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Pull Requests & Reviews

Oscar Bjorkman edited this page Sep 19, 2020 · 2 revisions

Pull Requests

Once you've written some 🔥 code, you'll want it pushed

  1. Divide pull requests into small tasks
    • other people need to read your code and approve it, so lessen the burden!
  2. Push to your fork's relevant branch
  3. Submit a pull request into the this main repo's relevant branch
    • please include a Markdown formatted description of what you've changed
    • assign reviewers for approval

Review and Approval

As a reviewer, you have a responsibility to thoroughly check pull requests.
Preventing is easier than tracking down bugs and fixing.

  1. Fetch the pull request
    • actually run the code locally
  2. Read through every line of code
    • does it follow the style guide?
    • do class and variable names make sense?
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