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446 lines (341 loc) · 33.1 KB

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446 lines (341 loc) · 33.1 KB



  • Added SYSTEM_FLAG_WIFITEST_OVER_SERIAL1 which is disabled by default. Tinker enables this by default so that the Wi-Fi Tester is available during manufacturing. Also ensures TX/RX pins are not used for Serial1 by default, in case you want to use these as GPIO. 945


  • Timer::isActive() function added #950
  • mbedtls headers are private to the communications module now, so user applications can include their own version of mbedtls


  • Soft AP Claim code fix #956
  • Variable template fix #952
  • TCPClient on Electron not receiving all of the data for small files #896




  • Compiler error with variable/function names that are too long. #883
  • DFU writes are verified #870
  • [Electron] NO_ACK flag on Particle.publish() disables acknoweldgements reducing data use #862
  • [Electron] Allow session to resume when IP changes. #848
  • [Electron] Ensure published events are received by the cloud before sleeping. #909
  • [Electron] SLEEP_NETWORK_STANDBY on System.sleep() #845
  • Serial baudrate to select ymodem mode includes listening mode #912
  • Wi-Fi connection process forced to timeout after 60 seconds if unsuccessful #898
  • Added write-verify-retry-fail logic to DFU writes #870
  • Support for USART (Serial1/2/4/5) data bits, parity and stop bits #757


  • targets program-cloud, program-dfu can be used without requiring all and will built the firmware correctly. #899
  • [Electron] Free socket when the socket is closed remotely #885
  • Extended CAN filters #857
  • I2C does not ensure a stop condition completes correctly in endTransmission #856
  • DAC1/2 possible problem with digitalWrite() after analogWrite() #855
  • Servo HAL: Do not disable timer if some of its channels are still in use #839
  • USB driver fixes and Serial.available() not returning values greater than 1 #812 #669 #846 #923
  • SOS During WiFi.scan() #651


  • dynalib: compile-time check for certain types of ABI breaking changes #895




  • System.freeMemory() shows an accurate value for free memory rather than the highwater mark for the heap.
  • [threading] Entering listening mode does not block the system thread. #788
  • [threading] System times out waiting for unresponsive application when attempting to reset. #763
  • [threading] Particle.publish() doesn't block when in listening mode. #761
  • [threading]. delay()/Particle.process() pumps application events.
  • Serial, Serial1, SPI and EEPROM global objects guaranteed to be initialized before use. (Prevents White breathing LED if Serial used in a global instance constructor.)
  • [Software Timers](( have an option for one-shot timers, and support class member function callbacks.


  • RSA key generation would sometimes produce invalid keys. #779
  • Static IP configuration was not being used.
  • Interrupt on WKP with class method as an ISR #819
  • Memory leak configuring WiFi credentials via SoftAP (TCP/HTTP)
  • SPI DMA transfer callback invoked too early #791
  • Unset wiced_result_t for tcp clients in socket_send. #773
  • Update bootloader to support System.enterSafeMode(). #751
  • [threading] WiFi.listen(false) remains in listen mode. #743
  • Factory Reset doesn't clear WiFi credentials until network.connect(). #736
  • Comparison between IPAddress objects does not always work. #715
  • P1 dfu-util 0.8 does not read/write from External Flash. #706
  • DFU errors writing to flash silently ignored. #813
  • [threading] heap allocation not thread-safe. #826
  • System crash when button interrupt occurs during i2c transmission. #709
  • [photon] 'analogWrite()` to DAC pins. #671
  • [photon] analogWrite() to DAC pins requires pinMode() each time. #662
  • [photon] System.sleep(pin,edge) doesn't wake. #655



  • factory firmware uses full modular firmware #749. No need for UpdateZero.

  • Timer.changePeriod() #720


  • [photon] hang when UDP::stop() is called #742
  • [photon] I2C hangs with no pullup resistors #713




  • [multithreading] Application thread continues to run in listening mode
  • [multithreading] Particle.process() called from the application thread pumps application messages #659
  • Particle.variable() supports Strings #657
  • Simplified Particle.variable() API - variable type parameter is optional, and variables are passed by reference so &'s are not required.
  • I2C will generate STOP and SW Reset immediately if Slave Acknowledge failure is detected (must use pull-up resistors), instead of taking 100ms. commit


  • TCPClient unstable #672
  • Photon frequently SOS's immediately following cloud re-connect #663
  • String.toLower() has no affect on string. #665
  • SOS due to WICED socket handlers being called when socket is disposed. #663 #672
  • Application constructors executed after RTOS startup so that HAL_Delay_Milliseconds() can be called. This may mean that STARTUP() code executes just a little later than before, but can safely use all public APIs.
  • Ensure bootloader region is write protected.
  • White breathing LED on exiting listening mode. #682
  • WICED not resolving DNS names with 4 parts (it was trying to decode as an IP address.)
  • SoftAP via HTTP would fail on Safari due to request sent as multiple TCP packets. Fixed WICED HTTP server. #680
  • Retained variables are not persisting, even without reset or deep sleep. #661
  • Backup RAM enabled for monolithic builds #667
  • Pure virtual call on creation of low priority std::thread #652




  • [photon] WiFi.selectAntenna() setting is persistent, so the last selected antenna is used when the device is in safe mode. [#618]
  • Detect when the cloud hasn't been serviced for 15s and disconnect, so device LED state accurately reflects the connection state when the application loop has stalled. #626
  • Compile-time checks for Particle.variable() #619
  • [photon] Increased retry count when connecting to WiFi. #620
  • Setup button events #611


  • UDP.receivePacket() would fail if UDP.setBuffer() hadn't been called first. Thanks @r2jitu.
  • [photon] Default SS pin for SPI1 now set to D5. #623
  • [photon] Long delay entering listening mode. #566
  • [photon] Solid green LED when WiFi network cannot be connected to due to invalid key. (The LED now blinks.)
  • [photon] Storing more than 2 Wi-Fi credentials would sometimes give unpredictable results.
  • [photon] TX/RX pins did not work after entering listening mode. #632
  • [photon] Improvements to I2C for MCP23017 / Adafruit RGBLCDShield. #626



  • SPI.setClockDividerReference, SPI.setClockSpeed to set clock speed in a more portable manner. #454
  • WiFi.scan function to retrieve details of local access points. #567
  • UDP.sendPacket/UDP.receivePacket to send/receive a packet directly to an application-supplied buffer. #452
  • Static IP Support [photon] - #451
  • [photon] UDP multicast support via UDP.joinMulticast/UDP.leaveMulticast. Many thanks @stevie67!
  • waitFor(WiFi.ready) syntax to make it easier to wait for system events. #415
  • Flexible time output with Time.format() #572


  • Recipes and Tips section in the build documentation.
  • Particle.function, Particle.subscribe and attachInterrupt can take a C++ method and instance pointer. #534 Thanks to @monkbroc!
  • UDP.setBuffer to set the buffer a UDP instance uses for read/write. #224 and #452
  • WiFi.setCredentials() can take a Cipher type to allow full specification of an AP's credentials. #574
  • TCPClient (from TCPServer) reports remote IP address. #551
  • Configurable format in Time.timeStr(), including ISO 8601. #455
  • Servo.trim(adjust) to allow small adjustments to the stationary point. #120
  • Time set from the cloud accounts for network latency. #581
  • String(Printable) constructor so any Printable can be converted to a string. example
  • Fluent API on String - many methods return *this so method calls can be chained.
  • Small values passed to delay(1) result in more accurate delays. #260
  • Bootloader does not show factory reset modes if a factory reset image is not available. #557


  • Listening mode re-enters listening mode after credentials are given. #558
  • String function dtoa() has problems with larger numbers. #563
  • System doesn't set color of RGB LED when RGB.control(true) is called. #362, #472 and #544
  • WiFi.SSID() may not return previous network when switching. #560
  • [photon] System.sleep(5) not turning Wi-Fi back on after 5 seconds. #480
  • regression: floating point support in sprintf not compiled in. #576
  • [photon] SPI1 default clock speed was 7.5MHz, changed to 15MHz, same as for SPI.
  • TCPClient::connected() doesn't detect when the socket is closed #542
  • dfu-util: error during downlod get_status msg removed when using :leave option #599
  • [Core] A0 could not be used as an output #595
  • Reinstate CFOD handling on the Photon.



  • logging output documentation
  • pressing 'v' in SoftAP mode displays the system version. FIRM-128
  • P1: API (compatible with Core) to access the 1MByte external flash. #498
  • Arduino compatibility macros for PROGMEM and more.
  • RGB.onChange handler receives notification of the current LED color when it changes. Can be used to match an external LED to the onboard led. #518 Thanks to @monkbroc!
  • Serial2 available on P1 and Photon (note: this also requires above RGB.onChange handler and two resistors would need to be removed on the Photon)
  • Spark.connected() et al. is now Particle.connected(). The former Spark library is still available but is deprecated.
  • System.freeMemory() API to determine the amount of available RAM.
  • STARTUP() macro to define blocks of code that execute at startup.


  • Retrieve the LED brightness via RGB.brightness()
  • More prominent color change on the RGB LED when there is a cloud connection error.
  • System.sleep() - 2nd parameter changed to InterruptMode from uint16_t to ensure the correct types are used. #499
  • Less aggressive exponential backoff when the re-establishing the cloud connection. [FIRM-177]
  • I2C Wire.endTransmission() returns unique values and I2C docs updated
  • Generate I2C STOP after slave addr NACK, I2C software reset all timeouts - commit
  • Improved I2C Master receive method and implemented error handler - commit - commit
  • WiFi.selectAntenna() default antenna is now INTERNAL. Can be called at startup (before WiFi is initialized to select the desired antenna.


  • [Regression] System connects WiFi when Spark.connect() is called after WiFi.on() #484
  • Debug build now working.
  • PWM issue fixed - 500Hz output on all channels #492
  • Tone issue fixed on D2,D3,RX,TX #483
  • SOS when registering more than 2 subscription handlers, and allow 4 subscription handlers to be successfully registered. #531
  • SOS on TCPClient.connect() when DNS resolution failed or when connection fails #490
  • TCPClient::stop() does not work on first connection #536
  • TCPClient::connect() does not close an existing socket. #538
  • TX/RX PWM randomly inverted #545
  • UDP.begin/write return values #552



  • Half-duplex mode on Serial1 via Serial1.halfdupliex(). Thanks to @prices.
  • WiFi.connect(WIFI_CONNECT_SKIP_LISTEN) allows application firmware to skip listen mode when there is no credentials.
  • System events


  • I2C methods now use micros() for timeouts rather than millis(), so I2C functions can be used in an interrupt handler. #460
  • WiFi.listen(false) to programmatically exit WiFi listening mode.
  • make is verbose by default. To silence, add -s to the command line.
  • WiFi.connect(WIFI_CONNECT_SKIP_LISTEN) starts connection but does not enter listening mode if no credentials are found.
  • Setup/Mode button now starts listening mode when WiFi is off.
  • WiFi.listen(false) can be used to exit listening mode (from an interrupt.)
  • LED flashes high-speed green when requesting an IP address via DHCP.


  • [Photon/TCPServer] - TCPClient.connected() was not returning false when the socket was asynchronously disconnected.
  • Fix time being reset on wakeup. (removed WICED RTC init code that resets to default preset time in platform_mcu_powersave_init() within photon-wiced repo.) #440
  • TCPClient.connected() was not returning false when the socket was disconnected from the other end.
  • strdup() was returning garbage #457
  • attachInterrupt() should work on all interrupt pins now except D0 & A5. Please note there are shared lines as per the following issue comment : [#443] (
  • I2C bus lockup when no slave devices are present by issuing a STOP condition after sLave send address fails.
  • spark/ events not propagated to application handlers. #481
  • sprintf calls not linking correctly. #471
  • Photon/P1 sometimes did not start without hitting reset after a cold boot.
  • Disable LTO compile for user firmware since it causes linking problems (see sprintf above.)



  • EEPROM storage of custom data types via EEPROM.put() and `EEPROM.get()'
  • When the device is in safe mode, the LED breathes magenta
  • attachSystemInterrupt() allows hooking key system interrupts in user code.
  • DMA-driven SPI master
  • UDP.sendPacket() method avoids buffering data when the user can supply the entire buffer at once.
  • [Photon] SoftAP setup can be done over HTTP
  • platform-neutral fast pin access 449
  • [P1] Serial2 support


  • [Photon] The system firmware updates the bootloader to latest version
  • [Photon] The system write protects the bootloader region.
  • UDP uses dynamically allocated buffers
  • PRODUCT_ID and PRODUCT_VERSION place these details at a known place in the firmware image
  • DFU mode and serial firmware update can be triggered by setting the line rate.


  • Serial1.end() hangs the system
  • Malformed CoAP acknowledgement message in cloud protocol.
  • SPARK_WLAN_Loop() was not linked. (Workaround was to use Spark.process())
  • UDP doesn't send anything to the device until UDP.write() #407
  • Divide by zero now caught and causes a SOS.
  • Floating-point support for sprintf() reinstated
  • Fixed WICED DCT becoming unmodifiable
  • Fix UDP.parsePacket() not receiving any data on the Photon #468



  • Signed Photon USB Driver for use with Windows 8.1


  • Spark.syncTime() was not linked. #426
  • Wire.setSpeed(CLOCK_SPEED_100KHZ) was not linked. #432
  • WiFi.selectAntenna() was not linked.



  • PHOTON!!!!


  • loop() iteration rate increased by 1000 times - from 200 Hz to over 200 kHz!
  • Compiler: Removed all warnings from the compile (and made warnings as errors) so compiler output is minimal.
  • Debugging: SWD Support, thanks to Elco Jacobs. #337
  • Spark.publish() returns a success value - #388
  • Spark.process() as the public API for running the system loop. #347
  • Sleep no longer resets (on the Photon) #283
  • Support for application code outside of the firmware repo. #374
  • MAC Address available in setup via 'm' key. #352
  • SoftAP setup on the Photon
  • Spark.sleep() changed to System.sleep() and similarly for deviceID() #390
  • Listening mode uses existing serial connection if already opened. #384
  • Spark.publish("event", PRIVATE) shorthand - #376
  • Improved integrity checks for firmware images
  • Added additional safe/recovery mode in bootloader (> 6.5 sec : restore factory code without clearing wifi credentials)
  • Enabled CRC verification in bootloader before restoring/copying the firmware image from factory reset, ota downloaded area etc.
  • Added 'program-serial' to build target to enter serial ymodem protocol for flashing user firmware (Testing pending...)
  • Cloud string variables can be re-defined #241
  • Removed hard-coded limit on number of functions and variables #111
  • Parameterized function callbacks, lambda support for functions #311
  • C++ STL headers supported
  • Can duplicate the onboard RGB LED color in firmware. #302
  • WiFi.selectAntenna() - select between internal (chip) and external (u.FL) antenna on Photon: #394
  • WiFi.resolve() to look up an IP address from a domain name. #91
  • System.dfu() to reboot the core in dfu mode, until next reset or next DFU update is received.


  • SOS calling Spark.publish() in SEMI_AUTOMATIC/MANUAL mode
  • Subscriptions maintained when cloud disconnected. #278
  • Fix for events with composite names. #382
  • WiFi.ready() returning true after in manual mode. #378
  • Serial.peek() implemented. #387
  • Mode button not working in semi-automatic or manual mode. #343
  • Time.timeStr() had a newline at the end. #336
  • WiFi.RSSI() caused panic in some cases. #377
  • Spark.publish() caused SOS when cloud disconnected. #322
  • TCPClient.flush() discards data in the socket layer also. #416


  • Platform: hardware dependencies are factored out from wiring into a hardware abstraction layer
  • Repo: all 3 spark repos (core-common-lib, core-communication-lib, core-firmware) are combined into this repo.
  • Modularization: factored common-lib into platform, services and hal modules.
  • Modularization: factored core-firmware into wiring, system, 'main' and user modules.
  • Modularization: user code compiled as a separate library in the 'user' module
  • Build system: fancy new build system - build/
  • Modularization: modules folder containing dynamically linked modules for the Photon




  • Wiring: More efficient and reliable print(String) (fix issue #281) #305
  • DFU: Add DFU suffix to .bin file #323


  • I2C: Use I2C polling mode by default #322
  • Listening Mode: Fix hard fault when Wi-Fi is off #320
  • LED Interaction: Fix breathing blue that should be blinking green #315



  • Cloud: Secure random seed. When the spark does a handshake with the cloud, it receives a random number that is set as a seed for rand()
  • Wiring: Arduino-compatible random() and randomSeed() functions. #289
  • Wiring: Arduino-compatible functions like isAlpha() and toLowerCase(). #293


  • Wire: added missing Slave mode using DMA/Interrupts and updated Master mode using DMA. New APIs Wire.setSpeed() and Wire.strechClock(). #284
  • Sleep: Spark.sleep() supports wakeup on pin change. #265


  • RGB: calling RGB.brightness() doesn't change the LED brightness immediately #261
  • Wiring: pinMode() INPUT and OUTPUT constants had reversed values compared to Arduino. #282
  • Wiring: compiler error using HEX with String. #210
  • System Mode: MANUAL mode breaks OTA update #294

pre v0.3.3 versions
