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Creates a slider with a gradient background, primarily intended for color picking.


There are many ways to use this component, depending on what you need. E.g. if all you need is styling sliders with arbitrary gradients you don’t even need a component, you can just use the CSS file and a few classes and CSS variables to style regular HTML sliders.

The actual component does a lot more:

  • It provides a color property with the actual color value
  • It takes care of even displaying colors in unsupported color spaces
  • Editable tooltip showing the current value or progress (optional)
  • Convenient events like colorchange and valuechange that fire even when the value changes programmatically

Basic example:

<color-slider space="hsl"
              stops="oklch(90% 50% 100), darkcyan, indigo"></color-slider>

You can listen to the colorchange event and grab the color property to get the current color value:

<color-slider space="hsl"
              stops="red, yellow, lime, aqua, blue, magenta, red"
              oncolorchange="this.nextElementSibling.textContent = this.color"></color-slider>

In fact, you can combine it with a <color-inline> or <color-swatch> element to display the color in a more visual way:

<color-slider space="oklch"
              stops="oklch(80% 50% 70), oklch(65% 50% 180)"
              oncolorchange="this.nextElementSibling.textContent = this.color"></color-slider>

Colors and color spaces not supported by the browser also work:

<color-slider space="okhsl" stops="gold, color(--okhsl 180 100% 50%)"></color-slider>

You can set the value attribute to specify an initial color other than the midpoint:

<color-slider space="oklch"
              stops="oklch(85% 50% 80), oklch(65% 50% 180)"
              oncolorchange="this.nextElementSibling.textContent = this.color"></color-slider>

You can use a different min and max value and it’s just linearly mapped to the stops:

<color-slider space="oklch"
              stops="oklch(85% 50% 80), oklch(65% 50% 180)"
			  min="-50" max="50" value="20"
              oncolorchange="this.nextElementSibling.textContent = this.color"></color-slider>

You can add an editable tooltip by simply using the tooltip attribute:

<color-slider space="oklch"
              stops="oklch(85% 50% 80), oklch(65% 50% 180)"
			  min="-50" max="50" value="20"
              oncolorchange="this.nextElementSibling.textContent = this.color"></color-slider>

By default, the tooltip will show the slider value as a number. If you want to show the progress instead, you can specify "progress" as the attribute value:

<color-slider space="oklch"
              stops="oklch(85% 50% 80), oklch(65% 50% 180)"
			  min="-50" max="50" value="20"
              oncolorchange="this.nextElementSibling.textContent = this.color"></color-slider>

All properties are reactive and can be set programmatically:

<button onclick="this.nextElementSibling.value = Math.random()">Random color</button>
<color-slider space="oklch"
              stops="gold, darkcyan, indigo"
              oncolorchange="this.nextElementSibling.textContent = this.color"></color-slider>

You can style it to look quite different:

.lr-slider {
    --slider-height: .3em;
    --slider-thumb-width: 1em;
    --slider-thumb-height: 1em;
    --slider-thumb-radius: 1em;
    --slider-thumb-border: 3px solid oklab(50% 0 0);
<color-slider class="lr-slider" space="oklch"
              stops="yellowgreen, gold, red"></color-slider>

CSS-only usage

If you just want the styling of <color-slider> and not any of the API (or are fine dealing with the lower level details on your own), you can just use the CSS file:

@import url("");

This is perfect for when the gradient is more of a visual aid than a functional part of your UI, e.g. when picking a temperature:

    @import url("color-slider.css");
    <input type="range" class="color-slider" min="-20" max="50" value="15"
           style="--slider-color-stops: oklch(65% 0.1 250), yellowgreen, gold, orange, red, darkred" />

Then use a color-slider class on your slider element, and use CSS variables to set the gradient (either directly via --slider-gradient or generated via --slider-color-stops + --color-space).



Name Description
(default) Content placed after the color slider.
tooltip An element used as a tooltip.

Attributes & Properties

Attribute Property Property type Default value Description
space space ColorSpace | string oklch The color space to use for interpolation.
color color Color | string oklch(50% 50% 180) The current color value.
stops stops String | Array<Color> - Comma-separated list of color stops.
min min number 0 The minimum value for the slider.
max max number 1 The maximum value for the slider.
step step number Computed automatically based on this.min and this.max. The granularity that the slider's current value must adhere to.
value value number (this.min + this.max) / 2 The current value of the slider.

CSS variables

If you’re using the component, these are mostly set automatically. If you’re only using the CSS file, you should set these yourself.

Variable Type Description
--slider-color-stops <color># Comma-separated list of color stops.
--color-space <ident> The color space to use for interpolation.
--hue-interpolation [shorter | longer | increasing | decreasing] hue The hue interpolation method to use.
--transparency-grid <image> Gradient used as a background for transparent parts of the slider.
--transparency-cell-size <length> The size of the cells of the transparency gradient.
--transparcency-background <color> The background color of the transparency gradient.
--transparency-darkness <percentage> The opacity of the black color used for dark parts of the transparency gradient.
--slider-gradient <image> The gradient to use as the background.
--slider-height <length> Height of the slider track.
--slider-thumb-width <length> Width of the slider thumb.
--slider-thumb-height <length> Height of the slider thumb.
--slider-thumb-height-offset <length> Offset the thumb height from the track height.
--slider-thumb-radius <length> Radius of the slider thumb.
--slider-thumb-background <color> Background color of the slider thumb.
--slider-thumb-border <line-width> || <line-style> || <color> Border of the slider thumb.
--slider-thumb-border-active <line-width> || <line-style> || <color> Border of the slider thumb in active state.
--slider-thumb-scale-active <number> Scale transform applied to the slider thumb in active state.
--tooltip-background <color> Background color of the tooltip.
--tooltip-border-radius <length> Border radius of the tooltip.
--tooltip-pointer-height <length> Height of the tooltip pointer triangle.
--tooltip-pointer-angle <angle> Angle of the tooltip pointer triangle.


These properties are read-only.

Property Type Description
progress number The slider value converted to a 0-1 number with 0 corresponding to the min of the range and 1 to the max.


Name Description
input Fired when the color changes due to user action.
change Fired when the color changes due to user action.
valuechange Fired when the value changes for any reason, and once during initialization.
colorchange Fired when the color changes for any reason, and once during initialization.


Name Description
slider The internal <input type="range"> element.
spinner The default tooltip slot content (an <input type="number"> element). Please note that if an element is slotted in the tooltip slot, this will not match anyhing.

Planned features

  • Discrete scales & steps