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482 lines (432 loc) · 13.8 KB

File metadata and controls

482 lines (432 loc) · 13.8 KB

Turtlebot3 試験環境 インストールマニュアル #3


Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS)のfiwareにbusiness logicを登録


  1. 環境変数の設定

    $ export CORE_ROOT=$HOME/core
    $ export PJ_ROOT=$HOME/example-turtlebot3
    $ cd $PJ_ROOT;pwd
    • 実行結果(例)

  2. 環境ファイルの実行

    $ source $CORE_ROOT/docs/environments/azure_aks/env
    $ source $PJ_ROOT/docs/environments/azure_aks/env


  1. エイリアスの設定

    $ alias now="python -c 'import datetime; print(\"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f+09:00\"))'"


  1. cmd-proxyの購読者登録

    $ TOKEN=$(cat ${CORE_ROOT}/secrets/auth-tokens.json | jq '.[0].settings.bearer_tokens[0].token' -r)
    $ curl -i -H "Authorization: bearer ${TOKEN}" -H "Fiware-Service: ${FIWARE_SERVICE}" -H "Fiware-ServicePath: ${GAMEPAD_SERVICEPATH}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://api.${DOMAIN}/orion/v2/subscriptions/ -X POST -d @- <<__EOS__
      "subject": {
        "entities": [{
          "idPattern": "${GAMEPAD_ID}.*",
          "type": "${GAMEPAD_TYPE}"
        "condition": {
          "attrs": ["button"]
      "notification": {
        "http": {
          "url": "http://cmd-proxy:8888/gamepad/"
        "attrs": ["button"]
    • 実行結果(例)

      HTTP/1.1 201 Created
      content-length: 0
      location: /v2/subscriptions/5c76130587d8d200d5183a54
      fiware-correlator: c8e4afbc-3a48-11e9-b967-5a27bdec5d3b
      date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 04:33:09 GMT
      x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 3
      server: envoy
  2. cmd-proxyの購読者登録確認

    $ TOKEN=$(cat ${CORE_ROOT}/secrets/auth-tokens.json | jq '.[0].settings.bearer_tokens[0].token' -r)
    $ curl -sS -H "Authorization: bearer ${TOKEN}" -H "Fiware-Service: ${FIWARE_SERVICE}" -H "Fiware-ServicePath: ${GAMEPAD_SERVICEPATH}" https://api.${DOMAIN}/orion/v2/subscriptions/ | jq .
    • 実行結果(例)

          "id": "5cc1a019e94c6631c96628f2",
          "status": "active",
          "subject": {
            "entities": [
                "idPattern": "gamepad.*",
                "type": "gamepad"
            "condition": {
              "attrs": [
          "notification": {
            "timesSent": 2,
            "lastNotification": "2019-04-25T12:09:50.00Z",
            "attrs": [
            "attrsFormat": "legacy",
            "http": {
              "url": "http://cygnus-mongo:5050/notify"
            "lastSuccess": "2019-04-25T12:09:50.00Z",
            "lastSuccessCode": 200
          "id": "5cc1a62de94c6631c96628f5",
          "status": "active",
          "subject": {
            "entities": [
                "idPattern": "gamepad.*",
                "type": "gamepad"
            "condition": {
              "attrs": [
          "notification": {
            "timesSent": 1,
            "lastNotification": "2019-04-25T12:21:01.00Z",
            "attrs": [
            "attrsFormat": "normalized",
            "http": {
              "url": "http://cmd-proxy:8888/gamepad/"
            "lastSuccess": "2019-04-25T12:21:01.00Z",
            "lastSuccessCode": 200


  1. 全てのTopicをsubscribeするコマンドを作成

    $ echo "mosquitto_sub -h mqtt.${DOMAIN} -p 8883 --cafile ${CORE_ROOT}/secrets/DST_Root_CA_X3.pem -d -u iotagent -P ${MQTT__iotagent} -t /#"
    • 実行結果(例)

      mosquitto_sub -h -p 8883 --cafile /home/fiware/core/secrets/DST_Root_CA_X3.pem -d -u iotagent -P password_of_iotagent -t /#
  2. 別ターミナルで上記のコマンドを実行

    • 実行結果(例)

      Client mosq/e2bUj8YgCn16fupuXH sending CONNECT
      Client mosq/e2bUj8YgCn16fupuXH received CONNACK (0)
      Client mosq/e2bUj8YgCn16fupuXH sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: /#, QoS: 0, Options: 0x00)
      Client mosq/e2bUj8YgCn16fupuXH received SUBACK
      Subscribed (mid: 1): 0
  3. gamepadをエミュレーションするコマンドを実行

    $ mosquitto_pub -h mqtt.${DOMAIN} -p 8883 --cafile ${CORE_ROOT}/secrets/DST_Root_CA_X3.pem -d -u iotagent -P ${MQTT__iotagent} -t /${GAMEPAD_TYPE}/${GAMEPAD_ID}/attrs -m "$(now)|button|triangle"
    • 実行結果(例)

      Client mosqpub|27040-FIWARE-PC sending CONNECT
      Client mosqpub|27040-FIWARE-PC received CONNACK (0)
      Client mosqpub|27040-FIWARE-PC sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m1, '/gamepad/gamepad/attrs', ... (51 bytes))
      Client mosqpub|27040-FIWARE-PC sending DISCONNECT
  4. 別ターミナルで下記が表示されていることを確認

    • 実行結果(例)

      Client mosqsub|12971-FIWARE-PC received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, '/gamepad/gamepad/attrs', ... (51 bytes))
      Client mosqsub|6736-FIWARE-PC received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, '/robot/turtlebot3/cmd', ... (24 bytes))
  5. gamepad entityの確認

    $ TOKEN=$(cat ${CORE_ROOT}/secrets/auth-tokens.json | jq '.[0].settings.bearer_tokens[0].token' -r)
    $ curl -sS -H "Authorization: bearer ${TOKEN}" -H "Fiware-Service: ${FIWARE_SERVICE}" -H "Fiware-ServicePath: ${GAMEPAD_SERVICEPATH}" https://api.${DOMAIN}/orion/v2/entities/${GAMEPAD_ID}/ | jq .
    • 実行結果(例)

        "id": "gamepad",
        "type": "gamepad",
        "TimeInstant": {
          "type": "ISO8601",
          "value": "2019-04-25T21:21:59.1556194919+0900",
          "metadata": {}
        "button": {
          "type": "string",
          "value": "triangle",
          "metadata": {
            "TimeInstant": {
              "type": "ISO8601",
              "value": "2019-04-25T21:21:59.1556194919+0900"
  6. robot entityの確認

    $ TOKEN=$(cat ${CORE_ROOT}/secrets/auth-tokens.json | jq '.[0].settings.bearer_tokens[0].token' -r)
    $ curl -sS -H "Authorization: bearer ${TOKEN}" -H "Fiware-Service: ${FIWARE_SERVICE}" -H "Fiware-ServicePath: ${ROBOT_SERVICEPATH}" https://api.${DOMAIN}/orion/v2/entities/${ROBOT_ID}/ | jq .
    • 実行結果(例)

        "id": "turtlebot3",
        "type": "robot",
        "TimeInstant": {
          "type": "ISO8601",
          "value": "2019-04-25T12:22:21.00Z",
          "metadata": {}
        "capacity": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": " ",
          "metadata": {}
        "charge": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": " ",
          "metadata": {}
        "current": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": " ",
          "metadata": {}
        "design_capacity": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": " ",
          "metadata": {}
        "move_info": {
          "type": "commandResult",
          "value": "executed square command",
          "metadata": {
            "TimeInstant": {
              "type": "ISO8601",
              "value": "2019-04-25T12:16:05.676Z"
        "move_status": {
          "type": "commandStatus",
          "value": "PENDING",
          "metadata": {
            "TimeInstant": {
              "type": "ISO8601",
              "value": "2019-04-25T12:22:21.300Z"
        "percentage": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": " ",
          "metadata": {}
        "theta": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": "0.4",
          "metadata": {
            "TimeInstant": {
              "type": "ISO8601",
              "value": "2019-04-25T21:11:28.1556194288+0900"
        "voltage": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": " ",
          "metadata": {}
        "x": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": "0.1",
          "metadata": {
            "TimeInstant": {
              "type": "ISO8601",
              "value": "2019-04-25T21:11:28.1556194288+0900"
        "y": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": "0.2",
          "metadata": {
            "TimeInstant": {
              "type": "ISO8601",
              "value": "2019-04-25T21:11:28.1556194288+0900"
        "z": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": "0.3",
          "metadata": {
            "TimeInstant": {
              "type": "ISO8601",
              "value": "2019-04-25T21:11:28.1556194288+0900"
        "move": {
          "type": "string",
          "value": "",
          "metadata": {}
  7. コマンド実行結果の送信処理をエミュレート

    $ mosquitto_pub -h mqtt.${DOMAIN} -p 8883 --cafile ${CORE_ROOT}/secrets/DST_Root_CA_X3.pem -d -u iotagent -P ${MQTT__iotagent} -t /${ROBOT_TYPE}/${ROBOT_ID}/cmdexe -m "${ROBOT_ID}@move|executed triangle command"
    • 実行結果(例)

      Client mosqpub|27400-FIWARE-PC sending CONNECT
      Client mosqpub|27400-FIWARE-PC received CONNACK (0)
      Client mosqpub|27400-FIWARE-PC sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m1, '/robot/turtlebot3/cmdexe', ... (41 bytes))
      Client mosqpub|27400-FIWARE-PC sending DISCONNECT
  8. 別ターミナルで下記が表示されていることを確認

    Client mosqsub|27388-FIWARE-PC received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, '/robot/turtlebot3/cmdexe', ... (41 bytes))
    turtlebot3@move|executed triangle command
  9. robot entityの確認

    $ TOKEN=$(cat ${CORE_ROOT}/secrets/auth-tokens.json | jq '.[0].settings.bearer_tokens[0].token' -r)
    $ curl -sS -H "Authorization: bearer ${TOKEN}" -H "Fiware-Service: ${FIWARE_SERVICE}" -H "Fiware-ServicePath: ${ROBOT_SERVICEPATH}" https://api.${DOMAIN}/orion/v2/entities/${ROBOT_ID}/ | jq .
    • 実行結果(例)

        "id": "turtlebot3",
        "type": "robot",
        "TimeInstant": {
          "type": "ISO8601",
          "value": "2019-04-25T12:24:02.00Z",
          "metadata": {}
        "capacity": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": " ",
          "metadata": {}
        "charge": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": " ",
          "metadata": {}
        "current": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": " ",
          "metadata": {}
        "design_capacity": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": " ",
          "metadata": {}
        "move_info": {
          "type": "commandResult",
          "value": "executed triangle command",
          "metadata": {
            "TimeInstant": {
              "type": "ISO8601",
              "value": "2019-04-25T12:24:02.171Z"
        "move_status": {
          "type": "commandStatus",
          "value": "OK",
          "metadata": {
            "TimeInstant": {
              "type": "ISO8601",
              "value": "2019-04-25T12:24:02.171Z"
        "percentage": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": " ",
          "metadata": {}
        "theta": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": "0.4",
          "metadata": {
            "TimeInstant": {
              "type": "ISO8601",
              "value": "2019-04-25T21:11:28.1556194288+0900"
        "voltage": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": " ",
          "metadata": {}
        "x": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": "0.1",
          "metadata": {
            "TimeInstant": {
              "type": "ISO8601",
              "value": "2019-04-25T21:11:28.1556194288+0900"
        "y": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": "0.2",
          "metadata": {
            "TimeInstant": {
              "type": "ISO8601",
              "value": "2019-04-25T21:11:28.1556194288+0900"
        "z": {
          "type": "float32",
          "value": "0.3",
          "metadata": {
            "TimeInstant": {
              "type": "ISO8601",
              "value": "2019-04-25T21:11:28.1556194288+0900"
        "move": {
          "type": "string",
          "value": "",
          "metadata": {}