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🐛 Bug
:bug: Bug
Something isn't working
📩 Enhancement
:envelope_with_arrow: Enhancement
New feature or request
❔ Question
:grey_question: Question
Further information is requested
✔️ Done
:heavy_check_mark: Done
This issue won't be reopened again
➕ Accepted
:heavy_plus_sign: Accepted
This idea will be implemented
🙋‍♂️ Help Wanted
🙋‍♂️ Help Wanted
Extra attention is needed
⏳ Postponed
:hourglass_flowing_sand: Postponed
This will be worked on later
🔗 Duplicate
:link: Duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
⏱️ Verification Pending
:stopwatch: Verification Pending
It's not verified whether this issue has been fixed
🗑️ Denied
:wastebasket: Denied
This idea will not be implemented