diff --git a/src/data/members.json b/src/data/members.json index c3e3bbb..84baae5 100644 --- a/src/data/members.json +++ b/src/data/members.json @@ -1,1264 +1 @@ -{ - "members": [ - { - "id": "1", - "name": "Diego", - "lastname": "Garza", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "Founder & Alumni", - "class": "2015", - "semesters": "9", - "description": "Founder of the RoBorregos robotics team and Selider alumni with an exchange program in Carnegie Mellon University. Passionate in empowering the latinx community through digital content in his YouTube channel and social media inspiring dreamers to improve every day with optimism and leadership. Empathy, honesty and persistence are the core values that drive his life. He believes that progress is achieved by helping the development, growth and education of others. Learn. Enjoy. Compete.", - "github": "https://github.com/chhcd", - "github_user": "chhcd", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/diego-garza-rodr%C3%ADguez-a45b2197/", - "tags": "Founder, Programmer, Software, Legacy" - }, - { - "id": "3", - "name": "Gerardo", - "lastname": "Consuelos Fern\u00e1ndez", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Mechanical Design", - "subtitle": "Founder & Alumni", - "class": "2015", - "semesters": "9", - "description": "Hi, I'm Gerardo. As one of the founders I had the chance to cultivate, and watch the team grow. The greatest impact that RoBorregos has had in Mexico has been in the field of design and development. I am highly proud of this, and will continue to support the team. My passion is to develop learning techniques for systems so that they can to find solutions to real world problems.", - "github": "https://github.com/GerardoConsuelos", - "github_user": "GerardoConsuelos", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/gconsuelosf/", - "tags": "Founder, Mechanics, Lecagy" - }, - { - "id": "4", - "name": "Sebasti\u00e1n", - "lastname": "Rivera", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "Founder & Alumni", - "class": "2015", - "semesters": "9", - "description": "Hi, I am Sebastian. As part of the founders, I had the opportunity to work on early development stages of the projects Roborregos is developing. My passion is to break down real-world problem into actionable tasks that could be solved through programming and engineering in general. I am working as a full time Driver Software Engineer at National Instruments.", - "github": "https://github.com/sebasrivera96", - "github_user": "sebasrivera96", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/sebasti%C3%A1n-rivera-gonz%C3%A1lez-0711a967/", - "tags": "Founder, Programmer, Software, Developer, Legacy" - }, - { - "id": "5", - "name": "Alejandro", - "lastname": "Garza", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "Alumni", - "class": "2015", - "semesters": "9", - "description": "I am Alejandro! Part of the second generation of the team. I am really passionate about technology and development. I really love learning new things and sharing the knowledge, thats what RoBorregos is all about.", - "github": "https://github.com/alexhor22", - "github_user": "alexhor22", - "linkedin": "https://linkedin.com/in/alejandrogarzaisd/", - "tags": "Programmer, Software, Developer, Legacy" - }, - { - "id": "7", - "name": "Cinthia", - "lastname": "Sanchez", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Electronics", - "subtitle": "Alumni", - "class": "2015", - "semesters": "9", - "description": "Hi, I\u2019m Cinthia. I was part of the team until a year ago when I transferred to Guadalajara to graduate as ITE and finish my internship at Intel. As a member of Roborregos I had the opportunity to work electronics and meet a lot of great hard-working people.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/cinthia-abigail-sanchez-silva-805131184/", - "tags": "Electronics, Legacy" - }, - { - "id": "8", - "name": "Clara", - "lastname": "Guti\u00e9rrez", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Web Design/Dev & Mechanical Design", - "subtitle": "Alumni", - "class": "2015", - "semesters": "9", - "description": "Hey! I'm Clara, a mechatronics degree student finishing my 10th and last semester. Currently I'm part of the web team (yes, we developed this cool website), where I'm in charge of the web design. I started my path in the team working on mechanical design, which is another one of my passions. I recently came back from Germany where I developed skills in radar development & robotics. Apart from my engineer side, I also love food, calligraphy and sport.", - "github": "https://github.com/ClaraGtz", - "github_user": "ClaraGtz", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/claragtzjaime/", - "tags": "Web Design, Mechanics, Legacy" - }, - { - "id": "9", - "name": "Diego", - "lastname": "Cardozo", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "Alumni", - "class": "2015", - "semesters": "9", - "description": "I'm Diego Cardozo, a student of ISD in Tec. I have been part of the team since some year ago and I have participated in different competitions as a programmer. My experience has been with C++, Arduino, Python, etc. I like how there are a lot of technologies open to everyone that we can use and improve.", - "github": "https://github.com/diegocardozo97", - "github_user": "diegocardozo97", - "linkedin": "https://mx.linkedin.com/in/diego-cardozo", - "tags": "Programmer, Software, Developer, Legacy" - }, - { - "id": "11", - "name": "Jos\u00e9 Eduardo", - "lastname": "S\u00e1nchez", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "Alumni", - "class": "2015", - "semesters": "9", - "description": ":D", - "github": "https://github.com/gallosanchez23", - "github_user": "gallosanchez23", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/jose-eduardo-sanchez-yepiz-24201710b/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "12", - "name": "Nestor", - "lastname": "Maldonado P\u00e1manes", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "Alumni", - "class": "2015", - "semesters": "9", - "description": "Former team member, now working as a software engineer at Google thanks to it. Here we built a community that uses technology and competitions to obtain knowledge and abilities to help us growth individually and as a group and each one of us is an example of what teamwork can get.", - "github": "https://github.com/nessmp", - "github_user": "nessmp", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/nestor-maldonado-p%C3%A1manes-906925148/", - "tags": "Programming, Electrical, Mechanics, Algorithms, Computer vision, Control systems, Navigation, Frontend, Backend, Networks and communication, Social media, Sponsorships, Finances, Project Management, Executive comitee" - }, - { - "id": "13", - "name": "Tom\u00e1s", - "lastname": "Lugo", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "Alumni", - "class": "2015", - "semesters": "10", - "description": "I enjoy learning and I want to teach what I can to help others grow to be the best they can be.\nOn my professional field I'm mainly interested on control systems, optimization, and computer vision. However, I'm always open to try new areas to further expand my capabilities.\nI like working out, listening to audiobooks and hanging out with friends.", - "github": "https://github.com/tomvik", - "github_user": "tomvik", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomaslbmi", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "14", - "name": "Alexis", - "lastname": "Virgen", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Software development & Mechanical Design", - "subtitle": "Alumni", - "class": "2016", - "semesters": "9", - "description": "I'm Alexis, student of 8th semester majoring in Digital Systems and Robotics. I am currently developing the vision system of the RoboCup @Home category and I am very passionate about Astronomy and Data Science. I've done two internships at Microsoft (third one coming) and participated in LARC 2019 (Brasil) and RoboCup Jr 2018 (Japan).", - "github": "https://github.com/SAlexisvf", - "github_user": "SAlexisvf", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/salexisvirgen", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "15", - "name": "Ana", - "lastname": "Garza", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Mechanical Design", - "subtitle": "Alumni", - "class": "2016", - "semesters": "9", - "description": "Sup, I'm Any! I study Animation and Digital Arts in 8 semester. Right now, I am in charge with Noelia of the Social Media of the Team. I am also participating in VSSS and helping with with the design of the web page. I'm specialized in rigging 3D Characters. I would love to work in VR/AR, films or videogames!", - "github": "https://github.com/AnaGarza", - "github_user": "AnaGarza", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/garzana3d/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "16", - "name": "Arcelia", - "lastname": "Villase\u00f1or", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Mechanical Design", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2016", - "semesters": "5", - "description": "Hi, I'm Arce. I used to work as a mechanical designer, but now I\u2019m focusing more into software development. I enjoy working on front-end development for mobile (Android) and I just started to learn Web and am excited to continue learning.", - "github": "https://github.com/Arce2603", - "github_user": "Arce2603", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/arcelia-villase%C3%B1or/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "17", - "name": "Aurora", - "lastname": "Tijerina", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Software Development & Leadership", - "subtitle": "Revolutionary Alumni", - "class": "2016", - "semesters": "9", - "description": "Hey! I'm Aurora and I studied Digital Systems and Robotics. In RoBorregos I was Executive Comitee, PM, mentor, and developer of the Navigation and Integration areas in @HOME and Smart Factory. I am interested in front-end, AR, computer vision, using interesting hardware, dancing and reading, but what I love is teamwork, trying new tech, and exploring its limits in a creative way. It doesn't matter the circumstances, I'm always there for the team!", - "github": "https://github.com/AuroTB", - "github_user": "AuroTB", - "linkedin": "https://linkedin.com/in/aurotb", - "tags": "Programming, Algorithms, Computer vision, Control systems, Navigation, Frontend, Natural language processing, Sensorial systems, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Architectural system design, Logic electronics, Social media, Graphic design, Project Management, Executive comitee" - }, - { - "id": "18", - "name": "Ernesto", - "lastname": "Cervantes", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Control Systems", - "subtitle": "Alumni", - "class": "2016", - "semesters": "9", - "description": "Hey there! My name is Ernesto and I am a junior student in robotics engineering. I have had the honor to work as a control systems programmer in a robot capable of going through an unknown maze, competition better know as Rescue Maze. I've done two summer internships at Microsoft and since January I started a research program at Harvard University. I am also the CEO of ONEILA.", - "github": "https://github.com/netocervantes98", - "github_user": "netocervantes98", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/netocervantes98", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "19", - "name": "Gabriela", - "lastname": "Mendoza", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Mechanical Design", - "subtitle": "Alumni", - "class": "2016", - "semesters": "9", - "description": "Hi! I'm Gaby, a Mechatronics engineer currently studying a Master\u2019s in Manufacturing Systems. Working with RoBorregos was a big part of my university life (I was mainly involved in mechanical design). I also had some experience with programming, in small competitions (I love Hackathons!) and internships. I\u2019m interested in projects that involve technological development, efficiency and support sustainable energy solutions. My past experiences have led me to work in both independent and team projects, and I believe group projects are an excellent way to share advice and support each other. In my free time I like to read, ice skate, watch series/movies, play basketball, and learn ASL/LSM.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabriela-mendoza-leal/", - "tags": "Mechanics, Structural mechanics, Mechanisms, Executive comitee" - }, - { - "id": "20", - "name": "Greg", - "lastname": "Espinosa", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Electronics", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2016", - "semesters": "6", - "description": "Hi, I am Greg Espinosa Carrillo a former Roborrego. My passion is learning new stuff oriented to programing and electronics. I am currently working on artificial intelligence projects for entretainment to put in action my knowledge.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "Greg0909", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/greg-espinosa-carrillo/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "23", - "name": "Osvaldo", - "lastname": "Alvarez", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2016", - "semesters": "9", - "description": "Hi! I\u2019m Osvaldo, a senior student in Computer Engineering. I\u2019m grateful to being part of RoBorregos since 2016 where I\u2019ve had the opportunity to work as a software developer, focusing in navigation systems and computer vision algorithms. I'm passionate about developing new technologies to help other people. Also, I\u2019ve done two internships with Microsoft so far where I\u2019ve had the opportunity to make a great impact to people around the globe.", - "github": "https://github.com/Osvaldoav/", - "github_user": "Osvaldoav", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/jorge-osvaldo-alvarez-valdez-724030141/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "24", - "name": "Paul", - "lastname": "Vazquez", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Software Development & Electronics", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2016", - "semesters": "9", - "description": "Hi, I'm Paul, engineer in Digital Systems and Robotics. I worked as a programmer and leader in RoboCup @Home. I am passionate about @Home because it is a very scalable project with a lot of potential for social impact, in addition to allowing me to work with a multidisciplinary team. I am interested in working in embedded systems, web development and data science. I like cats, video games and american football.", - "github": "https://github.com/paulvazbad", - "github_user": "paulvazbad", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulvazbad", - "tags": "Programming, Control systems, Frontend, Natural language processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Architectural system design, Logic electronics, Project Management, Executive comitee" - }, - { - "id": "25", - "name": "Sebastian", - "lastname": "Esquer", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Electronics", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2016", - "semesters": "5", - "description": "Hi, I am Sebastian Esquer, I'm a former roborrego, I used to do computer vision and electronics, I learned a lot of important things during my time in the team about programming and electronics that is going to be very helpful for the rest of my life.", - "github": "https://github.com/eskrr", - "github_user": "eskrr", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/sebastian-esquer-gaitan-99188a14a/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "26", - "name": "Alberto", - "lastname": "Jahuey", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2017", - "semesters": "5", - "description": "My name is Alberto, I am very interested in programming and electronics, I am a mentor to several First teams and I really like helping when needed.", - "github": "https://github.com/AJahueyM", - "github_user": "AJahueyM", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/alberto-jahuey-325179168/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "28", - "name": "Antonio", - "lastname": "Rodr\u00edguez", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2017", - "semesters": "7", - "description": "Hi, I am Antonio and I am on my 8th semester of B.S. in Digital Systems and Robotics Engineering. I am currently studying and working in Germany as part of a scholarship from the DAAD. As member of RoBorregos, I had the chance of representing Mexico at the Latin American and Brazilian Robotics Competition 2018 along with other 4 team members. As Software Engineer student, I am interested in Web Development and Data Science. I like soccer, Netflix and sharing a good beer with friends.", - "github": "https://github.com/AntonioRdzNav", - "github_user": "AntonioRdzNav", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/AntonioRdzNav/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "29", - "name": "Eric", - "lastname": "Castillo", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Electronics", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2017", - "semesters": "3", - "description": "Hi, I am Eric, I study Mechatronics Engineer and electronics is my passion. I get interested very easily in things related to math, electronics, physics and programming. I\u00b4m always willing to expand areas of knowledge whenever a proyect shows up and I tend to understand new topics in a fast way since I like to analyze and make deductions. I have experience in many robotics competitions as you may find in my CV. I also like to do sports such Table Tennis, and I like to play and listen to music.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/urielcastillo38/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "30", - "name": "Iqui", - "lastname": "Heredia", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Software Development & Mechanical Design", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2017", - "semesters": "7", - "description": "I am Iqui Balam, currently studying Mechatronics Engineering and I am passionate in everything that has to do with technology and new discoveries. I have contributed to the team been responsible in areas such as Mechanical Design and Computer VIsion, applying what I learn in classes in the robots that we desing, always seeking to improve and help others, researching and contribute to our knowledge about the world. I like to play the guitar, listening to music and watching series.", - "github": "https://github.com/IquiBalamHM", - "github_user": "IquiBalamHM", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/iqui-balam/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "35", - "name": "Ricardo", - "lastname": "Osorio", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Mechanical Design, Logistics & Sponsorship and Industrial Enginner", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2017", - "semesters": "7", - "description": "Hello everyone, I\u00b4m Ricardo, i\u00b4m currently studying mechatronics major, I\u00b4ve been working in Roborregos as robots mechanic for three years. I love to design and create mechanical solutions that implies not only mechanisms, but also consider electronic components and circuitry. I am a great fan of F1 and my dream is to work with race cars, I also like ride my MTB bike and play my harp.", - "github": "https://github.com/RicardoOsorioOliveros", - "github_user": "RicardoOsorioOliveros", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/ricardo-osorio-oliveros-95a2561a5/", - "tags": "Mechanics, Structural mechanics, Mechanisms, Industrial design, Power electronics, Networks and communication, Graphic design, Sponsorships, Finances, Project Management, Executive comitee" - }, - { - "id": "36", - "name": "Roberto", - "lastname": "Galindo", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Mechanical Design", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2017", - "semesters": "3", - "description": "My name is Roberto, and I'm a former member of RoBorregos, right now I'm an student of 5th semester, and I liked too much to be in RoBorregos because I was able to take my skills outside of the classroom, and learn more about Mechanics and take my knowledge to a practical field. I learnt from other engineering fields in RoBorregos. I like to make teamwork because you are able to achieve a common goal and share the experience with other people. I am interested in working in Mechanical Design, and optimization of processes. I like to play videogames, watch youtube, series, movies, anime, etc.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/roberto-galindo-quintanilla-02552b180/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "37", - "name": "Yulisa", - "lastname": "Medina", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2017", - "semesters": "7", - "description": "Hey! My name is Yulisa and I am CS student in love with robotics, physics and music. The last couple of years in RoBorregos I have participated in RoboCup Jr. Maze, as the dev in charge of the main algorithm, and in the internal LARC 2019 team. In the latter one I also worked on the main algorithm, pathfinding and in the computer vision aspect of the challenge. I am always eager to learn and to share my experiences with others, so if you have any inquiries don't hesitate to email me \ud83d\ude01", - "github": "", - "github_user": "YulisaM2", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/yulisa-medina", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "38", - "name": "Aldo", - "lastname": "Samaniego", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2018", - "semesters": "10", - "description": "4 semestre ISD, Mecanico Maze y @HOME", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/aldo-jesus-samaniego-silva-b39a3018a/", - "tags": "Programming, Algorithms, Computer vision, Frontend, Logic electronics, Executive comitee" - }, - { - "id": "39", - "name": "Arath", - "lastname": "Hern\u00e1ndez", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2018", - "semesters": "4", - "description": "Hi, I'm Arath. I am a programmer in Roborregos, specifically in the algorithm area. I had the opportunity to work in different rescue maze competences and thanks to that realize the love I have for robotics. In the team I have learn a lot about leadership and teamwork and I am very thankful to my partners for that. My favorite and only hobby is to play league of legends.", - "github": "https://github.com/ArathHernandez", - "github_user": "ArathHernandez", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/erbey-arath-hernandez-villarreal-6a1594193/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "42", - "name": "Jamir", - "lastname": "Leal", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2018", - "semesters": "6", - "description": "Hi, I am Jamir, currently studying Information Technologies. I participated in RoboCup at Junior Rescue Maze category developing electronic design and the computer vision algorithm. I am currently working in LARC VSSS at the integration area. I also have worked as web developer in some projects. In my free time I like to practice Triathlon and listen music.", - "github": "https://github.com/JamirLeal", - "github_user": "JamirLeal", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamir-leal-cota-9988b6174/", - "tags": "Programming, Algorithms, Computer vision, Frontend, Logic electronics" - }, - { - "id": "43", - "name": "Jos\u00e9", - "lastname": "Cisneros", - "status": "active", - "role": "President & PM Home", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2018", - "semesters": "10", - "description": "Hello, I'm Jos\u00e9, a senior student pursuing a bachelor's degree in Robotics. I have been involved with the team since 2018 as a programmer and am the current president. I am passionate about robotics, RoBorregos has given me the opportunity to participate a couple of national and international competitions working on artificial vision, object manipulation and autonomous navigation. Other than that, I love spending time playing basketball, listening to music, and hanging out with friends.", - "github": "https://github.com/Josecisneros001", - "github_user": "Josecisneros001", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/joseacisnerosm/", - "tags": "Programming, Electrical, Algorithms, Computer vision, Control systems, Frontend, Backend, Human-robot interaction, Speech recognition, Sensorial systems, Deep Learning, CE, Ejecutive committee" - }, - { - "id": "45", - "name": "Luis", - "lastname": "Garza", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Mechanical Design", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2018", - "semesters": "5", - "description": "Hi, I'm Luis a student of 6th semester of the Mecatronics engineering. Currently, I'm working in manufacturing area and mechanical desing in RoboCup @Home. I am interested in everything about manufacturing and development of CNC machines. I like dogs and baseball.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "46", - "name": "Mauricio", - "lastname": "Ju\u00e1rez", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2018", - "semesters": "6", - "description": "I'm Mauricio Juarez a student of 4th semester of Computer Science. In the team I work as a programmer and like to mentor the newer generations. I love technology, music and football.", - "github": "https://github.com/zJuarez", - "github_user": "zJuarez", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/mauricio-juarez/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "47", - "name": "Miguel", - "lastname": "Elizondo", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2018", - "semesters": "6", - "description": "Hi! I'm Miguel, a student of 4th semester of the Engineering in digital systems and robotics degree. I've working on the strategy development for the LARC VSSS competition. I love learning new things, and I always try to improve. I also like listening to music and hanging out with my girlfriend and friends.", - "github": "https://github.com/Miguelelizondov", - "github_user": "Miguelelizondov", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/miguelalejandroelizondovalladares/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "48", - "name": "Omar", - "lastname": "Montiel", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2018", - "semesters": "4", - "description": "Hey! Hello, I'm Omar, a student in 4th semester of ITC (Computer Technologies Engineering). My role in the team is as a programmer, and I am currently helping develop the official Web site for the team. I love to solve any kind of puzzles and like to face tough challenges, so naturally, coding is a passion of mine. I hope to become a software developer in a big tech company in the future, so the contributions I make have a positive impact on millions of people just like you. I love God, and I'm a gamer, of course.", - "github": "https://github.com/OUMontiel", - "github_user": "OUMontiel", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/omar-montiel/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "49", - "name": "Ricardo", - "lastname": "Chapa", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2018", - "semesters": "6", - "description": "Hi, I'm Ricardo, a student of 4th of the ISDr degree. Currently, I'm a programmer on the Navigation area in RoboCup's @Home. I'm also working on the development of this webpage! I'm always looking to work on any scalable project that can have social impact. I'm interested in web development and robotics. I really like to see soccer games and play video games in my free time.", - "github": "https://github.com/RicardoChapaRomero", - "github_user": "RicardoChapaRomero", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/ricardo-chapa-romero-a4b277133/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "50", - "name": "Noelia", - "lastname": "Davila", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Logistics & Networking", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2018", - "semesters": "4", - "description": "Hi I am Noelia I am in my 5th semester of International Business. I am currently in the logistics and sponsership team. I like getting things done. I am intrested in CRM systems and technology thay allows business to improve there management. I like to write and love to try out new recipes.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/noelia-g-davila/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "51", - "name": "Alejandro", - "lastname": "Ruiz", - "status": "active", - "role": "Mechanical Design", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2019", - "semesters": "6", - "description": "Hi, I\u2019m Alejandro Ruiz and I\u2019m currently in 2nd semester of IM at ITESM. At Roborregos, I help designing robots mechanically. I used to be in RCJ Soccer Open but now I\u2019m working in RoboCup @Home project. I enjoy very much this project because I think it is challenging in many ways and it would help me become a better engineer. I like physics, electronics, programming and maths a lot. I think I\u2019m very good at these but there\u2019s always new concepts and ideas to learn. I\u2019m always open to learn new things because i like to have different tools and resources in my day to day problems. I also like playing different sports, listening to relaxing music and I love cooking.", - "github": "https://github.com/RicardoChapaRomero", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "http://linkedin.com/in/alejandro-ruiz-8834141a5", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "53", - "name": "Diego", - "lastname": "Prado", - "status": "active", - "role": "Electronics", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2019", - "semesters": "8", - "description": "I am involved in electronics in RoBorregos and manufacturing control intern at General Motors. I really like controls and automation in the automotive industry. I think every day we learn something new.", - "github": "https://github.com/DiegoPrado27", - "github_user": "diegoprado27", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/diego-prado-chapa-55a200184", - "tags": "Electrical, Computer vision, Logic electronics, Power electronics, Safety, Project Management" - }, - { - "id": "54", - "name": "Em\u00e9rico", - "lastname": "Pedraza", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2019", - "semesters": "8", - "description": "Hola! soy Emerico, estudiante pr\u00f3ximo a graduar de Ingenier\u00eda en Sistemas Digitales y Rob\u00f3tica y miembro del equipo de RoBorregos. Me interesa mucho la rob\u00f3tica y la ciencia de datos. Dentro del equipo que ha desarrollado algoritmos l\u00f3gicos de posicionamiento, as\u00ed como desarrollo de visi\u00f3n computacional. Me encanta este equipo porque ha contribuido a mi crecimiento personal y a mi capacidad de trabajo en grupo. Mis \u00e1reas favoritas son machine learning y sistemas digitales. Creo que el trabajo en equipo hace posibles grandes cosas! Me gusta mucho la m\u00fasica y el volleyball.", - "github": "https://github.com/Eme112", - "github_user": "Eme112", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/em\u00e9rico-pedraza-195599133/", - "tags": "Programming, Algorithms, Computer vision, Executive comitee" - }, - { - "id": "55", - "name": "Gabriela Jazmin", - "lastname": "\u00c1lvarez", - "status": "active", - "role": "Electronics & Soccer mentor", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2019", - "semesters": "6", - "description": "Soy estudiante de la carrera ISD en 9no semestre. Dentro del equipo me he desarrollado como electr\u00f3nica en la competencia SoccerLight, programadora en @Home y me desarrolle como PM en la parte de capacitaci\u00f3n en la competencia interna \"Candidates\" durante 2 a\u00f1os.", - "github": "https://github.com/gabyjazzmin", - "github_user": "gabyjazzmin", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabrielaj-alvarez/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "56", - "name": "Grecia", - "lastname": "Flores", - "status": "inactive", - "role": "Mechanical Design", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2019", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "Hi, I am Grecia, a student of 2 semestre of the Engineerin in Mechatronic degree. Currently, I am Mechanic in Robocup @Maze. I am passionate about @Maze because it is an interesting begineer project. I am in this project to develop my abilities in mechanic. I am interested in working in more complex robotic projects in the future. I like music and photography", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/grecia-carilu-flores-moctezuma-4a97021a5/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "57", - "name": "Karyme", - "lastname": "Ezrr\u00e9", - "status": "active", - "role": "Mechanical Design", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2019", - "semesters": "8", - "description": "Hello, I'm Karyme Ezrr\u00e9, I am a second semester student of engineering in innovation and development, currently I am a mechanic in RoboCup Junior Soccer Lightweight, I really like it because it is a great mechanical challenge.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "Karyme-Ezrre", - "linkedin": "Karyme Ezrr\u00e9", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "58", - "name": "Keven", - "lastname": "Arroyo", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2019", - "semesters": "6", - "description": "Hello, I am Keven, student of the Electronics Engineering program and tech enthusiast. I was a leader and programmer in the RoboCup Soccer Lightweight Junior. I greatly enjoyed this competition as it was an outstanding opportunity to improve my programming skills and further my involvement in the robotics field. The challenges I faced with my team have taught me the importance of teamwork as well as discipline and perseverance in all my future endeavors. I am interested in working in embedded systems, smart electronics, cloud, AI, and autonomous vehicles. I like video games and swimming.", - "github": "https://github.com/dake3601", - "github_user": "dake3601", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/keven-arroyo/", - "tags": "Programming, Algorithms, Computer vision, Control systems, Navigation, Backend, Project Management" - }, - { - "id": "62", - "name": "Rosalba", - "lastname": "Flores", - "status": "active", - "role": "Logistics & Sponsorship", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2020", - "semesters": "6", - "description": "Hi, I\u2019m Rosalba, a student of 2 semester of the INA degree. I am a member of the CLP. I am passionate about the logistics and sponsorship because it\u2019s an essential part for a team, and I can help achieving the goals through the networking. In fact, I\u2019m interested about working in a whole different area. I would like to get involved in genetics and textiles investigations with nanotechnology. I like fashion and art.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/rosalba-flores-de-la-riva-097bb91a5/", - "tags": "" - }, - { - "id": "65", - "name": "Alonso", - "lastname": "Ruiz", - "status": "active", - "role": "Mechanical Design", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2020", - "semesters": "4", - "description": "Hi, my name is Alonso. I\u2019m currently studying mechatronics engineering and work as a mechanical designer for the team in RoboCup @Home. Mechanical design, 3D modeling, and prototyping are things that I am very passionate about. I love how a simple mechanical concept or idea that started in your mind can be simulated using a CAD software and, through engineering and technology, be brought to life into a real physical object that performs a function within the robot.", - "github": "https://github.com/AlonRuiz", - "github_user": "AlonRuiz", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/alonso-ruiz/", - "tags": "Mechanics, Structural mechanics, Mechanisms, Industrial design" - }, - { - "id": "67", - "name": "Ignacio", - "lastname": "Maldonado S\u00e1nchez", - "status": "active", - "role": "Mechanical Design", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2020", - "semesters": "6", - "description": "Hi I\u2019m Ignacio, student of Mechatronic engineering, by now I\u2019m working as member of the RoBorregos team in the mechanical and CAD simulation area, my passion is to design innovative, functional and modern products or services that can make life easier and happier for all of us. I love archery, gaming and Hi-Res audio.", - "github": "https://github.com/IGNA-TENKOV", - "github_user": "IGNA-TENKOV", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/ignacio-maldonado-67b86b1a8/", - "tags": "Programming, Electrical, Mechanics, Human-robot interaction, Sensorial systems, Structural mechanics, Mechanisms, Industrial design, Logic electronics, Power electronics, Graphic design, Process design, Process optimization, Marketing" - }, - { - "id": "68", - "name": "Andrea", - "lastname": "Salcedo", - "status": "active", - "role": "Electronics", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2020", - "semesters": "6", - "description": "Hi, I\u2019m Andy, student of Robotics and Digital System. I like to help people and see how they grow up, and I think that Roborregos is a team where you see how others grow and motivate you to have a continual learning. Currently, I\u2019m an electronic in @Home where I develop the control arm PCB. I\u2019m interested in technology and 3D printer. Also, I like dogs and video games.", - "github": "https://github.com/andrea2702", - "github_user": "andrea2702", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrea27-02/", - "tags": "Electrical, Logic electronics" - }, - { - "id": "69", - "name": "Anel", - "lastname": "Alvarado Guti\u00e9rrez", - "status": "active", - "role": "Electronics", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2020", - "semesters": "4", - "description": "Hello! My name is Anel Beatriz Alvarado Gutiérrez, and I am Mechatronics Engineer. I've always had an interest in the robotics field, especially in how everything inside has a connection. I discovered that electronics explained how things are connected, so I started to learn more about it and got involved in projects during my student life. During the week, I like to hang out with my friends, watch TV and read. My favorite hobby is photography. One of my goals in life is to empower little girls and teenagers to get involved in the STEM area and make the gender gap smaller.", - "github": "https://github.com/AnelAlvarado", - "github_user": "AnelAlvarado", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/anel-beatriz-alvarado-guti\u00e9rrez-497788196", - "tags": "Electrical, Sensorial systems, Logic electronics, Power electronics, Networks and communication" - }, - { - "id": "70", - "name": "Evelyn", - "lastname": "Ulloa", - "status": "active", - "role": "Electronics", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2020", - "semesters": "1", - "description": "Hi, I'm Eve! I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechatronics Engineering. My interests are physics, IoT and embedded systems. In my free time, I like reading, drawing, and playing piano. At the moment, I develop in the electronics field in project SEMS, which is a social and environmental monitoring system for keeping track of the region's surroundings due to coronavirus pandemic. I am looking to get a better understanding of the world, and I think the best way to accomplish it is through engineering and science.", - "github": "https://github.com/eeveulloa", - "github_user": "eeveulloa", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/eeveulloa/", - "tags": "Electrical, Sensorial systems, Power electronics" - }, - { - "id": "73", - "name": "Brenda", - "lastname": "Mart\u00ednez", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2020", - "semesters": "4", - "description": "Hello, I'm Brenda, student of Data Science and Mathematics. I'm working as a programmer in Roborregos. I'm interesed in Data Science (obviously), Expert Systems and, recently I've taking interest in Cybersecurity. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family and learning new things.", - "github": "https://github.com/bmaor2001", - "github_user": "bmaor2001", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/brenda-martinez-124770164", - "tags": "Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Computer vision, Backend, CLP, Finances, Logistics, Business" - }, - { - "id": "77", - "name": "Sof\u00eda Alexa", - "lastname": "Mart\u00ednez de la O", - "status": "active", - "role": "Industrial Engineer", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2021", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "Hi, I am Sofia, student of Industrial Engineering and a member of the Roborregos team. I am currently working in the Manufacturing Area and System Design at the Smart Factory project. I am interested in logistics planning and manufacturing systems. I am passionate about soccer and am part of the soccer varsity team at Tec de Monterrey.", - "github": "https://github.com/sofiaalexa05", - "github_user": "sofiaalexa05", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/sof\u00edamart\u00ednezdelao", - "tags": "Human-robot interaction, Industrial design, PM, Process optimization" - }, - { - "id": "78", - "name": "Lorena", - "lastname": "Mart\u00ednez", - "status": "active", - "role": "Vicepresident", - "subtitle": "La m\u00e1s crack", - "class": "2021", - "semesters": "4", - "description": "Hello, I'm Lore, a mechatronics engineer with a passion for robotics. I had the opportunity to contribute to the Roborregos team in various roles. From August 2021 to August 2022, I served as the marketing manager, overseeing the team's promotional activities. Following that, I took on the role of vice president from August 2022 to August 2023, where I played a crucial part in coordinating team efforts. Additionally, I had the privilege of working as a mechanic for the @Home robot, contributing as an editor for our team's web page, and coordinating events like Semana I. I also collaborated on exciting projects such as RoboCupido and RoboChamp. It has been an incredible journey, and I'm excited to continue pushing the boundaries of robotics with the Roborregos team.", - "github": "https://github.com/LorenaMGP", - "github_user": "LorenaMGP", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorena-mgp/", - "tags": "CE, Executive committee, Mechanics, Mechanisms, Web, Backend, Marketing, Home" - }, - { - "id": "79", - "name": "Iv\u00e1n", - "lastname": "Romero", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2021", - "semesters": "4", - "description": "Hi! I'm Ivan, student of C.S. in 3rd semester Currently working at RoboCup Major Maze Simulation, @Home Simulation and leading the Web Development team. I like programming, maths and music.", - "github": "https://github.com/IvanRomero03", - "github_user": "IvanRomero03", - "linkedin": "www.linkedin.com/in/ivanromerow", - "tags": "Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Web, React, Frontend, Backend, PM" - }, - { - "id": "80", - "name": "Mariana", - "lastname": "Alvarado", - "status": "active", - "role": "Logistics & Sponsorship", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2022", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "Hi! I'm Mariana. Im a 3rd semester student, majoring in Bachelor in Global Business and I am a member of CLP. I am also currently working in Candidates' logistics team. I am very interested in international affairs and I would love to work abroad someday.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/marianaalvaradog/", - "tags": "CLP, Finances, Logistics, Business" - }, - { - "id": "81", - "name": "Bryan", - "lastname": "M\u00e1rquez", - "status": "active", - "role": "PM Navigation Home", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2021", - "semesters": "4", - "description": "Hello! I'm Bryan, class of 2023 in Robotics and Digital Systems Engineering. I was a software developer for the navigation area of RoboCup@Home and Interactive Service Robot Competition@IROS. I am passionate about robotics because of what can be achieved with it, a world of possibilities. I am grateful to have been a part of this team, and for what we have accomplished. It is here at RoBorregos where I have gained a lot of experience for my career, allowing me to work at SwRI, a company that works with ROS 2 and is the base of ROS-Industrial in America.", - "github": "github.com/BryanMqz", - "github_user": "BryanMqz", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/bryanmarquez", - "tags": "Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Home, Navegation" - }, - { - "id": "82", - "name": "Kevin", - "lastname": "Vega", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software Development, PM @Home", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2021", - "semesters": "4", - "description": "Hi I'm Kevin, Digital Systems and Robotics engineer graduated in 2023. I worked mostly in RoboCup@Home in speech and integration areas as a software developer and Project Manager. Also, I am passionate about music and technology", - "github": "https://github.com/KevinVegaTec", - "github_user": "KevinVegaTec", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinvegardz", - "tags": "Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Computer vision, Robochallenge, PM, Home" - }, - { - "id": "83", - "name": "Leonardo", - "lastname": "Llanas", - "status": "active", - "role": "Electronics and Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2021", - "semesters": "4", - "description": "Hey, I'm Leo:) I'm a student of a bachelor's degree in Mechatronics Engineering. At the moment I'm working in the team on the electronic design for the RoboCup @Home (2023) and on the programming of an autonomous vehicle for the local competition RoboChallenge(2022). My main interests are control systems and robotics development, but I'm open to any knowledge coming!", - "github": "https://github.com/lleo-13", - "github_user": "lleo-13", - "linkedin": "www.linkedin.com/in/leonardo-arturo-llanas-rodr\u00edguez-bab447228", - "tags": "Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms" - }, - { - "id": "84", - "name": "Erasmo", - "lastname": "Villarreal", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2021", - "semesters": "4", - "description": "I\u2019m Erasmo Villarreal, 5th semester student majoring in Robotic and Digital Systems. ", - "github": "https://github.com/ErasmoVillarreal01", - "github_user": "ErasmoVillarreal01", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/erasmo-villarreal-s%C3%A1nchez-42695b217", - "tags": "Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Robochamp, Home" - }, - { - "id": "85", - "name": "Michell", - "lastname": "Sarmiento", - "status": "active", - "role": "Image Coordinator", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2022", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "Hello! I am Michell, student of 5th semester in Mechatronics Engineering. I'm currently part of the Committe of Image and Communication and also I'm part of the mechanics team in the @Home project. I enjoy learning new things everyday, specially things about design. I'm always amused about how creating ideas from the scratch can turn into amazing results. I also love making Tik Toks and Instagram stories for the team.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "linkedin.com/in/andrea-michell-sarmiento-garcía-a0a299252", - "tags": "CCI, Communication, Image, Marketing, Mechanics, Home" - }, - { - "id": "86", - "name": "Fernanda", - "lastname": "Esparza ", - "status": "active", - "role": "Dir. Finances", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2021", - "semesters": "3", - "description": "Hi! I\u2019m Fernanda Esparza, currently I\u2019m at my 3rd Semester in Bachelor in Global Business. During this year I\u2019ll be developing \nas the team\u2019s Finance Director giving follow-ups to sponsorships and donations. I like research interesting topics, hang out with my friends and learn languages. ", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "http://www.linkedin.com/in/fernanda-michell-esparza", - "tags": "CLP, Finances, Logistics, Business, PM, CE, Executive committee" - }, - { - "id": "87", - "name": "Melissa", - "lastname": "Gallegos", - "status": "active", - "role": "Logistics & Sponsorship", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2021", - "semesters": "3", - "description": "Hello, I\u2019m Melissa, student of 3rd semester majoring in Global Business. I\u2019m \ncurrently in the logistics and sponsorship team. I\u2019m also passionate about learning new things and creating projects so I\u2019m currently developing our new project of Tech talks, a series of conferences where our members share their experience and knowledge about robotics and technology to the community.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissagallegosdom/", - "tags": "CLP, Finances, Logistics, Business, Team building, PM" - }, - { - "id": "88", - "name": "Leonardo", - "lastname": "S\u00e1nchez", - "status": "active", - "role": "Mechanical Design & PM Home", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2021", - "semesters": "4", - "description": "I'm Leonardo Sanchez, student of 7th semester in Mechatronics. Currently in Roborregos I am PM of mechanics for the competition RoboCup@Home and a member of the team for the competition of Latin American Robotics Competition, I am interested in applied robotics in energy systems, home automation, and curious in new technologies. Like to make personal mechatronics projects such as automatization of my home.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/leonardofsh", - "tags": "Mechanics, Home, Mechanical, Mechanisms, Structural mechanics, Home, PM" - }, - { - "id": "89", - "name": "Victoria", - "lastname": "De la Fuente", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2021", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "Hi! I'm Victoria, I'm currently studying 5th semester of Engineering in Data Science and Mathematics. I work in the conversation area at RoboCup @Home, where I develop intelligent systems that allow human language to be recognized and acted upon by a robot. I worked as a data science intern at POGEN during 2021 and I am currently doing a software engineering internship at Encora ", - "github": "https://github.com/victoriagdlf", - "github_user": "victoriagdlf", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriadelafuenteidm/?locale=en_US", - "tags": "Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Home" - }, - { - "id": "90", - "name": "Alexis", - "lastname": "Chapa", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2021", - "semesters": "4", - "description": "Hello, I'm Alexis, a student in the 3rd semester majoring in Robotics and Digital Systems. I'm currently developing the Control/Navigation areas for multiple competitions, integrating ROS and its navigation stack for autonomous navigation with obstacle avoidance. As an active member of the team, I've participated in Robocup Maze Jr 2022 and currently part of the Maze Major and Robochallenge teams.", - "github": "https://github.com/Chapa-1810", - "github_user": "Chapa-1810", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexischapa/", - "tags": "Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Computer vision, Maze, PM" - }, - { - "id": "91", - "name": "Jes\u00fas", - "lastname": "Chong ", - "status": "active", - "role": "Logistics & Sponsorship", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2022", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "I'm Jesus, student of 5th semester a Nanotechnology engineering, I love the world of entrepreneurship as much as Robotics. I am currently in the process of creating my own startup, I am part of the Roborregos logistics and sponsorship committee, working on creating social service and getting sponsorships for the team.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/jes%C3%BAs-chong-talavera-1786a41b7", - "tags": "CLP, Finances, Logistics, Business" - }, - { - "id": "92", - "name": "Ya\u00edr", - "lastname": "Reyes", - "status": "active", - "role": "Electronics", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2021", - "semesters": "4", - "description": "Hiiii I'm Ya\u00edr! Student of 3th semester in Electronics engineering. I've worked in RoboCup at Junior Rescue Maze category developing electronic and mechanical design. Always seeking to improve and with the philosophy that we can learn a lot from anyone. I like to listening to music, read and compete.", - "github": "https://github.com/Yair-Reyes", - "github_user": "Yair-Reyes", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/yair-reyes/", - "tags": "Electronics, Electrical, Logic electronics, Power electronics, Maze" - }, - { - "id": "93", - "name": "Javier", - "lastname": "Camacho", - "status": "active", - "role": "Logistics & Sponsorship", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2022", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "I'm Javier, student of 5th semester of mechatronics engineering. I\u00b4m part of the logistics and sponsorship team. My dream is to be a Cientific Artist, thus, I have a digital art page on instagram @capeartforspace", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/jos%C3%A9-javier-c-326a181aa/", - "tags": "CLP, Finances, Logistics, Business" - }, - { - "id": "94", - "name": "Sara", - "lastname": "Oca\u00f1a", - "status": "active", - "role": "Logistics & Sponsorship, PM Communication Candidates", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2022", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "Hi! I am Sara Oca\u00f1a, I'm in the third semester of my Business Intelligence degree at ITESM. At roborregos, I am part of the Logistics and Sponsorships Committee. I'm part of the Senior Developers team in Smart Factory for the Attraction department, and I run my own business as a cafe owner. I'm passionate about helping projects reach their full potential using different tools, data analysis, and creativity. I enjoy roborregos because I learn new things every day while working with talented people.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/sara-ximena-oca%C3%B1a-mart%C3%ADnez-13503a211/", - "tags": "CLP, Finances, Logistics, Business, Communication, Candidates, Team building" - }, - { - "id": "97", - "name": "David", - "lastname": "Vázquez", - "status": "active", - "role": "Electronics", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2022", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "I'm David, and I study Digital Systems and Robotics. I am passionate about electronics and hardware design, and I'm currently developing PCBs for RoboCup @Home category. I've also participated in different hackathons and other competitions in recent years.", - "github": "https://github.com/Deivideich", - "github_user": "Deivideich", - "linkedin": "www.linkedin.com/in/david-israel-váquez-leal-ab2495269", - "tags": "Electronics, Electrical, Logic electronics, Power electronics, Home" - }, - { - "id": "98", - "name": "José", - "lastname": "Benvenuto", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2022", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "I'm José, Student of 5th semester, I'm persuing a bachellor degree in Business Digital Transformation. I'm currently on vision area on @Larc Open Challege.", - "github": "https://github.com/JABV75", - "github_user": "JABV75", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/jos%C3%A9-benvenuto-b91915138", - "tags": "Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, LARC" - }, - { - "id": "99", - "name": "Alejandro", - "lastname": "Guerrero", - "status": "active", - "role": "Mechanical Design", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2022", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "I'm Alex, 3rd semester student looking for a major in Mechatronics Engineering. I worked on a mechanical design project with Mitutoyo, measuring tools manufacturer. I have a passion for technology and science, and I am always interested in learning new things.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "https://mx.linkedin.com/in/alejandro-guerrero-630431282", - "tags": "Mechanics, Structural mechanics, Mechanisms" - }, - { - "id": "100", - "name": "Jonatan", - "lastname": "De la Rosa", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2022", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "Hi!!, I'm Jonatan, 5th semester student of Mechatronics Engineering, I love programming, electronics and mechanical design, I'm currently working as a developer in @home in the vision part.", - "github": "https://github.com/Jonatandlr", - "github_user": "Jonatandlr", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonatandlr/", - "tags": "Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Vision, Home" - }, - { - "id": "101", - "name": "José Luis", - "lastname": "González Fragoso", - "status": "active", - "role": "Mechanical Design & PM Home", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2022", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "My name is José Luis, but I prefer to be called Pepe. Currently, I am a fifth semester student in the Mechatronics career. Recently, I was selected as Project Manager in the mechanical area of @Home, where I previously participated in the TMR of Veracruz 2023. My main focus is on mechanics and electronics, and I seek to complement my skills with course certificates and other learning opportunities.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "", - "tags": "Mechanics, Structural mechanics, Mechanisms, PM, Home" - }, - { - "id": "102", - "name": "Francisco", - "lastname": "Salas", - "status": "active", - "role": "Mechanical Design", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2022", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "I'm Francisco, student of 5th semester majoring in Robotics and Digital Systems. I'm very passionate about everything regarding robotics and constantly aim to learn and improve my skills. I've participated in the RoboCupJunior Lighweight competition as project manager and head mechanic of the team.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/franciscosalasporras03", - "tags": "Mechanics, Structural mechanics, Mechanisms, Soccer" - }, - { - "id": "103", - "name": "Alejandra", - "lastname": "Coeto", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2022", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "I am Alejandra Coeto, a Software Developer in Roborregos. I participated in the Robocup Soccer Lightweight competition 2023 and am currently part of the Vision @Home team. I like to face new challenges and look forward to sharing my passion for robotics and programming with the rest of the community.", - "github": "https://github.com/Ale-Coeto", - "github_user": "Ale-Coeto", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/alecoeto/", - "tags": "Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Soccer" - }, - { - "id": "104", - "name": "Ángel Antonio", - "lastname": "Cervantes", - "status": "active", - "role": "Electronics", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2022", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "I'm Angel, I am currently studying the 5th semestre of Mechatronics Engineering. I've been involved in the team as Electronics engineer in the Robocup Soccer Lightweight competition achieving 3rd place at national level.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/ángel-antonio-cervantes-0354b7139/", - "tags": "Electronics, Electrical, Logic electronics, Power electronics, Soccer" - }, - { - "id": "106", - "name": "Oscar", - "lastname": "Arreola", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2022", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "Hi! I'm Oscar, a student currently pursuing a B.S.in Computer Science and Technology (2022 - 2026). I participated in Rescue Maze Jr and was in charge of the control system and computer vision. I am currently working on web development projects inside RoBorregos :0.", - "github": "https://github.com/Oscar-gg", - "github_user": "Oscar-gg", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/oscar-arreola04/", - "tags": "Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Maze" - }, - { - "id": "107", - "name": "Jordan", - "lastname": "Palafox", - "status": "active", - "role": "Mechanical Design", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2022", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "My name is Jordan Palafox, I am student of 2nd semester majoring in Robotics and Digital Systems. I recently participated as a mechanic in the Mexican robotics tournament, and I am currently in the area of human robot interaction for the @home category of the RoboCup. I am passionate about 3D programming and design. Finally, I have multiple national recognitions and even an international one in the 2019 RoboCup (Australia).", - "github": "https://github.com/JordanPalafox", - "github_user": "JordanPalafox", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordan-arturo-palafox-salinas-258022258", - "tags": "Mechanicanics" - }, - { - "id": "108", - "name": "Diego", - "lastname": "Hernández", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2022", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "Hello! I'm Diego, student of 5th semester majoring in C.S. I am currently working in the navigation system in the @Home category and I've participated in RoboCup RescueMaze Jr 2023.", - "github": "https://github.com/Diego-HC", - "github_user": "Diego-HC", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/diegohernandezc", - "tags": "Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Home, Maze" - }, - { - "id": "110", - "name": "Jesús", - "lastname": "De Anda", - "status": "active", - "role": "Mechanical Design", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2022", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "Hi, I'm Jesús, also known as Chuy, currently studying Mechanical Engineering, right now I'm involved in the development and manufacturing of the LARC Open Challenge Robot, as well as the Robocup @HOME Robot. I'm really passionate about 3D design, mechanisms and manufacturing processes in general, and I think that the team gives me the right opportunity to develop in these areas. Other than that, i love playing video games and hanging out with my friends.", - "github": "https://github.com/ChuyDeAnda", - "github_user": "ChuyDeAnda", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesus-artemio-de-anda/", - "tags": "Mechanics, Structural mechanics, Mechanisms, LARC, Home" - }, - { - "id": "111", - "name": "Adán", - "lastname": "Flores", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software & Executive Comitee", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2022", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "Hiiii :) I'm Adán, student of 5th semester of B.S. in Mechatronics Engineering. Developer of Manipultation & Integration for @Home, Strategy & 3D Vision for LARC Open Challenge and Extended Reality for Smart Factory. I've been involved in different Robotics Competitions since 2014. I like dogs, science fiction, doing exercise and hanging out with friends.", - "github": "https://github.com/afr2903/", - "github_user": "afr2903", - "linkedin": "mx.linkedin.com/in/adanfr/", - "tags": "Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, CE, Executive, Comitee" - }, - { - "id": "112", - "name": "Emiliano", - "lastname": "Flores", - "status": "active", - "role": "Software Development", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2022", - "semesters": "2", - "description": "Hi! I'm Emiliano, studenth of 4th semester on Robotics and Digital Systems. I currently work on the areas of Computer Vision and Manipulation of the @Home competition. I've found robotics as my passion mostly through competitions, which I enjoy and wait for every year. On my free time, I like spending time out with my friends or painting.", - "github": "https://github.com/EmilianoHFlores", - "github_user": "EmilianoFlores", - "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/emiliano-flores-7a2a33282", - "tags": "Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Home" - }, - { - "id": "113", - "name": "Azeneth", - "lastname": "García", - "status": "active", - "role": "Communication and image committee", - "subtitle": "", - "class": "2023", - "semesters": "1", - "description": "Hello! I am Aze, an engineering student in Innovation and Development. I am currently in charge of the Image and Communication Committee, I am excited to project the great work of the RoBorregos family. I have great interest in technology, art and social causes.", - "github": "", - "github_user": "", - "linkedin": "www.linkedin.com/in/azeneth-garcía-méndez-ab3444235", - "tags": "CCI, Communication, Image, Marketing, PM" - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file +{"members": [{"id":1,"name":"Diego","lastname":"Garza","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"Founder & Alumni","class":"2015","semesters":"9","status":"inactive","description":"Founder of the RoBorregos robotics team and Selider alumni with an exchange program in Carnegie Mellon University. Passionate in empowering the latinx community through digital content in his YouTube channel and social media inspiring dreamers to improve every day with optimism and leadership. Empathy, honesty and persistence are the core values that drive his life. He believes that progress is achieved by helping the development, growth and education of others. Learn. Enjoy. Compete.","github":"https://github.com/chhcd","github_user":"chhcd","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/diego-garza-rodr%C3%ADguez-a45b2197/","tags":"Founder, Programmer, Software, Legacy"},{"id":3,"name":"Gerardo","lastname":"Consuelos Fernández","role":"Mechanical Design","subtitle":"Founder & Alumni","class":"2015","semesters":"9","status":"inactive","description":"Hi, I'm Gerardo. As one of the founders I had the chance to cultivate, and watch the team grow. The greatest impact that RoBorregos has had in Mexico has been in the field of design and development. I am highly proud of this, and will continue to support the team. My passion is to develop learning techniques for systems so that they can to find solutions to real world problems.","github":"https://github.com/GerardoConsuelos","github_user":"GerardoConsuelos","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/gconsuelosf/","tags":"Founder, Mechanics, Lecagy"},{"id":4,"name":"Sebastián","lastname":"Rivera","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"Founder & Alumni","class":"2015","semesters":"9","status":"inactive","description":"Hi, I am Sebastian. As part of the founders, I had the opportunity to work on early development stages of the projects Roborregos is developing. My passion is to break down real-world problem into actionable tasks that could be solved through programming and engineering in general. I am working as a full time Driver Software Engineer at National Instruments.","github":"https://github.com/sebasrivera96","github_user":"sebasrivera96","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/sebasti%C3%A1n-rivera-gonz%C3%A1lez-0711a967/","tags":"Founder, Programmer, Software, Developer, Legacy"},{"id":5,"name":"Alejandro","lastname":"Garza","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"Alumni","class":"2015","semesters":"9","status":"inactive","description":"I am Alejandro! Part of the second generation of the team. I am really passionate about technology and development. I really love learning new things and sharing the knowledge, thats what RoBorregos is all about.","github":"https://github.com/alexhor22","github_user":"alexhor22","linkedin":"https://linkedin.com/in/alejandrogarzaisd/","tags":"Programmer, Software, Developer, Legacy"},{"id":7,"name":"Cinthia","lastname":"Sanchez","role":"Electronics","subtitle":"Alumni","class":"2015","semesters":"9","status":"inactive","description":"Hi, I’m Cinthia. I was part of the team until a year ago when I transferred to Guadalajara to graduate as ITE and finish my internship at Intel. As a member of Roborregos I had the opportunity to work electronics and meet a lot of great hard-working people.","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/cinthia-abigail-sanchez-silva-805131184/","tags":"Electronics, Legacy"},{"id":8,"name":"Clara","lastname":"Gutiérrez","role":"Web Design/Dev & Mechanical Design","subtitle":"Alumni","class":"2015","semesters":"9","status":"inactive","description":"Hey! I'm Clara, a mechatronics degree student finishing my 10th and last semester. Currently I'm part of the web team (yes, we developed this cool website), where I'm in charge of the web design. I started my path in the team working on mechanical design, which is another one of my passions. I recently came back from Germany where I developed skills in radar development & robotics. Apart from my engineer side, I also love food, calligraphy and sport.","github":"https://github.com/ClaraGtz","github_user":"ClaraGtz","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/claragtzjaime/","tags":"Web Design, Mechanics, Legacy"},{"id":9,"name":"Diego","lastname":"Cardozo","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"Alumni","class":"2015","semesters":"9","status":"inactive","description":"I'm Diego Cardozo, a student of ISD in Tec. I have been part of the team since some year ago and I have participated in different competitions as a programmer. My experience has been with C++, Arduino, Python, etc. I like how there are a lot of technologies open to everyone that we can use and improve.","github":"https://github.com/diegocardozo97","github_user":"diegocardozo97","linkedin":"https://mx.linkedin.com/in/diego-cardozo","tags":"Programmer, Software, Developer, Legacy"},{"id":11,"name":"José Eduardo","lastname":"Sánchez","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"Alumni","class":"2015","semesters":"9","status":"inactive","description":":D","github":"https://github.com/gallosanchez23","github_user":"gallosanchez23","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/jose-eduardo-sanchez-yepiz-24201710b/","tags":""},{"id":12,"name":"Nestor","lastname":"Maldonado Pámanes","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"Alumni","class":"2015","semesters":"9","status":"inactive","description":"Former team member, now working as a software engineer at Google thanks to it. Here we built a community that uses technology and competitions to obtain knowledge and abilities to help us growth individually and as a group and each one of us is an example of what teamwork can get.","github":"https://github.com/nessmp","github_user":"nessmp","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/nestor-maldonado-p%C3%A1manes-906925148/","tags":"Programming, Electrical, Mechanics, Algorithms, Computer vision, Control systems, Navigation, Frontend, Backend, Networks and communication, Social media, Sponsorships, Finances, Project Management, Executive comitee"},{"id":13,"name":"Tomás","lastname":"Lugo","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"Alumni","class":"2015","semesters":"10","status":"inactive","description":"I enjoy learning and I want to teach what I can to help others grow to be the best they can be.\nOn my professional field I'm mainly interested on control systems, optimization, and computer vision. However, I'm always open to try new areas to further expand my capabilities.\nI like working out, listening to audiobooks and hanging out with friends.","github":"https://github.com/tomvik","github_user":"tomvik","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomaslbmi","tags":""},{"id":14,"name":"Alexis","lastname":"Virgen","role":"Software development & Mechanical Design","subtitle":"Alumni","class":"2016","semesters":"9","status":"inactive","description":"I'm Alexis, student of 8th semester majoring in Digital Systems and Robotics. I am currently developing the vision system of the RoboCup @Home category and I am very passionate about Astronomy and Data Science. I've done two internships at Microsoft (third one coming) and participated in LARC 2019 (Brasil) and RoboCup Jr 2018 (Japan).","github":"https://github.com/SAlexisvf","github_user":"SAlexisvf","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/salexisvirgen","tags":""},{"id":15,"name":"Ana","lastname":"Garza","role":"Mechanical Design","subtitle":"Alumni","class":"2016","semesters":"9","status":"inactive","description":"Sup, I'm Any! I study Animation and Digital Arts in 8 semester. Right now, I am in charge with Noelia of the Social Media of the Team. I am also participating in VSSS and helping with with the design of the web page. I'm specialized in rigging 3D Characters. I would love to work in VR/AR, films or videogames!","github":"https://github.com/AnaGarza","github_user":"AnaGarza","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/garzana3d/","tags":""},{"id":16,"name":"Arcelia","lastname":"Villaseñor","role":"Mechanical Design","subtitle":"","class":"2016","semesters":"5","status":"inactive","description":"Hi, I'm Arce. I used to work as a mechanical designer, but now I’m focusing more into software development. I enjoy working on front-end development for mobile (Android) and I just started to learn Web and am excited to continue learning.","github":"https://github.com/Arce2603","github_user":"Arce2603","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/arcelia-villase%C3%B1or/","tags":""},{"id":17,"name":"Aurora","lastname":"Tijerina","role":"Software Development & Leadership","subtitle":"Revolutionary Alumni","class":"2016","semesters":"9","status":"inactive","description":"Hey! I'm Aurora and I studied Digital Systems and Robotics. In RoBorregos I was Executive Comitee, PM, mentor, and developer of the Navigation and Integration areas in @HOME and Smart Factory. I am interested in front-end, AR, computer vision, using interesting hardware, dancing and reading, but what I love is teamwork, trying new tech, and exploring its limits in a creative way. It doesn't matter the circumstances, I'm always there for the team!","github":"https://github.com/AuroTB","github_user":"AuroTB","linkedin":"https://linkedin.com/in/aurotb","tags":"Programming, Algorithms, Computer vision, Control systems, Navigation, Frontend, Natural language processing, Sensorial systems, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Architectural system design, Logic electronics, Social media, Graphic design, Project Management, Executive comitee"},{"id":18,"name":"Ernesto","lastname":"Cervantes","role":"Control Systems","subtitle":"Alumni","class":"2016","semesters":"9","status":"inactive","description":"Hey there! My name is Ernesto and I am a junior student in robotics engineering. I have had the honor to work as a control systems programmer in a robot capable of going through an unknown maze, competition better know as Rescue Maze. I've done two summer internships at Microsoft and since January I started a research program at Harvard University. I am also the CEO of ONEILA.","github":"https://github.com/netocervantes98","github_user":"netocervantes98","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/netocervantes98","tags":""},{"id":19,"name":"Gabriela","lastname":"Mendoza","role":"Mechanical Design","subtitle":"Alumni","class":"2016","semesters":"9","status":"inactive","description":"Hi! I'm Gaby, a Mechatronics engineer currently studying a Master’s in Manufacturing Systems. Working with RoBorregos was a big part of my university life (I was mainly involved in mechanical design). I also had some experience with programming, in small competitions (I love Hackathons!) and internships. I’m interested in projects that involve technological development, efficiency and support sustainable energy solutions. My past experiences have led me to work in both independent and team projects, and I believe group projects are an excellent way to share advice and support each other. In my free time I like to read, ice skate, watch series/movies, play basketball, and learn ASL/LSM.","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabriela-mendoza-leal/","tags":"Mechanics, Structural mechanics, Mechanisms, Executive comitee"},{"id":20,"name":"Greg","lastname":"Espinosa","role":"Electronics","subtitle":"","class":"2016","semesters":"6","status":"inactive","description":"Hi, I am Greg Espinosa Carrillo a former Roborrego. My passion is learning new stuff oriented to programing and electronics. I am currently working on artificial intelligence projects for entretainment to put in action my knowledge.","github":"","github_user":"Greg0909","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/greg-espinosa-carrillo/","tags":""},{"id":23,"name":"Osvaldo","lastname":"Alvarez","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2016","semesters":"9","status":"inactive","description":"Hi! I’m Osvaldo, a senior student in Computer Engineering. I’m grateful to being part of RoBorregos since 2016 where I’ve had the opportunity to work as a software developer, focusing in navigation systems and computer vision algorithms. I'm passionate about developing new technologies to help other people. Also, I’ve done two internships with Microsoft so far where I’ve had the opportunity to make a great impact to people around the globe.","github":"https://github.com/Osvaldoav/","github_user":"Osvaldoav","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/jorge-osvaldo-alvarez-valdez-724030141/","tags":""},{"id":24,"name":"Paul","lastname":"Vazquez","role":"Software Development & Electronics","subtitle":"","class":"2016","semesters":"9","status":"inactive","description":"Hi, I'm Paul, engineer in Digital Systems and Robotics. I worked as a programmer and leader in RoboCup @Home. I am passionate about @Home because it is a very scalable project with a lot of potential for social impact, in addition to allowing me to work with a multidisciplinary team. I am interested in working in embedded systems, web development and data science. I like cats, video games and american football.","github":"https://github.com/paulvazbad","github_user":"paulvazbad","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulvazbad","tags":"Programming, Control systems, Frontend, Natural language processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Architectural system design, Logic electronics, Project Management, Executive comitee"},{"id":25,"name":"Sebastian","lastname":"Esquer","role":"Electronics","subtitle":"","class":"2016","semesters":"5","status":"inactive","description":"Hi, I am Sebastian Esquer, I'm a former roborrego, I used to do computer vision and electronics, I learned a lot of important things during my time in the team about programming and electronics that is going to be very helpful for the rest of my life.","github":"https://github.com/eskrr","github_user":"eskrr","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/sebastian-esquer-gaitan-99188a14a/","tags":""},{"id":26,"name":"Alberto","lastname":"Jahuey","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2017","semesters":"5","status":"inactive","description":"My name is Alberto, I am very interested in programming and electronics, I am a mentor to several First teams and I really like helping when needed.","github":"https://github.com/AJahueyM","github_user":"AJahueyM","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/alberto-jahuey-325179168/","tags":""},{"id":28,"name":"Antonio","lastname":"Rodríguez","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2017","semesters":"7","status":"inactive","description":"Hi, I am Antonio and I am on my 8th semester of B.S. in Digital Systems and Robotics Engineering. I am currently studying and working in Germany as part of a scholarship from the DAAD. As member of RoBorregos, I had the chance of representing Mexico at the Latin American and Brazilian Robotics Competition 2018 along with other 4 team members. As Software Engineer student, I am interested in Web Development and Data Science. I like soccer, Netflix and sharing a good beer with friends.","github":"https://github.com/AntonioRdzNav","github_user":"AntonioRdzNav","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/AntonioRdzNav/","tags":""},{"id":29,"name":"Eric","lastname":"Castillo","role":"Electronics","subtitle":"","class":"2017","semesters":"3","status":"inactive","description":"Hi, I am Eric, I study Mechatronics Engineer and electronics is my passion. I get interested very easily in things related to math, electronics, physics and programming. I´m always willing to expand areas of knowledge whenever a proyect shows up and I tend to understand new topics in a fast way since I like to analyze and make deductions. I have experience in many robotics competitions as you may find in my CV. I also like to do sports such Table Tennis, and I like to play and listen to music.","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/urielcastillo38/","tags":""},{"id":30,"name":"Iqui","lastname":"Heredia","role":"Software Development & Mechanical Design","subtitle":"","class":"2017","semesters":"7","status":"inactive","description":"I am Iqui Balam, currently studying Mechatronics Engineering and I am passionate in everything that has to do with technology and new discoveries. I have contributed to the team been responsible in areas such as Mechanical Design and Computer VIsion, applying what I learn in classes in the robots that we desing, always seeking to improve and help others, researching and contribute to our knowledge about the world. I like to play the guitar, listening to music and watching series.","github":"https://github.com/IquiBalamHM","github_user":"IquiBalamHM","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/iqui-balam/","tags":""},{"id":35,"name":"Ricardo","lastname":"Osorio","role":"Mechanical Design, Logistics & Sponsorship and Industrial Enginner","subtitle":"","class":"2017","semesters":"7","status":"inactive","description":"Hello everyone, I´m Ricardo, i´m currently studying mechatronics major, I´ve been working in Roborregos as robots mechanic for three years. I love to design and create mechanical solutions that implies not only mechanisms, but also consider electronic components and circuitry. I am a great fan of F1 and my dream is to work with race cars, I also like ride my MTB bike and play my harp.","github":"https://github.com/RicardoOsorioOliveros","github_user":"RicardoOsorioOliveros","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/ricardo-osorio-oliveros-95a2561a5/","tags":"Mechanics, Structural mechanics, Mechanisms, Industrial design, Power electronics, Networks and communication, Graphic design, Sponsorships, Finances, Project Management, Executive comitee"},{"id":36,"name":"Roberto","lastname":"Galindo","role":"Mechanical Design","subtitle":"","class":"2017","semesters":"3","status":"inactive","description":"My name is Roberto, and I'm a former member of RoBorregos, right now I'm an student of 5th semester, and I liked too much to be in RoBorregos because I was able to take my skills outside of the classroom, and learn more about Mechanics and take my knowledge to a practical field. I learnt from other engineering fields in RoBorregos. I like to make teamwork because you are able to achieve a common goal and share the experience with other people. I am interested in working in Mechanical Design, and optimization of processes. I like to play videogames, watch youtube, series, movies, anime, etc.","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/roberto-galindo-quintanilla-02552b180/","tags":""},{"id":37,"name":"Yulisa","lastname":"Medina","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2017","semesters":"7","status":"inactive","description":"Hey! My name is Yulisa and I am CS student in love with robotics, physics and music. The last couple of years in RoBorregos I have participated in RoboCup Jr. Maze, as the dev in charge of the main algorithm, and in the internal LARC 2019 team. In the latter one I also worked on the main algorithm, pathfinding and in the computer vision aspect of the challenge. I am always eager to learn and to share my experiences with others, so if you have any inquiries don't hesitate to email me 😁","github":"","github_user":"YulisaM2","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/yulisa-medina","tags":""},{"id":38,"name":"Aldo","lastname":"Samaniego","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2018","semesters":"10","status":"active","description":"4 semestre ISD, Mecanico Maze y @HOME","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/aldo-jesus-samaniego-silva-b39a3018a/","tags":"Programming, Algorithms, Computer vision, Frontend, Logic electronics, Executive comitee"},{"id":39,"name":"Arath","lastname":"Hernández","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2018","semesters":"4","status":"inactive","description":"Hi, I'm Arath. I am a programmer in Roborregos, specifically in the algorithm area. I had the opportunity to work in different rescue maze competences and thanks to that realize the love I have for robotics. In the team I have learn a lot about leadership and teamwork and I am very thankful to my partners for that. My favorite and only hobby is to play league of legends.","github":"https://github.com/ArathHernandez","github_user":"ArathHernandez","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/erbey-arath-hernandez-villarreal-6a1594193/","tags":""},{"id":42,"name":"Jamir","lastname":"Leal","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2018","semesters":"6","status":"active","description":"Hi, I am Jamir, currently studying Information Technologies. I participated in RoboCup at Junior Rescue Maze category developing electronic design and the computer vision algorithm. I am currently working in LARC VSSS at the integration area. I also have worked as web developer in some projects. In my free time I like to practice Triathlon and listen music.","github":"https://github.com/JamirLeal","github_user":"JamirLeal","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamir-leal-cota-9988b6174/","tags":"Programming, Algorithms, Computer vision, Frontend, Logic electronics"},{"id":43,"name":"José","lastname":"Cisneros","role":"President & PM Home","subtitle":"","class":"2018","semesters":"10","status":"active","description":"Hello, I'm José, a senior student pursuing a bachelor's degree in Robotics. I have been involved with the team since 2018 as a programmer and am the current president. I am passionate about robotics, RoBorregos has given me the opportunity to participate a couple of national and international competitions working on artificial vision, object manipulation and autonomous navigation. Other than that, I love spending time playing basketball, listening to music, and hanging out with friends.","github":"https://github.com/Josecisneros001","github_user":"Josecisneros001","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/joseacisnerosm/","tags":"Programming, Electrical, Algorithms, Computer vision, Control systems, Frontend, Backend, Human-robot interaction, Speech recognition, Sensorial systems, Deep Learning, CE, Ejecutive committee"},{"id":45,"name":"Luis","lastname":"Garza","role":"Mechanical Design","subtitle":"","class":"2018","semesters":"5","status":"inactive","description":"Hi, I'm Luis a student of 6th semester of the Mecatronics engineering. Currently, I'm working in manufacturing area and mechanical desing in RoboCup @Home. I am interested in everything about manufacturing and development of CNC machines. I like dogs and baseball.","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"","tags":""},{"id":46,"name":"Mauricio","lastname":"Juárez","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2018","semesters":"6","status":"active","description":"I'm Mauricio Juarez a student of 4th semester of Computer Science. In the team I work as a programmer and like to mentor the newer generations. I love technology, music and football.","github":"https://github.com/zJuarez","github_user":"zJuarez","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/mauricio-juarez/","tags":""},{"id":47,"name":"Miguel","lastname":"Elizondo","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2018","semesters":"6","status":"active","description":"Hi! I'm Miguel, a student of 4th semester of the Engineering in digital systems and robotics degree. I've working on the strategy development for the LARC VSSS competition. I love learning new things, and I always try to improve. I also like listening to music and hanging out with my girlfriend and friends.","github":"https://github.com/Miguelelizondov","github_user":"Miguelelizondov","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/miguelalejandroelizondovalladares/","tags":""},{"id":48,"name":"Omar","lastname":"Montiel","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2018","semesters":"4","status":"inactive","description":"Hey! Hello, I'm Omar, a student in 4th semester of ITC (Computer Technologies Engineering). My role in the team is as a programmer, and I am currently helping develop the official Web site for the team. I love to solve any kind of puzzles and like to face tough challenges, so naturally, coding is a passion of mine. I hope to become a software developer in a big tech company in the future, so the contributions I make have a positive impact on millions of people just like you. I love God, and I'm a gamer, of course.","github":"https://github.com/OUMontiel","github_user":"OUMontiel","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/omar-montiel/","tags":""},{"id":49,"name":"Ricardo","lastname":"Chapa","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2018","semesters":"6","status":"active","description":"Hi, I'm Ricardo, a student of 4th of the ISDr degree. Currently, I'm a programmer on the Navigation area in RoboCup's @Home. I'm also working on the development of this webpage! I'm always looking to work on any scalable project that can have social impact. I'm interested in web development and robotics. I really like to see soccer games and play video games in my free time.","github":"https://github.com/RicardoChapaRomero","github_user":"RicardoChapaRomero","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/ricardo-chapa-romero-a4b277133/","tags":""},{"id":50,"name":"Noelia","lastname":"Davila","role":"Logistics & Networking","subtitle":"","class":"2018","semesters":"4","status":"inactive","description":"Hi I am Noelia I am in my 5th semester of International Business. I am currently in the logistics and sponsership team. I like getting things done. I am intrested in CRM systems and technology thay allows business to improve there management. I like to write and love to try out new recipes.","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/noelia-g-davila/","tags":""},{"id":51,"name":"Alejandro","lastname":"Ruiz","role":"Mechanical Design","subtitle":"","class":"2019","semesters":"6","status":"active","description":"Hi, I’m Alejandro Ruiz and I’m currently in 2nd semester of IM at ITESM. At Roborregos, I help designing robots mechanically. I used to be in RCJ Soccer Open but now I’m working in RoboCup @Home project. I enjoy very much this project because I think it is challenging in many ways and it would help me become a better engineer. I like physics, electronics, programming and maths a lot. I think I’m very good at these but there’s always new concepts and ideas to learn. I’m always open to learn new things because i like to have different tools and resources in my day to day problems. I also like playing different sports, listening to relaxing music and I love cooking.","github":"https://github.com/RicardoChapaRomero","github_user":"","linkedin":"http://linkedin.com/in/alejandro-ruiz-8834141a5","tags":""},{"id":53,"name":"Diego","lastname":"Prado","role":"Electronics","subtitle":"","class":"2019","semesters":"8","status":"active","description":"I am involved in electronics in RoBorregos and manufacturing control intern at General Motors. I really like controls and automation in the automotive industry. I think every day we learn something new.","github":"https://github.com/DiegoPrado27","github_user":"diegoprado27","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/diego-prado-chapa-55a200184","tags":"Electrical, Computer vision, Logic electronics, Power electronics, Safety, Project Management"},{"id":54,"name":"Emérico","lastname":"Pedraza","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2019","semesters":"8","status":"active","description":"Hola! soy Emerico, estudiante próximo a graduar de Ingeniería en Sistemas Digitales y Robótica y miembro del equipo de RoBorregos. Me interesa mucho la robótica y la ciencia de datos. Dentro del equipo que ha desarrollado algoritmos lógicos de posicionamiento, así como desarrollo de visión computacional. Me encanta este equipo porque ha contribuido a mi crecimiento personal y a mi capacidad de trabajo en grupo. Mis áreas favoritas son machine learning y sistemas digitales. Creo que el trabajo en equipo hace posibles grandes cosas! Me gusta mucho la música y el volleyball.","github":"https://github.com/Eme112","github_user":"Eme112","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/emérico-pedraza-195599133/","tags":"Programming, Algorithms, Computer vision, Executive comitee"},{"id":55,"name":"Gabriela Jazmin","lastname":"Álvarez","role":"Electronics & Soccer mentor","subtitle":"","class":"2019","semesters":"6","status":"active","description":"Soy estudiante de la carrera ISD en 9no semestre. Dentro del equipo me he desarrollado como electrónica en la competencia SoccerLight, programadora en @Home y me desarrolle como PM en la parte de capacitación en la competencia interna \"Candidates\" durante 2 años.","github":"https://github.com/gabyjazzmin","github_user":"gabyjazzmin","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabrielaj-alvarez/","tags":""},{"id":56,"name":"Grecia","lastname":"Flores","role":"Mechanical Design","subtitle":"","class":"2019","semesters":"2","status":"inactive","description":"Hi, I am Grecia, a student of 2 semestre of the Engineerin in Mechatronic degree. Currently, I am Mechanic in Robocup @Maze. I am passionate about @Maze because it is an interesting begineer project. I am in this project to develop my abilities in mechanic. I am interested in working in more complex robotic projects in the future. I like music and photography","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/grecia-carilu-flores-moctezuma-4a97021a5/","tags":""},{"id":57,"name":"Karyme","lastname":"Ezrré","role":"Mechanical Design","subtitle":"","class":"2019","semesters":"8","status":"active","description":"Hello, I'm Karyme Ezrré, I am a second semester student of engineering in innovation and development, currently I am a mechanic in RoboCup Junior Soccer Lightweight, I really like it because it is a great mechanical challenge.","github":"","github_user":"Karyme-Ezrre","linkedin":"Karyme Ezrré","tags":""},{"id":58,"name":"Keven","lastname":"Arroyo","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2019","semesters":"6","status":"active","description":"Hello, I am Keven, student of the Electronics Engineering program and tech enthusiast. I was a leader and programmer in the RoboCup Soccer Lightweight Junior. I greatly enjoyed this competition as it was an outstanding opportunity to improve my programming skills and further my involvement in the robotics field. The challenges I faced with my team have taught me the importance of teamwork as well as discipline and perseverance in all my future endeavors. I am interested in working in embedded systems, smart electronics, cloud, AI, and autonomous vehicles. I like video games and swimming.","github":"https://github.com/dake3601","github_user":"dake3601","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/keven-arroyo/","tags":"Programming, Algorithms, Computer vision, Control systems, Navigation, Backend, Project Management"},{"id":62,"name":"Rosalba","lastname":"Flores","role":"Logistics & Sponsorship","subtitle":"","class":"2020","semesters":"6","status":"active","description":"Hi, I’m Rosalba, a student of 2 semester of the INA degree. I am a member of the CLP. I am passionate about the logistics and sponsorship because it’s an essential part for a team, and I can help achieving the goals through the networking. In fact, I’m interested about working in a whole different area. I would like to get involved in genetics and textiles investigations with nanotechnology. I like fashion and art.","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/rosalba-flores-de-la-riva-097bb91a5/","tags":""},{"id":65,"name":"Alonso","lastname":"Ruiz","role":"Mechanical Design","subtitle":"","class":"2020","semesters":"4","status":"active","description":"Hi, my name is Alonso. I’m currently studying mechatronics engineering and work as a mechanical designer for the team in RoboCup @Home. Mechanical design, 3D modeling, and prototyping are things that I am very passionate about. I love how a simple mechanical concept or idea that started in your mind can be simulated using a CAD software and, through engineering and technology, be brought to life into a real physical object that performs a function within the robot.","github":"https://github.com/AlonRuiz","github_user":"AlonRuiz","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/alonso-ruiz/","tags":"Mechanics, Structural mechanics, Mechanisms, Industrial design"},{"id":67,"name":"Ignacio","lastname":"Maldonado Sánchez","role":"Mechanical Design","subtitle":"","class":"2020","semesters":"6","status":"active","description":"Hi I’m Ignacio, student of Mechatronic engineering, by now I’m working as member of the RoBorregos team in the mechanical and CAD simulation area, my passion is to design innovative, functional and modern products or services that can make life easier and happier for all of us. I love archery, gaming and Hi-Res audio.","github":"https://github.com/IGNA-TENKOV","github_user":"IGNA-TENKOV","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/ignacio-maldonado-67b86b1a8/","tags":"Programming, Electrical, Mechanics, Human-robot interaction, Sensorial systems, Structural mechanics, Mechanisms, Industrial design, Logic electronics, Power electronics, Graphic design, Process design, Process optimization, Marketing"},{"id":68,"name":"Andrea","lastname":"Salcedo","role":"Electronics","subtitle":"","class":"2020","semesters":"6","status":"active","description":"Hi, I’m Andy, student of Robotics and Digital System. I like to help people and see how they grow up, and I think that Roborregos is a team where you see how others grow and motivate you to have a continual learning. Currently, I’m an electronic in @Home where I develop the control arm PCB. I’m interested in technology and 3D printer. Also, I like dogs and video games.","github":"https://github.com/andrea2702","github_user":"andrea2702","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrea27-02/","tags":"Electrical, Logic electronics"},{"id":69,"name":"Anel","lastname":"Alvarado Gutiérrez","role":"Electronics","subtitle":"","class":"2020","semesters":"4","status":"active","description":"Hello! My name is Anel Beatriz Alvarado Gutiérrez, and I am Mechatronics Engineer. I've always had an interest in the robotics field, especially in how everything inside has a connection. I discovered that electronics explained how things are connected, so I started to learn more about it and got involved in projects during my student life. During the week, I like to hang out with my friends, watch TV and read. My favorite hobby is photography. One of my goals in life is to empower little girls and teenagers to get involved in the STEM area and make the gender gap smaller.","github":"https://github.com/AnelAlvarado","github_user":"AnelAlvarado","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/anel-beatriz-alvarado-gutiérrez-497788196","tags":"Electrical, Sensorial systems, Logic electronics, Power electronics, Networks and communication"},{"id":70,"name":"Evelyn","lastname":"Ulloa","role":"Electronics","subtitle":"","class":"2020","semesters":"1","status":"active","description":"Hi, I'm Eve! I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechatronics Engineering. My interests are physics, IoT and embedded systems. In my free time, I like reading, drawing, and playing piano. At the moment, I develop in the electronics field in project SEMS, which is a social and environmental monitoring system for keeping track of the region's surroundings due to coronavirus pandemic. I am looking to get a better understanding of the world, and I think the best way to accomplish it is through engineering and science.","github":"https://github.com/eeveulloa","github_user":"eeveulloa","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/eeveulloa/","tags":"Electrical, Sensorial systems, Power electronics"},{"id":73,"name":"Brenda","lastname":"Martínez","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2020","semesters":"4","status":"active","description":"Hello, I'm Brenda, student of Data Science and Mathematics. I'm working as a programmer in Roborregos. I'm interesed in Data Science (obviously), Expert Systems and, recently I've taking interest in Cybersecurity. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family and learning new things.","github":"https://github.com/bmaor2001","github_user":"bmaor2001","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/brenda-martinez-124770164","tags":"Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Computer vision, Backend, CLP, Finances, Logistics, Business"},{"id":77,"name":"Sofía Alexa","lastname":"Martínez de la O","role":"Industrial Engineer","subtitle":"","class":"2021","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"Hi, I am Sofia, student of Industrial Engineering and a member of the Roborregos team. I am currently working in the Manufacturing Area and System Design at the Smart Factory project. I am interested in logistics planning and manufacturing systems. I am passionate about soccer and am part of the soccer varsity team at Tec de Monterrey.","github":"https://github.com/sofiaalexa05","github_user":"sofiaalexa05","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/sofíamartínezdelao","tags":"Human-robot interaction, Industrial design, PM, Process optimization"},{"id":78,"name":"Lorena","lastname":"Martínez","role":"Vicepresident","subtitle":"La más crack","class":"2021","semesters":"4","status":"active","description":"Hello, I'm Lore, a mechatronics engineer with a passion for robotics. I had the opportunity to contribute to the Roborregos team in various roles. From August 2021 to August 2022, I served as the marketing manager, overseeing the team's promotional activities. Following that, I took on the role of vice president from August 2022 to August 2023, where I played a crucial part in coordinating team efforts. Additionally, I had the privilege of working as a mechanic for the @Home robot, contributing as an editor for our team's web page, and coordinating events like Semana I. I also collaborated on exciting projects such as RoboCupido and RoboChamp. It has been an incredible journey, and I'm excited to continue pushing the boundaries of robotics with the Roborregos team.","github":"https://github.com/LorenaMGP","github_user":"LorenaMGP","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorena-mgp/","tags":"CE, Executive committee, Mechanics, Mechanisms, Web, Backend, Marketing, Home"},{"id":79,"name":"Iván","lastname":"Romero","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2021","semesters":"4","status":"active","description":"Hi! I'm Ivan, student of C.S. in 3rd semester Currently working at RoboCup Major Maze Simulation, @Home Simulation and leading the Web Development team. I like programming, maths and music.","github":"https://github.com/IvanRomero03","github_user":"IvanRomero03","linkedin":"www.linkedin.com/in/ivanromerow","tags":"Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Web, React, Frontend, Backend, PM"},{"id":80,"name":"Mariana","lastname":"Alvarado","role":"Logistics & Sponsorship","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"Hi! I'm Mariana. Im a 3rd semester student, majoring in Bachelor in Global Business and I am a member of CLP. I am also currently working in Candidates' logistics team. I am very interested in international affairs and I would love to work abroad someday.","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/marianaalvaradog/","tags":"CLP, Finances, Logistics, Business"},{"id":81,"name":"Bryan","lastname":"Márquez","role":"PM Navigation Home","subtitle":"","class":"2021","semesters":"4","status":"active","description":"Hello! I'm Bryan, class of 2023 in Robotics and Digital Systems Engineering. I was a software developer for the navigation area of RoboCup@Home and Interactive Service Robot Competition@IROS. I am passionate about robotics because of what can be achieved with it, a world of possibilities. I am grateful to have been a part of this team, and for what we have accomplished. It is here at RoBorregos where I have gained a lot of experience for my career, allowing me to work at SwRI, a company that works with ROS 2 and is the base of ROS-Industrial in America.","github":"github.com/BryanMqz","github_user":"BryanMqz","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/bryanmarquez","tags":"Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Home, Navegation"},{"id":82,"name":"Kevin","lastname":"Vega","role":"Software Development, PM @Home","subtitle":"","class":"2021","semesters":"4","status":"active","description":"Hi I'm Kevin, Digital Systems and Robotics engineer graduated in 2023. I worked mostly in RoboCup@Home in speech and integration areas as a software developer and Project Manager. Also, I am passionate about music and technology","github":"https://github.com/KevinVegaTec","github_user":"KevinVegaTec","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinvegardz","tags":"Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Computer vision, Robochallenge, PM, Home"},{"id":83,"name":"Leonardo","lastname":"Llanas","role":"Electronics and Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2021","semesters":"4","status":"active","description":"Hey, I'm Leo:) I'm a student of a bachelor's degree in Mechatronics Engineering. At the moment I'm working in the team on the electronic design for the RoboCup @Home (2023) and on the programming of an autonomous vehicle for the local competition RoboChallenge(2022). My main interests are control systems and robotics development, but I'm open to any knowledge coming!","github":"https://github.com/lleo-13","github_user":"lleo-13","linkedin":"www.linkedin.com/in/leonardo-arturo-llanas-rodríguez-bab447228","tags":"Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms"},{"id":84,"name":"Erasmo","lastname":"Villarreal","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2021","semesters":"4","status":"active","description":"I’m Erasmo Villarreal, 5th semester student majoring in Robotic and Digital Systems. ","github":"https://github.com/ErasmoVillarreal01","github_user":"ErasmoVillarreal01","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/erasmo-villarreal-s%C3%A1nchez-42695b217","tags":"Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Robochamp, Home"},{"id":85,"name":"Michell","lastname":"Sarmiento","role":"Image Coordinator","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"Hello! I am Michell, student of 5th semester in Mechatronics Engineering. I'm currently part of the Committe of Image and Communication and also I'm part of the mechanics team in the @Home project. I enjoy learning new things everyday, specially things about design. I'm always amused about how creating ideas from the scratch can turn into amazing results. I also love making Tik Toks and Instagram stories for the team.","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"linkedin.com/in/andrea-michell-sarmiento-garcía-a0a299252","tags":"CCI, Communication, Image, Marketing, Mechanics, Home"},{"id":86,"name":"Fernanda","lastname":"Esparza ","role":"Dir. Finances","subtitle":"","class":"2021","semesters":"3","status":"active","description":"Hi! I’m Fernanda Esparza, currently I’m at my 3rd Semester in Bachelor in Global Business. During this year I’ll be developing \nas the team’s Finance Director giving follow-ups to sponsorships and donations. I like research interesting topics, hang out with my friends and learn languages. ","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/fernanda-michell-esparza","tags":"CLP, Finances, Logistics, Business, PM, CE, Executive committee"},{"id":87,"name":"Melissa","lastname":"Gallegos","role":"Logistics & Sponsorship","subtitle":"","class":"2021","semesters":"3","status":"active","description":"Hello, I’m Melissa, student of 3rd semester majoring in Global Business. I’m \ncurrently in the logistics and sponsorship team. I’m also passionate about learning new things and creating projects so I’m currently developing our new project of Tech talks, a series of conferences where our members share their experience and knowledge about robotics and technology to the community.","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissagallegosdom/","tags":"CLP, Finances, Logistics, Business, Team building, PM"},{"id":88,"name":"Leonardo","lastname":"Sánchez","role":"Mechanical Design & PM Home","subtitle":"","class":"2021","semesters":"4","status":"active","description":"I'm Leonardo Sanchez, student of 7th semester in Mechatronics. Currently in Roborregos I am PM of mechanics for the competition RoboCup@Home and a member of the team for the competition of Latin American Robotics Competition, I am interested in applied robotics in energy systems, home automation, and curious in new technologies. Like to make personal mechatronics projects such as automatization of my home.","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/leonardofsh","tags":"Mechanics, Home, Mechanical, Mechanisms, Structural mechanics, Home, PM"},{"id":89,"name":"Victoria","lastname":"De la Fuente","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2021","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"Hi! I'm Victoria, I'm currently studying 5th semester of Engineering in Data Science and Mathematics. I work in the conversation area at RoboCup @Home, where I develop intelligent systems that allow human language to be recognized and acted upon by a robot. I worked as a data science intern at POGEN during 2021 and I am currently doing a software engineering internship at Encora ","github":"https://github.com/victoriagdlf","github_user":"victoriagdlf","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriadelafuenteidm/?locale=en_US","tags":"Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Home"},{"id":90,"name":"Alexis","lastname":"Chapa","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2021","semesters":"4","status":"active","description":"Hello, I'm Alexis, a student in the 3rd semester majoring in Robotics and Digital Systems. I'm currently developing the Control/Navigation areas for multiple competitions, integrating ROS and its navigation stack for autonomous navigation with obstacle avoidance. As an active member of the team, I've participated in Robocup Maze Jr 2022 and currently part of the Maze Major and Robochallenge teams.","github":"https://github.com/Chapa-1810","github_user":"Chapa-1810","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexischapa/","tags":"Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Computer vision, Maze, PM"},{"id":91,"name":"Jesús","lastname":"Chong ","role":"Logistics & Sponsorship","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"I'm Jesus, student of 5th semester a Nanotechnology engineering, I love the world of entrepreneurship as much as Robotics. I am currently in the process of creating my own startup, I am part of the Roborregos logistics and sponsorship committee, working on creating social service and getting sponsorships for the team.","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/jes%C3%BAs-chong-talavera-1786a41b7","tags":"CLP, Finances, Logistics, Business"},{"id":92,"name":"Yaír","lastname":"Reyes","role":"Electronics","subtitle":"","class":"2021","semesters":"4","status":"active","description":"Hiiii I'm Yaír! Student of 3th semester in Electronics engineering. I've worked in RoboCup at Junior Rescue Maze category developing electronic and mechanical design. Always seeking to improve and with the philosophy that we can learn a lot from anyone. I like to listening to music, read and compete.","github":"https://github.com/Yair-Reyes","github_user":"Yair-Reyes","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/yair-reyes/","tags":"Electronics, Electrical, Logic electronics, Power electronics, Maze"},{"id":93,"name":"Javier","lastname":"Camacho","role":"Logistics & Sponsorship","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"I'm Javier, student of 5th semester of mechatronics engineering. I´m part of the logistics and sponsorship team. My dream is to be a Cientific Artist, thus, I have a digital art page on instagram @capeartforspace","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/jos%C3%A9-javier-c-326a181aa/","tags":"CLP, Finances, Logistics, Business"},{"id":94,"name":"Sara","lastname":"Ocaña","role":"Logistics & Sponsorship, PM Communication Candidates","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"Hi! I am Sara Ocaña, I'm in the third semester of my Business Intelligence degree at ITESM. At roborregos, I am part of the Logistics and Sponsorships Committee. I'm part of the Senior Developers team in Smart Factory for the Attraction department, and I run my own business as a cafe owner. I'm passionate about helping projects reach their full potential using different tools, data analysis, and creativity. I enjoy roborregos because I learn new things every day while working with talented people.","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/sara-ximena-oca%C3%B1a-mart%C3%ADnez-13503a211/","tags":"CLP, Finances, Logistics, Business, Communication, Candidates, Team building"},{"id":95,"name":"Juan Jesús","lastname":"Ortíz","role":"Mechanical Design","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"I'm Juan Jesus, 5th semester student of Mechatronics Engineering, I'm currently a mechanical designer for the team, and I'm very passionate about everything that flies.","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/juanjesusortizvazquez/","tags":"Mechanics, Structural mechanics, Mechanisms"},{"id":97,"name":"David","lastname":"Vázquez","role":"Electronics","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"I'm David, and I study Digital Systems and Robotics. I am passionate about electronics and hardware design, and I'm currently developing PCBs for RoboCup @Home category. I've also participated in different hackathons and other competitions in recent years.","github":"https://github.com/Deivideich","github_user":"Deivideich","linkedin":"www.linkedin.com/in/david-israel-váquez-leal-ab2495269","tags":"Electronics, Electrical, Logic electronics, Power electronics, Home"},{"id":98,"name":"José","lastname":"Benvenuto","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"I'm José, Student of 5th semester, I'm persuing a bachellor degree in Business Digital Transformation. I'm currently on vision area on @Larc Open Challege.","github":"https://github.com/JABV75","github_user":"JABV75","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/jos%C3%A9-benvenuto-b91915138","tags":"Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, LARC"},{"id":99,"name":"Alejandro","lastname":"Guerrero","role":"Mechanical Design","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"I'm Alex, 3rd semester student looking for a major in Mechatronics Engineering. I worked on a mechanical design project with Mitutoyo, measuring tools manufacturer. I have a passion for technology and science, and I am always interested in learning new things.","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"https://mx.linkedin.com/in/alejandro-guerrero-630431282","tags":"Mechanics, Structural mechanics, Mechanisms"},{"id":100,"name":"Jonatan","lastname":"De la Rosa","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"Hi!!, I'm Jonatan, 5th semester student of Mechatronics Engineering, I love programming, electronics and mechanical design, I'm currently working as a developer in @home in the vision part.","github":"https://github.com/Jonatandlr","github_user":"Jonatandlr","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonatandlr/","tags":"Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Vision, Home"},{"id":101,"name":"José Luis","lastname":"González Fragoso","role":"Mechanical Design & PM Home","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"My name is José Luis, but I prefer to be called Pepe. Currently, I am a fifth semester student in the Mechatronics career. Recently, I was selected as Project Manager in the mechanical area of @Home, where I previously participated in the TMR of Veracruz 2023. My main focus is on mechanics and electronics, and I seek to complement my skills with course certificates and other learning opportunities.","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"","tags":"Mechanics, Structural mechanics, Mechanisms, PM, Home"},{"id":102,"name":"Francisco","lastname":"Salas","role":"Mechanical Design","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"I'm Francisco, student of 5th semester majoring in Robotics and Digital Systems. I'm very passionate about everything regarding robotics and constantly aim to learn and improve my skills. I've participated in the RoboCupJunior Lighweight competition as project manager and head mechanic of the team.","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/franciscosalasporras03","tags":"Mechanics, Structural mechanics, Mechanisms, Soccer"},{"id":103,"name":"Alejandra","lastname":"Coeto","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"Programmer","class":"2022","semesters":"4","status":"active","description":"I am Alejandra Coeto, a Software Developer in Roborregos. I participated in the Robocup Soccer Lightweight competition 2023 and am currently part of the Vision @Home team. I like to face new challenges and look forward to sharing my passion for robotics and programming with the rest of the community.","github":"https://github.com/Ale-Coeto","github_user":"Ale-Coeto","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/alecoeto/","tags":"Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Soccer, Vision, Home"},{"id":104,"name":"Ángel Antonio","lastname":"Cervantes","role":"Electronics","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"I'm Angel, I am currently studying the 5th semestre of Mechatronics Engineering. I've been involved in the team as Electronics engineer in the Robocup Soccer Lightweight competition achieving 3rd place at national level.","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/ángel-antonio-cervantes-0354b7139/","tags":"Electronics, Electrical, Logic electronics, Power electronics, Soccer"},{"id":105,"name":"Antonio","lastname":"González","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"I am Antonio, a 3rd-semester student in Engineering Physics. I partly participated as a programmer in the RoboCup Soccer Lightweight League 2023, developing the ball-sensing system. My passions are Aerodynamics and Physics. In my free time, I enjoy playing the piano. ","github":"https://github.com/TonyGzz04","github_user":"TonyGzz04","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/antonio-gonzalez-041350283/","tags":"Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms"},{"id":106,"name":"Oscar","lastname":"Arreola","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"Hi! I'm Oscar, a student currently pursuing a B.S.in Computer Science and Technology (2022 - 2026). I participated in Rescue Maze Jr and was in charge of the control system and computer vision. I am currently working on web development projects inside RoBorregos.","github":"https://github.com/Oscar-gg","github_user":"Oscar-gg","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/oscar-arreola04/","tags":"Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Maze"},{"id":107,"name":"Jordan","lastname":"Palafox","role":"Mechanical Design","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"My name is Jordan Palafox, I am student of 2nd semester majoring in Robotics and Digital Systems. I recently participated as a mechanic in the Mexican robotics tournament, and I am currently in the area of human robot interaction for the @home category of the RoboCup. I am passionate about 3D programming and design. Finally, I have multiple national recognitions and even an international one in the 2019 RoboCup (Australia).","github":"https://github.com/JordanPalafox","github_user":"JordanPalafox","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordan-arturo-palafox-salinas-258022258","tags":"Mechanicanics"},{"id":108,"name":"Diego","lastname":"Hernández","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"Hello! I'm Diego, student of 5th semester majoring in C.S. I am currently working in the navigation system in the @Home category and I've participated in RoboCup RescueMaze Jr 2023.","github":"https://github.com/Diego-HC","github_user":"Diego-HC","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/diegohernandezc","tags":"Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Home, Maze"},{"id":110,"name":"Jesús","lastname":"De Anda","role":"Mechanical Design","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"Hi, I'm Jesús, also known as Chuy, currently studying Mechanical Engineering, right now I'm involved in the development and manufacturing of the LARC Open Challenge Robot, as well as the Robocup @HOME Robot. I'm really passionate about 3D design, mechanisms and manufacturing processes in general, and I think that the team gives me the right opportunity to develop in these areas. Other than that, i love playing video games and hanging out with my friends.","github":"https://github.com/ChuyDeAnda","github_user":"ChuyDeAnda","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesus-artemio-de-anda/","tags":"Mechanics, Structural mechanics, Mechanisms, LARC, Home"},{"id":111,"name":"Adán","lastname":"Flores","role":"Software & Executive Comitee","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"Hiiii :) I'm Adán, student of 5th semester of B.S. in Mechatronics Engineering. Developer of Manipultation & Integration for @Home, Strategy & 3D Vision for LARC Open Challenge and Extended Reality for Smart Factory. I've been involved in different Robotics Competitions since 2014. I like dogs, science fiction, doing exercise and hanging out with friends.","github":"https://github.com/afr2903/","github_user":"afr2903","linkedin":"mx.linkedin.com/in/adanfr/","tags":"Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, CE, Executive, Comitee"},{"id":112,"name":"Emiliano","lastname":"Flores","role":"Software Development","subtitle":"","class":"2022","semesters":"2","status":"active","description":"Hi! I'm Emiliano, studenth of 4th semester on Robotics and Digital Systems. I currently work on the areas of Computer Vision and Manipulation of the @Home competition. I've found robotics as my passion mostly through competitions, which I enjoy and wait for every year. On my free time, I like spending time out with my friends or painting.","github":"https://github.com/EmilianoHFlores","github_user":"EmilianoFlores","linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/emiliano-flores-7a2a33282","tags":"Programming, Software, Programmer, Developer, Algorithms, Home"},{"id":113,"name":"Azeneth","lastname":"García","role":"Communication and image committee","subtitle":"","class":"2023","semesters":"1","status":"active","description":"Hello! I am Aze, an engineering student in Innovation and Development. I am currently in charge of the Image and Communication Committee, I am excited to project the great work of the RoBorregos family. I have great interest in technology, art and social causes.","github":"","github_user":"","linkedin":"www.linkedin.com/in/azeneth-garcía-méndez-ab3444235","tags":"CCI, Communication, Image, Marketing, PM"},{"id":114,"name":"a","lastname":"","role":"a","subtitle":"a","class":"a","semesters":"a","status":"a","description":"a","github":"a","github_user":"a","linkedin":"a","tags":"a"},{"id":115,"name":"a","lastname":"","role":"a","subtitle":"a","class":"a","semesters":"a","status":"a","description":"a","github":"a","github_user":"a","linkedin":"a","tags":"a"},{"id":116,"name":"a","lastname":"","role":"a","subtitle":"a","class":"a","semesters":"a","status":"a","description":"a","github":"a","github_user":"a","linkedin":"a","tags":"a"},{"id":117,"name":"a","lastname":"","role":"a","subtitle":"a","class":"a","semesters":"a","status":"a","description":"a","github":"a","github_user":"a","linkedin":"a","tags":"a"},{"id":118,"name":"a","lastname":"","role":"a","subtitle":"a","class":"a","semesters":"a","status":"a","description":"a","github":"a","github_user":"a","linkedin":"a","tags":"a"},{"id":119,"name":"a","lastname":"","role":"a","subtitle":"a","class":"a","semesters":"a","status":"a","description":"a","github":"a","github_user":"a","linkedin":"a","tags":"a"}]} \ No newline at end of file