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Javascript friendly translations plugin for Vue.


Set locale

this.$t = 'en';

Vue dom


In pure Javascript

import translations from 'your/path';
translations.$t = 'en';

Static variables

$t.locale;// current locale key
$t.instance;// get translations instance


import translations from 'your/path';
import en from '@/locales/en';
import zh from '@/locales/zh';

Vue.use(translations, {
    alias: '$t', //default $t
    defaultLocale: 'en',
    locales: { en, zh }

// Can support multiple translations instance in one application
import en2 from '@/locales2/en';
import zhHant2 from '@/locales2/zh-hant';
Vue.use(translations, {
    alias: '$t2',// use alias to identify each instance
    defaultLocale: 'en',
    locales: { 'en': en2, 'zh-hant': zhHant2 }

or get ALL locales from directory

import Vue from 'vue';
import translations from 'your/path';

let locales = [];
let req = require.context("@/locales", true, /\.js$/);
req.keys().forEach(key => {
    locales[key.match(/^.\/(.*).js$/)[1]] = req(key).default

Vue.use(translations, {
    alias: '$t',
    defaultLocale: 'en',


export default {
     * Since "locale", "instance" are static variables,
     * the value set to them will be overrided!
    locale: 'will be overrided',
    instance: 'will be overrided',

    pages: { // For menus
        home: 'Home',
    actions: { // For buttons
        login: 'Login',
        logout: 'Logout',
    keywords: {
        development: 'Development',
    messages: {
        welcome: (name) => `Welcome ${name}.`,
    validations: {
    errors: {
        '404': 'Page Not Found',


export default {
    pages: {
        home: '首頁'
    actions: {
        login: '登入',
        logout: '登出',
    keywords: {
        development: '開發'
    messages: {
        welcome: (name) => `歡迎,${name}。`,
    validations: {
    errors: {
        '404': '找不到頁面',

With vue-router

If you use URL to control the locale, e.g. http://localhost/en/path

VueRouter config

import translations from 'your/path';
const instanceT = translations.$t.instance;

const router = new VueRouter({
  routes: [
      path: '/',
      redirect: '/' + instanceT.defaultLocale // default
      path: '/:locale',
      component: () => import('@/components/AppFrame'), // component which contains child router-view
      children: routes // your routes

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
  let locale = to.params.locale;
  if (!instanceT.localeKeys.includes(locale)) {
    next('/' + instanceT.defaultLocale + to.fullPath);
  translations.$t = locale; //update locale

Root router-view

You should add a key into the router-view tag for updating the locale.

<router-view :key="$route.params.locale"/>