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81 lines (60 loc) · 2.9 KB

File metadata and controls

81 lines (60 loc) · 2.9 KB

0.2.6 Updated for latest React 16.4

  • requires cljsjs/create-react-class - you may need to exclude this along with cljsjs/react and cljsjs/react-dom if you are using npm dependencies
  • should effortlessly support the latest reagent
  • fixed outstanding issue that made it difficult to work with npm dependencies
  • moved to cljsjs/marked instead of using showdown - I'm considering injecting a wrapped version of this lib so that it doesn't conflict if you happen to be using it from npm.
  • fixed an edn rendering error caused by MapEntry changes
  • fixed the 1024 buffer limitation, can be configured via :closure-defines {devcards.core/card-buffer-size 10000}
  • added tool friendly way to opt-in to devcards via :closure-defines {devcards.core/active true}
  • discoverd that (set! (.-createClass (.-React create-react-class) is a sweet hack to get omcljs/om to work with latest React

0.2.1-7 Some reagent fixes

  • Improved Reagent reloading PR #100
  • removed woarnings on duplicate "is" tests PR #101


  • Fixed a regression where Component local state was lost during reload
  • refactored to accommodate Om Next extension
  • fixed some React missing key warnings

0.2.1-5 Fixing minor dependency conflicts

  • getting rid of dep conflicts

0.2.1-4 Om Next Helpers

  • bumping sablono deps
  • Om Next helpers added by @anmonteiro
  • more react warnings killed by @tristanstraub


  • markdown bullet indentation fix
  • got rid of a bunch of React warnings
  • fix printing JavaScript Symbols
  • various documentation updates

0.2.1 React 14

  • now depends on React 14
  • fixing the :watch-atom false option
  • added the :actual output for failing tests
  • allowing the config of default card options

0.2.0-8 Improved Reagent support

  • added devcards.core/devcard-rg as a shortcut to defining (defcard title (dc/reagent [:div "hey"])) which can now be expressed as (defcard-rg title [:div "hey"])
  • improved Reagent documentation see:!/devdemos.reagent
    • I could really use some more help with Reagent docs
  • Reagent breaking change you can no longer supply bare reagent components to devcards.core/reagent or devcards.core/defcard-rg You always need to pass a Reagent element of the form [component ... args] This makes reagent support consistent with the defcard api where you have to supply a ReactElement and not a component

0.2.0-7 Reagent support with bad bug


  • isolated more css into the addons css - thanks to magnars
  • a new :classname option to the devcard options that will be added to the card body - thanks to codebeige
  • bumped React version to 0.13.3-1
  • added base support for React 14 - thanks to minimal
  • made start-devcard-ui* public
  • a bunch of documentation has been added to

0.2.0-2 First documented release

  • Support for cljs.test async testing