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78 lines (45 loc) · 5.33 KB

With the beginning of Battle For Azeroth, we have officially shut down Shadowcraft due to a number of factors. This code is kept here for historical purposes but is basically deprecated.



Python3, Pip, Nodejs, NPM, MongoDB, Git

Be sure set PATHs for node, python and mongo. Command not found is usually a missing/incorrect PATH or dependency.

pip install virtualenv if you don't have it already.

Install on *nix (bash)

  1. git clone (clone this repo)
  2. virtualenv --python=python3 venv (create a virtual environment using python 3)
  3. source venv/bin/activate (swap to the virtual environment, you should see (venv) at the start of your command prompt)
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt (install python dependencies)
  5. npm install (install javascript dependencies)

These commands may not work on BASH for Windows.

Install on Windows (cmd/powershell)

  1. git clone (clone this repo)
  2. py -3 -m virtualenv venv (create a virtual environment using python 3)
  3. ./venv/scripts/activate (swap to the virtual environment, you should see (venv) at the start of your command prompt)
  4. npm run install:python (install python dependencies)
  5. npm install (install javascript dependencies)

You will also need to register for a blizzard api key.

Store the key in an environment variable named BLIZZARD_API_KEY.

Deploying in a hosted environment

Requires nginx and supervisord, plus the above requirements.

  1. git clone (clone this repo)
  2. As root, run shadowcraft-ui-react/utils/deploy/ This creates all of the necessary configuration files and virtualenv.
  3. Run steps 3-5 in the *nix section above.

Alternatively for step 3, if you have the repo cloned on another machine with the fabric python module installed, you can modify the file to point to your host and directory and run fab deploy.


Always swap to the virtual environment with source venv/bin/activate or ./venv/scripts/activate when you want to develop. When you wish to do so, you can leave this environment with deactivate.

You will usually just want to run this dev script for development. Be sure to swap to the venv each time before you start.

npm run dev - RUN ALL THE THINGS!

This will start up flask, mongo, and build the javascript and css.

You may need to prefix with sudo on *nix to run mongod.

Navigate your browser to to see the site.

See the scripts section in package.json or npm run for a full list of commands.

When you need to do so, you can stop the running processes with ctrl + c (and possibly y to confirm).

General Project Architecture

Flask serves the pages and communicates with the DB (Mongo). It handles the models and updating of data in the DB and routes requests received from the frontend. It also communicates with the shadowcraft engine. Flask is our 'controller' for the most part in MVC speak. The 'view' in flask is very thin, the bulk of the view is contained in react In deployment, Flask is mounted in a WSGI container provided by Gunicorn. Gunicorn is not needed for development even though it is installed. The flask app is located in shadowcraft_ui/ Models and templates are located in their corresponding directories in shadowcraft_ui

Character state is fetched from the blizzard apis. And much of this is transformed and cached in mongo. Items are fetched with a script for deployment and stored in mongo. The mongo db is named roguesimpython.

React contains the bulk of the user interface outside of the error pages. It uses Redux to manage the state of the application. The app gets an initial data payload inside of index.html, but after that it fetches data from flask endpoints. The entire app is bundled with webpack into shadowcraft_ui/static/bundle.js. We use babel for transpilation. And sass for css generation. The javascript project is fully defined in package.json as usual. The react code is in shadowcraft_ui/js The entry point is app.js It is inserted into the html at #appjs. The sass is located in shadowcraft_ui/css.

The engine is developed in a separate project named shadowcraft-engine. It houses all of the complex calculations that people care about like dps, tier estimations, stat weights, etc.. It is installed along with the other python dependencies in requirements.txt. It is located in src To update, simply run the python dependency installation again and it will fetch the current version with git.

There are a few other tools, which shouldn't be needed most of the time located in shadowcraft_ui/external_data which are used to populate the db. Warning: Running these can take some time. They aren't usually needed unless you are specifically working on the db. There are additional tools for deployment and generating talent layouts located in utils, which are not usually needed.


You can speak with any of the devs about contributing on ravenholdt. Tamen and Aeriwen mostly handle the react UI project. Or tweet Aeriwen at @wavefunctionp. We would be delighted to have you join us on this project.