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File metadata and controls

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rpecanapi is an open source R package to interact with the PEcAn Project Server(s) & leverage the functionality of the PEcAn bioinformatics toolbox. The Predictive Ecosystem Analyser (PEcAn) Project is an open source framework initiated to meet the demands for more accessible, transparent & repeatable modeling of ecosystems. To know more about the PEcAn Project, check out the PEcAn Github Repository

This package allows users to get relevant information from the PEcAn database as well as submit PEcAn workflows.


You can install the development version of rpecanapi from GitHub as follows:

# install.packages("devtools")


The following snippets assume that the PEcAn RESTful API Server is running on http://pecan.localhost:80. This can be replaced with any other appropriate PEcAn Server URL.

Getting Started

Load rpecanapi & Create the Server Object


server <- connect(url="http://pecan.localhost:80", username="carya", password="illinois")

Ping the PEcAn API Server


#> $request
#> [1] "ping"

#> $response
#> [1] "pong"

Get General Information about the Server & PEcAn Version


# $host_details
# $host_details$hostid
# [1] 99

# $host_details$hostname
# [1] ""

# $host_details$start
# [1] 9.9e+10

# $host_details$end
# [1] 1e+11

# $host_details$sync_url
# [1] ""

# $host_details$sync_contact
# [1] ""

# $host_details$authentication_required
# [1] "FALSE"

# $pecan_details
# $pecan_details$version
# [1] "develop"

# $pecan_details$branch
# [1] "develop"

# $pecan_details$gitsha1
# [1] "48a3b259fd03512c145b4d6eb387467e56ab49b4"

Get Information about PEcAn Models

Search for PEcAn Model(s)

search.models(server, model_name='sip', revision='r')

#> $models
#>     model_id model_name revision
#> 1 1000000014     SIPNET     r136
#> 2 1000000022     SIPNET      ssr

#> $count
#> [1] 2

Get the details of a PEcAn Model

get.model(server, model_id='1000000014')

#> $modeltype_id
#> [1] 3

#> $model_type
#> [1] "SIPNET"

#> $model_id
#> [1] 1000000014

#> $model_name
#> [1] "SIPNET"

#> $revision
#> [1] "r136"

#> $inputs
#>          input required
#> 1          met     TRUE
#> 2 poolinitcond    FALSE

Get Information about PEcAn Sites

Search for PEcAn Site(s)

search.sites(server, sitename='willow')

#> $sites
#>           id                                      sitename
#> 1        676                         Willow Creek (US-WCr)
#> 2       1108 Willow Creek (WC)-Chequamegon National Forest
#> 3       1202                                  Tully_willow
#> 4       1223                   Saare SRF willow plantation
#> 5 1000005151                         Willow Creek (US-WCr)

#> $count
#> [1] 5

Get the details of a PEcAn Site, site_id='676')

#> $id
#> [1] 676

#> $city
#> [1] "Park Falls Ranger District"

#> $state
#> [1] "Wisconsin"

#> $country
#> [1] "US"

#> $mat
#> [1] 4

#> $map
#> [1] 815

#> $soil
#> [1] ""

#> $som
#> [1] "NA"

#> $notes
#> [1] "MF"

#> $soilnotes
#> [1] ""

#> $sitename
#> [1] "Willow Creek (US-WCr)"

#> $greenhouse
#> [1] FALSE

#> $sand_pct
#> [1] 42.52

#> $clay_pct
#> [1] 20.17

#> $time_zone
#> [1] "America/Chicago"

Get Information about PEcAn PFTs (Plant Functional Types)

Search for PEcAn PFT(s)

search.pfts(server, pft_name='deciduous', model_type='sipnet')

#> $pfts
#>   model_type     pft_id                       pft_name pft_type
#> 1     SIPNET         41            temperate.deciduous    plant
#> 2     SIPNET 1000000105         temperate.deciduous.IF    plant
#> 3     SIPNET 1000000107        temperate.deciduous_SDA    plant
#> 4     SIPNET 1000000115        temperate.deciduous.ALL    plant
#> 5     SIPNET 1000000118 temperate.deciduous.ALL.NORMAL    plant
#> 6     SIPNET 2000000017   tundra.deciduous.NGEE_Arctic    plant
#> 7     SIPNET 2000000045  temperate.broadleaf.deciduous    plant

#> $count
#> [1] 7

Get the details of a PEcAn PFT

get.pft(server, pft_id='2000000045')

#> $model_type
#> [1] "SIPNET"

#> $pft_id
#> [1] 2000000045

#> $pft_name
#> [1] "temperate.broadleaf.deciduous"

#> $definition
#> [1] "SIPNET Temperate Deciduous PFT with priors on all parameters"

#> $pft_type
#> [1] "plant"

Get Information about PEcAn Formats

Search for PEcAn Formats

search.formats(server, format_name="ameriflux", mimetype="netcdf")

#> $formats
#>               mimetype  format_id           format_name
#> 1 application/x-netcdf         38
#> 2 application/x-netcdf 1000000005             Ameriflux

#> $count
#> [1] 2

Get details about a PEcAn Format

get.format(server, format_id=38)

#> $mimetype
#> [1] "application/x-netcdf"

#> $format_id
#> [1] 38

#> $name
#> [1] ""

#> $notes
#> [1] "Ameriflux Level 2 data files (in netCDF format) ..."

#> $header
#> [1] ""

#> $format_variables
#>       description  name               unit
#> 1 air temperature    TA          degrees C
#> 2      Wind speed                    m s-1
#> ...

Get Information about PEcAn Inputs

Search for PEcAn Inputs

search.inputs(server, model_id=1000000014, site_id=772, host_id=99000000001)

#> $inputs
#>                                sitename model_name revision mimetype   format_name tag hostname   file_name         
#> 1 Niwot Ridge Forest/LTER NWT1 (US-NR1)     SIPNET     r136 text/csv Sipnet.climna met   docker  niwot.clim 
#> 2 Niwot Ridge Forest/LTER NWT1 (US-NR1)     SIPNET     r136 text/csv Sipnet.climna met   docker US-NR1.clim 
#>           file_path          id input_name start_date   end_date
#> 1 /data/sites/niwot 99000000003            2002-01-01 2005-12-31
#> 2 /data/sites/niwot 99000000004            1999-01-01 2003-12-31

#> $count
#> [1] 2

Download a PEcAn Input File

download.input(server, input_id=99000000003, save_as="niwot.clim.local")

This will download the requested input file & save it as niwot.clim.local

Get Information about PEcAn Workflows

Get list of PEcAn Workflows

get.workflows(server, model_id='1000000022', site_id='676')

#> $workflows
#>           id                             folder          started_at site_id   model_id          hostname start_date   end_date
#> 1 1000009900 /fs/data2/output//PEcAn_1000009900 2018-11-09 08:56:37     676 1000000022 2004-01-01 2004-12-31
#> 2 1000009172 /fs/data2/output//PEcAn_1000009172 2018-04-11 18:14:52     676 1000000022 2004-01-01 2004-12-31
#> 3 1000010079 /fs/data2/output//PEcAn_1000010079 2018-12-15 12:32:26     676 1000000022 2004-01-01 2004-12-31
#> 4 1000010213 /fs/data2/output//PEcAn_1000010213 2019-02-08 14:38:45     676 1000000022 2004-01-01 2004-12-31
#> 5 1000010172 /fs/data2/output//PEcAn_1000010172 2019-01-13 09:30:18     676 1000000022 2004-01-01 2004-12-31

#> $count
#> [1] 5

Get details about a PEcAn Workflow

get.workflow(server, workflow_id='99000000031')

#> $id
#> [1] "1000010213"

#> $folder
#> [1] "/fs/data2/output//PEcAn_1000010213"

#> $hostname
#> [1] ""

#> $user_id
#> [1] "NA"

#> $properties
#> $properties$end
#> [1] "2004/12/31"

#> $properties$lat
#> [1] ""

#> $properties$lon
#> [1] ""

#> $properties$pft
#> [1] "boreal.coniferous"

#> $properties$email
#> [1] ""

#> $properties$notes
#> [1] ""

#> $properties$start
#> [1] "2004/01/01"

#> $properties$siteid
#> [1] "676"

#> $properties$modelid
#> [1] "1000000022"

#> $properties$hostname
#> [1] ""

#> $properties$sitename
#> [1] "WillowCreek(US-WCr)"

#> $properties$input_met

#> $properties$sitegroupid
#> [1] "1"

#> $properties$input_poolinitcond
#> [1] "-1"

#> $files
#> [1] "pecan.CHECKED.xml"                                    "pecan.CONFIGS.xml"
#> ...

Submit a PEcAn Workflow for Execution

Submit a workflow directly using user-specified parameters


#> $workflow_id
#> [1] 99000000001

#> $status
#> [1] "Submitted successfully"

Submit a workflow as an XML file

This assumes the presence of an XML file test.xml containing the specifications of the workflow.

submit.workflow.xml(server, xmlFile='test.xml')
#> $workflow_id
#> [1] 99000000002

#> $status
#> [1] "Submitted successfully"

Submit a workflow as a JSON file

This assumes the presence of a JSON file test.json containing the specifications of the workflow.

submit.workflow.json(server, xmlFile='test.json')
#> $workflow_id
#> [1] 99000000003

#> $status
#> [1] "Submitted successfully"

Submit a set of workflows specified as a CSV file

This assumes the presence of a CSV file test.csv containing the specifications of the set of workflows.

Columns: model revision met site_id pft start_date end_date sensitivity ensemble comment

submit.workflows.csv(server, csvFile='test.csv')
#> [[1]]
#> [[1]]$workflow_id
#> [1] "99000000141"

#> [[1]]$status
#> [1] "Submitted successfully"

#> [[2]]
#> [[2]]$workflow_id
#> [1] "99000000142"

#> [[2]]$status
#> [1] "Submitted successfully"

Get Information about PEcAn Runs

Get list of Runs belonging to a PEcAn Workflow

get.runs(server, workflow_id='1000009172')

#> $runs
#>     runtype ensemble_id workflow_id         id   model_id site_id parameter_list start_time finish_time
#> 1  ensemble  1000017624  1000009172 1002042201 1000000022     796     ensemble=1 2005-01-01  2011-12-31
#> 2  ensemble  1000017624  1000009172 1002042202 1000000022     796     ensemble=2 2005-01-01  2011-12-31
#> 3  ensemble  1000017624  1000009172 1002042203 1000000022     796     ensemble=3 2005-01-01  2011-12-31
#> 4  ensemble  1000017624  1000009172 1002042204 1000000022     796     ensemble=4 2005-01-01  2011-12-31
#> 5  ensemble  1000017624  1000009172 1002042205 1000000022     796     ensemble=5 2005-01-01  2011-12-31
#> ...

#> $count
#> [1] 50

#> $next_page
#> [1] "http://pecan.localhost:80/api/runs/?workflow_id=1000009172&offset=50&limit=50"

Get details about a PEcAn Run, run_id='99000000282')
#> $runtype
#> [1] "sensitivity analysis"

#> $ensemble_id
#> [1] 99000000002

#> $workflow_id
#> [1] 99000000031

#> $id
#> [1] 99000000282

#> $model_id
#> [1] 1000000014

#> $site_id
#> [1] 772

#> $start_time
#> [1] "2002-01-01"

#> $finish_time
#> [1] "2005-12-31"

#> $parameter_list
#> [1] "quantile=15.866,trait=dVPDSlope,pft=temperate.coniferous"

#> $started_at
#> [1] "2020-07-21 21:42:09"

#> $finished_at
#> [1] "2020-07-21 21:43:11"

#> $inputs
#> $inputs$info
#> [1] "README.txt"

#> $inputs$others
#> [1] "sipnet.clim"          ""            "sipnet.param"         "sipnet.param-spatial"

#> $outputs
#> $outputs$logfile
#> [1] "logfile.txt"

#> $outputs$info
#> [1] "README.txt"

#> $outputs$years
#> $outputs$years$`2002`
#> $outputs$years$`2002`$data
#> [1] ""

#> $outputs$years$`2002`$variables
#> $outputs$years$`2002`$variables$GPP
#> [1] "Gross Primary Productivity"

#> $outputs$years$`2002`$variables$NPP
#> [1] "Net Primary Productivity"

#> ...

Plots & File Downloads for Workflows & Runs

Plot the desired variables from the results of a PEcAn Run


This will produce a plot.png file containing the requested plot

Download an Input File for a Run, run_id=99000000283, filename="", save_as="")

This will download the requested input file & save it as

Download an Output File for a Run, run_id=99000000283, filename="", save_as="")

This will download the requested output file & save it as

Download a File for a Workflow

download.workflow.file(server, workflow_id=99000000031, filename="pecan.xml", save_as="local.pecan.xml")

This will download the requested file & save it as local.pecan.xml

Please note that this package is under active development & some functionality may not be ready to use.