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C2PA Hugo Theme

This is the Hugo theme that powers

It was bootstrapped with the Hugo + Tailwind CSS starter theme.


Make sure to install postcss-cli and autoprefixer globally in your environment, as Hugo Pipe’s PostCSS requires it. This is mentioned in the Hugo Docs.

Note: Please use Node v12 for this, via nvm or otherwise.

npm install -g postcss-cli
npm install -g autoprefixer

Then, install the dependencies for the theme:

npm install

You can run hugo for development by running the following (if you have the hugo CLI installed locally):

hugo server --disableFastRender

You should now be able to make changes to the theme files and see the site autoreload in your browser.

Make sure to use a minimum Hugo version of v0.69.0 and above.

Set the writeStats option in your Hugo config file, so that purging of CSS classes works in production. See /exampleSite/config.toml as a guideline.

  writeStats = true

Environment variables

To make the distinction between development and production environments work, add an environment variable HUGO_ENV = "production" to your site settings under SettingsBuild & deployEnvironment.

Or use a netlify.toml for a file-based configuration.

How does that work anyway?

Within postcss.config.js a purgecss function is defined, which is only called based on the environment variable HUGO_ENVIRONMENT === 'production'.

const themeDir = __dirname + "/../../";

const purgecss = require("@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss")({
  // see
  content: ["./hugo_stats.json"],
  defaultExtractor: (content) => {
    let els = JSON.parse(content).htmlElements;
    return els.tags.concat(els.classes, els.ids);

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      path: [themeDir],
    require("tailwindcss")(themeDir + "assets/css/tailwind.config.js"),
      path: [themeDir],
      grid: true,
    ...(process.env.HUGO_ENVIRONMENT === "production" ? [purgecss] : []),

During the build process Hugo Pipes checks this variable too and build the styles.css with some additional minification. This snippet is located in /layouts/partials/head.html.

{{ $styles := resources.Get "css/styles.css" | postCSS (dict "config"
"./assets/css/postcss.config.js") }} {{ if .Site.IsServer }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $styles.RelPermalink }}" />
{{ else }} {{ $styles := $styles| minify | fingerprint | resources.PostProcess
  href="{{ $styles.RelPermalink }}"
  integrity="{{ $styles.Data.Integrity }}"
{{ end }}


Documentation for Hugo's PostCSS setup.