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dbt-server (for data platform engineers)

This section is dedicated to dbt-server deployment and maintenance by system administrators.

dbt-server is a Fastapi server allowing users to run dbt commands on Cloud Run jobs and to follow their execution in real-time. When the server receives a dbt command request, it creates and launches a job to execute it. The complete workflow is described in the Architecture schema.


  • A GCP project.
  • The following roles:
    • roles/datastore.owner
    • roles/logging.logWriter
    • roles/logging.viewer
    • roles/storage.admin
    • roles/run.developer
    • roles/iam.serviceAccountUser
    • roles/cloudscheduler.admin
  • The gcloud CLI. (gcloud install guide)


Export your env variables.

export PROJECT_ID=<your-project-id> &&
export LOCATION=<dbt-server-region>  # example: europe-west1

For the complete list of regions, run gcloud compute regions list

Setup your GCP project, gcloud CLI, and default credentials

gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID

Enable GCP APIs

gcloud services enable \ \ \ \ \ \

Create an artifact registry

gcloud artifacts repositories create dbt-server-repository --repository-format=docker --location=$LOCATION --description="Used to host the dbt-server docker image."

Create a bucket for artifacts

gcloud storage buckets create gs://$PROJECT_ID-dbt-server --project=$PROJECT_ID --location=$LOCATION

Create a service account that will be used for dbt runs

gcloud iam service-accounts create dbt-server-service-account --project=${PROJECT_ID}

Assign roles to the SA


for ROLE in ${ROLES[@]}
  gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
  --member=serviceAccount:dbt-server-service-account@${PROJECT_ID} \
  --condition=None \

Create a Firestore database (available locations:

gcloud firestore databases create --location=eur3

Install dbt-remote CLI

python3 -m pip install gcp-dbt-remote --no-cache-dir

Refresh your shell/venv:

source venv/bin/activate


conda activate

Build the server image

dbt-remote image submit --artifact-registry $$PROJECT_ID/dbt-server-repository

Deploy the server on Cloud Run

gcloud run deploy dbt-server \
	--image ${LOCATION}${PROJECT_ID}/dbt-server-repository/server-image \
	--platform managed \
	--region ${LOCATION} \
	--service-account=dbt-server-service-account@${PROJECT_ID} \
	--set-env-vars=BUCKET_NAME=${PROJECT_ID}-dbt-server \
	--set-env-vars=DOCKER_IMAGE=${LOCATION}${PROJECT_ID}/dbt-server-repository/server-image \
	--set-env-vars=SERVICE_ACCOUNT=dbt-server-service-account@${PROJECT_ID} \
	--set-env-vars=PROJECT_ID=${PROJECT_ID} \
	--set-env-vars=LOCATION=${LOCATION} \

The deployment of your dbt-server is finished!

To test it, you run the dbt-remote CLI in a dbt project to execute dbt commands on your server, such as

dbt-remote debug

Server Monitoring Dashboard

If you want to, you can deploy a monitoring dashboard with a few extra steps.

Upgrade the _Default logs buckets to support log analytics:

gcloud logging buckets update _Default --location=global --enable-analytics --project=$PROJECT_ID

Create a dataset that will allow you to query logs through BigQuery:

gcloud logging links create log_analytics --bucket=_Default --location=global --project=$PROJECT_ID

Now, go to the dashboard template and create a copy:

In the data source, modify the custom query to point to the right billing project and table:

Once this setup is done, your dashboard will display the last 30 days of dbt logs from your server. No other setup is required, the dash directly queries the logs, so the data will always be fresh.

Next steps:

  • Brand the dashboard for your client
  • Modify the SQL query and dashboard to display charts that make sense in your context
