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Migrating from Ethereum

Alexandra Roatis edited this page Jul 12, 2018 · 2 revisions

Resources for migrating from Ethereum:

  1. Video tutorial on Application Development on Aion.
  2. Video tutorial on Migrating Your DApp.
  3. Code examples for frequently used functionality.

The following table shows a list of differences between Aion and Ethereum that should be taken into consideration when migrating already implemented smart contracts from Ethereum to Aion:

Ethereum Aion
data word 256 bits 128 bits
local variable count 16 data word (of 256 bits) 16 data word (of 128 bits)
int size int8 – int256 int8 – int128
uint size uint8 – uint256 uint8 – uint128
inline assembly supported not supported (currently)
address 20 bytes 32 bytes
hash function (signatures & wallet) Keccak-256 Blake2b
signature function ECDSA – curve secp256k1 ECDSA - curve ED25519
compilers Solidity, LLL, Serpent Solidity
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