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  1. indexing orderly tx and decode tx params, indexing events and decode events,save those data to database
  2. provide api to query blockchain data


cargo build --release


../target/release/orderly-dashboard-indexer --help
Usage: orderly-dashboard-indexer [OPTIONS] --config-path <CONFIG_PATH>

  -c, --config-path <CONFIG_PATH>
  -s, --start-block <START_BLOCK>
  -e, --end-block <END_BLOCK>
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version


set database url

echo DATABASE_URL=postgres://username:password@localhost/diesel_demo > .env

update schema if sql changed

diesel migration run

start from special block height for testing,for example start from 7976034

insert into settings (id,value) values (1,7976034);

set default in variable

orderly-dashboard-indexer will read use rpc from environment variable or it will fallback to read rpc_url from config file. so set this ORDERLY_RPC as env variable or and it to .env file

echo ORDERLY_RPC="orderly rpc url" >> > .env

local run for test

We can set start-block and end-block as params to pull blocks in this range, in fact we just need to set end-block because we have init start-block in config file

../target/release/orderly-dashboard-indexer -c config.example-staging.json -e 1572982

online run

../target/release/orderly-dashboard-indexer -c config.example-staging.json
  • output
operator_call:FuturesTradeUpload(FuturesTradeUploadCall { data: FuturesTradeUploadData { r: [171, 81, 185, 30, 59, 52, 116, 78, 222, 202, 157, 201, 152, 68, 208, 174, 45, 134, 65, 181, 213, 12, 197, 246, 86, 118, 233, 132, 33, 236, 110, 204], s: [76, 105, 105, 157, 78, 206, 180, 199, 191, 55, 107, 158, 52, 99, 69, 130, 187, 196, 141, 174, 25, 129, 79, 29, 189, 106, 168, 81, 12, 199, 143, 29], v: 28, batch_id: 1010, count: 104, trades: [FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 300000000, notional: 101544000000, executed_price: 3384800000000, fee: 60926400, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6393, match_id: 1698161052679290684, timestamp: 1698161052679, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -300000000, notional: -101544000000, executed_price: 3384800000000, fee: 20308800, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6394, match_id: 1698161052679290684, timestamp: 1698161052679, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 127500000000, notional: 1450695000, executed_price: 113780000, fee: 870417, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6395, match_id: 1698161149006959766, timestamp: 1698161149006, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -127500000000, notional: -1450695000, executed_price: 113780000, fee: 290139, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6396, match_id: 1698161149006959766, timestamp: 1698161149006, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -434900000000, notional: -4939594200, executed_price: 113580000, fee: 2963757, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6397, match_id: 1698161197710946222, timestamp: 1698161197710, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 434900000000, notional: 4939594200, executed_price: 113580000, fee: 987919, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6398, match_id: 1698161197710946222, timestamp: 1698161197710, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -75500000000, notional: -856698500, executed_price: 113470000, fee: 514020, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6399, match_id: 1698161197764657513, timestamp: 1698161197764, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 75500000000, notional: 856698500, executed_price: 113470000, fee: 171340, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6400, match_id: 1698161197764657513, timestamp: 1698161197764, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -820800000000, notional: -9284889600, executed_price: 113120000, fee: 5570934, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6401, match_id: 1698161211530132536, timestamp: 1698161211530, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 820800000000, notional: 9284889600, executed_price: 113120000, fee: 1856978, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6402, match_id: 1698161211530132536, timestamp: 1698161211530, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -104200000000, notional: -1177564200, executed_price: 113010000, fee: 706539, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6403, match_id: 1698161211598433610, timestamp: 1698161211598, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 104200000000, notional: 1177564200, executed_price: 113010000, fee: 235513, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6404, match_id: 1698161211598433610, timestamp: 1698161211598, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -53900000000, notional: -608531000, executed_price: 112900000, fee: 365119, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6405, match_id: 1698161211672839269, timestamp: 1698161211672, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 53900000000, notional: 608531000, executed_price: 112900000, fee: 121707, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6406, match_id: 1698161211672839269, timestamp: 1698161211672, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -197200000000, notional: -2221852400, executed_price: 112670000, fee: 1333112, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6407, match_id: 1698161228220960264, timestamp: 1698161228220, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 197200000000, notional: 2221852400, executed_price: 112670000, fee: 444371, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6408, match_id: 1698161228220960264, timestamp: 1698161228220, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [156, 217, 87, 22, 55, 70, 156, 222, 186, 71, 68, 208, 74, 102, 57, 202, 115, 40, 80, 94, 163, 10, 44, 158, 125, 14, 59, 141, 48, 67, 144, 251], symbol_hash: [126, 131, 8, 146, 57, 219, 117, 110, 226, 51, 250, 137, 114, 173, 223, 234, 22, 174, 101, 61, 176, 246, 146, 228, 133, 26, 237, 84, 107, 33, 202, 235], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 140000000, notional: 2512860000, executed_price: 179490000000, fee: 904630, sum_unitary_fundings: 175370000000000000, trade_id: 6409, match_id: 1698161228289964564, timestamp: 1698161228289, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [126, 131, 8, 146, 57, 219, 117, 110, 226, 51, 250, 137, 114, 173, 223, 234, 22, 174, 101, 61, 176, 246, 146, 228, 133, 26, 237, 84, 107, 33, 202, 235], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -140000000, notional: -2512860000, executed_price: 179490000000, fee: 1507716, sum_unitary_fundings: 175370000000000000, trade_id: 6410, match_id: 1698161228289964564, timestamp: 1698161228289, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 659700000000, notional: 7434819000, executed_price: 112700000, fee: 4460892, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6411, match_id: 1698161236637060654, timestamp: 1698161236637, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -659700000000, notional: -7434819000, executed_price: 112700000, fee: 1486964, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6412, match_id: 1698161236637060654, timestamp: 1698161236637, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 577200000000, notional: 6511393200, executed_price: 112810000, fee: 3906836, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6413, match_id: 1698161236799304571, timestamp: 1698161236799, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -577200000000, notional: -6511393200, executed_price: 112810000, fee: 1302279, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6414, match_id: 1698161236799304571, timestamp: 1698161236799, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 368300000000, notional: 4158843600, executed_price: 112920000, fee: 2495307, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6415, match_id: 1698161236932082778, timestamp: 1698161236932, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -368300000000, notional: -4158843600, executed_price: 112920000, fee: 831769, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6416, match_id: 1698161236932082778, timestamp: 1698161236932, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 693500000000, notional: 7847646000, executed_price: 113160000, fee: 4708588, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6417, match_id: 1698161252806072575, timestamp: 1698161252806, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -693500000000, notional: -7847646000, executed_price: 113160000, fee: 1569530, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6418, match_id: 1698161252806072575, timestamp: 1698161252806, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 230200000000, notional: 2604943200, executed_price: 113160000, fee: 1562966, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6419, match_id: 1698161252892188331, timestamp: 1698161252892, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -230200000000, notional: -2604943200, executed_price: 113160000, fee: 520989, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6420, match_id: 1698161252892188331, timestamp: 1698161252892, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 605900000000, notional: 6863029300, executed_price: 113270000, fee: 4117818, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6421, match_id: 1698161252892281564, timestamp: 1698161252892, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -605900000000, notional: -6863029300, executed_price: 113270000, fee: 1372606, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6422, match_id: 1698161252892281564, timestamp: 1698161252892, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -342200000000, notional: -3855909600, executed_price: 112680000, fee: 2313546, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6423, match_id: 1698161399190367886, timestamp: 1698161399190, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 342200000000, notional: 3855909600, executed_price: 112680000, fee: 771182, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6424, match_id: 1698161399190367886, timestamp: 1698161399190, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -201500000000, notional: -2263651000, executed_price: 112340000, fee: 1358191, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6425, match_id: 1698161413093848620, timestamp: 1698161413093, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 201500000000, notional: 2263651000, executed_price: 112340000, fee: 452731, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6426, match_id: 1698161413093848620, timestamp: 1698161413093, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -100000000, notional: -33619400000, executed_price: 3361940000000, fee: 20171640, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6427, match_id: 1698161423388235880, timestamp: 1698161423388, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 100000000, notional: 33619400000, executed_price: 3361940000000, fee: 6723880, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6428, match_id: 1698161423388235880, timestamp: 1698161423388, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -336300000000, notional: -3755462100, executed_price: 111670000, fee: 2253278, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6429, match_id: 1698161427145809637, timestamp: 1698161427145, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 336300000000, notional: 3755462100, executed_price: 111670000, fee: 751093, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6430, match_id: 1698161427145809637, timestamp: 1698161427145, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -144900000000, notional: -1616504400, executed_price: 111560000, fee: 969903, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6431, match_id: 1698161427218227560, timestamp: 1698161427218, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 144900000000, notional: 1616504400, executed_price: 111560000, fee: 323301, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6432, match_id: 1698161427218227560, timestamp: 1698161427218, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -600200000000, notional: -6677225000, executed_price: 111250000, fee: 4006335, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6433, match_id: 1698161441296862321, timestamp: 1698161441296, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 600200000000, notional: 6677225000, executed_price: 111250000, fee: 1335445, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6434, match_id: 1698161441296862321, timestamp: 1698161441296, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -122100000000, notional: -1358362500, executed_price: 111250000, fee: 815018, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6435, match_id: 1698161441362279195, timestamp: 1698161441362, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 122100000000, notional: 1358362500, executed_price: 111250000, fee: 271673, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6436, match_id: 1698161441362279195, timestamp: 1698161441362, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -38400000000, notional: -426777600, executed_price: 111140000, fee: 256067, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6437, match_id: 1698161441362608826, timestamp: 1698161441362, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 38400000000, notional: 426777600, executed_price: 111140000, fee: 85356, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6438, match_id: 1698161441362608826, timestamp: 1698161441362, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -37800000000, notional: -419202000, executed_price: 110900000, fee: 251522, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6439, match_id: 1698161455064242422, timestamp: 1698161455064, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 37800000000, notional: 419202000, executed_price: 110900000, fee: 83841, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6440, match_id: 1698161455064242422, timestamp: 1698161455064, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -93300000000, notional: -1033670700, executed_price: 110790000, fee: 620203, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6441, match_id: 1698161455124993356, timestamp: 1698161455124, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 93300000000, notional: 1033670700, executed_price: 110790000, fee: 206735, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6442, match_id: 1698161455124993356, timestamp: 1698161455124, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -353200000000, notional: -3909217600, executed_price: 110680000, fee: 2345531, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6443, match_id: 1698161455179423014, timestamp: 1698161455179, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 353200000000, notional: 3909217600, executed_price: 110680000, fee: 781844, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6444, match_id: 1698161455179423014, timestamp: 1698161455179, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -40700000000, notional: -450019900, executed_price: 110570000, fee: 270012, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6445, match_id: 1698161455241493809, timestamp: 1698161455241, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 40700000000, notional: 450019900, executed_price: 110570000, fee: 90004, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6446, match_id: 1698161455241493809, timestamp: 1698161455241, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 63400000000, notional: 701457600, executed_price: 110640000, fee: 420875, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6447, match_id: 1698161462258061238, timestamp: 1698161462258, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -63400000000, notional: -701457600, executed_price: 110640000, fee: 140292, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6448, match_id: 1698161462258061238, timestamp: 1698161462258, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 300000000, notional: 100466700000, executed_price: 3348890000000, fee: 60280020, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6449, match_id: 1698161559301861302, timestamp: 1698161559301, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -300000000, notional: -100466700000, executed_price: 3348890000000, fee: 20093340, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6450, match_id: 1698161559301861302, timestamp: 1698161559301, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 300000000, notional: 100959000000, executed_price: 3365300000000, fee: 60575400, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6451, match_id: 1698161586598688871, timestamp: 1698161586598, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -300000000, notional: -100959000000, executed_price: 3365300000000, fee: 20191800, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6452, match_id: 1698161586598688871, timestamp: 1698161586598, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 285200000000, notional: 3198232800, executed_price: 112140000, fee: 1918940, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6453, match_id: 1698161630119109638, timestamp: 1698161630119, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -285200000000, notional: -3198232800, executed_price: 112140000, fee: 639647, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6454, match_id: 1698161630119109638, timestamp: 1698161630119, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 133700000000, notional: 1500782500, executed_price: 112250000, fee: 900470, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6455, match_id: 1698161630197278022, timestamp: 1698161630197, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -133700000000, notional: -1500782500, executed_price: 112250000, fee: 300157, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6456, match_id: 1698161630197278022, timestamp: 1698161630197, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -100000000, notional: -33539300000, executed_price: 3353930000000, fee: 20123580, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6457, match_id: 1698161821679286244, timestamp: 1698161821679, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 100000000, notional: 33539300000, executed_price: 3353930000000, fee: 6707860, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6458, match_id: 1698161821679286244, timestamp: 1698161821679, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -97500000000, notional: -1082250000, executed_price: 111000000, fee: 649350, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6459, match_id: 1698161961589081084, timestamp: 1698161961589, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 97500000000, notional: 1082250000, executed_price: 111000000, fee: 216450, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6460, match_id: 1698161961589081084, timestamp: 1698161961589, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -64300000000, notional: -709421900, executed_price: 110330000, fee: 425654, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6461, match_id: 1698161989531383637, timestamp: 1698161989531, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 64300000000, notional: 709421900, executed_price: 110330000, fee: 141885, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6462, match_id: 1698161989531383637, timestamp: 1698161989531, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -287700000000, notional: -3174194100, executed_price: 110330000, fee: 1904517, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6463, match_id: 1698161989596552180, timestamp: 1698161989596, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 287700000000, notional: 3174194100, executed_price: 110330000, fee: 634839, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6464, match_id: 1698161989596552180, timestamp: 1698161989596, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 843400000000, notional: 9281617000, executed_price: 110050000, fee: 5568971, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6465, match_id: 1698162010585436385, timestamp: 1698162010585, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -843400000000, notional: -9281617000, executed_price: 110050000, fee: 1856324, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6466, match_id: 1698162010585436385, timestamp: 1698162010585, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 131600000000, notional: 1448258000, executed_price: 110050000, fee: 868955, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6467, match_id: 1698162010655919414, timestamp: 1698162010655, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -131600000000, notional: -1448258000, executed_price: 110050000, fee: 289652, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6468, match_id: 1698162010655919414, timestamp: 1698162010655, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 726900000000, notional: 8007530400, executed_price: 110160000, fee: 4804519, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6469, match_id: 1698162010656013339, timestamp: 1698162010655, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -726900000000, notional: -8007530400, executed_price: 110160000, fee: 1601507, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6470, match_id: 1698162010656013339, timestamp: 1698162010655, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 254100000000, notional: 2802723000, executed_price: 110300000, fee: 1681634, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6471, match_id: 1698162024742248191, timestamp: 1698162024742, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -254100000000, notional: -2802723000, executed_price: 110300000, fee: 560545, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6472, match_id: 1698162024742248191, timestamp: 1698162024742, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 300000000, notional: 99953400000, executed_price: 3331780000000, fee: 59972040, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6473, match_id: 1698162026664090256, timestamp: 1698162026664, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -300000000, notional: -99953400000, executed_price: 3331780000000, fee: 19990680, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6474, match_id: 1698162026664090256, timestamp: 1698162026664, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 69300000000, notional: 766111500, executed_price: 110550000, fee: 459667, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6475, match_id: 1698162052756687326, timestamp: 1698162052756, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -69300000000, notional: -766111500, executed_price: 110550000, fee: 153223, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6476, match_id: 1698162052756687326, timestamp: 1698162052756, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 468500000000, notional: 5179267500, executed_price: 110550000, fee: 3107561, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6477, match_id: 1698162052816804630, timestamp: 1698162052816, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -468500000000, notional: -5179267500, executed_price: 110550000, fee: 1035854, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6478, match_id: 1698162052816804630, timestamp: 1698162052816, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 159500000000, notional: 1765027000, executed_price: 110660000, fee: 1059017, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6479, match_id: 1698162052816918072, timestamp: 1698162052816, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -159500000000, notional: -1765027000, executed_price: 110660000, fee: 353006, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6480, match_id: 1698162052816918072, timestamp: 1698162052816, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 300000000, notional: 100596900000, executed_price: 3353230000000, fee: 60358140, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6481, match_id: 1698162175997704427, timestamp: 1698162175997, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -300000000, notional: -100596900000, executed_price: 3353230000000, fee: 20119380, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6482, match_id: 1698162175997704427, timestamp: 1698162175997, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -13400000000, notional: -148820400, executed_price: 111060000, fee: 89293, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6483, match_id: 1698162184848428390, timestamp: 1698162184848, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [162, 173, 192, 22, 232, 144, 180, 251, 191, 22, 28, 126, 174, 182, 21, 184, 147, 228, 251, 236, 234, 233, 24, 250, 123, 241, 108, 196, 13, 70, 97, 11], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 13400000000, notional: 148820400, executed_price: 111060000, fee: 29765, sum_unitary_fundings: 216060000000000, trade_id: 6484, match_id: 1698162184848428390, timestamp: 1698162184848, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 500000000, notional: 168043000000, executed_price: 3360860000000, fee: 100825800, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6485, match_id: 1698162372688283632, timestamp: 1698162372688, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -500000000, notional: -168043000000, executed_price: 3360860000000, fee: 33608600, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6486, match_id: 1698162372688283632, timestamp: 1698162372688, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 300000000, notional: 101012700000, executed_price: 3367090000000, fee: 60607620, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6487, match_id: 1698162392846270752, timestamp: 1698162392846, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -300000000, notional: -101012700000, executed_price: 3367090000000, fee: 20202540, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6488, match_id: 1698162392846270752, timestamp: 1698162392846, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 100000000, notional: 33694100000, executed_price: 3369410000000, fee: 20216460, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6489, match_id: 1698162406358936862, timestamp: 1698162406358, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -100000000, notional: -33694100000, executed_price: 3369410000000, fee: 6738820, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6490, match_id: 1698162406358936862, timestamp: 1698162406358, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 300000000, notional: 101082300000, executed_price: 3369410000000, fee: 60649380, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6491, match_id: 1698162406414299871, timestamp: 1698162406414, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -300000000, notional: -101082300000, executed_price: 3369410000000, fee: 20216460, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6492, match_id: 1698162406414299871, timestamp: 1698162406414, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 100000000, notional: 33746200000, executed_price: 3374620000000, fee: 20247720, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6493, match_id: 1698162498198888484, timestamp: 1698162498198, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -100000000, notional: -33746200000, executed_price: 3374620000000, fee: 6749240, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6494, match_id: 1698162498198888484, timestamp: 1698162498198, side: true }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: 300000000, notional: 101380800000, executed_price: 3379360000000, fee: 60828480, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6495, match_id: 1698162513891907893, timestamp: 1698162513891, side: false }, FuturesTradeUpload { account_id: [147, 40, 11, 5, 140, 31, 73, 102, 241, 242, 124, 241, 35, 49, 146, 99, 25, 180, 172, 40, 114, 72, 108, 7, 232, 250, 45, 248, 36, 100, 157, 216], symbol_hash: [90, 129, 51, 229, 43, 239, 202, 114, 70, 112, 219, 242, 202, 222, 85, 12, 82, 44, 36, 16, 221, 91, 17, 137, 223, 103, 94, 153, 56, 143, 80, 157], fee_asset_hash: [214, 172, 161, 190, 151, 41, 193, 61, 103, 115, 53, 22, 19, 33, 100, 156, 204, 174, 106, 89, 21, 84, 119, 37, 22, 112, 15, 152, 111, 148, 46, 170], trade_qty: -300000000, notional: -101380800000, executed_price: 3379360000000, fee: 20276160, sum_unitary_fundings: 2964800000000000000, trade_id: 6496, match_id: 1698162513891907893, timestamp: 1698162513891, side: true }] } })
operator_managerEvents:FuturesTradeUpload2Filter(FuturesTradeUpload2Filter { batch_id: 1010 })

import rpc data of orderly dashboard indexer

Cargo.toml file:

orderly-dashboard-indexer = { git = "https://orderly-dashboard-read:[email protected]/orderlynetwork/orderly-v2/orderly-dashboard.git", tag = "v0.0.2-alpha"}

rust file:

use orderly_dashboard_indexer::formats_external::{SuccessResponse, trading_events::*};

Public API

recover and consume block

curl --request POST \
    --url \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{ "start_block_height": 1145079, "end_block_height": 1145179}'

This will process the blocks between 1145079 and 1145179.

pull trading events

this api is described here

curl ''

response example:



this api will pull mark_price,sum_unitary_fundings and other data from smart contract


response example:

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "symbol": "PERP_BTC_USDC",
            "symbol_hash": "0x5a8133e52befca724670dbf2cade550c522c2410dd5b1189df675e99388f509d",
            "base_maintenance_margin": null,
            "base_initial_margin": null,
            "mark_price": "4318460000000",
            "index_price_orderly": "4315847000000",
            "sum_unitary_fundings": "1304200000000000000",
            "last_mark_price_updated": "1703498398000",
            "last_funding_updated": "1703498034943"
            "symbol": "PERP_ETH_USDC",
            "symbol_hash": "0x7e83089239db756ee233fa8972addfea16ae653db0f692e4851aed546b21caeb",
            "base_maintenance_margin": null,
            "base_initial_margin": null,
            "mark_price": "227618000000",
            "index_price_orderly": "227394000000",
            "sum_unitary_fundings": "18740000000000000",
            "last_mark_price_updated": "1703498398000",
            "last_funding_updated": "1703498066981"