which Destruction will be most terrible. They shall be turned into Hell, where the Worm dieth not, and where the Fire shall not be quenched.",,62,, +Q. Cre’n aght ta Credjal ny Reddyn shoh cheet dy yannoo shin mie ? ,Q. How doth the Belief of these things become a Means to make us good ?,,62,, +"A. Liorish cur orrin ve imneagh as aglagh, quooid shegin daauesyn y ve ta smooinaght er ny Reddyn shoh. ","A. By making us serious and thoughtful, which they must needs be, who often think of these Matters.",,62,, +"Liorish kinjagh cooinaght orroo, as soiagh Bea as Baase dy bragh farraghtyn kiongoyrt rish nyn sooillyn ; dyn goyrlagh shin dy nee yn chreenaght ain eh, yn viljid ta shin dy ennaghtyn ayns peccah, nagh vel farraghtyn agh gerrit, y hreigeil ; As dy vel eh resoonagh dy yannoo ny ta Jee er haarey, my ta shin jercal dy gheddyn ny te er yialldyn dooin son Leagh. ","By being ever present with us, and setting Life and Death eternal before our Eyes ; convincing us, that it is our Wisdom to forsake the Pleasures of Sin, which are but for a Season : And that it is reasonable to do what God hath commanded, if we expect to obtain what he hath promised for our Encouragement.",,62,, +"As tra ta shin myr shoh kiarit son y Vea veoan, Ta Jee yn Ayr coardit rooin ; ta Jee yn Mac loayrt er nyn son ; as ta Jee yn Spyrryd noo dyn leeideil as dyn ngerjagh. ","And when we are thus disposed for eternal Life, God the Father becomes reconciled to us ; God the Son becomes our Advocate ; God the Holy Ghost becomes our Guide and Comforter.",Rom. v. 1.,62,, +Q. Cre’n fa nagh vel ooilley adsyn ta fyss oc er ny reddyn shoh cheet dy ve Sharvaantyn biallagh da Jee ? ,"Q. What is the Reason, why all who know this, do not presently become obedient Servants of God ?",,62,, +"A. Son dy vel ymmodee mee-rioosagh, as cha vel ad dy bragh goaill kairrail jeh nyn Anmeeyn ; Ta ymmodee croi-chreeagh as cha smooinee ad er ny Reddyn shoh ; Ta ymmodee ta dy bollagh soiagh nyn Greeaghyn er Kiarrail, er nonney Eunyssyn y Teihll shoh as cha vod ad nyn Sooillyn y hoiagh er ny shaar ; As ta ymmodee ta cur rish drogh yannoo, as cha lig yn aggle daaue smooinaght er y Vea ta ry heet. ","A. Because many are careless, and never mind their Souls ; Many are obstinate, and will not think of these Things ; Many are wholly taken up with the Cares or the Pleasures of this World, and cannot look towards a better ; And many are wicked and dare not think of a Life to come.",Causes of Un-belief.,62,"A. Son dy vel ymmodee mee-rioosagh, as cha vel ad dy bragh goaill kairrail jeh nyn Anmeeyn ; Ta ymmodee croi-chreeagh as cha smooinee ad er ny Reddyn shoh ; Ta ymmodee ta dy bollagh soiagh nyn Greeaghyn er Kiarrail, er nonney Eunyssyn y Teihll shoh as cha vod ad nyn Sooillyn y hoiagh er na shaar ; As ta ymmodee ta cur rish drogh yannoo, as cha lig yn aggle daaue smooinaght er y Vea ta ry heet. ", +"Nish, tra ta sleih ayns y staaid shoh, cha jean ooilley gialldynyn y Sushtal y ghreinnagh ad, ny atchim y Chiarn y aglagh ad gys biallys. ","Now, where it is thus with Men, all the Promises of the Gospel will not move them, nor the Terrors of the Lord frighten them into Obedience.",,63,, +"Q. Nagh vel eh dy liooar dy leeideil bea vie, ga nagh ragh shoh er Credjal eddyr ? ","Q. Is it not sufficient to live well, though one should not believe these things ?",,63,, +"A. Foddee oo cha mie jercal dy ve bio fegooish beaghey, as dy ve dty Chreestee vie fegooish Credjue. ","A. You may as well hope to live without Food, as to live well without Faith.",,63,, +"Ta leih ain dy hirrey son ymmodee peccaghyn trome, nagh vod annane erbee y gheddyn dooin agh Mac Yee. ","We have many grievous Sins to be pardoned, the Pardon of which, none but the Son of God can procure for us.",,63,, +"Ta aignaghyn mee-reiltagh ain dy streeue roo, nagh vod veg agh aggle Yee y smaghtagh. ","We have ungovernable Appetites to struggle with, which nothing but the fear of God can keep under. ",,63,, +"Ta miolaghey drogh heihll as drogh Spyrryd ain dy ghleick ny oi, as cha vel niee erbee agh Spyrryd Yee oddys cooney lhien y varriaght y gheddyn. ","We have the Temptations of a naughty World, and of an evil Spirit, to resist, which nothing but the Spirit of God can enable us to oppose.",,63,, +"Gys Jee er y fa shoh shegin dooin goll son cooney, as cha vod shin shen y yannoo, mannagh Gred mad ayns nyn Gree ny banglaanyn shoh jeh nyn Gredjue Creestee. ","To God therefore we must go for Help, which we cannot do, unless we heartily believe these Articles of our Christian Faith.",,63,, +Q. Nee ad shoh ny lomarcan ny reddyn ta ymmyrchagh dy ve er nyn Gredjal ? ,Q. Are these the only necessary Truths to be believed ?,,63,, +"A. Shoh ny reddyn symmyrchee ; as nee tushtey as Credjue jeu shoh cooney lhiatt dy ghoaill vondeish veih ooilley Goo Yee, liorish vees dty Chredjue dy chooilley laa er ny Niartagh. ","A. These are the most necessary ; and the Knowledge and Belief of these, will Help you to profit by the whole Word of God, by which your Faith will every Day be strengthened.",,63,, +"Q. Guee’m erriu, insh jee dou, cre’n aght ? ",Q. I pray shew me how ?,,63,, +"A. Tra t’ow lhaih ayns ny Lioaryn Casherick jeh Kerraghey Yee er Peckee ; Jeh’n Seihll ooilley er ny stroie liorish Thooilley ; Jeh Ard-valchyn er nyn goyrt mou ; Jeh Ashoonyn slaane gouit er sooyl nyn Bryssoonee ; Jeh Genney, Caggaghyn as Chingysyn trome ; ayndoo shoh ooilley hee-oo as ynsee-oo dy ghoaill aggle roish pooar ooilley-niartal Yee, as dy nee yn Chreenaght ain eh gyn eshyn y vrasnagh. ","A. When you read in the Holy Scriptures of God’s Judgments upon Sinners ; Of the whole World destroyed by a Flood ; Of Cities over-turned ; Of Nations carried Captive ; Of Famines, Wars, and Pestilence ; in all these, you will see and learn to fear the Almighty Power of God, and that it is our Wisdom not to provoke him.",,64,, +"Tra hee-oo Bannaghtyn er ny yialldyn as cooilleeinit da deney mie as da nyn sheeloghe ; Ta chooilleen Samble shen ayd jeh Firrinys Yee ; As tra ta fyss ayd dy vel cairys ec dy chooilley ghooiney gys y Foayr echyssyn, ta streeue dy hoilchin eh ; nee oo eshyn y hirveish lesh gyennallys. ","When you see Favours promised and performed to good Men and their Posterity, you have so many Examples of God’s Faithfulness ; and when you know that all Men have a Right to his Kindness, who strive to deserve it, you will serve him with chearfulness.",,64,, +"Tra hee-oo drogh yannoo sleih er jeet er ny king oc hene, as drogh saasyn er nyn goyrt mou, bee-oo er dty niartagh ayns y Chredjue shoh, Dy vel dy chooilley nee rooisht as foshlit gys ny sooillyn echyssyn t’er nyn skyn. ","When you see the Wickedness of Men brought upon their own Heads, and wicked Devices brought to nought, you will be confirmed in this Faith, That all things are naked and open unto the Eyes of Him with whom we have to do.",Heb. iv. 13.,64,, +"Tra hee-oo reddyn er heet gys kione ymmodee dy cheeadyn Bleinn lurg faashnagh y ve jeant jeu ; gou-ee oo Yindyss jeh kiarralys Yee, as hee-oo dy vel eh gordrail dagh niee son y chooid shaare. ","When you find things brought to pass many hundred Years after they were foretold, you will admire the Providence of God, and be satisfied that he orders all things for the best.",,64,, +"Agh er skyn ooilley, ver y Sushtal shickyrys dhyt, nagh vel oo er gredjal ayns fardaail. ","But above all, the Gospel will convince you, That you have not believed in vain.",,64,, +"Mirrillyn Yeesey, ymmodee as mooar, nee uss y eag’nagh dy chredjal e ghoo. ","The Miracles of Jesus, both Many and Great, will force you to believe his Doctrine.",,64,, +"Bee’n Ynsagh echey leid shen er dy chooilley aght dy bee Jee er ny aikin ayn. Ver e Hamble ort ve ayns graih rish dty churrym ; As ver e hurransyn ort toiggal nagh nee mee-vaanrys eh dy hurranse, tra she shen y raad gys y ghloyr ta dy bragh farraghtyn. ","His Doctrine will appear every Way worthy of God : His Example will make you in Love with your Duty ; And His Sufferings will convince you, that it is no Misfortune to suffer, when that is the Way to eternal Glory.",,64,, +"Ayns shen hee oo yn chiarrail echyssyn son e Aglish, ayns cur Saarey da e Hirveishee dy vochillagh e Hioltaan ; as ynsee oo fyss ve ayd cre sheeagh dt’annym, as dy mooar y treih y choall eh, tra hee-oo Yeesey Creest, e Ostylyn, as e Harvaantyn cha kiarralagh dy haauail shin. ","There you will see His Care for his Church, in commanding his Ministers to feed his Flock ; and you will learn to know the Value of your Soul, and the great Misfortune of losing it, when you see Jesus Christ, His Apostles, and Servants, so much concerned to save us.",,65,"Ayns shen hee oo yn chiarrail echyssyn son e Aglish, ayns cur Saarey da e Hirveishee dy vochillagh e Hioltaan ; as ynsee oo fyss ve ayd cre sheeagh dt annym, as dy mooar y treih y choall eh, tra hee-oo Yeesey Creest, e Ostylyn, as e Harvaantyn cha kiarralagh dy haauail shin. ", +"As lurg shoh, nee-oo gynsagh dy hoiagh mooar jeh goo Yee, bun y Chredjue shen, liorish t’ow treishteil dy ve er dty haauail. ","And lastly, you will learn to value the Word of God, which is the Foundation of that Faith, by which you hope to be saved.",,65,, +Q. Vel vondeishyn erbee elley cheet liorish y Chredjue shoh ? ,Q. Are there any other Benefits of this Faith ?,,65,, +A. Ta. She liorish y Chredjue shoh oddys shin surranse fegooish jummoose ; dy hoiggal dy nee Peckee shin fegooish mee-hreishteil ; dy smooinaght er y Vaase as gyn ve er creaue. ,A. Yes. It is by this Faith that we are able to suffer Afflictions without Murmuring ; To know we are Sinners without Despair ; To think of Death without Trembling.,,65,A. Ta. She liorish y Chredjue shoh oddys shin surranse fegooish jummoose ; dy hoiggal dy nee Peckee shin fegooish mee-hreishteil ; dy smoonaght er y Vaase as gyn ve er creaue. , +"As she son dy vel shin goaill rish dy ve credjal ayns Jee, ta sleih credjal shin hene as treishteil orrin. ","And it is because we profess to believe in God, that we our selves are believed and trusted by Men.",,65,, +Q. Agh cre’n aght nee mad leid y Credjue bio y reayll ayns nyn Greeaghyn ? ,Q. But how must we possess our Hearts with such a lively Faith ?,,65,, +"A. Smooinee er, dy nee Gioot Yee Credjue, as cha vod eh ve er ny gheddyn agh liorish aghtyn cair. ","A. Consider, that Faith is the Gift of God, and must be obtained by using proper Means.",,65,, +"Shen-y-fa, my chiarys oo dy hreigeil dy chooilley ghrogh raad, cur geill da goo Yee, tilg oo hene er e vyghin, jean padjer huggey son cooney, as gou ort dy ve reilt liorish e Leih’ghyn, nee dty chredjue bishagh gagh laa, hed oo er dty hoshiaght veih niart gys niart, as foddee oo dy chooilley niee y chooilleeiney ver ort ve feeu ayns Shilley Yee. ","Therefore, if you resolve to forsake every evil Way, harken to the Word of God, cast your self upon his Mercy, pray to him for help, and purpose to be governed by his Laws, your Faith will increase daily, you will go from Strength to Strength, and be able to do all Things which will make you acceptable to God. ",,65,, +Agh cooinee— ,Only remember—,,66,, +"Nagh jean mie dhyt dy bragh dty varrant ’chur gys Myghin as gialldynyn Yee, mannagh jean oo ny te er haarey. ","That you must never depend upon God’s Mercies and Promises, unless you do what he hath commanded.",,66,, +"Dy jig ny ta Jee er vaggyrt gys kione, eddyr uss dy chredjal, ny gyn y chredjal, eh. ","That what God hath threatned will come to pass, whether you believe it or not.",,66,, +"Dy vel y Goo Casherick echyssyn firrinagh, as dy nee liorish shegin dooin ve er nyn Mriwnys er y laa stierree, cre erbee yn mee-rioose ta shin nish dy yannoo er. ","That his Holy Word is true, and That by which we must be judged at the last Day, how much soever it is neglected.",,66,, +"Shen-y-fa, jean Padjer chree-oil gys Jee, nagh sur eh dty Chree v’er ny chreoghey, agh dy vod oo dy bragh ny Gialldynyn echyssyn y chredjal as shassoo ayns aggle roish e cherraghey. ","Therefore, earnestly pray to God, that he may not suffer your Heart to be hardened, but that you may ever believe His Promises, and stand in awe of his Judgments.",,66,"Shen y-fa, jean Padjer chree-oil gys Jee, nagh sur eh dty Chree v’er ny chreoghey, agh dy vod oo dy bragh ny Gialldynyn echyssyn y chredjal as shassoo ayns aggle roish e cherraghey. ", +Yn PHADJER.,The PRAYER.,,66,, +"TA shin Credjal ; Hiarn, bishee nyn Gredjue, as cur grayse dooin dy vod mad lesh Bea chraauee yn Credjue ta shin goaill rish y hoiagh magh. Freaill shin shickyr ayns y Chredjue shoh, ayn ta shin Bashtit, nagh jean shagh’rynys erbee shin y scarrey woidsh, agh dy vod dty Ghraih, O Yee vyghinagh, dty ghrayse, O Yeesey bannit, dty Heshaght, O Spyrryd Noo, shin y gherjagh as y endeil ayns dy chooilley ghaaue as seaghyn, derrey yow shin vondeish nyn Gredjue, dy jarroo, Saaualtys nyn anmey. Amen. ","WE believe ; Lord, increase our Faith, and give us Grace, that, with an Holy Life, we may adorn the Religion we profess. Keep us stedfast in this Faith, into which we are baptised, that no Errors may separate us from thee, but that thy Love, O merciful God ; Thy Grace, O blessed Jesus ; Thy Fellowship, O Holy Ghost, may defend and comfort us in all Dangers and adversities, until we attain the end of our Faith, even the Salvation of our Souls. Amen.",,66,"TA shin Credjal ; Hiarn, bishee nyn Gredjue, as cur grayse dooin dy vod mad lesh Bea chraauee yn Credjue ta shin goaill rish y hoiagh magh. Freaill shin shickyr ayns y Chredjue shoh, ayn ta shin Bashtit, nagh jean shagh’rynys erbee shin y scarrey woidsh, agh dy vod dty Ghraih, O Yee vyghinagh, dty ghrayse, O Yeesey bannit, dty Heshaght, O Spyrryd Noo, shin y gherjagh as y endeil ayns dy chooilley ghaaue as seaghyn, derrey yow shin vondeish nyn Gredjue, dy jarroo, Saauatys nyn anmey. Amen. ", +SECT. IX.,,,67,, +Ny Jeih Annaghyn.,Ten Commandments.,,67,, +"Q. DOOYRT oo dy ghyiall dty Ghedjaghyn as dty Vimmaghyn er dty hon, dy vreayllagh oo Annaghyn Yee. Insh dou coo-ad t’ayn ? ","Q. YOU said that your Godfathers and Godmothers did promise for you, that you should keep God’s Commandments. Tell me, how many there be ?",,67,, +Ans. Jeih. ,Ans. Ten.,,67,, +Q. Cre ad ? ,Q. Which be they ?,,67,, +"A. Ny goan loayr Jee ayns y feeidoo chabdil jeh Exodus, gra, mish y Chiarn dty Yee, hug liam uss magh ass Thalloo Egypt, ass Thie ny Bondiaght. ","A. The same which God spake in the twentieth Chapter of Exodus, saying, I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the Land of Egypt, out of the House of Bondage. ",,67,, +Q. Cre’n fa ghyiall ad er my hon dy vreaillin Annaghyn Yee ? ,Q. Why did they promise for me that I should keep God’s Commandments ?,,67,, +"A. Son nagh vod oo er aght erbee goll gys Niau, mannagh vreaill oo ad. My Sailt goll stiagh ayns Bea, freaill ny Annaghyn. Son lioroo shoh vee-mad [sic] er nyn mriwnys ec y laa stierree. ","A. Because you cannot possibly go to Heaven, if you do not keep them, If thou wilt enter into Life, keep the Commandments. For by these we shall be judged at the last Day.",Matt. xix. 17,67,, +"Dy vel ad bentyn rooinyn chammah as rish Pobbyl Israel, foddee shin ve shickyr jeh, er-y-fa dy vel Creest er haarey ad reeisht, as er chur tushtey sodjey dooin jeu ayns y Sushtal. Te eshyn ny Hiarn Jee dooinyn chammah as daauesyn. Hug eh lesh adsyn magh ass Thie ny Bondiaght, as hug eh lesh shinnyn veih dorraghys gys soilshey, as veih pooar y drogh Spyrryd gys Jee.","That they belong to us as well as unto the People of Israel, we may be sure, because Christ hath confirmed and explained them in the Gospel. He is the Lord our God as well as theirs ; He brought them out of the House of Bondage, and He brought us from Darkness to Light, and from the Power of Satan unto God.","Matt. v. +Acts xxvi. 18",67,, +"Q. Cre’n fa ta ny Annaghyn goaill Thoshiaght lesh ny goan shoh, Mish y Chiarn y Jee ayds ?","Q. Why do the Commandments begin with these words, I am the Lord thy God ?",,68,, +"A. Dy vod shin nyn Greeaghyn y yannoo aarloo dy chooilleeney ny saaraghyn echey, lesh y chiarrail as yn Ammys smoo oddys shin. ",A. That we may prepare our Hearts to receive his Commandments with the greatest Concern and Reverence.,,68,, +"Tra ta Chiarn Niau as Thalloo, Bea as Baase, loayrt, nee e Chretooryn shickyr geaishtagh, as bee ad ammyssagh, er graih Cooinsheanse vie, ta shen dy ghra, son dy vel Jee dyn saarey ad. ","When the Lord of Heaven and Earth, of Life and Death, speaks, sure, his Creatures will hear and obey, for Conscience sake, that is, because God commands them.",,68,, +Q. Agh vod shinnyn Annaghyn Yee y reayll ? ,Q. But can we keep the Commandments of God ?,,68,, +"A. Foddee mad jannoo ny t’ayns nyn booar ; As te’n vaanrys wooar ain dy jean Jee, er graih Chreest, soiagh jeh shen ayns ynnyd Biallys slaan. ","A. We can do our best, and it is our great Happiness, that God, for Christ’s sake, will accept of that, instead of a perfect Obedience.",,68,, +I. Cha bee Jee erbee elley ayds agh mish. ,I. Thou shalt have none other Gods but me. ,,68,, +Q. Cre ta shiu dy hoiggal liorish yn Anney shoh ? ,Q. What is the Meaning of this Commandment ?,,68,, +"A. T’ow liorish shoh er dty haarey nagh smooinee oo dy vel Cretoor erbee whooish as dy vel aggle smoo dy ve er ny ghoaill roish na ta roish Jee ; Ny red erbee cha mie as dy neeagh eh ny smoo dy ghraih y chur da, na da Jee. ",A. You are hereby forbidden to think any Creature so great as to be Feared more than God ; Or any thing so good as to be more worthy of your Love.,Mat. x. 28.,68,, +"T’ow er dty haarey gyn dty varrant y chur hooyd hene, gys dty laboraght, ny gys dty chiarrail son Berchys, gys dty gheney-mooinjer son saauchys, gys dty verchys son Maanrys, son cha vel ad shoh nyn mannaghtyn agh ny lomarcan tra sallish Jee myr shen nyn nyannoo ad. ","You are forbidden to depend upon your self, upon your own Labour and Care, for Prosperity, upon your Friends, for Security, upon your Wealth, for Happiness : for these are Blessings only when God is pleased to make them so.",,68,"T’ow er dy haarey gyn dty varrant y chur hooyd hene, gys dty laboraght, ny gys dty chiarrail son Berchys, gys dty gheney-mooinjer son saauchys, gys dty verchys son Maanrys, son cha vel ad shoh nyn mannaghtyn agh ny lomarcan tra sallish Jee myr shen nyn nyannoo ad. ", +"T’ow liorish shoh er dty liettal dy chur geill da Guessyn fardaalagh as Oalyssyn, dy gheddyn mie, ny dy reayll olk woid ; son ta shoh dy hreigeil y Jee shen, fegooish e chied as e phointeil cha vod mie ny saie taghyrt da veg jeh e Chretooryn. Shooil-jee as eai-jee gys ny Jee’ghyn ta shiu er reih ; lig daaue shiuish y livrey ayns earish nyn Seaghyn. ","You are hereby forbidden to give heed to Superstitious Obser­vations and Charms, for procuring of good, or for Preventing evil ; for this is to forsake that God, without whose Leave and Direction, neither good nor evil can befall any of his Creatures. Go and cry unto the Gods which ye have chosen ; let them deliver you in the time of your Tribulations.",Judg. x. 14.,69,, +"Er jerrey, t’ow er dty liettal, liorish yn Anney shoh, dy ve corree rish Jee son e ghellal rhyt hene, ny rish feallagh elley, son t’eshyn ny Hiarn harrish ooilley. T’ow er dty liettal dy chooney lhiatt hene liorish raadjin niau-chairragh, son cha vel Jee lowal jeh shen. Ny dy ghoaill hood hene y Moylley dy vel oo er jeet jeh dy mie ; son ta shen cair da Jee ny lomarcan. ","Lastly, you are by this Command forbidden to murmur at God’s Dealings with yourself or others, for he is Lord of all. You are forbidden To help your self by unjust Ways, for this is to do it without God’s leave. Or, To take the Glory of good Success to yourself, for this belongs to God only.",,69,, +Q. Cre t’er ny haarey ayns y Leih shoh ? ,Q. What is commanded in this Law ?,,69,, +A. T’ow liorish shoh er dty haarey dy veaghey myr ayns shilley Yee ; dy chredjal dy firrinagh ny te er hoilshagh ayns e Ghoo casherick. Dy ghoaill Padjer son e vannaght er dagh niee t’ow dy ghoaill ayns laaue ; as dy chur booise da son ooilley e oaryn. ,A. You are hereby commanded to live as in the Sight of God ; firmly to believe what he hath made known in his holy Word. To Pray for his Blessing upon every thing you undertake ; and to give him Thanks for all his Favours.,,69,, +"T’ow myr-geddyn er dty haarey dy ghoaill rish, kiongoyrt rish e phobbyl, dy nee eshyn dty Yee, liorish goll kinjagh gys e Hie, yn Cheel ; raad ta Onnor foshlit er ny chur da, myr y Chiarn ta reill harrish as jannoo mie da’n Seihl Ooilley. ","You are likewise commanded openly to own him as your God, by going constantly to his House, the Church ; where he is publickly honoured as the great Lord and Benefactor of the World.",,69,, +"Ec y jerrey t’ow liorish shoh er dty haarey dy chur ooashley da dagh niee ta leshyn, da e Laa, da e Ghoo, da e Hie, da e Haggyrtyn ; as dy yannoo ooilley shoh lesh y Chree, chammah as lesh y Chorp, son ta fyss echyssyn er ooilley ny t’ow dy loayrt ny dy smooinaght. ","Lastly, You are hereby commanded to respect every thing that is his, his Day, his Word, his House, his Ministers ; And to do all this with the Heart, as well as with the Body ; for whatever you speak or think is known to him.",,70,, +"II. Cha jean oo dhyt hene jalloo granit erbee, ny co-chaslys jeh niee erbee dy vel ayns Niau heose ny er y Thalloo wass, ny ayns yn Ushtey fo’n Thalloo. Cha jean oo crommey shees huc, ny ooashley ’chur daaue. Son she mish, y Chiarn y Jee ayd, Jee eadolagh ta kerraghey peccaghyn ny Hayraghyn er y Chloan gys y trass as y chiarroo heeloghe jeusyn ta dooaie oc orrym ; as soilshagh myghin er thousaanyn jeusyn ta graihagh orrym as freaylley m’annaghyn. ","II. Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven Image, nor the likeness of any thing that is in Heaven above, or in the Earth beneath, or in the Water under the Earth. Thou shalt not bow down to them, nor worship them. For I, the Lord thy God, am a Jealous God, and visit the Sins of the Fathers upon the Children unto the Third and Fourth Generation of them that hate me ; and shew Mercy unto Thousands in them that love me, and keep my Commandments. ",,70,, +Q. Cre t’er ny hoiggal liorish yn Anney shoh ? ,Q. What is the meaning of this Commandment ?,,70,, +"A. Ta ooilley ny ta credjal ayns y Jee firrinagh liorish shoh er nyn saarey nagh der ad ooashley da liorish Jalloo ny Co-chaslys, er-y-fa dy vel Jee kiarralagh jeh e Ooashley hene ; as ga dy gow sleih ayns laaue nagh vel ad cur ammys da’n jalloo, ny yeih, my t’ad cur ooashley kiongoyrt rish, bee ad dy dowill er nyn gerraghey ; Son ta shen ayns firrinys liettit liorish yn Anney shoh.","A. All that believe in the True God are hereby forbidden to worship him by an Image or Picture, because God is Jealous of his Honour ; and though People may pretend not to worship the Image, yet if they worship before it, they shall be severely punished ; for that is in truth forbid by this Command.",forbidded] sic; 1707 forbidden,70,"A. Ta ooilley ny ta credjal ayns y Jee firrinagh liorish shoh er nyn saarey nagh der ad ooashley da liorish Jalloo ny Co-chaslys, er-y-fa dy vel Jee kiarralagh jah e Ooashley hene ; as ga dy gow sleih ayns laaue nagh vel ad cur ammys da’n jalloo, ny yeih, my t’ad cur ooashley kiongoyrt rish, bee ad dy dowill er nyn gerraghey ; Son ta shen ayns firrinys liettit liorish yn Anney shoh.","A. All that believe in the True God are hereby forbidded to worship him by an Image or Picture, because God is Jealous of his Honour ; and though People may pretend not to worship the Image, yet if they worship before it, they shall be severely punished ; for that is in truth forbid by this Command." +"Q. Vel yn Anney shoh bennalt rooinyn, ain nagh vel veg jeh’n Chliaghtey shoh ? ","Q. Doth this Command concern Us, who have none of this Practice ?",,71,, +A. Te bentyn rhyt er oyr ny ghaa. ,A. It concerns you upon many accounts. ,,71,, +"1. Hoshiaght ; Dy chur ort ve booisal gys Jee, ta liorish e Chiarrail flaunyssagh, as cha nee liorish e cherraghey, er nyn daarn veih’n cliaghtey broagh shoh. ","1. To make you thankful to God, who by his Providence, and not by his Judgments, hath cured us of this vile Custom.",,71,, +"2. Veih shoh foddee oo gynsagh cre cha ymmyrchagh as te dy eiyrt dy gyeir er goo Yee, echyssyn shaar fyss er nyn Annooinydyn, as shen y fa te er n’ordagh gyn ymmyd erbee y yannoo jeh Jalloonyn ayns e hirveish ; son dy rou feallagh meerioosagh jeh shoh, hug ad lhieu ad stiagh ayns Kialteenyn trooid leshtal dy ynsagh leid as va niau-hushtagh ; aght nagh smooinee Creest ny e Ostyllyn mie y phointeil ; as nish t’ad cur ooashley daaue ’naght va ny An-chreesteenyn. ","2. You may from hence learn how necessary it is to keep close to the Word of God, who best knows our Infirmities, and hath therefore forbidden all use of Images in his Service ; which some neglecting, brought them into Churches upon pretence of instructing the ignorant ; a Way which neither Christ nor his Apostles thought fit to appoint ; and now they are abused even unto Idolatry.",,71,"2. Veih shoh foddee oo gynsagh cre cha ymmyrchagh as te dy eiyrt dy gyeir er goo Yee, echyssyn shaar fyss er nyn Annooinydyn, as shen y fa te er n’ordagh gyn ymmyd erbee y yannoo jeh Jalloonyn ayns e hirveish ; son dy rou feallagh meerioosagh jeh shoh, hug ad lhieu ad stiagh ayns Kialteenyn trooid leshtal dy ynsagh leid as va niau-hushtagh ; aght nagh smooinee Creest ny e Ostyllyn mie y phointeil ; as nish t’ad cur ooashley daaue ’naght va ny An-chreesteeyn. ", +"3. Er jerrey ooilley, ynsee’n Anney shoh dhyt cre’n aght nee-oo oo hene y ymmyrkey ayns feanish as shirveish Yee. ","3. Lastly, this Command will direct you how to behave yourself in the Presence and Worship of God.",,71,, +"Q. Gueeym erriu, jeagh-jee dou cre’n aght te jannoo shen ? ",Q. I pray shew me how it doth so ?,,71,, +"A. Cha negin dhyt crommey shees kiongoyrt rish Jalloo, er yn oyr dy vel y Biallys injil shen cair da Jee ny lomarcan ; yn viallys cheddyn, er-y-fa shen, shegin dhyt y hoilshagh tra t’ow cur ammys dasyn ; son myr shen ren rieau deney craauee ; as dy yannoo er aght elley, te dy chur scammylt da Jee gys e eddin, as te peccah smoo na ta shin smooinaght er. ","A. You must not Bow before an Image, because such humble Respect belongs to God only ; which Respect therefore you must shew when you worship Him ; for so good Men have ever done ; and to do otherwise, is to affront God to his Face, and is a Sin not sufficiently thought on.","Gen. 24. 26. +Exod. 34. 8. +Act. 20. 6.",71,, +Q. Cre’n aght ta mooads y pheccah shoh er ny aikin ? ,Q. How doth the Greatness of this Sin appear ?,,72,, +"A. Dy beagh oo eagnit stiagh ayns ynnyd raad veagh sleih cur ammys da Jalloo, hoiagh oo shees, ny hoilshagh oo liorish aght ennagh, nagh beagh geill ayd da. Shen-y-fa my hoi-ys oo, ny my chaidlys oo, ayns Thie Yee, tra ta feallagh elley jannoo Padjer huggey, nagh bee eh Smooinit dy vel oo soiagh beg jeh’n Jee shen huggey tar adsyn jannoo padjer ? ","A. If you were forced into a Place where People were worshipping an Idol, you would sit, or by some way shew that you despised it. Therefore, if you Sit, or Sleep in God’s House when others are praying to him, will it not be judged that you despise that God to whom they pray ?",,72,, +Q. Cre’n aght shegin dooin shin hene y ymmyrkey ayns Thie as Feanish Yee ? ,Q. How must we behave our selves in God’s House and Presence ?,,72,, +"A. Smooinee dy dowin rhyt hene dy vel oo goll gys y Cheeil dy chur Arrym da Jee, as dy hirrey leid ny reddyn shen nagh vod oo ve nyn vegooish gyn ve feer treih. ","A. Consider seriously that you go to Church to do Honour to God, and to ask such Things as you cannot want without being miserable.",,72,, +"Shen-y-fa, shegin da dt’ymmyrkey ve leid shen as vees mie dy chur, aynyd hene chammah as ayns feallagh elley, laane Arrym da Jee, as smooinaghtyn injil jeein hene. ","Therefore your Behaviour must be such as may be apt to procure, in your self and others, a great Regard for God, and an humble Opinion of our selves.",,72,, +"Tra t’ow guee son Pardoon as Bannaght Yee, shegin dhyt y yannoo eh er dty Ghlioonyn ; As shegin dhyt shassoo seose dy chur moylley da, son e obbraghyn as e Ghiootyn. ","When you ask God’s Pardon and Blessing, you must do it upon your Knees ; and you must stand up to praise him for his Works and Favours.",,72,, +"Shegin dhyt geaishtagh dy gyeir rish ny vees er ny lhaih dhyt, son Goo Yee eh, n’egooish cha vod oo ve er dty haauail. ","You must carefully attend to what is Read to you, for it is the Word of God, without which you cannot be saved.",,72,, +As eisht bee bannaght Yee ayd goll thie. ,And then you will return home with God’s Blessing.,,72,, +Q. Vel yn Anney shoh cur coyrle erbee sodjey dooin ? ,Q. Doth this Command afford any further Instruction ?,,72,, +"A. Ta. Te soilshagh dooin dy bee Craau-eeaght Ayraghyn er ny chooinaght, son mie nyn Gloan gys ymmoddee sheeloghyn. ","A. Yes. It shews us, that the Piety of Parents shall be remembred, for the Good of their Children, to many Generations.",,72,, +Dy nee Bannaght Yee yn Eiraght shaar oddys Cloan y gheddyn veih nyn Ayraghyn. ,"That the best Portion Children can receive, from their Parents is God’s Blessing.",,73,, +"As dy vel leid ny Ayraghyn as nagh vel kiarralagh dy chur graih da Jee as dy reayll e Annaghyn, faagail Seaghyn, dy jarroo, da nyn Gloan.","And that such Parents as are not careful to Love God and to keep his Commandments, do leave certain calamities to their Posterity.",,73,, +III. Cha gou Ennym y Chiarn dty Yee ayns fardaail : son cha gum y Chiarn eshyn gyn loght ta goaill e Ennym ayns fardaail.,III. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain : For the Lord will not hold him guilt­less that taketh his Name in vain. ,1707: gou,73,III. Cha gon Ennym y Chiarn dty Yee ayns fardaail : son cha gum y Chiarn eshyn gyn loght ta goaill e Ennym ayns fardaail., +Q. Cre’n tra ta sleih goaill Ennym Yee ayns fardaail ? ,Q. When do Men take the Name of God in vain ?,,73,, +"A. Tra t’ad dy enmyss eh gys ymmyd fardaalagh ny olk erbee, ta shen, tra ta’d loayrt jeh Jee, ny jeh e Ghoo, ny jeh e Hirveish, ayns aght erbee craaidoil. ","A. When they use it to any idle or wicked purpose whatever, as when they speak of God, or of his Word, or Worship, after a jesting way.",,73,, +"Tra ta’d guee gys Jee, ny geamagh er, as gyn smooinaght cre t’ad dy ghra. ","When they pray to God, or call upon him, without minding what they say.",,73,, +"Tra t’ad Lhoo ayns Bregg, ny ayns taggloo cadjin ; As tra t’ad cliaghtey Ennym Yee y usal ayns Oallyssyn, ny ayns gueeaghyn, ny ayns Breearaghyn y yannoo mychione reddyn fardaalagh. ","When they swear falsly, or in common Discourse ; And when they use the Name of God, or his Word, in Charms, or in Curses, or in making vows about Trifles.",,73,,"When they swear fasly, or in common Discourse ; And when they use the Name of God, or his Word, in Charms, or in Curses, or in making vows about Trifles." +"Q. Cre t’er ny hoiggal liorish ny goan shen, Cha gum y Chiarn eshyn gyn loght ? ","Q. What is the Meaning of that Expression, The Lord will not hold him Guiltless ?",,73,, +"A. Ta shen, dy bee’n peccah shoh, son shickyrys, er ny cherragh, as ny strimmey na oddys goan y insh, cha cadjin as te, as cha beg as ta sleih dy hoiagh jeh. ","A. The Meaning is, That this Sin shall certainly be punished, and more than Words can express ; however common it is, and little regarded.",,73,"A. Ta shen, dy bee’n peccah shoh, son shickyrys, er ny cherragh, as ny strimmey na oddys goan y insh, cha cadjin as te, as cha beg as ta sleih dy hoiagh jeh ?", +Q. Vel eh peccah dy lhoo liorish Breearey erbee elley ? ,Q. Is it a Sin to swear by any other Oath ?,,73,, +"A. Ta nyn Saaualtagh Creest cur Saarey gyeir noi dy chooilley Lhoo ayns taggloo cadjin, lig da ny Breearaghyn ve whooish gyn loght as sailloo. ","A. Our Blessed Saviour expressly forbids all Swearing in common Discourse, let the Oaths seem never so innocent.",Matt. v. 34.,73,, +Q. Cre ny Breearaghyn ta shiu loayrt jeu ? ,Q. What are the Oaths you mean ? ,,74,, +"A. Tra ta dooinney lhoo liorish y vreearey-Bashtey, liorish e Vea, liorish ny Niau’ghyn, liorish Moirrey, as leid shen ; Cliaghtey ta feer pheccoil, as aagys shin foshlit gys Corree Yee. ","A. To swear by ones Faith, by ones Life, by the Heavens, by the Virgin Mary, and the like ; a Custom which is very sinful, and which will expose you to the Wrath of God. ",Between p. 21 and here the spelling dooiney is exclusively used. Ghooinney occurs only after p. 78.,74,, +Q. Negin da dooinney lhoo tra te er ny eam liorish yn Fer oik dy yannoo shen ? ,Q. Must a Person swear when he is call’d by the Magistrate to do so ?,,74,, +"A. Shegin ; Yn currym echey, eisht, shen y yannoo, son dy vel eh cur streeue gys kione, yn red ta Jee feer vooiagh jeh. ","A. Yes, it is then his Duty to do so, because it is to put an end to Strife, which is well-pleasing to God.","Heb. 6. 16. +6. 16] text 16 iv; correct in 1707 +",74,, +Q. Cre ta Currym dooinney t’er ny lhoo ayns Bing ? ,Q. What is the Duty of one who shall be sworn on a Jury ?,,74,, +"A. Yn Currym echey, dy chur dy chooilley ghoanlys gy lhiattee, dy hirrey magh yn irrin dy onneragh, fegooish whooish as booishal dy gheddyn magh reddyn er aght elley agh myr, dy jarroo, tar ad. Gyn dy bragh ve er ny leeideil liorish coyrle feallagh elley, agh dy yannoo leid yn ansoor as te credjal ayns e Chooinsheance hene dy ve firrinagh. ","A. His Duty is, to lay aside all Prejudice ; honestly to endeavour to find out the Truth, without so much as wishing to find things otherwise than indeed they are. Never to be led by other Peoples Perswasions, but to make such a Return as he believes in his Conscience to be true. ",,74,, +Q. Cre ta Currym dooinney t’er ny loo d’ymmyrkey Feanish ? ,Q. What is a Persons Duty who is sworn to give Evidence ?,,74,, +"A. Yn Currym echey, dy smooinaght dy dowin cre te goll dy ghra ; dy vod eh’n Irrin y insh gys e hushtey shaar, gyn veg y cheiltyn, ny ny smoo na cair y ghra ; Cooinaght dy vel Jee faikin foillaght dy chooilley Chree, as dy jean Mollaght cheet stiagh ayns e Hie, my nee eh lhoo oiagh. ","A. His Duty is to consider seriously what he is going to say, that he may speak the Truth to the best of his Knowledge ; neither concealing any part, nor adding to it. Remembering that God sees the Secrets of all Hearts, and that a Curse shall enter into his House, if he swears falsly.",Zac. 5. 4.,74,, +Veih shoh hee-oo myrgeddyn y peccah mooar ocsyn ta cur drogh choyrle daauesyn ta er nyn lhoo. ,From whence you also see the great Sin of those who tamper with Men upon their Oath.,,74,, +Q. Cre’n Saarey t’er ny chur dooin ayns y leih shoh ? ,Q. What are we commanded in this Law ?,,74,, +"A. Dy loayrt jeh Jee as jeh Obbraghyn craauee, ayns aght cha imlee shen as dy vod sleih gynsagh smooinaghtyn ammyssagh ve oc Jehsyn as jeh e Hirveish. ","A. To speak of God, and of Religious Matters after such a serious manner, that People may learn to have Reverend Thoughts of Him and his Service.",,74,"A. Dy loayrt jeh Jee as jeh Obbraghyn craauee, ayns aght cha imlee shen as dy vod sleih gynsagh smooinghtyn ammyssagh ve oc Jehsyn as jeh e Hirveish. ", +"IV. Cooinee dy vreaill oo’n doonagh dy casherick ; shey laa nee-oo laboraght, as ooilley ny t’ayd y yannoo ; Agh y chiaghtoo laa, Doonagh dty Hiarn dty Yee. Ayn, cha jean oo Monney erbee dy Obbyr, uss as dty Vac, as dt’inneen, dt’er Mooinjerrey as dt’ inney­veyl, dt’ ollagh as y Joayree t’er cheu sthie jeh dty Ghiattyn. Son ayns shey laa chroo’n Chiarn Niau as Thalloo, yn Faarkey as ooilley ny t’ayndoo ; as ghou eh fea yn Chiaghtoo Laa ; Shen-y-faa Vannee’n Chiarn y Chiaghtoo Laa as chasherick eh eh. ","IV. Remember that thou keep Holy the Sabbath Day ; Six days shalt thou labour, and do all that thou hast to do ; But the Seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. In it thou shalt do no manner of Work, thou, and thy Son, and thy Daughter, thy Man-servant, and thy Maid-servant, thy Cattle, and the Stranger that is within thy Gates. For in Six Days the Lord made Heaven and Earth, the Sea and all that in them is, and rested the Seventh Day ; where-fore the Lord blessed the Seventh Day, and hallowed it. ",,75,"IV. Cooinee dy vreaill oo’n doonagh dy casherick ; shey laa nee-oo laboraght, as ooilley ny t’ayd y yannoo ; Agh y chiaghtoo laa, Doonagh dty hiarn dty Yee. Ayn, cha jean oo Monney erbee dy Obbyr, uss as dty Vac, as dt’inneen, dt’er Mooinjerrey as dt’ inney­veyl, dt’ ollagh as y Joayree t’er cheu sthie jeh dty Ghiattyn. Son ayns shey laa chroo’n Chiarn Niau as Thalloo, yn Faarkey as ooilley ny t’ayndoo ; as ghou eh fea yn Chiaghtoo Laa ; Shen-y-faa Vannee’n Chiarn y Chiaghtoo Laa as chasherick eh eh. ", +Q. Caid ta’n Anney shoh bentyn rooinyn ta nyn Greesteenyn ? ,Q. How far doth this Command concern us Christians ?,,75,, +"A. Ta shin liorish shoh kainlt dy reayll yn laa ayns shiaght Fealey ; as er yn oyr dy jirree Yeesey Creest veih ny merriu er y chied laa jeh’n chaghtin, as dy dug eh neose y Spyrryd noo er y laa cheddyn dy leeideil e Aglish gys jerrey’n teihl ; Hug ny Ostyllyn, er y fa shoh, yn laa shen er lhieh ; as denmyss ad eh Laa’n Chiarn ; as ta’n Aglish rieau er dy henney er reayll eh, cordail rish bree’n Anney shen. ","A. We are hereby bound to keep One day in Seven Holy ; And be­cause Jesus Christ rose from the Dead on the First day of the Week, and on the same day sent down the Holy Ghost to guide his Church unto the World’s end ; the Apostles therefore set apart that day, calling it the Lord’s Day, and the Church hath ever since observed it, according to the true meaning of this Command.",Rev. i. 10.,75,"A. Ta shin liorish shoh kainlt dy reayll yn laa ayns shiaght Fealey ; as er yn oyr dy jirree Yeesey Creest veih ny merriu er y chied laa jeh’n chaghtin, as dy dug eh neose y spyryd noo er y laa cheddyn dy leeideil e Aglish gys jerrey’n teihl ; Hug ny Ostyllyn, er y fa shoh, yn laa shen er lhieh ; as denmyss ad eh Laa’n Chiarn ; as ta’n Aglish rieau er dy henney er reayll eh, cordail rish bree’n Anney shen. ", +Q. Cre’n fa ta shin er nyn saarey cha chonn dy reayll yn Leih shoh ? ,Q. Why are we bid in an especial manner to keep this Law ?,,76,, +"A. Er yn oyr, dy beagh shoh er ny yarrood, veagh dy chooilley Chredjue dy lhea er ny yarrood marish, as veagh dy jarroo dy chooilley hushtey jeh’n Jee firrinagh, myr te ayns ymmodee Ashoonyn, er ny choayll ny vud ain, mannagh beagh laghyn soit er lhieh as persoonyn er nyn ordagh dyn daarn shin ayns Cooinaghtyn jeh. ","A. Because, if this should be forgotten, all Religion would soon be forgotten with it ; and the very Knowledge of the true God, as it is in many Nations, would be lost amongst us, were there not Days set apart, and Persons appointed to bring it to our Remembrance.",,76,, +Q. Cre’n aght ta Jee er vannaghey’n Laa shoh er skyn ny Laghyn elley ? ,Q. How hath God blessed this Day above the rest ?,,76,, +"A. Te er casherickey, ta shen dy ghra, er scarrey eh veih obbraghyn cadjin y Teihll, as er yialldyn Bannaght er lhieh daauesyn ooilley nee y reayll eh dy craauee ; As ta Yeesey Creest er Yialldyn leid keddyn reeisht. ","A. Having sanctified, that is, separated, it from the common Business of Life, he hath promised an especial Blessing to all such as keep it Holy ; and Jesus Christ hath renew’d that Promise.",Matt. vi. 33.,76,, +"Q. Cre’n aght shegin dooin y reayll eh casherick, dy vod mad y Bannaght shoh y gheddyn ? ","Q. How must we keep it Holy, that we may obtain this Blessing ?",,76,, +"A. Shegin dooin faagail jeh dy chooilley Obbyr, Kairrail, as Eunys Seihltagh, oddys er aght erbee shin y yannoo niau-aarloo son shirveish Yee, huggey ta’n Laa er ny chasherickey. As faagail ooilley nyn giarraillyn seihltagh, son y tra shen, ayns y laaue echyssyn oddys lhiaasagh chur dooin, ayns ynnyd nyn Obbyr hene as Obbyr nyn Sharvaantyn, shegin dooin goll gys yn ynnyd ta’n Chirveish cliaghtey y ve, as ooashley chur da Jee, liorish goaill rish nyn niau-feeuid, dy vel shin Cretooryn peccoil, ymmyrchagh as fegooish cooney ; liorish goaill rish e phooar as e viys ; cur booise da son e Vannaghtyn as Guee er dy hannaghtyn ad dooin. ","A. We must lay aside all such Business, Cares and Pleasures, as may any way unfit us for the Service of God, to which the Day is devoted ; and leaving all our worldly Concerns, for that time, in his Hands, who is able to make us amends for the want of our own and Servants Labour, We must go to the Place of Publick Worship, and give Honour to God, by confessing our Unworthiness, that we are sinful, needy, helpless Creatures ; by acknowledging His Power and Goodness, giving Him Thanks for his Blessings, and praying Him to continue them to us.",,76,"A. Shegin dooin faagail jeh dy chooilley Obbyr, Kairrail, as Eunys Seihltagh, oddys er aght erbee shin y yannoo niau-aarloo son shirveish Yee, huggey ta’n Laa er ny chasherickey. As faagail ooilley nyn giarraillyn seihltagh, son y tra shen, ayns y laaue echyssyn oddys lhiaasagh chur dooin, ayns ynnyd nyn Obbyr hene as Obbyr nyn Sharvaantyn, shegin dooin goll gys yn ynnyd ta’n Chirveish cliaghtey y ve, as ooashley chur da Jee, liorish goaill rish nyn niau feeuid, dy vel shin Cretooryn peccoil, ymmyreagh as fegooish cooney ; liorish goaill rish e phooar as e viys ; cur booise da son e Vannaghtyn as Guee er dy hannaghtyn ad dooin. ", +Q. Vel ooilley kainlt dy reayll y Laa shoh ? ,Q. Are all bound to observe this Day ?,,77,, +"A. Ta ; ooilley, ny oddys ve shaghnit veih Obbyr ymmyrchiagh y Thie. ","A. Yes, all that can be spared from the necessary Business of the Family.",,77,, +"Cloan ; dy vod ad nyn Gurrym y ynsagh, as Aggle y ghoaill roish Jee veih nyn Aagid. ","Children, that they may learn their Duty, and from their Infancy, to fear God.",,77,, +Sharvaantyn ; son nagh jarrood ad dy vel Mainster oc ayns Niau. ,"Servants, that they may not forget that they have a Master in Heaven.",,77,, +"As dy jarroo ta ny Beine hene dy gheddyn nyn aash, mannagh vel eagin er y hon er aght elley ; dy vod dy chooilley Chretoor boggey y ghoaill ayns myghinyn Yee. ","And the very Beasts are to rest, unless Necessity requires it to be otherwise, ; that the whole Creation may rejoice in the mercies of God.",,77,, +"Q. Cre’n fa te er ny ghra, Shey laa nee-oo laboraght ? ","Q. Why is it said, Six Days shalt thou Labour ?",,77,, +"A. Dy chur shin ayns cooinaghtyn dy nee Jee ta cur ooilley nyn earish dooin, dy vel shin er duittym veih staaid dy vaanrys, as dy negin dooin laboraght son nyn Arran gagh Laa. ","A. To put us in mind, that it is God who gives us all our time ; That we are fallen from a State of Happiness, and must labour for our daily Bread.",,77,, +"As er jerrey, dy nee liorish ked Yee ny lomarcan ta shin bishagh ayns nyn Laboraght gagh laa, as er-y-fa shen, lhiasagh shin y hirveish eh, ooilley laghyn nyn Mea. ","Lastly ; That it is purely by God’s Permission, that we prosper in our daily Labours, that therefore we ought to serve him truly all our Days.",,77,, +Q. Cre’n aght ta Laa’n Chiarn er ny vrishey ? ,Q. How is the Lord’s Day profaned ?,,77,, +"A. Liorish gyn goll gys y Cheel, tra oddys mad ; Liorish Litcheraght ; Liorish Obbraghyn, Journaaghyn, as goll dy Yeaghyn sleih fegooish feime ; Liorish cloiaghyn fardaalagh, niau-chooie son craaueeaght y Laa, as Creesteeaght. ","A. By neglecting to go to Church, when we can do it ; by Idleness ; by unnecessary Business, Journies, and Visits ; by vain Sports, unbecoming the Seriousness of the Day, and of Christianity.",,77,, +Q. Negin dooin laghyn elley y reayll marish Laa’n Chiarn ? ,"Q. Must we observe other Days, besides the Lord’s Day ?",,77,, +"A. Shegin ; Feallaghyn ny Haglish, ta myrgeddyn soit er lhieh liorish y Phooar t’er nyn skyn, dy reayll shin ayns cooinaghtyn jeh myghinyn Yee. ","A. Yes ; the Feasts of the Church, which are also set apart by Authority, to keep up the Remembrance of God’s Mercies to us.",,78,"A. Shegin ; Feallaghyn ny Haglish, ta myrgeddyn soit er lhieh liorish y Phooar t’er nyn skyn, dy reayll shin ayns cooinaghtyn jeh m?ghinyn Yee. ", +Q. Cre ta nyn Gurrym er leid ny Laghyn ? ,Q. What is our Duty on such Days ?,,78,, +"A. Dy gholl gys Thie Yee, dy chur booise gys Jee son e Ghiootyn gys e Aglish, as marish shen, son ny ta shin ec y tra shen cooinaght er. ","A. To go to the Publick Place of Worship, to Thank God for his Favours to his Church, and particularly, for that we then remember. ",,78,, +"Dy chur aash da nyn mooinjer, dy vod earish ve oc son gennalys fegooish loght ; dy vod ad lesh boggey nyn nghaa Vainster y hirveish.","To let our Servants have leisure and innocent Diversions, that they may cheerfully serve both their Masters.",,78,, +"Ny yeih ; raad ta dy jarroo ymmyrch er y hon, lhiasagh y Sharvaant ve booiagh, as cha lhiasagh y Mainster ve noi gobbragh er leid ny laghyn shen. ","However, where Necessity requires, both the Servant should be willing, and the Master should not scruple, on such Days, to do what is really needful.",,78,, +Q. Negin tastey chur da Laghyn Luckee as niau-luckee ? ,Q. May we not observe Fortunate and Cross Days ?,,78,, +"A. Cha negin, er aght erbee ; te peccah mooar shen y yannoo ; ta Jee hene cur saarey noi, as te gouit myr keint dy Vutcheraght, as lesh resoon mie ; son liorish y chredjue fardaalagh shoh, ta aggle jarroodit dy ve er ny ghoaill roish Jee, Bun dy chooilley vie, as ta’n moylley, lhiasagh v’er ny chur da, as y Treishteil lhiasagh ve ayn, er ny yarrood. ","A. By no means ; it is a great Sin to do so, and expressly forbidden by God, and reckoned as a sort of Witchcraft, and with good Reason ; for by this Superstition, God, the Author of all Good, is forgotten to be Feared, Praised, and Trusted in.","Deut. 18. 10. +1707: chredjue",78,"A. Cha negin, er aght erbee ; te peccah mooar shen y yannoo ; ta Jee hene cur saarey noi, as te gouit myr keint dy Vutcheraght, as lesh resoon mie ; son liorish y credjue fardaalagh shoh, ta aggle jarroodit dy ve er ny ghoaill roish Jee, Bun dy chooilley vie, as ta’n moylley, lhiasagh v’er ny chur da, as y Treishteil lhiasagh ve ayn, er ny yarrood. ", +Yn PHADJER.,The PRAYER.,,78,, +"O Yee ta, dty lomarcan, feeu jeh nyn Nghraih, cur dooinyn grayse, gyn dy bragh uss, ny dty viys gloyroil, y yarrood ; Agh dy vod mad uss y hirveish cordaail rish dty ghoo, ayns firrinys as aggle craauee ; nagh jean mad dy bragh loayrt jeh dt’ennym casherick fegooish arrym ; dy vod mad ny Breearaghyn ta shin fo y chooilleeney ; nagh der mad shaghey ny Laghyn fealley ayds ayns fardaail ny litcheraght ; ny cheet gys dty Hie trooid eer cliaghtey; Agh dy vod mad uss y hirveish lesh nyn Gree, chammah as lesh nyn Girp, trooid Yeesey Creest nyn Jiarn. Amen. ","O God, who alone art worthy of our Love, give us Grace, That we may never forget Thee, nor thy glorious Perfections ; but that we may serve Thee according to thy Word, in sincerity and godly Fear ; that we may never mention thy Sacred Name, without Reverence ; that we may perform the Vows that are upon us ; that we may not spend thy Holy Days in Vanity and Idleness, nor in a customary Attendance at thy House only ; but that we may serve Thee with our Hearts, as well as with our Bodies, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.",1707: cliaghtey,78,"O Yee ta, dty lomarcan, feeu jeh nyn Nghraih, cur dooinyn grayse, gyn dy bragh uss, ny dty viys gloyroil, y yarrood ; Agh dy vod mad uss y hirveish cordaail rish dty ghoo, ayns firrinys as aggle craauee ; nagh jean mad dy bragh loayrt jeh dt’ennym casherick fegooish arrym ; dy vod mad ny Breearaghyn ta shin fo y chooilleeney ; nagh der mad shaghey ny Laghyn fealley ayds ayns fardaail ny litcheraght ; ny cheet gys dty Hie trooid eer chliaghtey; Agh dy vod mad uss y hirveish lesh nyn Gree, chammah as lesh nyn Girp, trooid Yeesey Creest nyn Jiarn. Amen. ", +SECT. X.,,,79,, +"V. CUR arrym da dt’ Ayr as da dty Voir, dy vod dty Laghyn ve beaon er y Thalloo ta’n Chiarn dty Yee dy chur dhyt. ","V. HOnour thy Father and thy Mother, that thy Days may be long in the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. ",,79,, +Q. Cre ny Cur’myn t’ayns yn Anney shoh ? ,Q. What are the Duties contained in this Command ?,,79,, +"A. Currym Cloan gys nyn Ayr as nyn Moir, Sharvaantyn gys nyn Mainsteryn, Pobbyl gys nyn Gionoortyn, dy chooilley Chreestee gys nyn Mochillyn Spyrrydoil, as currym dy chooilley ghooinney hucsyn t’er nyn skyn. ","A. The Duty of Children to their Parents, of Servants to their Masters, of People to their Governors, of all Christians to their Spiritual Pastors, and of all Men to their Betters.",,79,, +Q. Cre’n fa ta ny lomarcan currym Cloan gys nyn Ayr as nyn Moir enmyssit ? ,Q. Why is the Duty of Children to their Parents only mentioned ?,,79,, +"A. Er yn Oyr dy nee shen currym ta hoishiaght er ny ynsagh as Shaar t’er ny hoiggal ; Ta Cloan dy feer dooghyssagh graihagh er nyn Ayr as nyn Moir, as ta’d, son yn aarn smoo, freailt ayns biallys lioroo ; as Shen-y-fa, tra ta’d er nyn saarey dy chur arrym da feallagh elley, myr da nyn Ayr as Moir, t’ad dy aashagh toiggal cre lhiasagh ad y yannoo. ","A. Because that is a Duty first learned, and best understood ; Children very naturally love their Parents, and are generally kept in subjection by them ; and, therefore, when they are commanded so to Honour others, as they do their Parents, they easily know what that meaneth.",,79,"A. Er yn Oyr dy nee shen currym ta hoishiaght er ny ynsagh as Shaar t’er ny hoiggal ; Ta Cloan dy feer dooghyssagh graihagh er nyn Ayr as nyn Moir, as ta’d, son yn aarn smoo, freailt ayns biallys lioroo ; as Shen-y-fa, tra ta’d er nyn saarey dy chur arrym da feallagh elley, myr da nyn Ayr as Moir, t’ad dy aashagh toiggal cre lhiagh ad y yannoo. ", +Q. Cre’n aght shegin dou Arrym y chur da m’Ayr as my Voir ? ,Q. How must I honour my Father and Mother ?,,80,, +"A. Shegin dhyt dy agindagh dt’ injilagh hene huc ayns dagh niee lowal, ve kiarralagh nagh der oo corree orroo liorish ymmyrkey erbee niau-viallagh as olk ; Shegin dhyt dy chooilley Onnor cooiee y chur daaue, as ve booisal daaue son dy rou ad cha dooiee dhyt ; shegin dhyt gymmyrkey lesh yn annoonid oc, ny foilchin oc y ollaghey, cooney lhieu ayns nyn veime, guee son y vaanrys oc nish as son dy bragh ; Shoh my nee oo, trooid biallys gys yn Anney shoh dy Yee, foddee oo jercal dy bee oo hene foast bannit ayns dty Chloan. ","A. You must in all lawful Things, cheerfully submit to them, be careful not to grieve them by stubborn and evil Courses ; You must shew them all due Respect, and thankfully acknowledge their Kindness to you ; bear with their Infirmities, hide their Failings, supply their Wants, and pray for their present and everlasting Happiness ; which if you do, in Obedience to this Command of God, you may expect to live to be a happy Parent yourself.",,80,, +"Q. Cre veagh eisht my Churrym, tra veagh Cloan aym pene ? ",Q. What would then be my Duty ?,,80,, +"A. Currym Ayraghyn as Moiraghyn, dy hroggal nyn Gloan ayns biallys as ayns Aggle Yee ; dy ve kiarralagh dy bee ad ynsit ayns Credjue firrinagh ; Dy yannoo nyn gouyr, agh cha nee liorish Raaidyn niau-chairagh ; dy smaghtagh ad tra ta’d gra ny jannoo red erbee olk ; Dy chur samble mie rumboo dy Chraauee­aght, sheeltys, as imnea. As marish shoh, dy vannaghey ad as dy jannoo padjer er nyn son. Ooilley shoh vees oo ny skiarralee dy yannoo, my smooinys oo cre’n red aglagh eh, dty chloan y ve callit son dy bragh trooid y veerioose ayds. ","A. The Duty of Parents is, to bring up their Children in Obedience, and in the Fear of God ; to take Care that they be instructed in true Religion ; to provide for them, but not by unrighteous Ways ; to correct them when they say or do any wicked thing ; to be Examples to them of Piety, Sobriety, and Diligence. And lastly, to bless and to pray for them. All which, you will be more careful to do, if you consider what a dreadful Thing it will be, should your Children be for ever miserable through your Negligence.",,80,, +Q. Cre dy Noardagh Jee mee dy ve my harvaant ? ,Q. What if it should be my lot to be a Servant ?,harvaant] text haarvant; 1707 harvaant,81,Q. Cre dy Noardagh Jee mee dy ve my haarvant ? , +"A. Currym Sharvaantyn dy ve biallagh gys nyn Mainsteryn, Tarroogh ayns nyn Obbyr, cha nee lesh shirveish Sooilley dy vooiys deney ; Dy ve cha chiarralagh [sic] jeh Cooid nyn Mainsteryn as dy beagh eh lhieu hene, gyn jummal y chur er, ny surrall feallagh elley shen y yannoo. Gyn Skeeallyn y ymmyrkey veih Thie gy Thie, agh er skyn ooilley dy ve Onneragh, cha nee ny lomarcan son graih Cooinsheance, agh son graih goo mie ; Son ta foalsaght as Myngyraght Oaishyn feer eajee, nagh vel feallagh elley dy bragh dy yarrood, as doillee dy ve faagit jeh lioroosyn ta cliaghtit orroo. As, er jerrey ooilley, shegin da cooinaghtyn dy vel Mainster echey ayns Niau, da te lhiastyn shirveish, as veih te jercal son faill Sharvaant firrinagh. ","A. The Duty of Servants is, to be Obedient to their Masters, Diligent in their Business, not with Eye-Service, as Men-Pleasers ; To be as careful of their Master’s Goods, as if they were their own, neither wasting them, nor suffering others to do so. To be no Tale-bearers, but above all, to be Honest, not only for Conscience, but for Credit’s sake ; Deceit and Pilfering, being abominable Qualities, never forgotten by others, and very hardly left off by those that give way to them. And lastly, he must remember that he hath a Master in Heaven, to whom he oweth Service, and from whom he may expect the Reward of a faithful Servant.",,81,, +"As son Gerjagh Sharvaantyn, yn Chiarn cheddyn harrish dy chooilley ghooinney ta cur Saarey daauesyn dy ve firrinagh ; te cur currym er nyn Mainsteryn dy ve cairagh, as dooie, as kiarralagh jeu ; Dy chur daaue ny ta cair, dy usal ad myr sheshaghyn Creestee ; Dy yeaghyn nyn lurg ayns chingys ; dy lowal tra daaue dy hirveish Jee, as soiagh samble rumboo dy yannoo shen, cooinaght kinjagh nagh vel Jee soiagh jeh persoonyn, te goaill neose yn er,[21] as soiagh seose fer elley. ","And for the Comfort of Servants, the same Lord of all Men, who commands them to be faithful, commands their Masters to be just, and kind, and careful of them ; To give them what is Right ; To use them like Fellow-Christians, taking Care of them in their Sickness, allowing them time to serve God, and setting them an Example of doing so ; ever remembring, that there is no Respect of Persons with God, who putteth down one and setteth up another.",[21] [i.e. un er],81,, +Q. Cre ta’n Currym ain hucsyn ta Reill harrin ? ,Q. What is our Duty towards them that have the Rule over us ?, our] text your; 1707 our.,81,,Q. What is your Duty towards them that have the Rule over us ? +" A. Dty Churrym, dy ve biallagh daaue, cha nee ny lomarcan ayns aggle roish kerraghey, agh son graih Cooinsheance ; Gyn loayrt dy olk jeu, agh dy hoilshagh daaue dy chooilley arrym chooie, as dy ghuee er Jee dy vannaghey ad, as dy chur orroo ve nyn Shirveishee son mie wooar dooin ooilley. ","A. Your Duty is, to obey them, not only for fear of Punishment, but for Conscience sake. Not to speak evil of them, but to shew them all becoming Respect, and to pray that God may bless them, and make them Instruments of great Good to us all.","Rom. xiii. 5. +2 Pet. ii. 10.",82,, +"Son ta sleih t’ayns pooar, as goaill aggle roish Jee, Bannaght feer wooar ; yn Currym oc dy reayll yn Pobbyl ayns shee as fea ; Dy endeil Persoonyn as cairys Deney onneragh ; dy cherragh ny mee-reiltee ; dy chur coyrle daauesyn nagh vel Fir-choyrlee oc ; as ayns dagh nee, dy chur Gloyr Yee er y hoshiaght, as y Vie ocsyn ooilley ta fo-oo. ","For Men in Authority, fearing God, are a mighty blessing ; Their Duty being to keep the People in Peace and Quietness ; To defend the Persons and Rights of honest Men ; To punish the Unruly ; To advise them that have no Counsellors ; and in all Things, to promote the Glory of God, and the Welfare of all below them.",,82,"Son ta sleih t’ayns pooar, as goaill aggle roish Jee, Bannaght feer woar ; yn Currym oc dy reayll yn Pobbyl ayns shee as fea ; Dy endeil Persoonyn as cairys Deney onneragh ; dy cherragh ny mee-reiltee ; dy chur coyrle daauesyn nagh vel Fir-choyrlee oc ; as ayns dagh nee, dy chur Gloyr Yee er y hoshiaght, as y Vie ocsyn ooilley ta fo-oo. ", +Q. Cre ta Currym Pobbyl gys nyn Saggyrtyn ? ,Q. What is the Duty of People to their Pastors ?,,82,, +"A. Dy chur ooashley daaue er graih nyn Mainster, as er graih nyn Obbyr, cooinaght er goan Chreest gys e Hirveishee ; Eshyn ta soiagh beg jiuish, te soiagh beg jeeyms. Shen-y-fa, she’n currym ayds eh, dy Eaishtagh rish y choyrle oc, dy eeik nyn Gair daaue fegooish Molteraght, ny troo, dy vod Jee dty Laboraghts as y Laboraght ocsyn neeisht y vannaghey. ","A. To Respect them for their Master’s sake, and for their Works sake ; remembring the Words of Christ to his Ministers ; He that despiseth you, despiseth me. Therefore, your Duty is to hearken to their Instructions, To pay them their Due without Fraud or Grudging, that God may bless both their Labours and yours.","1 Thess. v. 13. +Luke x. 16. +Deut. 26. 12.",82,, +"Son yn Obbyr as y Currym ocsyn eh, dy hirrey magh dy chooilley aght oddys ad shiuish y ynsagh kys dy immeeaght as dy yannoo Jee booiagh ; Dy chur oghsyn dhyt tra t’ow jannoo ass y raad ; Dy ghuee dy jean oo dy mie ; Dy vannaghey oo ayns ennym Yee ; As dy ve Sambyllyn mie ayns goo as jannoo ; As smooar oc dy ansoor er-y-hon, mannagh vel ad myr shen. ","For, it is their Business and Duty, to study all ways of teaching you how you should walk and please God ; To reprove you when you do amiss ; To pray that you may do well ; To bless you in God’s Name ; and to be wholesome Examples in Word and Deed, and they have much to answer for, if they are not such.",,82,"Son yn Obbyr as y Cyrrym ocsyn eh, dy hirrey magh dy chooilley aght oddys ad shiuish y ynsagh kys dy immeeaght as dy yannoo Jee booiagh ; Dy chur oghsyn dhyt tra t’ow jannoo ass y raad ; Dy ghuee dy jean oo dy mie ; Dy vannaghey oo ayns ennym Yee ; As dy ve Sambyllyn mie ayns goo as jannoo ; As smooar oc dy ansoor er-y-hon, mannagh vel ad myr shen. ", +Q. Da quoi elley shegin dou ooashley y chur ? ,Q. Whom else must I honour ?,,83,, +"A. Daauesyn ooilley ta ny shaar na oo, liorish nyn Eash wooar, nyn Ynsagh, nyn Gummallyn, ny nyn Oaikyn ; daaue, er y fa shoh, shegin dhyt arrym cairagh y choyrt. ","A. All that are your Betters, by reason of their greater Age, their Learning, their Estates, or Places ; to whom, therefore, you must shew a just Regard.",,83,"A. Daauesyn ooilley ta ny shaar na oo, liorish nyn Eash wooar, nyn Ynsagh, nyn Gummallyn, ny nyn Oaikyn ; daaue, er y fa shoh, shegin dhyt arrym caira?h y choyrt. ", +"As y Currym oc-syn eh, gyn ve ard chree-agh agh dy ve soccaragh, cha nee dyn leodagh ad hene ; Dy ve dooie, aashagh dy ve er nyn loayrt roo, aarloo dy chur cooney vou, raad oddys ad shen y yannoo. ","And it is their Duty, not to be high-minded, but to be grave, not dishonouring themselves ; courteous, easie to be spoke to, and ready to help, where they can do it. ",,83,, +Q. Cre t’er ny hoiggal liorish y Gialldyn ta Jee er chur daauesyn ta freayll yn Anney shoh ? ,Q. What is the meaning of the Promise which God hath made to such as keep this Command ?,,83,, +"A. Dy bee Bannaght Yee oc raad ta’d shooyl, as liorish shoh bee ad beaon er y Thalloo ; er aght elley, Eshyn ta soiagh beg jeh e Ayr as e Voir, ver ny Fee ny sooillyn ass ; ta shen dy ghra, nee eh dy ommyjagh as myr dy beagh eh doayll. ","A. That God will bless them in the way they shall go, which will be a means of prolonging their Lives ; On the contrary, He that despiseth his Father and Mother, the Raven shall pick out his Eyes, that is, he shall act foolishly, as if he were indeed blind. ",Prov. 30. 17.,83,, +VI. Cha jean oo dunverys. ,VI. Thou shalt do no Murder. ,,83,, +Q. Cre noi ta raaue er ny chur dooin liorish shoh ? ,Q. What is hereby forbidden ?,,83,, +"A. T’ow liorish shoh er dty liettal veih tranlaase y yannoo er dooinney erbee, liorish goo ny Jannoo ; Baase Ghooinney erbee y yeearree ; ve booiagh jeh Coayll ghooinney erbee. As er skyn ooilley, ta saarey ayd noi oyr ooilley ny peccaghyn shoh, Goanlys ny myskit y reayll ayns dty chree ; son, my nee oo shen, bee oo aarloo dy vrasnagh feallagh elley gys olk, as bee oo hene aarloo dy yannoo olk. As shen-y-fa ta’n Noo Ean gra, Quoi erbee, echey ta feoh er e Vraar, te ny ghunvar. ","A. You are hereby forbidden to do Violence to any Man, by Word or Deed ; To wish any Man’s Death ; To be glad at Misfortunes ; And particularly, you are forbidden that which is the Occasion of all these Sins, To bear Malice or Hatred in your Heart ; for if you do so, you will be apt to Provoke others to Mischief ; you will be apt to do it yourself ; and therefore St. John saith, Whosoever hateth his Brother is a Murderer.",1 John iii. 13.,83,"A. T’ow liorish shoh er dty liettal veih tranlaase y yannoo er dooinney erbee, liorish goo ny Jannoo ; Baase Ghooinney erbee y yeearree ; ve booiagh jeh Coayll ghooinney erbee. As er skyn ooilley, ta saarey ayd noi oyr ooilley ny peccaghyn shoh, Goanlys ny myskit y reayll ayns dty chree ; son, my nee oo shen, bee oo aarloo dy vrasnagh feallagh elley gys olk, as bee oo hene aarloo dy yannoo olk. As shen-y fa ta’n Noo Ean gra, Quoi erbee, echey ta feoh er e Vraar, te ny ghunvar. ", +Q. Vel red erbee elley liorish shoh er ny lhiettal ? ,Q. Is any thing else hereby forbidden ?,,84,, +"A. Ta ; T’ow liorish shoh er dty lhiettal veih dagh nee oddys dty Vea hene, ny Bea ghooinney elley y yannoo niau-aashagh ny niau-saauchey ; T’ow lhiettit dy reayll drogh smooinaghtyn ; dy loayrt goan brasnee ; goaill er sooyl ennym mie ghooinney erbee ; Son foddee dooinney v’er ny Ghunvarys lesh Goan, as e Chree ve brisht lesh drogh-ghellal. ","A. Yes ; You are forbidden every thing which may make your own or other Mens Lives uneasy or unsafe ; entertaining of Prejudice, Provoking Language, and Taking away Men’s good Name ; for a Man may be murdered by Words, and his Heart broken by ill Usage.",,84,, +"T’ow myrgeddyn liorish shoh er dty lhiettal veih dy chooilley niau-heeltys, liorish oddys oo dty vioys hene y stroie, as cooney bioys feallagh elley y chur mou. ","You are also hereby, forbid all intemperance, by which you destroy your own, and help to ruin other Men’s Lives.",,84,, +"Ta’d shoh ooilley peccaghyn mooar, as eiyree Cooilleein trome orroosyn ta cur sleih ass y Teihll ny sleaih na ta Jee as Dooghys er phointeil. ","All which are grievous Sins, and a dreadful Vengeance will follow those that send Men out of the World sooner than God and Nature designed.",,84,, +Q. Cre’n currym t’er ny haarey ayns yn Anney shoh ? ,Q. What is the Duty required in this Commandment ?,,84,, +"A. Yn Currym ayd eh, whooish as oddys oo, dy veaghey ayns shee rish dy chooilley ghooinney ; Dy hea veih sheshaght sleih streeuagh ; Dy livrey adsyn ta tranlaasit, as dy ve myghinagh daauesyn t’ayns Seaghyn ; Dy ymmyrkey lesh as dy leih yn derrey yeh da’n jeh elley, as dy ve feer vooiagh jeh miys dy chooilley ghooinney. ","A. It is your Duty, as much as in you lieth, to live peaceably with all Men ; To avoid the Company of contentious People ; To deliver the Oppressed, and to be merciful to such as are in Misery ; to forbear and forgive one another, and be well pleased with the Welfare of all Men.","Rom. 12. 28. +Prov. 22. 24. +Eph. 4. 33.",84,, +VII. Cha brish oo Poosey. ,VII. Thou shalt not commit Adultery. ,,84,, +Q. Cre ny peccaghyn t’ayns shoh er ny lhiettal ? ,Q. What are the Sins here forbidden ?,,84,, +"A. Dy chooilley cheint dy niaughlennid, as dy chooilley red oddys sleih y leeideil ayns foilchin nagh lhiasagh ve er nyn enmyss. Dy chooilley Veshtyrys as jooid, as rour kiarrail son y Vooilg ; Bea liastey ; Goan as obbraghyn rouanagh ; lioryn as Orraanyn broagh ; ta ooilley ny reddyn shoh cur corree er Jee, as cha vel ad er aght erbee jesh son fer ta jercal dy veaghey marish ny Nooghyn as Ainlyn ayns Niau. ","A. All manner of Uncleanness, and all such things as are apt to lead Men into Vices not fit to be named. All Drunkeness and Gluttony, and eager Contriving for the Belly ; a sloathful Life ; wanton Words and Actions ; filthy Books and Songs ; all which are a great Offence to God, and by no means fit for one who expects to live with Saints and Angels in Heaven.",,84,, +Q. Ta ymmodee nagh vel jeaghyn er ny peccaghyn shoh dy ve whooish as cha dangeragh as ta shiuish loayrt jeh. ,Q. Many People do not look upon these Sins to be so great and dangerous as you speak of.,,85,, +"A. Ta shen son nagh vel ad credjal Goo Yee, ta ginsh, dy jean Jee adsyn y cherraghey, ta cur rish Maardyrys as Brishey poosey. As cre vees y Kerraghey shen you eh ayns Liore Ashlish y Noo Ean, 21. 8. Bee ad er nyn dilgey ayns y diunit ta lostey lesh Aile as Brimstoan. ","A. That is because they do not believe the Word of God, which declares, That Whore­­mongers and Adulterers, God will judge. And what that Judgment shall be, you find, Revelat. 21. 8. They shall be cast into the Lake which burneth with Fire and Brimstone.",Heb. 13. 4.,85,, +"Q. Cre ta eisht y Currym aym, dy voddym y vriwnys aglagh shoh y haghney ? ","Q. What then is my Duty, that I may escape that dreadful Sentence ?",,85,, +"A. Ta’n Currym ayd dy ve sheelt ; dy haarn dty Chorp fo reill dty spyrryd ; as, mannagh vod oo oo hene y smaghtagh, dy ghoaill y saase Onneroil shen ta Jee er ordagh dhyt dy reayll oo hene glen. Kinjagh Cooinaght dy vel Maardyrys goaill er sooyl y Cree ; Ta shen dy ghra, te cur er sleih ve mee-rioosagh jeh ny hig ny lurg shoh ; myr shen, dy feer vennick cha vel ad faikin nyn Nangere, derrey ta’d dy ennaght eh fegooish Saase dy haghney eh. ","A. Your Duty is to be Temperate ; to bring your Body into Subjection to your Spirit ; And if you cannot contain, to use that Honourable Remedy, which God hath provided, to keep you innocent. Ever remembring that Whoredom takes away the Heart ; That is, it makes Men regardless of what must come hereafter ; so that they very often see not their Danger, untill they feel it without Remedy.","1707: ny lurg +1 Cor. 9. 27. +Heb. 13. 4. +Hos. 4. 11.",85,"A. Ta’n Currym ayd dy ve sheelt ; dy haarn dty Chorp fo reill dty spyrryd ; as, mannagh vod oo oo hene y smaghtagh, dy ghoaill y saase Onneroil shen ta Jee er ordagh dhyt dy reayll oo hene glen. Kinjagh Cooinaght dy vel Maardyrys goaill er sooyl y Cree ; Ta shen dy ghra, te cur er sleih ve mee-rioosagh jeh ny hig na lurgh shoh ; myr shen, dy feer vennick cha vel ad faikin nyn Nangere, derrey ta’d dy ennaght eh fegooish Saase dy haghney eh. ", +Q. Cre ta Currym sleih poost ? ,Q. What is the Duty of Married Persons ?,,85,, +"A. Dy veaghey cooidjaght ayns shee, Cooinaght dy rou Poosey oardit liorish Jee son y Cooney kinjagh as y Gerjagh lhiasagh y ve ec y derrey yeh veih’n jeh elley. ","A. To live peaceably together ; remembring, that Marriage was ordain’d of God, for the mutual Help and Comfort which the one ought to have of the other. ",,86,, +"As shen-y-fa ta’d ny neeisht er chur Breearrey kiongoyrt rish Jee, yn dooinney, dy chur graih, dy gherjagh, dy chur ooashley, as dy reayll eh hene da’n Ven. ","And therefore they both of them have vowed before God, The Husband to love, to comfort, to honour, and to keep to his Wife.",,86,, +"Yn Ven, dy chur Biallys, dy Hirveish, dy chur graih as Onnor da e Sheshey, choud as vees ad ny neeisht bio. ","The Wife to obey, to serve, to love, and to honour her Husband, as long as they both shall live. ",,86,, +"Ta ny Breearraghyn shoh cha casherick as oddys y ve, as ta’d soit shees ayns shoh dy vod sleih poost dy mennick smooinaght orroo ; quooid veagh aght dy yannoo yn Staaid shen dy Vea yn staaid by vaanrey er y Thalloo. ","Which Vows are as sacred as can be made, and are here set down, that they may be often thought on by married Persons ; which would be a means of making that State of Life the Happiest that can be on Earth.",,86,, +VIII. Cha jean oo geid. ,VIII. Thou shalt not steal. ,,86,, +Q. Cre’n aght ta’n Saarey shoh er ny Vrishey ? ,Q. How is this Command transgressed ?,,86,, +"A. Cha nee ny lomarcan liorish Maarlhyss, ta ny pheccah eajee, as feoh ec dy chooilley ghooinney mie er, agh liorish tranlaase, Moalteraght, freayll shen ta cair y eeick, Keiltyn cooid chaljey t’er ny gheddyn, Molley’n Theay, Caeu sleih, ma vou ad nyn Gair, ny leodagh nyn gooid liorish leihdyraght gyn feime. Liorish pooar, caardys, leaghyn, ny croutyn ; Ta’d shoh foilchin roah vennick jeant lioroosyn nagh vel dy bragh smooinaght dy bee ad er nyn gerragh son yn Anney shoh y vrishey, as foast nee Jee dy feer firrinagh cooilleein y ghoaill er nyn leid shoh. ","A. Not only by Theft, which is a base Vice, and openly abhorred, but by Oppression, Deceit, Witholding of Dues, Concealing of found Goods, Defrauding the Publick, Wearying Men out of their Rights, or impairing their Estates by vexatious Law-Suits, By Power, Interest, Bribery, or Craft ; which are Crimes too often committed by those who never expect to be punished for the Breach of this Command ; and yet God is most surely the Avenger of all such.",1 Thes. iv. 6.,86,"A. Cha nee ny lomarcan liorish Maarlhyss, ta ny pheccah eajee, as feoh ec dy chooilley ghooinney mie er, agh liorish tranlaase, Moalteraght, freall shen ta cair y eeick, Keiltyn cooid chaljey t’er ny gheddyn, Molley’n Theay, Caeu sleih, ma vou ad nyn Gair, ny leodagh nyn gooid liorish leihdyraght gyn feime. Liorish pooar, caardys, leaghyn, ny croutyn ; Ta’d shoh foilchin roah vennick jeant lioroosyn nagh vel dy bragh smooinaght dy bee ad er nyn gerragh son yn Anney shoh y vrishey, as foast nee Jee dy feer firrinagh cooilleein y ghoaill er nyn leid shoh. ", +"Q. Cre t’er ny hirrey orrin, dy vod mad yn Leih shoh y chooilleeiney ? ",Q. What is required of us that we may keep this Law ?,,87,, +"A. Te’n Currym ayd, dy ve kiarralagh ayns dty staaid beaghee, dy vod oo beaghey fegooish raadjin Niau-lowal y ghoaill. ","A. It is your Duty to be diligent in your Calling, that you may be able to live without taking unlawful Ways. ",,87,, +"Dy ve dty Stioort mie er ny ta Jee er chur dhyt, er aggle lurg dhyt ve er yummal eh, dy bee oo er dty violagh dy veaghey liorish Foalsaght. ","To be a good Husband of what God hath given you, lest having squandered it, you be tempted to live by Deceit.",,87,, +"Dy ve booiagh lesh y Staaid beaghee t’ow ayn, credjal dy vel red beg ny shaar, lesh Cairys, na cheet stiagh mooar lesh aggair. ","To be contented with your Condition ; believing, that better is a little with Righteousness, than great Revenues without Right.",Prov. 16. 8.,87,, +"Er jerrey ooilley ; dy chur dty Hreishteil gys Kiarralys Yee, ta jannoo son e Chretooryn, as ver dy jarroo Leagh da’n Dooinney boght Onneragh, ta goaill myr reih dy huyll er ny Creesteenyn, ny sleoi ny hed eh dy gheid. ","Lastly ; to depend upon God’s Providence, which takes care of all Creatures ; and will certainly Reward the Honest Poor Man, who chooses to Beg, if he cannot labour, rather than Steal.",,87,, +"Q. Cre ta’n Currym echyssyn ta tushtagh jeh e pheccah, as ta trimshagh dy vel eh er vrishey’n Leih shoh ? ","Q. What is the Duty of one who is sensible of his Sin, and sorry that he hath broke this Law ?",,87,, +"A. Shegin da goaill rish e pheccah gys Jee, as my oddys eh dy bragh y yannoo eh, shegin da lhiaasagh y chur da’n persoon te er yannoo aggair da ; fegooish shen, cha vod eh jercal rish Jee dy leih da. ","A. He must confess his Sin unto God, and if he can possibly do it, he must make amends to the Persons he hath wronged, without which he must not expect Forgivness from God.","Lev. 6. 2. +Ezek. 33. 15.",87,, +"As shoh, ta cur er Arrys dy ve feer doillee gowit er son y pheccah shoh ; son nagh jean sleih, kyndagh rish naarey as creoghys-cree, Lhiaasagh y yannoo son shen ny ta’d er chosney liorish Moalteraght, ny Tranlaase ; as foast ta’d treishteil dy ve saauchey ; Agh shoh Treishteil feallagh Craauee-foalsey, nee cherraghtyn. ","And this is that which makes this Sin so very hard to be repented of ; because, through Shame, or Stubborness, People will not make Restitution of what they have got by Fraud or Violence ; and yet they hope to be saved ; But this is the Hope of Hypocrites, which shall perish.",Job 8. 13.,87,"As shoh, ta cur er Arrys dy ve feer doillee gowit er son y pheccah shoh ; son nagh jean sleih, kyndagh rish naarey as creoghys-cree, Lhiaasagh y yannoo son shen n? ta’d er chosney liorish Moalteraght, ny Tranlaase ; as foast ta’d treishteil dy ve saauchey ; Agh shoh Treishteil feallagh Craauee-foalsey, nee cherraghtyn. ", +IX. Cha nymmyrk oo feanish foalsey noi dty Naboo. ,IX. Thou shalt not bear false Witness against thy Neighbour. ,,88,, +Q. Vel yn Anney shoh noi red erbee agh dy ve feanish foalsey ? ,"Q. Is any more here forbidden, than the being a False Witness ?",,88,, +"A. Ta. Ta saarey er ny choyrt dhyt liorish shoh nagh jir oo red erbee my-chione Sleih elley, oddys aggair y yannoo daaue, mannagh bee eh son oyr onneragh, dy haarn ad gys arrys, ny dyn lhiettal ad veih olk smoo y yannoo da feallagh elley. ","A. Yes ; You are hereby forbidden to say any thing of other Men, which may hurt them, unless it be with an honest Design, to bring them to Repentance, or to hinder them from doing greater Mischiefs to others.",,88,, +"Shen-y-fa, dy smooinaght er Naiaghtyn, dy vishagh as dy insh ad ; dy chur Skialleenyn er nyn doshiaght ; Dy chur drogh ennym da sleih ; dy insh magh ny Hannooinidyn oc ; Dy chur er ny foilchin oc dy ve ny smassey na ta’d. Ta shoh ooilley er ny gheyrey liorish y Leih shoh, as Goo Yee ayns ynnydyn elley. ","Therefore to invent Stories, to add to them, and to set them abroad ; to encourage Tale-bearers ; to give Men ill Names ; to publish their Infirmities ; to make their Faults worse than they are ; are all condemn’d by this Law, and other Scriptures. ",,88,, +"Myr Obbyr y Drogh Spyrryd hene ; myr stroie dy chooilley Naboonys mie, as Giastalys Creestee. ",As the very Work of the Devil ; As the Destruction of all good Neighbourhood and Christian Charity.,John 8. 44.,88,, +Q. Cre veih ta’n peccah shoh cheet ? ,Q. From whence doth this Sin proceed ?,,88,, +"A. Ny cheartyn, liorish drogh aigney ; ta sleih ayn, ta graih oc er olk, as ta’d booiagh myr smoo jeh t’ayns y Teihll. Ny cheartyn, veih dooghys anvea-agh ; Veih Moairn, veih drogh smooinaghtyn, as ny cheartyn, son rouanys. ","A. Sometimes from a base Disposition : there are People who love Mischief, and are pleased, the more of it there is in the World. Sometimes from a busy Temper ; from Pride, from Evil Designs, and sometimes People do it for Diversion.",,88,, +"Agh veih cre erbee te cheet, te courey aigney daaney, dy ghra olk jeh feallagh elley, myr nagh beagh veg ny foilchin ayndoo hene eddyr ; Dy chraaid mish Ennym mie dooinney, Sheeagh ny smoo na chooid ; Dy chur Caarjin fo my cheilley, dy voirey yn Naboonys mie oc. As shen-y-fa ta Scammyltee coontit nyn Maskey ocsyn nagh jed gys Niau. ","But from whencesoever it proceeds, it is a sign of an impudent Mind, to speak ill of others, as if such Men had no Faults of their own ; to jest with a Man’s good Name, which is more valuable than his Estate ; to set Friends at variance, and to disturb their good Neighbourhood. And therefore Revilers are reckoned amongst those that must not go to Heaven.","Sheeagh] text Seagh; 1707 Sheeagh +Caarjin] text Carjin, but Caarjin as the catch-word +Prov. 22. 1.",88,"Agh veih cre erbee te cheet, te courey aigney daaney, dy ghra olk jeh feallagh elley, myr nagh beagh veg ny foilchin ayndoo hene eddyr ; Dy chraaid mish Ennym mie dooinney, Seagh ny smoo na chooid ; Dy chur Carjin fo my cheilley, dy voirey yn Naboonys mie oc. As shen-y-fa ta Scammyltee coontit nyn Maskey ocsyn nagh jed gys Niau. ", +Q. Cre ta’n Currym ain liorish y Leih shoh ? ,Q. What is required of us by this Law ?,,89,, +"A. Ta’n Currym ayd dy loayrt yn irrin ec dy chooilley earish, tra te cooie chammah as tra t’ow er dty Lhoo. Dy ve kiarralagh jeh Goo mie deney ; Dy ve booiagh clashtyn, credjal, as loayrt y chooid shaar ; Gyn dt’aigney chur ayns Naiaghtyn broagh ommyjagh. As ver mad tastey shaar da’n choyrle shoh, my nee shin Smooinaght dy dowin er cre’n trimshey mooar te dooin hene scammylt y gheddyn liorish drogh hengey. ","A. It is your Duty to speak the Truth at all times, when ’tis fit, as well as when you are upon your Oath. To be tender of Mens Reputation ; to be disposed to hear, and believe, and to speak the Best ; not to take pleasure in foolish or wicked Stories. And we shall observe these Rules the better, if we consider what a sore Grief it is to ourselves, to be abused by a wicked Tongue.",,89,"A. Ta’n Currym ayd dy loayrt yn irrin ec dy choilley earish, tra te cooie chammah as tra t’ow er dty Lhoo. Dy ve kiarralagh jeh Goo mie deney ; Dy ve booiagh clashtyn, credjal, as loayrt y chooid shaar ; Gyn dt’aigney chur ayns Naiaghtyn broagh ommyjagh. As ver mad tastey shaar da’n choyrle shoh, my nee shin Smooinaght dy dowin er cre’n trimshey mooar te dooin hene scammylt y gheddyn liorish drogh hengey. ", +"X. Cha der oo saaint da Thie dty Naboo ; cha der oo Saaint da Ben dty Naboo, ny da ’Harvaant, ny da ’Inney veyl ; ny da ’Ghow ; ny da ’Assyl ; ny da nee erbee dy vel lheshyn. ","X. Thou shalt not covet thy Neighbour’s House ; thou shalt not covet thy Neighbour’s Wife, nor his Servant, nor his Maid, nor his Ox, nor his Ass, nor any thing that is his. ",,89,"X. Cha der oo saaint da Thie dty Naboo ; cha der oo Saaint da Ben dty Naboo, ny da ’Harvaant, ny da ’Inney veyl ; ny da Ghow ; ny da ’Assyl ; ny da nee erbee dy vel lheshyn. ", +Q. Cre ta lhaie liorish yn Anney shoh ? ,Q. What is the meaning of this Command ?,,89,, +"A. T’ow liorish shoh er dty haarey gyn Saaint y chur, ta shen dy ghra, nagh soi oo dty chree er shen ta lesh dooinney elley, er aggle dy bee oo er dty violagh dy ghoaill raadjin niau-lowal dy gheddyn eh ayns dty Chummal hene ; Myr ren Ahab lurg da e Chree y hoiagh er Thalloo e Naboo ; as tra nagh dod eh y chionnagh eh lesh e argid, chooin y Jouyl lesh y gheddyn eh er aght elley ; as chost shen e vioys da, as va e Heeloghe er ny chur mou. ","A. You are hereby forbidden to Covet, that is, to set your Heart upon, that which is another Man’s, lest you be tempted to take unlawful Ways of getting it into your possession ; as Ahab did, who, having set his Heart upon his Neighbour’s Estate, when he could not have it for his Money, the Devil helped him to get it another way, which cost him his Life, and the Ruin of his Family.",1 King. 12.,89,, +Q. Agh nagh vod dooinney shirrey shen ny t’ec Dooinney elley y chionnagh ? ,Q. But may not a Man desire to buy what is anothers ?,,90,, +"A. Foddee ; fegooish dooyt, er Conaant dy vod eh dy lowal y chreick eh, as dy vel oo smooinaght dy vel eh booiagh shen y yannoo ; agh mannagh vel eh booiagh, eisht, dy ve mennick dy yeearree eh, te peccah noi’n Leih shoh dy Yee. ","A. Yes ; no doubt of it, provided the other can lawfully dispose of it, and that you suppose he is willing to do so ; but if he is not willing, then to continue to desire it, is a Sin against this Law of God.",,90,, +Q. Cre ta’n Leih shoh dy haarey ? ,Q. What doth this Law require ?,,90,, +"A. Dy vreayll oo dty Chree lesh dy chooilley imnea, son dy nee magh veih ta cheet dy chooilley ghrogh yannoo. ","A. That you keep your Heart with all Diligence, because out of it proceedeth all manner of Wickedness.","Prov. 3. 28. +Matt. xv. 19.",90,, +"Dy Shass oo noi Thoshiaght dagh peccah ; son my liggys oo da, nee eh gymmyrkey magh baase. ","That you resist the very beginnings of Sin, which, if let alone, will bring forth Death.",Jam. i. 15.,90,, +"Dy bee oo booiagh lesh dty Chronney hene, myr shen ta oardit dhyt liorish Jee creeney as Mie. ","That you be contented with your own Lot, as that which is appointed you by a wise and good God.",,90,, +"Er jerrey ooilley; dy jean oo Jee y hoiagh kinjagh kiongoyrt rhyt, ta faikin eer folliaght dty Chree, as nee eh dy chooilley haaint pheccoil t’ayn y cherraghey. ","Lastly ; that you set God always before you, who seeth the very Secrets of your Heart, and will punish all its sinful Lusts.",,90,, +Yn PHADJER.,The PRAYER.,,90,, +"FOshtyl uss nyn Sooillyn, O Hiarn, dy vaik mad dy vel dty Leih Casherick, Cairagh, as Mie ; as dy vod mad y reayll eh lesh ooilley nyn Gree ; dy vod mad ve graihagh as ammyssagh daauesyn ooilley ta’n Chiarralys flaunyssagh ayds er soiagh er nyn skyn ; Dy vod mad gyn tranlaase y yannoo er dooinney erbee ; Dy der mad feoh da dagh yeearree, goo, as obbyr niau-ghlen ; da dy chooilley oalsaght as chennid, da dy chooilley olk ta cheet jeh chengey vreagagh, da dy chooilley yeearree Saaintoil, as Thoshiaght Saaint ny foalley. Hiarn, jean myghin orrin as Scriu ooilley dty Leiaghyn shoh ayns nyn Greeaghyn, ta shin dy feer injil guee ort. Amen. ","OPen our Eyes, O Lord, that we may see that thy Law is Holy, Just, and good ; and that we may keep it with our whole Heart ; that we may love and honour all those whom thy Providence hath made our Betters. That we may do Violence to no Man. That we may abhor all unchast Desires, Words, and Actions ; all Deceit and Oppression ; all the Evils of a lying Tongue ; all covetous Desires, and Beginnings of Lust. Lord have Mercy upon us, and write all these thy Laws in our Hearts, we most humbly beseech thee. Amen.",,90,, +SECT. XI.,,,91,, +Q. CRE smoo t’ow dy ynsagh liorish ny Annaghyn shoh ? ,Q. WHAT dost thou chiefly learn by these Commandments ?,,91,, +"A. Ta mee gynsagh daa red ; my Churrym gys Jee, as my Churrym gys my Naboo. ","A. I learn two things ; my Duty towards God, and my Duty towards my Neighbour. ",,91,, +Q. Cre’n aght ta ny Annaghyn er nyn rheinn ? ,Q. How are the Commandments divided ?,,91,, +"A. Ta’n chied cheyr jannoo yn chied aarn, as gynsagh dooin nyn gurrym gys Jee ; yn shey elley, yn nah aarn, Soiagh magh nyn gurrym gys nyn Naboo. ","A. The Four first make the First Table, and teach us our Duty to God : The Six last, or the Second Table, do contain the Duty we owe to our Neighbour.",,91,, +Q. Cre ta dty Currym [sic] gys Jee ? ,Q. What is thy Duty towards God ?,,91,, +"A. Ta my Churrym gys Jee, dy chredjal ayn, dy ghoaill aggle roish, dy chur Graih da, lesh ooilley my Chree, lesh ooilley my aigney, lesh ooilley my Annym, as lesh ooilley my Niart ; Dy chur ooashley da, dy chur booise da, dy chur my slaane Treishteil ayn, dy eamagh er, dy chur arrym da e ennym casherick, as da e ghoo, as dy hirveish eh dy firrinagh ooilley laghyn my Vea. ","A. My Duty towards God, is to believe in him, to fear him, to love him with all my Heart, with all my Mind, with all my Soul, and with all my Strength ; to worship him, to give him Thanks, to put my whole Trust in him, to call upon him, to honour his holy Name and his Word, and to serve him truly all the Days of my Life. ",,91,, +Q. Vel Currym Creestee doillee dy ve er ny hoiggal ? ,Q. Is a Christian’s Duty hard to be understood ?,,92,, +"A. Cha vel, er aght erbee ; Creestee-aght obbyr dy chooilley ghooinney, as foddee dooinney er beggan tushtey, my ta Cree onneragh echey, fyss ve echey er e Churrym, as foddee eh yannoo eh, chammah as y Fer-ynsee smoo erbee. ","A. By no means ; Religion being the Business of all Men ; a plain Man, if he is well-disposed, may know his Duty, and be able to perform it, as well as the greatest Scholar.",,92,, +"Q. Ta’d shoh Goan feer gherjolagh ; Gueeym erriu, cur-jee tushtey dou jeu. ","Q. This is a comfortable Truth ; I pray, make me sensible of it.",,92,, +"A. Nagh vaik oo dy vel dy chooilley hushtey ymmyrchagh Soit shees ayns focklyn giarrey ; Ta dty Churrym gys Jee as gys dty Naboo scruit ayns beggan goan, feer aashagh dy ve er nyn doiggal as freailt ayns cooinaghtyn ; raad ta sleih dy firrinagh credjal ayns Jee, as dy creeoil gyeearree dy ve Saauchey. ","A. Do you not see that all necessary Knowledge lieth in a very narrow compass ; Your Duty to God and to your Neighbour is contained in a few Words, very easie to be understood and remembered, where People truly believe in God, and heartily desire to be saved.",,92,, +"Q. Eisht, ta mish treishteil nagh bee’m callit, son ta mee credjal ayns Jee, as ta mee dy creeoil gyeearree dy ve saauchey. ","Q. Then I trust I shall not perish, for I do believe in God, and I heartily wish to be saved.",,92,, +"A. Cha negin dhyt ve mollit ayns nee ta chooish lhaie er. Foddee nagh vel oo credjal ayn, ny goaill aggle roish, ny graihagh er Jee lesh ooilley dty Chree, ga t’ow Smooinaght dy vel oo. ","A. You must not be deceived in a Matter of so great Moment. It may be you do not believe in, nor fear, nor love God with all your Heart, though you are perswaded you do.",,92,, +"Q. Gueeym, dy voddym my vee-hushtey y aikin, my ta mee er shaghryn. ","Q. I beg I may see my Error, if I am in one.",,92,, +"A. Vel oo tannaghtyn ayns peccah erbee er fyss dhyt ? My t’ow jannoo shen, foddee oo ve shickyr jeh nagh vel oo goaill aggle roishyn, echey ta pooar dy stroie Corp as Annym ayns Niurin. ","A. Do you live in any known Sin ? If you do so, you may be sure you do not fear Him who hath Power to destroy both Body and Soul in Hell.",,92,, +"Foddee dy vel oo smooinaght dy vel graih ayd er Jee er skyn dy chooilley nee ; agh mannagh vel oo kiarralagh dy reayll e Leihaghyn, as corree rhyt hene, tra t’ow dyn mrishey ad, eisht, cha vel graih ayd er Jee ; son shoh ta’n Noo Ean dy ghra, Graih Yee, dy vel shin freayll e Annaghyn. ","It may be, you think you love God above all Things ; but if you are not concerned to keep his Laws, and angry with your self when you break them, then you do not love God : For this, saith S. John, is the Love of God ; that we keep his Commandments.",1 John v. 3.,93,,"It may be, you think you love God above all Things ; but if you are not concerned to keep his Laws, and angry with you?self when you break them, then you do not love God : For this, saith S. John, is the Love of God ; that we keep his Commandments." +"Vel oo roih gys Jee ayns ooilley dt’eime, guee huggey, booiagh lesh ny te goardrail er dty hon, tilgey ooilley dty chairrail er ? mannagh vel oo jannoo shen, Cammah, eisht, cha vel oo treishteil ayn lesh ooilley dty Chree. ","Do you run to God in all your Wants, pray to him, rest satisfied with what he orders for you, casting all your Care upon him ? If you do not so, Why then, you do not trust in Him with all your Heart.",2 Pet. v. 7.,93,"Vel oo roih gys Jee ayns ooilley dt’eime, guee huggey, booiagh lesh ny te goardrail er dty hon, tilgey ooilley dty chairrail er ; mannagh vel oo jannoo shen, Cammah, eisht, cha vel oo treishteil ayn lesh ooilley dty Chree. ","Do you run to God in all your Wants, pray to him, rest satisfied with what he orders for you, casting all your Care upon him ? If you do not so, Why then, you do not trust in Him with all your Heart ?" +"Q. Heeym dy nee my Churrym eh, myr shoh, dy chur graih da Jee, dy ghoaill aggle roish, as dy Hreishteil ayn, agh ta aggle orrym dy bee eh doillee dou shen y yannoo. ","Q. I see it is my Duty thus to Love, and to Fear, and to Trust in God, but I am afraid it will be hard for me to do so.",,93,, +"A. Ny lig dty chree woid ; gys yn Aigney ta soit er reddyn mie, ver grayse Yee er dy chooilley nee ve aashagh. ","A. Be not discouraged ; to a well disposed Mind, the Grace of God will make every thing easy.",,93,, +"Agh ny Yeih, cooinee, dy vel yn Aigney ghraysoil shoh dy ve er ny gheddyn chammah liorish dt’ymmyrkey hene, as liorish cooney Yee. Nagh vel dooinney erbee cheet gys mooads e viys ec yn yn cheayrt, agh ta obbyr y Spyrryd dy cooiee er ny holagh gys Greinn dy rass Mustart, ga nagh vel eh, hoshiaght, agh fardaalagh, ny yeih, te dy gerrit gaase dy ve ny villey. ","Only remember, that these gracious Dispositions are to be obtained as well by your own Endeavours, as by God’s Assistance. That no Man is perfect at once, but the Work of the Spirit is fitly compared unto a grain of Mustard-seed, which, though small at first, yet soon becomes a Tree.",Mar. 13. 31.,93,, +"Q. Cre shegin dou, eisht, y yannoo dy voddym Credjal fegooish dooyt erbee, dy nee Jee ta reill dy chooilley nee ; as dy voddym ve booiagh lesh cre erbee Te dy yannoo er my hon, son y chooid shaar ? ","Q. What then must I do, that I may believe, without any doubt, that God governeth all things, and that I may cheerfully submit to whatever He doth, as the best ?",,93,, +"A. Shegin dhyt dy mennick smooinaght ayd hene ; nagh vod Jee aggair y yannoo da e Chretooryn hene, son cha beagh eh er chroo ad, dy beagh feoh echey orroo. ","A. You must often consider, that God cannot do Wrong to his Creatures, which he would not have made, if He had hated them.",,94,, +"Cooinee ; dy vel ny deney scraauee goaill rish Cairys as miys Yee, dy jarroo, tra te dyn gerragh ad. ","Remember ; that the best Men do own the Justice and Goodness of God, even when they smart under his Hand. ",,94,, +"Smooinee er cre cha moayll as ta dty hushtey hene, as, myr honnick oo hoshiaght yn arroo tilgit ayns y Thalloo, ga dy rou eh ayns faikin dhyts myr dy beagh eh tilgit er Sooyl, ny yeih, cha voddagh oo agh smooinaght dy rou Resoon ocsyn ren eh er eh hon, son dy rou ad ny screeney na uss ; my nee oo smooinaght myr shoh jeh Jee, hig oo, ec y jerrey, dy ve feer vooiagh lesh ooilley ny te dy yannoo, ny surral dy ve jeant, as cha bee oo, dy bragh, jummoogh jeh aghtyn y Chiarrail flaunyssagh echey. ","Consider how short your own Knowledge is ; and, as when you first saw Corn flung into the Ground, tho’ it did seem to you to be lost, yet you could not but think, they that did it had Reason for it, because they were wiser than you ; If you think so of God, you will at last come to be well pleased with whatever he doth, or permits to be done, and never to murmur at the Ways of His Providence.",,94,, +"Q. Ga dy nee my churrym, dy ghoaill aggle roish Jee er skyn dy chooilley nee, ny yeih, ta mee dy mennick ny sagglee roish ny Leihaghyn, as roish corree my Chaarjin, na ta mee roish Jee. ","Q. Though it is my Duty to fear God above all Things, yet I am often more afraid of the Laws, and the Anger of my Friends, than of God.",,94,, +"A. Agh cha bee oo myr shen, my nee oo streeue dy reayll ayns dty Chree, dy vel ny sooillyn echyssyn kinjagh ort ; Dy vel e cherraghey feer trome. Dy vel eh red aglagh da Peccagh, dy huittym fo’n jummoose echyssyn ren y chroo eh. Smooinee dy mennick er shoh, as ynsee oo dy ve ny sagglee roish Jee na roish y Vaase. ","A. But you will not be so, if you strive to keep it in your Heart, That his Eyes are ever upon you ; That his Judgments are very terrible. That it is a fearful thing for a Sinner to fall under the Displeasure of his Maker. Think much of this, and you will learn to fear God more than Death.",,94,, +Q. Cre’n aght shegin dou gynsagh dy chur graih da Jee ? ,Q. How must I learn to Love God ?,Error repeated from 1707.,95,Q. Cree’n aght shegin dou gynsagh dy chur graih da Jee ? , +"A. Smooinee ayd hene, cre’n aght haink oo dy ve graihagh er dt’Ayr as dty Voir ; nagh nee son dy rou cliaghtey dy roih huc er dy chooilley oyr, as hooar oo ad kinjagh arryltagh dy chlashtyn rhyt as dy chooney lhiatt ? ","A. Consider how you came to Love your Parents ; was it not because you were used to go to them upon all Occasions, and found them always ready to hear and to help you ?",,95,"A. Smooinee ayd hene, cre’n aght haink oo dy ve graihagh er dt’Ayr as dty Voir ; nagh nee son dy rou cliaghtey dy roih huc er dy chooilley oyr, as hooar oo ad kinjagh arryltagh dy chlashtyn rhyt as dy chooney lhiatt.", +"Cammah ; nish jean smooinaght dy dowin nagh voddagh dt’ Ayr as dty Voir cooney lhiatt fegooish Bannaght Yee ; cha voddagh dty Voir ee hene y reayll nagh beagh ee er ny livrey jeeds roish y tra ; as tra rug oo, cha voddagh ee oo y reayll veih drogh haghyrtyn, veih Chingys, ny veih Baase. She Jee t’er dty choadey, ta dy dty chuirrey dy eamagh er ayns ooilley dt’eime ; t’er yialldyn dy chlashtyn rhyt, dy reggyrt oo, as dy ve ny Ayr dhyt, as my ver oo biallys da, nee eh oo Bannit son dy bra. ","Why, now consider that your Parents could not help you, without God’s Blessing ; your Mother could not hinder herself from Miscarrying of you, and, when you were born, she could not keep you from sad Accidents, from Sickness, or from Death. It is God who hath preserved you, who inviteth you to call upon him in all your Wants, hath promised to hear, to answer, and to be a Father to you, and, if you obey Him, to make you happy for ever.",present in 1707.,95,"Cammah ; nish jean smooinaght dy dowin nagh voddagh dt’ Ayr as dty Voir cooney lhiatt fegooish Bannaght Yee ; cha voddagh dty Voir ee hene y reayll nagh beagh ee er ny livrey jeeds roish y tra ; as tra rug oo, cha voddagh ee oo y reayll veih drogh haghyrtyn, veih Chingys, ny veih Baase. She Jee t’er dty choadey, ta dy dty chuirrey dy eamagh er ayns ooilley dt’eime ; t’er yialldyn chlashtyn rhyt, dy reggyrt oo, as dy ve ny Ayr dhyt, as my ver oo biallys da, nee eh oo Bannit son dy bra. ", +"Jean er-y-fa shen soiagh jeh’n Cuirrey graysoil shoh ; Gow padjer gys Jee son ny t’ow dy laccal, as ver oo graih da, cha dooghyssagh as ta Lhiannoo dy chur da e Voir ta dy hroggal eh. ","Do you therefore accept of this gracious Invitation ; pray to God for what you want, and you will love Him as naturally as a Child doth the Parents that nourish him.",,95,, +"Q. Agh, ga dy nee my Churrym eh, dy eamagh er Jee as dy chur ooashley da, ny yeih, ta mee gennaghtyn niau-arryltys ayns my ghooghys dy yannoo myr shen. ","Q. But, though it is my Duty to call upon, and worship God, yet I find a backwardness in my Nature to do so.",,95,, +"A. Foddee shen y ve ; ny yeih, jean red ennagh noi dty ghooghys ; Freaill dty Chree glen, as smooinee er dty laa jerrinagh, as Guee kinjagh son ooilley dty niau-arryltys as dty Chliaghtey ; as nee grayse Yee shen yn eunys ayd, ta nish ny errey dhyt. ","A. That may be. However, do something against your Inclinations ; keep your Heart clean, and your Thoughts upon your latter End, and pray constantly, notwithstanding your Unwillingness and Custom, and the Grace of God will make that a Delight, which is now a Burden.",,95,, +"Q. Ta fyss aym dy vel resoon aym dy chur booise da Jee, as foast cha vel taitnys mooar ayns my chree gys e Vannaghtyn. ","Q. I know I have Reason to give God thanks, and yet, my Heart is not much affected with his Blessings.",,96,, +"A. Shen-y-fa, shegin dhyt dy mennick smooinaght er e Ghiootyn, as tra t’ow geddyn bannaght erbee, chyndaa dty smooinaght chelleeragh gys Jee, as abbyr ; Ta’n vyghin shoh veihsyn ; she eshyn ta cur Caarjin dou ; eshyn ta dy my chur er my hoshiaght ayns y raad ta mee shooyl ; She Jee t’er chur my lhaaint dou reeisht ; She eshyn ta cur m’aash dou dy chooilley Oie lesh cadley, as ta dy my choadey dagh laa veih Gaaue. Jean shoh, as ver oo booise da cha dooghyssagh as hirrys oo e Vannaghtyn. ","A. Therefore, you must often think of his Favours, and when you receive any Blessing, turn your Thoughts forthwith towards God, and say ; This Mercy is from Him ; It is He that gives me Friends ; It is He that prospers me in the Way I go ; It is God who hath restored me to Health ; It is He that refreshes me every Night with Sleep, and every Day preserveth me from Danger. Do this, and you will as naturally return Him Thanks, as desire his Blessings.",,96,, +"Q. Ta fyss aym dy nee my churrym eh, Dy chur my slaane Treishteil ayns Jee ; agh voddym shoh yannoo tra te liggey dou tuittym ayns seaghyn ? ","Q. I see it is my Duty To put my whole Trust in God ; but is it possible for me to do so, when he suffers me to fall into Affliction ?",,96,, +"A. Foddee, dy jarroo. As ta sleih mie rieau er yannoo shen. Ga dy mar eh mee, ny yeih, treishtym ayn, dooyrt Job. ","A. Yes, sure. Good Men have always done so. Though he slay me, yet will I Trust in him, saith Job.",Job 13. 15.,96,, +"Cooinee, dy vel eh mie dy ve ayns seaghyn, tra hee Jee eh ymmyrchagh ; er aght elley cha vel boggey echey ayns trimshey e chretooryn. ","Remember, that it is good to be in trouble, when God sees meet, who otherwise doth not delight in the Miseries of his Creatures.",Psal. 119. 71.,96,, +Q. Cre ta my Churrym tra ta Jee lie e laaue orrym ? ,Q. What will be my Duty when God shall visit me ?,,96,, +"A. Dty Churrym eh, dy ve Surransagh, dy vriwnys dty raadjin, as dy hyndaa chelleeragh gys Jee, as dy ghuee dy jean eh, liorish Seaghyn y Vea shoh, dty haarn gys Bea Shaar, as cur tooai nagh shir oo son cooney veih’n Jouyl, myr t’adsyn ta cliaghtey er Oallyssyn, tra ta’d hene ny nyn gooid ayns feime. ","A. It will be your Duty to be patient, to consider your Ways, and to turn to God immediately, and pray that he may make the Troubles of this Life a means of bringing you to a better ; and beware of seeking Help from the Devil, as they do, who make use of Charms, when they, or their Goods, are in Distress.",,96,"A. Dty Churrym eh, dy ve Surransagh, dy vriwnys dty raadjin, as dy hyndaa chelleeragh gys Jee, as dy ghuee dy jean eh, liorish Seaghyn y Vea shoh, dty haarn gys Bea Shaar, as cur tooai nagh shir oo son cooney veih’n Jouyl, myr t’adsyn ta cliaghtey er Oallyssym, tra ta’d hene ny nyn gooid ayns feime. ", +"Q. Negin dou neeisht treishteil ayns Jee, as Credjal dy vel eh kiarralagh jeem, tra ta mee ayns Boghtinyd ? ","Q. Must I also trust in God, and believe that he careth for me, though I am in Poverty ?",,97,, +"A. Shegin dhyt. Son cha vel Berchys kinjagh courey jeh Foayr Yee, ny Boghtinyd jeh e Yummoose.","A. You must do so. For Riches are not always a Sign of God’s Favour, nor Poverty of His Displeasure.",,97,, +"Cooinee er cre’n Breearey hug Jacob ; My vees Jee marym, as my ver eh arran dou dy ee, as Coamrey dou dy chur y mooym, Eisht bee’n Chiarn y Jee aym. ","Remember the Resolution which Jacob made, If God will be with me, and give me Bread to eat, and Raiment to put on, then shall the Lord be my God.",Gen. 28. 20.,97,, +"Son gerjagh dhyt hene, as dy niartagh dty credjue, gou ayd hene, dy nee obbyr Yee shoh, dy vod e lhiaasagh fondagh y chur dhyt ayns y teihll ta ry heet, son ny t’ow dy ymmyrch ayns y teihll shoh. ","To comfort yourself and confirm your Faith, consider, That this is the Work of God ; That he can make you sufficient amends in the next World, for what you want in this. ",1 Sam 2. 7.,97,, +"Dy vel ny Boghtyn, liorish Jee hene, er nyn enmys dy ve Eiraghyn y Reeriaght echyssyn. ",That the Poor are expressly declared to be Heirs of his Kingdom.,Jam. 2. 5.,97,, +"Dy vel, dy jarroo, Sooillyn Yee kinjagh er y Voght ; son dy vel eh cha mennick er Saarey feallagh elley dy ghoaill kiarrail jeh. ","That, to be sure, God hath his Eye continually upon the Poor, because he hath so often commanded others to take Care of them.",,97,, +"Smooinee er ny reddyn shoh, as bee oo booiagh lesh y staaid t’ow ayn, as cha shir oo y yannoo ny Shaar eh, liorish aghtyn aggairagh. ","Think of these Things, and you will be content with your Condition, and not desire to better it by unjust Ways.",,97,, +"Cha jean oo troo mish ny Berchee, ny foill y gheddyn da Miys Jee. ","You will neither envy the Rich, nor question the Goodness of God. ",,97,, +Q. Vel ny Berchee whooish kainlt dy hreishteil ayns Jee as ta ny Boghtyn ? ,Q. Are the Rich as much bound to trust in God as the Poor ?,,97,, +"A. Tar ad. Son gys Jee ta’d cur nyn marrant, dy jean nyn merchys mie daaue, as dy jean ad fuirraght oc ; Son ta Berchys jannoo Skeeanyn daaue hene as getlagh er sooyl. As she Jee ta cur pooar da dooinney dy ghoaill solley jeh ny te er gheddyn.","A. They are. For they depend upon God, both for the Enjoyment, and Continuance of their Riches ; For Riches make themselves Wings, and fly away. And it is God who giveth a Man Power to enjoy what he hath gotten.","Prov. 23. 15. +Eccles. 5. 19.",97,, +"As shen-y-fa, ta Berchee er nyn saarey gyn ve ard-aignagh, ny treishteil gys berchys niau-hickyr, agh ayns y Jee bio. ","And therefore rich Men are commanded, Not to be high-minded, not to Trust in uncertain Riches, but in the Living God.",1 Tim. 6. 17.,98,, +"Dy chur aarn jeh nyn gooid da’n Voght, myr feeaghyn ta cair da. Dy ve booisal, as gyn nyn maarail ad er nyn yeearreeyn Saaintoil. ","To give of their Substance to the Poor, as a Debt due to him. To be thankful, and not to spend them upon their Lusts.",Prov. 3. 27.,98,, +"Q. My churrym, dy chur ooashley da Ennym casherick Yee as da ’ghoo ; Cre’n aght nee’m shen ? ",Q. It is my Duty to honour God’s holy Name and his Word ; How shall I bring myself to do so ?,,98,, +A. Cur tooai nagh loayr oo jeh Jee agh tra t’ow dy jarroo smooinaght er. Cooinee dy mennick dy vel eh dy dt’aikin ; as myr shen bee oo agyndagh dy yannoo shen smoo vees gys Ooashley yn Ennym echyssyn. ,"A. Take Care not to speak of God but when you are serious. Consider often that He seeth you, and so you will be apt to do what is most for the Honour of his Name.",,98,, +"As my nee oo dy mennick cooinaght, dy vel Jee er livrey dooin Liore e ghoo hene, dy ynsagh shin cre lhiasagh shin y Chredjal, as cre’n aght lhiasagh shin Beaghey, dy gheddyn Maanrys vees dy bragh farraghtyn ; as dy vel dty Haaualtys lhaie er tushtey ve ayd jeh ny t’ayns y Liore shen : Cre erbee’n tra t’ow dy lhaih ee, ny clashtyn ee lhait, eashtee oo ree dy imnea-agh ; shirree oo geiyrt er y choyrle ta-ee dy chur dhyt ; cha jig oo harrish aarn erbee jee, agh gys ymmydyn creeney as craauee. As myr shen bee arrey ayd ayn, as ver oo Onnor da e Ghoo casherick. ","And if you often remember, that the Bible is a Book given by God, to teach us what we are to Believe, and how we are to Live, that we may attain eternal Happiness ; And that your Salvation depends upon knowing what that Book containeth : Whenever you read, or hear it read, you will attend to it carefully, endeavour to follow the Directions it gives you, never repeat any Part of it, but to Serious and Holy Purposes, and so you will delight in, and honour His Holy Word.",,98,, +"Q. My Churrym eh, dy hirveish eh dy firrinagh ooilley laghyn my Vea ; Agh nagh jean obbraghyn ymmyrchagh my lhiettal veih whooish y yannoo as t’er ny hirrey orrym ? ",Q. It is my Duty to serve Him truly all the Days of my Life. But will not necessary Business hinder me from doing so much as is required of me ?,,98,, +"A. Cha jean. Foddee cre erbee ta Jee dy hirrey er dooinney erbee y yannoo, ve jeant, fegooish e obbraghyn Seihltagh y liggey shaghey. ","A. No. Whatever God requireth of any Man may be done, without neglecting his worldly Business. ",,99,, +"Yn Laa ayns shiaght t’ow er dty lhiettal veih laboraght ; jean ny ta currym ayd y yannoo er y laa shen, as shaghyn tammylt beg dy chooilley Voghrey as Fastyr, dy chur moylley gys Jee, as dy yeearree e vannaghtyn ; as eisht, tra t’ow ec dty obbyr gagh laa, t’ow shirveish Jee cha firrinagh, as cha shickyr er y raad gys Niau, as t’adsyn t’ec nyn Badjeryn ; As foddee oo shoh y yannoo ooilley laghyn dty Vea. ","One day in seven, you are forbid to Labour ; do what you are commanded on that Day, and spare a few Minutes every Morning and Evening to praise God, and to ask his Blessing ; and then when you are at your daily Labour, you are serving God as truly, and you are as certainly on the way to Heaven, as they who are at their Prayers. And this you may do all the Days of your Life.",also an erorr in 1707,99,"Yn Laa ayns shiaght t’ow er dty lhiettal veih laboraght ; jean ny ta currym ayd y yannoo er y laa shen, as shaghyn tammylt beg dy chooilley Voghrey as Fastyr, dy chur moylley gys Jee, as dy yeearree e vannaghtyn ; as eisht, tra t’ow ec dty obbyr gagh laa, t’ow shirveish Jee cha firrinagh, as cha shickyr er y raad gys Niau, as t’ad syn t’ec nyn Badjeryn ; As foddee oo shoh y yannoo ooilley laghyn dty Vea. ", +Yn PHADJER.,The PRAYER.,,99,, +"YEE ghraysoil, ta dty lomarcan feeu jeh ooilley nyn Shirveish, Giall dy vod mad oo y hirveish as y yannoo booiagh, cordail rish nyn Gurrym, lesh ooilley nyn Gree as nyn Niart, dy vod mad booise as arrym y chur dhyt, as tannaghtyn ayns Credjue, as Aggle, as Graih Yee gys jerrey nyn seihll, dy vod eh shin y yannoo dy bragh bannit, trooid Yeesey Creest. Amen. ","GRacious God, who alone art worthy of all our Service, grant that we may serve and please Thee according to our Duty, with all our Heart and Strength ; that we may give Thee Thanks, and do Thee Honour ; And that continuing in the Faith, and Fear, and Love of God, unto our Lives end, we may be made by Him, eternally Happy, thro’ Jesus Christ. Amen.",,99,, +SECT. XII.,,,100,, +Q. CRE ta dty Churrym gys dty Naboo ? ,Q. WHat is thy Duty towards thy Neighbour ?,,100,, +"A. Ta my churrym gys my Naboo dy chur graih da, myr dou hene, as dy yannoo rish dy chooilley ghooinney myr baillym ad dy yannoo rhym. Dy chur graih, ooashley as kemmyrk da m’Ayr as da my Voir. Dy chur Ooashley as biallys da’n Ree, as da ooilley ny ta er ny choyrt ayns pooar fo. Dy m’injilagh hene gys ooilley my Chionnoortyn, Firynsee, Bochillyn Spyrrydoil, as Mainsteryn. Dy m’ymmyrkey hene dy injil as dy biallagh gys dagh annane Shaar ny mee. Gyn aggair y yannoo da ghooinney erbee liorish goo ny jannoo. Dy ve firrinagh as jeeragh ayns ooilley my ghellal. Gyn goanlys ny myskit y reayll ayns my chree. Dy reayll my laauyn veih myngyraght as geid, as my hengey veih drogh ghoan, breagyn, as scammyltyn. Dy reayll my chorp fo smaght, sheeltys, as glennid. Gyn Saaint ny aigney y choyrt da cooid ghooinney erbee, agh dy ynsagh as dy laboraght dy firrinagh dy gheddyn my veaghey hene, as dy chooilleeney my Churrym ayns y staaid shen dy Vea, huggey schuid-save lesh Jee ve er n’ eamagh orrym. ","A. My Duty towards my Neighbour, is to Love him as myself, and to do unto all Men, as I would they should do unto me. To Love, honour, and Succour my Father and Mother. To Honour and Obey the King, and all that are put in Authority under him. To submit myself to all my Governors, Teachers, Spiritual Pastors, and Masters. To order myself lowly and reverently to all my Betters. To hurt no Body by Word or Deed. To be true and just in all my Dealings. To bear no malice nor hatred in my Heart. To keep my Hands from picking and stealing, and my Tongue from evil speaking, lying, and slandering. To keep my Body in Temperance, Soberness, and Chastity ; not to covet or desire other Mens Goods ; but to learn and labour truly to get my own Living, and to do my Duty in that state of Life, unto which it shall please God to call me. ",,100,"A. Ta my churrym gys my Naboo dy chur graih da, myr dou hene, as dy yannoo rish dy chooilley ghooinney myr baillym ad dy yannoo rhym. Dy chur graih, ooashley as kemmyrk da m’Ayr as da my Voir. Dy chur Ooashley as biallys da’n Ree, as da ooilley ny ta er ny choyrt ayns pooar fo. Dy m’injilagh hene gys ooilley my Chionnoortyn, Firynsee, Bochillyn Spyrrydoil, as Mainsteryn. Dy m’ymmyrkey hene dy injil as dy biallagh gys dagh annane Shaar ny mee. Gyn aggair y yannoo da ghooinney erbee liorish goo ny jannoo. Dy ve firrinagh as jeeragh ayns ooilley my ghellal. Gyn goanlys ny myskit y reayll ayns my chree. Dy reayll my laauyn veih myngyraght as geid, as my hengey veih drogh ghoan, breagyn, as scammyltym. Dy reayll my chorp fo smaght, sheeltys, as glennid. Gyn Saaint ny aigney y choyrt da cooid ghooinney erbee, agh dy ynsagh as dy laboraght dy firrinagh dy gheddyn my veaghey hene, as dy chooilleeney my Churrym ayns y staaid shen dy Vea, huggey schuid-save lesh Jee ve er n’ eamagh orrym. ", +"Q. Nagh vel eh dy liooar, shin dy chur graih da Jee, as dy ghoaill aggle roish, as dy chur ooashley da ? ","Q. Is it not sufficient that we love, and fear, and honour God ?",,101,, +"A. Cha vel. Faikin dy vel y Saarey shoh ain veih Jee, Quoi erbee shynney lesh Jee, dy nyinney lesh e Vraar myr-geddyn ; as shen-y-fa, eshyn ta gra dy nyinney lesh Jee, as feoh echey er e Vraar, te ny vreagyrey. Cha vel graih echey er Jee, cha moo ta graih ec Jee ersyn. ","A. It is not. For we have this Commandment from God, That he who loveth God, love his Brother also ; and therefore, he that saith he loveth God, and hateth his Brother, is a Liar ; He neither loveth God, nor doth God love him.",1 John 4. 21.,101,, +Q. Quoi my Naboo as my Vraar ? ,Q. Who is my Neighbour and Brother ?, ,101,, +"A. Dy chooilley annane ta fo roshtyn dty ghraih ; Son ta Jee er hoilshagh shin ooilley dy ve Braaraghyn, dy vod mad gynsagh dy ghoaill boggey yn derrey yeh ayns Maanrys y jeh elley, as ve trimshagh yn derrey yeh son surranse y jeh elley. ","A. Every Person who is capable of your Love. For God hath declared us all to be Brethren, that we may learn to rejoice in one anothers Happiness, and be concerned at the Sufferings of each other.",Luke 10. 29.,101,, +"Dy vod mad feaysley y yannoo orroo ayns nyn veime, ve aarloo dy chooney lhieu ayns nyn Seaghyn, as kinjagh smooinaght y chooid Shaar jeh ny t’ad dy ghra as dy yannoo. ","That we may relieve their Wants, be ready to help their Misfortunes, and always think the best of what they say or do.",,101,, +"Liorish shoh bee mad shickyr jeh foayr Yee, as yow mad leid ny aghtyn mie as nee nyn nyannoo aarloo son Niau. ","By which we shall secure the Favour of God, and get such Dispositions as may fit us for Heaven.",,101,, +"As ayns y tra t’ayn, ta ec y dooinney sniau-ynsit raad dy immeeaght ayn, corrym rish e hushtey. ","And in the mean time, the most unlearned Person hath a Rule to walk by, suited to his Capacity.",,102,, +"Q. Gueeym erriu, cur-jee toiggal dou jeh shen. ",Q. I pray make me understand that.,,102,"Q. Gueeym erriu, cur-jee toiggal dou jeh shen ?", +"A. Cur tastey da cre’n ghraih t’ayd ort hene. T’ow booishal dy mie dhyt hene ayns dt’ obbraghyn ; cha vel oo booiagh tra nagh vel dt’ aigney ayd ; cha mooar lhiat nee erbee mie dy vel ayd hene; cha nyinney lhiat jummoose y chur ort hene ; as anvennick huittys oo magh rhyt hene, ny my nee oo, t’ow chelleeragh coardit ; Cammah, myr shoh nee-oo oo-hene y ymmyrkey gys dty Naboo, my shynney lhiat eshyn, myr shynney lhiat oo hene, myr ta Saarey ayd dy yannoo. ","A. Consider how you love yourself. You wish yourself all good Success in your Business ; you are sorry when you miscarry ; you never envy yourself any thing that is good ; you do not love to vex, and seldom fall out with yourself, or if you do, you are soon reconciled ; why thus you will deal with your Neighbour, if you love him as yourself, as you are commanded to do.",,102,, +"Ta kiarrail wooar ayd jeh dty ghoo mie hene ; cha vel oo aarloo dy insh dt’ oilchin hene ; Ta fyss ayd cre’n chorree eh, dooinney dy yannoo mitchooraght rhyt ; as nagh nynsee shoh dhyt cre’n aght nee-oo oo hene y ymmyrkey gys feallagh elley ? ",You are much concerned for your own Credit ; you are not forward to publish your own Faults ; you know what a Vexation it is to be deceitfully dealt with ; and doth not this teach you not to deal so with others ?,,102,, +"Nagh gou dy olk rish, my nee adsyn ta ny sinshley na oo Soiagh beg jeed ; Cammah, eisht, ny soi uss beg jeusyn t’er dty skyn, agh cur ooashley as biallys daaue cordail rish nyn Oik as nyn staaid. ","You take it ill to be despised by those below you, why then, you must not despise your Betters, but honour and obey them, according to their Place and Condition.",,102,, +"As nee oo shoh ny sarryltee, tra hoiggys oo nagh vod mad beaghey yn derrey yeh, fegooish y jeh elley. Adsyn ta caeu coamrey berchagh as beaghey dy seyr, cha voddagh ad shen y yannoo, dy be dy vel feallagh elley laboraght dy doccaragh ; cha moo oddagh adsyn ta laboraght beaghey lesh gerjagh, mannagh beagh ad er nyn goadey as er nyn vreayll ayns cree. ","And this you will do more chearfully, when you consider That we cannot live without one another. They that go fine, and fare well, could not do so, if others did not labour hard ; and they that labour, could not live comfortably, if they were not Protected and Encouraged.",1 Cor. 12. 21.,102,, +"Myr shen, mannagh nyinney lesh ny Berchee yn Boght as y chummal Seose eh, as mannagh jean y Boght ooashley as biallys y choyrt as ve firrinagh daauesyn, nee chammah yn Boght as y Berchagh surranse. ","So that, if the Rich will not love and support the Poor, and the Poor will not honour, and obey, and be faithful to them, both Poor and Rich will be Sufferers.",,103,, +Smaanrey shin eisht dy vel Jee er saarey shin dy ve graihagh y derrey yeh er y jeh elley. ,It is therefore happy for us that God hath commanded us to Love one another.,,103,, +Q. Cre’n aght yow mad gys leid yn ymmyrkey Creestee ? ,Q. How may we attain to such a Christian-Temper ?,,103,, +"A. Shegin dhyt dy chooilley oyr y ghoaill dy vooishal as dy yannoo mie da feallagh elley, kinjagh soilshagh dty Yiastylys hene, liorish feasley er y Voght, cooney lhieusyn t’ayns feime, cur gerjagh daauesyn ta trimshagh as dobberan maroo-syn ta dobberan ; nee shoh dty chree y veiyghey, as taarnee eh oo dy ve dooie. ","A. You must take all Occasions of wishing well, and doing good to others, continually exercising your Compassion, by relieving the Poor, helping such as are in Distress, comforting the Afflicted, and mourning with them that mourn : which will sweeten your Temper, and bring you to good Nature.",,103,"A. Shegin dhyt dy chooilley oyr y ghoaill dy vooishal as dy yannoo mie da feallagh elley, kinjagh soilshagh dty Yiastylys hene, liorish feasley er y Voght, cooney lhieusyn t’ayns feime, cur gerjagh daauesyn ta trimshagh as dobberan maroo-syn ta dobberan ; nee shoh dty chree y veiyghey, as taarnee eh oo dy vee dooie. ", +"Shegin dhyt ve kiarralagh nagh gou boggey jeh trimshey gheiney elley, ga dy nee ad ny Noidyn smoo t’ayd ; son yinnagh shen ort ve niau-ghooghyssagh as croi-chreeagh. ","You must beware of taking Pleasure in the Calamities of other Men, though your greatest Enemies ; for that would make you inhuman and hard-hearted.",,103,, +"Shegin dhyt dy mennick smooinaght er dy vel yeearree as Cairys ec dy chooilley ghooinney dy ve ec fea, chammah as t’ayds ; Dy vel foilchin ayds oo-hene, as dy vel oo ayns feime leih veih deiney as myghin veih Jee. ","You must often consider that all Men have a Desire and a Right to be easie, as well as you ; That you yourself have Faults, and that you stand in need of Pardon from Men, and of Mercy from God.",,103,, +"Agh er skyn ooilley, toig dy nee shoh saarey gyeir Yee, dy der mad graih yn derrey yeh da’n jeh elley, n’egooish cha vod mad ve er nyn saauail. ","But above all consider, that this is God’s express Command, that we love one another, without which we cannot be saved.",,103,, +"Shen-y-fa, jean dy injil guee huggey, dy der e dhyt Spyrryd dy Ghraih, as leid yn ymmyrkey as nee eshyn dy graysoil soiagh jeh. ","Therefore humbly pray to him, that he may give you the Spirit of Love, and such Dispositions as he will graciously accept of.",2 Tim. 1. 7.] text 1 Tim. 1; correct in 1707,103,"Shen-y-fa, jean dy injil guee huggey, dy der e dhyt Spyrryd dy Graih, as leid yn ymmyrkey as nee eshyn dy graysoil soiagh jeh. ", +"As eisht nee oo toiggal cre erbee cha biallagh as vees oo daauesyn ta er dty skyn, cre erbee yn aigney mie hoilshys oo daauesyn ta corrym rhyt, ny cre erbee cha dooie as vees oo daauesyn ta foyd, ayd hene smoo vees vondeish liorish. ","And then you will find, that, be you never so obedient to your Betters, never so civil to your Equals, never so kind to your Inferiors, no Man will profit by it more than yourself.",,104,, +Q. Jean my Ghraih gys my Naboo my lhiettal dy hirrey shen ta dy jarroo my Chairys liorish y Leih ? ,Q. Will my Love to my Neighbour hinder me from seeking my just Rights by Law ?,,104,, +"A. Cha jean. Agh eisht shegin da ve son red ennagh sheeagh dhyt goll gys y leih er y hon, as cha nee son leid ny reddyn fardaalagh nagh nennagh oo yn Coayll oc. ","A. It will not ; But then it must be for something of value, and not for such Trifles as it would not hurt you to lose.",,104,, +"As eisht, dty Churrym eh, hoshiaght, dy phrowal dy chooilley aght graih-agh ; mannagh jean shen mie, shegin dhyt goll gys y Leih, lesh ymmyrkey Creestee, fegooish shirrey cooilleein aigney, fegooish goaill aghtyn comraalagh as roonagh, as cur corree er dty Naboo as ort hene fegooish oyr. ","And then it is your Duty, first, to try all friendly Ways ; when that will not do, you must go to Law with a Christian Temper, without Revenge, without taking tedious and spiteful Courses, and vexing your Neighbour and yourself without cause.",,104,, +"As er jerrey ooilley, t’ow dy ve booiagh lesh ny nee’n Leih y vriwnys, my she lhiat ny dt’oi vees eh. ","And lastly ; You are to be satisfied with what the Law shall determin, be it for or against against you.",,104,, +"Q. Cre ta my Churrym, my nee my Naboo loayrt olk jeem ? ","Q. What is my Duty, if my Neighbour speaketh evil of me ?",,104,, +"A. My t’ow toilchin drogh haggloo ve jeed, cha jean goll gys y leih agh beill sleih y osley. ","A. If you deserve to be evil spoken of, your going to Law will but open Peoples Mouths.",,104,, +"Agh my ta aggair jeant dhyt dy jarroo, lhiasagh oo er lieh oghsyn y chur dasyn t’er nyannoo shoh ; Mannagh vod oo cur er ve tushtagh jeh Oill, insh eh da Saggyrt y Skeerey echey, yn currym echyssyn dy chur coyrle da, as my nee e tannaghtyn niau-viallagh, dy obbal y Chreesteeaght casherick da, as ta shoh kerragh smoo na oddys y Leih chur er. ","But if you are indeed abused, you ought privately to reprove him that hath done it ; if you cannot make him sensible of his Fault, tell it to his Pastor, whose Duty it is to admonish him, and if he continue obstinate, to deny him the Holy Com­munion, which is a greater Punishment than the Law can inflict.","Matt. 18. 15. +Rubrick before the Communion.",104,, +"Yn currym ayd, ayns y tra t’ayn, d’ymmyrkey yn aggair dy surransagh, dy eeick mie son olk, dy leih dy aggyndagh, dy ghoaill padjer chreeoil er eh hon ; Son myr shen ta Creest dy gyeir er haarey. Matt. 5. 44. ","Your Duty, in the mean while, is patiently to bear the Injury, to return Good for Evil, freely to forgive, sincerely to pray for him ; For so hath Christ expressly com­manded. Matt. 5. 44.",,105,, +"As son dty gherjagh, gou tastey vie, liorish dy vel oo dy arryltagh er leih da ; ta cairys ayd gys y Gialldyn graysoil ta Jee er yannoo jeh dty pheccaghyn hene y leih dhyt ; myr shen dy vel y cosney smoo ayd hene liorish yn aggair ta jeant dhyt. ","And for your Comfort, consider that by thus freely forgiving him, you have a Right to the gracious Promise God made of pardoning your Sins ; so that you become the greatest Gainer by the Wrong that was done you.",,105,, +Q. Agh nagh jean shoh drogh leih y vrasnagh dy chur aggair da nyn Naboonyn onneragh ? ,Q. But will not this encourage ill Men to abuse their innocent Neighbours ?,,105,, +"A. Foddee nagh jean. Ny yeih, cre erbee’n aght haghyrys shen, cha negin dooin ve ny skiarralee jeh’n Goo mie ain hene, na jeh ooashley as Saaraghyn Yeesey Creest ; ta myrgeddyn er chur sambyl roin dy neiragh shin er e chesmadyn ; tra va scammylt er ny chur da, cha dug e scammylt reeisht, agh livrey eh e chooish huggyssyn ta briwnys dy cairagh. ","A. It is probable it will not. However that be, we are not to be more concerned for our own Reputation, than for the Honour and Commands of Jesus Christ ; who hath also set us an Example, that we should follow his Steps ; who, when he was reviled, reviled not again ; but committed his Cause to him that judgeth righteously.","Rom. 12. 10. +2 Pet. 2. 23.",105,, +"Q. Cre, mannagh voddym leih daauesyn t’er nyannoo aggair dou ? ",Q. What if I cannot forgive those that have injured me ?,,105,, +"A. Cammah, eisht, cha vod oo ve er dty haauail. Agh my t’ow shirrey’n chorree shen ta gaas ayns dty chree y chur dy liattee, eisht shegin dhyt guee gys Jee, as ver eshyn dhyt aigney noa dy leih, as dy chur graih, as dy yannoo mie. ","A. Why then, you cannot be saved. But if you desire to lay by that Anger which you find festering in your Breast, then you must pray to God, and he will give you new Dispositions to forgive, and to love, and to do good.",Matt. 6. 13.,105,, +"Q. Jean my Churrym gys my Naboo mish y chiangley, ec dy chooilley hra, dy cheiltyn e oilchin ? ",Q. Will my Duty to my Neighbour oblige me at all times to conceal his Faults ?,,105,, +"A. Cha jean. Ny cheayrtyn, she’n Currym ayds eh, dy loayrt jeu, agh eisht shegin da ve son oyr mie, dy haarn eh gys arrys, as dy loayrt jeh rish leid ny persoonyn as ta pooar oc dy eamagh er gys coontey. Er aght elley cha vel oo agh cool-chassid, as er yn oyr shen, enmyssit maskey ny scammyltee smoo. ","A. No. Sometimes it is your Duty to speak of them, but then it must be with a good Design of bringing him to Repentance, and to such Persons as have Authority to call him to an account ; otherwise you are a Backbiter, and as such, reckoned amongst the most scandalous Offenders.",Rom. 1. 28,105,, +"Q. Negin dou graih y chur daauesyn, oc nagh vel graih orrym ? ",Q. Must I love them that do not love me ?,,106,, +"A. Shegin ; er aght elley, cha vel Creesteeaght er dty yannoo veg Shaar na ny Anchreesteenyn, Son shynney lhieusyn hene adsyn ta graihagh orroo. ",A. Yes ; or else Christianity hath made you no better than the Heathens ; for even they love those that love them.,,106,"A. Shegin ; er aght elley, cha vel Creesteeaght er dy yannoo veg Shaar na ny Anchreesteenyn, Son shynney lhieusyn hene adsyn ta graihagh orroo. ", +"Agh ta Yeesey Creest er chur Saarey da e harvaantyn, dy chur graih da nyn Noidyn, ta shen dy ghra, dy ve dooie daaue, gyn dy loayrt dy olk jeu, agh dy ghuee er nyn son, as dy yannoo mie daaue. ","But Jesus Christ hath commanded his Followers to love their Enemies ; that is, to oblige them ; not to speak evil of them, but to pray for them, and to do them good.",Matt. 5. 44.,106,, +"Q. Nagh voddym ve firrinagh as jeeragh ayns my ghellal, as foast Bargaan cha mie as oddym y gheddyn dou hene ? ","Q. May not I be true and just in my Dealings, and yet make myself as good a Bargain as I can ?",,106,, +"A. Agh smooinee ; my ta’n persoon t’ow dellal rish jannoo drogh vargaan da hene trooid Egin, ny Mee-hushtey, ny ayns Aggle, te red peccoil dy ghoaill vondeish jeh. As ga dy vod oo y yannoo eh mie ayns y Leih, cha nod oo y ansoor eh gys Jee. ","A. Only consider ; that if the Person you deal with, makes himself an ill Bargain out of Necessity, or out of Ignorance, or out of Fear, it is a wicked thing to take Advantage of him ; and though you may defend it by Law, you cannot answer it to God.",,106,, +"Q. Cre ta my Churrym, my ta mee er yannoo aggair da my Naboo ? ","Q. What is my Duty, if I have wronged my Neighbour ?",,106,, +"A. T’ow kainlt dy ghoaill rish dt’oill, as dy yannoo da whooish dy lhiaasagh as oddys oo da ; dy hirrey leih er Jee, as eisht foddee oo treishteil dy vel leih dty chouyr ; son shoh ooilley hirragh oo er feallagh elley. Shoh yn leih vees mad er nyn mriwnys liorish, as shen-y-fa, shoh’n leih lhiasagh shin beaghey liorish. Cre erbee balliu deiney dy yannoo riu, dy jarroo, myr shen jean jee shiuish roosyn. ","A. You are bound to acknowledge your Fault, and make him what Amends you can ; to ask God’s Pardon, and then you may hope for Forgiveness ; for this is what you would expect from others. This is the Rule we shall be judged by, and therefore this is the Rule we should live by, Whatsoever you would that Men should do unto you, even so do ye unto them. ","da] Either this da, or the previous one, are superfluous to sense and grammar. +balliu; same form in 1707] +Matt. 7. 12.",106,"A. T’ow kainlt dy ghoaill rish dt’oill, as dy yannoo da whooish dy lhiaasagh as oddys oo da ; dy hirrey leih er Jee, as eisht foddee oo treishteil dy vel leih dy chouyr ; son shoh ooilley hirragh oo er feallagh elley. Shoh yn leih vees mad er nyn mriwnys liorish, as shen-y-fa, shoh’n leih lhiasagh shin beaghey liorish. Cre erbee belliu deiney dy yannoo riu, dy jarroo, myr shen jean jee shiuish roosyn. ", +Q. Agh Cre’n aght oddys fyss ve ec sleih niauhushtagh dy leeideil nyn Mea ec dy chooilley earish cordail rish y Leih shoh ? ,Q. But how shall unlearned People know to walk at all times by this Rule ?,,107,, +"A. Cooinee cre ta’n Noo Ean dy ghra, Eshyn shynney lesh e vraar, te tannaghtyn ayns y toilshey, as cha vel oyr echey dy huittym ; ta shen dy ghra, nee e ghraih eshyn y ynsagh cre nee eh, as cha sur eh da aggair y yannoo da feallagh elley, ayns goo ny jannoo ; Son cha vel graih gobbragh olk da e Naboo ; cha vel eh smooinaght er olk, as shen-y-fa, cha vel eh loayrt veg ; gymmyrkey dagh nee ; credjal dagh nee ; treishteil dagh nee ; surranse dagh nee. ","A. Remember what St. John saith, He that loveth his Brother, abideth in the Light, and there is no occasion of stumbling in him ; that is, His Love will direct him what to do, and will not suffer him to do Wrong to others, either in Word or Deed. For Love worketh no ill to its Neighbour ; Thinketh no evil, and therefore speaks none ; Beareth all things ; Believeth all things ; Hopeth all things ; Endureth all things.","1 John 2. 10. +1 Cor. 13",107,, +Q. Vel Breagyn noi’n Ghraih shen ta shin dy lhiastyn da nyn Naboo ? ,Q. Is Lying against that Love which we owe to our Neighbour ?,,107,, +"A. Dy jarroo, ta. As my nee oo smooinaght er cre’n olk ta Breagyn dy yannoo ; Cre cha olk as t’ow goaill rish oo hene y ve mollit, ny smooinaght y ve jeant ort dy vel oo breagagh, nee oo toiggal dy vel eh peccah eajee, as dy vel resoon feer wooar son ny baggyrtyn agglagh ta shin dy gheddyn ayns Goo Yee, noi ocsyn ta foil-chagh jeh’n peccah shoh ; dy bee ad tilgit ayns Niurin. ","A. Yes, sure. And if you consider what Mischief it doth ; how Ill you take it to be deceived yourself ; how Ill you take it to be suspected of Lying, you will be convinced that it is a base Vice, and that there is great Reason for those terrible Threatnings which we find in God’s Word, against such as are guilty of this Sin, That they shall be cast into Hell.",Rev. 21,107,, +"Q. Cre ny Leihaghyn shen jeh ymmyrkey mie, sheeltys, as glennid, lioroo lhiasagh Creestee e vea y leeideil ? ","Q. What are the Rules of Temperance, Soberness and Chastity, which a Christian is to walk by ?",,107,, +"A. My she gee ny giu vees shiu, ny cre erbee elley vees shiu dy yannoo, jean jee ooilley gys gloyr Yee ; ta shen dy ghra, cur jee tooai nagh bee drogh ghoo ec ennym Yee as ec y Chredjue Creestee liorish rouyr Saaint ayns ny reddyn shoh. ","A. Whether ye eat or drink, or whatever ye do, do all to the Glory of God ; That is, take Care that the Name of God and Religion, be not evil spoken of, by your excess in these Things.",1 Cor. 10. 31.,108,, +"Lig dooin gimmeeaght dy Onneragh, myr ayns y laa, cha nee ayns Rouanys as meshtyrys, cha nee ayns cloie as reaid. Son cha vod dooinney erbee ta jannoo shen smooinaght er maanrys Niau lesh aigney firrinagh erbee. ","Let us walk honestly as in the Day, not in Rioting and Drunkenness, not in Chambering and Wantonness. For no Man that doth so, can with any true Delight think of the Joys of Heaven.","Rom. 13. 13. +chambering] OED chambering 3. ‘ Sexual indulgence, lewdness, wanton behaviour; an instance of this. Now chiefly historical. Frequently in conjunction with wantonness, in allusion to Romans 13:13’.",108,, +"Cur jee tooai diu hene, er aggle ec earish erbee dy bee nyn Greeaghyn roa laan lesh jooid as meshtyrys, as myr shen y Laa shen dy heet erriu gyn yss. ","Take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your Hearts be over-charged with Surfeiting and Drunkenness, and so that Day come upon you unawares.",Luke 21. 34.,108,"Cur jee tooai dui hene, er aggle ec earish erbee dy bee nyn Greeaghyn roa laan lesh jooid as meshtyrys, as myr shen y Laa shen dy heet erriu gyn yss. ", +"Son dy jarroo, adsyn ta dyn livrey ad hene seose gys niau-heeltys, ta’d ayns gaaue dy gheddyn baase ayns nyn beccaghyn fegooish arrys. ","For, sure it is, that they who give themselves up to Intemperance, are in great Danger of dying in their Sins unrepented of.",,108,, +"As ta resoon y choyrle shoh aashagh y hoiggal. Ta nyn Gredjue Creestee currym mooar, te gymmyrch ny smooinaghtyn sdiuney ayns nyn greeaghyn, as myr sondee ta shin er y Vea shoh, sloo smooinys shin er y vea ta ry heet, as er y smaghtagh shen ta’n sushtal er chur myr churrym [sic] dooin. ","And the Reason of all this Caution is plain. Religion is a very serious Thing, requireth our most serious Thoughts, and the more we delight in this Life, the less we shall think of the next, and of that Self-Denyal which the Gospel hath made a Christian Duty.",,108,, +Q. Cre’n resoon t’ain dy ve booiagh as gyn cooid ghooinney elley y yeearree ? ,"Q. What Reason have we to be contented, and not to desire other Mens Goods ?",,108,,"Q. What Reason have we to be contented, and not to desire others Mens Goods ?" +"A. Son dy nee’n staaid-bea ain hene dy jarroo shaar er nyn son, faikin dy vel eh er ny ordrail liorish Jee cairagh as mie, oddys lhiaasagh y chur dooin son ny ta shin dy laccal sy teihll shoh. ","A. Because our own Condition is certainly best for us, being the Appointment of a just and good God, who can make us amends for what we want here.",,108,, +"As son my jig ny voddey, cha bee veg y feime ain er ny reddyn shoh. ",And because in a very short time we shall have no need of these Things.,,109,, +Q. Nagh vel Boghtinyd kerraghey mooar ? ,Q. Is not Poverty a great Evil ?,,109,, +"A. Te feer foddey veih ve myr shen, tra te er ny choyrt orrin liorish kiarralys flaunyssagh Yee ; ta cairys ec y dooinney vought ayns ymmodee dy yialldynyn gerjolagh ; as dy jarroo jarroo, ta ny smoo keaney dy rou ad rieau berchagh, na ta gaccan nagh rou nyn Leagh oc ’sy Vea shoh. ","A. It is very far from being so, when it is brought upon us by God’s Providence. The Poor have a right to many comfortable Promises : And it is very sure, there are more that lament that ever they were Rich, than such as complain that they had not their Portion in this Life.",,109,"A. Te feer foddey veih ve myr shen, tra te er ny choyrt orrin liorish kiarralys flaunyslagh Yee ; ta cairys ec y dooinney vought ayns ymmodee dy yialldynyn gerjolagh ; as dy jarroo jarroo, ta ny smoo keaney dy rou ad rieau berchagh, na ta gaccan nagh rou nyn Leagh oc ’sy Vea shoh. ", +Q. Nagh vod mad eisht gobbragh dy yannoo nyn staaid ny shaar ? ,Q. May we not then endeavour to better our Conditions ?,,109,, +"A. Foddee, liorish bannaght Yee er nyn obbraghyn onneragh ; agh cha lhiasagh dooinney erbee shirrey dy veaghey ayns palchey ayns shoh, as y saaualtys echey hene y chur ayns gaaue er eh hon ; ny streeu dy aagail laane da e chloan, as dy gholl gys Niurin eh hene son e haaint as e ghrogh-ghellal. ","A. Yes, by God’s Blessing upon an honest Industry ; but no Man should desire to live in Plenty here, and hazard his Salvation for it ; nor strive to leave his Children a great deal, and to go to Hell for his Covetousness and ill Dealing.",,109,, +Q. Voddym jannoo myr saillym rish ny ta dy cairagh lhiam pene ? ,Q. May I do what I please with what is justly my own ?,,109,, +"A. Cha vod. Agh shegin dhyt mie y yannoo lesh ; hoshiaght jean beaghey dy feeudagh oo hene, as eisht, feashyl er y voght, lesh shen nagh vel ymmyd ymmyrchagh ayd da. As myr shen, nee oo dty vooise y hoilshagh gys Jee as eeickee eh oo er eh hon. ","A. No. But you must do good with it ; First, live decently yourself, and then relieve the Poor with what you can well spare. And so you will shew your Thankfulness to God, and he will reward you for it.",Matt. 25. 34.,109,, +"As shoh’n shickyrys shaar oddys ve ayd, nagh bee oo dy bragh ayns feime. Eshyn ta cur da’n Voght, te gyeasaght da’n Chiarn, as ny te er choyrt, eeickee eh da reeisht. ","And this is the best Security you can have, that you shall never want. He that giveth unto the Poor lendeth unto the Lord, and that which he hath given, will he pay him again.",Prov. 19. 19.,109,, +Q. Jean ny Annaghyn shoh my leeideil ayns cre-erbee’n staaid dy Vea huggey schuid-saave lesh Jee geamagh orrym ? ,Q. Will these Commandments direct me in whatever State of Life it shall please God to call me unto ?,,110,, +"A. Nee ad ; Agh cooinee nagh jean oo dy bragh nee erbee noi dty chooinsheance. Gou ayns laaue dy eiyrt er yn Irrin, tra ta fyss ayd er, my she lhiat ny dt’oi te. Ayns reddyn nagh vel oo dy hoiggal dy mie, gou coyrle dty Leeideilagh Spyrrydoil, As guee gys yn Er smoo syrjeh as ynsee eshyn y raad dhyt. ","A. Yes ; only remember that you Never act against your Conscience. Resolve to follow the Truth, when you know it, whether it is for, or against you ; In doubtful Cases, consult your Spiritual Guide, and pray to the Most-High, and he will direct your ways.",,110,, +Yn PHADJER.,The PRAYER.,,110,, +"O Hiarn Yeesey Creest, hug graih dooin as hug oo hene er nyn son, cur grayse dooin dy chur graih, as dy leih, as dy yannoo mie. As roih ayns raadjin dt’annaghyn, dy vod mad beaghey as baase y gheddyn nyn Shiarvaantyn dhyts, as myghin y gheddyn ec y Laa mooar. Amen. ","O Lord Jesus Christ, who hast loved us, and given thy self for us, give us Grace to love, and to forgive, and to do good. And that, running the way of thy Commandments, we may live and die thy Servants, and find Mercy at the great Day. Amen.",,110,, +SECT. XIII.,SECT. XIII.,,111,, +"Q. MY Lhiannoo mie, toig shoh, nagh vod oo ny reddyn shoh y yannoo jeed hene, ny gimmeeaght ayns Annaghyn Yee, ny hirveish eh, fegooish yn ard-ghrayse echey, er eh hon shegin dhyt gynsagh ec dy chooilley earish dy eamagh liorish Padjer imneagh ; Lig dou eisht clashtyn, vod oo Padjer y Chiarn y ghra ? ","Q. MY good Child, know this, that thou art not able to do these Things of thy self, nor to walk in the Commandments of God, and to serve him, without his special Grace, which thou must learn at all times to call for by diligent Prayer ; Let me hear therefore if thou canst say the Lord’s Prayer ?",,111,"Q. MY Lhiannoo mie, toig shoh, nagh vod oo ny reddyn shoh y yannoo jeed hene, ny gimmeeaght ayns Annaghyn Yee, ny hirveish eh, fegooish yn ard-ghrayse echey, er eh hon shegin dhyt gynsagh ec dy choilley earish dy eamagh liorish Padjer imneagh ; Lig dou eisht clashtyn, vod oo Padjer y Chiarn y ghra ? ", +"A. Ayr ain t’ayns Niau ; Casherick dy rou dt’ennym. Dy jig dty Reereeaght. Dt’aigney dy rou jeant er y Thalloo, myr te ayns Niau. Cur dooin jiu nyn Arran gagh laa. As leih dooin nyn loghtyn, myr ta shin leih daauesyn ta jannoo loghtyn nyn oi shin. As ny leeid shin ayns miolagh, agh livrey shin veih olk. Amen. ","A. Our Father, which art in Heaven ; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from Evil. Amen.","nyn oi shin] This construction in CS, and the 1748 St Matthew’s Gospel, came to be regarded as dubious Manx; sometimes in the fragmentary MS Prayer Book (MS 1322/1/1) it is replaced by ny noai ain. In the 1765 Prayer Book (and subsequently), by nyn ’oi.",111,, +Q. Cre t’ow dy yeearree er Jee ayns y Phadjer shoh ? ,Q. What desirest thou of God in this Prayer ?,,111,, +"A. Ta mee gyeearree er my Hiarn Jee nyn Ayr Flaunyssagh ta cur dooin dy chooilley vi-ys, dy der eh e ghrayse dooys, as da dy chooilley Phobble ; dy vod mad ooashley ’chur da, hirveish eh, as biallys y chur da, ’naght myr lhiasagh shin. As ta mee guee er Jee, dy der eh hooin dagh nee ta ymmyrchagh, chammah son nyn Anmeenyn as nyn Gallinyn ; as dy bee e myghinagh dooin, as dy leih eh dooin nyn beccaghyn ; as dy gooid-saave lesh nyn saauail as nyn vendeil ayns dy chooilley ghaaue annym as callin ; as dy vreaill eh shin veih dagh peccah as olk, as veih Noid nyn Anmey, as veih’n baase dy bragh farraghtyn. As shoh ta mee treishteil nee eh jeh e Vyghin as e viys, trooid nyn Jiarn Yeesey Creest. As shen-y-fa ta mee gra, Amen. Myr shen dy rou eh.[36] ","A. I desire my Lord God our Heavenly Father, who is the Giver of all Goodness, to send his Grace unto me, and to all People ; that we may worship him, serve him, and obey him, as we ought to do. And I pray unto God, that he will send us all things that be needful both for our Souls and Bodies ; and that he will be merciful unto us, and forgive us our Sins ; and that it will please him to save and defend us in all Dangers, ghostly and bodily ; and that he will keep us from all sin and wickedness, and from our ghostly Enemy, and from everlasting Death. And this I trust he will do of his Mercy and Goodness, through our Lord Jesus Christ. And therefore I say Amen. So be it. ","[36] dy rou eh] 1707, and 1765 Prayer Book: dy row.",111,, +"Q. Nagh vod mad Annaghyn Yee y reayll, tra ta tushtey ain jeu, as jeh’n dangere dy vrishey ad ? ","Q. Cannot we keep the Commands of God, when we know them, and the Danger of breaking them ?",,112,, +"A. Dy jarroo firrinagh, jin hene cha vod mad ; As she son nagh vel sleih smooinaght er shoh ta whooish dy ghrogh yannoo ayns y teihll. Cha vod ad hene y yannoo eh, as cha shir ad Cooney er Jee. ","A. It is very sure of our selves we cannot ; And it is, because People do not consider this, That there is so much Wickedness in the World. They are unable of themselves, and they will not ask Help of God.",Phil. ii. 14.,112,, +"Q. Cre’n aght hoiggys mad, nagh vod shin jin hene ny reddyn shoh y yannoo ? ","Q. How may we be convinced, that of our selves we are unable to do these things ?",,113,, +"A. Er-y-fa dy vel Lei’ghyn Yee gouit rish dy ve Casherick, Cairagh, as Mie, as ny yeih, ta sleih dyn mrishey ad, ga dy vel ad faikin yn Gaaue ta liorish shen y yannoo. Myr shen, nagh vel resoon y Leih hene, ny’n pooar echyssyn ta cur y Leih ; cha vel Baggyrtyn y Vea ta ry heet, ny Kerraghey’n Vea shoh, fondagh dy liooar, dy chur orrin ve biallagh, fegooish grayse niartal Yee, er eh hon eisht ta shin ynsit dy ghoaill Padjer kinjagh. ","A. Because the Laws of God are owned to be Holy, Just, and Good, and yet Men transgress them, though they see the Danger of doing so. So that neither the Reasonableness of the Laws, nor the Greatness of the Law-giver ; neither the Threatning of the Next Life, nor the Punishments of this, are sufficient to make us obedient, without God’s special Grace, which therefore we are taught at all times to pray for.",,113,, +Q. Vod mad jercal rish dy der Jee dooin y cooney ta shin guee er eh hon ? ,Q. May we hope that God will give us the Assistance we pray for ?,,113,, +A. Foddee. Son Te er saarey shin dy ghoaill Padjer huggey ; Te er yialldyn dy chlashtyn rooin as dy reggyrt shin ; as te feer vooiagh jeusyn ta tushtagh jeh’n Voghtinyd oc hene as hig huggyssyn son cooney. ,"A. Yes. For he hath commanded us to pray to him ; he hath promised to hear and answer us ; and is well-pleased with such as, being sensible of their own Misery, do come to him for Help.","Psal. l. 15. +Matt. vii. 8.",113,, +Q. As cre’n Vondeish vees ayns goaill Padjer kinjagh ? ,Q. And what will be the Advantages of praying constantly ?,1707: kinjagh,113,Q. As cre’n Vondeish vees ayns goaill Padjer chinjagh ? , +"A. Nee eh Graih gys Jee y hoiagh ayns dty Chree, huggey t’ow goll er dy chooilley oyr, as faikin dy vel oo gyeearree e vannaght er dy chooilley obbyr, cha gow veg ayns laaue agh shen t’ow treishteil nee booiagh jeh. Nee oo hene gynsagh dy ve booisal, as ynsee oo feallagh elley dy ghoaill rish Jee, dy chur nyn Marrant huggey, as dy chur gloyr da. ","A. It will create in your Heart a true Love for God, to whom you go upon all Occasions ; and since you are to beg his Blessing upon every Work, you will undertake nothing but what you hope will please him. You will learn to be thankful your self, and teach others to own, to depend upon, and to glorify God.",,113,, +Q. Cre ny ard reddyn lhiasagh shin Padjer y yannoo er nyn son ? ,Q. What are the things we should chiefly pray for ?,,113,, +A. Son tushtey jeh Jee as jeh e raadjin. ,A. For the Knowledge of God and his Ways. ,,113,, +Son Leih nyn beccaghyn as grayse dy yannoo e aigney ; son e vannaght as e choadey dyn vreayll veih tuittym.,"For Pardon of our Sins, and Grace to do his Will ; For his Favour and Protection, to keep us from falling.",,114,, +"As ta Gialldyn Chreest ain, my hirrys mad ny reddyn shoh ayns y chied ynnyd, nee Jee ooilley nyn Veime y yannoo magh. ","And we have the Promise of Christ, that if we seek these Things in the first place, God will supply all our Wants.",Matt. vi. 33.,114,, +Q. Nagh vod mad guee son Bannaghtyn elley ? ,Q. May we not pray for other Blessings ?,,114,, +"A. Foddee. Ny yeih, cooinee dy nee ec Jee ny lomarcan ta fyss er cre shaar er nyn son ; Ta er chur dooin ooilley yn Gialldyn shoh, lesh lhiasagh shin ve booiagh. Dy jean dagh nee gobbyragh cooidjagh son y vie ocsyn ta graih oc er Jee. Echey shaar ta fyss er cre’n aarn dy Lhaaint, dy Verchys, as dy Vaanrys Seihltagh vees mie er nyn son. Huggey er-y-fa shoh lhiasagh shin ooilley nyn aignaghyn y injilagh. ","A. Yes. Only remember, that God alone knows what is best for us ; who hath given us this general Promise, which we should be contented with. That all things shall work together for good to those that love God, who best knows what share of Health, of Riches, of Prosperity, or Success, will be good for us, to whom therefore we should submit all our Desires.",Rom. viii. 28.,114,, +"Q. Cre’n aght nee mad padjer, dy vod mad ’ve er nyn glashtyn ? ","Q. How must we pray, that we may be heard ?",,114,, +"A. Lhieeyn dty Chree lesh ennaghtyn firrinagh jeh ny t’ow ny eime. Smooinee er cre cha beg as oddys oo cooney lhiat hene ; Jeagh seose gys Jee ooilley-­niartal, as cur dty varrant gys e viys as e yialldynyn ayns Yeesey Creest, er y ghraih echyssyn eaishtee eh rooin, as ver e dooin dagh nee shaar hee eh hene er nyn son. ","A. Possess your Heart with a true Sense of what you want ; Think how little able you are to help your self ; Look up to Almighty God, and depend upon his Goodness and Promises in Jesus Christ, for whose sake he will hear, and do what is best for us. ",1 John iii. 22.,114,"A. Lhieeyn dty Chree lesh ennaghtyn firrinagh jeh ny t’ow ny eime. Smooinee er cre cha beg as oddys oo cooney lhiat hene ; Jeagh seose gys Jee ooilley-­niartal, as cur dty varrant gys e viys as e yialldynyn ayns Yeesey Creest, er y ghraih echyssyn eaishtee eh rooin, as ver e dovin dagh nee shaar hee eh hene er nyn son. ", +"Ayns chummey jeh’n Annoonid ain, as son nagh bee’n persoon sniau­hushtee feime goan dy yannoo padjer gys Jee, Te, er-y-fa shoh, er chur dooin yn Phadjer fondagh echey hene, lhiasagh dy chooilley Chreestee shirrey hoiggal. ","Who in Compassion to our Infirmities, and that the most ignorant Person may not want Words wherein he may pray to God, he therefore hath given us a most perfect Form of Prayer, which all Christians should endeavour to understand. ",,114,, +"Ayr ain, t’ayns Niau. ","Our Father, which art in Heaven ; ",,115,, +Q. Cre’n fa ta shin er nyn ynsagh dy yannoo thoshiaght er nyn Badjeryn lurg yn aght shoh ? ,Q. Why are we taught to begin our Prayers after this manner ?,,115,, +"A. Dy vod mad guee lesh shickyrys dy bee mad dy foayroil er nyn glashtyn ; Son myr ta Ayr goaill chummey jeh e chloan hene, myr shen, ta’n Chiarn goaill chummey jeusyn ta aglagh roish. ","A. That we may pray with Assurance of being favourably heard. For as a Father pitieth his own Children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.",Psal. ciii. 13,115,, +"Agh eisht, shegin dooin cooinaght dy vel eshyn ayns Niau, as ’naght myr ta’n urjid ta eddyr Niau as Thalloo mooar, myrgeddyn ta’n Chiarn foddey er skyn yn fer smoo niartal er y Thalloo ; shen-y-fa, shegin dooin guee huggey lesh dy chooilley Injilid. ","But then, we must remember that he is in Heaven, and as the distance betwixt Heaven and Earth is great, so is the Lord far above the Mightiest on Earth ; therefore we must pray to him with great Humility.",,115,, +"As huggyssyn ny lomarcan ; Son dy yannoo padjer gys Cretoor erbee, she peccah as ommadjys wooar eh ; Te dy hoiagh beg jeh nyn Ayr Flaunyssagh, huggey ta Creest goardagh dooin goll. ","And to him only : For to pray to any Creature, is great Sin and Folly ; It is to despise our heavenly Father, to whom Christ directs us to go.",,115,, +"Huggey shegin dooin Guee, cha nee er nyn son hene ny lomarcan, agh son dy chooilley staaid as aght ta sleih ayn ; Son Braaraghyn shin ooilley, as eshyn Nyn Ayr. ","To whom we must pray, not for ourselves only, but for all Estates and Conditions of Men ; For we are all Brethren, and he is our Father. ",Mal. ii. 10.,115,, +Casherick dy rou dt’ennym. ,Hallowed be thy Name. ,,115,, +Q. Cre ta shin guee er y hon ayns ny goan shoh ? ,Q. What do we pray for in these Words ?,,115,, +"A. Ta shin guee dy vod mooads, as Creenaght, as mi-ys Yee ve, myr shen, er ny hoiggal as er ny ghoaill rish, dy vod dy chooilley ghooinney Gloyr, as Onnor, as Pooar y chur dasyn ren dagh nee y chroo. As er nyn son hene ta shin guee dy vod mad Bea chraauee y leeideil, son nagh bee dy bragh Goan mollaghtagh er ny loayrt noi Ennym Yee maskey drogh leih, trooid nyn mee-viallys gys e Lei’ghyn, agh dy vod ad nyn obbraghyn mie y aikin as nyn Ayr t’ayns Niau y ghloyragh. ","A. We pray that the Greatness, and Wisdom, and Goodness of God may be so known and acknowledged, that all Men may give Glory, and Honour, and Power to him who hath created all things. And for ourselves, we pray that we may lead Holy Lives, that the Name of God may never be blasphemed amongst wicked Men, through our disobedience to his Laws, but that, seeing our good Works, they may glorify our Father which is in Heaven. ",Mar. v. 6.,115,, +Dy jig dty Reereeaght. ,Thy Kingdom come. ,,116,, +"Q. Cre chon ta shin jannoo padjer, tra ta shin gra ny goan shoh ? ","Q. What do we pray for, when we say these Words ?",,116,, +"A. Ta shin guee gys Jee dy vod sleih enney ’chur er e raadjin er y Thalloo, as e Haaualtys-anmey ve er ny hoilshagh gys dy chooilley ashoon. Son yn oyr shoh, ta shin guee ersyn dy vannaghey’n obbyr ocsyn ta Gynsagh yn Sushtal, dy vod biallys ve er ny choyrt gys Lei’ghyn Chreest, as gyn e Reereeaght dy bragh ve er ny ghoaill woin, agh dy vod eh reill ayns nyn Greeaghyn liorish e Spyrryd casherick, as ooilley nyn nghrogh aignaghyn y chummal fo, myr shen, nagh vou peccah as y drogh spyrryd dy bragh Barreeaght harrin, agh dy vod mad cheet gys y Reereeaght echyssyn vees dy bragh er maarn. ","A. We pray God, that his Ways may be known upon Earth, his saving Health among all Nations. To which end, we beseech him to bless the Labours of them that preach the Gospel, that the Laws of Christ may be submitted to, and his Kingdom may never be taken from us, but that he may rule in our Hearts by his Holy Spirit, and subdue all our evil Affections, so that Sin and Satan may never get the Dominion over us, but that we may come to his everlasting Kingdom. ",Psal. lxvii. 2,116,, +"Dt’aigney dy rou jeant er y Thalloo, myr te ayns Niau. ","Thy Will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven. ",,116,, +Q. Cre ta shin dy yeearree ayns yn Accan shoh ? ,Q. What do we desire in this Petition ?,,116,, +"A. Ta shin guee dy vod dy chooilley ghooinney nyn gurrym y chooilleeney ayns y staaid shen dy vea ayn ta Kiarralys Flaunyssagh Yee er nyn soiagh ad. As er skyn ooilley, dy jinnagh eh dooin grayse, myr shen, dy smaghtagh as dy hreigeil nyn Aignaghyn hene as nyn nyeearreeyn, dy vod mad graih as biallys chreeoil y chur da e Leihaghyn, dy vod fyss ve ain er e aigney, as boggey y ghoaill ayns y chooilleeney eh, son shoh’n aigney ta Ainlyn Yee kinjagh ayn. ","A. We pray that all Men may do their Duty in that State of Life in which the Providence of God hath placed them. And particularly, that he would give us Grace so to mortify and forsake our own Wills and Desires, that we may love, and cheerfully obey his Laws ; that we may know his Will, and take delight in doing it ; for so the Angels of God are still disposed. ",These six words omitted in error; restored from 1707.,116,,"A. We pray that all Men may do their Duty in that State of Life in which the Providence of God hath placed them. And particularly, that he would give us Grace so to mortify and forsake our own Wills and Desires, that we may love, and cheerfully obey his Will, and take delight in doing it ; for so the Angels of God are still disposed. " +Cur dooin jiu nyn Arran gagh laa. ,Give us this Day our daily Bread. ,,117,, +Q. Cre ta shin ayns shoh Guee er eh hon ? ,Q. What do we here pray for ?,,117,, +"A. Ta shin gyeearree er Jee, echey ta fyss er cre ta shin ny eime, dy der eh dooin ny ta ymmyrchagh son Bea gherjolagh : Dy bannee eh ooilley nyn obbraghyn onneragh ; as nagh gliaght mad dy bragh leid ny aghtyn dy gheddyn nyn meaghey as ta fyss ain nagh jean eh dy bragh y vannaghey. As myr shoh, ta shin goaill padjer dy chooilley laa, dy reayll ayns nyn Greeaghyn ennaghtyn kinjagh jeh nyn marrant er Ard-chiarralys Yee ; shen ta’n shickyrys shaare ain. ","A. We beg of God, who knoweth what we have need of, that we may not want what is necessary for a comfortable Life : That He will bless all our honest Endeavours, and that we may never use such Ways to get a livelihood, which we know He will never bless. And thus we pray every day, to keep in our Hearts a constant Sense of our Dependance upon God’s Providence, which is our best Security.",,117,"A. Ta shin gyeearree er Jee, echey ta fyss er cre ta shin ny eime, dy der eh dooin ny ta ymmyrchagh son Bea gherjolagh : Dy bannee eh ooilley nyn obbraghyn onneragh ; as nagh gliaght mad dy bragh leid ny aghtyn dy gheddyn nyn meaghey as ta fyss ain nagh jean eh dy bragh y vannaghey. As myr shoh, ta shin goaill padjer dy chooilley laa, dy reayll ayns nyn Greeaghyn ennaghtyn kinjagh jeh nyn marrant er Ardchiarralys Yee ; shen t’an shickyrys shaare ain. ", +"As cha vel shin shirrey agh ny ta ymmyrchagh son yn laa, er-y-fa dy vel shin shickyr jeh dy vod Eshyn ta cur dooin jiu, jannoo myrgeddyn maaragh ; Shen-y-­fa, er eh hon ta shin gyeearree nagh gou mad rouyr imnea. ","And we only ask for Necessaries for one Day, because we are sure, that he who giveth to Day, can do so to Morrow ; for which therefore, we desire to take no thought. ",,117,, +"As leih dooin nyn loghtyn, myr ta shin leih daauesyn ta jannoo loghtyn nyn oi shin. ","And forgive us our Trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. ",,117,, +Q. Cre ta shin ayns shoh guee er eh hon ? ,Q. What do we here pray for ?,,117,, +"A. Dy bee Jee myghinagh dooin, as dy leih eh dooin nyn beccaghyn ; nagh jean eh nyn gerragh myr ta shin dy cairagh toilchin, son myr shen te er yialldyn daauesyn ooilley ta goaill rish as treigeil nyn beccaghyn. ","A. That God would be merciful unto us, and forgive us our Sins ; that he would not punish us, as we justly deserve ; for so he hath promised to all such as confess and forsake their Sins.",,117,, +Son y gialldyn graysoil cheddyn ta shin soilshagh shin hene booisal ayns dy arryltagh leih da ooilley ny ta er nyannoo aggair dooin. ,"For which gracious Promise, we shew our selves thankful, in freely forgiving all that have offended us. ",,118,, +"As ta shin guee son Pardoon, as ta shin leih da feallagh elley cha kinjagh as ta shin shirrey nyn arran gagh laa, Er-y-fa dy beagh Bea hene errey trome fegooish Treishteil son Myghin. ","And we pray for Pardon, and we forgive others as constantly as we ask our daily Bread, because Life it self would be a Burthen without Hopes of Mercy. ",,118,, +As ny leeid shin ayns miolagh ; agh livrey shin veih olk. ,And lead us not into Temptation ; but deliver us from Evil. ,,118,, +Q. Cre son ta shin prayal ayns yn Accan shoh ? ,Q. What do we pray for in this Petition ?,,118,, +"A. Ta shin prayal dy vod Jee oddys ny lomarcan peccaghyn y leih, Shin y lhiettal liorish e ghrayse, nagh jean mad dy bragh eshyn y eaignagh dy aagail Shin dooin hene, ny liggey dooin ve miolit er skyn ny oddys mad y ymmyrkey. ","A. We pray that God, who only can forgive Sins, may prevent us by his Grace, that we may never force him to leave us to our selves, nor suffer us to be tempted above what we are able to bear.",,118,"A. Ta shin prayal dy vod Jee oddys ny lomarcan peccaghyn y leih. Shin y lhiettal liorish e ghrayse, nagh jean mad dy bragh eshyn y eaignagh dy aagail Shin dooin hene, ny liggey dooin ve miolit er skyn ny oddys mad y ymmyrkey. ", +"Son ta shin ayns maan Seihll mee-chraauee ; veih shen as veih ny drogh chreeaghyn ain hene, as veih soiaghey orrin jeean y Drogh spyrryd, Bun dy chooilley olk, as veih Baase dy bragh farraghtyn, yn kerragh smoo ooilley, ta shin guee er Jee shin y livrey, as grayse y chur dooin dy haghney miolaghyn whooish as oddys mad, dy ve kiarralagh jeh nyn raadjin, as gyn dy bragh treishteil ayns y niart ain hene, agh ayns y Jee bio. As er skyn ooilley ta shin guee nagh jean mad dy bragh beaghey ayns peccah erbee er fyss dooin. ","For we are in the midst of an evil World, from which, and from our own evil Hearts, and from the violent Assaults of Satan, the Author of all Evil, and from eternal Death, the worst of Evils, we pray God to deliver us ; and to give us Grace to keep out of the way of Temptations, as much as may be ; to be careful of our Ways, and never to trust in our own Strength, but in the living God. And especially we pray, That we may never live in any known Sin. ",,118,"Son ta shin ayns maan Seihll mee chraauee ; veih shen as veih ny drogh chreeaghyn ain hene, as veih soiaghey orrin jeean y Drogh spyrryd, Bun dy chooilley olk, as veih Baase dy bragh farraghtyn, yn kerragh smoo ooilley, ta shin guee er Jee shin y livrey, as grayse y chur dooin dy haghney miolaghyn whooish as oddys mad, dy ve kiarralagh jeh nyn raadjin, as gyn dy bragh treishteil ayns y niart ain hene, agh ayns y Jee bio. As er skyn ooilley ta shin guee nagh jean mad dy bragh beaghey ayns peccah erbee er fyss dooin. ", +"Son lhiats y Reereeaght, as y Phooar, as y Ghloyr son dy bragh as dy bragh. ","For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever. ",,119,, +Q. Cre’n fa ta ny goan sodjeh shoh er ny choyrt gys y Phadjer shoh ? ,Q. Why are these Words added to this Prayer ?,,119,, +"A. Dy chur shin ayns cooinaghtyn gys quoi ta shin jannoo Padjer ; dy vod mad goaill rish e phooar dy chooney lhien as dyn vreayll shin ; Son Eshyn Ree’n teihll ooilley, da ta shin lhiastyn son ooilley’n vie t’ain, ny oddys shin y gheddyn ; Da er-y-fa shen, ta shin cur dy chooilley ooashley as gloyr son dy bragh. ","A. To put us in mind, to whom we have been praying ; that we may acknowledge his Power to help and to defend us ; For he is the King of all the World ; to him we owe, for all the Good we have, or can receive ; to Him, therefore, we give all Honour and Glory for ever. ",,119,, +"Amen, ta shen dy ghra, Myr shen dy rou eh. ","Amen, that is, So be it. ",,119,, +Q. Cre’n fa ta shin gra shoh lurg ooilley nyn Badjeryn ? ,Q. Why do we add this to all our Prayers ?,,119,, +"A. Liorish shoh, ta shin soilshagh dy vel shin er chordail rish ny ta er ve grait, as gyeearree lesh ooilley nyn Greeaghyn dy bee eh er ny chur dooin. ","A. We do, by adding this, declare that we do assent to what hath been said, and desire with all our Hearts it may be granted.",,119,, +Q. Vel eh smooinit dy lhiasagh ny leid ocsyn as nagh vod lhaih padjer y yannoo ? ,Q. Is it expected that such as cannot Read should pray ?,,119,, +"A. Te mee-vaanrys nagh vod sleih lhaih, agh nar lig y Jee dy jinnagh shen nyn lhiettal ad veih Padjer. Quoi erbee ta tushtey echey dy nee Peccagh eh, ny dy vel eh feime cooney Yee, te kainlt dy ghoaill Padjer cha mie as oddys eh. ","A. It is an Unhappiness that People cannot read ; but God forbid that should hinder them from Praying. Whoever hath Sense to know that he is a Sinner, or that he wants God’s Help, is bound to pray as well as he can.",,119,, +"My ta leid y persoon shen feime kenjallys veih e Naboo, bee fyss echey cre’n aght nee eh y hirrey eh ; my te dy hirrey eh orroosyn t’er eh skyn, nee eh smooinaght cre’n aght hirrys eh eh lesh ymmyrkey aghtal, nee eh farkiaght lesh surranse, nee eh y ghoaill eh dy booisal ; cammah, lig da eh hene y ymmyrkey myr shen gys Jee, as Jee, shynney lesh rieau Aghinyn y Chree ta dy firrinagh tushtagh jeh e Voghtinyd as e Eaginyn, nee toiggal dy aashagh, as cooilleeney dy foayroil e aghinyn.","If such a Person wants a Kindness from his Neighbour, he will know how to ask it ; if he is to ask it of his Betters, he will think of doing it after a becoming manner, will wait with Patience, and receive it thankfully : Why, let him so behave himself towards God, and God, who is ever pleased with the Desires of a Heart truly sensible of its Misery and Wants, will easily understand, and favourably answer his Requests.",,119,, +Q. Cre cha mennick as lhiasagh shin Padjer y yannoo ? ,Q. How often should we pray ?,,120,Q. Cre cha mennick as lhiasagh shin Padjer y yanno ? , +"A. Lhiasagh shin Padjer y ghoaill fegooish scuirr, ta shen, cha lhiasagh shin laa erbee y liggey shaghey gyn Bannaght Yee y hirrey, as booise y chur da son e vyghinyn. ","A. We should pray without ceasing, that is, we should let no Day pass without begging God’s Blessing, and giving him Thanks for his Mercies.",1 Thes. v. 17.,120,"A. Lisagh shin Padjer y ghoaill fegooish scuirr, ta shen, cha lhiasagh shin laa erbee y liggey shaghey gyn Bannaght Yee y hirrey, as booise y chur da son e vyghinyn. ", +"Dy lhiasagh shin dy chooilley oyr y ghoaill dy hroggal nyn Greeaghyn Seose gys Jee, son dy chooilley vannaght ta shin dy gheddyn, son dy chooilley ghaaue ta shin dy haghney, as son dy chooilley heaghyn ta cheet orrin. ","That we should take all Occasions of lifting up our Hearts to God for every Blessing we receive, for every Danger we escape, and for every Affliction we meet with.",,120,, +Lhiasagh nyn lhongaghyn cur orrin cooinaght nagh vel shin bio liorish arran ny lomarcan ; as er-y-fa shen dy nee’n bannaght echyssyn shegin cur er nyn Meaghey mie y yannoo dooin. ,"Our Meals should put us in mind, That we do not live by bread alone ; that therefore, His Blessing must make our Meat to do us good.",Deut. viii. 3.,120,, +"Ayns nyn obbraghyn, lhiasagh shin cooinaght nagh vel eh agh laboraght ayns fardaail dy irree moghrey as dy goll dy lhie anmagh, mannagh bannee eshyn nyn niannoo, myr shen, dy lhiasagh shin guee er Jee nyn gur er nyn doshiaght. ","In our Business, we should remember, that it is but lost Labour to rise early and take late rest, if He bless not our Endeavours, so that we should pray God to speed us.",Psal. cxxvii. 3.,120,, +"Ayns y voghrey lhiasagh shin guee er Jee dy vannaghey nyn Laboraght, as dy chooilley Oie dy choadey shin veih pooar y Dorraghys ; as adsyn nagh vel jannoo shen, cha vel resoon oc dy yercal rish e vannaght. ","In the Morning, we should pray to God to bless our Labours, and in the Evenings to defend us from the Powers of Darkness ; and they that do not do so, have no Reason to expect his Blessing.",,120,, +"Q. Cre elley lhiasagh fyss ve aym er, my-chione y Currym shoh ? ","Q. What else should I know, concerning this Duty ?",,121,, +"A. Ny lomarcan, tra t’ow prayal, dy bee oo kiarralagh dy yannoo eh lesh Arrym, gyn jarrood cre’n Odjeeaght ta eddyr Jee t’ayns Niau, as e Chretooryn ymmyrchagh t’er y Thalloo. ","A. Only, that whenever you pray, you take care to do it with Reverence, not forgetting the Distance there is betwixt God, who is in Heaven, and his needy Creatures on Earth.",,121,, +"As ga dy vel dy chooilley ymmyrkey mie ayns shilley Yee, my t’an Cree jeeragh, ny yeih, yn ymmyrkey sinshley ooilley shaar er nyn son, Peckee hreih, tra ta shin cheet kiongoyrt rish y Jee smoo Ard. ","And though all Postures are acceptable to God, if the Heart be right ; yet the most humble will best become us miserable Sinners, when we come before the most High God.",hreih] text hroih; 1707 treih,121,"As ga dy vel dy chooilley ymmyrkey mie ayns shilley Yee, my t’an Cree jeeragh, ny yeih, yn ymmyrkey sinshley ooilley shaar er nyn son, Peckee hroih, tra ta shin cheet kiongoyrt rish y Jee smoo Ard. ", +"As er skyn dagh nee, gou kiarrail dy jean oo dty vea leeideil dy mie, chammah as guee dy mie, my ta dooinney erbee cur ammys da Jee, as jannoo e aigney, rish shen Te geaishtagh. ","And above all things, take care that you live well, as well as pray ; if any Man be a Worshipper of God, and doth his Will, him he heareth. ",Jo. ix. 31. ,121,, +"As eisht foddee oo gra marish y Noo Ean, 1 Ean v. 14. Shoh’n treishteil t’ain aynsyn ; My hirrys shin nee erbee cordail rish e aigney, Te clashtyn rooin. ","And then you may say with S. John, 1 John v. 14. This is the Confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask any thing according to his Will, he heareth us.",,121,, +Yn PHADJER.,The PRAYER.,,121,, +"BAnnit dy rou dt’Ennym, O Yee, son y vondeish wooar shoh, dy vel ked ain nyn veime y hoiagh kiongoyrt rhyt, as son y Treishteil mooar t’ain dy ve er nyn glashtyn. Cur orrin kinjagh tushtey ve ain jeh nyn veime, as jeh dty phooar as dty viys dy chooney lhien, dy vod mad ec dy chooilley hra ve kiarralagh dy eamagh ort ayns Padjer. As clasht rooin, O Ree Niau, tra ta shin geamagh ort ayns ennym nyn Jiarn Yeesey Creest ; Dy vod mad ayns firrinys feaysley y gheddyn er nyn veime, as dy bra Moylley y choyrt dhyt son y chooid cheddyn, trooid Yeesey Creest nyn Jiarn. Amen. ","BLessed be thy Name, O God, for this great Privilege of laying our Wants before Thee, and for the great Hopes we have of being heard. Make us ever sensible of our Wants, and of thy Power and Goodness to help us, that at all times we may call upon thee by diligent Prayer. And hear us, O King of Heaven, when we call upon thee in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ ; that we may effectually obtain the Relief of our Necessities, and ever give Thee Praise for the same, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.",,121,, +SECT. XIV.,,,122,, +Q. CRE woad Sacrament ta Creest er oardagh ayns e Aglish ? ,Q. HOW many Sacra­ments hath Christ ordained in his Church ?,,122,, +"A. Jees ny lomarcan, er skyn ooilley ymmyrchagh gys Saaualtys, ta shen dy ghra, Bashtey, as Shibber y Chiarn. ","A. Two only, as gene­rally necessary to Salva­­tion ; that is to say, Baptism, and the Supper of the Lord.",,122,, +"Q. Cre t’ow dy hoiggal liorish y fockyl shoh, Sacrament ? ","Q. What meanest thou by this Word, Sacrament ?",,122,, +"A. Ta mee toiggal courey t’er ny aikin cheu mooie jeh’n Ghrayse spyrrydoil er cheu sthie, er ny choyrt dooin as er ny oardagh liorish Creest hene, myr saase liorish ta shin geddyn y Grayse cheddyn, as giall son shickyrys dooin jeh. ","A. I mean an outward and visible Sign of an inward and Spiritual Grace, given unto us, ordained by Christ himself, as a Means whereby we receive the same, and a Pledge to assure us thereof.",,122,, +Q. Cre whooilleein Aarn t’ayns Sacrament ? ,Q. How many Parts are there in a Sacrament ?,,122,, +A. Jees ; yn courey t’er ny aikin cheu mooie ; as y grayse Spyrrydoil cheu­ Sthie. ,A. Two ; the outward visible Sign ; and the inward Spiritual Grace. ,,122,, +Q. Cre’n fa ta’n daa Sacrament shoh er skyn ooilley Ymmyrchagh gys Saaualtys ? ,Q. Why are these Two Sacraments generally necessary to Salvation ?,,123,, +"A. Son nagh vod mad ve er nyn Saauail fegooish Grayse Yee, as ta Jee er yialldyn dy chur e ghrayse daauesyn ny lomarcan ta dy hirrey eh dy craauee ayns ny Sacramentyn shoh, raad ta’n viys echyssyn dyn Shaghney ad. ","A. Because, without God’s Grace we cannot be saved, and God hath determined to give his Grace to those only who seek it in the devout Use of these Sacraments, where his Providence affords them.",Eph. ii. 8.,123,, +"Liorish ny Sacramentyn keddyn, ta shin dyn giangley shin hene dy ve Sharvaantyn firrinagh da Jee, as ta Jee kiangley eh hene dy chur dooin dagh Grayse ta ymmyrchagh dy yannoo shin aarloo son Niau. ","By which Sacraments we Bind our selves to be God’s faithful Servants, and God obligeth himself to give us all Graces necessary to fit us for Heaven.",,123,, +Q. Cre chon ta ny Sacramentyn enmyssit Saasyn dy Ghrayse ? ,"Q. Why are the Sacraments called, Means of Grace ?",,123,, +"A. Son dy vel Grayse Yee kinjagh lhieu, tra t’ad er nyn livrey as er nyn nghoaill cordail rish Oardagh Chreest, as ayns biallys gys e Haarey. ","A. Because the Grace of God doth always accompany them, when they are Administred and Received according to the Appointment of Christ, and in Obedience to his Command.",,123,, +"Son ga nagh vel bree ayndoo hene dy haauail shin, ny Yeih, liorish Bannaght Chreest er e Oardagh hene, as trooid Credjue aynsyn, t’ad cheet dy ve Saasyn jeh’n gherjagh smoo, as Saaualtys daauesyn ooilley nee ad y ghoaill dy feeu. ","For though they have no Vertue in themselves to save us, yet by the Blessing of Christ upon his own Ordinance, and through Faith in Him, they become Means of the greatest Comfort and Salvation to all such as receive them worthily.",2 Pet. iii. 12.,123,, +Q. Cre’n aght t’ad cheet dy ve Saasyn jeh leid y gherjagh mooar ? ,Q. How do they become Means of so great Comfort ?,,123,, +"A. Son dy vel ad cur cairys da dagh Creestee ayns ny Gialldynyn ta Jee er yannoo jeh Pardoon as Grayse, as cur oyr da dy ghoaill ayns laaue dy vel ad bentyn rish hene. ","A. By giving every Christian an Opportunity of claiming God’s Promise of Pardon and Grace, and of applying them to Him self.",da] restored from 1707.,123,"A. Son dy vel ad cur cairys dagh Creestee ayns ny Gialldynyn ta Jee er yannoo jeh Pardoon as Grayse, as cur oyr da dy ghoaill ayns laaue dy vel ad bentyn rish hene. ", +"Son ta ny Sacramentyn Gialldynyn, ny raanteenyn, ta Creest er chur da e Aglish, son shickyrys da ooilley e harvaantyn firrinagh, dy der Jee daauesyn e Ghrayse Spyrrydoil er cheu sthie, cha Shickyr as ta’d goaill aarn jeh’n courey t’er ny aikin cheu mooie lesh ymmyrkey craauee as aignaghyn biallagh gys e Lei’ghyn. ","For the Sacraments are Pledges, or Securities, given by Christ to his Church, to assure all his faithful Servants, that God will as certainly give them the Inward and Spiritual Grace, as they do partake of the outward and visible Sign, with Holy Dispositions and Purposes of obeying his Laws.",Gialldynyn] text Giallteenyn (ending miscopied from raanteenyn following).,123,"Son ta ny Sacramentyn Giallteenyn, ny raanteenyn, ta Creest er chur da e Aglish, son shickyrys da ooilley e harvaantyn firrinagh, dy der Jee daauesyn e Ghrayse Spyrrydoil er cheu sthie, cha Shickyr as ta’d goaill aarn jeh’n courey t’er ny aikin cheu mooie lesh ymmyrkey craauee as aignaghyn biallagh gys e Lei’ghyn. ", +Q. Doardee Creest agh daa Sacrament dy ve er skyn ooilley ymmyrchagh gys Saaualtys ? ,"Q. Did Christ ordain Two Sacraments only, as generally necessary to Salvation ?",,124,, +"A. Cha doardee eh arragh, as t’ad shoh dy liooar dy haarn shin sthiagh as dyn vreayll shin ayns Conaant as foayr rish Jee. ","A. He ordained no more ; and these are sufficient to bring us into, and to keep us in, Covenant and Favour with God.",,124,, +"Son liorish Bashtey ta shin gouit sthiagh ayns Aglish Chreest, as Shickyrys er ny chur dooin jeh ooilley Bannaghtyn y Sushtal. ","For, by Baptism, we are admitted into the Church of Christ, and have all the Blessings of the Gospel made over to us.",1 Cor. 12. 13.,124,, +"As Shibber y Chiarn, dy bragh y saase dyn goardail shin rish Jee, tra ta shin trooid annoonid ny miolagh er jyndaa veih. ","And the Lord’s Supper is the standing means of Reconciling us to God, when through Weakness or Temptations we have departed from Him.",,124,, +"Q. Cre ta’n Courey, ny’n Red, t’er ny aikin er cheu mooie, ayns Bashtey ? ","Q. What is the Outward visible Sign, or Form, in Baptism ?",,124,, +"A. Ushtey, ayn ta’n Persoon er ny Vashtey ayns ennym yn Ayr, y Mac, as y Spyrryd Noo. ","A. Water, wherein the Person is Baptised, in the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.",,124,, +Q. Cre ta’n Grayse Spyrrydoil er cheu sthie ? ,Q. What is the Inward and Spiritual Grace ?,,124,, +"A. Baase gys peccah, as Bea noa gys Craaueeaght, son ga va shin liorish dooghys er nyn mreh ayns peccah as nyn Gloan dy chorree, ta shin liorish shoh jeant nyn Gloan dy Ghrayse. ","A. A Death unto Sin, and a New Birth unto Right­eousness ; for being by Nature born in Sin, and the Children of Wrath, we are hereby made the Children of Grace.",,124,, +Q. Cre ta er ny hirrey er Persoonyn ta dy ve er nyn Mashtey ? ,Q. What is required of Persons to be Baptised ?,,125,, +"A. Arrys, liorish ta’d treigeil peccah ; as Credjue, liorish ta’d dy shickyr credjal Gialldynyn Yee jeant daaue ayns y Sacrament shen. ","A. Repentance, whereby they forsake Sin ; And Faith, whereby they stedfastly believe the Promises of God, made to them in that Sacrament.",,125,, +"Q. Cre’n fa eisht ta Ooikanyn er nyn Mashtey, faikin nagh vod ad, kyndagh rish nyn Agid, adsyn y chooilleeiney ? ","Q. Why then are Infants Baptised, when by reason of their tender Age, they cannot perform them ?",,125,, +"A. Son dy vel ad gialldyn ad ny neeisht liorish nyn Raan­teenyn ; yn Gialldyn cheddyn, tra hig ad gys eash, ta’d hene kainlt dy chooilleeney. ","A. Because they promise them both by their Sureties ; which Promise, when they come to age, them­selves are bound to perform. ",,125,, +Q. Rou Sacrament y vashtey oardit liorish Creest hene ? ,Q. Was the Sacrament of Baptism ordained by Christ himself ?,,125,, +"A. Va, ayns ny goan shoh ; immee jee, as ynsee jee dy chooilley ashoon, bashtey ad ayns ennym yn Ayr, as y Vac, as y Spyrryd Noo. ","A. It was, in these words : Go ye, and teach all Nations, baptising them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.",Matt. 28. 19.,125,, +"Yn Saarey cheddyn dreaill ny Hostyllyn ; hoilshee ad magh yn Sushtal, as whooilleen as chred y Goo, hie ad er bashtey ; Liorish y Sacrament shoh, vishee ad yn Aglish dy chooilley laa, lesh leid as va dy ve er nyn Saauail. ","Which Command the Apostles observed ; They preached the Gospel, and as many as believed the Word, them, they baptised ; By this Sacrament, adding to the Church daily such as should be saved.","Acts ii. 28. +Ver. 47",125,, +"Ghou ad ayns laaue dy rou eh ymmyrchagh adsyn y vashtey lesh Ushtey, va dy jarroo er nyn mannaghey lesh gioot y Spyrryd Noo ; Gynsagh dooin nagh vel y Saarey shoh, ta Creest er chur dooin, dy ve er ny liggey shaghey er aght erbee, raad oddys eh ve er ny reayll. ","Holding it Necessary to baptise with Water even Those that had received the Holy Ghost. Teaching us, that this Command of Christ, where it may be duly observed, is not to be neglected on any Account whatever.",Acts 10. 47.,125,, +Q. Cre ta er ny hoilshagh as er ny hickyragh dooin liorish y courey shoh er cheu mooie ayns Bashtey ? ,Q. What is signified and assured to us by this outward Sign in Baptism ?,,126,,Q. What is signified and assured to us by this outward Sign in Baptism. +"A. ’Naght myr ta’n corp er ny niee lesh Ushtey, ayns ennym yn Ayr, y Mac, as y Spyrryd Noo, myr shen ta’n annym, ta er yn aght shoh er ny chasherickey gys Jee, er ny ghlenney veih ooilley e pheccaghyn liorish fooill Chreest ; ta’n Persoon ta bashtit jeant Oltey bio jeh Aglish Chreest, as liorish shen ta cairys echey ayns ymmodee dy Yialldynyn mooar as eunyssagh. ","A. That, as the Body is washed by Water, in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, so is the Soul, Thus dedicated to God, cleansed from all its Sins, by the Blood of Christ ; the Person baptised is made a visible Member of Christ’s Church, and hath thereby a Right to many great and precious Promises.",,126,"A. ’Naght myr ta’n corp er y niee lesh Ushtey, ayns ennym yn Ayr, y Mac, as y Spyrryd Noo, myr shen ta’n annym, ta er yn aght shoh er ny chasherickey gys Jee, er ny ghlenney veih ooilley e pheccaghyn liorish fooill Chreest ; ta’n Persoon ta bashtit jeant Oltey bio jeh Aglish Chreest, as liorish shen ta cairys echey ayns ymmodee dy Yialldynyn mooar as eunyssagh. ", +"Q. Cre ny Gialldynyn as Bannaghtyn, ayndoo ta cairys ain liorish Bashtey ? ","Q. What are the Promises and Blessings, which by Baptism we have a Right to ?",,126,, +"A. Ga dy daink shin nyn Beckee stiagh ayns y teihll, ny yeih, nee Jee dellal rooin myr dy beagh shin fegooish peccah. ","A. That, though we were born in Sin, yet God will deal with us, as if we were innocent.",,126,, +"Ga nagh rou veg y chairys ain ayns Niau as maanrys liorish dooghys, Te nish cur cairys dooin ayndoo ny neeisht. ","That, having by Nature no Right to Heaven and Happiness, He doth now give us a Title to both.",,126,, +"As son nagh vod shin shin hene y ymmyrkey as Jee y yannoo booiagh, te ayns Bashtey cur dooin e Spyrryd Noo dy chooney lhien, chammah dy chur tushtey dooin jeh nyn gurrym as dy chooilleeney eh. ","And because, of our selves, we are not able to walk and to please God, he doth in Baptism give us his Holy Spirit to enable us both to know and to do our Duty.",,126,, +"As nee’n Spyrryd casherick cheddyn, mannagh der mad jummoose er, tannaghtyn dy leeideil shin, as dy chooney lhien gys jerrey nyn Mea ; ver eh aigney dooin dy ve craauee, cooinee eh lhien dy gheddyn barreeaght harrish nyn Noidyn Spyrrydoil as ver eh lesh shin gys Flaunyss. ","Which Good Spirit, if we do not grieve him, will continue to guide and to assist us unto our lives end, dispose us to Holiness, help us to overcome our spiritual Enemies, and bring us to Heaven.",Ephes. iv. 30.,126,, +Q. Vel Cairys ec dy chooilley Phersoon ta dy lowal er ny Vashtey ayns ny Bannaghtyn shoh ? ,"Q. Have all persons a Title to these Blessings, who have been rightly Baptised ?",,127,, +"A. Ta ; Agh eisht foddee’n chairys shoh ve callit, mannagh vel kiarrail gouit jeh, tra ta shin cheet gys Eash, ta shen dy ghra, mannagh gooilleein oo ny hie er gialldyn er dty hon. ","A. Yes ; but then this Title may be lost, if it is not looked after when you come to Years of Discretion ; that is, if you do not perform what was promised for you.",,127,, +"Q. Cre chon, eisht, nagh rou yn Bashtey ain er ny liggey shaghey, derrey harragh shin gys Eash keeal as tushtey ? ","Q. Why then was not our Baptism deferred, until we came to Years of Discretion ?",,127,, +"A. Son dy rou eh rieau er ny ghoaill myr Bannaght mooar dy ve Casherick, ta shen dy ghra, dy ve er ny livrey seose gys Jee, cha lhea as oddys eh ve, liorish e Spyrryd casherick, dy voddagh eh shin y yannoo aignagh gys Craaueeaght, as liorish e Ainlyn mie, ta er nyn oardagh dy yannoo shirveish daauesyn vees Eiraghyn jeh Saaualtys, shin y reayll veih Kialgyn drogh Spyrrydyn. ","A. Because it was ever esteemed a great Blessing to be sanctified, that is, dedicated to God as soon as might be, that by his good Spirit, he might dispose us to Holiness, and by his good Angels, which are appointed to minister to them, which shall be Heirs of Salvation, guard us from the Attempts of evil Spirits.",Heb. i. 14.,127,, +"Shen-y-fa va Cloan ny Hewnyn er nyn nghoaill sthiagh ayns Conaant yn hoghtoo laa jeh nyn Eash ; As ta Yeesey Creest gra, dy nee jeh leid oc shoh ta’n Reereeaght, ta shen dy ghra, Aglish Yee. ","Therefore were the Children of the Jews received into Covenant at eight Days old ; and Jesus Christ saith, That of such is the Kingdom, that is, the Church of God.",Mar. x. 14.,127,, +"As shen-y-fa ta Cloan Creesteenyn Bashtit, son dy vel ny gialldynyn jeant daauesyn chammah as da nyn Ayraghyn as Moiraghyn ; as te lesh resoon mie er ny smooinaght, tra hig ad gys tushtey jeh ny vondeishyn ayndoo ta cairys oc, dy jeagh ad nyn lurg, as nee ad streeue dy gheddyn ad. ","And therefore are Children of Christian Parents Baptised, because the Promises are to them, as well as to their Parents ; and it is with good reason supposed, that when they come to know what Privileges they have a Right to, they will look after and strive to obtain them.",Acts ii. 11.,127,"As shen-y-fa ta Cloan Creesteenyn Bashtit, son dy vel ny gialldynyn jeant daauesyn chammah as da nyn Ayraghyn as Moiraghyn ; as te lesh resoon mie er ny smooinaght, tra hig ad gys tushtey jeh ny vondishyn ayndoo ta cairys oc, dy jeagh ad nyn lurg, as nee ad streeue dy gheddyn ad. ", +"Q. Faikin eisht dy vel mish er jeet gys Eash, cre shegin dou y yannoo dy ve Shickyr jeh ny Bannaghtyn shoh ? ","Q. Since then I am come to Age, what must I do to be sure of these Blessings ?",,128,, +"A. Shegin dhyt streeue dy hoiggal as dy chooilleeney ny reddyn ymmyrchagh shen ta er ny chur myr currym er dy chooilley annane, roish ma vel ad er nyn mashtey, as va er ny yialldyn ayns dt’ennym. Ta’d shoh, Arrys, as Credjue, nyn vegooish cha jean Bashtey veg y vondeish dhyt.","A. You must endeavour to understand and perform those necessary things which are required of all Persons before they are baptised, and which were promised in your Name. These are, Repentance, and Faith, without which Baptism will not profit you.",Acts ii. 38. viii. 37.,128,, +Q. Cre gys ta Gialldyn Arrys dy my chiangley ?,Q. What doth the Promise of Repentance bind me to ?,,128,, +"A. T’ow kainlt dy hreigeil dy chooilley ghrogh raad ; Dy obbal dy chooilley Vee-chraaueeaght as Saaint jeh’n Teihll, gyn ve cur rish peccah erbee er fyss dhyt, agh Jee y hirveish gys dty hushtey as dty phooar shaar, jannoo ny te dy haarey ; as chea Veih ny Te cur raaue noi : Son myr shen ta dy chooilley Lhiannoo biallagh dy ymmyrkey eh hene gys e Ayr ; as my t’ow uss dty Lhiannoo da Jee, as jercal rish y Foayr echey, nee oo myr-geddyn cooinaghtyn dy negin daauesyn ta genmys ennym Chreest, ta shen, dy chooilley Chreestee firrinagh, chea veih drogh yannoo. ","A. You are bound to forsake all wicked Courses ; To deny all Ungodliness and Worldly Lusts ; Not to consent to Known Sin, but to serve God to the best of your Knowledge and Power, doing what he hath commanded, and avoiding what he hath forbidden : For so every dutiful Child behaves himself towards his Father ; and if you are a Child of God, and hope for his Favour, you will do so likewise ; Remembering, that he that Nameth the Name of Christ, that is, every true Christian, must depart from Iniquity.",2 Tim. ii. 19.,128,, +"Q. Cre ta’n Credjue shen va mee er my vashtey huggey, as ta mee kainlt dy ghoaill orrym pene ? ","Q. What is that Faith into which I was Baptised, and which I am bound to take upon my self ?",,128,, +"A. T’ow kainlt dy chredjal Sushtal Yeesey Chreest, ayn ta soit shees ooilley aigney Yee, ymmyrchagh dy ve toiggit liorish dy chooilley ghooinney. ","A. You are bound to Receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as that which containeth the whole Will of God necessary to be known by Men.",,128,, +"Ayns y Sushtal shen ta soit kion-goyrt rooin yn aght nee Jee nyn Anmeenyn y chosney ; ta shen, liorish Credjue ayns Yeesey Creest ; haink sthiagh ayns y teihll dy haauail Peckee, Mar. xvi. 16, Hooar baase son nyn beccaghyn, as jirree seose reeisht dyn Seyrey shin ; 1 Tim. i. 15. As te er saarey shin dy eiyrt er e chesmadyn, ’naght myr hooar eshyn baase as jirree eh seose reeisht er nyn son ain ; myr shen, lhiasagh shinnyn ta bashtit baase y gheddyn veih peccah, as girree seose reeisht gys cairys. ","In which Gospel is made known to us the Way by which God will save us, that is, By Faith in Jesus Christ, who came into the World to save sinners ; Mark xvi. 16. Who died for our Sins, and rose again for our Justification ; 1 Tim. i. 15. And hath commanded us to follow his Steps, that, as he died and rose again for us, so should we that are baptised die from Sin, and rise again unto Righteousness.",,128,"Ayns y Sushtal shen ta soit kion \goyrt rooin yn aght nee Jee nyn Anmeenyn y chosney ; ta shen, liorish Credjue ayns Yeesey Creest ; haink sthiagh ayns y teihll dy haauail Peckee, Mar. xvi. 16, Hooar baase son nyn beccaghyn, as jirree seose reeisht dyn Seyrey shin ; 1 Tim. i. 15. As te er saarey shin dy eiyrt er e chesmadyn, ’naght myr hooar eshyn baase as jirree eh seose reeisht er nyn son ain ; myr shen, lhiasagh shinnyn ta bashtit baase y gheddyn veih peccah, as girree seose reeisht gys cairys. ", +"My nee oo streeue dy yannoo shoh, eisht foddee oo dty slaane treishteil as dty Hickyrys y choyrt ayns Yeesey Creest, dty varrant y chur gys Gialldynyn Yee, dy vou leih peccaghyn, foayr, as cooney ; as foddee Shickyrys mooar ve ayd, dy vel oo ayns staaid dy haaualtys, as ayns y raad gys Niau. ","Which if you strive to do, then may you put your whole Trust and Confidence in Jesus Christ ; Depend upon God’s Promise of Pardon, Favour, and Assistance, and may be well assured that you are in a State of Salvation, and in the Way to Heaven.",,129,, +Yn PHADJER.,The PRAYER.,,129,, +"TA shin cur booise cree-oil dhyts, O Ayr Flaunyssagh, son dty Ghoo as dty Hacramentyn ; guee ort dy vod ad cheet dy ve Saasyn bree-oil dy Ghrayse dooin, trooid credjue ayns Yeesey Creest. Giall, ’naght myr ta shin er nyn ruggey reeisht liorish Ushtey as y Spyrryd Noo, as jeant nyn Eiraghyn er dty Reereeaght, dy vod mad tannaghtyn ayns earoo dty harvaantyn firrinagh gys jerrey nyn Mea. Cur dooin Grayse nagh der mad dy bragh jummoose er dty Spyrryd Noo, liorish ta shin er nyn gasherickey, agh lurg dooin beaghey cordail rish nyn Gredjue Creestee, dy vod mad yn Bannaght vees dy bragh er-mayrn jeh’n Nhiee flaunyssagh shen y gheddyn, as dy vod mad cheet gys y Reereeaght dy bragh farraghtyn t’ow er yialldyn, trooid Creest nyn Jiarn. Amen. ","WE do heartily thank Thee, O heavenly Father, for thy Word and Sacraments ; beseeching thee, that they may become effectual Means of Grace to us, through Faith in Jesus Christ. Grant that, as we have been born again by Water and the Holy Ghost, and made Heirs of thy Kingdom, we may continue in the Number of thy faithful Servants unto our Lives End. Give us Grace, that we may never grieve thy Holy Spirit, by which we are sanctified, but that walking answerable to our Christian Calling, we may enjoy the everlasting Benefit of that heavenly Washing, and may come to the Eternal Kingdom which thou hast promised, through Christ our Lord. Amen.",,129,, +SECT. XV.,,,130,, +Q. CRe’n fa va Sacrament Shibber y Chiarn er ny oardagh ? ,Q. WHY was the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper ordained ?,,130,, +"A. Son cooinaghtyn kinjagh jeh Oural Baase Chreest, as jeh ny Vondeishyn ta shin dy gheddyn liorish. ","A. For the continual Remem-brance of the Sacrifice of the Death of Christ, and of the Benefits which we receive thereby.",,130,, +"Q. Cre ta’n Courey, ny’n Aarn er cheu mooie, jeh Shibber y Chiarn ? ","Q. What is the Outward Part, or Sign, of the Lord’s Supper ?",,130,, +"A. Arran as Feein, ta’n Chiarn er chur Saarey dy ve er nyn ghoaill. ","A. Bread and Wine, which the Lord hath commanded to be received.",,130,, +"Q. Cre ta’n Aarn, ny’n red, er cheu sthie ? ","Q. What is the inward Part, or thing signified ?",,130,, +"A. Corp as Fooill Chreest, ta dy jarroo as dy firrinagh gouit as er ny ghoaill liorish y Chloan chraauee ayns Shibber y Chiarn. ","A. The Body and Blood of Christ, which are verily, and indeed, taken, and received by the Faithful in the Lord’s Supper.",,130,, +Q. Cre ny Vondeishyn ta shin dy gheddyn liorish ? ,Q. What are the Benefits whereof we are Partakers thereby ?,,130,, +"A. Niartagh as ooraghey nyn Anmeenyn liorish Corp as Fooill Chreest, myr ta nyn Gallinyn liorish yn Arran as y Feein. ","A. The strengthening and refreshing of our Souls, by the Body and Blood of Christ, as our Bodies are by the Bread and Wine.",,130,, +Q. Cre’n currym ta lhaie orroosyn ta cheet gys Shibber y Chiarn ? ,Q. What is required of them who come to the Lord’s Supper ?,,130,, +"A. Dyn Veaisht ad hene, vel ad dy firrinagh goaill Arrys son nyn beccaghyn t’er ngholl shaghey ; dy shickyr kiarrail bea noa y leeideil, Credjue bio ’ve oc ayns Myghinyn Yee, trooid Creest, lesh Cooinaghtyn booisal jeh e Vaase, as ’ve ayns giastalys rish dy chooilley ghooinney. ","A. To examine themselves, whether they Repent them truly of their former Sins, stedfastly purposing to lead a new Life ; have a lively Faith in God’s Mercies, through Christ, with a thankful Remembrance of his Death, and to be in Charity with all Men. ",,130,, +Q. Cre’n tra va Sacrament Shibber y Chiarn er ny oardagh liorish Creest ? ,Q. When was the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper ordained by Christ ?,,131,, +"A. Yn oie cheddyn v’e er ny vrah, tra ghou eh Arran as, lurg da booise y choyrt, vrish eh eh, as dooyrt eh, Gou jee, ee jee, Shoh’n Corp ayms ta brisht er nyn son ; shoh jean jee ayns cooinaghtyn jeeyms. Myr-geddyn, ghou eh yn Cappan lurg Shibber, gra, yn Cappan shoh, yn Chumney Noa ayns yn Ooill ayms ; jean jee shoh cha mennick as iuys shiu eh, ayns cooinaghtyn jeeyms. Son cha mennick as nee shiu gee jeh’n Arran shoh, as giu jeh’n chappan shoh, ta shiu soiagh magh Baase y Chiarn derrey hig eh. 1 Cor. xi. 23, &c.","A. The same Night in which he was betrayed, when he took Bread, and having given thanks, He brake it, and said, Take, Eat, This is my Body which is broken for you ; This do in Remembrance of me. After the same manner also, He took the Cup, when He had supped, saying, This Cup is the New Testament in my Blood ; This do ye, as oft as ye Drink it, in Remembrance of me. For as oft as ye Eat this Bread, and Drink this Cup, ye do shew the Lord’s Death till he come. 1 Cor. xi. 23, &c.",,131,"A. Yn oie cheddyn v’e er ny vrah, tra ghou eh Arran as, lurg da booise y choyrt, vrish eh eh, as doort eh, Gou jee, ee jee, Shoh’n Corp ayms ta brisht er nyn son ; shoh jean jee ayns cooinaghtyn jeeyms. Myr-geddyn, ghou eh yn Cappan lurg Shibber, gra, yn Cappan shoh, yn Chumney Noa ayns yn Ooill ayms ; jean jee shoh cha mennick as iuys shiu eh, ayns cooinaghtyn jeeyms. Son cha mennick as nee shiu gee jeh’n Arran shoh, as giu jeh’n chappan shoh, ta shiu soiagh magh Baase y Chiarn derrey hig eh. 1 Cor. xi. 23, &c.", +Q. Cre ta shin dy ynsagh veih ny ta’n Ostyl dy ghra ayns shoh ? ,Q. What are we to learn from these Words of the Apostle ?,,131,, +"A. Dy nee’n Currym ain dy reayll seose cooinaghtyn kinjagh jeh Baase Chreest, liorish ny lomarcan ta shin geddyn leih peccaghyn, Lu. xxii. 19.","A. That it is our Duty to keep up a continual Remembrance of the Death of Christ, whereby alone we obtain Remission of our Sins, Luke xxii. 19.",,131,, +"Dy yannoo shoh ta shin dy heet cooidjaght (cha mennick as ta Saggyrt Yee cur fyss dooin) dy hoilshagh as dy hoiagh magh e Vaase, liorish brishey Arran as deayrtey magh Feein, as cur booise gys Jee son e Vac y choyrt, dy ynsagh dooin nyn nutee as dy hurranse baase son nyn beccaghyn. ","That to do this, we are to meet together, (as often as God’s Minister giveth us notice) to declare and represent His Death, by breaking Bread, and pouring out Wine, and giving Thanks to God, for sending his Son to teach us our Duty, and to die for our Sins.",,131,, +"Dy vel shin dy Ee’n Arran shen as dy iu yn Feein shen, ayns courey dy vel shin dy firrinagh kiarrail as goaill y Chreesteeaght chasherick shoh er, dy hannaghtyn nyn Sharvaantyn firrinagh da Creest, liorish e aigney ’chooilleeney lesh ooilley nyn Booar. ","That we are to eat that Bread, and drink that Wine, in token, that we seriously purpose, and take this Sacrament upon it, to continue Christ’s faithful Servants, by doing His Will to the best of our Power.",,131,, +"Liorish ooilley shoh ta shin goaill rish nyn staaid hrimshagh peccoil, as nagh vel treishteil ain agh ayns toilchinys Chreest ; Agh dy vel shin credjal dy vel y Baase echyssyn, Oural as Lhiaasagh slaane, firrinagh, as fondagh son peccaghyn y teihll ooilley. ","By all which, we acknowledge our own sad and sinful Condition, and that we have no Hopes, but in the Merits of Christ ; But that we believe His Death to be a full, perfect, and sufficient Sacrifice, Oblation, and Satisfaction, for the Sins of the whole World.",,132,, +"Q. Cre ny vondeishyn oddys shin treishteil y gheddyn, liorish cooinaght er Baase Chreest er yn aght chraauee shoh ? ","Q. What Benefits may we hope for, by Remembering the Death of Christ after this Religious Manner ?",,132,, +"A. Foddee shin treishteil as jercal son Pardoon son ooilley nyn beccaghyn, Rom. v. 10. as grayse as niart dy yannoo nyn Nutee, as Maanrys er son dy bragh tra yow mad baase. As foddee mad cha firrinagh jercal son ny Bannaghtyn shoh, as oddys mad treishteil son Niart as Gerjagh veih beaghey. Son Jee, nagh haghyn e Vac hene, agh livrey eh Seose eh, er nyn son ooilley, cre’n aght nagh der eh dooin myrgeddyn dy arryltagh dy chooilley nee marish ? ","A. We may expect and depend upon the Pardon of all our Sins, Rom. v. 10. and Grace and Strength to do our Duty, and eternal Happiness when we die. And we may as certainly expect these Benefits, as we can hope for Strength and Refreshment from Food. For God, who spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things ? Rom. viii. 32.",,132,"A. Foddee shin treishteil as jercal son Pardoon son ooilley nyn beccaghyn, Rom. v. 10. as grayse as niart dy yannoo nyn Nutee, as Maanrys er son dy bragh tra yow mad baase. As foddee mad cha firrinagh jercal son ny Bannaghtyn shoh, as oddys mad treishteil son Niart as Gerjagh veih beaghey. Son Jee, nagh haghyn e Vac hene, agh livrey eh Seose eh, er nyn son ooilley, cre’n aght nagh der eh dooin myrgeddyn dy arryltagh dy chooilley nee marish.", +"Q. Vel ooilley adsyn ta goll gys Boayrd y Chiarn geddyn, ayns shen, ny Bannaghtyn shoh ? ",Q. Do all that go to the Lord’s Table find there these Benefits ?,,132,, +A. Cha vel ; agh adsyn ny lomarcan ta goaill y Chreesteeaght shoh dy feeu. ,A. No. But they only who receive this Sacrament worthily.,,132,A. Cha vel ; agh adsyn ny lomarcan ta goaill y Chreesteeaght shoh dy feeu ?, +Q. Cre’n aght shegin dooin shin hene y yannoo aarloo dy ghoaill eh dy feeu ? ,Q. How must we prepare our selves to receive it worthily ?,,132,, +"A. Ta’n Aglish, ta geiyrt er Sambyl yn Ostyl, cur dhyt y choyrle ghyiare as aashagh shoh. Shegin dhyt oo hene y eaisht mychione dt’ arrys, dty chredjue, as dty Yiastalys. ","A. The Church, following the Apostle’s Rule, giveth you this short and plain Direction. You must examine your self, concerning your Repentance, your Faith, and your Charity.",,132,, +Q. Cre’n aght shegin dooin shin hene y eaisht mychione nyn Arrys ? ,Q. How must we examine our selves concerning our Repentance ?,,132,, +"A. Shegin dhyt, hoshiaght, dty Chree y eaisht, dy yeaghyn vel tushtey ayd cre’n Cretoor peccoil, fegooish Cooney as tolchin Corree Yee, oo ; Son eisht hee oo cre’n feime t’ayd er, as cre’n bannaght ta liorish Saaualtagh, as gys shen, cha vaik oo ; Son cha vel feime ocsyn ta slaane er Lhee, agh ocsyn ta ching. ","A. You must first examine your Heart, whether you know what a Sinful, Helpless, Creature you are, and liable to the Wrath of God ; for then you will see the Necessity and the Blessing of a Redeemer. And not till then ; Because, they that be whole need not a Physician, but they that be sick.",,132,, +"Eisht, jeagh jean y Gaaue mooar t’ow ayn aigney ’chur aynyd, dy smooinaght dy dowin er dty raadjin, dy ghoaill rish dty pheccaghyn gys Jee, dy hoiagh kiongoyrt rish dt’ ymmyrch as dty yeearree son Myghin ; as dy ghuee er, myr son dty vioys, dy leih dhyt dty pheccaghyn. Shoh’n Currym t’ort, as nee-oo shoh, my chooinys oo dy nee Leagh peccah Baase, Rom. vi. 23. dy jarroo, Baase dy bragh farraghtyn, raad nagh vel Arrys gouit er eh hon. ","Then see whether the great Danger you are in, will dispose you to consider your Ways, to confess your Sins to God, to lay before him your Want and your Desire of Mercy, and to beseech Him, as for your Life, to pardon you. This is what is required of you, and this you will do, if you remember, That the Wages of Sin is Death, Rom. vi. 23. even Death eternal, where it is not Repented of.",,133,, +"Shegin dhyt er-y-fa shoh, ayns yn ynnyd stierree, oo hene y eaisht vel oo goaill ayns laaue dty Vea y lhiaasagh son y tra ta ry heet, dy firrinagh kiarrail Bea noa y leeideil, as Mess y ymmyrkey cooie gys Arrys, Matth. iii. 8. ","You must, therefore, in the last place, examine your self, whether you Resolve to amend your Ways for the time to come, stedfastly purposing to lead a New Life, And to bring forth Fruits meet for Repentance, Matth. iii. 8.",,133,"Shegin dhyt er-y-fa shoh, ayns yn ynnyd stierree, oo hene y eaisht vel oo goaill ayns laaue dty Vea y lhiaasagh son y tra ta ry heet, dy firrinagh kiarrail Bea noa y leeideil, as Mess y ymmyrkey cooie gys Arrys, Matth ii. 8. ","You must, therefore, in the last place, examine your self, whether you Resolve to amend your Ways for the time to come, stedfastly purposing to lead a New Life, And to bring forth Fruits meet for Repentance, Matth iii. 8." +Q. Cre’n aght shegin dou mee hene y eaisht mychione my Chredjue ? ,"Q. How must I examine my self, concerning my Faith ?",,133,, +"A. Shegin dhyt tastey vie y ghoaill, vel oo dy jarroo credjal y Sushtal ; dy vel Creest ayns Niau, as liorish toilchinys e vaase jannoo Accan er nyn Son, Heb. vii. 24. Dy bee Jee er y ghraih echyssyn coardit rish dagh peccagh arryssagh, Rom. v. 10. —Dy saaue eh ad veih Baase dy bragh beaon, as dy der e Daaue Bea vees dy bragh er mayrn. ","A. You must consider whether you do, indeed, Believe the Gospel ; that Christ is in Heaven, and by the Merits of his Death making Intercession for us, Heb. vii. 24. That God for his Sake will be Reconciled to all Repenting Sinners, Rom. v. 10. That he will save them from Death Eternal, and give them Everlasting Life.",,133,"A. Shegin dhyt tastey vie y ghoaill, vel oo dy jarroo credjal y Sushtal ; dy vel Creest ayns Niau, as liorish toilchinys e vaase jannoo Accan er nyn Son, Heb. vii? 24. Dy bee Jee er y ghraih echyssyn coardit rish dagh peccagh arryssagh, Rom. v. 10. —Dy saaue eh ad veih Baase dy bragh beaon, as dy der e Daaue Bea vees dy bragh er mayrn. ","A. You must consider whether you do, indeed, Believe the Gospel ; that Christ is in Heaven, and by the Merits of his Death making Intercession for us, Heb vii 24. That God for his Sake will be Reconciled to all Repenting Sinners, Rom. v 10. That he will save them from Death Eternal, and give them Everlasting Life." +"My chredjys oo ny reddyn shoh, as my ghouys oo ort dy veaghey goll rish fer ta jannoo shoh, gyn jeaghyn eddyr er dt’ obbraghyn mie hene, agh er myghin Yee ayns Yeesey Creest, coyrt Booise creeoil da Jee son e Vaase, eisht, ta dty Chredjue leid as nee oo y haauail. ","If you believe these things, and resolve to Live like one who doth so, Never looking upon your own Works, but upon the Mercy of God in Jesus Christ, giving hearty Thanks to God for his Death, then is your Faith such as will save you.",,133,, +Q. Cre’n aght shegin dou mee hene y eaisht mychione my Yiastalys ? ,Q. How must I examine my self concerning my Charity ?,,133,, +"A. Shegin dhyt dty Chree y eaisht, vel leid yn aigney mie ayd gys dy chooilley ghooinney, as ta cooie da Braaraghyn ; Son ta shin ooilley jeh’n yn chynney, Gee jeh’n yn arran ; lhiasagh shin, er-y-fa shen, ve jeh’n yn aigney, as jeh’n yn annym, aarloo dy chur Graih, dy chooney, as dy ghoaill Padjer yn derrey yeh son y jeh elley. ","A. You must examine your Heart, whether you have such a good Will towards all Men as becometh Brethren ; For we are all of one Family, Partakers of the same Bread ; we therefore ought to be of one Mind, and of one Soul, ready to Love, to Help, and to Pray for one another.",,133,, +"Vel oo booiagh Lhiaasagh y choyrt, as leih y hirrey orroosyn ta er ghoaill jummoose rish dty ghoo, ny dty yannoo, ny daauesyn t’ow er yannoo aggair ?","Whether you are willing to give Satisfaction, and to ask Pardon of such as may have taken Offence at your Words or Actions, or have been injured by you.",,134,, +"Vel oo aarloo dy leih daauesyn t’er yannoo aggair dhyt, myr t’ow jercal rish Leih son dty ghrogh yannoo hene veih Laauyn Yee ? ","Ready to forgive such as have injured you, as you expect Forgiveness of your Offences at God’s Hand.",,134,, +"Shoh, ta Yeesey Creest er choyrt myr Saarey gyeir, Matt. v. 23. daauesyn ooilley ta cheet dy hebbal ad hene ny nyn Badjeryn gys Jee, as eisht nee e soiagh jeh ny Ourallyn oc. ","This is what Jesus Christ hath expressly required, Matth. v. 23. of all such as come to offer themselves or their Prayers to God, and then he will accept their Sacrifice.",,134,, +"Q. Eisht, dy jarroo foddee fer nagh vel ynsagh mooar echey, my te smooinaght dy mie, as jannoo ny oddys eh, e Chreesteeaght y ghoaill dy feeu ? ","Q. Then, even an unlearned Person who means well, and will do his best, may be a Worthy Communicant ?",,134,, +"A. Cha vel dooyt jeh. Va Shibber y Chiarn er ny Oardagh son vondeish dy chooilley cheint dy Leih, Boght as Berchagh, ynsit as gyn ynsagh, Labreeyn, chammah as Sleih seyrey. Son ayns beggan dy ocklyn, ","A. There is no doubt of it. The Lord’s Supper was Ordained for the Benefit of all sorts of People, Poor and Rich, Ignorant and Learned, People of Business, as well as those that have Leisure. For in few Words, ",,134,, +My ta dooinney tushtagh jeh e Pheccaghyn as e annoonidyn as trimshagh er nyn son. ,"If a Man is sensible of his Sins and Weaknesses, and sorry for them. ",,134,, +My te gyeearree as kiarrail ayns e Chree dy reayll Annaghyn Yee gys e hushtey as e Phooar shaar. ,If he desires and purposes in his Heart to keep God’s Commandments to the Best of his Knowledge and Power. ,,134,, +"As treishteil ayns Jee son grayse as cooney, goll gys Shibber y Chiarn, dyn veddyn ad ; Gou-ee leid y Persoon shoh e Chreesteeaght gys e gherjagh mooar, nagh bee dy bragh ec kione. ","And, trusting in God for Grace and Assistance, goeth to the Lord’s Supper to obtain them ; Such a Person will receive that Sacrament to his Great and Endless Comfort.",,134,, +"Q. Cre’n aght te taghyrt, eisht, dy vel whooilleen mee-rioosagh jeh Currym cha eddrym as aashagh, as foast cha ymmyrchagh as Gerjolagh ? ","Q. How comes it then, that so many neglect a Duty so plain and easy, and yet so necessary and comfortable ?",,134,, +"A. Son dy vel ymmodee nagh vel smooinaght er nyn Anmeeyn, ny er seihll ry heet. ","A. Because there are Many who think not of their Souls, or of a World to come.",,134,, +"Ta ymmodee ta fyss oc dy negin daaue Arrys y ghoaill ; ta shen, nyn aght beaghee y chaghlaa, tra ta’d goll gys y Chreesteeaght, agh ta’d smooinaght dy vel eh roa hooilleilagh daaue. ","There are Many who know they must Repent, that is, Change their Way of Living, upon their going to the Sacrament, but think That too great a Trouble.",,135,, +"As ta ymmodee ta kiarrail nyn mea y lhiaasagh, agh cha vod ad goaill orroo thoshiaght y yannoo er, as ta’d roa vennick dy liggey shaghey eh, derrey te roa anmagh dy ve vondeishagh daaue. ","And there are very many who purpose to Reform, but cannot resolve to begin, and too often defer it, till ’tis too late to profit them.",,135,, +"Shoh son yn aarn smoo, ny Resoonyn firrinagh, cre erbee elley ny lhieshtallyn ta jeant, cre’n fa ta whooilleen cur cooyl rish yn Oardagh casherick shoh. ","These are, for the most part, the true Reasons, whatever else is pretended, why so many turn their Backs upon this Holy Sacrament.",,135,, +"Q. Agh, nagh vod sleih ve er nyn lhiettal liorish aggle nyn Gooinsheansyn hene ? ",Q. But may not People be hindered by Scruples of Conscience ?,,135,, +"A. Foddee. Ta’n Aglish goaill ayns laaue dy vod ad, as ta-ee gynsagh nyn leid shoh cre nee ad. Ta’d dy gholl gys Saggyrt ennagh jeh goo Yee, as ginsh oyr nyn aggle ; as my ta oyr oc dy jarroo, cha vel dooyt nagh jean eh booiagh jeu. Myr shen, foddee fyss ve ec dooinney erbee, vel y chea echey veih e Chreesteeaght cheet veih aggle firrinagh ; Ny veih niau-ghlennid cree moalteragh. Eshyn nagh vel kiarralagh dy scughey veih e Ghooyt, Shickyr, cha vel cooid-wooar dy hrimshey echey liorish. ","A. Yes. The Church supposes they may, and Directs such Persons what to do : They are to go to some Minister of God’s Word, and open their Grief ; And if they are in earnest, there is no doubt but they may receive Satisfaction. So that every Man may know, whether his not going to the Sacrament proceeds from a Real Scruple, or from the Corruption of a deceitful Heart. He who is not concerned to remove his Scruples, is surely not much afflicted with them.",,135,, +"Q. Faikin dy vel yn Oardagh Casherick shoh red cha Flaunyssagh as cha Gerjolagh daauesyn ta dy ghoaill eh dy feeu, Ta mee guee erriu cur jee coyrle ennagh aashagh dou, leid as oddys my ynsagh as my vrasnagh ayns Currym cha ymmyrchagh. ","Q. This Sacrament being so Divine and Comfortable a thing to them that Receive it Worthily, I pray give some Short and Plain Directions, such as may instruct and quicken me in so necessary a Duty.",,135,, +A. Cooinee eisht dy nee Bea heelt as Creestee shaar nee dooinney y yannoo feeu son y Chreesteeaght. ,"A. Remember, then, that a Sober and a Christian Life, is the Best Preparation for the Sacrament.",,135,, +"Dy vel eh ny shaar, foddey, oo hene y vriwnys as y gheyrey ayns shoh, na dy jinnagh Jee oo y gheyrey ny lurg shoh. ","That it is much better to judge and condemn your self here, than that God should condemn you hereafter.",,135,, +"Shen-y-fa cre erbee’n tra t’ow cur tastey dhyt hene, dy ve er chur corree er Jee ayns smooinaghtyn, goo, ny jannoo, ny lig shaghey dy ghoaill rish dty pheccah gys Jee, as dy ghuee er dy leih dhyt, as eisht gou gys y Chreesteeaght dy vod dty phardoon ve er ny hickyragh dhyt ayns Niau. ","Whenever therefore you perceive your self to have offended in Thought, Word, or Deed, delay not to confess your Sin unto God, and to beg his Pardon, and then go to the Sacrament, that you may have your Pardon sealed in Heaven.",,136,, +"Ny gou Naarey eddyr oo hene y injillagh hucsyn, daaue t’ow er yannoo aggair ; as bee aarloo dy leih daauesyn t’er yannoo aggair dhyt. ",Never be ashamed to submit your self to those you have wronged ; And be ready to forgive such as have offended you. ,,136,, +"Lesh yn aigney as y cree shoh, gou gys Shibber y Chiarn, cha mennick as te kiarit er dty hon, as jeagh er yn Oardagh casherick shen myr Giall firrinagh jeh Graih Yee, as cur dty varrant gys y Gialldyn echey, dy vou adsyn Pardoon as Grayse ta gyeearree eshyn y hirveish lesh ooilley nyn Greeaghyn. ","With these Dispositions go to the Lord’s Supper as often as you have a fit Opportunity, and look upon that Sacrament as a sure Pledge of the Love of God, and depend upon his Promise of Pardon and Grace to such as desire to serve Him with all their Hearts.",,136,, +"As ga nagh beagh ayd yn boggey as y Gerjagh vooishagh oo ve ayd, ny yeih, treisht dy firrinagh er mi-ys Yee, ta cur er yn Aggle hene as y trimshey ain dy vrasnagh shin er nyn doshiaght ayns nyn raad gys Niau. ","And though you should not have the Joy and Comfort you may desire, yet faithfully rely upon the Goodness of God, who maketh even our Fears and Sorrows to help us forward in our way to Heaven.",,136,"As ga nagh beagh ayd yn boggey as y Gerjagh vooishagh oo vayd, ny yeih, treisht dy firrinaghe er mi?ys Yee, ta cur er yn Aggle hene as y trimshey ain dy vrasnagh shin er nyn doshiaght ayns nyn raad gys Niau. ", +"As er skyn dagh nee, smooinee er dy dowin, cha mennick as t’ow goaill y Chreesteeaght Chasherick, dy vel oo livrey oo hene seose gys shirveish Yee, as t’ow fo Kianglaghyn noa dy leeideil Bea chrauee. ","And above all things consider, that as often as you partake of this Holy Sacrament, you devote your self to God’s Service, and are under new Obligations to lead an Holy Life.",,136,"As er skyn dagh nee, smooinee er dy dowin, cha mennick as t’ow goaill y Chreesteeaght Chasherick, dy vel oo livrey oo hene seose gys shirveish Yee, as t’ow fo Kianglagh noa dy leeideil Bea chrauee. ", +Yn PHADJER.,The PRAYER.,,136,, +"YEE ooilley-niartal hug dty vac ynrycan Yeesey Creest dy hurranse Baase er y Chrosh son y Kionneeaght reeisht ainyn, cur dooin grayse dy reayll seose cooinaghtyn y vyghyn wooar shoh, derrey hig eh reesht. Giall nagh gou mad dy bragh naarey dy ghoaill rish Credjue Chreest, v’er ny chrossey ; nagh jean mad dy bragh beg y hoiagh jeh ny Bannaghtyn ta eshyn er chionnagh er nyn son, ny jeh ny saasyn dy Ghrayse te er oardagh : Shoh ta shin dy feer injil guee er eh hon, son graih Yeesey Creest cheddyn nyn Jiarn. Amen. ","ALmighty God, who gavest thine only Son Jesus Christ to suffer Death upon the Cross for our Redemption ; give us Grace to keep up the Remembrance of this great Mercy, until his coming again. Grant that we may never be ashamed to Confess the Faith of Christ crucified ; That we may never despise the Blessings he hath Purchased for us, nor the means of Grace which he hath Ordained ; which we most humbly beg for the sake of the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.",,136,, +THE END.,,,136,, +,,,,, +,SHORT AND PLAIN,Short and Plain] in 1707: Plain and Short,,, +,DIRECTIONS,,,, +,and ,,,, +,PRAYERS,,,, +,For,,,, +,PARTICULAR PERSONS.,,,, +,FAMILIES.,,,, +,The LORD’s DAY.,,,, +,For,,,, +,the LORD’s SUPPER.,,,, +,"The TIME of SICKNESS,",,,, +,&c.,,,, +,in,,,, +,"the language,",,,, +,And for the USE of ,,,, +,THE DIOCESE OF MAN.,,,, +,,,,, +,,,,, +,,,,, +,,,,, +,,,,, +,LIVERPOOL : ,,,, +,"Printed by JOHN SADLER, in Harrington-Street.",,,, +,M DCC LXI.,,,, +,,,,, +HUCSYN OOILLEY TA Fo reill Aspick Vannin.,TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE Diocese of MAN.,,i,, +"SHE trooid beggan tushtey te, dy vel persoon ny Lught-thie erbee Creestee meerioosagh dy yannoo Padjer gagh laa gys Jee ; ta adsyn sloo ta dy ynsagh oc, faikin dy nee gys yn Ard-chiarralys echyssyn ta’d jercal ; nagh vod ad goll er nyn doshiaght fegooish e vannaght ; nagh vod ad red mie erbee y yannoo fegooish e Ghrayse ny e Chooney ; nagh vod ad ve bio ny sodjeh na sallishyn ; as tra yow ad baase, dy negin daaue ve ayns meegherjagh ny ayns maanrys, ’naght myr smooinys eh ta’d er hoilchin y ve. ","IT is for want of Consideration, that any Person or Christian Family neglect to pray daily to God ; the most Unlearned see that they depend upon his Providence ; that they cannot prosper without his Blessing ; That they can do no good thing without his Grace or Assistance ; That they can live no longer than He pleaseth, and that, when they dye, they must be Miserable or Happy, just as He shall judge they deserve to be.",,i,, +"Ta’d shoh Resoonyn lhiasagh greime y ghoaill er dy chooilley annane, kinjagh dy ghuee son pardoon as shee ; son grayse dy yannoo aigney Yee ; son e vannaght, as e choadey ; son baase bannee, as Irree seose reeisht gerjolagh. ","These are the Reasons which should prevail with every Person to Pray constantly for Pardon and Peace ; for Grace to do the Will of God ; for His Blessing and Protection ; for a Happy Death, and for a Joyful Resurrection.",,i,, +"Showyn da’n Dow yn Fer shlesh eh, as y Laaue ta cur beaghey da ; Ta Accyrys as Feyraght cur er ny Beine hene shirrey hiu son Fastee ; As nagh jean kenjallys ghraihagh ny smaghtagh y Chiarn cur erriu jeaghyn seose huggyssyn, liorish ta shin bio, as veih ta shin jeaghyn son dy chooilley vie ?","The Ox knoweth his owner, and the Hand that feeds him ; Hunger and cold Seasons make the very Beasts seek to You for Shelter ; and will not the loving Kindness of the Lord, nor his Corrections, make you look up to Him, by whom we live, and from whom we expect all good ?",,i,"Showyn da’n Dow yn Fer shlesh eh, as y Laaue ta cur beaghey da ; Ta Accyrys as Feyraght cur er ny Beine hene shirrey hiu son Fastee ; As nagh jean kenjallys ghraihagh ny smaghtagh y Chiarn cur erriu jeaghyn seose huggyssyn, liorish ta shin bio, as veih ta shin jeaghyn son dy chooilley vie.", +"Nar lig y Jee, dy beagh veg euish myr shoh, lurg diu fyss ve eu cre’n dangere mooar eh dy veaghey fegooish Jee ayns y teihll. As cre’n vaanrys wooar eh, dy ve fo’n scaa echey. ","God forbid it should be so with any of you, after you know the Great Danger of living without God in the World ; And the Great Happiness of being under his Protection.",,ii,, +"Foddee sleih smooinaght dy heet er nyn doshiaght liorish y laauys oc hene, liorish cooney deney-mooinjer, liorish ny daag nyn Ayraghyn daaue, agh cha jean ad shoh ooilley mie fegooish Bannaght Yee ; son mannagh jean y Chiarn y Thie y hroggal, cha vel adsyn ta dy hroggal eh agh laboraght ayns fardaail. ","Men may think to thrive by their own Industry, by the help of Friends, by what their Forefathers have left them ; but all these will not do, without God’s Blessing ; for except the Lord build the House, they labour in vain that build it.",,ii,"Foddee sleih smooinaght dy heet er nyn doshiaght liorish y laauys oc hene, liorish cooney deney-mooinjer, liorish ny daag nyn Ayraghyn daaue, agh cha jean ad shoh ooilley mie fegooish?Bannaght Yee ; son mannagh jean y Chiarn y Thie y hroggal, cha vel adsyn ta dy hroggal eh agh laboraght ayns fardaail. ", +"Foddee shin treishteil dy jean coyrle vie, nyn Resoon hene, aggle roish Leihaghyn ; kiarrail jeh nyn nghoo mie, shin y reayll ; nagh vou peccah as Niurin barriaght harrin ; Agh eisht cha vel shin cur tastey dy vel ymmodee va ooilley’n cooney shoh oc callit son dy bragh, son nagh ren ad grayse Yee y hirrey, N’egooish nagh vod nee erbee shin y reayll veih toyrt mou. ","We may hope that good Advice, our own Reason ; the fear of the Laws ; the care of our Reputation, will keep us; that Sin and Hell shall not get the Dominion over us ; but then we do not consider that many, who have had all these Helps, are now for ever undone, because they did not beg God’s Grace, without which, nothing can save us from Ruin.",,ii,, +"Son cha vel Mee-chraaueeys erbee, ayn ta persoon erbee elley er duittym, cha vel drogh haghyrt ny seaghyn erbee, nagh vod leid keddyn tuittym orrin, as she miys Yee eh dy vel veg ain er nyn livrey. As shen-y-fa te ymmyrchagh, er skyn dy chooilley nee, shickyrys ve ain jeh Foayr Yee. ","For there is no wickedness, which any other Person hath fallen into, There is no Misfortune, no Misery, but we are all liable to the same, and it is God’s Goodness that any of us are delivered. And therefore it is necessary, above all things, that we should secure the Favour of God.",,iii,, +"As adsyn ta jannoo shen, liorish ooashley chur da dy chooilley laa, yow ad gerjagh mooar ayns shoh, as leagh er skyn insh ny lurg shoh ; Son ver Jee currym da e Ainlyn myn gione, Livrey-ee eh ad veih olk. Ver eh Creeaghyn noa daaue, as ynsee eh yn raad daaue, ayn lhiasagh ad gimmeeaght, as ver eh lesh ad gys y vea ta dy bragh farraghtyn. As ayns y tra t’ayn, cre erbee ta taghyrt daaue, bee eh son y vie oc, ec y jerrey, as ayns y Chredjue shoh bee ad kinjagh ec aash. ","And they that do so, by worshipping Him daily, will find great Comfort here, and an unspeakable Reward here­after ; For God will give His Angels charge concerning them ; He will deliver them from Evil. He will give them new Hearts, and direct them in the Way they should go, and bring them to everlasting Life. And in the mean time whatever befalleth them shall be for their Good at the last, and in this Belief they shall always be easy.",,iii,, +"Nish, whooilleen as nagh jean Jee y hirveish gys nyn dushtey shaar, as cordail rish ny Saasyn t’er ny chur daaue, bee ad er nyn vaagail fegooish leshtal. Ayns shoh, ta Coyrlyn as Padjeryn gyiare as aashagh ayns y Ghlaar eu hene er ny livrey diu, leid as oddys v’er nyn gliaghtey raad oddys annane erbee jeh’n Lught-thie lhaih ; leid as oddys v’er nyn ynsagh jeh’n liore, ayns tra gerrit, lioroosyn nagh vod lhaih, as foast leid as oddys cur erriu lesh Bannaght Yee ve nyn Bobbyl craauee as er nyn vreayll ayns y Foayr echey. ","Now all such as will not serve God to the best of their Knowledge, and the Means afforded them, will be left without Excuse. Here are plain and short Instructions and Prayers in your own Language, put into your Hands ; Such as may be used where any one in the Family can read ; such as may be learned by Heart in a few Days by them that cannot read ; and yet such as by God’s Blessing may help to make you a Religious People, and keep you in His Favour.",,iii,, +"Shen, eisht, ny ta mee dy creeoil guee er dy chooilley phersoon fo my Reills, hig y Liore veg shoh gys ny laauyn oc, shoh eh, ——Dy nynsee ad dy ghra dy tastagh yn Daa chied Phadjer son Moghrey as Fastyr ayns ynnyd er lhieh, as dy gliaghtee ad ad (y ghra) dy chooilley laa ; shoh ta mee cur myr currym gyeir orroosyn hig hum dy chur my Laauyn orroo. Son cre’n aght oddys ad gialldyn dy immeeaght ayns Annaghyn Yee nagh jean gynsagh dy hirrey e Ghrayse liorish padjer kinjagh, negooish, cha vod mad niee erbee mie y yannoo ? ","That, therefore, which I do earnestly beg of all Persons within my Diocese, into whose Hands this small Book shall come, is this ——That they would learn to say distinctly the Two First Prayers for Morning and Evening in Private, and use them daily. This is what I shall expressly require of all that come to be confirmed ; For how can they promise to walk in the Commandments of God, who will not learn to ask His Grace by diligent Prayer, without which we can do no good thing ?",,iv,"Shen, eisht, ny ta mee dy creeoil guee er dy chooilley phersoon fo my Reills, hig y Liore veg shoh gys ny laauyn oc, shoh eh, ——Dy nynsee ad dy ghra dy tastagh yn Daa chied Phadjer son Moghrey as Fastyr ayns ynnyd er lhieh, as dy gliaghtee ad ad (y ghra) dy chooilley laa ; shoh ta mee cur myr currym gyeir orroosyn hig hum dy chur my Laauyn orroo. Son cre’n aght oddys ad gialldyn dy immeeaght ayns Annaghyn Yee nagh jean gynsagh dy hirrey e Ghrayse liorish padjer kinjagh, negooish, cha vod mad niee erbee mie y yannoo.", +"Ayns dy chooilley Lught-thie, ayn ta annane oddys lhaih, ta mee treishteil dy bee’n Daa Phadjer ta couyr Lught-thie, gagh laa er ny chliaghtey. As cha vel dooyt orrym, nagh jean ny Bochillyn Anmey, orroo ta kiarrail firrinagh son Anmeenyn y Phobble, ymmodee dy Phersoonyn mie nagh vod lhaih y chur lhieu dy ynsagh as dy chliaghtey ad ; Son nee ad smooinaght dy dowin er goan aglagh y Phadeyr, Deayrt magh dt’Eulyss er ny Lughtyn-thie nagh vel er neamagh er dt’ennym, Jer. x. 25. ","In every Family where there is one that can read, I do hope that the Two Family Prayers will be constantly used. And I make no question but the Clergy, who are truly concerned for the Souls of their People, will bring many well disposed Persons that cannot read, to learn, and to use them ; for they will consider the terrible words of the Prophet. Pour out thy wrath upon the Families that have not called upon thy Name. Jer. x. 25.",,iv,, +"T’an chooid elley jeh ny Coyrlyn as Padjeryn cha ymmyrchagh, as foast cha ghyiare as aashagh, dy vel mee treishteil dy jean yn aarn smoo jeusyn oddys lhaih, ymmyd jeu, as dy jean ymmodee sleih mie nyn lhaih ad daauesyn nagh vod lhaih ad hene. Cooinaght er y shan raa oc hene ——Tra ta Boght cooney lesh boght elley, ta Jee hene garaghtee. ","The Rest of the Instructions and Devotions are so necessary, and yet so short and plain, that I persuade my self they will be made use of by most that can read, and that many good People will read them to those that cannot read themselves. Remembering their own Proverb, ——When one poor Man helps another, God is exceedingly pleased. ",,v,, +"Cooinee dy vod dy chooilley ghooinney ve bannit, mannagh nee’n foill oc hene eh ; son shen t’an dooinney creeney gra, my she boght ny berchagh ta dooinney, my ta cree mie echey gys y Chiarn, nee eh dy chooilley hra boggey y ghoaill lesh Eddin ghyennal. Eccles. xxvi. 4. ","Remember, that all Men may be happy, if it is not their own Fault, for so saith the Wise Man, Whether a Man be rich or poor, if he have a good Heart toward the Lord, he shall at all times rejoice with a cheerful Countenance. Eccles. xxvi. 4.",,v,, +"As dy giall Jee ooilley-niartal dy vod ny ta mish er yannoo nyn gouyr ve son yn ynsagh eu, ayns y tra t’ayn, as gys y foays eu, son y tra ta ry heet ; as nagh bee shiu dy bragh feime y towse shen dy hushtey, ta ymmyrchagh dy haauail nyn Anmeeyn. ","And God Almighty grant that what I have here prepared for you, may be for your present Instruction, and future Welfare ; and that you may never want that measure of Knowledge which is necessary to save your Souls.",,v,, +,,,v,, +THO. Sodore and Man.,,,v,, +,,,,, +,,,,, +,THE,,1,, +,C O N T E N T S.,,1,, +,,,1,, +,"Morning Prayer for a Perſon in Private, Page 1",,1,, +, Evening Prayer for a Perſon in Private 3,,1,, +,Morning Prayer for a Family 5,,1,, +,Evening Prayer for a Family 7,,1,, +,Short Inſtruction for Sunday Morning 10,,1,, +,——————– for Sunday Evening 15,,1,, +,Plain Inſtruction for the worthy Receiving of the Lord’s Supper 19,,1,, +,"Short Directions for ſuch as have been Confirm’d, or at the Lord’s Supper 23",,1,, +,"Short and plain Inſtructions for ſuch as are Sick, or under any Affliction 27",,1,, +,,,1,, +,SHORT and PLAIN,,1,, +,"DIRECTIONS and PRAYERS, &c.",,1,, +,,,1,, +,PRAYERS for Particular Persons.,,1,, +"Smooinee er cre cha dangeragh as te dy gholl magh fud drogh heihll fegooish Bannaght Yee, as eisht, cha jarrood oo padjer y ghoaill Son e Ghrayse as e Choadey, dy chooilley Voghrey. ","Consider the Danger of going into an evil World without God’s Blessing, and then you will not neglect to Pray for His Grace and Protection, every Morning.",,1,, +,,,1,, +Padjer Moghrey.,Morning Prayer.,,1,, +"O Hiarn, Chroo as Chionnee mee, ta mee cur booise dhyt, Son ooilley dty Vyghinyn, as er skyn ooilley, son dy vel mee my Chreestee, as ayns raad saaualtys ; Hiarn, ny lig dou goll er shaghryn, er nonney, leeid mee reeisht gys y raad cair liorish leid ny aghtyn as hee oo hene mie. ","O Lord, my Maker and Redeemer, I thank thee for all thy Mercies, and especially that I am a Christian, and in the way of Salvation ; Lord suffer me not to go astray, or bring me back by such means as to thee shall seem meet.",,1,, +"Lig da’n Grayse ayds, ta fondagh, mish y reayll veih Miolaghyn y Teihll, yn Eill, as y Drogh spyrryd, nagh jean-ym geiyrt orroo, as nagh bee’m er my leeideil lioroo. ","Let thy Grace, which is sufficient, secure me from the Temptations of the World, the Flesh, and the Devil ; that I may not follow, nor be led by, them.",,1,"Lig da’n Grayse ayds, ta fondagh, mish y reayll veih Miolaghyn y Teihll, yn Eill, as y Drogh spyrryd, nagh jean ym geiyrt orroo, as nagh bee’m er my leeideil lioroo. ", +"Lig da’n Credjue T’ayms my chione dty Phooar, dty Chairys, as dty Viys er skyn earoo, cur orrym aggle y ghoaill royd, Graih y chur dhyt as my slaane Treishteil y chur aynyd. ","Let my Belief of thy infinite Power, and Justice, and Goodness, make me to Fear, and to Love, and to put my whole Trust in thee.",,1,, +"Lig da Foays dt’annaghyn mish y haarn ayns dy chooilley nee dy ve biallagh gys dt’aigney Bannit ; Dy voddym Graih y choyrt da my Naboo, myr dou hene, as leih da, as ve ayns Giastalys rish, ooilley’n seihl. ","Let the goodness of thy Commands incline me in all things to obey thy Blessed Will, that I may Love my Neighbour as my self ; and forgive, and live in Charity with all the World.",,2,, +"Dy voddym ve biallagh daauesyn ta Reill harrym, ve onneragh ayns ooilley my ghellal, Firrinagh as Jeeragh ayns my ghoan as my Yialdynyn. ",That I may obey such as have the Rule over me ; be Just in all my Dealings ; True and Faithful in my Words and Promises.,,2,, +"Dy voddym mee hene y smaghtagh as ve sheelt as glen ; Bea onneragh as chraauee y leeideil, ve booiagh lesh my staaid hene, as gyn dy bragh shirrey y yannoo ny shaar eh, liorish raadjin niauyeeragh. ","That I may be Temperate, Sober, and Chaste ; lead an Honest and a Godly Life ; be content with my Condition, and never desire to better it by unjust Ways.",,2,, +"Dy jean y Chiarn my choadey veih dagh olk ; Veih Moairn, as Goanlys, as Meerioose, as Niau-ghlennid ; veih Foalsaght, as aigney seihltagh, as veih Breagyn as Scammyltyn. ","The Lord Preserve me from all Evil ; From Pride, and Malice, and Idleness, and Uncleanness ; from Deceit, and Worldly Mindedness, and from Lying and Slandering.",,2,, +"Ta mee guee, gys Jee e Ghrayse ve dy bragh marym ; dy my reayll veih dy chooilley smooinaght, raa, as jannoo ver oyr dou dy ve arryssagh. ","I beseech God that his Grace may ever be with me ; to keep me from all Thoughts, Words, and Actions that I should have cause to repent of.",,2,, +"Dy saaue eh Mee, ayns dy chooilley Ghaaue ; dy Gerjee eh mee ayns dy chooilley hrimshey ; dy goyrlee eh mee, tra nagh bee fyss aym cre nee’m ; as dy der eh lesh mee ayns e earish vie gys e Reereeaght Flaunyssagh, er graih Yeesey Creest. ","Defend me in all Dangers, comfort me in all Afflictions, direct me when I know not what to do, and bring me in His Good Time to His Heavenly Kingdom, for Jesus Christ’s sake.",,2,, +"O Hiarn, eaisht rhym, cha nee cordail rish y tushtey annoon ayms, agh cordail rish Bree slaane y Phadjer shen ta Yeesey Creest er nynsagh dooin. ","O Lord, hear me, not according to my weak Understanding, but according to the full meaning of that Form of Words which Jesus Christ hath taught us. ",,2,, +"AYR Ain, t’ayns Niau ; Casherick dy rou dt’ennym ; Dy jig dty Reereeaght ; Dt’aigney dy rou jeant er y Thalloo, myr te ayns Niau. Cur dooin nyn Arran jiu as gagh laa. As leih dooin nyn Loghtyn, myr ta shin leih daauesyn ta jannoo loghtyn nyn oi shin. As ny leeid shin ayns Miolagh ; Agh livrey shin veih olk : Son lhiats y Reereeaght, y Phooar, as y Ghloyr, Son dy bragh as dy bragh. Amen. ","OUR Father, which art in Heaven ; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in Earth, As it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our Trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into Temptation ; But deliver us from Evil : For thine is the Kingdom, The Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever. Amen.",,3,, +PRAYERS for Particular Persons.,,,3,, +"Quoi erbee ta goll dy chadley fegooish Bannaght Yee, ta oyr wooar echey dy ve aglagh jeh e hauchys. As shen-y-fa, ver dy chooilley ghooinney creeney eh hene fo Coadey Yee. ","Whoever goeth to sleep without God’s Blessing, hath much reason to fear his own safety. And therefore every wise Man will put himself under God’s Protection.",,3,, +Padjer Fastyr.,Evening Prayer.,,3,, +"BOoise dy rou gys Jee son ooilley e Vannaghtyn, te laa lurg laa dy ghyiootal orrym. ",BLessed be God for all his Favours from day to day bestowed upon me.,,3,, +"Hiarn, jean tushtagh jee’m, dy nee orts lhiasin ooilley my varrant y choyrt, son Bea, as Slaaint, as Cooid, as Gerjagh, dy vod eh ve my voggey, chammah as my churrym, uss y hirveish dy firrinagh. ","Lord, make me sensible that I wholly depend upon thee for Life, and Health, and Prosperity, and Comfort ; that it may be my Delight as well as my Duty to serve thee faithfully.",,3,, +"Lig da dty vannaghtyn ve aym kinjagh, ta mee guee ort, as cur grayse dou nagh soi-ym dy bragh beg jeu. ","Continue to me thy Blessings, I beseech thee, and give me grace never to abuse them.",,3,, +"Dy rou Myghin Yee my chour, son ooilley my Vee-viallys gys e Lei-aghyn. Hiarn, leih dou, as livrey mee veih’n Kerraghey shen ta my pheccaghyn dy hoilchin. ","O God be merciful unto me, for I have walked contrary to thy Holy Laws ; Lord, forgive me, and deliver me from those Judgments which my Sins deserve.",,4,, +"Cur grayse dou, mee hene y reayll veih dy chooilley pheccah vees fyss aym er, nagh derrym dy bragh corree er dty spyrryds Noo, liorish ta mee er my chasherickey. ","Give me Grace never to consent to any known Wickedness, nor ever to grieve thy Holy Spirit, by which I am sanctified.",,4,, +"Lig dou gaaue peccah y aikin, dy vod-ym chea veih ; dy vod-ym streeu ny oi ; nagh daarn eh mee dy bragh gys Coayll anmey. ","Let me see the danger of Sin, that I may flee from it ; that I may strive against it ; that it may never be my Ruin.",,4,"Lig dou gaaue peccah y aikin, dy vod ym chea veih ; dy vod ym streeu ny oi ; nagh daarn eh mee dy bragh gys Coayll anmey. ", +"Soilshee m’annym lesh dty ghoo’s firrinagh ; Smaghtee mee ayns Myghin, tra ta mee gaase Mee-rioosagh jeh my Haaualtys. Freaill mee kinjagh ayns cooinaghtyn jeh my laa jerrinagh. Veih baase doal tatchim as Coayll-anmey dy bragh farraghtyn, Hiarn vie, livrey mee. ","Enlighten my Soul with saving Truth ; correct me in Mercy when I grow careless of my Salvation. Make me ever mindful of my latter end ; From sudden and from eternal Death, good Lord, deliver me.",,4,, +"Freaill mee veih pooar as goanlys y Drogh spyrryd ; giall dou cadley feagh, baase bannee, as irree seose reeisht gerjolagh, son graih Yeesey Creest. Amen. ","Preserve me from the Power and Malice of the Devil ; Grant me a quiet Sleep, a happy Death, and a joyful Resurrection, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.",,4,, +"O Hiarn, eaisht rhym, cha nee cordail rish y tushtey annoon ayms, agh cordail rish bree slaan y Phadjer shen ta Yeesey Creest er nynsagh dooin. ","O Lord hear me, not according to my weak Understanding, but according to the full meaning of that Form of Words which Jesus Christ hath taught us. ",,4,, +"Ayr Ain, T’ayns Niau, &c. ","Our Father, which art in Heaven, &c.",,4,, +"Padjer Moghrey, son Lught thie. ","Morning Prayer, for a Family.",,5,, +"Lig da fer lhaih ny gra lesh ymmyrkey craauee ny goan shoh, yn Chooid elley jeh’n Lught thie geaishtagh. ","Let one read or say devoutly what followeth, the rest of the Family attending.",,5,, +TA’n Chiarn er chur shin dy saauchey gys thoshiaght y laa shoh ; shen y fa lig dooin booise y choyrt son shoh as son ooilley e Vyghinyn. ,"THE Lord hath brought us safe to the beginning of this Day ; let us therefore give thanks for this, and for all his Mercies.",,5,, +"Lig dooin guee dy vod mad beaghey ayns aggle Yee, as tannaghtyn ayns Graih as Giastylys rish nyn Naboonyn. ","Let us Pray that we may live in the Fear of God, and continue in Love and Charity with our Neighbours.",,5,, +"Dy vod y spyrryd casherick echyssyn nyn greeaghyn y leeideil as y reill ; gynsagh dooin cre lhiasagh shin y yannoo, as cre veih lhiasagh shin chea. ","That his Holy Spirit may direct and rule our Hearts, teaching us what we ought to do, and what to avoid. ",,5,"Dy vod y spyrryd casherick echyssyn nyn greeaghyn y leeidell as y reill ; gynsagh dooin cre lhiasagh shin y yannoo, as cre veih lhiasagh shin chea. ", +"Dy vod grayse Yee ve dy bragh Marin, dyn gummal seose ayns dy chooilley ghaaue, as dyn ymmyrkey trooid dy chooilley violagh. ","That the Grace of God may ever be with us, to support us in all dangers, and carry us through all Temptations.",,5,, +"Dy vod y Chiarn ooilley nyn obbraghyn onneragh y vannaghey, as shin y yannoo booiagh lesh cre erbee nee’n Chiarralys echyssyn y oardrail nyn gouyr. ","That the Lord may bless all our honest Endeavours, and make us content with what his Providence shall order for us.",,5,, +As dy vod mad tannaghtyn nyn sharvaantyn firrinagh dasyn gys jerrey nyn seihll. ,And that we may continue his faithful Servants unto our lives end.,,5,, +"Son ooilley ny bannaghtyn shoh, lig dooin dy injil guee. ","For all which Blessings, let us devoutly Pray.",,5,, +"O Yee, lhioyrts t’an seihll ooilley er ny reill as er ny choadey, ta shin cur booise imlee dhyts son dty chiarrail ghraihagh jeein ; guee ort dy chur Tushtey firrinagh dooin jeh (ooilley) dty Vyghinyn, as dy ve booisal er nyn son. ","O GOD, by whom the whole World is governed and preserved, We give thee humble thanks for thy fatherly Care over us ; beseeching thee to make us truly sensible of thy Mercies, and thankful for them.",,6,,"O GOD, by whom the whola World is governed and preserved, We give thee humble thanks for thy fatherly Care over us ; beseeching thee to make us truly sensible of thy Mercies, and thankful for them." +"Cur dooin grayse dy vod mad gimmeeaght myr ayns dty hilleys, cooinsheance vie y ve ain ayns (ooilley) nyn raadjin, as ve kinjagh aglagh dy der mad jummoose ort, nagh jyndaa mad reeisht gys ny Peccaghyn, er nyn son ta shin er ny ve arryssagh. ","Give us grace, that we may walk as in thy sight, making a Conscience of our Ways, and, fearing to offend Thee, may never fall into the Sins we have repented of.",,6,"Cur dooin grayse dy vod mad gimmeeaght myr ayns dty hilleys, cooinsheanie vie y ve ain ayns (ooilley) nyn raadjin, as ve kinjagh aglagh dy der mad jummoose ort, nagh jyndaa mad reeisht gys ny Peccaghyn, er nyn son ta shin er ny ve arryssagh. ", +"Niartee shin dy hassoo seose noi miolaghyn y Teihll, yn eill, as y drogh­ spyrryd ; Dy eiyrt er coyrle y spyrryd mie ayds ; Dy ve tastagh as craauee ayns nyn Mea, Firrinagh as jeeragh ayns nyn nellal, kiarralagh harrish (ooilley) nyn smooinaghtyn, goo as jannoo, tarroogh ayns nyn Obbyr, as sheelt ayns dy chooilley nee. ","Enable us to resist the Temptations of the World, the Flesh, and the Devil ; To follow the Motions of thy good Spirit ; To be Serious and Holy in our Lives, True and Just in our Dealings, Watchful over our Thoughts, Words, and Actions ; Diligent in our Business, and Temperate in all things.",,6,, +"As faikin nagh vod mad ve saauchey fegooish dty chemmyrks, freaill shin, ta shin dy injil guee ort, veih dagh gaaue corp as annym. ","And because we cannot be safe without thy Succour, defend us, we beseech thee, from all dangers, both of Body and Soul.",,6,, +"Cur dooin ennaghtyn firrinagh dy nee aynyds ta nyn dreishteil, dy vod mad jeaghyn seose hooyds son cooney ayns ooilley nyn veime. As dy der y Jee graysoil dooin cre erbee ta ymmyrchagh er nyn son, as myr-geddyn aignaghyn dy ve booiagh lesh. ","Make us ever sensible that we depend upon thee, that in all our Necessities we may look up to thee for Help. And the Gracious God give us what is needful for us, and withal give us contented Minds.",,6,, +"Cur dooin bannaghtyn y vea shoh, as grayse nagh jean mad drogh ymmyd jeu, agh er skyn dy chooilley nee, cur dooin bannaghtyn y teihll ta ry heet, son graih Yeesey Creest. ","Give us the Blessings of this Life, and Grace not to abuse them ; but above all things give us the Blessings of the World to come, for Jesus Christ’s sake.",,6,, +"Clasht rooin, O Yee, cha nee cordail rish y tushtey annoon ainyn, agh cordail rish Bree slaan y Phadjer shen ta Yeesey Creest er nynsagh dooin. ","Hear us, O God, not according to our weak Understanding, but according to the full Meaning of that Form of Words which Jesus Christ hath taught us. ",,7,, +"Ayr Ain, t’ayns Niau ; Casherick dy rou dt’ennym ; Dy jig dty Reereeaght ; Dt’aigney dy rou jeant er y Thalloo, myr te ayns Niau. Cur dooin nyn Arran jiu as gagh laa. As leih dooin nyn Loghtyn, myr ta shin leih daauesyn ta jannoo loghtyn nyn oi shin. As ny leeid shin ayns Miolagh ; Agh livrey shin veih olk : Son lhiats y Reereeaght, y Phooar, as y Ghloyr, son dy bragh as dy bragh. Amen. ","Our Father, which art in Heaven ; Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come ; Thy will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our Trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into Temptation ; But deliver us from evil : For thine is the Kingdom, And the Power, And the Glory, for ever and ever. Amen.",,7,, +Padjer Fastyr son Lught thie. ,Evening Prayer for a Family.,,7,, +"Lig da fer lhaih ny gra lesh ymmyrkey craauee ny goan shoh, yn chooid elley jeh’n Lught thie geaishtagh. ","Let one read or say devoutly what followeth, the Rest of the Family attending.",,7,, +LIorish foayr Yee ta shin er heet gys thoshiaght ny hoie shoh ; as ta shin whooish shen sniassey gys y laa jerrinagh ain. ,BY the Favour of God we are come to the evening of this day ; and we are so much nearer our latter end.,,7,LIorish foayr Yee ta shin er heet gys thoshiaght ny hoie shoh ; as ta shin whooish shen shiassey gys y laa jerrinagh ain. , +"Lig dooin shoh y ghoaill gys nyn gree, as guee er Jee shin y yannoo aarloo son oor y vaaish. ","Let us seriously consider this, and pray God to fit us for the Hour of death.",,7,, +Lig dooin lesh Creeaghyn Arryssagh guee ersyn dy leih dooin nyn beccaghyn ; as dy livrey shin veih ny hoilk shen ta shin dy cairagh er hoilchin. ,Let us with Penitent Hearts beseech him to pardon our Sins ; and to deliver us from the Evils which we have justly deserved.,,8,, +"Lig dooin goaill ayns laaue dy lhiaasaghey cre erbee ta shin er yannoo ass y raad, as padjer y yannoo gys Jee dy vod e ghrayse ve kinjagh marin. ","Let us resolve to amend where we have done amiss, and pray God that his grace may ever be with us.",,8,, +As dy vod mad ve saauchey fo’n Choadey echyssyn oddys ny lomarcan nyn vendeil veih pooar y dorraghys. ,"And that we may be safe under his Protection, who alone can defend us from the Powers of darkness.",,8,, +"Son ooilley ny bannaghtyn shoh, lig dooin dy craauee Padjer y ghoaill. ","For all which Blessings, let us devoutly Pray.",,8,, +"O Hiarn, as Ayr Flaunyssagh, ta shin goaill rish dty Viys wooar rhooin, ayns gymmyrkey lhien tra ta shin toilchin kerraghey ; ayns dy vel oo cur dooin reddyn ymmyrchagh y vea shoh, as ayns soi-agh kiongoyrt rooin maanrys Bea shaar. ","O Lord, and Heavenly Father, We acknowledge thy great Goodness to us, in sparing us when we deserve Punishment ; In giving us the Necessaries of this Life, and in setting before us the Happiness of a Better.",kiongoyrt] text kiong goyrt; 1707 kiongoyrt,8,"O Hiarn, as Ayr Flaunyssagh, ta shin goaill rish dty Viys wooar rhooin, ayns gymmyrkey lhien tra ta shin toilchin kerraghey ; ayns dy vel oo cur dooin reddyn ymmyrchagh y vea shoh, as ayns soi-agh kiong goyrt rooin maanrys Bea shaar. ", +"Dy leih’n Jee Myghinagh nyn voilchin dooin ; dy smaghtee eh as dy liassee eh, cre erbee yn aggair t’aynin, myr ta shin gaase ayns eash, dy vod mad gaase ayns Grayse ; as myr sniassey ta shin taarn gys y jerrey ain, dy bee mad whooish shen smoo aarloo er eh hon. ","The Merciful God pardon our Offences ; Correct and Amend what is amiss in us, that as we grow in Years, we may grow in grace ; and the nearer we come to our latter end, the better we may be prepared for it.",eash] text eaosh; 1707 eash,8,"Dy leih’n Jee Myghinagh nyn voilchin dooin ; dy smaghtee eh as dy liassee eh, cre erbee yn aggair t’aynin, myr ta shin gaase ayns eaosh, dy vod mad gaase ayns Grayse ; as myr sniassey ta shin taarn gys y jerrey ain, dy bee mad whooish shen smoo aarloo er eh hon. ", +"Ayns Maan nyn Mea ta shin ayns Baase. Hiarn, dy der y smooinaghtyn shoh orrin ve kiarralagh cre’n aght nee mad beaghey, dy vod mad Pian sharroo yn Baase ta dy bragh farraghtyn y haghney. ","In the midst of Life we are in death. Lord, grant that these thoughts may make us careful how we Live, that we may escape the bitter Pains of Eternal Death.",,8,, +"Gow woin dy chooilley vee-hushtey, creoighys Cree, as rouyr kiarrail seihltagh. ","Take from us all Ignorance, hardness of Heart, and too much carefulness for the things of this life.",,8,, +"Cur orrin ve nyn Lught thie aglagh roish Jee, biallagh gys yn aigney bannit echyssyn, as nyn slaan treishteil y choyrt ayns e vyghin. ","Make us an Houshold fearing God, submitting our selves to his good Pleasure, and putting our whole Trust in his Mercy.",,9,, +"Bannee Chiarn as Fir reill ny Hellan shoh, yn Aspick as Bochillyn sholtaan Chreest, as freaill dooin ny Saasyn dy Ghrayse, as giall nagh gaill mad dy bragh ny Bannaghtyn dy Hee as Annanys ta liorish y viys ayds er ny ve ain. ","Bless the Lord and Government of this Isle, the Bishop and Pastors of Christ’s Flock, and continue to us the Means of Grace, and grant that we may never be deprived of the Blessings of Peace and Unity, which by thy Goodness we have enjoyed.",,9,, +"Lig da dty vannaght, O Hiarn, ve marin dyn vendeil ayns dy chooilley Ghaaue, as dyn ngherjagh ayns dy chooilley Noidys. As tra aagys shin y Vea shoh, giall dy vod mad beaghey mayrts ayns y Vea ta dy bragh farraghtyn, er graih Yeesey Creest. ","Let thy Blessing, O Lord, be with us, to defend us in all Dangers, and comfort us in all Adversities. And when we depart this Life, grant that we may dwell with thee in Life everlasting, for Jesus Christ’s sake.",,9,, +"Eaisht rooin, O Yee Vyghinagh, cha nee cordail rish yn tushtey annoon ainyn, agh cordail rish bree slaan y Phadjer shen ta Yeesey Creest er nynsagh dooin. ","Hear us, O merciful God, not according to our weak Understanding, but according to the full meaning of that Form of Words which Jesus Christ hath taught us.",,9,, +"Ayr Ain, t’ayns, &c. ","Our Father, which art, &c.",,9,"Ayr Ains, t’ayns, &c. ", +Coyrle ghyiare as ymmyrchagh son Moghrey jy-doonee. ,A short and necessary Instruction for Sunday Morning.,,10,, +"TA’N Chiarn, vannee yn laa ayns shiaght, bannaghey adsyn ooilley ta dy reayll eh dy casherick, as feer aglagh ta’n Kerraghey echey er ny ve, orroosyn t’er vrishey eh. ","THE Lord, who hath blessed one day in seven, blesseth all those that keep it Holy, and very terrible have been his Judgments upon them that have profaned it.",,10,, +"Shen-y-fa, yn Currym ayds eh, er y laa mie shoh, dy chur dy liattee, whooish as oddys oo, dy chooilley obbyr seihltagh, dy chooilley smooinnaght seihltagh, as dy chooilley vaanrys seihltagh, dy vod oo ooilley’n ooashley T’ayns dty Phooar y choyrt da dt’er­-Croo ; Liorish goaill rish dy vel dty varrant er, liorish clashtyn rish e Ghoo as e Annaghyn; Liorish e Vannaghtyn y yeearree, as booise y chur da, son e Ghiootyn. ","It is your Duty, therefore, on this good Day, to lay aside, as much as possible, all worldly Business, all worldly Thoughts, all worldly Pleasures, that you may Honour your Creator to the best of your Power. By owning your dependence upon him ; by hearing his Word and his Commands ; By asking his Blessings, and giving him thanks for his Favours.","seiltagh] text seihltaght; 1707 seihltagh +Annaghyn] text Annaghtyn; 1707 Annaghyn +e] text y; 1707 e",10,"Shen-y-fa, yn Currym ayds eh, er y laa mie shoh, dy chur dy liattee, whooish as oddys oo, dy chooilley obbyr seihltagh, dy chooilley smooinnaght seihltagh, as dy chooilley vaanrys seihltaght, dy vod oo ooilley’n ooashley T’ayns dty Phooar y choyrt da dt’er­-Croo ; Liorish goaill rish dy vel dty varrant er, liorish clashtyn rish e Ghoo as e Annaghtyn; Liorish e Vannaghtyn y yeearree, as booise y chur da, son y Ghiootyn. ", +"Eisht, my she nyn vondeish chammah as nyn Maanrys eh, Jee y hirveish, yn Currym ain eh, dy ve ec e Hie roish thoshiaght y Chirveish ; dy hoilshaghey dy vel shin aglagh roish e ooashley, as nagh lhoys dooin Oural niaufeeu y hebbal da ; Dy hoilshagh dy vel shin dy jarroo gyeearree e vannaght, as goaill boggey ayns y hirveish eh. ","If, then, it is our Interest and our Happiness to serve God, it is our Duty to be at His House before his Service begins ; To shew that we fear His Majesty, and dare not offer Him a Lame Sacrifice, to shew that we do indeed desire his Blessing, and take delight in serving him.",,10,, +"Tra t’ow, er-y-fa shen, hoshiaght cheet stiagh ayns Thie Yee, as er dty ghlioonyn, abbyr rhyt hene y Phadjer ghyiare shoh. ","When therefore you come into the House of God, and first Kneel down, say secretly this short Prayer.",,10,, +Padjer ghyiare son y tra hig oo stiagh ayns y Cheeil.,A short Prayer at your coming into Church.,,11,, +"DY jean spyrryd mie Yee mish y yannoo agindagh gys e hirveish, as dy gooin e lhiam ayn ; dy der y Chiarn dooin ooilley ennaghtyn firrinagh as bio jeh nyn ymmyrch, as jeh e vyghin, as e eanish nyn Maskey, dy vod mad eshyn y hirveish lesh nyn Greeaghyn chammah as lesh nyn Gallinyn, as dy vod nyn Badjeryn ve er nyn glashtyn, son graih e Vac, Yeesey Creest nyn Jiarn. Amen. ","MAY the good Spirit of God dispose me unto, and assist me in, his Service ; The Lord give us all a true and lively Sense of our Wants, and of His Mercy and Presence amongst us, that we may serve him with our Hearts as well as with our Bodies, and that our Prayers may be heard for the sake of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.",,11,, +"LUrg shoh, eaisht dy gyeir rish ny t’er ny ghra, as er ny ghuee er y hon ; cooinaght dy nee dty Phadjeryn hene ad ta chebbit seose gys Jee, agh nagh vel aarn erbee ayd ayndoo, mannagh vel oo cur tastey da shen ny t’er ny yeearree ayns dt’ennym. ","AFter this, attend diligently to what is said and pray’d for ; remembering that they are your Prayers which are offered up to God, but that you have no share in them if you do not mind what is asked in your Name.",,11,, +"Dy vod dty Chree goll lesh dty Phadjeryn, abbyr rhyt hene Amen, myr shen dy row eh, lurg dy chooilley Accan. Shoh oddys y vooinjer sloo ynsagh y yannoo, as foddee nagh vod ny Fir-ynsee smoo ny shaar y yannoo, dy reayll nyn aignaghyn soiht er ny t’ad mygeayrt y mish. ","That your Heart may go along with your Prayers, say softly, Amen, so be it, to every Petition. This is what the most unlearned may do, and it may be the most Learned cannot do better, to keep their Minds intent upon what they are about.",mygeayrt] text myrgeayrt,11,"Dy vod dty Chree goll lesh dty Phadjeryn, abbyr rhyt hene Amen, myr shen dy row eh, lurg dy chooilley Accan. Shoh oddys y vooinjer sloo ynsagh y yannoo, as foddee nagh vod ny Fir-ynsee smoo ny shaar y yannoo, dy reayll nyn aignaghyn soiht er ny t’ad myrgeayrt y mish. ", +"Tra t’ow goaill rish dty Pheccaghyn, jean eh lesh dy chooilley injillid as kiarrail, cooinaght dy vel oo callit son dy bragh, mannagh vel dty Pheccaghyn er nyn leih dhyt. As eisht, clasht lesh Gerjagh er cre ny Connaantyn nee Jee leih dhyt my nee oo Arrys y ghoaill as y sushtal y chredjal, t’ow shickyr jeh leih peccaghyn, son te er ny insh dhyt liorish fer, echey ta’n Oardagh shoh veih Creest hene. Jo. xx. 23. Quoi erbee ny peccaghyn ta shivish [sic] dy eaysley t’ad er ny eaysley, as quoi erbee ny peccaghyn nagh vel shiu dy eaysley, cha vel ad er nyn leih daaue.","When you confess your Sins, do it with great seriousness and concern, remembering that you are for ever undone, if you are not forgiven. And then hear with Comfort upon what Conditions God will Pardon you ; If you repent, and believe the Gospel, you are sure to be forgiven, for you have it declared by one who hath this Commission from Christ himself. Joh. xx. 23. Whose soever Sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever Sins ye retain, they are retained.","[51] The translation here is grammatically imprecise; in the 1765 Prayer Book (Gospel for the First Sunday after Easter) it is tidied up thus: Da quoi-erbee ta shiuish leih peccaghyn, t’ad er nyn leih daue; as da quoi-erbee nagh vel shiu cur feaysley, cha vel ad feayslit. ",11,, +"Tra ta Goo Yee er ny lhaih, ny er ny phreacheil, bee kiarralagh dy chooinaght er, dy vod fyss ve ayd er dty Churrym, as er y Leagh vees son y chooilleeney eh. Dy vod oo tastey y chur da dellal Yee rish sheel-naaue, ayns kerraghey yn Vee-chraauee, as ayns coadey as geeick y Chloan chraauee ; Dy vod fyss ve ayd er aght y Chionneeaght reeisht ain, as er graih wooar Yee ayns y choyrt eh gys kione ; Dy vod oo faikin y Dangere t’ow lhie fo, as y vaanrys ta soit kiongoyrt rhyt ; cooinaght kinjagh dy vel Credjue, n’egooish nagh vod mad Jee y yannoo booiagh, cheet liorish clashtyn, as clashtyn cheet liorish goo Yee. Rom. x. 17. ","When the Word of God is read or preached, be careful to mind it, that you may know your Duty and the Reward of doing it ; That you may observe the Way of God’s dealing with Mankind, in punishing the Wicked, and in protecting and rewarding the Righteous ; That you may know the manner of our Redemption, and the great Love of God in bringing it to pass ; That you may see the Dangers you are liable to, and the Blessedness that is set before you, ever remembering that Faith, without which we cannot please God, cometh by Hearing, and Hearing, by the Word of God. Rom. x. 17.",,12,, +"As bee shickyr dy nymmyrk oo oo hene lesh Arrym as Craaueeaght wooar, choud as t’ow ayns Thie Yee as ayns yn eanish echey ; son tra lhiasagh oo ve er dty ghlioonyn, gyeearree leih peccaghyn as bannaghtyn er Jee ; ny ve dty hassoo, cur Moylley dasyn ren Niau as Thalloo y chroo, ayns ynnyd shoh y yannoo, my t’ow dty hoie as cadley er sool yn Tra, ny dy mee-rioosagh jeaghyn as smooinaght er obbraghyn elley, eisht nee oo chyndaa veih Thie Yee lesh Mollaght, as cha nee lesh Bannaght. ","And be sure to behave your self with great Reverence and Devotion, while you are in the House and Presence of God ; for if, when you should be on your Knees, asking God’s Pardon and Blessings, or standing to Praise the Creator of Heaven and Earth, if, instead of doing so, you sit and sleep away the time, or carelessly gaze and think of other Matters, then will you return from God’s House with a Curse, and not with a Blessing.",,12,, +"As ny yeih, adsyn shaar ta ny vud ain, lurg ooilley nyn giarrail, ta oyr ain dy hirrey leih son nyn voilchin, dy jarroo ayns nyn Badjeryn. Shen-y-fa ma nirree oo jeh dty ghlioonyn, abbyr ass dt’aash yn Phadjer ghyiare shoh. ","And yet, the very best of us, after all our care, have cause to beg pardon, even for the Faults of our Devotions. Therefore before you rise from your Knees, say privately this short Prayer. ",,13,, +Padjer ghyiare roish my naag oo yn Cheeil. ,A short Prayer before you leave the Church.,,13,, +"DY jean y Jee graysoil soiagh jeh nyn Gurrym as nyn shirveish ; Dy leih eh dooin nyn Annoonidyn ; dy der eh dooin ny ta ymmyrchagh son nyn Anmeenyn as nyn Gallinyn, as dy vreaill eh shin dy bragh fo e Choadey, son graih Yeesey Creest nyn Saaualtagh. Amen. ","THE Good Lord accept of our Duty and Service ; Pardon our Sins and Infirmities ; give us what is needful for our Souls and for our Bodies, and keep us evermore under his Protection, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.",,13,"DY jean y Jee graysoil soiagh jeh nyn Gurrym as nyn shirveish ; Dy leih eh dooin nyn Annonidyn ; dy der eh dooin ny ta ymmyrchagh son nyn Anmeenyn as nyn Gallinyn, as dy vreaill eh shin dy bragh fo e Choadey, son graih Yeesey Creest nyn Saaualtagh. Amen. ", +"AS nish, nar lig y Jee dy jinnagh oo yn chooid elley jeh’n laa mie shoh, er t’ow er yannoo leid y thoshiaght vie, y chaeu ayns Peccah as Fardaail. Ny sleoi smooinee er cre’n aght smoo oddys oo ooashley y chur dasyn ren dty Chroo, as dasyn ren dty Chionnagh reeisht. ","AND now, God forbid that you should spend the remainder of this good Day, so well begun, in Sin and Vanity. Rather think how you may do most Honour to your Creator and Redeemer.",,13,, +"My oddys oo lhaih, foddee oo chammah oo hene y ynsagh as adsyn nee clashtyn rhyt. ","If you can read, you can both instruct your self, and them that will hear you.",,13,, +"My ta Cloan ayd as Mooinjer, foddee oo gynsagh daaue kys nee ad aggle y ghoaill, as graih y choyrt, as padjer y yannoo, gys Jee. ","If you have Children and Servants you can teach them how to Fear, and to Love, and to Pray to God.",,13,, +"As Mannagh vel ynsagh ayd, foddee oo cooinaght er ny t’ow er chlashtyn ec y Cheeill, as gow kiarrail ort hene dy chooilleeney, gys y tushtey shaar ayd, myr t’ow er dty ynsagh. ","And if you are unlearned you can think of what you have heard at Church, and resolve to do, to the best of your Knowledge, as you have been taught.",,13,"As Mannagh vel ynsagh ayd, foddee oo oooinaght er ny t’ow er chlashtyn ec y Cheeill, as gow kiarrail ort hene dy chooilleeney, gys y tushtey shaar ayd, myr t’ow er dty ynsagh. ", +"Eisht bee’n Chiarn mayrt dy dty Vannaghey ayns y raad nee oo gimmeeaght, dy choadey as dy vishaghey oo. Son shoh te er yialldyn, Verryms ooashley daauesyn ver ooashley dou, as nee’m beg y hoiagh jeusyn ver dooai dou, 1 Sam. ii. 30. ","Then will the Lord be with you to bless you in the way you go, to preserve and to prosper you. For this is what he hath declared ; Them that Honour me, I will Honour, and they that despise me, shall be lightly esteemed. 1 Sam. ii. 30.",,14,, +Padjer son Moghrey jy Doonee. ,A Prayer for Sunday Morning.,,14,, +"O Hiarn, t’er chasherickey’n laa mie shoh gys dty hirveish hene, cur grayse dooin, myr shen, dy reayll eh, dy vod eh ve thoshiaght shaghtin vannee dooin, as nagh dhuitt veg jeh dty Cherraghyn orrin son y vrishey eh. Soi ayns nyn Greeaghyn yn Raa mooar firrinagh shoh, nagh vel ain ayns shoh ynnyd veaghee ; dy vod mad dy creeney, as ayns tra, kiarrail son Bea elley : as giall dy vod yn obbyr wooar shoh cur orrin ve feer agyndagh dy ynsagh nyn Gurrym, as dy yannoo ny tow uss dy haarey dooin. As bannit dy rou Jee dy vel Kialteenyn ain dy gholl huc, dy vel earish ain dy hirveish nyn Ver Croo, Dy vel saggyrtyn ain dyn ynsagh shin. Dy bishee yn Chiarn y Laboraght oc, as dy der eh grayse dooinyn dy ghoaill vondeish liorish, dy vod adsyn as shinnyn Doonagh vees dy bragh farraghtyn y gheddyn, marish dty Noo’ghyns ayns Niau, son graih Yeesey Creest. Amen. ","O Lord, who hast consecrated this good Day to thy Service, give us Grace so to observe it, that it may be the Beginning of a happy Week to us ; and that none of thy Judgments may fall upon us for profaning it. Fix in our Hearts this great Truth ; that here we have no abiding Place, that we may seriously and timely provide for another Life ; and grant that this great concern may make us very desirous to learn our Duty, and to do what thou requirest of us. And blessed be God that we have Churches to go to, that we have time to serve our Creator, that we have Pastors to teach us. The Lord prosper their Labours, and give us Grace to profit by them, that they and we may enjoy an everlasting Sabbath with thy Saints in Heaven, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.",,14,"O Hiarn, t’er chasherickey’n laa mie shoh gys dty hirveish hene, cur grayse dooin, myr shen, dy reayll eh, dy vod eh ve thoshiaght shaghtin vannee dooin, as nagh dhuitt veg jeh dty Cherraghyn orrin son y vrishey eh. Soi ayns nyn Greaghyn yn Raa mooar firrinagh shoh, nagh vel ain ayns shoh ynnyd veaghee ; dy vod mad dy creeney, as ayns tra, kiarrail son Bea elley : as giall dy vod yn obbyr wooar shoh cur orrin ve feer agyndagh dy ynsagh nyn Gurrym, as dy yannoo ny tow uss dy haarey dooin. As bannit dy rou Jee dy vel Kialteenyn ain dy gholl huc, dy vel earish ain dy hirveish nyn Ver Croo, Dy vel saggyrtyn ain dyn ynsagh shin. Dy bishee yn Chiarn y Laboraght oc, as dy der eh grayse dooinyn dy ghoaill vondeish liorish, dy vod adsyn as shinnyn Doonagh vees dy bragh farraghtyn y gheddyn, marish dty Noo’ghyns ayns Niau, son graih Yeesey Creest. Amen. ", +Ynsaghey aashagh as ymmyrchagh son Fastyr jy doonee. ,A plain and useful Instruction for Sunday Evening.,,15,, +"Mychione Kiarralys Yee, ny e Chreenaght as e Viys ayns Reill y Teihll. ",Concerning the Providence of God ; or his Wisdom and Goodness in governing the World.,,15,, +"DY vel Jee mooar as aggle mooar dy ve gouit roish, ta fys ain er, liorish y seihll te er yannoo, as veih e vriwnyssyn aglagh. ","THat God is Great, and to be greatly feared, we know by the World He hath made, and from his dreadful Judgments.",,15,, +"Dy vel Jee mie, as graih as ooashley dy ve er ny choyrt da, ta fyss ain er, liorish y chiarrail t’echey jeh ooilley ny ren eh y chroo. ","That God is Good, and to be loved and worshipped, we are convinced from His care of the whole Creation.",,15,, +"Son ta e Vyghynyn meih harrish ooilley e obbyr, Psal. cxlv. 9. shen-y-fa, t’ec e Chretooryn gerjagh yn Fliaghey, as y Ghrian, Beaghey as Fastee ; t’an Thalloo gymmyrkey y Vess, as y Faarkey jeant magh lesh Cretooryn er skyn earoo. ","For His tender Mercies are over all his Works. Psal. cxlv. 9. Therefore have his Creatures the Comfort of the Rain and Sun, of Food and Shelter ; the Earth yields its increase, and the Seas are stored with Creatures innumerable.",,15,, +"Ayns Laaue Yee t’ad shoh as dy chooilley vannaght elley ; Te cummal woin ny cur dooin ad, lurg e aigney mie hene, dy ynsagh dooin dy nee ersyn ta ooilley nyn Marrant ; nagh vel dooinney beaghey liorish Arran ny lomarcan, ny liorish y Tarroose echey hene, agh liorish Kiarralys flaunyssagh Yee, ta goardaghey dy chooilley staaid Bea, son y chooid shaar daauesyn nagh vod reih er nyn son hene. ","In the Hand of God are these and all other Blessings, which he witholds or giveth according to his good Pleasure, to teach us that we wholly depend on Him ; That Man liveth not by Bread alone, nor by his own Industry, but by the Providence of God, who ordereth all Conditions of Life for the best, for those that cannot chuse for themselves.",,15,"Ayns Laaue Yee t’ad shoh as dy chooilley vannaght elley ; Te cummal woin ny cur dooin ad, lurg e aigney mie hene, dy ynsag’h dooin dy nee ersyn ta ooilley nyn Marrant ; nagh vel dooinney beaghey liorish Arran ny lomarcan, ny liorish y Tarroose echey hene, agh liorish Kiarralys flaunyssagh Yee, ta goardaghey dy chooilley staaid Bea, son y chooid shaar daauesyn nagh vod reih er nyn son hene. ", +"As my Te liggey da paart ve Boght, te son dy nee shen y staaid shaar er nyn son nish ; agh nee eh Cooilleeiney mooar daaue ayns y nah heihll son ny ta’d ny eime ayns y teihll shoh, my vees ad booiagh as Onneragh, gyn ve jummoogh rish y staaid oc hene, ny troo mish staaid eallee elley. ","And if He suffers some to be Poor, it is because that Condition is best for them now ; but he will make them a great Amends in the next World, for what they want in this, if they will be content and honest, neither murmur at their own Lot, nor envy that of others.",,16,, +"Tra ta Jee cur Berchys, cha vel eh dy choyrt ad dyn stroie shin, agh dy phrowal nyn voays ; son mannagh vel shin ard-aignagh ; mannagh vel shin treishteil ayns Berchys niau-hickyr ; agh ayns y Jee bio ; my ta shin jannoo mie lhieu, as dy cree-oil rheinn gys Ymmyrch eallee elley ; eisht ta Berchys Bannaght firrinagh as cooney dy haarn shin gys y Vea ta dy bragh er-mayrn, 1 Tim. 6. 17. ","When God giveth Riches, it is not to make them an occasion of our Ruin, but to try our Virtue ; for if we are not high-minded ; if we trust not in uncertain Riches, but in the living God ; if we do good with them, and readily distribute to the Necessities of others ; then are Riches a real Blessing, and help to bring us to eternal Life, 1 Tim. vi. 17.",jannoo] text yannoo; 1707 janoo,16,"Tra ta Jee cur Berchys, cha vel eh dy choyrt ad dyn stroie shin, agh dy phrowal nyn voays ; son mannagh vel shin ard-aignagh ; mannagh vel shin treishteil ayns Berchys niau-hickyr ; agh ayns y Jee bio ; my ta shin yannoo mie lhieu, as dy cree-oil rheinn gys Ymmyrch eallee elley ; eisht ta Berchys Bannaght firrinagh as cooney dy haarn shin gys y Vea ta dy bragh er-mayrn, 1 Tim. 6. 17. ", +"My Te lhie e laaue orrin, cha vel eh dy yannoo eh son dy vel taitnys erbee echey ayns trimshey e Chretooryn, agh ta jeaghyn daaue nyn nghrogh Yannoo ; Te fosley nyn Gleosh gys ynsaghey, dy vod ad chyndaa veih mee-chraueeys, as nyn Anmeenyn y haauail veih’n Baase ta dy bragh farraghtyn, Job. 36. 9. ","If he bringeth us into affliction, it is not that he is pleased with the Miseries of his Creatures, but He is shewing them their Transgression ; He is opening their Ear to Discipline, that they may return from Iniquity, and save their Souls from Death Eternal, Job. 36. 9.",,16,"My Te lhie e laaue orrin, cha vel eh dy yannoo eh son dy vel taitnys erbee echey ayns trimshey e Chretooryn, agh to jeaghyn daaue nyn nghrogh Yannoo ; Te fosley nyn Gleosh gys ynsaghey, dy vod ad chyndaa veih mee-chraueeys, as nyn Anmeenyn y haauail veih’n Baase ta dy bragh farraghtyn, Job. 36. 9. ", +"My te surranse dooin ve er nyn miolaghey, cha vel eh son dy jean mad tuittym, agh dy chur orrin ennaghtyn shaar ve ain jeh nyn Annoonid hene, dy vod mad cheet huggeysyn son cooney, huggey ta shin cur nyn marrant ; as cha lig eh dooin ve er nyn miolagh, er skyn ny oddys mad y ymmyrkey, agh cooilleeinee eh nyn obbraghyn fardaalagh lesh maanrys er skyn tushtey. ","If He suffer us to be Tempted, it is not that we might fall, but to make us more sensible of our own Weakness, that we may come to Him for Help on whom we depend, who will not suffer us to be Tempted above what we are able to bear ; And who will reward our poor Endeavours with unspeakable Happiness.",,16,, +"My ta deney Mooinjer ain, she Bannaght ad veih Jee ; as my ta Noidyn ain, ta’d slattyn ayns e laaue dy smaghtagh shin, er nonney dy chur orrin ve kiarralagh jeh nyn raaidyn. ","If we have Friends, it is the Favour of God to us ; and if we have Enemies, they are Rods in His Hand, either to correct, or to make us careful of our ways.",,17,, +"Ta’n Jouyll hene, y spyrryd Pooaral shen, fo saarey Yee, dy chooilleeiney e Vriwnyssyn er y Veechraauee, tra nagh lhiass daauesyn ta treishteil ayns y Chiarn aggle y ghoaill roish red erbee ; son cha vel pooar eddyr echey dy yannoo Aggair daaue. ","The Devil himself, that powerful Spirit, is under God’s Command, to execute his Judgments upon wicked Men, while they that trust in the Lord have nothing to fear, for he hath no Power to hurt them.",,17,, +"Smaanrey shin, ain ta fyss er ny reddyn shoh nish, as bee mad dy bragh bannit, my nee mad beaghey cordail rish y Chredjue shoh. ","Happy are we who know these things now, and we shall be for ever happy if we live according to this Belief.",,17,, +"Son eisht nee mad treishteil ayns y Chiarn lesh ooilley nyn Gree, as cha der mad nyn marrant gys y Tushtey ain hene, Prov. iii. 5. ","For then we shall trust in the Lord with all our Heart, and not lean unto our own Understanding, Prov. iii. 5.",,17,, +"Nee mad geamagh huggey son ny vees shin ny ymmyrch ; as nee shin ny ver e dooin y ghoaill dy booisal. Son jean mad reddyn mie y ghoaill veih Laaue Yee, as nagh gow mad rish reddyn olk myrgeddyn ? Job. ii. 10. ","We shall call upon Him for what we want, and thankfully receive what he is pleased to send. For shall we receive Good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive Evil ? Job. ii. 10.",,17,, +"Nee mad treishteil son y Foayr echey tra ta shin smooinaght dy mie, as cha jeagh shin dy bragh son e Vannaght tra ta nyn giarrail olk. ","We shall hope for his Favour when we mean well, and never expect His Blessing when our designs are Evil.",,18,, +"Jeagh mad er Tra Yee myr y Tra shaar, as cha naase mad niauhurransagh, tra nagh vel nyn yeearree er ny choyrt dooin. ","We shall look upon God’s Time as the Best, and not grow impatient when our Desires are not answered.",,18,, +"Nee shin goaill rish e Laaue ayns dagh nhee nee taghyrt dooin, as treishteil son myghin veih, dy jarroo tra te corree rooin, toiggal dy vel dagh nhee gobbragh cooidjaght son y vie ocsyn ta graihagh er Jee, Rom. viii. 28. Myr shoh, nee mad veaghey fo Coadey’n Jee smoo ard, as bee shin saauchey veih Aggle olk. ","We shall acknowledge His Hand in every Thing that befalleth us, and hope for his Mercy even when He is Angry, knowing that all things shall work together for Good to them that Love God, Rom. viii. 28. Thus shall we dwell under the Defence of the Most High, and shall be secure from fear of Evil.",,18,, +Padjer son Fastyr jy doonee. ,A Prayer for Sunday Evening.,,18,, +"YEE ooilley niartal, liort va dagh nee er ny chroo as t’ad er nyn goadey, cur Creeaghyn dooin dy hoiggal shoh, as grayse dy smooinaght er, dy vod mad shin hene as ooilley ny t’ain y hymney gys y Chiarrail Vyghinagh ayds ; dy vod shin dy bragh jeaghyn seose hooyds son ny ta shin ny eime, ve booisal son dty vannaghtyn, gyn dy bragh shassoo noi ny t’ow dy oardagh myn-gione, ny mee­rioose y yannoo er ny Saasyn dy Ghrayse ta’n viys ayds dy chur dooin. As bannit dy row Jee, t’er chur dooin rieau shen baar er nyn son, ta dyn vreayll shin veih dangere, as t’er hilgey nyn gouyr ny shaar na oddagh nyn obbraghyn y hoilchin. Dy jean y Chiarn mie cur orrin cooinaght er nyn Gurrym, ’naght myr ta shin dy mennick clashtyn cre’n aght lhiasagh shin gimmeeaght as Jee y yannoo booiagh, dy vod mad tannaghtyn dy yannoo shen gys jerrey nyn seihll, trooid Yeesey Creest nyn Jiarn. Amen. ","ALmighty God, by whom all Things were made, and are preserved ; give us Hearts to know, and Grace to consider this, that we may cheerfully commit our selves, and all that belongs to us, to thy merciful Care ; That we may ever look up to thee for what we want, be thankful for thy Favours, never resist thy Dealings with us, nor neglect the Means of Grace which thy Providence affords us. And blessed be God, who giveth us what is ever best for us, who keepeth us from Dangers, and hath provided for us better than all our Works can deserve. The good Lord make us mindful of our Duty, that, as we often hear how we ought to walk and to please God, we may continue to do so unto our Lives End, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.",,18,"YEE ooilley niartal, liort va dagh nee er ny chroo as t’ad er nyn goadey, cur Creeaghyn dooin dy hoiggal shoh, as grayse dy smooinaght er, dy vod mad shin hene as ooilley ny t’ain y hymney gys y Chiarrail Vyghinagh ayds ; dy vod shin dy bragh jeaghyn seose hooyds son ny ta shin ny eime, ve booisal son dty vannaghtyn, gyn dy bragh shassoo noi ny t’ow dy oardagh myn-gione, ny mee­rioose y yannoo er ny Saasyn dy Ghrayse ta’n viys ayds dy chur dooin. As bannit dy row Jee, t’er chur dooin rieau shen baar er nyn son, ta dyn vreayll shin veih dangere, as t’er hilgey nyn gouyr ny shaar na oddagh nyn obbraghyn y hoilchin. Dy jean y Chiarn mie cur orrin cooinaght er nyn Gurrym, ’naght myr ta shin dy mennick clashtyn cre’n aght liasagh shin gimmeeaght as Jee y yannoo booiagh, dy vod mad tannaghtyn dy yannoo shen gys jerrey nyn seihll, trooid Yeesey Creest nyn Jiarn. Amen. ", +Coyrle ghyiare as aashagh couyr y Chreestiaght Chasherick y ghoaill dy feeu. ,Short and Plain Directions for the worthy receiving of the Lord’s Supper.,,19,, +"TRA ta er ny insh dy vel Shibber y Chiarn dy ve er ny hirveish, gow kiarrail nagh jyndaa oo dty ghreem rish. ","WHEN Notice is given that the Lord’s Supper is to be administered, resolve not to turn your Back upon it.",,19,, +"Son dy vel Yeesey Creest er chur Saarey dooin, Er yn aght shoh, dy reayll seose cooinaghtyn y Vaase echyssyn, Luke xxii. 19. ","Because Jesus Christ hath commanded us, Thus to keep up the Remembrance of his Death, Luke xxii. 19. ",,19,, +"As son dy nee shoh’n ynrycan Gerjagh t’ec Peckee, son trooid credjue ayns e ooill ta shin geddyn leih son nyn beccaghyn, as ta shin jeant nyn sheshaghyn ayns Eiraght Reereeaght Niau. ","And because this is the only Comfort of Sinners ; For through Faith in his Blood we obtain the Pardon of our Sins, and are made Partakers of the Kingdom of Heaven.",,19,, +Agh eisht shegin dhyt smooinaght cre’n aght oddys oo yn Chreestiaght shoh y ghoaill dy feeu. ,But then you must consider how you may receive this Sacrament worthily.,,20,, +"As er son foddee nagh vel coyrle erbee arragh ayd, dy eiyrt er agh shen t’er ny choyrt, tra te er ny insh dy vel Creestiaght dy ve ayn, Lhiasagh oo geaishtagh dy imneagh rish y choyrle shen, liorish t’an raad as ny saasyn ooilley dy yannoo oo hene aarloo son Board y Chiarn, er ny ynsagh dhyt. ","And, because it may be you have no other Helps beside the Direction given, when you have Notice of the Sacrament, you should hearken diligently to that Exhortation, by which you are fully taught the way and means of preparing your self for the Lord’s Table.",,20,, +"As eisht smooinee dy dowin aynyd hene, ","And then seriously consider with your self,",,20,,And then seriously consider with your self. +"1. Vel oo dy jarroo gyeearree as jannoo whooish as oddys oo, dy haauail dt’annym. ","1. Whether in truth you desire and will do your best, to save your Soul.",,20,, +"2. Vel oo kiarralagh nagh jean oo red erbee ta dty Chooinsheanse hene, ny Goo Yee, goardagh dhyt gyn y yannoo. ","2. Whether you resolve not to do any thing, which your own Conscience, or God’s Word, forbid you.",,20,, +"3. Jean oo streeu noi ny peccaghyn shen, ayndoo t’ow roa aarloo dy huittym, liorish chea veih Miolaghyn, as guee son grayse dy gheddyn barriaght orroo. ","3. Whether you will strive against those Sins which you are most apt to fall into, by avoiding Temptations, and praying for Grace to overcome them.",,20,, +"4. Jean oo ooilley’n lhiasaagh oddys oo daauesyn ta oyr oc dy phlaint ort, ny daauesyn t’ow er nyannoo aggair. ","4. Whether you will make what Satisfaction you can to such as have Reason to complain of you, or have been injured by you.",,20,, +"5. Vel oo aarloo dy leih, as dy chur graih, as dy yannoo mie, da feallagh elley, faikin dy vel Jee er ny ve cha mie as cha dooie dhyts. ","5. Whether you are ready to forgive, and love, and do good to others, since God is so good and kind to you.",,20,, +"6. As er jerrey ooilley, jeagh, vel oo cur dty slaane treishteil ayns Myghin Yee, son graih Baase Chreest, as vel oo booisal er eh hon. ","6. And lastly, whether you wholly depend upon the Mercy of God, for the Sake of Christ’s Death, and are thankful for it.",,20,, +"Nish, my t’ow gennaghtyn dty Chree soit myr shoh, eisht ayns ennym Yee gow gys y Chreestiaght. ","Now, if you find your Heart thus disposed, then, in God’s name, go to the Sacrament.",,20,, +"Agh bee shickyr dy gooinee oo er ooilley ny t’er ny ghra as er ny yannoo ayns shen, as ynsee shen dty churrym dhyt, as cooinee eh lhiat ’ve craauee.","But be sure to mind all that is said and done there ; and that will teach you your Duty, and help to make you devout.",,21,, +"Shen-y-fa, tra ta coyrle er ny choyrt dhyt dy chooinaght er ny Boghtyn, as Chiaglym jeant er nyn son, eaisht rish cre ny gialldynyn mooar ta Jee er yannoo daauesyn ta giastalagh, as kiare dy chur red ennagh lurg dty phooar, as creid nagh bee eh caillit. ","When therefore you are exhorted to remember the Poor, and a Collection is made for them, hear what great Promises God hath made to such as are charitable ; and resolve to give something according to your Ability, and be confident it will not be lost. ",,21,, +"Lig da dty Chree goll lesh ooilley ny Padjeryn, as abbyr, Amen, ass dt’aash, gys dy chooilley aghin, as eisht t’ad dy jarroo ny Padjeryn ayd hene, as freaillee shoh dty smooinaghtyn veih shagh’rynys. Tra chlinnys oo cre’n red eunyssagh as gerjolagh eh, dy ghoaill y Chreestiaght dy feeu, as cre cha dangeragh as te dy ghoaill eh dy niau feeu, trog seose dty Chree, as guee er Jee dt’annoonidyn y leih dhyt, marish dagh nhee ta gyiare ayns y jannoo aarloo ayd. ","Let your Heart go along with all the Prayers, and softly say Amen to every Petition, and then they are truly your Prayers, and this will keep your Thoughts from wandering. When you hear how Divine and Comfortable a thing it is to receive this Sacrament worthily, and how dangerous it is to receive unworthily ; lift up your Heart, and pray God to Pardon your Infirmities, and what is wanting in your Preparations.",dangeragh] text gangeragh; 1707 dangeragh,21,"Lig da dty Chree goll lesh ooilley ny Padjeryn, as abbyr, Amen, ass dt’aash, gys dy chooilley aghin, as eisht t’ad dy jarroo ny Padjeryn ayd hene, as freaillee shoh dty smooinaghtyn veih shagh’rynys. Tra chlinnys oo cre’n red ennyssagh as gerjolagh eh, dy ghoaill y Chreestiaght dy feeu, as cre cha gangeragh as te dy ghoaill eh dy niau feeu, trog seose dty Chree, as guee er Jee dt’annoonidyn y leih dhyt, marish dagh nhee ta gyiare ayns y jannoo aarloo ayd. ", +"Tra t’ow er dt’eam dy ghoaill rish dty pheccaghyn dy injil gys Jee ooilley­-niartal, jeagh dy vel ooilley dty chree goll lesh y Thaggyrt, as jean padjer imlee dy vod aarn y ve ayd ayns y Leih peccaghyn t’ayns shen er ny hebbal. ","When you are called upon to make your humble Confession to Almighty God, be sure to let your whole Heart go along with the Minister ; and humbly pray that you may have a share in that Pardon which is then pronounced.",,21,, +"Tra ta ny Goan gerjolagh ren Creest as e Ostyllyn y loayrt roosyn ta dy firrinagh chyndaa gys Jee, er ny lhaih ; smooinee cre’n vyghin eh, dy leih Jee dooin, as dy gow eh shin stiagh ayns foayr er leid ny Connaantyn graysoil shen as nagh lhiass da’n Peccagh smoo ve ass treishteil Foayr. ","When the comfortable Words of Christ and his Apostles, to such as truly turn unto God, are read, think what a Mercy it is, that God will forgive and receive us into Favour upon such gracious Terms, that the greatest Sinner needs not despair of Favour.",,21,, +"Tra t’ow soilshagh magh nagh vel oo goaill ort dy heet gys Board y Chiarn, treishteil ayns yn ynrycus ayd hene, agh ayns Myghin wooar Yee, abbyr shoh lesh trimshey Cree, as dt’injillid wooar nee lhiaasagh son ymmoddee dy annooinidyn. ","When you declare that you do not presume to come to the Lord’s Table, trusting in your own Righteousness, but in God’s great Mercy ; say this with much Seriousness, and your deep Humility will make amends for many Imperfections.",trusting in your own Righteousness] omitted in error; restored from 1707.,22,,"When you declare that you do not presume to come to the Lord’s Table, but in God’s great Mercy ; say this with much Seriousness, and your deep Humility will make amends for many Imperfections." +"Tra ta shirveishagh Yee brishey’n Arran as deayrtey magh y Feein, as dyn mannaghey ad, lig daaue uss y choyrt ayns cooinaghtyn jeh Corp Chreest, v’er ny vrishey, as jeh e ooill v’er ny gheayrtey er y Chrosh son y Kionneeaght reeisht ain ; as guee dy vod ad ve nyn saasyn dy haarn gys dt’annym ooilley vondeishyn y Vaase ooasle echyssyn. ","When God’s Minister breaketh the Bread, and poureth out the Wine, and Blesseth them, let them put you in Remembrance of Christ’s Body broken, and his Blood shed upon the Cross for our Redemption ; and pray that they may be a Means of conveying unto your Soul all the Benefits of his precious Death.",,22,"Tra ta shirveishagh Yee brishey’n Arran as deayrtey magh y Feein, as dyn mannaghey ad, lig daaue uss y choyrt ayns cooinaghtyn jeh Corp Chreest, v’er ny vrishey, as jeh e ooill ver ny gheayrtey er y Chrosh son y Kionneeaght reeist ain ; as guee dy vod ad ve nyn saasyn dy haarn gys dt’annym ooilley vondeishyn y Vaase ooasle echyssyn.", +"As tra t’ow goaill yn Arran as y Feein, jeagh dy der oo tastey da ny t’er ny ghra rhyt, as abbyr Amen huggey. As guee er Jee pooar y chur dhyt dy hreigeil y Drogh spyrryd as ooilley e obbraghyn, dy chredjal kinjagh Goo casherick Yee, as dy biallagh dy reayll e Annaghyn ; yn chooid cheddyn ghow ort Breearey ec dty vashtey dy gooilleeinagh oo. Tra ta ooilley er ghoaill y Chreestiaght, as oo er hebbal dt’annym as dty Callin gys Jee, myr dt’oural Resoonagh, eisht cooinee dy vel oo kionnit lesh Leagh fooill Chreest, as nar lig y Jee dy dreigagh oo yn chirveish echyssyn ta cha deyr er dty chionnagh. ","And when you Receive the Bread and Wine, be sure to mind what is said to you, and say Amen to it. And pray God to enable you to Renounce the Devil and all his Works, constantly to believe God’s Holy Word, and obediently to keep his Command­ments ; which, at your Baptism, you vow’d to do. When all have Received, and you have offered your Soul and Body to God, as your reasonable Sacrifice, then Remember that you are bought with the Price of Christ’s Blood, and God forbid that you should forsake the Service of Him who hath so dearly purchased you.",,22,, +"As nish foddee oo chyndaa thie lesh Bannaght Yee, as gerjagh y raa firrinagh shoh, Eshyn nagh ren e Vac hene y haghney, agh livrey seose eh, er nyn son ooilley ; cre’n aght nagh der eh dooin dy harryltagh dy chooilley nhee elley marish ? Rom. viii. 32. ","And now you may return home with God’s Blessing, and this comfortable Truth, That He who spared not his own Son, but gave Him up for us all ; how will he not with Him also freely give us all Things ? Rom. 8. 32. ",,23,, +"As cooinee, my ta dooinney dy firrinagh soiagh e Chree dy hirrey’n Chiarn, as jannoo ny oddys eh dy yannoo booiagh jeh, leih-ee Jee da ymmodee dy alleillyn elley. 2 Chron. xxx. 18. ","And Remember that if a Man doth truly set his Heart to seek the Lord, and doth what he can to please Him, God will Pardon a great many Imperfections besides. 2 Chron. xxx. 18.",,23,, +"Booise dy v’er ny choyrt lurg y Chreestiaght, as ec earishyn elley. ","A Thanksgiving to be said after the Sacrament, and at other times.",,23,"Booise dy ver ny choyrt lurg y Chreestiaght, as ec earishyn elley. ", +"O Hiarn as Ayr Flaunyssagh, cha vel mish feeu jeh yn vyghin sloo t’ow er yeaghyn da dty harvaant, son ta my hreishteil ooilley ort ; Shen-y-fa, ta mee dy feer injil cur booise dhyt son ooilley dty vannaghtyn, son dty chiarrail kinjagh harrym, son dty hurranse foddey rhym, dty smaghtaghey Ayroil, dty livreyaghyn myghinagh : Agh er skyn ooilley, son Baase Chreest, liorish ta leid ny vondeishyn ain. O Hiarn, freaill ayns m’annym ennaghtyn bio as cooinaghtyn vie jeh ooilley dty vannaghtyn, dy voddym smooinaght er dty viys, dy voddym kinjagh blashtyn er dty chenjallys, as dy voddym tannaghtyn ayns dt’oayr as fo coadey dty spyrryd vie gys jerrey my vea. Amen. ","O Lord and Heavenly Father, I am not worthy of the least of all thy Mercies which thou hast shewed thy Servant, for I wholly depend upon thee ; therefore I do most humbly thank thee for all thy Favours, thy continual Care over me, thy Patience towards me, thy Fatherly Corrections, thy Merciful Deliverances : But above all, for the unspeakable Benefits of the Death of Christ. O Lord, preserve in my Soul a lively Sense and Remembrance of all thy Blessings, that I may think of thy Goodness, that I may still taste of thy Kindness, and that I may continue in thy Favour, and under the Direction of thy good Spirit, unto my Lives End. Amen.","livreyaghyn] text livrey aghyn; 1707 livreyaghyn +cooinaghtyn vie] Occasional examples of this anomalous lenition in Yn Fer-Raauee Creestee, Mona’s Herald, 8/08/1834. +spyrryd vie] Occasional examples in Shibber y Chiarn, and T. Corlett’s version of Psalm 139.",23,"O Hiarn as Ayr Flaunyssagh, cha vel mish feeu jeh yn vyghin sloo t’ow er yeaghyn da dty harvaant, son ta my hreishteil ooilley ort ; Shen-y-fa, ta mee dy feer injil cur booise dhyt son ooilley dty vannaghtyn, son dty chiarrail kinjagh harrym, son dty hurranse foddey rhym, dty smaghtaghey Ayroil, dty livrey aghyn myghinagh : Agh er skyn ooilley, son Baase Chreest, liorish ta leid ny vondeishyn ain. O Hiarn, freaill ayns m’annym ennaghtyn bio as cooinaghtyn vie jeh ooilley dty vannaghtyn, dy voddym smooinaght er dty viys, dy voddym kinjagh blashtyn er dty chenjallys, as dy voddym tannaghtyn ayns dt’oayr as fo coadey dty spyrryd vie gys jerrey my vea. Amen. ", +"Coyrle aashagh as ghyiare daauesyn t’er ny ve fo Laaue Aspick, as daauesyn t’er ghoaill nyn Greestiaght. ","Plain and short Instructions for such as have been confirm’d, and for such as have been at the Lord’s Supper.",,24,, +"FAikin dy vel oo er chiangley oo hene gys Jee as gys e hirveish, t’ow nish fo Reill y spyrryd Casherick echey, nee oo y ynsagh ayns y raad cair ; nee eh yn Tushtey ayd y hoilshaghey, cooinee eh lhiat, tra t’ow feime cooney, dooishtee eh oo, tra aasys oo niau chiarralagh, smaghtee eh oo tra yarroodys oo dty churrym ; as cha dreig eh oo dy bragh, derrey hig oo gys Niau, mannagh nee yn foill ayd hene eh. ","HAving given up your self to God and his Service, you are now under the Government of His Holy Spirit, which will Direct you in the Way you should go, enlighten your Understanding, assist you when you want Help, awaken you when you grow careless, correct you when you forget your Duty, and will never forsake you, until you come to Heaven, if it is not your own Fault.",,24,, +"Agh my ver oo ec tra erbee ny lurg shoh jummoose er y spyrryd mie shoh, liorish goll er dty hoshiaght dy daaney, noi dty chooinsheance, as cheet dy ve fo reill peccah, eisht faagee eshyn oo, as gowee drogh-spyrryd yn Reill harryd, as leeidee eh oo veih yn pheccah gys peccah elley, derrey haarnys eh oo gys coayll Annym as Callin. ","But, if you shall at any time hereafter grieve this good Spirit, by going wilfully against vour Conscience, and becoming the Servant of Sin, then will he leave you, and an Evil Spirit will take the Government of you, and will lead you from one Wickedness to another, until he bring you to Destruction both of Body and Soul.",,24,, +"Dy vod oo yn gaaue shoh y haghney, shegin da ve yn chiarrail wooar ayd ","That you may escape this Danger, it must be your great Care ",,24,, +"1. Hoshiaght, Dy veaghey ayns aggle Yee, nagh der oo dt’aigney gys drogh yannoo erbee er fyss dhyt. ","1. First. To live in the Fear of God, that you may not consent to known Iniquity.",,24,, +"Shoh va aght Ghavid, Ps. xix. 9. Ta mee er soiagh Jee kinjagh kiongoyrt rhym ; shen-y-fa cha dhuit-ym. Ta shen, ve echey rieau ayns e aigney dy row Jee kinjagh kiongoyrt rish, dy vaik eh ooilley e obbraghyn, dy geayll eh ooilley e ghoan, as dy row fyss echey er ooilley smooinaghtyn e Chree. ","This was David’s Rule, Ps. xix. 9. I have set God always before me ; therefore I shall not fall. That is, he ever had it in his Mind that God was still Present with him, Saw all his Actions, Heard all his Words, and Knew the very Thoughts of his Heart.",,24,"Shoh va aght Ghavid, Ps. xix. 9. Ta mee er soiagh Jee kinjagh kiongoyrt rhym ; shen-y-fa cha dhuit ym. Ta shen, ve echey rieau ayns e aigney dy row Jee kinjagh kiongoyrt rish, dy vaik eh ooilley e obbraghyn, dy geayll eh ooilley e ghoan, as dy row fyss echey er ooilley smooinaghtyn e Chree. ", +"Nish shoh shegin dhyts y yannoo, as dy mennick smooinee shoh rhyt hene ; nagh vel yn Obbyr noi Leiaghyn Yee ? nagh jean shoh jummoosagh jehsyn ta faikin ooilley ny ta mee dy yannoo, as ei-ys orrym gys Coontey, my nee’m ass y raad ? nagh jean shoh aggair da my Naboo ? Vel shoh Bea ta cooie son Creestee dy leeideil ? Vel y Cheshaght shoh feeu son Creestee dy reayll ? &c. As shoh’n aght dy veaghey ayns aggle Yee. ","Now this is what you must do, and often think thus with your self ; Is not this Action against the Laws of God ? Will not this displease Him who seeth all I do, and who will call me to an Account, if I do amiss ? Will not this injure my Neighbour ? Is this a Life fit for a Christian to lead ? Is this Company fit for a good Christian to keep ? &c. And this is to live in the Fear of God.",,24,"Nish shoh shegin dhyts y yannoo, as dy mennick smooinee shoh rhyt hene ; nagh vel yn Obbyr noi Leiaghyn Yee ? nagh jean shoh jummoosagh jahsyn ta faikin ooilley ny ta mee dy yannoo, as ei ys orrym gys Coontey, my nee’m ass y raad ? nagh jean shoh aggair da my Naboo ? Vel shoh Bea ta cooie son Creestee dy leeideil ? Vel y Cheshaght shoh feeu son Creestee dy reayll ? &c. As shoh’n aght dy veaghey ayns aggle Yee. ", +"2. Ayns yn nah ynnyd ; Agh son ooilley’n chiarrail shoh, my huittys oo ayns peccah, dty obbyr, eisht, chelleeragh dy ghoaill arrys er eh hon. ","2. Secondly ; But if, notwithstanding this care, you fall into Sin, your next concern must be to repent of it immediately.",,25,, +"As ny lig shaghey dt’arrys ayns treishteil dy vel tra dy liooar ayd dy hreigeil dty pheccaghyn, as dy yannoo dty Hee rish Jee ; son shoh t’er ny ve yn toyrt mow ocsyn ooilley t’er gheddyn baase ayns nyn beccaghyn. ","And do not put off your Repentance in hopes that you have time enough to leave your Sins, and to make your Peace with God ; for this has been the Ruin of most of such as have perished in their Sins. ",,25,"As ny lig shaghey dt’arrys ayns treishteil dy vel tra dy liooar ayd dy hreigoil dty pheccaghyn, as dy yannoo dty Hee rish Jee ; son shoh t’er ny ve yn toyrt mow ocsyn ooilley t’er gheddyn baase ayns nyn beccaghyn. ", +"Agh lig fyss ve ayd, er son firrinys, dy nee eer Foayr Yee eh, dy vel dooinney erbee bio goaill arrys as treigeil e pheccaghyn ; nagh vod oo arrys y ghoaill agh tra sallishyn ; as myr sodjey nee oo tannaghtyn ayns peccah, shen myr sdaaney as sniau-chiarralee vees oo, as scroie nee oo gaase, as shen myr sloo hoillyss oo Foayr Yee. Shoh, er-y-fa shen, va cliaghtey Ghavid ; Ren mee siyr, as cha lig mee shaghey dy reayll dt’ Annaghyn. Ps. cxix. 60.","But know for a Truth, that it is the Mere Favour of God that any Man living repents and forsakes his Sins ; that you can only do so when he pleaseth ; and the longer you continue in Sin, the more Desperate, the more Careless, and the more Hardened you’ll grow, and more unfit for God’s Favour. This therefore was David’s Practice, I made Haste, and delayed not to keep thy Commandments, Ps. cxix. 60.",,25,"Agh lig fyss ve ayd, er son firrinys, dy nee eer Foayr Yee eh, dy vel dooinney erbee bio goaill arrys as treigeil e pheccaghyn ; nagh vod oo arrys y ghoaill agh tra sallishyn ; as myr sodjey nee oo tannaghtyn ayns peccah, shen myr sdaaney as sniau-chiarralee vees oo, as scroie nee oo gaase, as shen myr sloo hoilhyss oo Foayr Yee. Shoh, er-y-fa shen, va cliaghtey Ghavid ; Ren mee siyr, as cha lig mee shaghey dy reayll dt’ Annaghyn. Ps. cxix. 60.", +"3. Ayns y trass ynnyd, bee kiarralagh ec dy chooilley earish dy ghoaill rish dy nee er Jee t’ow cur dty varrant, liorish guee huggey, son ny t’ow ny eime, as booise y chur da, son ny t’ow dy gheddyn. ","3. Thirdly ; Be careful at all Times to own your Dependance upon God, by praying to Him for what you want, and giving Him thanks for what you receive.",,25,, +"As ny smooinee dy jean laccal ynsagh dty leshtal son gyn shoh y yannoo. Cha vel dooinney erbee oddys e Chree y hroggal seose gys Jee, nagh vod guee er y peccah shoh y leih da ; Ny te dy ghoaill ayns Laaue y vannaghey ; Dy vannaghey e Chloan as e Laboraght ; Dy livrey eh veih leid yn olk, ny leid y violagh shen. As foddee dy chooilley ghooinney ta fyss echey er dy vel eh er gheddyn Myghin erbee, goaill rish dy nee veih miys Yee te, as booise y chur da cha mie as oddys eh. As Jee, hoiggys smooinaghtyn e Chlenney, ghouys accan jeh’n annoonid oc, nee soiagh jeh nyn shirveish, as ver daaue ny ta’d guee er eh hon. ","And do not think that want of Learning will excuse you from doing this. There is no Man who can lift up his Heart to God, but can Pray Him to forgive This Sin ; To Bless This Undertaking ; To Bless his Children, and his Labours ; To deliver him from such an Evil, or Temptation. And every Man who knoweth when he receiveth a Mercy, can own it is God’s Goodness to Him, and thank Him as well as he can ; and God, who well understands His Children’s meaning, will pity their Infirmities, accept of their Service, and answer their Prayers.",,25,, +"4. Er jerrey ooilley ; Tra ta spyrryd Yee cur smooinaghtyn as yeearreeyn mie ayns dt’aigney, ny streeue dy chur shaghey ad, agh jean mooar jeu, as cooinee, dy chooilley oyr t’er ny chur dhyt, dy hoiggal, ny dy yannoo, dty churrym ; Coyrle deney mooinjer, oghsyn Noidyn, seaghyn y Vea shoh, as Treishteil as Aggle y Vea ta ry heet, dy vel ad ooilley kiarit liorish Ard­­-chreenaght Yee dy chur thoshiaght er dty Haaualtys, as dy reayll oo ayns raadjin y Chasherickys t’ow nish er reih. ","4. Lastly ; When the Spirit of God puts into your Mind good thoughts and desires, do not strive to divert, but cherish them ; and remember, that all opportunities of knowing, or doing, your Duty ; The Advice of Friends, The Reproofs of Enemies, The Afflictions of this Life, and the Hopes and Fears of the next, are all designed, by the Providence of God, to help forward your Salvation, and to keep you in the ways of Holiness, which you have chosen. ","ny] text na, correct in 1707",26,"4. Er jerrey ooilley ; Tra ta spyrryd Yee cur smooinaghtyn as yeeareeyn mie ayns dt’aigney, na streeue dy chur shaghey ad, agh jean mooar jeu, as cooinee, dy chooilley oyr t’er ny chur dhyt, dy hoiggal, ny dy yannoo, dty churrym ; Coyrle deney mooinjer, oghsyn Noidyn, seaghyn y Vea shoh, as Treishteil as Aggle y Vea ta ry heet, dy vel ad ooilley kiarit liorish Ard­­-chreenaght Yee dy chur thoshiaght er dty Haaualtys, as dy reayll oo ayns raadjin y Chasherickys t’ow nish er reih. ", +"Cooinee, er-y-fa shen, er Goan Ostyl Yeesey Creest ; Veagh eh ny baare diu, gyn fyss ve eu er raad ny Hynrickys, na ny lurg shen dy hyndaa veih’n Anney casherick v’er ny livrey diu. 2 Pet. ii. 21.","Be mindful therefore of the Words of the Apostle of Jesus Christ ; It had been better for you not to have known the way of Righteousness than afterwards to turn from the Holy Commandment delivered unto you, 2 Pet. ii. 21.",,26,, +Padjer son Grayse Flaunyssagh. ,A Prayer for Divine Grace.,,26,, +"SPyrryd Bannit y Ghraaish, lioyrt ta mish er ny ve eait gys y staaid shoh dy Haaualtys ; bee uss Leeideilagh my vea, as leeid mee ayns y raad ayn lhiasin gimmeeaght ; dy voddym kinjagh my ghrogh aigney hene y smaghtagh, as gagh laa bishagh ayns Foays as Craaueeaght. Dy jean ennaghtyn m’annoonidyn as my skirraghtyn veih Jee cur orrym ve tastagh as kiarralagh dy hea veih dy chooilley violagh gys peccah, Dy yeaghyn seose hooyds son cooney, dy yannoo ymmyd vie jeh dy chooilley Haase dy Ghrayse nee yn viys ayds y fordrail dou, dy voddym geddyn slaan Towys jeh dty Ghrayse, as dy bragh tannaghtyn ayns earoo dty Harvaantyn firrinagh gys jerrey my heihl. Amen. ","BLessed Spirit of Grace, by which I have been called to this state of Salvation ; be thou the Guide of my Life, and lead me in the Way that I should go ; that I may continually mortify my corrupt Affections, and daily increase in Virtue and Godliness. May the Sense of my Infirmities and Backslidings make me serious and careful to avoid all Temptations to Sin, to look up to thee for Help, to use all the means of Grace which thy Goodness shall afford me, that I may receive the Fulness of thy Grace, and ever remain in the Number of thy Faithful Servants, unto my Lives end. Amen.",,26,"SPyrryd Bannit y Ghraaish, lioyrt ta mish er ny ve eait gys y staaid shoh dy Haaualtys ; bee uss Leeideilagh my vea, as leeid mee ayns y raad ayn lhiasin gimmeeaght ; dy voddym kinjagh my ghrogh aigney hene y smaghtagh, as gagh laa bishagh ayns Foays as Craaunaght. Dy jean ennaghtyn m’annoonidyn as my skirraghtyn veih Jee cur orrym ve tastagh as kiarralagh dy hea veih dy chooilley violagh gys peccah, Dy yeaghyn seose hooyds son cooney, dy yannoo ymmyd vie jeh dy chooilley Haase dy Ghrayse nee yn viys ayds y fordrail dou, dy voddym geddyn slaan Towys jeh dty Ghrayse, as dy bragh tannaghtyn ayns earoo dty Harvaantyn firrinagh gys jerrey my heihl. Amen. ", +"Coyrle aashagh as Ghyiare son leid as ta ching, ny fo seaghyn erbee elley. ","Plain and short Directions for such as are Sick, or under any other Affliction.",,27,, +"TRA t’ow fo Chingys, ny seaghyn erbee elley, lhiasagh oo chelleeragh goaill ayd hene, shoh Laaue Yee ; son cha vod nhee erbee taghyrt dooin, fegooish y ched echyssyn. Matth. x. 30.","WHEN you are visited with Sickness, or any other Affliction, you should presently conclude, This is the Hand of God ; For nothing can befal us without his special leave. Matt. x. 30.",,27,, +"Eisht, smooinee ayd hene, Cha vod Jee ve booiagh jeh seaghyn e Chretooryn boghtey ; shen-y-fa t’an trimshey shoh er heet orryms son y chooid shaare. ","Then think with your self, God cannot be pleased with the Miseries of his poor Creatures ; therefore this Affliction must be designed for my good.",,27,, +Nee’m er-y-fa shen geaishtagh cre nee’n Chiarn y ghra rhym ; cre te kiarrail liorish y kerraghey shoh. ,I will therefore hear what the Lord will say to me ; what he meaneth by this Visitation.,,27,, +"As shegin da’n chied chiarrail ayd ve dy aikin cre ayns t’ow er chur jummoose er Jee ; dy vod oo yn Pardoon echey y hirrey, as y Foayr echey y gheddyn, n’egooish, my she bio ny marroo vees oo, bee oo feer treih. ","And your first care must be, to see wherein you have offended God ; that you may ask His Pardon, and obtain His Favour, without which, whether you live or dye, you will be miserable.",,27,"As shegin d’an chied chiarrail ayd ve dy aikin cre ayns t’ow er chur jummoose er Jee ; dy vod oo yn Pardoon echey y hirrey, as y Foayr echey y gheddyn, n’egooish, my she bio ny marroo vees oo, bee oo feer treih. ", +"Son smooinee dy dowin cre’n red aglagh eh dy huittym ayns Laauyn y Jee bio, oddys Callin as Annym neeisht y stroie ayns Niurin, raad nagh vel y veshteig geddyn baase, ny yn aile er ny vooghey. ","For consider what a fearful thing it is to fall into the Hands of the living God, who can destroy both Body and Soul in Hell, where the Worm dieth not, and the Fire is not quenched.",,27,, +"Foddee oo, dy jarroo, streeue dy eiyrt ny smooinaghtyn shoh ass dt’aigney, agh hig y Baase, as hig Briwnys, ny lurg, as bee oo eisht son dy bragh callit, my yow baase ayns dty Pheccaghyn gyn Arrys, eddyr oo dy ghoaill ny reddyn shoh gys dt’aigney ny gyn y ghoaill. ","You may, indeed, strive to put those Thoughts out of your Mind ; but Death will come, and a Judgment will follow, and you will be for ever miserable, whether you think of these things or not, if you dye in your Sins unrepented of.",,27,, +"As shen-y-fa son graih dt’anmey, bee er dty choyrlagh dy smooinaght er dty raadjin, choud as t’ow bio, as Ennal aynyd, as my v’ou rieau kyndagh jeh Brishey Poosey, ny Maardyrys, ny Niaughlennid, ny Myskit, ny Corree, ny Streeue, ny Irree-magh, ny Meshtyrys ; Cooinee cre ta Goo Yee dy ghra, cha vow adsyn ta cur rish ny reddyn shoh eiraght ayns Reereeaght Yee. ","And therefore for your Soul’s sake, be advised to consider your Ways while you have Life and Breath ; and if ever you have been guilty of Adultery, or Fornication, or Uncleanness, or Hatred, or Wrath, or Strife, or Sedition, or Drunkenness ; Remember what the Scripture saith, They who do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. Gal. v. 19.",,27,"As shen-y-fa son graih dt’anmey, bee er dy choyrlagh dy smooinaght er dty raadjin, choud as t’ow bio, as Ennal aynyd, as my vou rieau kyndagh jeh Brishey Poosey, ny Maardyrys, ny Niaughlennid, ny Myskit, ny Corree, ny Streeue, ny Irree-magh, ny Meshtyrys ; Cooinee cre ta Goo Yee dy ghra, cha vow adsyn ta cur rish ny reddyn shoh eiraght ayns Reereeaght Yee. ", +" Jean, er-y-fa shen, oo hene y vriwnys, nagh bee oo er dy gheyrey liorish y Chiarn. Eaie gys Jee son Pardoon ; gow ort oo hene y lhiaasagh raad t’ow er yannoo ass y raad, dy veaghey ny skiarralee, dy hea veih miolaghyn, as dy ghuee kinjagh gys Jee son Grayse dy gheddyn barriaght harrystoo. ","Judge therefore your self, that you may not be condemned of the Lord. Cry to God for Pardon ; Resolve to amend where you have done amiss, To Live more carefully, to avoid Temptations, and to pray constantly to God for Grace to overcome them.",,28," Jean, er-y-fa shen, oo hene y vriwnys, nagh bee oo er dy gheyrey liorish y Chiarn. Eaie gys Jee son Pardoon ; gow ort oo hene y lhiasagh raad t’ow er yannoo ass y raad, dy veaghey ny skiarralee, dy hea veih miolaghyn, as dy ghuee kinjagh gys Jee son Grayse dy gheddyn barriaght harrystoo. ", +"As my t’ow er yannoo aggair da dooinney erbee, liorish Molteraght, liorish Bargaanyn creoi, liorish Niart, ny goaill vondeish er egin dty Vraar boght, shoh’n tra dy yannoo lhiaasagh da, my te ayns dty phooar, er nonney, er aght elley ny jeagh son Foayr veih Jee. ","And if you have wronged any Man, by Deceit, by Hard Bargains, by Force, or taking Advantage of the Necessities of your poor Brother, this is the Time to make him amends, if it is in your Power ; or else Hope for no Favour from God. 1 Thess. iv. 3.",,28,"As my t’ow er yannoo aggair da dooinney erbee, liorish Molteraght, liorish Bargaanyn creoi, liorish Niart, ny goaill vondeish er egin dty Vraar boght, shoh’n tra dy yannoo lhiasagh da, my te ayns dty phooar, er nonney, er aght elley ny jeagh son Foayr veih Jee. ", +"As myr t’ow jeaghyn son Foayr veihsyn, bee aarloo dy leih daauesyn ooilley t’er yannoo aggair dhyt. ","And, as you expect Favour from Him, be ready to forgive all that have injured you.",,28,"As myr t’ow jeaghyn son Foayr veihsyn, bee aarloo dy laih daauesyn ooilley t’er yannoo aggair dhyt. ", +"My t’ow er violagh feallagh elley gys Peccah, jean ny oddys oo dy choyrlagh ad gys Arrys ; insh daaue cre whooish as t’ow hene seaghnit son dty Pheccaghyn, as dy nee shoh vees y staaid ocsyn, mannagh vow ad baase doal-taittym, ny my t’ad er nyn greoghey trooid molteraght peccah, quooid ta nyn neeisht, dy jarroo, Briwnyssyn aglagh. ","If you have tempted others to Sin, do what you can to perswade them to Repentance ; tell them how much you are afflicted for your Sins, and that this will be their own Case, unless they dye suddenly, or are hardened through the Deceitfulness of Sin, both which are dreadful Judgments indeed.",,28,, +"My t’ow er yannoo meerioose er saasyn y Ghraaish, liorish gyn goll kinjagh gys Thie Yee, dy Chlashtyn rish e Ghoo, dy ghoaill y Chreestiaght casherick, dy ghoaill Padjer son e Vannaghtyn, as dy chur booise da son e Vyghynyn, gow rish dt’oilchin, as gow ayns Laaue, my vees oo bio, dy bee oo dty Ghooinney Noa. ","If you have neglected the Means of Grace, by not going constantly to God’s House, to hear his Word, to Receive the Holy Sacrament, to pray for his Blessing, and to give Him Thanks for his Mercies, confess your Offences, and resolve, if you live, to become a New Man.",,28,, +"Agh my she bio ny marroo vees oo, shir liorish dy chooilley haase dy yannoo dty choardail rish Jee ; as smooinee dy dowin cre’n vyghin eh, dy vel tra as raaue ayd dy yannoo shen ; as cooinee shoh lhiat dy ghoaill dty heaghyn dy surransagh ; son cha vel y pian sdowley cha atchimmagh gys Peccagh as ta Baase doal-taittym. ","But whether you live or dye, endeavour by all means to make your Peace with God ; and consider what a Mercy it is that you have time and warning to do so ; and this will help you to take your Affliction patiently ; For the severest Pains are not so terrible to a Sinner as a sudden Death.",,28,, +"Ny lig da mooads ny earoo dty pheccaghyn cur ort dooyteil jeh Myghyn ; son my hyndaays oo gys Jee lesh ooilley dty Chree, ver eh oltagh bea royd. ","Let neither the Greatness nor the Number of your Offences make you despair of mercy ; for if you turn to God with all your Heart, He will receive you. Joh. vi. 37.",,29,, +"Gow tastey nagh vel dooinney er y Thalloo oddys jeaghyn son leih peccaghyn, er y Ghraih echey hene, agh ny lomarcan son graih Yeesey Creest, haink stiagh ayns y teihll dy haauail Peckee ; dy jarroo ny Peckee smoo. As ta boggey ayns feanish Jee, harrish yn Pheccagh ta goaill arrys. Myr shen, dy vod oo gra Marish Job, ga dy mar eh mee, foast nee’m treishteil ayn. ","Consider, that no man on Earth can expect Pardon for His own sake, but only for the sake of Jesus Christ, who came into the World to save Sinners ; even the greatest of Sinners. And there is Joy in the Presence of God over one Sinner that repenteth. So that you may say with Job, Though he kill me, yet will I trust in him, Job. xiii. 15. ",,29,, +"Ny lomarcan, bee feer chiarralagh nagh jean oo treishteil ayns Myghin Yee, fegooish trimshey firrinagh son dty Pheccaghyn, as kiarrail chraauee dy lhiaasagh dty Vea. As ny smooinee dy vel oo saauchey, son nagh vel fyss ec y seihll er aggair erbee jeeyd. Son shione da Jee dty Chree ; Jean Padjer, er-y-fa shen, huggey dy chur dhyt ennaghtyn firrinagh jeh dty haghrynys, as grayse dy ghoaill Arrys er nyn son, as Credjue ayns Yeesey Creest, er y graih echey, dy vod dty pheccaghyn v’er ny leih dhyt, as dty phardoon er ny hickeragh ayns Niau, roaish ma jeu ass shoh, as nagh bee oo arragh er dt’aikin. ","Only be very careful that you do not trust in God’s Mercy without a true Sorrow for your Sins, and a sincere Purpose of Amendment. And do not think that you are safe because the World knoweth no ill of you, for God knoweth your Heart. Pray therefore to Him to give you a true Sense of your Errors, and Grace to repent of them, and Faith in Jesus Christ, that, for his sake, your Sins may be forgiven, and your Pardon sealed in Heaven, before you go hence and be no more seen.",,29,"Ny lomarcan, bee feer chiarralagh nagh jean oo treishteil ayns Myghin Yee, fegooish trimshey firrinagh son dty Pheccaghyn, as kiarrail chraaue dy lhiaasagh dty Vea. As ny smooinee dy vel oo saauchey, son nagh vel fyss ec y seihll er aggair erbee jeeyd. Son shione da Jee dty Chree ; Jean Padjer, er-y-fa shen, huggey dy chur dhyt ennaghtyn firrinagh jeh dty haghrynys, as grayse dy ghoaill Arrys er nyn son, as Credjue ayns Yeesey Creest, er y graih echey, dy vod dty pheccaghyn v’er ny leih dhyt, as dty phardoon er ny hickeragh ayns Niau, roaish ma jeu ass shoh, as nagh bee oo arragh er dt’aikin. ", +"Guee er dty hon hene, as Cooinee er Gialldyn Yee, Eie orryms ayns Laa seaghyn, as nee’ms dty livrey, as nee uss mish y ghloyraghey. ","Pray for your self, and remember the Promise of God, Call upon me in the Day of Trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me, Ps. l. 15.",,29,"Guee er dty hon hene, as Cooinee er Gialldyn Yee, Eie orryms ayns Lea seaghyn, as nee’ms dty livrey, as nee uss mish y ghloyraghey. ", +"As jeagh dy der oo fyss er saggyrt Yee, dy vod eh Padjer y yannoo er dty hon, as coyrle y chur dhyt. Shoh coyrle yn Ostyl, as foddee oo jeaghyn son bannaght er e Phadjeryn. ","And be sure to send for the minister of God, that He may pray for, and instruct, you. This is the Apostle’s Advice, and you may look for a Blessing upon his Prayers.",,29,, +"My ta Jee er dty vannaghey lesh cooid t’er ny gheddyn dy onneragh, soilshee dty vooise da liorish dy gyennal, as lurg dty phooar, Aarn y chur da ny Boghtyn. ","If God hath Blessed you with Goods honestly gotten, shew your Thankfulness to him, by giving chearfully, and according to your Ability, to the Poor.",,29,"My ta Jee er dy vannaghey lesh cooid t’er ny gheddyn dy onneragh, soilshee dty vooise da liorish dy gyennal, as lurg dty phooar, Aarn y chur da ny Boghtyn. ", +"Tra t’ow jannoo dty Humney, lig da ny Leihaghyn as Cooinsheanse vie dt’ynsagh ; lurg dty Vaaish dy vod cha beg dy streeu as oddys y ve mastey dty Charjin. ","When you make your Will, let the Laws and a good Conscience direct you, that after your Death, there may be as little strife as possible amongst your Relations. ",,30,, +"My t’ow Boght, as faagail Lught thie boght dty lurg, ny lig trimshey ve ayd son shen, agh cooinee, ga dy vow uss Baase, foast ta miys Yee farraghtyn son dy bragh. Ny lomarcan jean Padjer er dty hon hene, as er nyn son ocsyn neeisht, dy der Jee Bannaghtyn y vea ta ry heet dhyt, ga dy nee e aigney eh, dy obbal dhyt reddyn mie’n Vea shoh. ","If you are Poor, and leave a poor Family behind you, let not that afflict you ; but remember, that although You die, yet the Goodness of God endureth for ever. Only pray both for your self and them, that God may give you the Blessings of the next Life, tho’ he thinks fit to deny you the Good Things of this.",,30,, +"My ta dty heaghyn farraghtyn foddey, ny yeih, ny cur fyss gys y Jouyll son Cooney, ta shen dy ghra, gys leid as ta cliaghtey Oallyssyn. Ny sleaih smooinee ayd hene dy nee ec Jee shaar-fyss caid nee eh dty smaghtaghey ; As dy vel eh mie, dooinney dy hreishteil as dy arkiaght dy feagh son saaualtys y Chiarn. ","If your Affliction should continue long, do not however send to the Devil for Help, that is, To such as make use of Charms. Rather think with your self, that God knoweth best how long to chasten you ; And that it is good that a Man should both hope and quietly wait for the Salvation of the Lord. Lam. iii. 26.",,30,"My ta dty heaghyn farraghtyn foddey, ny yeih, ny cur fyss gys y Jouyll son Cooney, ta shen dy ghra, gys leid as ta cliaghtey Oallyssyn. Ny sleaih smooinee ayd hene dy nee ec Jee shaar-fyss caid nee eh dy smaghtaghey ; As dy vel eh mie, dooinney dy hreishteil as dy arkiaght dy feagh son saaualtys y Chiarn. ", +"My scooid-save lesh Jee dty lhaaint y chur dhyt reeisht, ny jean gaase meerioosagh, myr nee oo thoshiaght slaanagh ; ny jarrood Trimshey dty Lhiabbey Hing, ny ny Gialldynyn mie ren oo yn tra cheddyn : Agh cooinee dy nee Jee hug y kerragh shoh ort, as foddee eh ayns y tullogh y chur ayns y staaid cheddyn oo, ny gys yn Eoie, fegooish y Raaue graysoil v’ayd ro-ee. ","If God shall think fit to restore you to Health, do not grow careless as you begin to recover, Do not forget the Terror of your sick Bed, nor the good Purposes you then made : But remember that it was God that afflicted you, and He can in one Moment bring you into the same Condition, or to the Grave, without the gracious Warnings you have had before.",,30,, +"Shen-y-fa, guee dy jeean gys Jee son Grayse, dy vod oo son y tra ta ry heet, Bea Heelt, Ynryck, as Craauee y leeideil. ","Therefore be most earnest with God for Grace, that you may for the Time to come live a Sober, a Righteous, and a Godly Life.",,30,, +"Er y hon shoh, gow ort kiarrail chraauee, dy ghoaill Padjer gagh laa son Grayse as Niart, dy reayll Laa yn Chiarn ; Dy chur biallys gys obbraghey mie spyrryd Yee, nagh jean oo dy bragh noi dty Chooinsheanse, ny Leighyn Yee ; Dy streeu noi ny peccaghyn shen t’ow er huittym ayndoo ro-ee, as dy ghoaill Arrys dy lhea son ny Peccaghyn shen huittys oo ayndoo trooid Annooiney ny yeaih shoh. ","To this End, put on Holy Resolutions of praying daily for Grace and Strength : Of observing the Lord’s Day ; Of obeying the good Motions of God’s Spirit ; Of never going against your Conscience, or the known Laws of God ; Of striving against those Sins which you have formerly been guilty of, and of repenting speedily of those Sins which thro’ frailty you shall fall into. ",,30,"Er y hon shoh, gow ort kiarrail chraauee, dy ghoaill Padjer gagh laa son Grayse as Niart, dy reayll Laa yn Chiarn ; Dy chur biallys gys obbraghey mie spyrryd Yee, nagh jean oo dy bragh noi dty Choinsheanse, ny Leighyn Yee ; Dy streeu noi ny peccaghyn shen t’ow er huittym ayndoo ro-ee, as dy ghoaill Arrys dy lhea son ny Peccaghyn shen huittys oo ayndoo trooid Annooiney ny yeaih shoh. ", +"As eisht, cre erbee yn tra nee Jee geamagh ort, foddee oo treishteil son Baase Bannee, as jercal lesh shickyrys son Irree reeisht Eunyssagh. ","And then, whenever God shall call for you, you may hope for a happy Death, and expect with assurance a Blessed Resurrection.",,31,, +Padjer ayns earish seaghyn. ,A Prayer in time of Affliction.,,31,, +"YEE ooilley-niartail, Bun Bea as Baase, ta mish ginjillagh m’aigney gys dt’aigney’s ; dy firrinagh credjal, nagh vel ooilley dty smaghtaghey agh courey jeh dty Ghraih, liorish ta tushtey er ny chur dooin nagh vel nhee erbee ayns Niau ny er y Thalloo oddys nyn saauail agh uss. Giall, O Hiarn, dy vod ny ta mish nish dy hurranse, my Haaualtys y chur er y hoshiaght. Cooin lhiam toiggal y gheddyn jeh m’oilchin ; dy ghoaill rish my pheccaghyn hoods ; dy chur feoh da olkys my raadjin ; as dy chiarrail Bea noa y leeideil ; dy vod uss Myghin y ve ayd orrym, as m’annym y haauail. Hiarn, bishee my Chredjue, dy voddym credjal yn Gialldyn ayds jeh Pardoon as shee da Peckee Arryssagh : Niartee my Ghraih hooyds, as gys ooilley sheel-naaue, tra youym baase, dy voddym baase y gheddyn ayns Giastalys firrinagh. Cooin lhiam ayns y seaghyn shoh aym, ’naght myr smoo hee oo hene mie ; Agh, ny livrey mee seose gys pian sharroo yn Baase ta dy bragh farraghtyn, er graih Yeesey Chreest. Amen. ","ALmighty God, the Author of Life and Death, I do submit my Will to thine ; stedfastly believing that all thy Corrections are the Effects of thy Love, by which we are convinced that nothing in Heaven or on Earth can save us besides thee. Grant, O Lord, that what I now suffer may help forward my Salvation. Help me to know mine Offences, to confess my Sins unto thee, to abhor the Evil of my ways, and to resolve upon a new Life, that thou mayest have Mercy upon me, and save my Soul. Lord, increase my Faith, that I may believe thy Promise of Pardon and Peace to penitent Sinners ; confirm my Love to thee and to all Mankind, that when I dye, I may dye in perfect Charity ; deal with me in this mine Affliction, as to thee seems most meet ; only deliver me not into the bitter Pains of eternal Death, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.",,31,"YEE ooilley-niartail, Bun Bea as Baase, ta mish ginjillagh m’aigney gys dt’aigney’s ; dy firrinagh credjal, nagh vel ooilley dty smaghtaghey agh courey jeh dty Ghraih, liorish ta tushtey er chur dooin nagh vel nhee erbee ayns Niau ny er y Thalloo oddys nyn saauail agh uss. Giall, O Hiarn, dy vod ny ta mish nish dy hurranse, my Haaualtys y chur er y hoshiaght. Cooin lhiam toiggal y gheddyn jeh m’oilchin ; dy ghoaill rish my pheccaghyn hoods ; dy chur feoh da olkys my raadjin ; as dy chiarrail Bea noa y leeideil ; dy vod uss Myghin y ve ayd orrym, as m’annym y haauail. Hiarn, bishee my Chredjue, dy voddym credjal yn Gialldyn ayds jeh Pardoon as shee da Peckee Arryssagh : Niartee my Graih hooyds, as gys ooilley sheel-naaue, tra youym baase, dy voddym baase y gheddyn ayns Giastalys firrinagh. Cooin lhiam ayns y feaghyn shoh aym, ’naght myr smoo hee oo hene mie ; Agh, ny livrey nee seose gys pian sharroo yn Baase ta dy bragh farraghtyn, er graih Yeesey Chreest. Amen. ", +,THE END,,,, \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/OpenData/miscellaneous religious printed 1600 - 1900/Coyrle Sodjey 2nd Edition/license.txt b/OpenData/miscellaneous religious printed 1600 - 1900/Coyrle Sodjey 2nd Edition/license.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..882202b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/OpenData/miscellaneous religious printed 1600 - 1900/Coyrle Sodjey 2nd Edition/license.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +## Original Manx + +This work was published before January 1, 1926, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. + +Edited by Max W. Wheeler +March 2023 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/OpenData/miscellaneous religious printed 1600 - 1900/Coyrle Sodjey 2nd Edition/manifest.json.txt b/OpenData/miscellaneous religious printed 1600 - 1900/Coyrle Sodjey 2nd Edition/manifest.json.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..47316528 --- /dev/null +++ b/OpenData/miscellaneous religious printed 1600 - 1900/Coyrle Sodjey 2nd Edition/manifest.json.txt @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "createdCircaStart": "1761-01-01", + "createdCircaEnd": "1761-12-31", + "ident": "Coyrle-Sodjey-2nd-edition", + "name": "Coyrle Sodjey - The Principles and Duties of Christianity, 2nd Edition", + "notes": "See \"Coyrle Sodjey 2nd edn 1761_final_clean.docx\" for comprehensive notes", + "edited": "Max W. Wheeler", + "transcribed": "Max W. Wheeler", + "author": "Thomas Wilson", + "original": "Bilingual", +} \ No newline at end of file