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macOS Development Environment

Mihai PLESA edited this page Jan 28, 2022 · 46 revisions


You will need the prerequisites below to build Brave on macOS 10.15+.

Xcode 13.1+ and macOS SDK 12.0 are needed for official builds on Chromium 98. Chromium 99 requires Xcode 13.2+ and macOS SDK 12.1. Xcode 12.5+ can be used in development for now with component builds. See;l=43

You'll want an SDK setup like this:

ls -al `xcode-select -p`/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs
drwxr-xr-x  7 jenkins  staff  224 Dec 21 12:02 MacOSX.sdk
drwxr-xr-x  7 jenkins  staff  224 May  3  2021 MacOSX11.3.sdk
lrwxr-xr-x  1 jenkins  staff   10 Dec 21 12:02 MacOSX12.0.sdk -> MacOSX.sdk

Note: this SDK version information could be out of date, please see the source code here to check if it points to a higher version!

You can get the newer SDKs from (VPN required)

There are additional details in the Chromium build system requirements at (do not follow any of the instructions after system requirements):

  • NodeJS LTS Version - v16+ (brew install node or can also use nvm). If node --version fails when installing node@16 through Homebrew or reports a different version, run brew link --force --overwrite node
  • npm - v8+ (or Yarn). npm is automatically installed if you install NodeJS through Homebrew. If you'd like to use yarn instead of npm you can use yarn import to create a yarn.lock file from our package-lock.json.

Other tips

  • Make sure you have Spotlight fully off or privacy on for the build directory (or indexing will slow it down). System Preferences -> Spotlight -> Privacy
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