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File metadata and controls

executable file
20 lines (15 loc) · 1.03 KB

Wish/to-do list for glmmADMB

  • formula interface for zero-inflation
  • more complex variance models (ASREML syntax)
  • Can we add some sort of progress bar or "working ..." message in the absence of voluminous messages (difficult); better isolation of messages to set command-line flags
  • Add more examples, tests, vignettes ... especially a smaller (quicker) data set for the main example
  • work on predict() method; predictions incl REs
  • simulate() method
  • save (more) fitted models in inst/ so they can be used easily in examples without doing the fits each time
  • speed up (Skaug)
  • more robust first pass, weighted SS or quasi-likelihood (Fournier)
  • access to profiling
  • MCMC fixes: transform correlation parameter
  • sort out terms, formula methods to make step etc. work properly (check lme4 implementation, add fixed.only=FALSE option?)
  • would making predictions into sdreport variables give (Wald) CIs that included uncertainty in Var-Corr?
  • vignette: more on troubleshooting, R2admb intro, importance sample, AGQ, ... ?