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Removing "ChildClipId" property, no longer used for attaching clips t…

Codecov / codecov/patch failed Feb 28, 2024 in 0s

20.93% of diff hit (target 53.93%)

View this Pull Request on Codecov

20.93% of diff hit (target 53.93%)


Check warning on line 1262 in src/Clip.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L1262 was not covered by tests

Check warning on line 1333 in src/Clip.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L1332 - L1333 were not covered by tests

Check warning on line 1342 in src/Clip.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L1342 was not covered by tests

Check warning on line 426 in src/TrackedObjectBBox.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L423 - L426 were not covered by tests

Check warning on line 436 in src/TrackedObjectBBox.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L435 - L436 were not covered by tests

Check warning on line 440 in src/TrackedObjectBBox.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L438 - L440 were not covered by tests

Check warning on line 450 in src/TrackedObjectBBox.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L450 was not covered by tests

Check warning on line 72 in src/effects/ObjectDetection.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L72 was not covered by tests

Check warning on line 74 in src/effects/ObjectDetection.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L74 was not covered by tests

Check warning on line 78 in src/effects/ObjectDetection.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L77 - L78 were not covered by tests

Check warning on line 82 in src/effects/ObjectDetection.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L81 - L82 were not covered by tests

Check warning on line 86 in src/effects/ObjectDetection.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L84 - L86 were not covered by tests

Check warning on line 93 in src/effects/ObjectDetection.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L88 - L93 were not covered by tests

Check warning on line 97 in src/effects/ObjectDetection.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L96 - L97 were not covered by tests

Check warning on line 100 in src/effects/ObjectDetection.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L99 - L100 were not covered by tests

Check warning on line 103 in src/effects/ObjectDetection.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L102 - L103 were not covered by tests

Check warning on line 108 in src/effects/ObjectDetection.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L105 - L108 were not covered by tests

Check warning on line 110 in src/effects/ObjectDetection.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L110 was not covered by tests

Check warning on line 118 in src/effects/ObjectDetection.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L112 - L118 were not covered by tests

Check warning on line 123 in src/effects/ObjectDetection.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L121 - L123 were not covered by tests

Check warning on line 127 in src/effects/ObjectDetection.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L126 - L127 were not covered by tests

Check warning on line 130 in src/effects/ObjectDetection.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L130 was not covered by tests

Check warning on line 132 in src/effects/ObjectDetection.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L132 was not covered by tests

Check warning on line 135 in src/effects/ObjectDetection.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L135 was not covered by tests

Check warning on line 140 in src/effects/ObjectDetection.cpp

See this annotation in the file changed.

@codecov codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L138 - L140 were not covered by tests