The Google search engine is so ubiquitous around the world today that it is considered a complete reference for information. Google search engine has various functions and algorithms. Google search engine does not need to be introduced. You all know Google search engine well and everyone has been involved with this search engine to some extent. One is looking for the information it needs, the other has a site, and is looking for ways to improve its site ranking in the Google search engine. However, each of us has used Google many times as an information source. ![]( But the question that may come to your mind is how the Google search engine works. The work of Google search engine starts when a person or company registers a site link in it, that is, before the user searches. When you submit a site link, Google starts crawling your pages and sitemap and collecting the available information. Each time Google crawls a page, in addition to checking the information on that page, it analyzes all the links that exist and are linked to other internal pages. Google crawls every new page you create or modify. After Google crawls a page, it's time to gather information. This information is actually information that is important to Google and is completely different from the content and information that we have in mind. Information such as page links to other pages, number of external links, keyword type and number of times, structure, etc. are some of the things that Google stores in a database. It is very important to note that every time Google crawls internal pages and links to other pages, the linked pages are also reviewed and crawled again. Finally, Google indexes the information and stores it in its database, and this information is updated each time the page is changed. This is how Google search engine works. ![]( It is very important to note that no one knows exactly how the Google search engine and its algorithm work, and anyone who claims to do so is fundamentally false. Even if you go to Google's site, it will not share this information with anyone. Since the introduction of Google search engine in 1997, its algorithm has undergone extensive and minor changes. At each general change, Google's algorithm has reviewed how the sites are displayed, and so far has tried to be able to show sites that are of the highest quality in terms of content, and therefore be able to display sites related to users' search terms. ; But the whole algorithm works in the same way in general, and the only difference is in the way and strategy of displaying sites: 1\. Analyze input data 2\. Compare input data with pages 3\. Ranking of useful pages 4\. Considering the geographical location 5\. Show the best results Google algorithms each have different purposes, but in general, the purpose of all of them is generally to select the best websites to display on the search results page for users. now ; Briefly, we name some of Google's algorithms as captions. 1.Panda algorithm was first introduced in February 2011 with the advent of languages, and its task was to prevent copying, writing or photographing. 2.The Penguin algorithm was introduced in April 2012, which focuses on site links and backlinks. 3.Hummingbird Algorithm; When you type something into Google, examples of repetitive keywords are shown to you by the Google browser. 4.Pigeon algorithm; This algorithm works in such a way that after the site is indexed by Google, several pigeons are placed inside them and when the user types the keyword, Google gives this keyword to its pigeons and if they are happy, they will tip the so-called sites and call these sites based on commonly used keywords and show them to the user. There are several other important algorithms that do not fall into the category of Google Zoo, but are very important, which are: Mobilegddon algorithm : This algorithm is the latest algorithm introduced by Google and is being launched, but has not been fully launched yet. The main purpose of this algorithm is to remove all websites that can not be displayed on mobiles and tablets! Payday Loan algorithm : Some sites repeat their keywords a lot to get to the first pages of the sites so that they can abuse the pigeon algorithm and come to the first pages of Google, but this algorithm recognizes this excessive repetition as spam and such sites Fines and removes from the search list. Page Layout algorithm : Many sites use ads to pay for their site to be able to pay for their site, but in some cases these ads are too much and cause annoyance to users that this algorithm seeks such sites and with Penalizing them keeps these sites out of the view of users so that users can find better results for their searches. ![]( Conclusion Although Google's algorithms can penalize or degrade sites, they only happen if they break the rules. In most cases, these algorithms have helped users. These are the search engine algorithms that have improved search results, created competition between sites, and improved the quality of content created on websites.