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Babylon's BTC Staking protocol introduces an additional consensus round on blocks produced by CometBFT, called the finality round. The participants of this round are referred as finality providers and their voting power stems from staked bitcoins delegated to them.

The Finality module is responsible for handling finality votes, maintaining the finalization status of blocks, and identifying equivocating finality providers in the finalization rounds. This includes:

  • handling requests for submitting finality votes from finality providers;
  • maintaining the finalization status of blocks;
  • identifying sluggish finality providers; and
  • maintaining equivocation evidences of culpable finality providers.

Table of contents


Babylon Bitcoin Staking. Babylon's Bitcoin Staking protocol allows bitcoin holders to trustlessly stake their bitcoins, in order to provide economic security to the Babylon chain and other Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchains. The protocol composes a PoS blockchain with an off-the-shelf finality voting round run by a set of finality providers who receive BTC delegations from BTC stakers. The finality providers and BTC delegations are maintained by Babylon's BTC Staking module, and the Finality module is responsible for maintaining the finality voting round.

Finality voting round. In the finality voting round, a block committed in the CometBFT ledger receives finality votes from a set of finality providers. A finality vote is a signature under the Extractable One-Time Signature (EOTS) primitive. A block is considered finalized if it receives a quorum, i.e., votes from finality providers with more than 2/3 voting power at its height.

Slashable safety guarantee. The finality voting round ensures the slashable safety property of finalized blocks: upon a safety violation where a conflicting block also receives a valid quorum, adversarial finality providers with more than 1/3 total voting power will be provably identified by the protocol and be slashed. The formal definition of slashable safety can be found at the S&P'23 paper and the CCS'23 paper. In Babylon's Bitcoin Staking protocol, if a finality provider is slashed, then

  • the secret key of the finality provider is revealed to the public,
  • a parameterized amount of bitcoins of all BTC delegations under it will be burned on the Bitcoin network, and
  • the finality provider's voting power will be zeroized.

In addition to the standard safety guarantee of CometBFT consensus, the slashable safety guarantee disincentivizes safety offences launched by adversarial finality providers.

Interaction between finality providers and the Finality module. In order to participate in the finality voting round, an active finality provider with BTC delegations (as specified in the BTC Staking module) needs to interact with Babylon as follows:

  • Committing EOTS master public randomness. The finality provider needs to generate a pair of EOTS master secret/public randomness, and commit the master public randomness when registering itself to Babylon. The EOTS master secret/public randomness allows to derive a EOTS secret/public randomness deterministically for each given height, respectively. Babylon further requires the epoch of the finality provider registration to be finalized by BTC timestamping before the registered finality provider can submit finality signatures. This ensures that each finality provider has a unique public randomness for each height, and that if the finality provider submits two finality signatures over two conflicting blocks, anyone can extract the finality provider's secret key using EOTS.
  • Submitting EOTS signatures. Upon a new block, the finality provider submits an EOTS signature w.r.t. the derived public randomness at that height. The Finality module will verify the EOTS signature, and check if there are known EOTS signatures on conflicting blocks from this finality provider. If yes, then this constitutes an equivocation, and the Finality module will save the equivocation evidence, such that anyone can extract the finality provider's secret key and slash it.

Babylon has implemented a BTC staking tracker daemon program that subscribes to equivocation evidences in the Finality module, and slashes BTC delegations under equivocating finality providers by sending their slashing transactions to the Bitcoin network.


The Finality module maintains the following KV stores.

Finality votes

The finality vote storage maintains the finality votes of finality providers on blocks. The key is the block height concatenated with the finality provider's Bitcoin secp256k1 public key, and the value is a SchnorrEOTSSig object representing an EOTS signature. Here, the EOTS signature is signed over a block's height and AppHash by the finality provider, using the private randomness corresponding to the EOTS public randomness derived using the block height. The EOTS signature serves as a finality vote on this block from this finality provider. It is a 32-byte scalar and is defined as a 32-byte array in the implementation.

type SchnorrEOTSSig []byte
const SchnorrEOTSSigLen = 32

Indexed blocks with finalization status

The indexed block storage maintains the necessary metadata and finalization status of blocks. The key is the block height and the value is an IndexedBlock object defined as follows.

// IndexedBlock is the necessary metadata and finalization status of a block
message IndexedBlock {
    // height is the height of the block
    uint64 height = 1;
    // app_hash is the AppHash of the block
    bytes app_hash = 2;
    // finalized indicates whether the IndexedBlock is finalised by 2/3
    // finality providers or not
    bool finalized = 3;

Equivocation evidences

The equivocation evidence storage maintains evidences of equivocation offences committed by finality providers. The key is a finality provider's Bitcoin secp256k1 public key concatenated with the block height, and the value is an Evidence object representing the evidence that this finality provider has equivocated at this height. Anyone observing the Evidence object can extract the finality provider's Bitcoin secp256k1 secret key, as per EOTS's extractability property.

// Evidence is the evidence that a finality provider has signed finality
// signatures with correct public randomness on two conflicting Babylon headers
message Evidence {
    // fp_btc_pk is the BTC PK of the finality provider that casts this vote
    bytes fp_btc_pk = 1 [ (gogoproto.customtype) = "" ];
    // block_height is the height of the conflicting blocks
    uint64 block_height = 2;
    // master_pub_rand is the master public randomness the finality provider has committed to
    // encoded as a base58 string
    string master_pub_rand = 3;
    // canonical_app_hash is the AppHash of the canonical block
    bytes canonical_app_hash = 4;
    // fork_app_hash is the AppHash of the fork block
    bytes fork_app_hash = 5;
    // canonical_finality_sig is the finality signature to the canonical block
    // where finality signature is an EOTS signature, i.e.,
    // the `s` in a Schnorr signature `(r, s)`
    // `r` is the public randomness that is already committed by the finality provider
    bytes canonical_finality_sig = 6 [ (gogoproto.customtype) = "" ];
    // fork_finality_sig is the finality signature to the fork block
    // where finality signature is an EOTS signature
    bytes fork_finality_sig = 7 [ (gogoproto.customtype) = "" ];

Signing info tracker

Information about finality providers' voting histories is tracked through FinalityProviderSigningInfo. It is indexed in the store as follows:

  • FinalityProviderSigningTracker: BTCPublicKey -> ProtoBuffer (FinalityProviderSigningInfo)

  • FinalityProviderMissedBlockBitmap: BTCPublicKey -> VarInt(didMiss) (varint is a number encoding format)

The first mapping allows us to easily look at the recent signing info for a finality provider based on its public key, while the second mapping (MissedBlocksBitArray) acts as a bit-array of size SignedBlocksWindow that tells us if the finality provider missed the block for a given index in the bit-array. The index in the bit-array is given as little-endian uint64. The result is a varint that takes on 0 or 1, where 0 indicates the finality provider did not miss (did sign) the corresponding block, and 1 indicates they missed the block (did not sign).

Note that the MissedBlocksBitArray is not explicitly initialized up-front. Keys are added as the first SignedBlocksWindow blocks for a newly active finality provider. The SignedBlocksWindow parameter defines the size (number of blocks) of the sliding window used to track finality provider liveness.

The information stored for tracking finality provider liveness is as follows:

// FinalityProviderSigningInfo defines a finality provider's signing info 
// for monitoring their liveness activity.
message FinalityProviderSigningInfo {
  // fp_btc_pk is the BTC PK of the finality provider that casts this finality
  // signature
  bytes fp_btc_pk = 1 [ (gogoproto.customtype) = "" ];
  // start_height is the block height at which finality provider become active
  int64 start_height = 2;
  // missed_blocks_counter defines a counter to avoid unnecessary array reads.
  // Note that `Sum(MissedBlocksBitArray)` always equals `MissedBlocksCounter`.
  int64 missed_blocks_counter = 3;

Note that the value of missed_blocks_counter in the FinalityProviderSigningInfo is the same as the summed value of the corresponding missed block bitmap. This is to avoid unnecessary bitmap reads. Also note that the judgement of whether a finality signature is missed or not is irreversible.

The two maps will be updated upon BeginBlock which will be described in a later section.


The Finality module handles the following messages from finality providers. The message formats are defined at proto/babylon/finality/v1/tx.proto. The message handlers are defined at x/finality/keeper/msg_server.go.


The MsgAddFinalitySig message is used for submitting a finality vote, i.e., an EOTS signature over a block signed by a finality provider. It is typically submitted by a finality provider via the finality provider program.

// MsgAddFinalitySig defines a message for adding a finality vote
message MsgAddFinalitySig {
    option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "signer";

    string signer = 1;
    // fp_btc_pk is the BTC PK of the finality provider that casts this vote
    bytes fp_btc_pk = 2 [ (gogoproto.customtype) = "" ];
    // block_height is the height of the voted block
    uint64 block_height = 3;
    // block_app_hash is the AppHash of the voted block
    bytes block_app_hash = 4;
    // finality_sig is the finality signature to this block
    // where finality signature is an EOTS signature, i.e.,
    // the `s` in a Schnorr signature `(r, s)`
    // `r` is the public randomness that is already committed by the finality provider
    bytes finality_sig = 5 [ (gogoproto.customtype) = "" ];

Upon MsgAddFinalitySig, a Babylon node will execute as follows:

  1. Ensure the finality provider has been registered in Babylon and is not slashed.
  2. Ensure the epoch that the finality provider is registered has been finalized by BTC timestamping.
  3. Ensure the finality provider has voting power at this height.
  4. Ensure the finality provider has not previously casted the same vote.
  5. Derive the EOTS public randomness using the committed EOTS master public randomness and the block height.
  6. Verify the EOTS signature w.r.t. the derived EOTS public randomness.
  7. If the voted block's AppHash is different from the canonical block at the same height known by the Babylon node, then this means the finality provider has voted for a fork. Babylon node buffers this finality vote to the evidence storage. If the finality provider has also voted for the block at the same height, then this finality provider is slashed, i.e., its voting power is removed, equivocation evidence is recorded, and a slashing event is emitted.
  8. If the voted block's AppHash is same as that of the canonical block at the same height, then this means the finality provider has voted for the canonical block, and the Babylon node will store this finality vote to the finality vote storage. If the finality provider has also voted for a fork block at the same height, then this finality provider will be slashed.


The MsgUpdateParams message is used for updating the module parameters for the Finality module. It can only be executed via a govenance proposal.

// MsgUpdateParams defines a message for updating finality module parameters.
message MsgUpdateParams {
    option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "authority";
    // authority is the address of the governance account.
    // just FYI: cosmos.AddressString marks that this field should use type alias
    // for AddressString instead of string, but the functionality is not yet implemented
    // in cosmos-proto
    string authority = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
    // params defines the finality parameters to update.
    // NOTE: All parameters must be supplied.
    Params params = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];


Upon EndBlocker, the Finality module of each Babylon node will execute the following if the BTC staking protocol is activated (i.e., there has been >=1 active BTC delegations):

  1. Index the current block, i.e., extract its height and AppHash, construct an IndexedBlock object, and save it to the indexed block storage.
  2. Tally all non-finalized blocks as follows:
    1. Find the starting height that the Babylon node should start to finalize. This is the earliest height that is not finalize yet since the activation of BTC staking.
    2. For each IndexedBlock between the starting height and the current height, tally this block as follows:
      1. Find the set of active finality providers at this height.
      2. If the finality provider set is empty, then this block is not finalizable and the Babylon node will skip this block.
      3. If the finality provider set is not empty, then find all finality votes on this IndexedBlock, and check whether this IndexedBlock has received votes of more than 2/3 voting power from the active finality provider set. If yes, then finalize this block, i.e., set this IndexedBlock to be finalized in the indexed block storage and distribute rewards to the voted finality providers and their BTC delegations. Otherwise, none of the subsequent blocks shall be finalized and the loop breaks here.
  3. Update the finality provider's voting history and label it to sluggish if the number of block it has missed has passed the parameterized threshold.


The Finality module defines the following events.

// EventSlashedFinalityProvider is the event emitted when a finality provider is slashed
// due to signing two conflicting blocks
message EventSlashedFinalityProvider {
    // evidence is the evidence that the finality provider double signs
    Evidence evidence = 1;

// EventSluggishFinalityProviderDetected is the event emitted when a finality provider is
// detected as sluggish
message EventSluggishFinalityProviderDetected {
// public_key is the BTC public key of the finality provider
string public_key = 1;

// EventSluggishFinalityProviderReverted is the event emitted when a sluggish finality
// provider is no longer considered sluggish
message EventSluggishFinalityProviderReverted {
// public_key is the BTC public key of the finality provider
string public_key = 1;


The Finality module provides a set of queries about finality signatures on each block, listed at