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Releases: ReproNim/neurodocker

Version 0.3.0

09 Sep 00:09
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Breaking changes:

  • Removes python_version option for Miniconda. Instead, specify python version in conda_install.


  • Adds support for MINC and PETPVC (thanks to @sulantha2006).
  • Adds Dockerfile instructions ARG, LABEL, and VOLUME.
  • Adds convenience option --run-bash.
  • Adds bc/dc as dependency for FSL.
  • Renames neurodocker/ to neurodocker/
  • Miscellaneous fixes.

At this point, the Neurodocker latest Docker image will be removed. Users will be asked to use specific versions of Neurodocker. An image with the latest master branch will also be available (tagged as master).

Version 0.2.0

16 Aug 23:03
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  • neurodocker generate respects order of arguments when generating Dockerfile.
  • Default entrypoint bash script is used (/neurodocker/, and packages shell files are sourced there. This eliminates the need for some ENV layers.
  • Add options --user, --install, --env, --expose. Options can be used multiple times.
  • Use git describe for neurodocker version.
  • Test software packages as non-root user.
  • Update testing to only build Docker image if the Dockerfile has changed.
  • Fix whiteout file issue in Miniconda installation.
  • Add perl to FreeSurfer dependencies.
  • Add cli command neurodocker reprozip-merge to merge multiple ReproZip pack files.
  • Updated tests to cover additions.

Version 0.1.0

07 Jul 18:51
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Neurodocker version 0.1.0 allows users to generate Dockerfiles with specified versions of neuroimaging analysis software.


  • Generate Dockerfiles from the command-line.
  • Generate Dockerfiles, build Docker images, run Docker containers, and collect output in a Python script.
  • Install ANTs, FreeSurfer, FSL, Miniconda, MRtrix3, SPM, and NeuroDebian packages (see below for more information).
  • Supply arbitrary Dockerfile instructions.

Supported software

name installation method(s)
ANTs binaries, compile from source
FreeSurfer binaries
FSL binaries, install script
Miniconda install script
MRtrix3 binaries, compile from source
SPM standalone SPM (with MCR)