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Security: SystemKeeper/node-red-contrib-homekit-bridged


Security Policy

We consider security as a top priority.

If you find any vulnerability in our functionality, code or dependency then please contact us.

If you found a problem then please open new Issue here.

If vulnerability is a serious risk then please consider contacting us directly aswell for faster response.

Supported Versions

Version Supported
>= 0.6
< 0.6

Reporting a Vulnerability

Contact Shaq#6198 at Discord

or find us on

Discord Slack

Security concerns regarding usage of NRCHKB

NRCHKB is a node (plugin/library) for node-red. NRCHKB allow user to simulate HomeKit devices.


To use node-red safely you should secure it properly with encryption and password protection - here is how in official node-red docs.

Invalid Setup Codes

The following Setup Codes must not be used due to their trivial, insecure nature. In future release (possibly 1.X.Y) they will be forbidden programmatically.

  • 000-00-000
  • 111-11-111
  • 222-22-222
  • 333-33-333
  • 444-44-444
  • 555-55-555
  • 666-66-666
  • 777-77-777
  • 888-88-888
  • 999-99-999
  • 123-45-678
  • 876-54-321

There aren’t any published security advisories