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145 lines (111 loc) · 4.67 KB
<script src="gamut-badge.js" type="module"></script>


Gamut indicator. Used internally by <color-swatch>


Static (only read once):

<gamut-badge color="red"></gamut-badge>

Invalid color:

<gamut-badge color="poop"></gamut-badge>

Missing color:



<gamut-badge id="cg_1" color="red"></gamut-badge>
<script>cg_1.color = "oklch(50% 0.5 180)";</script>


<style> #params { background: linear-gradient(to right, var(--start-color), var(--end-color)) no-repeat top / 100% 1em; padding-top: 1.5em; } #colors_container_h { display: flex; height: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; gamut-badge { flex: 1; border-radius: 0; &::part(label) { display: none; } } } </style> oklch(% –% )

Chroma increments: %

<script type=module> params.addEventListener("input", e => { let c_range = {min: Number(min_c.value), max: Number(max_c.value)}; let step = Number(c_step.value); if (step <= 0) { step = 1; } let colors = []; let start = `oklch(${l.value}% ${c_range.min.toLocaleString("en")}% ${h.value})`; let end = `oklch(${l.value}% ${c_range.max.toLocaleString("en")}% ${h.value})`;"--start-color", start);"--end-color", end); for (let c = c_range.min; c<= c_range.max; c+=step) { colors.push(`oklch(${l.value}% ${c.toLocaleString("en")}% ${h.value})`); } let html = => ` `).join("\n"); colors_container_h.innerHTML = html; colors_container.innerHTML = html; }); params.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); </script>

No label:

Default display:


Attributes & Properties

Attribute Property Property type Default value Description
gamuts gamuts string | Array<string> | object ["srgb", "p3", "rec2020", "prophoto"] A list of gamuts to use.
color color Color | string - The current color value.


These properties are read-only.

Property Type Description
gamut string The id of the current gamut (e.g. srgb).
gamutLabel string The label of the current gamut (e.g. sRGB).
gamutInfo object Metadata about the current gamut (label, id, level).


Name Description
gamutchange Fired when the gamut changes for any reason, and once during initialization.


Slot Description
(default) Custom content

CSS variables

Variable Type Default value Description
--color-green <color> Starting color of the background color scale. Used when the color is within the first gamut.
--color-yellow <color> Yellow color to be used at around 33.3% of the color scale Will be used for the second gamut if there are four total.
--color-orange <color> Orange color to be used at around 66.6% of the color scale. Will be used for the third gamut if there are four total.
--color-red <color> Red color to be used as the last stop of the color scale. Used when the color is within the last gamut.
--color-red-dark <color> Dark red background color of gamut indicator. Used when the provided color fits none of the specified gamuts.
--color-invalid <color> Background color of gamut indicator when the provided color is invalid.

Output-only CSS variables

These variables are set by the component. You can write CSS that reacts to them, but you should not set them yourself unless you really know what you’re doing.

Variable Type Default value Description
--gamut-color <color> Background color of gamut indicator. Will override the color that depends on the actual gamut, so you should rarely use this directly.
--gamut-level <integer> - The index of the gamut the current color fits in, starting from 0. You can use this in styling, but don’t overwrite it.

CSS Parts

Part Description
label The label of the gamut indicator. Does not apply if the element has content.