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How to get profile information of all your connections

Zia Ur Rehman (Z.R.F) edited this page Feb 20, 2019 · 7 revisions

Linked Social Toolkit make easier to collect all data of your 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree connections. You can analyze connections profile information in Excel or any spreadsheet.

There are 2 ways to get profile information of your connections using Linked Social Toolkit

  1. Get profile information of targeted connections
  2. Get profile information of all your connections

Getting profile information of all your connections

You can get information of your all connections using Linked Social Toolkit. Click the “Get connections info” button from Linked Social Toolkit left menu then you will see dialog as below

How to Get profile information of  1st or 2nd or 3rd+ connections profiles on LinkedIn

Follow these steps for collecting connection profile information

  1. Click the “Get connections info” button from Linked Social Toolkit left menu
  2. Check “Get all connections” checkbox
  3. Click the "Get" button

How to get profile information of all connections?

Check “Get all connections” checkbox to get all your connections’ profile info one by one. Using this feature all search filters are ignored.

How to get profile information of all my connections

Feature explanation

Start position

Start position is the initial value where script start collecting profile information of connections in search results then increment start position when script finishes the search results returned by initial request. Start position 0 is most recently added connection in your connection list.

Start position

Total connections

Total number of profiles you want to scrape.


Delay between collecting every single profile information in seconds.

Start position Total connections and Delay

Click the “Stop script execution” button from Linked Social Toolkit left menu to stop script from collecting connections' profiles.

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