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Building .deb packages for Debian, Ubuntu, etc.

larsmans edited this page Mar 13, 2012 · 1 revision

scikit-learn packages are available in recent distributions of Debian and Ubuntu, but these aren't always up to date. Here is a quick and dirty way to make a scikit-learn .deb package from source.

  1. Get the stdeb package:

     sudo apt-get install python-stdeb python-dev-all


     sudo pip install stdeb
  2. Fetch the latest scikit-learn tarball, or even checkout the bleeding edge from GitHub. Enter the toplevel source directory, then issue

     python --command-packages=stdeb.command bdist_deb

Now, you'll find a directory deb_dist under the toplevel dir, which contains a file python-scikit-learn_0.10-1_amd64.deb (or similar). There's your .deb, ready for installation with a command like sudo dpkg- i.

A word of warning: this .deb will not formally require Numpy or SciPy, but scikit-learn will still not run without those packages, so make sure you have them installed on any machine where you use the .deb.