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Exercise 1: Implement a Wrapper for the "Create Purchase Requisition" (BAPI_PR_CREATE) function module

Learn how to wrap the BAPI_PR_CREATE in your SAP S/4HANA system and release it for consumption in tier 1.


Now that you're connected to your SAP S/4HANA system, go ahead with this exercise where you will learn how to deal with the situation where there is no convenient released SAP API for creating purchase requisitions.

The ABAP Cloud API Enablement Guidelines for SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition and SAP S/4HANA recommend using a BAPI as an alternative to a released API, wrapping it, and then releasing the wrapper for consumption in tier 1.

In a later exercise you will then create a Shopping Cart RAP business object for a Fiori elements online shopping app and integrate this wrapper to create purchase requisitions.

You will learn

  • How to create a wrapper interface and implement a wrapper class for the BAPI_PR_CREATE.
  • How to release the wrapper for consumption in tier 1.

Don't forget to replace all occurences of the placeholder ### with your assigned group number in the exercise steps below.
You can use the ADT function Replace All (Ctrl+F) for the purpose.
If you don't have a group number, choose a 3-digit suffix and use it for all exercises.

Step 1: Get to know the BAPI_PR_CREATE via the BAPI Explorer

🔵 Click to expand!

The first step is to look for a suitable non-released API to create purchase requisitions. You can use the BAPI Explorer for this purpose. Connect to the backend of your SAP S/4HANA system and start transaction BAPI. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use the non-released BAPI BAPI_PR_CREATE: switch to the Alphabetical view (1), look for the Business Object PurchaseRequisition (2), find and click on the method CreateFromData1 (3). You can see that its function module is the BAPI_PR_CREATE (4).

BAPI explorer

In the Documentation tab you can find more information on what the BAPI is used for (in this case: to create purchase requisitions) and you can find examples for various scenarios and how to fill the respective parameter values.

In the Tools section you can click on the Function Builder and then click on Display to see the required parameters:

BAPI explorer - Tools BAPI explorer - Function Builder

The BAPI_PR_CREATE has a TESTRUN parameter that can be used to call the BAPI in validation mode. Some BAPI have a similar test mode that can be used to validate input data. It is best practice to make use of this test mode, if available, as we will address in more details in a later tutorial of this group.

Step 2: Create a development package

You will develop the wrapper in a dedicated package under the package $TMP in your SAP S/4HANA system.

🔵 Click to expand

In ADT, open your SAP S/4HANA system project folder, right click on it and select New > ABAP Package and input the Name $Z_PURCHASE_REQ_TIER2_### and a Description:

Create Tier 2 package

Select Add to favorite packages for easy access later on. Keep the Package Type as Development and click on Next. Do not change anything in the following wizard window, and click on Next, then click on Finish. The package will be created.

Step 3: Create a wrapper interface

You now want to wrap the API BAPI_PR_CREATE. Depending on your specific use-case, you normally would need to access only certain specific functionalities and methods of the BAPI you want to expose. An ABAP Interface is the perfect development object for this purpose: the interface simplifies and restricts the usage of the underlying BAPI for the specific use-case, by exposing only the parameters that are needed. As a consequence, non-wrapped functionalities are forbidden.

🔵 Click to expand

To create the interface for your BAPI wrapper right click on the newly created package and select New > ABAP Interface. Input the Name ZIF_WRAP_BAPI_PR_CREATE_### and a Description:

Create interface

Click on Next and then click on Finish.

Implement your ABAP Interface to expose only the parameters that are needed in your specific use-case. For the purpose of this tutorial, we propose the following ABAP Interface implementation for the BAPI_PR_CREATE:

🟡📄 Click to expand and view or copy the source code!
"! <h1>BAPI_PR_CREATE wrapper</h1>
"! <p>This interface offers functionality related to ABAP class wrapper for Purchase Requisition BAPI for BAPI_PR_CREATE function module.</p>
"! <p>Instances of this interface are created using method {@link zcl_bapi_wrap_factory_###.METH:create_instance}
INTERFACE zif_wrap_bapi_pr_create_###
  "! Purchase Requisition Number
  TYPES pr_number             TYPE banfn.
    "! Purchase Req. - Header
    BEGIN OF pr_header,
      pr_type TYPE bsart,
    END OF pr_header,
    "! Purchase Req. - Item
    BEGIN OF pr_item,
      preq_item TYPE bnfpo,
      plant     TYPE ewerk,
      acctasscat TYPE knttp,
      currency  TYPE waers,
      deliv_date TYPE eindt,
      material  TYPE matnr18,
      matl_group TYPE matkl,
      preq_price TYPE bapicurext,
      quantity  TYPE bamng,
      unit      TYPE bamei,
      pur_group TYPE ekgrp,
      purch_org TYPE ekorg,
      short_text TYPE txz01,
    END OF pr_item,
    "! Purchase Req. - Acct Assignment
    BEGIN OF pr_item_account,
      preq_item  TYPE bnfpo,
      serial_no  TYPE dzekkn,
      costcenter TYPE kostl,
      gl_account TYPE saknr,
    END OF pr_item_account,
    "! Purchase Req. - Item Text
    BEGIN OF pr_item_text,
      preq_item TYPE bnfpo,
      text_line TYPE tdline,
      text_id  TYPE tdid,
    END OF pr_item_text,
    "! Purchase Req. - Header Text
    BEGIN OF pr_header_text,
      preq_item TYPE bnfpo,
      text_line TYPE tdline,
      text_id   TYPE tdid,
    END OF pr_header_text.
    "! Purchase Req. - Item
    pr_items        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF pr_item WITH KEY preq_item,
    "! Table of BAPI return information
    pr_returns      TYPE bapirettab.
  "! <p>This method creates purchase requisitios for all the data that has been added, using BAPI_PR_CREATE.
  "! Purchase Requisition Number will be returned as result of successful purchase requisition creation.</p>
  "! <p>Purchase requisitions that have been validated with error return, will not be created.</p>
  "! <p>Purchase requisitions that have been validated without error return, will be created</p>
  "! <strong>Note</strong>: Using this method requires write authorization for authorization objects M_BANF_BSA, M_BANF_EKG, M_BANF_EKO, M_BANF_WRK
  "! @parameter pr_header | Purchase Req. - Header
  "! @parameter pr_items | Purchase Req. - Item
  "! @parameter result | Purchase Requisition Number
  METHODS create
    IMPORTING pr_header       TYPE pr_header
              pr_items        TYPE pr_items
    EXPORTING pr_returns      TYPE pr_returns
    RETURNING VALUE(result)   TYPE pr_number.
  "! <p>This method checks purchase requsisitions data for validity, using BAPI_PR_CREATE test mode.
  "! Entries in purchase requisitions that have already been created, will not be checked again.
  "! BAPI return information will be provided as result in case of successful or faulty purchase requisition validation.</p>
  "! <strong>Note</strong>: Using this method requires write authorization for authorization objects M_BANF_BSA, M_BANF_EKG, M_BANF_EKO, M_BANF_WRK
  "! @parameter pr_header | Purchase Req. - Header
  "! @parameter pr_items | Purchase Req. - Item
  "! @parameter result | Table of BAPI return information
  METHODS check
    IMPORTING pr_header       TYPE pr_header
              pr_items        TYPE pr_items
    RETURNING VALUE(result)   TYPE pr_returns.

Save and activate it.

As already said, you will expose only the parameters that are needed in your specific use-case. In this case you want to create a purchase requisition item (for which you expose the parameter pr_item) and given the underlying BAPI signature, the pr_item always requires an header, which is why you are also exposing the parameter pr_header.

Step 4: Create a wrapper class

You now need to create a class to wrap the BAPI (implementing the interface you created in the previous step) and implement its methods.

🔵 Click to expand

Right click on your package and select New > ABAP Class. Input the Name ZCL_BAPI_PR_WRAPPER_### and a Description:

Create wrapper class

Click on Next and then click on Finish.

The implementation of the wrapper class depends on the specific use-case and BAPI signature. For the purpose of this tutorial, we suggest to implement the wrapper class in the following way:

The wrapper class has a method defined in the private section, call_bapi_pr_create, which has access to all the parameters of the underlying BAPI. Having this type of central private method is best practice: internally, the wrapper class has access to all the parameters and then the interface has virtual access to all of these parameters and exposes publicly only the ones that are needed depending on the specific use-case.

🟡📄 Click to expand and view or copy the source code!
"! <h1>Purchase Requisition BAPIs Wrapper</h1>
"! <p>This class offers functionality to wrap Purchase Requisition related BAPI calls (e.g. BAPI_PR_CREATE).<br/>
"! Instances of this class are created using factory class {@link zrap620_cl_bapi_wrap_factory}.<br/>
"! For a description and usage of the available functionality,
"! see the method documentation in interface {@link zif_wrap_bapi_pr_create_###}.</p>
CLASS zcl_bapi_pr_wrapper_### DEFINITION


    INTERFACES zif_wrap_bapi_pr_create_### .

    "! <p>This method calls function modukle BAPI_PR_CREATE with given parameters.</p>
    "! <p>Note: Only this private method shall be used in wrapper to call BAPI_PR_CREATE.</p>
    "! @parameter prheader | Purchase Req. - Header
    "! @parameter prheaderx | Purchase Requisition - Header
    "! @parameter testrun | Test Indicator
    "! @parameter number | Purchase Requisition Number
    "! @parameter prheaderexp | Purchase Req. - Header
    "! @parameter return | Return Parameters
    "! @parameter pritem | Purchase Req. - Item Data
    "! @parameter pritemx | Purchase Requisition - Item Data
    "! @parameter pritemexp | Purchase Req. - Item Data
    "! @parameter pritemsource | Purchase Req. - Source of Supply
    "! @parameter praccount | Purchase Req. - Acct Assignment
    "! @parameter praccountproitsegment | Reservation Event Object: BAPI_PROFITABILITY_SEGMENT
    "! @parameter praccountx | Purchase Req. - Account Assignment
    "! @parameter praddrdelivery | PO Item: Address Structure BAPIADDR1 for Inbound Delivery
    "! @parameter pritemtext | Purchase Req. - Item Text
    "! @parameter prheadertext | Purchase Req. - Header Text
    "! @parameter extensionin | Reference Structure for BAPI Parameters EXTENSIONIN/EXTENSIONOUT
    "! @parameter extensionout | Reference Structure for BAPI Parameters EXTENSIONIN/EXTENSIONOUT
    "! @parameter prversion | Version Data for Purchase Requisition Item (BAPI)
    "! @parameter prversionx | Version Data for Purchase Requisition Item (BAPI)
    "! @parameter allversions | Version Management - All Version Data
    "! @parameter prcomponents | BAPI Structure for Components
    "! @parameter prcomponentsx | Update Information for Components in BUS2012 API
    "! @parameter serialnumber | Serial Numbers in Purchase Requisition BAPI
    "! @parameter serialnumberx | Change Parameter: Serial Numbers in Purch. Requisition BAPI
    METHODS call_bapi_pr_create
        VALUE(prheader)        TYPE bapimereqheader OPTIONAL
        VALUE(prheaderx)       TYPE bapimereqheaderx OPTIONAL
        VALUE(testrun)         TYPE bapiflag-bapiflag OPTIONAL
        VALUE(number)          TYPE bapimereqheader-preq_no
        VALUE(prheaderexp)     TYPE bapimereqheader
        return                 TYPE bapirettab OPTIONAL
        pritem                 TYPE ty_bapimereqitemimp
        pritemx                TYPE ty_bapimereqitemx OPTIONAL
        pritemexp              TYPE ty_bapimereqitem OPTIONAL
        pritemsource           TYPE ty_bapimereqsource OPTIONAL
        praccount              TYPE ty_bapimereqaccount OPTIONAL
        praccountproitsegment  TYPE ty_bapimereqaccountprofitseg OPTIONAL
        praccountx             TYPE ty_bapimereqaccountx OPTIONAL
        praddrdelivery         TYPE ty_bapimerqaddrdelivery OPTIONAL
        pritemtext             TYPE ty_bapimereqitemtext OPTIONAL
        prheadertext           TYPE ty_bapimereqheadtext OPTIONAL
        extensionin            TYPE bapiparextab OPTIONAL
        extensionout           TYPE bapiparextab OPTIONAL
        prversion              TYPE ty_bapimereqdcm OPTIONAL
        prversionx             TYPE ty_bapimereqdcmx OPTIONAL
        allversions            TYPE bbpt_if_bapimedcm_allversions OPTIONAL
        prcomponents           TYPE ty_bapimereqcomponent OPTIONAL
        prcomponentsx          TYPE ty_bapimereqcomponentx OPTIONAL
        serviceoutline         TYPE bapi_srv_outline_tty OPTIONAL
        serviceoutlinex        TYPE bapi_srv_outlinex_tty OPTIONAL
        servicelines           TYPE bapi_srv_service_line_tty OPTIONAL
        servicelinesx          TYPE bapi_srv_service_linex_tty OPTIONAL
        servicelimit           TYPE bapi_srv_limit_data_tty OPTIONAL
        servicelimitx          TYPE bapi_srv_limit_datax_tty OPTIONAL
        servicecontractlimits  TYPE bapi_srv_contract_limits_tty OPTIONAL
        servicecontractlimitsx TYPE bapi_srv_contract_limitsx_tty OPTIONAL
        serviceaccount         TYPE bapi_srv_acc_data_tty OPTIONAL
        serviceaccountx        TYPE bapi_srv_acc_datax_tty OPTIONAL
        servicelongtexts       TYPE bapi_srv_longtexts_tty OPTIONAL
        serialnumber           TYPE bapimereq_t_serialno OPTIONAL
        serialnumberx          TYPE bapimereq_t_serialnox OPTIONAL.

    "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">This method prepares headerx control structure</p>
    "! @parameter pr_header | Purchase Req. - Header
    "! @parameter prheaderx | Purchase Requisition - Header
    METHODS prepare_headerx IMPORTING pr_header        TYPE zif_wrap_bapi_pr_create_###=>pr_header
                            RETURNING VALUE(prheaderx) TYPE bapimereqheaderx.

    "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">This method prepares itemx control structure</p>
    "! @parameter pr_items | Purchase Req. - Item
    "! @parameter pritemx | Purchase Requisition - Item Data
    METHODS prepare_itemx IMPORTING pr_items       TYPE zif_wrap_bapi_pr_create_###=>pr_items
                          RETURNING VALUE(pritemx) TYPE ty_bapimereqitemx.



  METHOD call_bapi_pr_create.
        prheader               = prheader
        prheaderx              = prheaderx
        testrun                = testrun
        number                 = number
        prheaderexp            = prheaderexp
        return                 = return
        pritem                 = pritem
        pritemx                = pritemx
        pritemexp              = pritemexp
        pritemsource           = pritemsource
        praccount              = praccount
        praccountproitsegment  = praccountproitsegment
        praccountx             = praccountx
        praddrdelivery         = praddrdelivery
        pritemtext             = pritemtext
        prheadertext           = prheadertext
        extensionin            = extensionin
        extensionout           = extensionout
        prversion              = prversion
        prversionx             = prversionx
        allversions            = allversions
        prcomponents           = prcomponents
        prcomponentsx          = prcomponentsx
        serviceoutline         = serviceoutline
        serviceoutlinex        = serviceoutlinex
        servicelines           = servicelines
        servicelinesx          = servicelinesx
        servicelimit           = servicelimit
        servicelimitx          = servicelimitx
        servicecontractlimits  = servicecontractlimits
        servicecontractlimitsx = servicecontractlimitsx
        serviceaccount         = serviceaccount
        serviceaccountx        = serviceaccountx
        servicelongtexts       = servicelongtexts
        serialnumber           = serialnumber
        serialnumberx          = serialnumberx.

  METHOD prepare_headerx.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS <fieldx> TYPE any.

    DATA(pr_header_struct) = CAST cl_abap_structdescr( cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( pr_header ) ).

    LOOP AT pr_header_struct->components INTO DATA(component).
      ASSIGN COMPONENT component-name OF STRUCTURE prheaderx TO <fieldx>.
      <fieldx> = abap_true.

  METHOD prepare_itemx.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS <fieldx> TYPE any.
    DATA(pr_item_struct) = CAST cl_abap_structdescr( cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( VALUE zif_wrap_bapi_pr_create_###=>pr_item(  ) ) ).

    LOOP AT pr_items INTO DATA(pr_item).
      DATA(pritemx_line) = VALUE bapimereqitemx( preq_item = pr_item-preq_item ).

      LOOP AT pr_item_struct->components INTO DATA(component).
        ASSIGN COMPONENT component-name OF STRUCTURE pritemx_line TO <fieldx>.

        CASE component-name.
          WHEN 'PREQ_ITEM'.
          WHEN OTHERS.
            <fieldx> = abap_true.

      APPEND pritemx_line TO pritemx.

  METHOD zif_wrap_bapi_pr_create_###~check.
    DATA(prheader) = CORRESPONDING bapimereqheader( pr_header ).
    DATA(pritem) = CORRESPONDING ty_bapimereqitemimp( pr_items ).

    DATA(prheaderx) = me->prepare_headerx( pr_header ).
    DATA(pritemx) = me->prepare_itemx( pr_items ).

        prheader               = prheader
        prheaderx              = prheaderx
        testrun                = abap_true
        return                 = result
        pritem                 = pritem
        pritemx                = pritemx

  METHOD zif_wrap_bapi_pr_create_###~create.
    DATA(prheader) = CORRESPONDING bapimereqheader( pr_header ).
    DATA(pritem) = CORRESPONDING ty_bapimereqitemimp( pr_items ).

    DATA(prheaderx) = me->prepare_headerx( pr_header ).
    DATA(pritemx) = me->prepare_itemx( pr_items ).

        prheader               = prheader
        prheaderx              = prheaderx
        testrun                = abap_false
        number                 = result
        return                 = pr_returns
        pritem                 = pritem
        pritemx                = pritemx

Save and activate it.

Since we plan to access the wrapped BAPI in a different tier, it is good to provide the possibility to test it, and to keep wrapping-specific coding in tier 1 to a minimum. For this reason, the interface approach is recommended, and the wrapper class will not be released directly for consumption in tier 1, but rather will be accessible via a factory class that you will create in the next step.

In this tutorial we follow the clean code best practices for ABAP development. For example: the wrapper class is ready for ABAP Unit Tests and ABAP Doc is implemented.

Step 5: Create a wrapper factory class

In this hands-on workshop, our recommended approach is to create a factory class to control the instantiation of the wrapper class and to release the factory class for use in tier 1.

This approach has the advantage of a clear control of when and where an instance of the wrapper class is created, and in the event in which several wrapper classes are needed all their instantiations could be handled inside one single factory class. Also, in case of wrapper classes this has the advantage that in case the wrapper class is changed throughout it's software lifecycle, at a later point in time a different class could be initialized, without changes to the consumer implementation.

🔵 Click to expand

To create the factory class right click on your package and select New > ABAP Class. Input the Name ZCL_BAPI_WRAP_FACTORY_### and a Description:

Create factory class

Click on Next and then click on Finish.

We suggest to implement the ABAP Class with the following code:

🟡📄 Click to expand and view or copy the source code!
"! <h1>BAPI wrapper factory class</h1>
"! <p>This factory class provides instances of BAPI wrapper classes, e.g. for purchase requisition BAPIs.<br/>
"! For a description and usage of the available functionality, see the method documentation in wrapper class.</p>
CLASS zcl_bapi_wrap_factory_### DEFINITION
    "! <p>This method creates an instance of the Purchase Requisition BAPI wrapper implementation.</p>
    "! @parameter result | Wrapper implementation instance
    CLASS-METHODS create_instance
      RETURNING VALUE(result) TYPE REF TO zif_wrap_bapi_pr_create_###.
    METHODS constructor.
CLASS zcl_bapi_wrap_factory_### IMPLEMENTATION.
  METHOD create_instance.
    result = NEW zcl_bapi_pr_wrapper_###(  ).
  METHOD constructor.

Save and activate it.

Step 6: Test non-released wrapper with console application in tier 1

The wrapper you just created is currently not released for consumption in tier 1. You can test this by creating a console application in tier 1 to call the (non-released) wrapper. We suggest to create a dedicated package under the tier 1 ZLOCAL package in your SAP S/4HANA System for this test.

🔵 Click to expand

In ADT, open your SAP S/4HANA system project folder, navigate to the ZLOCAL structure package, right click on it and select New > ABAP Package and input the Name Z_PURCHASE_REQ_TEST_### and a Description:

Create test package

Click on Next and then Next again. Select a suitable transport request (or create a new one if needed) and then click on Finish. Now you can create the class for the console application. Right click on the newly created package and select New > ABAP Class and input the Name ZCL_BAPI_WRAP_TEST_### and a Description:

Create test class

Click on Next, select a suitable transport request (or create a new one if needed) and then click on Finish.

You can check that the newly created class is a tier 1 class by checking that the ABAP Language Version is ABAP Language for Cloud Development in the Properties > General tab:

Console application language

Implement the newly created class as follows:

🟡📄 Click to expand and view or copy the source code!
CLASS zcl_bapi_wrap_test_### DEFINITION

    INTERFACES if_oo_adt_classrun .


CLASS zcl_bapi_wrap_test_### IMPLEMENTATION.
  METHOD if_oo_adt_classrun~main.

DATA pr_returns TYPE bapirettab.
DATA(purchase_requisition) = zcl_bapi_wrap_factory_###=>create_instance( )->create(
            pr_header        = VALUE zif_wrap_bapi_pr_create_###=>pr_header( pr_type = 'NB' )
            pr_items         = VALUE zif_wrap_bapi_pr_create_###=>pr_items( (
              preq_item  = '00010'
              plant      = '1010'
              acctasscat = 'U'
              currency   = 'EUR'
              deliv_date = cl_abap_context_info=>get_system_date(  ) + 14   "format: yyyy-mm-dd (at least 10 days)
              material   = 'ZPRINTER01'
              matl_group = 'A001'
              preq_price = '100.00'
              quantity   = '1'
              unit       = 'ST'
              pur_group = '001'
              purch_org = '1010'
              short_text = 'ZPRINTER01'
            ) )

            pr_returns      = pr_returns

  out->write( pr_returns ).



Save it.

The class calls the wrapper factory class and, given some input parameter values like the delivery date and the item price, creates a purchase requisition for that specific item and prints the information to the console. Since the wrapper is not released for consumption in tier 1, when you try to activate the class you will get an error message.

unreleased wrapper error

The class calls the method create of the BAPI, which will create an instance of the Shopping Cart Business Object and the relative purchase requisition. In the context of this tutorial group, this is of course done for educational purposes, to show the creation of a purchase requsition and test the wrapper via console application. If for any reason you do not wish to create an instance of the Shopping Cart Business Object at this point, you can instead make use of the BAPI method check.

Step 7: Release the wrapper interface and factory class

Now you need to release the wrapper interface and wrapper factory class for consumption in tier 1. To do this, you need to add a Release Contract (C1) to both objects for use system-internally and use in Cloud Development.

🔵 Click to expand

In your Project Explorer open the ABAP Interface you created. In the Properties tab click on the API State tab and then click on the green plus icon next to the Use System-Internally (Contract C1).

Release interface

Make sure the Release State is set to Released and check the option Use in Cloud Development:

Release interface - 2

Click on Next. The changes will be validated. No issues should arise:

Release interface - 3

Click on Next and then click on Finish.

The API State tab will now show the new Release State:

Release interface - 4

Repeat the same steps to release the factory class you created:

When releasing this class, you will see an option in the wizard called 'Enable Configuration of Authorization Default Values' which allows you to define authorization default values while releasing the class. In the scope of this tutorial, we will not utilize this option, since at the moment we have no information on the needed authorization default values for BAPI_PR_CREATE. The handling of authorizations will be handled in a later tutorial of this series.

Release factory class

You will not release the wrapper class.

Step 8: Run ATC checks and request exemptions [OPTIONAL]

Note: This exercise is optional.

You will now need to run ATC checks on the objects you created and request exemptions to use non-released API.

🔵 Click to expand

To run the ATC checks right click on the $Z_PURCHASE_REQ_TIER2_### package and select Run As > ABAP Test Cockpit With... and select your ATC check variant. Confirm by clicking on OK.

ATC checks - interface error

The result of the ATC check will appear in the ATC Problems tab. As expected, you will get ATC check errors because you are using an non-released API:

ATC checks - interface error

Note that there are ATC checks errors for both the interface and the wrapper class. You will need to request an exemption for each of the two objects.

Right click on any one of the interface related errors in the ATC Problems tab and choose Request Exemption. You can then request an exemption for the whole interface by selecting Interface (ABAP Objects) under the Apply exemption To tab:

Request exemptions for the whole interface

Click Next, choose a valid approver, a reason to request the exemptions and input a justification for it. Then click on Finish.

Approver and justification

Proceed in the same way to request an exemption for the whole wrapper class.

How to maintain approvers and how to approve exemptions is beyond the scope of this tutorial. After a maintained approver has approved the exemptions, you can verify it by running ATC checks again in ADT: no issue should arise.

Step 9: Test released wrapper with console application in tier 1

You can test that the wrapper was correctly released for consumption in tier 1 by running the console application class ZCL_BAPI_WRAP_TEST_###. First, the errors in the class should have disappeared now that you released the wrapper, so you can save and activate the class.

🔵 Click to expand

Now you can run it: right click on the class and select Run As > ABAP Application (Console). The class should now run without errors and the purchase requisition will be created and displayed in the console:

Purchase requisition creation test Purchase requisition creation test

The console application is a quick and simple way to check if the BAPI was correctly wrapped and released and if the wrapper works as intended. In the next tutorials of this group you will create a Shopping Cart Business Object and you will integrate the wrapper to create purchase requisitions for the shopping cart entries.

Summary & Next Exercise

^Top of page

Now that you've...

  • created a wrapper interface and implement a wrapper class for the BAPI_PR_CREATE, and
  • released the wrapper for consumption in tier 1,

you can continue with the next exercise - Exercise 2 - Create a Shopping Cart Business Object.