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142 lines (124 loc) · 7.77 KB

File metadata and controls

142 lines (124 loc) · 7.77 KB



  • Increased the auth token expiration buffer from 5s to 60s.


  • Fix failing tests with engine already exists.
  • Add EngineProvisionTimeoutException thrown from CreateEngineWaitAsync when requested engine timeout to provision.


  • Add IAccessTokenHandler interface to implement custom access Auth0 token handlers.
  • Client class consturctor extended to accept custom access token handlers implementations.
  • Add DefaultAccessTokenHandler to cache Auth0 tokens locally.


  • Add support to v2 CreateDatabase.


  • Fix common retry policy to not retry on HttpError with 4xx Status Codes, but only on 5xx.


  • Bump up google protobuf version.


  • Fix GetOAuthClientResponse deserialization issue


  • Added TransactionAsyncAbortReason


  • Fixed load models async issue.


  • Fixed transaction async backoff issue.


  • Exposed http client
var client = new Client(ctx);
var httpClient = client.HttpClient;
  • Poll transaction asynchronous with x% overhead of the time the transaction has been running so far.


  • Refactored sdk code back into a single package.


  • Removed EngineState enumeration:
    • ListEnginesAsync(state = "PROVISIONED")


  • Removed EngineSize enumeration:
    • CreateEngineAsync(engineName, size = "XS")


  • Fix for missing Protos package.
  • Fix for ListEngines.


  • Added the following exceptions:
    • NotFoundException thrown from GetEngineAsync(string engine), GetDatabaseAsync(string database), etc. when requested resource (Engine/Database/Model/User/Client) doesn't exist or got deleted.
    • ApiException thrown when RAI API responds with 5xx status codes or contains unsupported content type.
    • EngineProvisionFailedException thrown from CreateEngineWaitAsync when requested engine failed to provision.
    • CredentialsNotSupportedException thrown from every method when credentials to access RAI API are not provided or provided credentials are unsupported (i.e. not for OAuth Client credentials method).
    • InvalidResponseException thrown when RAI API response has unexpected format or content type.


  • Replaced String properties with Enums in the following models returned by corresponding API methods:
    • Database.State property is of DatabaseState type.
    • Engine.State and DeleteEngineStatus.State properties are of EngineState type, Engine.Size property is of EngineSize type.
    • Transaction.Mode property is of TransactionMode type.
    • TransactionAsyncCompactResponse.State property is of TransactionAsyncState type.
    • User.Status property is of UserStatus type and User.Roles property is of List<Role> type.
  • Changed the following API methods to accept Enum parameters instead of Strings:
    • ListDatabasesAsync accepts optional state parameter of DatabaseState? type.
    • ListEnginesAsync accepts optional state parameter of EngineState? type.
  • Made structural changes that include moving classes from RelationalAI namespace to the following namespaces:
    • RelationalAI.Models.Database namespace: CreateDatabaseResponse, Database, DeleteDatabaseResponse, GetDatabaseResponse, ListDatabasesResponse.
    • RelationalAI.Models.Edb namespace: Edb, ListEdbsResponse, ListEdbsResponseAction, ListEdbsResponseResult.
    • RelationalAI.Models.Engine namespace: CreateEngineResponse, DeleteEngineResponse, DeleteEngineStatus, Engine, EngineSize, GetEngineResponse, ListEnginesResponse.
    • RelationalAI.Models.OAuthClient namespace: CreateOAuthClientResponse, DeleteOAuthClientResponse, GetOAuthClientResponse, ListOAuthClientResponse, OAuthClient, OAuthClientEx, Permission.
    • RelationalAI.Models.RelModel namespace: ListModelsResponse, ListModelsResponseAction, ListModelsResponseResult, Model.
    • RelationalAI.Models.Transaction namespace: ArrowRelation, ClientProblem, CsvOptions, DbAction, IntegrityConstraintViolation, Relation, RelKey, Source, Transaction, TransactionAsync, TransactionAsyncCancelResponse, TransactionAsyncCompactResponse, TransactionAsyncFile, TransactionAsyncMetadataResponse, TransactionAsyncMultipleResponses, TransactionAsyncResponse, TransactionAsyncResult, TransactionAsyncSingleResponse, TransactionResult.
    • RelationalAI.Models.User namespace: CreateUserResponse, DeleteUserResponse, GetUserResponse, ListUsersResponse, Role, UpdateUserResponse, User, UserStatus.
    • RelationalAI.Services namespace: Client, Rest.
  • Added more exceptions thrown in the cases of unexpected responses from RAI REST API, such as:
    • SystemException with message "Unexpected format of problems" thrown when SDK fails to parse transaction problems.


  • Deprecated metadata json format.
  • Removed TransactionAsyncMetadataResponse model.
  • Added support to metadata protobuf format.
  • GetTransactionMetadata returns protobuf metadata.


  • In this update we ensure the SDK follows the standard async/await approach for the methods. The following methods have been renamed to include the "Async" postfix, made async and now return a Task<T> to the user:
    • CreateDatabase, GetDatabase, ListDatabases, DeleteDatabase, CloneDatabase.
    • CreateEngine, CreateEngineWait, GetEngine, ListEngines, DeleteEngine.
    • CreateOAuthClient, FindOAuthClient, GetOAuthClient, ListOAuthClients, DeleteOAuthClient.
    • CreateUser, UpdateUser, FindUser, GetUser, ListUsers, DeleteUser, DisableUser, EnableUser.
    • GetTransactions, GetTransaction, GetTransactionResults, GetTransactionMetadata, GetTransactionProblems, CancelTransaction, DeleteTransaction.
    • ListEdbs, LoadModel, LoadModels, ListModels, ListModelNames, GetModel, DeleteModel.
    • LoadJson, LoadCsv.
    • ExecuteV1.
    • Execute renamed to ExecuteWaitAsync to match the naming of the sync operations.


  • Renamed:
    • Execute to ExecuteV1.
    • ExecuteAsyncWait to Execute.


  • Added CancelTransaction feature.


  • Added FinishedAt field to TransactionAsyncResponse.


  • Fixed executeAsync inputs issue.


  • Added v2 predefined results formats:

    • GetTransactions returns TransactionsAsyncMultipleResponses.
    • GetTransaction returns TransactionAsyncSingleResponse.
    • GetTransactionResults returns List<ArrowRelation>.
    • GetTransactionMetadata returns List<TransactionAsyncMetadataResponse>.
    • GetTransactionProblems return List<ClientProblem|IntegrityConstraintViolation>.
    • ExecuteAsync returns TransactionAsyncResult.


  • Added support to the asynchronous protocol including:
    • executeAsync: runs an asynchronous request.
    • executeAsyncWait: runs an asynchronous request and wait of its completion.
    • getTransaction: gets information about transaction.
    • getTransactions: gets the list of transactions.
    • getTransactionResults: gets transaction execution results.
    • getTransactionMetadata: gets transaction metadata.
    • getTransactionProblems: gets transaction execution problems.
  • Added more api functionalities:
    • ListEdbs: lists the current edbs.
    • LoadModel: loads a model.
    • LoadModels: loads a dictionary of models.
    • ListModels: lists the current models.
    • ListModelNames: lists the current model names.
    • GetModel: gets a specific model.
    • DeleteModel: deletes a specific model.
    • LoadJson: loads json data.
    • LoadCsv: loads csv data.
    • CloneDatabase: clone a database.