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cynthiahqy edited this page Apr 17, 2023 · 20 revisions

Welcome to the conformr-project wiki!


A rough guide to what emojis in commit messages mean (somewhat inspired by

  • 📦 package related changes: modify extras, render docs, build package, bump version etc.
  • 💥 breaking changes :boom:
  • 🔥 remove code/content (also: remove)
  • 🧹 clean up, remove unused/dead code, documentation etc.
  • (🚚 reorganise/move files, content etc.)
  • 💬 :speech_balloon: add/modify cli messages
  • 🚧 WIP: code that doesn't yet work properly
  • 🦴 :bone: litr doc changes, add placeholder sections, skeleton code
  • 🐛 :bug: fix minor code bugs
  • ✏️ :pencil2: fix typos, minor content additions, renaming sections
  • 📝 :memo: add extended documentation, design notes (also: add note)
  • docs: add/modify roxygen2 strings
  • chore: add/modify project assets (.gitignore, Makefiles etc.)

Planned Packages

The initial package has been split into 3 packages to reflect the different conceptual and tooling contributions:

xmap / crossmap for S3 class implementation

  • designed around graph representation of cross mapping rather than tabular form.
  • more conceptual details of the mathematical abstractions (graph/matrix properties)
  • implements validation of crossmap properties (conditions necessary to guarantee no loss/corruption of data in transformation)
  • print methods etc.
  • contains highly stylised toy examples for illustration and testing.
  • minimal dependencies

xmaptools for auxiliary functions / enhancements:

  • visualisation of crosswalks and crossmaps,
  • conversion of crossmaps to non-essential classes (igraph, sparse-matrix etc.)
  • helpers for generating/modifying weights -- i.e. for perturbation analysis, data-driven mappings, equal weight default
  • contains simplified versions of real world crosswalks with a bias towards nice visualisations.
  • depends on xmap

conformr for workflow support:

  • data-wrangling focused vignettes, practical how-to's and tutorials
  • multi-map and grouped transformations
  • source data validation (no missingness etc.)
  • focused on actually transforming the data
  • ships with "real world" data and crosswalk examples
  • depends on both xmap, and probably suggests xmaptools
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