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File metadata and controls

403 lines (321 loc) · 12.2 KB

Form element types

Each form element must be declared using a unique id (inside its group) and an element definition.
The id will be used in HTML as is, so mind the standards: no spaces, start with a letter, stick to ASCII characters and use - or _ as separators.
Form elements can be grouped visually and/or logically in fieldsets.
The element definition must contain at least the type of the form element.

  • label (optional) - the label of the form element (excluded: hidden, markdown)
  • labelsmall (optional) - if set to true, the label will be rendered in regular font instead of default bold
  • tooltip (optional) - Shows a hint for the element. Ignored in structure elements like spacers and HR. Also see Tooltip styling
  • modal (optional) - Content of a simple Bulma modal in markdown syntax. Refer to the bundled EXAMPLE configuration. Images are interpreted as files located directly in your form directory. The option is ignored in structure elements like spacers and HR.
  • column (optional) - bulma column sizes defining the width of the form element (excluded: hidden). You can use offset to position the columns, for example is-half is-offset-one-quarter to center a half-width column.
    type: <type>
    label: <label>
    column: <column>


Fieldsets group other form elements (including nested fieldsets).


  • children (required) - containing child form elements
  • background (optional) the background color may be one of [](Bulma's colors) (without the prefix has-background-) or a valid CSS definition.
  • tablestyle (optional) set table view true or false. This will order the contained fieldsets as if they were table columns. The columns will have alternating colors ("zebra"). The head column will be populated by the labels of the children of the first fieldset. Labels in other columns will be hidden to avoid duplication. If cells in the first row must be skipped then Spacers can be used.
  • scrollable (optional) can be used with tablestyle: The fieldset will not responsively adapt to screen width, but will extend horizontally and can be scrolled. The option may have unpredictable effects in complex forms!
  • toggle (optional) - the fieldset is disabled and hidden until the toggle condition is met
    • field - dotted path to the field whose value will be evaluated to match the toggle condition
    • value - required value to toggle the fieldset on, can be a simple string or a YAML array
    type: fieldset
      field: <fieldset1>.<fieldset2>.<text1>
      value: 'toogle value'
        type: textinput

Static fields


The provided value will be rendered as Markdown. We use PHP Markdown Extra, which supports some additional syntax.


  • markdown (required) - markdown which will be transformed to html
    type: markdown
    markdown: Hello _Markdown_!


Representation of an image.


  • width (optional) - sets the width of the image
  • height (optional) - sets the height of the image
  • src (required) - points to the image file

If the required src starts with

  • / the included file is supposed to be placed directly in the document root of the app (public)
  • 'http' or 'https' the value will be interpreted as a url
  • otherwise the link points to the form directory (data/<form direcotry>/).
    type: image
    label: image label text
    src: /image.png
    width: 200
    height: 200


Representation of a link.


  • href (required) - points to the file to download

If the required href starts with

  • / the included file is supposed to be placed directly in the document root of the app (public)
  • http or https the value will be interpreted as a url
  • otherwise the link points to the form directory (data/<form directory>/).
    type: download
    label: download label text
    href: /download.pdf

The linked file will be opened in a new browser tab / window.


Representation of a hidden input.


  • value (required) - value of the hidden input
    type: hidden
    value: "hidden value"


Representation of a empty table cell. Should be used in table fieldset (tableStyle: true). Options:

  • label (required) - The label. If the spacer is inside the first fieldset of a table fieldset (tableStyle: true) then the label will be used
  • double (optional) - If set to true also skips cell below
    type: spacer
    label: "label"
    double: true

Horizontal line

Representation of a hr.


  • column (optional)
  • color (optional) - The color of the hr
  • height (optional) - The height of the hr
    type: hr
    column: is-full
    color: '#f5f5f5'
    height: 2

Dynamic fields (user input)

All dynamic fields have a value the user can enter. They are required by default.


  • validation (optional) - used to apply validation
  • readonly (optional) - Disables user input. Available only for fields where users type in values. Useful when values are pre-filled from values.yaml
    type: <type>
    tooltip: 'A useful hint for this field.'
    readonly: true
      required: false
      match: /^regex_expression$/


Simple text input.

    type: textinput
    label: text label
    column: is-half
    placeholder: placeholder value for input
      required: false
  • clone (optional) - When set to true, adds a clone button to the field. That way you can repeat the same input to create a list of variable length.


Simple number (integer) input.

    type: numberinput
    label: numberinput label
    column: is-half
    placeholder: placeholder value for input
      required: false
  • clone (optional) - When set to true, adds a clone button to the field. That way you can repeat the same input to create a list of variable length.


Multiline text input field with optional size attributes.


  • rows (optional) - sets the number of rows
  • cols (optional) - sets the number of cols (usage of column should be prefered)
    type: textarea
    label: textarea label
    column: is-half
    placeholder: placeholder value for input
      required: false
    rows: 7
    cols: 40


Text input that expects a date and provides a calendar picker.

    type: date
    label: date label
    column: is-two-thirds
    placeholder: placeholder value for input
      required: false


  • clone (optional) - When set to true, adds a clone button to the field. That way you can repeat the same input to create a list of variable length.


Text input that expects a time and provides a time picker.

    type: time
    label: time label
    column: is-two-thirds
    placeholder: placeholder value for input
      required: false


  • clone (optional) - When set to true, adds a clone button to the field. That way you can repeat the same input to create a list of variable length.


Text input that expects a date and a time and provides a combined picker.

    type: datetime
    label: datetime label
    column: is-two-thirds
    placeholder: placeholder value for input
      required: false


  • clone (optional) - When set to true, adds a clone button to the field. That way you can repeat the same input to create a list of variable length.


Text input that expects a valid email (the HTML5 validation is handled by the browser).

    type: email
    label: email label
    column: is-half
    placeholder: placeholder value for input
      required: false

Options: * clone (optional) - When set to true, adds a clone button to the field. That way you can repeat the same input to create a list of variable length.


Representation of a radio group.


  • alignment (optional) - sets the alignment of the radios, possible values are vertical or horizontal (default)
  • choices (required) - defines available options/radios
    type: radioset
    label: radioset label
    alignment: vertical
      required: true
      - First choice
      - Second choice
      - Third choice


Representation of a select input.


  • EITHER choices (optionally required) - defines available options. Markdown is supported.
  • OR conditional_choices (optionally required) - defines options available if a condition is met (depending on the value of another form field). This option has priority over choices!
  • empty_label (optional) - a placeholder text shown if no value was chosen (e.g. "Please select"). Note: this is not a real option and has no value that could be saved.
  • multiselect (optional) - enables selecting multiple options
  • size (optional) - if multiselect is turned on this defines the number of rows shown, otherwise ignored
  • default (optional) : Preselects a choice. This is only triggered if the form was never saved before. Preselect in toggles are not supported yet.
    type: dropdown
    label: dropdown label
    multiselect: true
    size: 3
    empty_label: choose an option
    default: 'first choice [a nice link]('
      - first choice [a nice link](
      - second choice
        field: fieldsetLevel1.FieldsetLevel2.myFieldname
        value: 'Value A'
          - A1
          - A2
      - field: fieldsetLevel1.FieldsetLevel2.myFieldname
        value: 'Value B'
          - 10 B
          - 20 B
          - 30 B


Representation of a checkbox group.


  • alignment (optional) - sets the alignment of the checkboxes, possible values are vertical or horizontal (default)
  • choices (required) - defines available options/checkboxes. Markdown is supported.
  • default (optional) : Preselects a choice. This is just triggered if the form was never saved before. Preselect in toggles are not supported yet.
    type: checklist
    label: checklist label
    alignment: vertical
      required: false
    default: 'First choice'
      - First choice
      - Second choice
      - Third choice


The uploaded file will be stored with the form element's id as filename. The file extension is preserved, but the original file name is not. It will be sent as an attachment if the form data is configured to be sent by email.


  • validation (optional) - the upload form element has special validation rules
    • filesize - max upload size, example values: 1048576B, 1024KB, 1MB
    • fileext - allowed file extensions, example value (will be lower cased automatically): jpg, pdf, txt
    type: upload
    label: upload label
      filesize: 2MB
      fileext: jpg, pdf, txt


This element lets a user draw a signature on screen to sign the form. If the form data is configured to be sent by email, a JPG image of the signature will be attached. Otherwise it is simply stored along with the rest of inputs as data points to be processed as you wish.


  • width (optional) - sets the width of the signature field
  • height (optional) - sets the height of the signature field
    type: signature
    label: signature label
    height: 400
    width: 900
      required: true