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1317 lines (986 loc) · 49.2 KB

Web5 API Design (APID)

Last Updated May 30, 2024

Version 2.1.0

Custom DSL Version: 0.2.0


Refer to the Custom DSL for below syntax definitions.


Verifiable Credentials (VCs)

Data Model 1.1


We are currently missing credentialStatus, credentialSchema and evidence


/// Represents a Verifiable Credential according to the [W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model v1.1]( and conformant to the [Web5 specification](
/// A Verifiable Credential is a tamper-evident credential that has authorship that can be cryptographically verified.
CLASS VerifiableCredential

  /// A list of contexts used to define the semantic meaning of the data contained in the Verifiable Credential.
  PUBLIC DATA @context: []string
  /// The unique identifier for the Verifiable Credential.
  PUBLIC DATA id: string
  /// The type(s) of the Verifiable Credential.
  PUBLIC DATA type: []string
  /// The entity (either a string or an object) that issued the credential.
  PUBLIC DATA issuer: Issuer
  /// The subject of the credential, containing claims about the entity being described by the credential.
  PUBLIC DATA credential_subject: CredentialSubject
  /// The date and time when the credential was issued.
  PUBLIC DATA issuance_date: datetime
  /// The optional expiration date and time after which the credential is no longer valid.
  PUBLIC DATA expiration_date: datetime?
  /// The credential status information, if applicable (e.g., revoked or suspended).
  PUBLIC DATA credential_status: CredentialStatus?
  /// The credential schema, used to validate the data structure of the credential.
  PUBLIC DATA credential_schema: CredentialSchema?
  /// An array of evidence supporting the claims made in the credential.
  PUBLIC DATA evidence: []Evidence?

  /// Creates a new Verifiable Credential with the specified issuer, subject, and optional creation options.
  /// @param issuer The entity issuing the credential. The issuer must be a valid DID.
  /// @param credential_subject The subject of the credential containing claims. The subject must be a valid DID.
  /// @param options Optional parameters for creating the credential, such as schema or status.
  CONSTRUCTOR create(issuer: Issuer, credential_subject: CredentialSubject, options: VerifiableCredentialCreateOptions?)
  /// Constructs a Verifiable Credential from a VC JWT (JSON Web Token).
  /// @param vc_jwt The Verifiable Credential in JWT format, serialized as a compact JWS.
  /// @param verify If true, verifies the integrity of the JWT by performing cryptographic verification against the signature, validating the VC Data Model, and validates the JSON Schema if present.
  CONSTRUCTOR from_vc_jwt(vc_jwt: string, verify: bool)

  /// Signs the Verifiable Credential using the specified Bearer DID and optional verification method.
  /// @param bearer_did The DID used to sign the credential.
  /// @param verification_method_id Optional identifier of the Verification Method for which to sign with.
  /// @returns A string representing the signed JWT, serialized as a compact JWS, of the Verifiable Credential.
  METHOD sign(bearer_did: BearerDid, verification_method_id: String?): string

Object with at least a non-empty id: string data member.


Object or string, and if Object then at least non-empty id: string and name: string data members.


Object with any data members.

/// Represents the status information of a Verifiable Credential.
/// CredentialStatus is used to indicate the revocation or suspension status of a credential.
CLASS CredentialStatus

  /// The unique identifier for the credential status.
  PUBLIC DATA id: string
  /// The type(s) of the credential status.
  PUBLIC DATA type: []string
  /// The purpose of the status (e.g., "revocation" or "suspension").
  PUBLIC DATA status_purpose: string
  /// The index in the status list indicating the credential's position.
  PUBLIC DATA status_list_index: string
  /// The unique identifier for the Verifiable Credential that lists the status of the credential.
  PUBLIC DATA status_list_credential: string
/// Represents the options available when creating a Verifiable Credential.
/// These options allow customization of various attributes of the credential during its creation.
CLASS VerifiableCredentialCreateOptions

  /// The unique identifier for the Verifiable Credential. This is optional.
  /// If not provided the default value will be of format urn:uuid:{uuid}.
  PUBLIC DATA id: string?
  /// The context(s) for the Verifiable Credential, which define the meaning of terms within the credential.
  /// The base context is always the first value whereafter values provided here will be appended.
  /// If the base context is also provided here it will be de-duplicated against the base context already applied by default.
  PUBLIC DATA context: []string?
  /// The type(s) of the Verifiable Credential.
  /// The base type VerifiableCredential will always be the first value whereafter values provided here will be appeneded onto.
  /// If the base type is also provided here then it will be de-duplicated against the base type referred to above.
  PUBLIC DATA type: []string?
  /// The issuance date of the credential. If not provided, defaults to the current date and time.
  PUBLIC DATA issuance_date: datetime?
  /// The optional expiration date for the credential, after which it is no longer valid.
  PUBLIC DATA expiration_date: datetime?
  /// The optional credential status, which indicates revocation or suspension information.
  PUBLIC DATA credential_status: CredentialStatus?

  /// The credential schema, used to validate the data structure of the credential. This is optional.
  /// JSON Schema validation is performed if the value is provided, and creation will fail if validation fails.
  PUBLIC DATA credential_schema: CredentialSchema?
  /// An optional array of evidence supporting the claims made in the credential.
  PUBLIC DATA evidence: []Evidence?



/// Represents a Status List Credential, which is used to maintain the revocation or suspension status of multiple Verifiable Credentials.
/// A Status List Credential is a special type of Verifiable Credential that tracks the status of other credentials.
CLASS StatusListCredential

  /// The base Verifiable Credential associated with the Status List.
  PUBLIC DATA base: VerifiableCredential
  /// Creates a new Status List Credential with the specified issuer, status purpose, and the list of disabled credentials.
  /// @param issuer The entity issuing the Status List Credential.
  /// @param status_purpose The purpose of the status (e.g., "revocation").
  /// @param disabled_credentials A list of Verifiable Credentials that are disabled (revoked or suspended).
  CONSTRUCTOR create(issuer: Issuer, status_purpose: string, disabled_credentials: []VerifiableCredential)
  /// Checks whether the specified Verifiable Credential is disabled in the Status List.
  /// @param credential The Verifiable Credential to check.
  /// @returns A boolean value indicating whether the credential is disabled (true if disabled, false otherwise).
  METHOD is_disabled(credential VerifiableCredential): bool



/// Represents a Verifiable Presentation according to the [W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model v1.1](
/// and conformant to the [Web5 specification](
/// A Verifiable Presentation allows a holder to present one or more Verifiable Credentials to a verifier.
CLASS VerifiablePresentation

  /// A list of contexts used to define the semantic meaning of the data contained in the presentation.
  PUBLIC DATA @context: []string
  /// The unique identifier for the Verifiable Presentation.
  PUBLIC DATA id: string
  /// The type(s) of the Verifiable Presentation.
  PUBLIC DATA type: []string
  /// The holder of the Verifiable Presentation, identified by a DID or other identifier.
  PUBLIC DATA holder: string
  /// The date and time when the presentation was issued.
  PUBLIC DATA issuance_date: datetime
  /// The optional expiration date and time after which the presentation is no longer valid.
  PUBLIC DATA expiration_date: datetime?
  /// A list of Verifiable Credentials contained within the presentation.
  PUBLIC DATA verifiable_credential: []string
  /// Additional data that may be included in the presentation, represented as a key-value map.
  PUBLIC DATA additional_data: Map<string, string>?

  /// Creates a new Verifiable Presentation with the specified holder, Verifiable Credential JWTs, and optional creation options.
  /// @param holder The entity holding and presenting the Verifiable Presentation. The holder must be a valid DID.
  /// @param vc_jwts A list of Verifiable Credential JWTs to include in the presentation. All `vc_jwt` values are verified and the call will will if any fail verification.
  /// @param options Optional parameters for creating the presentation, such as context or expiration.
  CONSTRUCTOR create(holder: string, vc_jwts: []string, options: VerifiablePresentationCreateOptions?)
  /// Constructs a Verifiable Presentation from a VP JWT (JSON Web Token).
  /// @param vp_jwt The Verifiable Presentation in JWT format, serialized as a compact JWS.
  /// @param verify If true, verifies the integrity of the JWT by performing cryptographic verification against the signature and validating the Data Model.
  CONSTRUCTOR from_vp_jwt(vp_jwt: string, verify: bool)

  /// Signs the Verifiable Presentation using the specified Bearer DID and optional verification method.
  /// @param bearer_did The DID used to sign the presentation.
  /// @param verification_method_id Optional identifier  of the Verification Method for which to sign with.
  /// @returns A string representing the signed JWT, serialized as a compact JWS, of the Verifiable Presentation.
  METHOD sign(bearer_did: BearerDid, verification_method_id: String?): string


/// Represents the options available when creating a Verifiable Presentation.
/// These options allow customization of various attributes of the presentation during its creation.
CLASS VerifiablePresentationCreateOptions

  /// The unique identifier for the Verifiable Presentation. This is optional.
  /// If not provided then the default value will be of format urn:uuid:{uuid}.
  PUBLIC DATA id: string?
  /// The context(s) for the Verifiable Presentation, which define the meaning of terms within the presentation.
  /// The base context is always the first value whereafter values provided here will be appended onto.
  /// If the base context is also provided here then it will be de-duplicated against the base context referred to above.
  PUBLIC DATA context: []string?
  /// The type(s) of the Verifiable Presentation.
  /// The base type VerifiablePresentation will always be the first value whereafter values provided here will be appeneded onto.
  /// If the base type is also provided here then it will be de-duplicated against the base type referred to above.
  PUBLIC DATA type: []string?
  /// The issuance date of the presentation. If not provided, defaults to the current date and time.
  PUBLIC DATA issuance_date: datetime?
  /// The optional expiration date for the presentation, after which it is no longer valid.
  PUBLIC DATA expiration_date: datetime?
  /// Additional data that may be included in the presentation, represented as a key-value map.
  PUBLIC DATA additional_data: Map<string, string>?

Presentation Exchange (PEX)


/// Represents a Presentation Definition in the context of Presentation Exchange.
/// A Presentation Definition specifies the requirements for Verifiable Credentials to be presented.
CLASS PresentationDefinition

  /// The unique identifier for the Presentation Definition.
  PUBLIC DATA id: string
  /// The name of the Presentation Definition. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA name: string?
  /// The purpose of the Presentation Definition, explaining its intent. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA purpose: string?
  /// A list of input descriptors defining the Verifiable Credentials required for the presentation.
  PUBLIC DATA input_descriptors: []InputDescriptor
  /// Selects the Verifiable Credentials from the provided list of Verifiable Credential JWTs that satisfy the input descriptors.
  /// @param vc_jwts A list of Verifiable Credential JWTs to select from.
  /// @returns A list of Verifiable Credential JWTs that match the input descriptors.
  METHOD select_credentials(vc_jwts: []string): []string
  /// Creates a Verifiable Presentation from the selected Verifiable Credentials based on the input descriptors.
  /// @param vc_jwts A list of Verifiable Credential JWTs to include in the presentation.
  /// @returns A PresentationResult containing the created Verifiable Presentation.
  METHOD create_presentation_from_credentials(vc_jwts: []string): PresentationResult


/// Represents an Input Descriptor, which defines the required properties of Verifiable Credentials
/// for inclusion in a presentation as part of a Presentation Definition.
CLASS InputDescriptor

  /// The unique identifier for the Input Descriptor.
  PUBLIC DATA id: string
  /// The name of the Input Descriptor. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA name: string?
  /// The purpose of the Input Descriptor, explaining its intent. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA purpose: string?
  /// The constraints defining the required properties and structure of the Verifiable Credentials.
  PUBLIC DATA constraints: Constraints


/// Represents the constraints that define the required properties of Verifiable Credentials 
/// for inclusion in a presentation as part of an Input Descriptor.
CLASS Constraints

  /// A list of fields that define the required structure and values of the Verifiable Credentials.
  PUBLIC DATA fields: []Field


/// Represents a field within the constraints of an Input Descriptor.
/// Defines the required structure and values for a specific attribute of a Verifiable Credential.

  /// The unique identifier for the field. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA id: string?
  /// The name of the field. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA name: string?
  /// The JSON paths to the data in the Verifiable Credential that must satisfy the field's constraints.
  PUBLIC DATA path: []string
  /// The purpose of the field, explaining its intent. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA purpose: string?
  /// An optional filter to apply additional constraints on the values of the field.
  PUBLIC DATA filter: Filter?
  /// Indicates whether the field is optional or required.
  PUBLIC DATA optional: bool?
  /// Specifies whether the field should be treated as a predicate (for comparison purposes).
  PUBLIC DATA predicate: Optionality?


/// Represents the optionality of a field in an Input Descriptor.
/// Defines whether a field is required or preferred.
ENUM Optionality

  /// The field is required.
  /// The field is preferred but not mandatory.


/// Represents a filter applied to a field in an Input Descriptor.
/// Defines additional constraints that the field's values must satisfy.
CLASS Filter

  /// The type of the value expected for the field.
  PUBLIC DATA type: string?
  /// A regular expression pattern that the field's value must match. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA pattern: string?
  /// A constant value that the field's value must equal. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA const_value: string?
  /// A nested filter to apply further constraints on the field. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA contains: Filter?


/// Represents the result of creating a Verifiable Presentation based on a Presentation Definition.
/// Contains the presentation submission and the matched Verifiable Credentials.
CLASS PresentationResult

  /// The submission of the presentation, containing the mapping between input descriptors and Verifiable Credentials.
  PUBLIC DATA presentation_submission: PresentationSubmission
  /// A list of the Verifiable Credential JWTs that matched the input descriptors.
  PUBLIC DATA matched_vc_jwts: []string


/// Represents the submission of a Verifiable Presentation in response to a Presentation Definition.
/// Contains the mapping between input descriptors and the Verifiable Credentials used in the presentation.
CLASS PresentationSubmission

  /// The unique identifier for the presentation submission.
  PUBLIC DATA id: string
  /// The identifier of the Presentation Definition that this submission satisfies.
  PUBLIC DATA definition_id: string
  /// A list of mappings between input descriptors and the Verifiable Credentials provided.
  PUBLIC DATA descriptor_map: []InputDescriptorMapping


/// Represents a mapping between an Input Descriptor and a Verifiable Credential in a Presentation Submission.
/// Defines how the credentials satisfy the input descriptors in the Presentation Definition.
CLASS InputDescriptorMapping

  /// The unique identifier for the Input Descriptor being satisfied.
  PUBLIC DATA id: string
  /// The format of the Verifiable Credential (e.g., JWT or JSON-LD).
  PUBLIC DATA format: string
  /// The JSON path to the credential that satisfies the Input Descriptor.
  PUBLIC DATA path: string
  /// An optional nested mapping for further structuring of the credential.
  PUBLIC DATA path_nested: InputDescriptorMapping?


/// Represents a submission requirement in a Presentation Definition.
/// Specifies rules for how Verifiable Credentials must be selected and combined in a presentation.
CLASS SubmissionRequirement

  /// The rule defining how the credentials must be selected (e.g., "all" or "pick").
  PUBLIC DATA rule: SubmissionRequirementRule
  /// The identifier of the source from which credentials should be selected. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA from: string?
  /// A list of nested submission requirements, allowing for more complex selection rules. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA from_nested: []SubmissionRequirement?
  /// The name of the submission requirement. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA name: string?
  /// The purpose of the submission requirement, explaining its intent. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA purpose: string?
  /// The exact number of credentials required to satisfy this submission requirement. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA count: uint32?
  /// The minimum number of credentials required to satisfy this submission requirement. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA min: uint32?
  /// The maximum number of credentials allowed to satisfy this submission requirement. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA max: uint32?


/// Defines the rule for how Verifiable Credentials must be selected in a submission requirement.
ENUM SubmissionRequirementRule

  /// All credentials that match the requirement must be selected.
  /// A subset of the credentials that match the requirement may be selected.




Public & private key material are currently strictly represented as Jwk, but as the requirement for additional representations (ex: CBOR) present themselves, key material will need to be disintermediated via a polymorphic base class such as PublicKeyMaterial (which would expose an instance method for get_verifier_bytes()) and PrivateKeyMaterial (which would expose instance methods for to_public_jwk_material() and get_signer_bytes()), both of which would implement as_jwk(), as_cbor() and any other concrete representations as instance methods.

/// Represents a JSON Web Key (JWK) as defined by RFC 7517.
/// A JWK is a JSON representation of a cryptographic key used for signing, verification, encryption, or decryption.

  /// Identifies the algorithm intended for use with the key (e.g., "EdDSA", "ES256").
  PUBLIC DATA alg: string?
  /// The key type (e.g., "EC" for elliptic curve, "OKP" for Edwards curve).
  PUBLIC DATA kty: string
  /// The curve name for Elliptic Curve (EC) and Edwards Curve (OKP) keys (e.g., "secp256k1", "Ed25519").
  PUBLIC DATA crv: string
  /// The X coordinate for EC keys, or the public key for OKP.
  PUBLIC DATA x: string
  /// The Y coordinate for EC keys. This is optional and used for certain types of keys.
  PUBLIC DATA y: string?
  /// The private key component for EC or OKP keys. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA d: string?

Key Managers


/// Represents a Key Manager interface for managing cryptographic keys.
/// Provides methods for retrieving signers and importing private keys.

  /// Returns the signer for the given public JWK.
  /// @param public_jwk The public JWK used to retrieve the corresponding signer.
  /// @returns A Signer instance for the provided public JWK.
  METHOD get_signer(public_jwk: Jwk): Signer

  /// Imports a private JWK and returns the corresponding public JWK.
  /// @param private_jwk The private JWK to be imported.
  /// @returns The public JWK corresponding to the imported private JWK.
  METHOD import_private_jwk(private_jwk: Jwk): Jwk



Exporting private key material is an unsafe practice and should be constrained to development settings.

/// Represents a Key Exporter interface for exporting private key material.
/// Provides methods to safely export private JWKs. Intended for development and testing environments only.

  /// Exports the full set of private keys as JWKs.
  /// @returns An array of JWKs representing the private keys.
  METHOD export_private_jwks(): []Jwk


The InMemoryKeyManager manages private keys in working memory, and so therefore any production utilization of the instance may be exposed to memory safety vulnerabilities; the InMemoryKeyManager is primarily intended for development & testing environments. For cases wherein this is unacceptable, KeyManager & Signer are both polymorphic bases classes which can be implemented and utilized in the dependent areas.

/// Represents an in-memory key manager that stores cryptographic key material in memory.
/// This class is primarily intended for development and testing environments due to memory safety concerns.
CLASS InMemoryKeyManager IMPLEMENTS KeyManager, KeyExporter

  /// Creates a new in-memory key manager with the specified private JWKs.
  /// @param private_jwks A list of private JWKs to be managed in memory.
  CONSTRUCTOR(private_jwks: []Jwk)

  /// Returns the signer for the given public JWK.
  /// @param public_jwk The public JWK used to retrieve the corresponding signer.
  /// @returns A Signer instance for the provided public JWK.
  METHOD get_signer(public_jwk: Jwk): Signer

  /// Imports a private JWK and returns the corresponding public JWK.
  /// @param private_jwk The private JWK to be imported.
  /// @returns The public JWK corresponding to the imported private JWK.
  METHOD import_private_jwk(private_jwk: Jwk): Jwk

  /// Exports the full set of private keys as JWKs.
  /// @returns An array of JWKs representing the private keys.
  METHOD export_private_jwks(): []Jwk

Digital Signature Algorithms (DSA)


/// Represents the set of Digital Signature Algorithms (DSA) supported by the SDK.
/// Used to indicate the algorithm used for signing and verification.

  /// Ed25519 digital signature algorithm.
  /// Secp256k1 elliptic curve digital signature algorithm.

We must add support for X25519 and secp256r1 for full did:dht conformance.


/// Represents a signer interface for digital signatures using a private key.
/// Provides methods for signing data.

  /// Signs the given payload using the encapsulated private key material.
  /// @param payload The data to be signed.
  /// @returns The signature as a byte array.
  METHOD sign(payload: []byte): []byte


/// Represents a verifier interface for verifying digital signatures using public key material.
/// Provides methods for verifying data against a signature.

  /// Verifies the given signature against the payload using the encapsulated public key material.
  /// @param payload The original data that was signed.
  /// @param signature The signature to be verified.
  /// @returns A boolean indicating whether the verification was successful.
  METHOD verify(payload: []byte, signature: []byte): bool


/// Represents a generator for creating Ed25519 key pairs.
/// Provides a method to generate private key material for the Ed25519 digital signature algorithm.
CLASS Ed25519Generator

  /// Generates a new Ed25519 key pair, returning the JWK containing both the private and public key material.
  /// @returns A JWK representing the Ed25519 private and public keys.
  STATIC METHOD generate(): Jwk


/// Represents a signer implementation for the Ed25519 digital signature algorithm.
/// Provides methods for signing data using an Ed25519 private key.
CLASS Ed25519Signer IMPLEMENTS Signer

  /// Creates a new Ed25519Signer with the given private JWK.
  /// @param private_jwk The private JWK used for signing.
  CONSTRUCTOR(private_jwk: Jwk)

  /// Signs the given payload using the Ed25519 private key.
  /// @param payload The data to be signed.
  /// @returns The signature as a byte array.
  METHOD sign(payload: []byte): []byte


/// Represents a verifier implementation for the Ed25519 digital signature algorithm.
/// Provides methods for verifying data using an Ed25519 public key.
CLASS Ed25519Verifier IMPLEMENTS Verifier

  /// Creates a new Ed25519Verifier with the given public JWK.
  /// @param public_jwk The public JWK used for verification.
  CONSTRUCTOR(public_jwk: Jwk)

  /// Verifies the given signature against the payload using the Ed25519 public key.
  /// @param payload The original data that was signed.
  /// @param signature The signature to be verified.
  /// @returns A boolean indicating whether the verification was successful.
  METHOD verify(payload: []byte): bool


/// Represents a generator for creating Secp256k1 key pairs.
/// Provides a method to generate private key material for the Secp256k1 elliptic curve digital signature algorithm.
CLASS Secp256k1Generator

  /// Generates a new Secp256k1 key pair, returning the JWK containing both the private and public key material.
  /// @returns A JWK representing the Secp256k1 private and public keys.
  STATIC METHOD generate(): Jwk


/// Represents a signer implementation for the Secp256k1 elliptic curve digital signature algorithm.
/// Provides methods for signing data using a Secp256k1 private key.
CLASS Secp256k1Signer IMPLEMENTS Signer

  /// Creates a new Secp256k1Signer with the given private JWK.
  /// @param private_jwk The private JWK used for signing.
  CONSTRUCTOR(private_jwk: Jwk)

  /// Signs the given payload using the Secp256k1 private key.
  /// @param payload The data to be signed.
  /// @returns The signature as a byte array.
  METHOD sign(payload: []byte): []byte


/// Represents a verifier implementation for the Secp256k1 elliptic curve digital signature algorithm.
/// Provides methods for verifying data using a Secp256k1 public key.
CLASS Secp256k1Verifier IMPLEMENTS Verifier

  /// Creates a new Secp256k1Verifier with the given public JWK.
  /// @param public_jwk The public JWK used for verification.
  CONSTRUCTOR(public_jwk: Jwk)

  /// Verifies the given signature against the payload using the Secp256k1 public key.
  /// @param payload The original data that was signed.
  /// @param signature The signature to be verified.
  /// @returns A boolean indicating whether the verification was successful.
  METHOD verify(payload: []byte): bool


/// Represents a generator for creating X25519 key pairs.
/// Provides a method to generate private key material for the X25519 key exchange algorithm.
CLASS X25519Generator

  /// Generates a new X25519 key pair, returning the JWK containing both the private and public key material.
  /// @returns A JWK representing the X25519 private and public keys.
  STATIC METHOD generate(): Jwk

Decentralized Identifier's (DIDs)


/// Represents a Decentralized Identifier (DID) according to the W3C DID Core Specification.
/// A DID is a globally unique identifier that enables verifiable, decentralized digital identity.

  /// The complete Decentralized Identifier (DID) URI.
  /// Specifies the DID syntax as per the W3C DID Core specification.
  PUBLIC DATA uri: string
  /// The DID URI plus a network location identifier for a specific resource.
  PUBLIC DATA url: string
  /// The method component of the DID URI, indicating the identifier scheme (e.g., "jwk", "dht").
  PUBLIC DATA method: string
  /// The method-specific identifier component in the DID URI.
  PUBLIC DATA id: string
  /// A map containing optional parameters present in the DID URI, which are method-specific.
  PUBLIC DATA params: Map<string, string>?
  /// An optional path component in the DID URI.
  PUBLIC DATA path: string?
  /// An optional query component in the DID URI, used to express a request for a specific representation or resource.
  PUBLIC DATA query: string?
  /// An optional fragment component in the DID URI, used to reference a specific part of a DID document.
  PUBLIC DATA fragment: string?
  /// Parses a DID URI and constructs a new Did object.
  /// @param uri The DID URI to parse.
  CONSTRUCTOR parse(uri: string)

Example: Instantiate from a did:dht

uri = "did:dht:i9xkp8ddcbcg8jwq54ox699wuzxyifsqx4jru45zodqu453ksz6y"
did = new Did(uri)

Data Model


/// Represents a DID Document according to the W3C DID Core Specification.
/// A DID Document contains the public keys, services, and other metadata associated with a DID.
CLASS Document

  /// The DID URI for the subject of the DID Document.
  PUBLIC DATA id: string
  /// An optional array of contexts defining the semantic meaning of the properties within the document.
  PUBLIC DATA @context: []string?
  /// An optional array of DIDs that are authorized to control the DID Document.
  PUBLIC DATA controller: []string?
  /// An optional array of other identifiers associated with the DID subject.
  PUBLIC DATA alsoKnownAs: []string?
  /// An array of verification methods (e.g., public keys) associated with the DID subject.
  PUBLIC DATA verificationMethod: []VerificationMethod
  /// An optional array of methods for authenticating the DID subject.
  PUBLIC DATA authentication: []string?
  /// An optional array of methods for asserting claims on behalf of the DID subject.
  PUBLIC DATA assertionMethod: []string?
  /// An optional array of methods for establishing secure communication channels with the DID subject.
  PUBLIC DATA keyAgreement: []string?
  /// An optional array of methods for invoking cryptographic capabilities on behalf of the DID subject.
  PUBLIC DATA capabilityInvocation: []string?
  /// An optional array of methods for delegating cryptographic capabilities on behalf of the DID subject.
  PUBLIC DATA capabilityDelegation: []string?
  /// An optional array of services associated with the DID subject.
  PUBLIC DATA service: []Service?
  /// Constructs a DID Document from a JSON string.
  /// @param json The JSON string representing the DID Document.
  CONSTRUCTOR from_json_string(json: string)

  /// Converts the DID Document to a JSON string.
  /// @returns A JSON string representation of the DID Document.
  METHOD to_json_string(): string


/// Represents a verification method in a DID Document.
/// A verification method is typically a cryptographic public key used for authenticating or authorizing actions.
CLASS VerificationMethod

  /// The unique identifier for the verification method.
  PUBLIC DATA id: string
  /// The type of the verification method (e.g., "JsonWebKey2020").
  PUBLIC DATA type: string
  /// The controller of the verification method, typically the DID subject or another authorized entity.
  PUBLIC DATA controller: string
  /// The public key in JWK format associated with the verification method.
  PUBLIC DATA publicKeyJwk: Jwk


/// Represents a service in a DID Document.
/// Services define ways to interact with the DID subject, such as communication endpoints or capabilities.
CLASS Service

  /// The unique identifier for the service.
  PUBLIC DATA id: string
  /// The type of the service (e.g., "MessagingService").
  PUBLIC DATA type: string
  /// The service endpoint, which can be a URL or other communication protocol.
  PUBLIC DATA serviceEndpoint: []string



/// Represents the result of resolving a Decentralized Identifier (DID).
/// Contains the resolved DID Document and associated metadata.
CLASS ResolutionResult

  /// The resolved DID Document, if available.
  PUBLIC DATA document: Document?
  /// The metadata associated with the resolved DID Document.
  PUBLIC DATA document_metadata: DocumentMetadata?
  /// The metadata associated with the resolution process.
  PUBLIC DATA resolution_metadata: ResolutionMetadata
  /// Resolves a DID and returns the corresponding ResolutionResult.
  /// @param uri The DID URI to resolve.
  /// @returns The result of the DID resolution process.
  CONSTRUCTOR resolve(uri: string)


/// Represents error codes from the DID resolution process.
/// Used to indicate specific issues encountered during resolution.
ENUM ResolutionMetadataError

  /// The DID provided was invalid and resolution could not proceed.
  /// The DID was not found during resolution.
  /// The requested representation of the DID payload is not supported.
  /// The DID method used is not supported by the resolver.
  /// The DID Document found was invalid or not conformant.
  /// The DID Document length exceeded acceptable limits.
  /// An internal error occurred during the DID resolution process.


/// Represents the metadata associated with the resolution of a Decentralized Identifier (DID).
/// Provides information about the resolution process, including errors if any occurred.
CLASS ResolutionMetadata

  /// The error code from the resolution process, if an error occurred.
  PUBLIC DATA error: ResolutionMetadataError?


/// Represents the metadata associated with a resolved DID Document.
/// Contains information about the lifecycle and versioning of the DID Document.
CLASS DocumentMetadata

  /// The timestamp when the DID Document was created. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA created: string?
  /// The timestamp when the DID Document was last updated. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA updated: string?
  /// Indicates whether the DID has been deactivated. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA deactivated: bool?
  /// The timestamp for when the DID Document is scheduled for the next update. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA nextUpdate: string?
  /// The identifier for the version of the DID Document. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA versionId: string?
  /// The identifier for the next version of the DID Document. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA nextVersionId: string?
  /// A list of equivalent DIDs, indicating alternative identifiers for the DID subject. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA equivalentId: []string?
  /// The canonical identifier for the DID, representing its authoritative form. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA canonicalId: string?



/// Represents a DID using the JWK (JSON Web Key) method.
/// Provides methods for creating and resolving DIDs based on JWKs.

  /// Creates a new DID based on a JWK with the specified options.
  /// @param options Optional parameters for creating the DID.
  /// @returns A BearerDid instance representing the created DID.
  STATIC METHOD create(options: DidJwkCreateOptions?): BearerDid
  /// Resolves a DID JWK URI and returns the corresponding ResolutionResult.
  /// @param uri The DID JWK URI to resolve.
  /// @returns The result of the DID resolution process.
  STATIC METHOD resolve(uri: string): ResolutionResult


/// Represents the options available when creating a DID using the JWK method.
/// Allows customization of key management and signature algorithms.
CLASS DidJwkCreateOptions

  /// The key manager responsible for handling key material. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA key_manager: KeyManager?
  /// The digital signature algorithm to be used (e.g., "Ed25519", "Secp256k1"). This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA dsa: Dsa?



The create does not publish the DID Document to a host, but creates the instance of the did:web BearerDid in the local scope.

/// Represents a DID using the Web method.
/// Provides methods for creating and resolving DIDs based on domain names.

  /// Creates a new DID based on a domain name with the specified options.
  /// @param domain The domain name to associate with the DID.
  /// @param options Optional parameters for creating the DID.
  /// @returns A BearerDid instance representing the created DID.
  STATIC METHOD create(domain: string, options: DidWebCreateOptions?): BearerDid
  /// Resolves a DID Web URI and returns the corresponding ResolutionResult.
  /// @param uri The DID Web URI to resolve.
  /// @returns The result of the DID resolution process.
  STATIC METHOD resolve(uri: string): ResolutionResult


/// Represents the options available when creating a DID using the Web method.
/// Allows customization of the DID's services, controllers, and verification methods.
CLASS DidWebCreateOptions

  /// The key manager responsible for handling key material. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA key_manager: KeyManager?
  /// The digital signature algorithm to be used (e.g., "Ed25519", "Secp256k1"). This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA dsa: Dsa?
  /// An optional array of services associated with the DID.
  PUBLIC DATA service: []Service?
  /// An optional array of controllers authorized to manage the DID.
  PUBLIC DATA controller: []string?
  /// An optional array of additional DIDs associated with the subject.
  PUBLIC DATA also_known_as: []string?
  /// An optional array of verification methods (e.g., public keys) associated with the DID.
  PUBLIC DATA verification_method: []VerificationMethod?


/// Represents a DID using the DHT (Distributed Hash Table) method.
/// Provides methods for creating, publishing, and resolving DIDs on a DHT network.

  /// Creates a new DID using the DHT method with the specified options.
  /// @param options Optional parameters for creating the DID.
  /// @returns A BearerDid instance representing the created DID.
  STATIC METHOD create(options: DidDhtCreateOptions?): BearerDid

  /// Publishes the DID Document to the specified DHT gateway.
  /// @param bearer_did The DID to be published.
  /// @param gateway_url Optional URL of the DHT gateway where the DID Document will be published.
  STATIC METHOD publish(bearer_did: BearerDid, gateway_url: string?)

  /// Resolves a DID DHT URI and returns the corresponding ResolutionResult.
  /// @param uri The DID DHT URI to resolve.
  /// @param gateway_url Optional URL of the DHT gateway to use for resolving the DID.
  /// @returns The result of the DID resolution process.
  STATIC METHOD resolve(uri: string, gateway_url: string?): ResolutionResult


resolve() makes use of Ed25519Verifier internally for DNS packet verification.


/// Represents the options available when creating a DID using the DHT method.
/// Allows customization of the DID's services, controllers, and verification methods.
CLASS DidDhtCreateOptions

  /// The key manager responsible for handling key material. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA key_manager: KeyManager?
  /// An optional array of services associated with the DID.
  PUBLIC DATA service: []Service?
  /// An optional array of controllers authorized to manage the DID.
  PUBLIC DATA controller: []string?
  /// An optional array of additional DIDs associated with the subject.
  PUBLIC DATA also_known_as: []string?
  /// An optional array of verification methods (e.g., public keys) associated with the DID.
  PUBLIC DATA verification_method: []VerificationMethod?
  /// A flag indicating whether the DID should be published upon creation. Defaults to true.
  PUBLIC DATA publish: bool? = true
  /// The URL of the DHT gateway to use for publishing or resolving the DID. This is optional.
  PUBLIC DATA gateway_url: string?


/// Represents a Bearer Decentralized Identifier (DID).
/// A BearerDid contains both the DID and the associated DID Document along with the key management logic.
CLASS BearerDid

  /// The DID associated with this BearerDid instance.
  PUBLIC DATA did: Did
  /// The DID Document associated with this BearerDid instance.
  PUBLIC DATA document: Document
  /// The key manager responsible for handling cryptographic operations for this DID.
  PUBLIC DATA key_manager: KeyManager

  /// Creates a new BearerDid from a PortableDid instance.
  /// @param portable_did The PortableDid instance to convert into a BearerDid.
  CONSTRUCTOR from_portable_did(portable_did: PortableDid)

  /// Converts the BearerDid into a PortableDid by exporting the private key material.
  /// @param key_exporter The KeyExporter instance used to export private key material.
  /// @returns A PortableDid instance representing the BearerDid.
  METHOD to_portable_did(key_exporter: KeyExporter): PortableDid
  /// Retrieves a signer for the specified verification method associated with this BearerDid.
  /// @param verification_method_id The identifier of the verification method to retrieve the signer for.
  /// @returns A Signer instance for the specified verification method.
  METHOD get_signer(verification_method_id: string): Signer


The PortableDid is a JSON serialized representation of a BearerDid.


The PortableDid contains serialized private key material and it is therefore NOT SAFE for production environments; the PortableDid is primarily intended for usage in development & testing environments.

/// Represents a Portable Decentralized Identifier (DID).
/// A PortableDid is a JSON-serialized representation of a BearerDid, including private key material.
/// This format is primarily intended for development and testing environments.
CLASS PortableDid

  /// The URI representing the PortableDid.
  PUBLIC DATA uri: string
  /// An array of private JWKs (JSON Web Keys) associated with the PortableDid.
  PUBLIC DATA private_jwks: []Jwk
  /// The DID Document associated with the PortableDid.
  PUBLIC DATA document: Document
  /// Creates a new PortableDid from a JSON string.
  /// @param json The JSON string representing the PortableDid.
  CONSTRUCTOR from_json_string(json: string)

  /// Converts the PortableDid to a JSON string.
  /// @returns A JSON string representation of the PortableDid.
  METHOD to_json_string(): string

Example: Create a PortableDid via the web5 CLI


Notice the --no-indent and --json-escape options for ease of use copy & paste.


web5 did create dht
  "uri": "did:dht:4nca8jd5q5qwrowbx1efrihkac6danj6fpkhrrnrhdifiq19xfry",
  "document": {
    "id": "did:dht:4nca8jd5q5qwrowbx1efrihkac6danj6fpkhrrnrhdifiq19xfry",
    "verificationMethod": [
        "id": "did:dht:4nca8jd5q5qwrowbx1efrihkac6danj6fpkhrrnrhdifiq19xfry#0",
        "type": "JsonWebKey",
        "controller": "did:dht:4nca8jd5q5qwrowbx1efrihkac6danj6fpkhrrnrhdifiq19xfry",
        "publicKeyJwk": {
          "alg": "Ed25519",
          "kty": "OKP",
          "crv": "Ed25519",
          "x": "0JmDpHt23UJCgXyQUleKwzw8CT4rVcIQRODqWrpfeUg"
    "authentication": [
    "assertionMethod": [
    "capabilityInvocation": [
    "capabilityDelegation": [
  "privateKeys": [
      "alg": "Ed25519",
      "kty": "OKP",
      "crv": "Ed25519",
      "d": "Kxk8IvhpNgBl965xtCm7l0ZHpSc4f02IhrOOPdG1jBY",
      "x": "0JmDpHt23UJCgXyQUleKwzw8CT4rVcIQRODqWrpfeUg"