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373 lines (316 loc) · 21.7 KB


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373 lines (316 loc) · 21.7 KB

Release Notes

Version 0.1.0

  • Initial version

Version 0.1.1

  • Added the functionality to add exceptions with are ignored by the CircuitBreaker

Version 0.1.2

  • Added the feature to get Metrics for function executions

Version 0.1.3

  • Added a static factory method for the CircuitBreakerConfig builder

Version 0.1.4

  • Added the feature to retry a failed function

Version 0.1.5

  • Added builders to simplify chaining of decorators

Version 0.1.6

  • Renamed project to javaslang-circuitbreaker

Version 0.1.7

  • Fixed Issue #2

  • Issue #3 Added a listener mechanism for state transitions

Version 0.2.0

  • Removed Dropwizard Metrics, because its a too heavy dependency for such a lightweight library.

  • Changed the way exceptions can be handled. You have to provide a Predicate now instead of a list of exceptions to ignore.

Version 0.3.0

  • The CircuitBreaker is based on a Ring Bit Buffer and a failure rate now.

Version 0.3.1

  • Changed the visibility of CircuitBreakerUtils.isCallPermitted to public.

Version 0.3.2

  • CircuitBreakerRegistry has a new method which takes a Supplier of a CircuitBreakerConfig so that the CircuitBreakerConfig is only created when needed.

Version 0.3.3

  • CircuitBreaker has a new method getCircuitBreakerConfig which allows to retrieve the CircuitBreakerConfig of the CircuitBreaker.

  • Renamed the state HALF_CLOSED to HALF_OPEN to match the pattern description of Martin Fowler.

Version 0.3.4

  • Added a Metrics interface to the CircuitBreaker which allows to retrieve current statistics like failureRate and number of buffer calls.

Version 0.4.0

  • Updated javaslang from 2.0.0-RC4 to 2.0.1

Version 0.5.0

  • Updated javaslang from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2

  • Fixed issue #6: The CB changes to OPEN state when the failure rate is above (>) the threshold, but it should be above or equal (>=).

Version 0.6.0

  • Updated javaslang from 2.0.2 to 2.0.4

Version 0.7.0

  • Added rxjava 2.0.1 as a dependency

  • Issue #13: CircuitBreaker should publish events as an event stream and clients should be able to subscribe

  • Issue #10: Reorder arguments in decorator methods

  • PR #19: Add a backoff function feature, to modify the waiting interval between failures

  • Renamed root package from javaslang to io.github.resilience4j, because the project had to leave the Javaslang GitHub organisation

Version 0.7.1

  • Changed Event stream return type from Observable to Flowable

  • Events contain a create time

  • Added getThrowable method to CircuitBreakerOnErrorEvent which was missing

  • Added CircuitBreakerOnIgnoredErrorEvent to signal exceptions which have been ignored because of a custom predicate

  • Added getMaxNumberOfBufferedCalls and getNumberOfSuccessfulCalls methods to Metrics interface

Version 0.8.0

  • Added the SingleOperator interface to CircuitBreakerOperator

  • Issue #12: Added a new RateLimiter decorator

  • Added a new Cache decorator

  • Removed CacheEventConsumer and CircuitBreakerEventConsumer and created a generic CircularEventConsumer

  • Added a StopWatch which is used to measure the elapsed time of decorated calls. CircuitBreakerEvents also contain the elapsed duration of a call now.

  • Issue #33: Added the ability to 'force' state transitions manually

  • Issue #38: A CircuitBreaker records not permitted calls when the state is OPEN and emits a event for each attempt. The metric "numberOfNotPermittedCalls" can be access via CircuitBreaker.Metrics

  • Issue #39: A CircuitBreaker should copy the previous RingBitSet values during state transition from HALF_OPEN to CLOSED

  • Updated javaslang from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5

  • Updated rxjava from 2.0.1 to 2.0.3

Version 0.8.1

  • Issue #41: Added a method to the CircuitBreakerRegistry which returns a list of all managed CircuitBreaker instances

  • Issue #42: Added a new EventConsumerRegistry which can be used to create and manage instances of EventConsumers.

Version 0.8.2

  • Issue #43: Added a new higher-order function to decorate a method which returns a CompletableFuture.

  • Issue #49: Added execute methods to CircuitBreaker interface and Decorators builder. This makes it easier to decorate and call a function at once.

  • Updated rxjava from 2.0.3 to 2.0.6

  • Updated slf4j-api from 1.7.12 to 1.7.24

Version 0.9.0

  • PR #59: Project has been renamed to resilience4j and has been modularized.

  • PR #59: Renamed packages from io.github.robwin to io.github.resilience4j.

  • PR #76: Module for integration with Retrofit.

  • PR #82: Module for integration with Ratpack.

  • PR #80: Resilience4j metrics reporting with Dropwizard metrics.

  • PR #81: Resilience4j metrics reporting with Prometheus.

  • PR #103, #104, #101: Various improvements of rxJava integration.

  • PR #119: Zero allocation rate for CircuitBreaker when it has no event subscribers.

  • Issue #70: Module with Spring Boot starter.

  • Issue #61: Permissions aren’t available from the first cycle in AtomicRateLimiter.

  • Performance improvements of ConcurrentEvictingQueue

Braking changes:
  • PR #119 - changed API of CircuitBreaker interface.

  • The groupId has been changed from io.github.robwin to io.github.resilience4j

Detailed PR list

Version 0.10.0

  • Issue #123: Autobuild Ratpack CircuitBreaker, Retry, RateLimiter registry from properties.

  • Issue #126: Created Ratpack CircuitBreaker, RateLimiter sse event streams.

  • Issue #139: Support CircuitBreaker failure rate threshold < 1.

Breaking changes:
  • Issue #51: Removed RxJava2 dependency to make Resilience4j more lightweight. Added a RxJava2 module.

  • Issue #148: Created an EventPublisher which replaces the RxJava Event Stream.

Version 0.10.1

  • Issue #153: Fixed CircuitBreakerTransformer error messaging

  • Issue #161: Fixed Spring Boot Prometheus AutoConfiguration

  • Updated Vavr from 0.9.0 to 0.9.1

  • Updated RxJava from 2.1.0 to 2.1.3

Version 0.11.0

  • RP #164: Additional gauges to monitor the circuit breaker state

  • PR #165: Allow explicit ordering for CircuitBreaker and RateLimiter aspects in SpringBoot starter

  • PR #166: Bulkhead metrics for Dropwizard metrics module

  • PR #176: Retrofit enqueue support for circuit breaker and rate limiter

  • PR #177: Dynamic rate limiter configuration

  • PR #181: RxJava bulkhead operator for Maybe and Completable

  • PR #169: Bulkhead integration with Ratpack and call finished metric for bulkhead

  • PR #184: Dynamic bulkhead configuration

  • Issue #182: Fix for circuit breaker show only first state values in Dropwizard metrics

Version 0.12.0

  • PR #188: Added reset method to Circuit Breaker

  • PR #194: Added disable and force_open states to Circuit Breaker

  • PR #205: Added Reactor support for circuit breaker, bulkhead and rate limiter.

  • PR #206: Added support for Micrometer

  • PR #208: Updated Retrofit version from 2.1 to 2.3

  • PR #211: Make sure the Reactor operators can be used together on a Flux

  • Updated Vavr from 0.9.1 to 0.9.2

  • Updated RxJava from 2.1.3 to 2.1.10

  • Updated Vertx from 3.4.1 to 3.5.1

  • Updated Dropwizard Metrics from 3.1.2 to 3.2.5

  • Updated Spring Boot from 1.4.3.RELEASE to 1.5.5.RELEASE

  • Updated Ratpack from 1.4.6 to 1.5.4

  • Updated Prometheus from 0.0.21 to 0.3.0

  • Issue #47: OSGI Support. Fixed bnd configuration in publishing.gradle

Version 0.12.1

  • Issue #212: Fixed r4j-reactor bug when onSubscribe throws an error

Version 0.13.0

  • PR #216: Added Circuit Breaker option to auto transition to half open

  • PR #217: Added ignoreExceptions() and recordExceptions() to CircuitBreakerConfig.Builder

  • PR #226: Ratpack does no longer depend on Dropwizard or Prometheus

  • PR #227: Ratpack module uses Spring Reactor now

  • PR #229: Publish retry event for every retry

  • PR #231: Added validation to Spring Boot CircuitBreakerProperties

  • PR #234: Non-blocking API for RateLimiter

  • PR #236: Added Spring 4, Spring Boot 1 and Spring Boot 2 modules

Version 0.13.1

  • PR #243: Allow Spring to bind MeterBinders instead of directly binding

Version 0.13.2

  • PR #244: Corrected link to Prometheus Metrics Integration

  • PR #246: Make async retrofit call not make the request when circuit is open

  • PR #248: Removed rxjava2 dependency for time limiter

  • PR #253: Fixed documentation

  • PR #254: Additional factory methods for Micrometer CircuitBreakerMetrics

  • PR #271: Remove deprecated usage of Mockito Matchers

  • PR #276: Add response predicate to retry sync and async for enhancement

  • PR #277: Generate BOM for resilience4j

  • PR #281: Avoid creating unnecessary logging strings

  • PR #284: Avoiding calling bulkheadConfigSupplier needlessly

  • Issue #245; PR #260: Fix CircuitBreakerSubscriber for Reactor doesn’t count successes when using Mono/Flux.toFuture()

  • Issue #263; PR #264: Fix bulkhead on Single and Maybe

Version 0.14.0

  • Issue #196: Added a new resilience4j-feign module

  • Issue #241: Added support to configure automaticTransitionFromOpenToHalfOpenEnabled in Spring Boot

  • Issue #248: Support The Use Of @CircuitBreaker on methods that return a mono Or flux

  • Issue #286: Spring Boot emitted warnings about invalid actuator endpoint name

  • Issue #307: Bulkhead Support in Prometheus

  • Issue #331: Fixed Retry.decorateCallable which catched RuntimeException instead of Exception

  • Issue #332: Bulkhead reactor operator did not release semaphore on cancel

  • Issue #338: Fixed that SpringBoot2 auto-configuration fails when not specifying all properties

  • Issue #344: Exposed bulkhead max allowed concurrent calls metric

  • Issue #348: Added Spring Boot 2 support for resilience4j-retry

  • Issue #351: Fixed that CircuitBreaker AutoTransitioner prevents JVM shutdown

  • Issue #359: Support for retryOnResult method and Completable, Maybe types missing

  • Issue #383: Added Retry support to Spring Reactor

  • Updated Vavr from 0.9.2 to 0.10.0

  • Updated Spring 4 from 4.3.15.RELEASE to 4.3.22.RELEASE

  • Updated Spring Boot from 1.5.5.RELEASE to 1.5.19.RELEASE

  • Updated Spring Boot 2 from 2.0.2.RELEASE to 2.1.3.RELEASE

  • Updated Dropwizard Metrics from 3.2.5 to 3.2.6

  • Updated Ratpack from 1.5.4 to 1.6.0

  • Updated Micrometer from 1.0.5 to 1.1.3

  • Updated Prometheus Simple Client from 0.3.0 to 0.6.0

  • Updated Feign from 10.0.1 to 10.2.0

  • Updated Retrofit from 2.3.0 to 2.5.0

  • Updated Spring Reactor from 3.0.7.RELEASE to 3.2.6.RELEASE

Version 0.15.0

  • Issue #309: Added fallbackMethod support to annotations for Spring and Ratpack

  • Issue #268: Added a functionality to add configurations to registries and reuse them.

  • Issue #398: Added an event publisher to all registries which allows to execute code when entries are created, deleted or replaced.

  • Issue #273: Added a remove method to all registries

  • Issue #282: Added a replace method to all registries

  • Issue #291: Added support to overwrite all resilience4j beans in Spring Boot.

  • Issue #417: Allow to fully close a bulkhead

  • Issue #311, #336, #357, #361: Refactored resilience4j-reactor and resilience4j-rxJava2 so that they try to acquire a permission before the subscriptions happens.

  • Issue #343: CircuitBreaker only allows a configurable number of concurrent calls when in half-open state and rejects all further calls.

Version 0.16.0

  • Issue #325: Added instance methods to decorate functions with a CircuitBreaker

  • Issue #431: Don’t prevent using other call adapters in CircuitBreakerCallAdapter

  • Issue #458: Fixed a bug where the reactor context was not available when using circuit breaker

  • Issue #469: Fixed a bug that registerHealthIndicator defined in a default config is not inherited

  • Issue #480: Fixed a bug in the decoration of a CompletionStage, if it’s a Runnable which is executed async

  • Issue #486: Added bulkhead configs to resilience4j-ratpack

  • Issue #489: Set the proper order of spring aspects to make thread pool spring aspect work properly

  • PR #478: Added a find() method to all registries

Version 0.17.0

  • Removed all deprecated methods in preparation for v1.0.0

  • Issue #500: Fixed bug where default external configs in Ratpack apps are not honored

  • Issue #506: Fixed bug where resilience4j-ratpack fails to run when Dropwizard metrics in not on classpath

  • Issue #515: Added Aspect ordering feature in resilience4j-spring again

  • Issue #518: Added support for Vavr Try and Either return types

  • Issue #538: Removed minimum waitDuration constraint for retry

  • Issue #544: Fixed bug where CircuitBreaker gets stuck in HALF_OPEN when the last test request throws an ignored exception

  • Issue #530: Improved RxJava2OnClasspathCondition and ReactorOnClasspathCondition

Version 1.0.0

  • Issue #607: Spring Boot HealthIndicators are by default disabled now

  • Issue #546: Added support for Spring Cloud Config

  • Issue #581: Enhancement in resilience4j-reactor and resilience4j-rxjava2 to better support the zip operator.

  • Issue #559: Added support for @FeignClient annotation

  • Issue #560: Fixed bug when using a lambda fallback in Feign

  • Issue #547: Replaced the CircuitBreaker ring buffer implementation by a count-based and time-based sliding window implementation

  • Issue #562: Fixed bug: Illegal state transition from CLOSED to HALF_OPEN

  • Issue #568: Allow to configure exceptions which should be treated as a success in the CircuitBreaker.

  • Issue #381: Allow to configure a slow response time threshold. If too many slow calls are recorded the CircuitBreaker opens.

  • Issue #488: Micrometer support for ThreadPoolBulkhead

  • Issue #540: Fixed a bug where IDE did not recognize the auto config properties

Version 1.1.0

  • Issue #235: Added a TimeLimiter operator to resilience4j-reactor and resilience4j-rxjava2

  • Issue #625: Fixed reliability and security issues raised by sonar

  • Issue #626: Handle thread interruption consistently in Bulkhead and RateLimiter blocking methods

  • Issue #634: Adapted resilience4j-metrics to latest changes in the CircuitBreaker

  • Issue #646: Fixed CircuitBreaker 'XX' tried an illegal state transition from OPEN to OPEN

  • Issue #607: Added a new config parameter to enable the CircuitBreaker and RateLimiter health indicator. They are disabled by default now.

Version 1.2.0

  • Issue #642: Added weight support in RateLimiter

  • Issue #659: Added support for Kotlin Flows

  • Issue #668: Added util class to determine whether Circuit Breaker permits calls

  • Issue #671: Allow configurable wait times for circuit breakers to be open as a function of # of close attempts

  • Issue #674: CircuitBreaker tried an illegal state transition from HALF_OPEN to HALF_OPEN

  • Issue #682: Retrofit call cancellations are recorded as circuit breaker failures

  • Issue #687: context.onSuccess called in case of maximum amount of retries reached

  • Issue #691: Exceptions thrown from fallback methods shouldn’t be wrapped

  • Issue #699: Added CircuitBreaker waitIntervalFunction to spring boot config

  • Issue #701: Allow custom Prometheus Histogram buckets

  • Issue #756: Spring Boot module must work without a Spring actuator

  • PR #722: Health indicator overall status can be controlled with allowHealthIndicatorToFail property

Version 1.3.0

  • Issue #822: Fixed the case where resilience4j rateLimiter seems to ignore configuration

  • Issue #816: Fixed Reactor RetryOperator throws exception wrapped by RetryExceptionWrapper

  • Issue #806: Switched aggregated retry.calls metric to a counter from a gauage

  • Issue #803: Added new Circuit breaker state → METRICS_ONLY

  • Issue #799: Fixed WritableStackTraceEnabled config setting in ThreadPool bulkhead configuration

  • Issue #775: Added Getter for RetryOnRetryEvent

  • Issue #769: Fixed Duplicated auto complete support in IDEA

  • Issue #765: Added support to use Retry with Feign client

  • Issue #751: Vavr upgrade to 0.10.2

  • Issue #718: Fixed blocking behavior in Reactor Retry Operator

  • Issue #711: Added support to use SpEL in resilienec4j spring annoations

  • Issue #751: Fixed Resilience4j Spring boot modules MetricsAutoConfiguration

  • Issue #565: Added ThreadLocal passing support to the Threadpool bulkhead implementation

  • Issue #430: Added TimeLimiter spring boot starter support

  • Issue #509: Added support to extend Micrometer tags

  • PR #831: non backward compatible API change in ThreadPoolBulkhead decorateRunnable(ThreadPoolBulkhead bulkhead, Runnable runnable) now return Supplier<CompletionStage<Void>> instead of Runnable

Version 1.3.1

  • Issue #596: Fixed a bug that a fallback method is not invoked when using CompletableFutures and a ThreadPoolBulkhead annotation

Version 1.4.0

  • Issue #703: Add a feature that allows to plug-in your own Registry implementation which can be based on a cache library if needed.

  • Issue #737: Updated reactor version to 3.3.0.RELEASE

  • Issue #933: Add RegistryStore and builder methods to create BulkheadRegistry and ThreadPoolBulkheadRegistry

  • Issue #924: Add RegistryStore and builder methods to create RetryRegistry

  • Issue #910: Add RegistryStore and builder methods to create RateLimiterRegistry

  • Issue #928: Fix TimeLimiter does not set a message for TimeoutException

  • Issue #916: Allow setting Retry Wait Duration Limit to value equal >= zero

  • Issue #887: Fixing Spring Boot Common and Spring Boot 2 modules share the same packages which is not allowed in the Java Module system

  • Issue #886: Add support for RxJava 3

  • Issue #913: Add proper graceful cleanup of resilience4j thread pool executors which make it properly cleaned on spring boot applications

  • Issue #939: Fix actuator shows Whitelabel error page with "Invalid Event"

  • Issue #958: Added missing method to set contextProgagators in ThreadPoolBulkheadConfigurationProperties

  • PR #914: Adding non-coroutine kotlin wrapper functions as a convenience

  • PR #943: Removed deprecated documentation

Version 1.5.0

  • Issue #855: Updated resilience4j-spring-boot2 to 2.3.0.RELEASE

  • Issue #855: Updated resilience4j-spring-cloud2 to 2.2.2.RELEASE

  • Issue #942: Introduced new CB metric "notPermittedCalls"

  • Issue #964: Added Kotlin DSL for building *Config and *Registry classes

  • Issue #979: Added fairCallHandlingEnabled flag to BulkheadConfig which controls whether FairSync or NonfairSync should be used in the Semaphore.

  • Issue #982: Added support to configure exponential random backoff via Spring config

  • Issue #991: Fixed bug that auto transition to half_open happens even if the state is forced open.

  • Issue #1000: Added toString to CircuitBreakerConfig

  • Issue #1003: Fixed bug that CircuitBreaker tries to obtain permission twice in circuitBreaker.decorateEitherSupplier()

Version 1.6.0


  • RetryConfig.DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS should be public [#1180](resilience4j#1180)

  • Circuitbreaker doesn’t open when nested TimeLimiter throws TimeOutCancellationException [#1123](resilience4j#1123)

  • Enhance Server Side Events /circuitbreaker/events [#1076](resilience4j#1076)

  • CallNotPermittedException should contain circuit breaker name (and possibly other information) [#1062](resilience4j#1062)

  • Retry: Exponential backoff with constant behaviour after certain time [#1044](resilience4j#1044)

  • Respecting the clock set in the CircuitBreakerStateMachine for detecting slow calls [#734](resilience4j#734)


  • Circuit breaker stuck in HALF_OPEN state [#935](resilience4j#935)

  • Circuit breaker global fallback seems to not work when annotated method has more than 1 parameter [#1174](resilience4j#1174)

  • Timelimiter metrics not calculated when using resilince4j-kotlin [#1168](resilience4j#1168)

  • Problem with registering metrics for more than one circuit breaker [#1131](resilience4j#1131)

  • ConcurrentModificationException warning log while consuming events [#1115](resilience4j#1115)

  • CircuitBreakerConfig.Builder.waitDurationInOpenState() false documentation of when the function throws exception [#1092](resilience4j#1092)

Version 1.6.1


  • Springboot application failing on startup with version 1.6.0 [#1192](resilience4j#1192)

Version 1.7.0


  • RateLimiter: Reduce RateLimiter memory footprint of high cardinality keys [#1221](resilience4j#1221)

  • CircuitBreaker: When waitDurationInOpenState and waitIntervalFunctionInOpenStat are used together, waitDurationInOpenState will be overridden [#1214](resilience4j#1214)

  • TimeLimiterAspect does not refresh static timeLimiterExecutorService on Spring context shutdown and restart [#1203](resilience4j#1203)

  • CircuitBreaker: Record a failure on result [#384](resilience4j#384)

  • Added support for Micronaut

  • Updated Spring Boot from 2.3.0.RELEASE to 2.4.1

  • Updated Reactor from 3.3.0.RELEASE to 3.4.0

  • Updated Spring Cloud Context from 2.2.2.RELEASE to 3.0.0

  • Updated Spring Framework from 5.2.6.RELEASE to 5.3.2

  • Updated Spring Boot Open Feign from 2.2.2.RELEASE to 2.2.6.RELEASE

  • Updated Kotlin Coroutines from 1.3.2 to 1.4.2

  • Updated Dropwizard Metrics from 3.2.6 to 4.1.16

  • Prevent the decoration of default methods in feign client [#1245](resilience4j#1245)

  • Added RateLimiter.drainPermissions method [#1240](resilience4j#1240)

  • Added failAfterMaxAttempts flag to RetryConfig and a new MaxRetriesExceededException [#1293](resilience4j#1293)


  • NullPointerException requesting actuator metrics for retries using retryOnResult [#1205](resilience4j#1205)

  • CircuitBreakers events endpoint doesn’t work after replacing instances at runtime [#1116](resilience4j#1116)