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587 lines (470 loc) · 21.4 KB

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587 lines (470 loc) · 21.4 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

[4.18.2] - 24.07.2024

  • Support for map.apps 4.18.2

Changes in pom.xml

Introduce use of ct-mapapps-js-bom-* dependencies to reduce the list of manual maintained sub dependencies.

  • Update mapapps.version property to 4.18.2

  • Remove all occurrences of vuetify.version

  • Remove all occurrences of ct.jsrt-test.version

  • Replace <artifactId>ct-mapapps</artifactId> in <dependencyManagement> by <artifactId>ct-mapapps-js-bom</artifactId>

  • Replace all <dependencies> by following snippet

          <!-- include only if old intern test libs are required -->
    • Replace profile include-mapapps-deps by
    • add <stripVersion>true</stripVersion> to <configuration> of <goal>copy-dependencies</goal>

Changes in package.json

  • Update @conterra/ct-mapapps-typings to 4.18.2
  • Update ct-mapapps-browser-sync to 0.0.41

Changes in tsconfig.json

  • add ArcGIS typings: "include": ["src", "node_modules/arcgis-js-api/index.d.ts"]

[4.18.1] - 23.05.2024

  • Support for map.apps 4.18.1

Changes in pom.xml

  • Update mapapps.version property to 4.18.1
  • Update ct.jsregistry.version property to 2.1.1

Changes in package.json

  • Update @conterra/ct-mapapps-typings to 4.18.1
  • Update "@conterra/reactivity-core": "^0.4.0"

[4.18.0] - 17.05.2024

  • Support for map.apps 4.18.0
  • Added reactivity API jar as a dependency (de.conterra.js.reactivity)

Changes in pom.xml

  • Update mapapps.version property to 4.18.0
  • Update vuetify.version property to 1.5.30
  • Update ct.jsregistry.version property to 2.1.0
  • Add the following plugin to the plugins configuration below line 158.

Changes in package.json

  • Update @conterra/ct-mapapps-typings to 4.18.0
  • Update ct-mapapps-browser-sync to 0.0.39
  • Update ct-mapapps-gulp-js to 0.10.3
  • Update typescript to 5.4.5
  • Add "@conterra/reactivity-core": "^0.3.0"
  • Replace "@types/arcgis-js-api": "4.28.0" with "arcgis-js-api": "4.29.10"

Changes in tsconfig.json

  • Change moduleResolution from node to bundler

Changes in src/test/webapp/index.html

  • Change "@@cors.request.trustedServers@@".split("\s*,\s*") to "@@cors.request.trustedServers@@".split(/\s*,\s*/)

[4.17.0] - 16.02.2024

  • Support for map.apps 4.17.0
  • Requires Java 17 or later
  • Requires Maven 3.9.0 or later

Changes in pom.xml

  • Update mapapps.version property to 4.17.0
  • Update ct.jsregistry.version property to 2.0.1

Changes in package.json

  • Update @conterra/ct-mapapps-typings to 4.17.0

[4.16.0] - 11.01.2024

  • Support for map.apps 4.16.0
  • The bundle sample_camera is now implemented in Typescript
  • The bundle sample_camera_js with the same functionality is still implemented in Javascript

Changes in pom.xml

  • Update mapapps.version property to 4.16.0
  • Add missing vuetify.version with value 1.5.28
  • Update ct.jsregistry.version property to 1.5.14
  • Update frontend-maven-plugin plugin version to 1.14.2
  • Update frontend-maven-plugin configuration to:
  • Update maven-compiler-plugin plugin version to 3.11.0
  • Update maven-javadoc-plugin plugin version to 3.5.0
  • Add version 3.5.0 to maven-dependency-plugin plugin

Changes in package.json

  • Update @conterra/ct-mapapps-typings to 4.16.0
  • Update @types/arcgis-js-api to 4.28.0
  • Update ct-mapapps-gulp-js property to 0.10.2
  • Update ct-mapapps-browser-sync property to 0.0.35
  • Update typescript to 5.2.2,
  • Update vue-template-compiler to 2.7.15,
  • Add vue with version 2.7.15,
  • Update @types/chai to 4.3.10
  • Update chai to 4.3.10
  • Update @types/mocha to 10.0.4
  • Update puppeteer to 21.5.2
  • Update stylelint to 15.11.0
  • Update stylelint-config-ct-prodeng to 2.0.0
  • Update stylelint-config-recommended to 13.0.0
  • Update stylelint-config-recommended-less to 2.0.0

Changes due to Typescript migration of the sample_camera bundle

  • changes in package.json file
    • Add script "check-types": "tsc --noEmit"
    • Add script "watch-types": "tsc -w --noEmit
    • Add "@types/chai": "^4.3.10", to devDependencies
    • Add "@types/mocha": "^10.0.3" to devDependencies
    • Add "ts-node": "^10.9.1" to devDependencies
    • Add "typescript": "^5.1.6" to devDependencies
  • New files
    • types\mocha-global.d.ts
    • types\thirdparty.d.ts
    • types\vue-shim.d.ts
  • Renamed folder sample_camera to sample_camera_js
  • Implemented sample camera widget in Typescript, see folder sample_camera
  • changes in tsconfig.json
    • add "strict": true,
    • add "noImplicitAny": true,
    • add "strictNullChecks": true,
    • add "include": ["src"]
  • Migrated sample_tests\all.js to Typescript: sample_tests\all.ts
  • Migrated sample_tests\test-init.js to Typescript: sample_tests\test-init.ts
  • Deleted sample_tests\intern-all.js

[4.15.1] - 06.09.2023

  • Support for map.apps 4.15.1

  • Update mapapps.version property in ./pom.xml to 4.15.1

  • Update @conterra/ct-mapapps-typings in package.json to 4.15.1

  • Update ct.jsregistry.version property in ./pom.xml to 1.5.10

  • Remove following entry from <dependencyManagement>, it is automatically provided by the ´ct-mapapps` parent pom import:


[4.15.0] - 26.05.2023

  • Support for map.apps 4.15.0
  • Use ct-mapapps-browser-sync drop use of jetty
  • Update mapapps.version property in ./pom.xml to 4.15.0
  • Update @conterra/ct-mapapps-typings in package.json to 4.15.0
  • Add properties and samples to use Identity Service in dev project in test/resources/
  • Rename property proxy.cors.trustedServers to cors.request.trustedServers in ./pom.xml, test/resources/ and test/webapp/index.html
  • Update ct.jsregistry.version property in ./pom.xml to 1.5.9
  • Update mocha to ^10.2.0,
  • Update puppeteer to ^19.11.1
  • Update chai to ^4.3.7
  • Update @conterra/mapapps-mocha-runner to ^1.1.1
  • Update "@types/arcgis-js-api to 4.26.0
  • Integrate the rollup-build task into the gulpfile.js
  • Add build.config.js to sample_camera sample, to demonstrate the rollup build and change sample_camera/module.js to make module.js the only entrypoint of the bundle.
  • Integrate the optional gulpfile.overrides.js file.
  • Properties jsregistry.replacement.paths, jsregistry.directoryscanner.npmfolder, jsregistry.directoryscanner.npmincludes are moved into gulpfile.js in the registerBrowserSync config.
  • Property jsregistry.sourcemaps.enabled is obsolete, the dev registry will always support sourcemaps.
  • Property jsregistry.root.url is provided automatically by the browsersync dev server.
  • sample_camera is using 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT version, like in the pom.xml

[4.14.3] - 20.03.2023

  • Support for map.apps 4.14.3
  • Update mapapps.version property in ./pom.xml to 4.14.3
  • Update @conterra/ct-mapapps-typings in package.json to 4.14.3
  • Update Node.js and npm version in ./pom.xml to latest LTS Version (18.x)
  • Add transpileTargets property to gulpfile.js to streamline transpilation with ArcGIS Maps SDK for JS requirements.
  • Ignore gulp task on VS Code file change by adding <?m2e execute?> to frontend-maven-plugin in ./pom.xml

[4.14.2] - 24.01.2023

  • Support for map.apps 4.14.2
  • Update mapapps.version property in ./pom.xml to 4.14.2

[4.14.1] - 01.12.2022

  • Support for map.apps 4.14.1
  • Update mapapps.version property in ./pom.xml to 4.14.1
  • Update ct.jsregistry.version property in ./pom.xml to 1.5.7
  • Update @conterra/ct-mapapps-typings in package.json to 4.14.1

[4.14.0] - 28.10.2022

  • Support for map.apps 4.14.0
  • Update mapapps.version property in ./pom.xml to 4.14.0
  • Update ct.jsregistry.version property in ./pom.xml to 1.5.6
  • Update @conterra/ct-mapapps-typings in package.json to 4.14.0
  • Update @types/arcgis-js-api in package.json to 4.24.0
  • Update chai in package.json to ^4.3.6
  • Update vue-template-compiler in package.json to 2.7.8
  • Update ct-mapapps-gulp-js in package.json to ^0.7.4
  • Add jsregistry.sourcemaps.enabled=true in test/resources/ to ship source maps during development
  • Add sourceMaps: "file" in gulpfile.js to generate files instead of inlined source maps
  • Replace module.exports in nls files with export default. Support for module.exports will be removed soon and should be replaced with an appropriate export or export default directive.
  • replaced the old favicon.ico with a modern png base favicon.png. The file link inside the ìndex.html was set accordingly
  • <artifactId>ct-mapapps-js-api</artifactId> for <artifactId>ct-mapapps-js</artifactId> in ./pom.xml


  • Make proxy.cors.trustedServers configurable, via


  • The compress profile was modified to remove usage of the google closure compiler. Terser is now used to optimize JavaScript files. This solves an issue with the old configuration where too modern JavaScript syntax could be introduced by accident.
  • Update ct-mapapps-gulp-js in package.json to 0.6.20
  • Update the optimize js plugin execution in pom.xml
  • Introduce internal gulp.node.env property that configures the environment variable NODE_ENV
  • Update gulpfile.js to enable JavaScript compression if NODE_ENV is production

[4.13.1] - 06.04.2022

  • Support for map.apps 4.13.1
  • Update mapapps.version property in ./pom.xml to 4.13.1
  • Update @conterra/ct-mapapps-typings in package.json to 4.13.1

[4.13.0] - 29.03.2022

  • Support for map.apps 4.13.0

  • Update mapapps.version property in ./pom.xml to 4.13.0

  • Update nodeVersion in ./pom.xml to v16.14.0

  • Update npmVersion in ./pom.xml to 8.3.1

  • Update @types/arcgis-js-api in package.json to 4.22.0

  • Update @conterra/ct-mapapps-typings in package.json to 4.13.0

  • Update ct-mapapps-gulp-js in package.json to ^0.6.18

  • Update eslint-config-ct-prodeng in package.json to ^1.2.5

  • Update puppeteer in package.json to ^13.3.2

  • Update babel defaults to target modern browsers by default

  • Add support for oauth tokens in automatic deployments by updating to latest ct-jsregistry-maven-plugin

  • Use basemap streets-vector by default

  • Update jetty to version 10.0.8

    ⚠️ There are breaking configuration changes for the jetty maven plugin in the pom.xml. Please compare the plugin configuration in the pom.xml with your existing configuration to find all changes. For example, the scanIntervalSeconds property is now called scan and the webAppConfig is now called webApp. See the documentation of the jetty maven plugin.

  • Add new tasks to .vscode/tasks.json and prefer -Denv=dev over -Pwatch-all

[4.12.3] - 15.12.2021

  • Support for map.apps 4.12.3 that includes a critical security fix
  • Update mapapps.version property in ./pom.xml to 4.12.3

[4.12.2] - 13.12.2021

  • Support for map.apps 4.12.2 that includes a critical security fix
  • Update mapapps.version property in ./pom.xml to 4.12.2

[4.12.1] - 10.11.2021

  • Support for map.apps 4.12.1
  • Update mapapps.version property in ./pom.xml to 4.12.1
  • Update ct.jsregistry.version property in ./pom.xml to 1.4.4
  • Update @types/arcgis-js-api to 4.20.1 (package.json)
  • Update eslint-config-ct-prodeng to 1.2.3 (package.json)`

NOTE: since [email protected] linting for basic a11y rules is activated for custom vue components. The occurring warnings should be easily be fixable. More infos can be found at the eslint-plugin-vuejs-accessibility page.

[4.12.0] - 2021-08-31

  • Support for map.apps 4.12.0
  • Update mapapps.version property in ./pom.xml to 4.12.0
  • Update ct.jsregistry.version property in ./pom.xml to 1.4.3
  • Update ct.jsrt-test.version property in ./pom.xml to 2.0.2
  • Update @conterra/ct-mapapps-typings to ~4.12.0 (package.json)
  • Update @types/arcgis-js-api to 4.20.0 (package.json)
  • Update ct-mapapps-gulp-js to ^0.5.27 (package.json)
  • Update vue-template-compiler to 2.6.14 (package.json)
  • Update puppeteer to ^10.0.0 (package.json)
  • Add "@conterra/mapapps-mocha-runner": "^1.0.0" (package.json)
  • Add "chai": "^4.3.4" (package.json)
  • Add "mocha": "^9.0.0" (package.json)
  • Changed default test-runner from intern-js to mocha. (see for details.

[4.11.1] - 2021-02-22

  • Support for map.apps 4.11.1
  • Change mapapps.version property in ./pom.xml to 4.11.1
  • Change ct.jsregistry.version property in ./pom.xml to 1.4.1
  • Update ct-mapapps-gulp-js to ^0.5.14 (package.json)
  • Update @types/arcgis-js-api to 4.18.0 (package.json)

[4.11.0] - 2021-02-17

  • Support for map.apps 4.11.0
  • Change mapapps.version property in ./pom.xml to 4.11.0
  • Change ct.jsregistry.version property in ./pom.xml to 1.4.0
  • Change ct.jsrt-test.version property in ./pom.xml to 2.0.0
  • Update ct-mapapps-gulp-js to ^0.5.13 (package.json)
  • Add @conterra/ct-mapapps-typings with version ~4.11.0 (package.json)
  • Update @types/arcgis-js-api to 4.18.0 (package.json)
  • Use tsconfig.json file from mapapps-4-developers 4.11.0 release.
  • Update splashscreen styles (see for details. Relevant for non-customized splashscreens.

[4.10.1] - 2020-12-09

  • Support for map.apps 4.10.1

[4.10.0] - 2020-12-08

  • Support for map.apps 4.10.0

  • Change mapapps.version property in ./pom.xml to 4.10.0

  • Change ct.jsregistry.version property in ./pom.xml to 1.3.10

  • Change nodeVersion property in ./pom.xml to v14.15.1

  • Change npmVersion property in ./pom.xml to 6.14.9

  • Update @types/arcgis-js-api to 4.17.0 (package.json)

  • Update ct-mapapps-gulp-js to ^0.5.5 (package.json)

  • Update puppeteer to ^5.5.0 (package.json)

  • Update eslint-config-ct-prodeng to ^1.1.16 (package.json)

  • Update stylelint-config-ct-prodeng to 1.0.3 (package.json)

  • improved documentation, e.g.

  • remove optimizeCSS goal from ./pom.xml

    <id>optimize CSS</id>
  • add execution of gulp compress task to compress profile in pom.xml
  • add compress task to ./gulpfile.js
        gulp.parallel("js-transpile", gulp.series("themes-compile", "themes-compress"))

[4.9.2] - 2020-10-06

  • Support for map.apps 4.9.2
  • Change mapapps.version property in ./pom.xml to 4.9.2

[4.9.1] - 2020-09-04

  • Support for map.apps 4.9.1
  • Change mapapps.version property in ./pom.xml to 4.9.1

[4.9.0] - 2020-08-18

  • Support for map.apps 4.9.0

  • Change mapapps.version property in ./pom.xml to 4.9.0

  • Change ct.jsregistry.version property in ./pom.xml to 1.3.8

  • Update ct-mapapps-gulp-js to ^0.4.5 (package.json)

  • Update @types/arcgis-js-api to 4.16.0 (package.json)

  • Update puppeteer to ^3.3.0 (package.json)

  • Update eslint-config-ct-prodeng to ^1.1.11 (package.json)

  • Added several omnisearch properties in src/main/js/bundles/theme-custom/styles/themeSettings.less:

// Omni Search Colors
@ct-omnisearch-input-background-color: #fff;
@ct-omnisearch-input-text-color: #000;
@ct-omnisearch-result-list-hover-color: @minor-selected-color;
@ct-omnisearch-drawer-button-background-color: @ct-omnisearch-input-background-color;
@ct-omnisearch-drawer-button-icon-color: darken(@disabled-text-color, 30);

[4.8.4] - 2020-05-20

  • Upgrade some Maven-Plugin versions in ./pom.xml.
  • Change mapapps.version property in ./pom.xml to 4.8.4
  • Change ct.jsregistry.version property in ./pom.xml to 1.3.7
  • Update ct-mapapps-gulp-js to ^0.4.4 (package.json) this change requires to list additional peerDependencies:
    // for .vue file support:
    "vue-template-compiler": "2.6.6",
    // for test execution (optional):
    "puppeteer": "^3.1.0",
    // for js linting (optional):
    "eslint-config-ct-prodeng": "^1.1.10",
    // for css/less linting (optional):
    "stylelint-config-ct-prodeng": "1.0.2"
  • Change dependency ct-mapapps-proxy to ct-proxy-servlet in pom.xml:
  • Change class name of Proxy Servlet in src/test/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml (optional):

[4.8.3] - 2020-03-06

  • Support for map.apps 4.8.3.
  • Update ct-mapapps-gulp-js to 0.3.6 (package.json)

[4.8.2] - 2020-02-11

  • Support for map.apps 4.8.2.

  • Replace babel-polyfill by apprt-polyfill.

  • Replace $apprt.load and $apprt.lauchAppFromParam by $apprt.startApp note that the function signature also changed instead of:

      $apprt.load(function(Launcher) {
          new Launcher({
              configLocation: "builderapps"

    it will be:

          configLocation: "builderapps",
          param: "app",
          defaultApp: "@@appId@@"
  • Introduce property skip.apps.upload to decide if apps should be uploaded

  • Apps located in /src/main/js/apps/[app] are by default zipped into the folder /target/[app].zip.

[4.8.1] - 2020-01-10

  • Support for map.apps 4.8.1.

[4.8.0] - 2020-01-06

  • Support for map.apps 4.8.0.
  • Update ct.jsregistry.version version.
  • Update ct-mapapps-gulp-js version.

[4.7.2] - 2019-09-18

  • Support for map.apps 4.7.2.
  • Update ct.jsregistry.version version.
  • sample_camera sample for sync logging added
  • sample_camera small enhancements
  • Update ct-mapapps-gulp-js version (requires additional changes, see this commit)

[4.7.1] - 2019-08-16

  • Support for map.apps 4.7.1.
  • Update ct.jsregistry.version version.

[4.7.0] - 2019-06-28

  • Support for map.apps 4.7.0.
  • Update ct.jsregistry.version version.
  • Update vue-template-compiler version.
  • Update eslint-config-ct-prodeng version.

4.6.1 - 2019-04-24

  • Explain -Denv=dev.
  • Add support for local configuration of proxy.use.rules.
  • Support for map.apps 4.6.1.
  • Update node/npm versions, add profile for dedicated npm install, use newer jetty version.

4.6.0 - 2019-03-01

  • Support for map.apps 4.6.0.
  • Update ct-mapapps-gulp-js version.
  • Use maven.home not M2_HOME.
  • Update node, npm and dependencies.
  • Property trustedServers has been removed with property corsEnabledServers.