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Graphic Renderer and 3D Rasterizer
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Graphic Renderer and 3D Rasterizer


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This is project focuses on curves and surfaces.

Bezier Curves with 1D de Casteljau Subdivision

The de Casteljau Subdivision Algorithm is a way to smooth out jagged connected lines and create Bézier curves. We can use the example of three control points in space, with two lines connecting them all together. When we look at the first line, we can use a parameter value t to pick our starting point. We put a new point t units away from the first control point and also add a new point t units away from the second control point. Afterwards, we connect those two newly added points together to get one step closer to the final curve. This action gets recursively called to create a final Bézier curve that is very smooth.

To implement this, we had to modify the BezierCurve::evaluateStep() function to create our Bézier curves in the program. First, we used the function (1 - t) * (p of i) + t * (p of i+1) to calculate the specific lerp or new step in the function. To integrate this into our function, all we had to do was use a for loop that goes from 0 to the length of the control points - 1 (to not get an out-of-bounds error with the i+1), initialize an array of Vector2Ds, and use the equation given to us to append to that array. Since this function was relatively simple to implement, we didn't run into too many errors when compiling our code.

CS 184 Lecture Slide that Demonstrates the de Casteljau Algorithm. Task 1 Caseljau Slide

Default curve1.bzc with 4 control points (white), toggled steps (blue), and a fully evaluated curve (green) Task 1 Default Curve1

New bzc with 6 points Task 1 New Curve

New bzc with 6 points, showing 1 step Task 1 New Curve 1

New bzc with 6 points, showing 2 steps Task 1 New Curve 2

New bzc with 6 points, showing 3 steps Task 1 New Curve 3

New bzc with 6 points, showing 4 steps Task 1 New Curve 4

New bzc with 6 points, showing 4 steps with final Bézier curve Task 1 New Curve 5

Modified the control point positions Task 1 New Curve 6

Modified the control point positions, sliding the t value Task 1 New Curve 7

Bezier Surfaces with Separable 1D de Casteljau

For this task, we have to apply the same techniques from the previous task to make the de Casteljau algorithm work for surfaces. To this, we have to modify three functions in our code: BezierPatch::evaluateStep(), BezierPatch::evaluate1D(), and BezierPatch::evaluate() The evaluate() function will ultimately be using the other two to create Bézier surfaces instead of just curves like the lines from earlier. We will be using a technique called separable 1D for this task. Previously, we were evaluating basic Bézier curves, but with the help of these three functions, we will be able to fully evaluate Bézier patches and use them to render 3D models like the teapot. Given any u and v parameters, we will be able to create a "moving curve" with the Separable 1D technique.

The evaluateStep() function is very similar to the way we implemented step evaluation in the first task. First, we create an array that will store all the points, append the newly found result to that array, and then return the new whole set of points. The only difference between the BezierPatch::evaluateStep() here and BezierCurve::evaluateStep() is that the Bézier Patch function stores all points in a Vector3D format. This evaluateStep() function will be called later on.

We also implemented evaluate1D(). This function is responsible for fully evaluating Casteljau's algorithm instead of calculating just one step. To do this, we can make a new deep copy of the points parameter, evaluate the step with our set of points by calling our earlier function evaluateStep(), reassign our array/vector, and keep calling evaluateStep() until our array reaches a length of 1. The array will eventually reach a length of 1 because the for loop in evaluateStep() only goes from 0 to the points size - 1. We originally found an infinite loop bug when we did not add the - 1 to the end of our for loop, but it started working again after we added it in. Once we reach the end, we can return the first value of the array, which would be the final Vector3D point we reach after all calculations.

Finally, we had to implement evaluate(). This final function is in charge of using the controlPoints variable, which is an N x N 2D array filled with control points that we will use to create 3D models. First, we had to create an array called u_points that would store all calculations of evaluate1D() when passing in the row controlPoints[i] and u value in our for loop. After completing the calculations for u_points, we return the result of evaluate1D(u_points, v). This way, we will be able to calculate the Bézier patch at any given parameter (u, v).

CS 184 Lecture Slide that Demonstrates the Separable 1D Algorithm. Task 2 Separable 1D Slide

Our Rendered Teapot Task 2 Teapot

Our Rendered Wavy Cube Task 2 Cube

Area-Weighted Vertex Normals

For this task, we are going to shade our models using Phong shading. This type of shading interpolates normal vectors across the triangles on a surface, and it creates a much smoother feel to the overall model. To do this, we can use the half-edge data structure, weight its normal by the area, and normalize the sum of all normalized areas.

We had to modify Vertex::normal() to make this work. The function does not have any parameters passed in, but we can call halfedge() to get the corresponding half-edge to the vertex in the same class. We can use a do-while loop, checking to see if the adjacent half-edges we moved to are not the same as our starting edge. We only stop once we've made a full loop and reach the same starting half-edge.

To approximate the unit normals, we have to use three Vector3Ds. They include the current half-edge's position, the next half-edge's position, and the position of the next half-edge after that. Since the edges we traverse are all triangles, these are the only variables we need. After getting these positions by calling a combination of next(), vertex(), and ->position, we can call cross() to get the cross product between the Vector3Ds next - current and nextnext - current. Finally, we append to our starting zeroed out Vector3D called rv ("return vector"). Once we have everything added together, we can get the normalized sum by calling unit() on our rv variable. Returning this value gives us the smoothed out surfaces.

Left: Before Normalizing; Right: After Normalizing Task 3 Teapot Comparison

Version Without Lines Task 3 Teapot White

Normalizing a Cow Task 3 Cow

Edge Flip

To implement edge flipping, we had to edit HalfedgeMesh::flipEdge(). This function acts as a local operation that flips the half-edge that is connected to two vertices into the other two adjacent vertices. In other words, given triangles with points (a, b, c) and (c, b, d), we will flip the edge of the triangle to be perpendicular and make them (a, d, c) and (a, b, d).

We first noticed that we have an EdgeIter passed in, and we also need to return an EdgeIter. The first check is to see if it's a boundary. If it is, then we can automatically return the input and leave it un-flipped. Next, we made a long list of variables we would use, such as h0, h1, h0_next, h1_next..., v0, v1..., and also f0, f1.... With these variables that we accessed from the input e0, we would be able to flip any edge correctly. The first operation is to change the neighbors that we had for the all the half-edges. Each half-edge's new next would be its next's next. For example, h0 becomes h0_next_next. h0_next becomes h0 because h0 is h0_next's next_next. This process repeats for h1 as well and all its neighboring half-edges. After we have these values set up, we can call setNeighbor() on all the points. We pass in the vertices off by one (v of n becomes v of n-1) and also pass in the corresponding edges. This results in a new flipped half-edge, and we can return e0.

We encountered a few bugs when implementing this function. First, we did not realize that we had to set the edge or face for halfEdgeIter, so the faces would sometimes disappear and not flip correctly. We figured out how to fix this by further reading the documentation and using setNeighbor() instead, giving us the option to ensure that all variables are initialized correctly before each function call. Our way to debug was to comment out various chunks of code, use check_for(), pinpoint the place where it began to error, and work from there. It was also extremely helpful to draw out our thought process on an online notepad that both of us used.

Flipping Center Half-Edges Task 4 Flipped

Our Drawings for Task 4 Task 4 Notes

Edge Split

For edge splitting, we had to change the function HalfedgeMesh::splitEdge(). This is similar to task 4 since we also have to perform operations on half-edges, but this task has a lot more moving parts and needs more variables to correctly split the edges. To split an edge, you have to look at where the two triangles meet, then create another perpendicular split between those triangles to make 4 new triangles. The two split lines should meet at the middle point m.

First, we had to calculate where m is. We can get this by adding together the positions of vertices v0 and v1, then dividing the sum by 2. This gives us a new Vector3D which can be used to initialize VertexIter m. Next, we had to set the neighbors. This required a lot of planning and debugging, but our thought process is mostly outlined in the diagram below. Afterwards, we had to call setNeighbor() on h0, h1, h2, h3, and add the respective vertices and new neighbors. Finally, we change the faces and each vertex's corresponding half-edge and return the resulting m.

We ran into a lot of segmentation faults when coding for this task. We originally thought it had something to do with our faulty setNeighbor() calls, but we realized it was related to not initializing properly. We caught this bug by also commenting out most code and using the CLion debugger to stop at the line where it crashes. Later on, we also had a bug where the triangles would split in the correct orientation, but one of the faces would appear on top of the other. We fixed this by changing the face's vertices and other variables to make it start working.

Splitting Half-Edges Task 5 Split

Splitting and Flipping Half-Edges Task 5 Split

Our Drawings for Task 5 Task 5 Split

Loop Subdivision for Mesh Upsampling

We implemented MeshResampler::upsample, which involves looping using HalfedgeIter and calculating vertex and edge points. I basically followed the instructions in the skeleton code and specs. For calculating all vertices in the input mesh, I first have a for loop that iterates through all the meshes, and for each iteration, I did a calculation based on the number of degrees of the vertex, stored the result, and set isNew to false. Then, I calculated a new vertex using each edge's vertices' positions and set that as the new position of the edge and set isNew to false. For splitting edges, I put all the edges into a vector, iterated through the vector, and split if the edges were original, and the vertices that were created using splitEdge were set as new vertices. For flipEdge, we want to flip if and only if the edge is new and only one of the vertices in the edge is new. At the end, I set the position to the new position for all vertices that are isNew false. For debugging tricks, I took note of each vertex's address to try to identify which one is which. Also, actually looking at the 3D model and understanding why shapes are in certain positions really helped as well. I was struggling with which one to set isNew to false and it resulted in a very uneven-looking shape, but fortunately, I was able to find which one to set to true by identifying which was created.

Edge of Cube Task 6 Before Subdivison Cube

Edge of Cube After 1 Subdivison Task 6 After Subdivision Cube

Edge of Cube After 2 Subdivisons Task 6 After Subdivision Cube

Edge of Cube After 3 Subdivisons Task 6 After Subdivision Cube

Edge of Cube After 4 Subdivisons Task 6 After Subdivision Cube

For this picture, I noticed that some of the edges and corners are getting smoother and less sharp. This can be improved by pre-splitting some edges, increasing the mesh's resolution for sharp parts which makes smoothing preserve more of the original shape.

Cube Before Pre-Processing With Splits Task 6 before pre-process subdivisoned Cube

Cube After Pre-Processing With Splits Task 6 before pre-process subdivisoned Cube

It is possible to pre-process the cube by splitting edges before pressing L. The reason why it was asymmetrical is that each mesh of the cube was uneven and if it is uneven, the subdivision will create more meshes based on an uneven mesh resulting in an asymmetrical shape. By making each edge look like X, it made each mesh uniform, thus maintaining symmetry after subdivision.

Bean Upsample 0 Task 6 upsample 0 bean Bean Upsample 1 Task 6 upsample 1 bean Bean Upsample 2 Task 6 upsample 2 bean

Beast Upsample 0
Task 6 upsample 0 beast

Beast Upsample 1
Task 6 upsample 1 beast

Beast Upsample 2
Task 6 upsample 2 beast