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File metadata and controls

161 lines (114 loc) · 5.58 KB



Install node v8.3.0 or higher

brew install node

Install global node libraries lerna and react-native-cli

npm install -g lerna
npm install -g react-native-cli

For all the internal projects (detox, detox-cli, demos, test) lerna will create symbolic links in node_modules instead of npm copying the content of the projects. This way, any change you do on any code is there immediately. There is no need to update node modules or copy files between projects.

Install xcpretty

gem install xcpretty

Alternatively, run scripts/ / scripts/ to install all prerequisites.


Clone Detox and submodules

git clone [email protected]:wix/detox.git
cd detox
git submodule update --init --recursive

(this makes sure all git submodule dependencies are properly checked out)

Installing and linking internal projects

lerna bootstrap

Building & Testing


scripts/ and scripts/ are the scripts Detox runs in CI, they will run lerna bootstrap, unit tests, and E2E tests. Make sure these scripts pass before submitting a PR, this is exactly what Detox is going to run in CI.


Alternativley, you can run it manually

0. Fixing compilation issues in RN sources

Detox Android test project uses React Native sources instead of the precompiled AAR. The test project uses RN51 and RN53, both have issues with compilation (Fixed in RN55). In order to fix this issue, from inside detox/test run:

mv node_modules/react-native/ReactAndroid/release.gradle node_modules/react-native/ReactAndroid/release.gradle.bak

1. Unit tests

lerna run test

Detox JS code is 100% test covered and is set to break the build if coverage gets below, so make sure you run unit tests (lerna run test) locally before pushing.

Alternatively, to run only the JS tests, run the following from the detox/detox directory:

npm run unit
npm run unit:watch
How to read the coverage report

After running the tests, jest will create a coverage report.

cd detox
open coverage/lcov-report/index.html

2. Running Detox e2e coverage tests

Detox has a suite of e2e tests to test its own API while developing (and for regression); We maintain a special application that is "tested" against Detox's API, but essentially, it's the API that is tested, not the app.

To run the e2e tests, you must first build the native code and then run based on your target of choice (Android / iOS):

cd detox/test
npm run build:ios
npm run e2e:ios
cd detox/test
npm run build:android
npm run e2e:android

Android test project includes two flavors: fromBin - uses the precompiled aar from node_moudles just like a standard RN project. fromSource - compiles the project with RN sources from node_modules, this is useful when developing and debugging Espresso idle resource. Here are the prerequisites to compiling React Native from source.

Each build can be triggered separately by running its assemble task: ./gradlew assembleFromSourceDebug or ./gradlew assembleFromBinDebug.

To run from Android Studio, React native react.gradle script requires node to be in path. on macOS environment variables can be exported to desktop applications by adding the following to your .bashrc/.zshrc:

launchctl setenv PATH $PATH
Changing Detox e2e test suite

If you add, rename, or delete a test in detox/test/e2e suite, you should follow these steps:

  1. In detox/test project, build the ios project with npm run build:ios.
  2. Run all end-to-end tests on iOS with npm run e2e:ios.
  3. In detox/test project, build the android project with npm run build:android
  4. Run all end-to-end tests on Android with npm run e2e:android.

3. Android Native tests

  1. Install Java and Android SDK 25

  2. In detox/android run ./gradlew install run

    ./gradlew test

4. Running example projects on Android

Before you build one of example/demo-react-* projects for Android, you need to publish detox-999.999.999.aar locally:

cd detox/android
./gradlew publish -Dversion=999.999.999 

5. Code Generation

We are using a code generator based on babel and objective-c-parser to generate a Javascript Interface for EarlGrey (the testing library we use on iOS). This interface allows us to call Objective-C methods through the WebSocket connection directly on the testing device.

This approach is currently limited to GREYActions, but we plan on extending it to cover more functionality of EarlGrey. You may see the generated files under detox/src/ios/earlgreyapi/.

What happens under the hood can be seen in generation/; it boils down to these steps for each input file:

  1. Convert Objective-C header file in a JSON Representation
  2. Build an Abstract Syntax Tree: Create Class & for each method
    1. Check if the type can be expressed simpler (NSString * => NSString)
    2. Get the type checks for the arguments
    3. Get the return value
    4. Assemble type checks and return value to complete function
  3. Generate the code for the syntax tree & add helpers

If you would like to extend the code generation, please make sure to read the generation/